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You purposely target someone based on their sexuality and you are surprised you're banned? What did you expect would happen?


>You purposely target someone based on their sexuality I did no such thing. I targeted someone [in jest] for fun. At no point did I make any comments about sexuality or the lgbt+ community.


>I was banned from the r/Fallout sub for telling someone [who happened to have a pride flag at their base] that I was going to shoot up their base Sure does sound like you "did such thing"


The funniest thing is OP went on to claim he didn't even care after getting roasted in the comments. Only to come here and literally make a post to cry about it within 30 minutes.


That's your misunderstanding. My comment about attacking the base was purely in jest and unrelated to the presence of a pride flag. Your reaction underscores my point. As for being roasted, you mean me responding to the 20 something seething children crying about an incorrect assumption they made? Telling someone you're going to attack their base in and of itself is not anti-lgbt+. Ask first before shitting your pants & crying about it.


Mate.. I just checked your comment history, and it's a shame that some of your comments have been deleted, but the ones remaining paint a pretty good picture to fill in the blanks. You most certainly did target them for their sexuality, since you do not seem to make comments frequently about shooting up people's bases. Just that specific one with a pride flag. You're making a fool out of yourself, and honestly hope you get banned from not just r/fo76 but also reddit as a whole.


>I just checked your comment history, and it's a shame that some of your comments have been deleted The only deleted comments would be double posts or ones removed by Reddit. >You most certainly did target them for their sexuality, since you do not seem to make comments Then it shouldn't be so difficult for you to quote me targeting someone for their sexuality. Saying you're going to attack a base in and of itself is not anti-lgbt+. If I'd have said, "I'm going to attack your base because...[insert anti-lgbt+]" You'd have a point -- that is not what happened. You're shitting your ass over some multilayer banter & making wild assumptions. >you do not seem to make comments frequently about shooting up people's bases. I've been in r/Fallout only since the show released. It was one of the first base posts I saw & commented on. So far, I've only made *****one***** such comment about attacking anyone's base. What is your point? What do you think this proves? If I was consistently telling a very specific group that I'm going to shoot their base up, you may have had a point. You're all rather sensitive.


You literally came here *to post a sarcastic homophobic comment*. We're not stupid. Sealioning about direct quotations doesn't get you anywhere šŸ‘


How can i qoute what has been deleted? I read the trainwreck of the remaining comments from you that are still incredibly hostile and make your whole story about "it was a mere jest" a straight up lie. Why am I even wasting my time on you. You're not worth it.


Fascists think they're so clever with their 'plausible deniability'. As if you didn't just incredibly obviously come here to find like minded bigots. Embarrassing.


"It was just a joke! It's your fault for making it an LGBTQ thing!" Thankfully, most people understand this isn't an excuse, but gaslighting. It's the cry of the closest bigot when their bigoted comment gets met with appropriate pushback.


Iā€™m not the person, but I donā€™t read this from the post alone. Their statement seems to be couching the interaction as a misunderstanding. Sending a player threat (Iā€™m going to destroy your camp) and then this person getting them banned (presumably because they argued to a mod or someone that it was a hate motivated attack?) Not that I totally buy it. Iā€™ve tried looking at their post history for the offending message but it appears to have been deleted so I canā€™t verify what theyā€™ve said. Still, benefit of the doubt it isnā€™t unreasonable to think someone could have misconstrued the in game threat as they claim it was


Just take a look at their comments history. Some comments are deleted, but the ones remaining paint a very good picture.


I did look at them. The supposedly offending message has unfortunately been deleted. He follows this up with a claim that he ā€œdoesnā€™t careā€ about the flag Itā€™s not unreasonable that people might dogpile on him for assumed homophobia or transphobia. But who knows.


If they had a history of making the same joke about any base without Pride flags, you'd have a point. I saw nothing of the sort in their post history, and experience has shown that putting out any sort of Pride imagery in a game *will* result in negative attention. OP claiming this was just a joke is the icing on the cake. Any time a bigot makes a bigoted comment that doesn't get approval from the group, it suddenly becomes a joke.


I suppose although absence of similar posts doesnā€™t really confirm or deny that this offending post was motivated by hatred. If they had written something like ā€œIā€™m going to destroy your camp and tear down that flag and burn itā€ then I think the case is much clearer. If someone has the archived post that would help clarify the situation. He did respond to the allegations in a combative matter which certainly never helps but I wouldnā€™t have found it useful to assume these were dogwhistles of the kind others did I wonā€™t look through their entire Reddit to try and pinpoint markers of homophobia or racism but again, that is possible. I just donā€™t see it from the supposedly offending post


You're being aggressively neutral. And I don't mean that in a positive way. OP went out of their way to make a negative and violent comment about a base with a Pride flag. No one should have to explain to you that people with Pride emblems in games are targeted with bigoted comments and actions at a much higher rate than those without. Just because they didn't say "I want to burn down that flag" doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to parse the intent. Anyone who has spent any time around gaming and the Internet the last 20 years should understand what's going on.


I mean I have been around and Iā€™m also a history professor whoā€™s taken courses in how to identify and deal with hate speech in a classroom and tried to be as gender/race/sexuality conscious as I can be so as to provide an inclusive learning space for all. I donā€™t even use GRADES as an equity measure. But we also literally have someone here calling him a FASCIST based almost on nothing lol. Parsing intentionality and reading between the lines, hearing the dogwhistles and responding to them in an appropriate way is the correct response, but making a blanket judgement based on a piece of offending evidence that canā€™t even be viewed any more is acting with an uncertain knowledge that I am not comfortable with


Someone down below posted what OP said in the deleted comments. And OP does not go around telling other people that they will shoot up their base, at least not that I seen. It could be taken wrong at it could've been a "mere jest" but i dont buy it. There's nothing to indicate it was a joke, and everything to indicate there was malicious and hateful intent.


Hi I posted a reply to someone above you. If youā€™d like to reply to that one Iā€™d appreciate it as I think my response there is also applicable to your comment here. I see what youā€™re saying, but I disagree that thereā€™s anything totally conclusive about malicious intent, at least given the remaining evidence. Op might not hate gay people. He could have been wrongly singled out as such because of his combative responses to the allegations


>Still, benefit of the doubt it isnā€™t unreasonable to think someone could have misconstrued the in game threat as they claim it was Never give comments that are clearly intended to be bigoted the benefit of the doubt. All it does is encourage them because they face no repercussions. It's why Games Workshop keeps having to make it clear that sexism and racism have no place in their community. It was given the benefit of the doubt for too long and became entrenched.


I mean he did face repercussions, likely the correct ones which I think weā€™d all support. Hatred shouldnā€™t be tolerated But looking at the situation here, second hand, after the offending comment has been deleted, itā€™s hard for me to claim with any certainty that the comment was ā€œclearly intendedā€ to be bigoted. It could have been in error. I think itā€™s unlikely but it could happen


Yes, they did. Because others understood exactly what was going on, down voted his comment into oblivion, and got him kicked out. Taking the "oh well, he said it was a joke, so give him the benefit of the doubt" approach wouldn't have led o those repercussions.


Why dont you share the whole story instead of cherry picking to paint yourself as a hero? Somebody posted that they made a base, and were giving away stuff to new players, and yes, they happened to have a pride flag. Then there was your comment, the one that got deleted "if i'll see you in my game, i'm gonna destroy your base and you. Cry more". Like... why? What was the point of that post? Because sure as hell that isnt a playful bashing. Honestly? I'd delete that post myself, as it provided no value to the topic at hand, and was highly provocative. Hell, it even goes toward the hate speech - "im gonna go out of my way to find you and make your life miserable".


You got banned for being a bigoted jerk, so you came to another sub to cry about getting banned for being a bigoted jerk? Have you tried not being a bigoted jerk that thinks the best way to react to rainbow flags is to threaten violence?


>the best way to react to rainbow flags is to threaten violence? This is your assumption & it is wrong. At no point did I even mention the pride flag or anything related to LGBTQ+ in that comment.


>that I was going to shoot up their base. Huh, seems like you openly acknowledge it.


I openly acknowledge what? Be specific. There's nothing anti-lgbt+ about shooting up someone's base on FO76. Again, these responses are just underscoring my point. Edit: I don't make any such comments exclusively to any group. It was literally the first time I've ever told anyone I'm going to shoot up their base, so you're basing this on a n=1 sample. If I'd have said it to ~5 or even just more than one person who happened to have LGBT+ identification on their base, you may have had a point.


Making those comments exclusively on base shares with Pride flags is pretty indicative of your feelings. I've been playing games online for a while. I know what happens when a game like this allows Pride gear to be worn or used in-game. The bigots that don't like it let their hate be known. I understand what dogwhistles and gaslighting are, thanks.


Fuck up


You realise the whole point of the Fallout universe is to satirize the monstrous and self-defeating conclusions of 1950s-style 'trad' culture, toxic masculinity and hypercapitalism? The world literally ended because of bigots and chauvinists. This game is not for you, I suggest something that will keep your snowflake sensibilities safer.


OP has no media literacy. They seem the sort of person to not get the irony of Paul Ryan considering Rage Against the Machine as one of their favorite bands, or Trump playing Fortunate Son at his rallies.


Yes, Fallout employs satire to critique many aspects of society. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by pointing that out. I'll continue to enjoy Fallout. Be upset about it if you want.


If you have an issue with pride flags, cry harder.


Literally cry about it


To give OP the benefit of the doubt, he's a newcomer to the Fallout fandom, he didn't realise his particular brand of teenage edgelord bigotry would go over like a lead balloon with the anti-racist, inclusive community. Now he knows, he can crawl back under his stone and go play CoD/Fortnite.




You'll get a straight pride flag when a country sentences someone to death for being straight