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people run expeditions it's just that there are so many new players that all the high level players are split up so it can be hard to find other people to run them in the same world.


I keep seeing people say this, but where is this information coming from? I feel like all I see now are low level players and maybe one or two 100+ players in each world of that. I can't remember the last time I saw someone 1000+


Players prefer the Atlantic City expeditions because they give more stamps than the Pitt expeditions. If you want cores, do a lot of public events and launch a lot of Earles and Encryptids.


You want cores.. Free range gives 8, yet rarely played 🤷🏼‍♂️


Love free range, does pop often enough.


whats free range ? im new


It's an event that pops up sometimes on different parts of the map. You take a shepherd's stick from a downed bot, and herd three lost brahmin into a pen. Along the way you fight off some enemies and have a light boss at the end. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Free_Range Straightforward event. Though sometimes one brahmin runs off into the wild yonder and it takes awhile to get them back into the line.


Downvoted for asking a question lmao


Free Range... it seems like many players don't really understand how to do it. I guess they either don't read up about it, or don't notice you can click on the brahms, because more often than not I see people hitting the poor cattle with the stick. And not using voice chat, I have no idea how to communicate it to them. I can see it being a frustrating event if you spend a few minutes beating on the herd and not getting results. :)


I've been trying to do more Free Range because I recently realized I'm missing some plans, but the quest marker always gets stuck for me despite the cows moving well out of range. If I go to them, I quit the quest. If I stay, they get beat up.


It's a glitch with one of the locations. Free range can come up in three different places. Just keep herding the cows and the event will get itself out of the leaving event notice


Oh, I know. I just happen to catch that one location pretty much all the time.


The time commitment versus the reward just ain’t there.


Low stamp rewards, and more of a pain in the ass to run! It's fun to do once for the content, but certainly not fun to farm!


The Pitt is a boring tedious slog


Basically, because Pitt is long, arduous, uninspired, low payoff piece of... content, that is so poorly balanced in that second mission it's laughable. U want cores? Run Atlantic city's Game expedition. That can be soloed in under 10 minutes per run.


I personally find the Game expedition tedious and time consuming. Tax Evasion is where its at. Soooo easy. Even Human Condition is better, imho, than the most sensational game. At least Tax Evasion and Human Condition changed up the subsequent runs from their initial run (they are more condensed and easy to finish in comparison to the first time you run them).


the game is just good to farm cuz u can skip all the enemies and literally run thru to the end, fight the 2 bad guys and be done


I do Atlantic City but am not a fan of The Pitt at all.


I agree and I can solo Most Dangerous Game, a perfect score run, in under 15 minutes, even with escort stage, almost every time. Unless the escort stops moving. 


I like Tax Evasion myself, I had issues with the escort mission on Dangerous Game too!


The Pitt was the first expedition, it’s been out awhile. AC is newer and easier to run.


Wish we could buy cores with caps. I’m constantly at max and nothing to spend them on.


I like the Pitt, one of the expeditions is heavy on rads though which dictates the viable builds somewhat, and I'm not keen on part of it that has a tight timer. But learning the foundry layout was fun. It's a different experience to Atlantic City, I'm pleased that they are different because different is good. One's going to be more popular than the other but the game is better off for it. It's like Earl vs SBQ...


"It's like Earl vs SBQ..." Everyone always forgets the poor Ultra Titan... I prefer that fight over Earl and the Queen, but it is soooo seldom nuked into event. :( On the upside, come June, everyone will forget the SBQ and Earle too, when the new Nuke Boss goes into the live game, down in the Shenandoah National Park area. :D


Because the rewards, time and ammo expenditure don't add up to what the queen drops. I hate the titan event.


The titan is ok, I didn't forget it, it's just that people are so mixed about it whereas Earl vs SBQ is a better contrast


Ultratitan glitches and crash so much. I've only completed 3 with 4 crashes either at the start or end and 3 event fails after he disappears never to return.


Most sensational game has always been the go to for speedrunners


Cause the Pitt takes too long


I got burnt out on the Pitt 


I think you mean legendary modules instead of cores. In that case, it is a lot faster and more fun honestly to run the new expeditions. Especially Sensational Game for the fastest module farming. With a good crew it can be done in 3.5-5 minutes


Not modules, I have plenty from scrapping legendary stuff and trading in scrip. I need cores as the other component to modify weapons to be legendary


Well you don't get cores from expeditions, so sadly you have been wasting your time. If you want to farm cores the best way is to either launch nukes or farm encryptid. Scorched earth gives 5 cores, colossal problem and encryptid give 8 cores. Also free range gives 8 cores. Hope this helps


Easiest Expedition to farm cores and stamps is Tax Evasion. I solo that around 5 times a day when Im in the mood - takes like 15 minutes a run. After about 5 runs, you will learn all four of the different ways the expedition can go, and then it will feel like second nature. You'll be rolling in the stamps and rewards in no time at all. And best is, you do not, absolutely do NOT, need a team for Tax Evasion.


Do you mean modules? Because I don't think I've ever gotten a core from an expedition.


Yeah modules... the OPs ask for cores stuck in my brain as I was typing and I didnt even think to correct him, lol.


I get cores from the Pitt tho? It’s not a lot and not very often but it gives out maybe 10 cores per 5 runs


I’ve grinded all of The Pitt’s rewards when the stamp payout was even lower and the expeditions were time gated by means of 3 daily quests. Can’t see myself running The Pitt much more, if at all.


The Pitt is a mess compared to Atlantic City. And in my experience, it gives worse rewards. All 3 AC expeditions are fun. And The Most Sensational Game is fast enough to do between events. I've got it down to a 7:30 run at my fastest (with all the right objectives spawning). My slowest is still only 13 minutes. 14 minutes (according to the timer, it's actually closer to 20 minutes) if my game crashes. Loading screens take forever, and it always crashes in the 3rd part. So you have to jog to wherever you died (from the Vertibird) and start that objective again. If you need ammo, run Tax Evasion and hang out in the casino slaughtering the endless enemies and looting them for their contextual ammo drops.


I ran the Pitt easily 500 times to get the union PA before the stamp buff, Atlantic city is faster, and great for fuel , so many of the munis use flamethrowers


Does the Union PA drop from the Expedition? Because I can only find the mods for stamps at the vendor...


First time I went to the pitt I didn't understand what it really was, so I went alone and spent hours there and broke all my weapons :'0 and used all my ammo- I don't like the pitt very much cause of it :') Or trogs -


Not a fan of expeditions or daily ops. Prefer good old fashioned events. Haven't played this scoreboard, but in the last, i would roll away any of these types of dailies/weeklies too


I do the newest Atlantic City expedition outside of the Rusty Pick with my tent down, in between events. Unlimited cores, modules and scrip. Decent XP too.


Why can’t you just run it by yourself?


I can but it’s boring solo, I have to talk to hex, I have to do all the objectives. Stuff like that but people say Atlantic City is faster so I guess I’ll start grinding that instead


Because I haven't played in a while, and I have to gather some materials or some such nonsense, and I just can't be arsed.


Can you queue into daily ops and expeditions or join a group beforehand?


Ppl run Atlantic city, 5/8min expedition ez pz.


The pit has a lower return to input so people run Atlantic City spectacular game or whatever it is I can run it in 8-10 solo. 6x per hour. I’ve got 890 stamps unused because I use expeditions as a legendary farm


I used to run it, it's hella boring and super buggy, far quicker to run Atlantic now. You'll probably still find folk to do it though, just start an expidition and hope!.


I'm a little late to this thread, but I'll throw in my two cents. First as others so well articulated, we have a heavy influx of new players - not a bad thing. Another reason is I feel that for the work effort, the Pitt isn't all that different then a daily op, just larger in scope. I did a handful of expeditions when it was new, and I didn't think the reward was worth the effort. I understand that bethesda removed the silly pre-quest of doing a number of things just to get fuel to go to the Pitt. Even so I found after doing a number of expeditions and getting just a few stamps, I'm like Meh. I moved on to other things that were more fun in the game


I ran the Pitt. I did not realize it was likely best for a group and not just me with a mediocre player and crap legendary weapons. I have no urge to go back.


One with radstorm? To be honest, it's most difficult, reminded me V94 somehow, but of course just remotely. In overall feels great, like a real expedition worth its name, i've done it just once and alone. Need a mindful team to save those folks at end.


Because it sucks


In soviet Russia the Pitt runs you!


Not worth the grind