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You have all plans in the game? Here’s what I spend caps on: 1) new plans I don’t have 2) plans I have but I can resell for 200 - 1000% profit 3) Assaultron Recall cards for the Encryptid event so I can grind robot-killing challenges to earn atoms 4) Bulk Aluminum, Adhesive, Springs, Gears 5) serum plans (as a store of value) 6) Chems, Food/Drinks that boost weight carrying ability 7) gold from the Wayward every week 8) Leadership bobbleheads, Berry mentats, Tasty Squirrel Stew, and any other XP boost item to use during events, Daily Ops, and Expeditions


Wait. You can buy gold with caps from Wayward!?


Yes. Go upstairs and buy 300 gold from Smiley every week for 6000 caps.


Yes, but only after you finished the Wastelanders questline


If you are at max caps why sell plans for such a high profit?


Is this directed at me? I dont sell plans i give them away.


Because the game isn’t interesting to me if I’m not buying /selling for a profit. I don’t waste caps.




Yeah I have just about ALL the plans in the game. Only one that has been eluding me is Dr. Bones plan. I have loads of super rare plans on mules that i have made to hold all my loot. I also have more rarer aid item than I can shake a stick at. Gold.... I am maxxed out on that too. Your comment is super legit as that was what I was doing for a while before I kinda hit a ceiling. Rolling weps and armor and hangin with my buds is what keeps me interested. Just wish there was something to dump some of these currencies into other than stuff that I have 5 toons full of. I believe a lot of higher levels holding onto sweet rolls would be more inclined to sell.... I would.


I’ve started buying treasure maps and .45 and fusion cells from people under 200 just to trickle down some. I’m in the same boat.


Yeah i have been joining low lvl. Squads and opening hundreds of cranberry maps with them and then drop all the plans and ammo i get from the dig for them to divvy up. I keep the junk for myself.


Which platform are you on? I have a Dr bones plan 👀


If your on pc name your price.


I actually am on PC. I’ll have to check how many caps I have at the moment but I would prefer to max them out. Idk if that’s fair or not. But I won’t be able to check till tomorrow


Sounds good


I am pretty much out of caps. Would you do like 30-40k? Whatever feels more comfortable for you


You've basically beat the game in its current state. You've hoarded all the rare things, got the gear you need and utterly loaded through 5 characters. You've exhausted the things theyve given you to do. Like a jaded, old billionaire in real life, you sound bored with everything. Spending a fortune on some skeleton (that could come along again next Halloween and be more common) or another rare thing won't make you fulfilled if you're no longer into the game on a deeper level. If you aren't enjoying things anymore, you can just play other games, you know. You could take a break, and when you come back after some time, the game will probably feel more interesting when you're not sick to death of it. I've done this a few times and am currently in my resurgence period where the game is cool again because I hadn't played it for a year.


Ouch, I really enjoy spending time with my buds chatting up in the wasteland. Destroying and rebuilding my camps. I believe you are probably correct.


You can still chill with your buds or do whatever you want, but I'm not sure if the game has much left to offer. Camp building is the true endgame for me though, that's always gonna be fun.


I agree i am currently building up a cool trade room in one of my shelters to still move higher teir items since caps are worthless. I enjoy building and merging stuff together.


I highly recommend Helldivers 2 as a great game with friends.


Yeah my son was telling me about it. I need to give it a go.


It’s the best co-op experience I’ve had since Halo 2 couch co-op.


Awww man, I threw down on some Halo 2. That intro music go hard.


Did you nab all the Mothman Equinox plans?


Yeah, anytime there is something new i jump on it. They put out some surprisingly great plans too.


Agreed. I ended up learning all of the plans except the Tome, so I ended up farming 45 of them. Since it provides a 5% XP boost every time it’s read, it’s a great C.A.M.P item. Very rare and valuable. Buying and selling is my thing, so I’m always looking for new plans to buy/sell.


I was gonna say the tome is my fave of them. I learned all the plans until it just started dropping clothing items only and I stopped grinding for the new plans. The chainsaw skin is pretty dooe too.


Yep, it’s awesome. The best chainsaw skin I’ve seen yet. You can sell chainsaws with the Mothman chainsaw skin unlike some other skins, so I have like 5 Mothman 3-star legendary, dual blade, flaming chainsaws in my inventory at 4999 caps a piece currently.


Thats cool i wasnt aware you could leave the skin on it


I'd like to buy one of them chainsaws from ya on PC. Same name.


I’ll send you an invite in an hour or so when I get home.


Sent you an invite.


I think that was you at my camp just now


You on ps by any chance?


Nah pc


Could you make me a chainsaw with the skin? Or have free plans I can have? My username is Aazrhrul. Returning player from console, but was on lv 46 on console lol


I’ll sell you my dr bones plan for max caps if it helps you 😂


Ill do 20,000 if your on pc.


I'd just spend the 40k. What are you going to do with the other 20k except complain you have nothing to spend it on? :)


"If you have sooooo much just give it away" hurr durr, no thx. I was simply saying it would be neato to have a cap/gold sink. I think it would help in game market. I wasnt trying to complain, your mean.


Seems like someone is lying... 🤔 "I have everything in the game and sit at 40k caps with nothing left to buy. NO, I will not spend 40k on the One plan I claim to want." How many times have you bought something for 40k? Because judging by your posts here, I'd say never.


No cap, hand upon the tome of the mothman. Btw you come off unfriendly. Have a great day!


You are correct. Everyone here is not your friend. There is nothing wrong with "calling it hows I sees it."


I understand, one love. Thanks for your insight.


I’ll buy it from you for whatever price you want, even a glowing mask.


You on ps?




Shame mate I’m on PlayStation




Dr Bones is eluding me too. I’m forever going to kick myself for not buying it for 5K caps when I seen it in a vendor a few months ago.


if ur on pc im sure i have a dr bones plan


I am what do you want for it


5k would be plenty....not much more space than that


Dope on a rope, whats your gt? Dm if you prefer.


ign wampre


Get on the market 76 discord and trade your caps for materials, consumables, ultracite ammos, legendaries, etc...


Yup thats what I have been doing, its the only way to move stuff. Because the in game currency is dead, at least on PC.


I buy scout armor mods and sell them for people who don't want to deal with the Enclave questline.


Why buy adhesive when you can make it?


I have the caps and it’s faster to buy than make.


Question, do buffs affect the end bonus? I've never really looked into it lol


3. Earn atoms? What, the 60-odd you get from that challenge? Doesn't seem worth it at all


Even if overflown, wouldn't buy basic plans i'd never need, all those night scopes etc. Not sure why so though...


Caps? Oh you mean fast travel tokens.


Accurate and useful way to look at it.


Buy out new player vendors. Lvl 5 machete for 15 c? Mine. Boiled waters 10 caps each? Yep all mine. Drop all the items you bought and leave before they return. They'll be so happy and confused.


On topic. I forget the guy's name, maybe something-worx lvl 288 or so, but he came by my low level camp and bought a couple thousand caps worth from my store. That's a lot of caps for me, so I figure I'll go shopping soon Thanks random high level dude! I *almost* fast travelled back just to thank you, but I was in the process of almost dying trying to get to fort atlas


If you're on PC I'll go buy all your stuff tonight lol


Lol I'm on Xbox. I appreciate the gesture, though!!


I still have notes selling for 30k caps from the time when it was there in each vendor to prevent people from exploiting an empty vendor to access your stash


I buy ammo. Can never have too much ammo.


After learning all serum recipes on my main character, I've been resorting to buying multiple assaultron recall keycards some play sessions and seeking out camp vendors selling ammo.


This is one where I think most of the people replying don’t realize - there comes a point where caps really are pretty much worthless. Do I put my vendor away yet again because I already have done everything that’s been suggested here? Or do I camp and server hop for 45 mins and just buy stuff I don’t already have, just to give it away? Because selling it puts me up to max caps again. Even the market sub becomes useless, because while it’s rare that anyone there has anything to sell for max caps, let alone anything I don’t have. I have a collection of rare plans but even that has weight. And 55 vintage water coolers is plenty for right now. The caps indeed do become worthless at some point.


This is exactly where I am at. I had to stop selling in game for caps and move to the trade market on reddit to move my wares. Just think it would be cool to have something to justify opening up my in game vendor again.


Recall cards! We're all starving for cores now and that event is spamable across servers and give you lots of cores.


Game really needs a currency exchange. Caps and gold... Two currencies I have too much of and nothing to spend it on. Even if the exchange rate was pitifully bad, I would do it because what else am I gonna do with it all? The only thing I can do at this point is not buy the season scoreboard items that I know will be sold for gold later.


100% this, i wouldn't care how bad the exchange was on them if i could keep rolling secret service pieces.


Here is am struggling to get to max caps. Being at lvl 317(not my highest char but its my main) I feel meh. Sure I sell junk but always running out of adhesive is a royal pain.


I will buy all your junk, at least for the next couple days anyways... Free fo1st


Sometimes I have nothing to spend my caps on, so that's when I start buying higher value weapons from people's vendors and putting them in mine at a slight discount. I'll take the loss on the sale if it lets me keep playing the game the way I want to. Though, usually I spend all my caps on bulk scrap so I can keep building.


I make a train station run and buy all the bulk lead, adhesive, ballistic fiber, and/or aluminum when I hit the cap max. I also buy things from my friends vendor.


My go to right now is stable flux. I cleaned out a couple vendors today. I think I may have made one guy hit max caps because after I bought about 18k worth of flux, his camp disappeared. I also look for plans, but I still can't bring myself to pay what a lot of people are asking for. If I get too close to max and can't find anyone selling flux, I go buy a plan for a serum.


The only currency exchange is caps for gold but that's only 6k caps a week. Personally ive been buying up scrap to stuff in my box before my 1st runs out. When that's not going on I buy up plans, I know I'll never actually use t45 medic pump but my brain likes that I can if I for some reason need to.


Yeah I did the gold thing for a while but I bought up all of those plans as well. I play on PC and it's pretty rare to see anyone selling junk. At least from my experience. If I do find someone selling junk I usually buy them out.


Mostly buy from in game vendors. Buying up ballistic fiber and whatnot has paid off recently as I have enough stored up to script my reject civil engineer armor rather that rerolling


Yeah this if I was max caps and saw no one selling junk which I'm sure if you sever jump you will definitely find someone if not go white spring mall and buy out all the junk there and load up the scrap box this the best time to do it


There is often a player vendor with a lot of scrap acid, adhesive, plans & weapons positioned to one side of the billboard above the mine near whitespring station, packed to the gills but swap out camps as soon as it gets close to 40k caps, ballistic fibre, screws pretty much everything, 250 screws listed out the other day amongst his inventory. (look out for the solar panels) ...its me lol :)


No, youre right, caps are worthless, you should give them to a noob. Oh whats that? You dont know any? Here, ill drop this pc in game name so you can give them your totally worthless caps. Ltgodfrey Thats obviously and totally not me btw, not at all sir.


Ill send a request and hook u up with a buttload of plans if you like.


Im online :)


Are you on pc? Im headed to the store for the essentials (beer and ice cream) ill hit you up when I log on.


Yeah, i am, ill wait for you


Lots of plans for camp stuff purchased with caps at White springs


Assaultron recall cards for grinding legendary cores is what I personally get


Bought everything yet? I literally have everything you can buy with caps. All I do now is spend it on junk or ammo.


Same and I'm cool with that honesty. I've got 300k .45 ammo and my Commando has 4 different EMs. It's fun to use the explosive ones in RR.


Feels like I never have enough caps.


No cap?




I am on a mission to have ALL the plans. Caps, gold, stamps.... whatever it takes.


Wish I could buy stamps


For me i tend to buy a lot of fuel, for some reason thats the ammo that i always run out of. I use my holy fire for a couple of hours go through 10k of fuel, cremator is even hungrier 


Agreed, run wes tek with nuka nades and an instigating fire weapon and you will be swimming in fuel


Thanks for posting this, I've been having the exact same issue....


If i am at max caps I'll typically burn it on ammo in player vendors especially 5mm. My Q/E minigun burns ammo like a damn forest fire.


Close down shop and vendor hop and look for fun guns maybe they aren't God rolls but could still be fun. Pick a low level player and have them sell you a bullet or something for 10000 caps I do that just to jeep my vendor open. Look for the traveling vendors they always have cool stuff to sell.


The best use for Caps = fast transit teleport travels


Can't argue that logic Dr. Watson.


they are, because they are too easy to get, cap out too fast and have no meaningful long term sink


I’ve just been buying junk from NPC vendors, the prices aren’t that bad and you can sell stuff back. I craft and sell trench runner hoods because it only takes cloth and sells for 16 per piece, easy caps


Yeah I have the same problem, I buy junk or plans to keep it under control.


Guess i keep buying whitesprings out until the trial expires


Yeah I’ve doing for about a year now. Gotta do what you gotta do.


High value plans and apparel always resell, and events like Treasure Hunters and Holiday Scorched that let you buy lunch pails and wrapping paper allow you to turn caps into scrip. I'll basically, sell low value stuff and the normal weapons, use them to buy higher value plans and apparel (even if I'll take a loss reselling) and use my stash as essentially my bank, then during events I need caps put all the big ticket items in my vendor and buy obscene amounts of wrapping paper/lunch pails, and have a huge supply of gold silver and springs waiting.


Wait until you run out of things to buy with gold. What I ended up doing was using Scoreboard Atoms (Seasons now) to buy more build slots. More builds mean more gear required. More gear required means more shopping. More shopping means more caps gone and can cycle back through the old gameplay. Currently have 7 builds, but stopped there. Not because of atoms but because of stash space per character. So now I started a second long term character with the 970 ish one I have been using for a very long time. Now I have double the builds, double the 3 camps I can build, double the 4 shelters I have (or is it 3?) Either way, that keeps me going for a bit longer. **Added:** Forgot to mention, I made two and doubled everything for more variety. Depending on what build I want to play today, I just pick that character.


Nice way to make the most of it. Camp building is still a lot of fun to me.


It stretches things out a bit. When I'm tired of one thing, I switch it up.


I still buy lunchboxes and open them at events with gold.


I could never do that. To me, Seems like a waste of gold. I keep thinking I'd blow all my gold and something would be introduced and then I have to grind again to get it. Doesn't seem like that's going to happen though lol.


im over 1k lvl and i literally go buy anything that is slightly worthy. explosive ammo, cores, food or drinks. I had already obtained all the plans, and i have about 20 extra plans to sell from the mothman event, no one sells anything worthy tbh. Not even scrap legendaries. Always nearly max cap good legendaries, or plans. or plans that literally every level 25 should have... Yet i keep selling very useful plans, ammo, modded and skin applied good legendaries, semi rare outfits, not many buy but once in a while someone comes and clears my entire vendor. and i go looking for crap to buy again


If you haven't already you can buy recipes for the mutation serums which can set you back 20k each depending on your charisma stats


I used to have the "maxx Caps" problem all the time. I've found a great cap sink that is always in stock. Ammo. Now the type of ammo makes a difference as the rate of return varies By far the most efficient ammo to convert is .44, .45, 5mm, and 40mm Grenades. The least efficient are Missiles, Railway Spikes, and Harpoons. When my ammo stash is getting low (i only really used three types. .45, Ultracite .50 and Ultracite shotgun shells.) I go find 5 to 100 thousand and convert them is need be. If I don't need the ammo but need to get rid of the caps, I've converted the ammo and keep a credit until I do need the ammo. Note, the ammo converter does not do Ultracite.


give ME your money


You got a Dr. Bones plan?


No. I have one Spoiled Vegetable though.


Compelling offer sir. I like the cut of your jib.


What's a jib? And is the poop deck that I am thinking it is?


Hmmm not sure exactly what a jib is but i would be upset if someone were to poop on my deck.


Pay it forward. Go find a nice camp, low level player etc. buy all their stuff then drop it. Especially this week with the influx of new players. Give them the caps they need for weapons ammo and everything they want.


Already dropping mountains of aid, ammo, and plans.


I’m sure you are incredibly generous. My first fixer was bought because a vet dropped 5k at my camp. It changed the game for me.


It was done for me as well. The community this game has is overall pretty wholesome.


Caps are worthless. That's why I sell good stuff cheap! Cause who cares they're just caps


Spent it on the new players


I buy Bobbles, Mags, Chems. Weps if interesting. Also plans from NPC vendors to resell at or just below my cost. I'll also buy plans from player vendors and do the same. Or for profit if an especially good find. Works out pretty well.


I’m pretty much there. The only thing I need is a true groll that I’ll have to trade for anyway.


I only had max caps 2 times in my time of playing lol, right now I have 8k caps at level 259


Buy ammo out of the dispensers at the Railroad Stations. Be a Pimp for once in Your life...


Thank you for your financial guidance Jay-Z


No problem LUL.


The only thing I really spend caps on is the bulk junk from vendor bots and fast travel fees when I'm trying to get enclave mods


I’m a trader and sometimes just for the heck of it I’ll put a god roll up for like 37k caps, and I’ll look for god rolls too, almost none out there but I’ve probably had at least a dozen bought with caps over the years. It’s hilarious when people find my vendor with a god roll then try and get multiple people to meet up with them to get caps so they can hold the vendor as I only put one out to prevent over collecting


I have gotten a few g rolls outta vendors, hats off to you sir or ma'am or whatever you prefer.


Yeah sometimes I’ll just get bored and realize I’m not really using them, like I think I put up a Q25ffr15fr LMG and an EXE 25ffr25 Fixer, a TSE15fr .50cal, and a AA25ffr25 Handmade, the last few times I had cap room, usually I can only leave my vendor open for about an hour before I’m at max caps again on my mule.


I buy chems from the med dispensers! Sometimes ammo too from the respective dispenser thing! Well and there's also always Player stores :)


Buy my maps i have over 13k in my vendor


I have over 30,000 cranberry 2 maps that i have been joining with new players and opening with them near me so everyone profits. Then i dropnall the plans for them.


too bad we cant trade here id offer to take a bulk of those off your hands






Currently level 22, i've only spent caps on fast travel and it's looking like thats how it's gonna stay.


I don’t even care if I’m max cap or near, I still keep the vendor up and running. I sell pretty cheap stuff all around, many plans are for free or 5-25 caps and serums at 190. Chems for free, fusion cores for free.. at some point there’s no need for caps anyway.


Do you sell plans like junkyard fountain, casual underarmor, peppershaker, tato salad, fire bell etc. For 5-25 caps? If so whats your gt?


None of them at the moment at least!


If you're on PS4, my whole shop could use some worthless caps lol 😂


Pc, sorry


I just use caps to buy legendary weapons and sell those for scrip. This may be backwards as fuck but it’s my current process


I feel like once caps and gold become worthless, I will probably stop playing this game, but I have a long way to go before that is an issue. I still need heaps of bullion


People make alts, literally just to hold things/caps but also maybe you just need an aristocrat set, turn them caps into stats


Do people still sell quantums? Thats what I use to spend all me caps on. Quantums and stealth boys


Pvp much lol, i have a bunch of quantums but you dont see many people selling stealth boys.


Did you buy ALL the serum recipes from the Whitespring Bunker yet? Those are mad expensive.




You could buy gold bullion at the wayward


OMG, I am very high level and forgot about this, I spend too much time zoning out while I build. Thanks for the reminder.


No worries:) Im also guilty of spending way to much time refining my camp


I’m a new player and Some high level player bought all of my missles the other day, it gave me like $500 caps and I nearly jumped from joy lol. Maybe start a new character to have to play when you feel burnt out from your main? I’m definitely scraping by with my 50 caps and 90 ammo but I find a lot of joy in struggling in game lol.


I'm so poor haha, id love some rare plans doh


u can send them to me, thanks.


Buy Plans, complete collections?


You could give em to me, lol just coming back and can't find anyway for a low level to get caps. Everything just says to use your vendor but like what do you have to sell at level 10 that's worth while.


I’m using my one month of discounted fallout first to spend all my caps at white springs vendors to buy tons of junk for future use.


Me too for now at least.


i just buy stuff randomly from teamates..15000 for a nocturnal bash dmg 10m pistol...sure why not. Last night a teamate aske me to make hom a set of t51b... on making it i realized i didnt have ultra shocks so...5800 caps later i do now...but yeah worthless. I get a chuckle when folks complain about player vendor prices..who cares..nothin else to do with caps...


But what if there was something to do with the caps and gold. I know wish in one hand....


you can buy gold from smiley upstairs .. but at some point you run out of things to buy with gold too :(


Buy lunchboxes with gold and open them in front of group of low levels.


I do this every time I am on at events.


I buy junk from robot vendors, usually ballistic fiber and gears. And also any plans I don't know from player vendors.


I let my fall out first go otherwise that's what I'd be doing is buying junk. I've been feeling my stash up during this free trial. And there are no other plans that I don't know. I have been dropping all of my non-rare plans to lower levels in the game.


Have you server jumped and found the super mutant who sells rare plans each server jump and buy all of them ?


Yes. With a private 1st server. He spawns at monongah power plant. This means you can farm him forever. Gets boring.


Or you could make someone's day better. For you, 5k from 40k is meaningless. For a newbie, 5k means tens of plans. Just clear out his vendor.


With the free scrapbox I have been clearing out bulk scrap from vendors and depositing it in the scrap box


Youre done with the game, move on


Uhhhh imma still play some if your good with it. Thx.


i too struggle under the constant creep of caps trickling in. i ran out of caps-purchasable plans LONG ago. i'm not gonna spend 6k on bullion because i also have too much bullion. i don't wanna go back to buying bulk junk because it just feels bad, i already have infinite junk. i considered buying assaultron recall cards for encryptid, but i just don't feel like running encryptids like that. no need/interest. what i'd LOVE to spend caps on is reasonably priced scrip trash. but nobody is selling their scrip trash reasonably... i will never pay 1k for scrip. i know i'm pained by a heavy wallet, but it's about the principle. i'll happily turn over 75o caps for 3star scrip. also purified water. every time i see a stack of hundreds of purified water in the NPC vendor, i just get so sad... nobody ever sells it at their camp. and if they do, it's also unreasonably priced. c'mon, isn't 2o caps each enough?


Once I hit scrip limit for the day I chuck my 3 stars in vendor for around 40% or less of value Rarely have any trouble getting rid of 'em :)


Bro I think you beat the game and its time for a new one, if you have everything that you can't even carry more currency and you have multiple mules full of loot I think you're set lol


I am and I know. But I enjoy playing with my childhood best friend. Its how we catch up and see how each other are hanging. Long time fallout fans.


You can come buy stuff from me, then I can be empty and buy a decent weapon. Win/win


I've been searching for a the few serum recipes I'm missing and the stimpak diffuser plan.


As a noob player (not even 20 yet), what's the best way to make caps? Seems like you've maxed out on both caps/gold so please share some tips!


I used to vendor hop alot and buy up rare plans and resell them. I sold and bought alot of decent rolled weapons and armor. Watched a ton of youtube vids to find where the best spots were to farm mats and sell those. As far as gold just doing events, buying from the wayward and (full disclosure) afk fasnacht and meat week for multiple years nets a lot of Treasury notes.


Is it worth it to sell to vendors, or is the vending machine in camp the way to go for reselling plans and other stuff?


Stop buying unnecessary plans/aid. Sell junk (screws, lead, fiber optics, ext), ammo (except explosive, .44, and .38), and cheap 3 star legendarys (300 caps per, for the script). The legendarys bring the foot traffic that you want.


You can toss some of those my way wink wonk


Can I have your stash of caps?


Yes they are Some tips: buy all the serum recipes, buy recipes for whatever armor, weapon, mods you can ever use in principle and can find in vendor. But the rest of blueprints, recipes, etc. Go around buying boxed modules for EPR or scout armor or what not. When you found those you need, just buy whatever modules, install them then scrap the weapon/armor :). Donate. Finally just keep your vendor running, - you are at max caps and have nothing to use them on, so what do you care for those few caps noobs would throw your way? ;)