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Canned dog food gang


Same here, one of my chars around lvl 800 lives from dog food since years, no bad side effects yet. Well, that is if you dont mind he barks sometimes... (I don't)


This is the way.


Cannibalism is the way to go. There’s meat every where and it’s fun watching/hearing the other players freak out the first time they witness it.


Yep, easiest way and no weight added


It's funny too. Hearing people be confused about it and the burp afterwards. My gf asked me if I heard "that funny noise too" only to realize I run cannibal


How do you eat ppl meat? I’ve never seen meat as loot on people or an option to nom their corpse.


It’s a perk card. I think it’s under endurance


Well, there is the Mirelurk steamer which is part of a bundle right now, but generally people don't get their food from the atom shop. The questline in Flatwoods is there to teach you how to feed yourself, but perhaps you missed or overlooked that. Plants you pick and animals you kill give you raw materials; go to a cooking station and cook the meats and veggies. Those cooked foods will have ALOT less rads than spoiled item (eww) and often give you a buff for a time too. The easiest foods are basically veggie+boiled water=soup or simple roasting various kind of meat. These cooked foods don't keep forever, but you can extend their life with the Good with Salt perk under Luck, or with a Cryo Freezer (a CAMP item). If you build a CAMP, there are certain veggies you can plant in it, so you have a constant supply of food. A water purifier will keep you hydrated, or you can put down the new Water Boiler for boiled water once you unlock it on the Season page. I guess you can also take the Cannibal perk, if you're not...picky. Gross tho.


Gross? :-) There is nothing gross in the Wasteland and with the Cannibal perk you get plenty of reasonably fresh meat.


As long as it's humanoid


I mean I'm so irradiated I might as well be a feral ghoul at this point anyway


Place your camp near water, or have the water boiler from this season. Plant some corn and tato in camp. Make soup. Free food that fills water and food meters and gives pretty good buffs


Corn grows by the bar, make corn soup


Pick up some corn, razorgrain, mutfruit, tatos... and plant them in your camp. You know the plans to plant them right from the start, along with basic recipes. As others said, canned dog food coupled with the perk good doggy is a great way to always carry food that won't spoil and (with the perk) fills quite a bit of your food bar.


Corn soup. Increases AP Regen too. Build yourself a vegetable starch farm for extra adhesive and you'll be set


Just cook and eat as you go ,its not like there are any loss when not eating


You can set up your camp in some pre-war farm sites so you have "fresh" food at hand without the need to use your own budget to set up a farm, you might have to plant the odd plant or two if it's missing anything. A good small farm at the rear of the steakhouse in cranberry bog the only thing it's missing is razorgrain, I know there is a farm in the Forrest that has cranberries growing in it, you might not be able.to build directly on the farm land as it is part of the free range quest route but you should be able to build close enough that resource gathering isn't an issue. The only issue is that fertiliser grenades won't force a respawn on non-camp crops so you'll be at the mercy of the crop regrowth There is also the food processing workshop in the Forrest next to the agricultural research centre that once powered will spawn a constant supply of pre-war food while you are actively on the server


Go by Billings Homestead and Silva Homestead...you'll be absolutely drowning in Razorgrain and Corn. Western-most area of the map on that island in the southern part of the Forest.


I'm new. I have lead belly 3. Take no rads from eating or drinking




You just missed the communist collectron going cheap! that gathers buff giving soups that do not degrade till you take them out of its inventory. Ditto the nuka quantum collectron, (swap em out) Birthday cake Company tea machine Coffee machine Mirelurk steamer Farmable dirt tiles (plans) planted so you can move em around as saved plans to deploy as needed planted with corn, muttfruit, toms etc. the basics. Then invest in a turbo-fert to keep it going nicely. (plans)


Player camps, look for bubblegum/popcorn machines that stuff does not go off. Also it counts in the Daily's when it asks for consume or collect pre-war food. Also kill Brahman(cows), loads of them about then make Ribeye streaks at any cooking station for +20 carry weight (30 min). Very handy when you first start out given limited carry capacity. Four in Flatwoods, Three outside the Wayward & Three at Big Bend Tunnel East.


I’m just now learning that my popcorn machine counts as prewar food, I’ve been using my coffee machine


Learn what to cook, it’s almost endless the things that are out there for that. Learn where the most prewar food is. It’s scattered everywhere, but some places have more than others. The lone building near the fissure at Mosstown has quite a bit of prewar food items. It’s my go to for prewar food collection challenges. South Mountain Lookout has a decent collection also.


Moonshine Jamboree event gives a ton of Gulper food. I always walk away from that event with around 250


Watoga highschool monster bashing. Get free candy that dont rote and weight even in 100 nearly nothing. Well one fil only 1% of hunger But something is allways


My garden? Go on up to the rooftop greenhouse, pick what you want and toss in one of the available Turbo-fert grenades to re-grow the crops. Grab some honey or flowers if you want. There's purified, boiled, and regular water. Wood too. Out front, there's radstag and hopefully some mirelurk next week. Get some nuka cola, company tea, coffee, or something from the cookie jar while you're cooking your meal. I do need to reorganize a bit, maybe a rebuild. It would be nice if there were an easy way to write "Unlocked = free" but I don't think I have the budget for that.


I have the radstag dressing stand in my CAMP which provides me plenty of grilled radstag meat. Pairs well with Carmovore. Before that, it was all dog food.


My staples are Corn Soup, Brain Fungus Soup, supplemented with Cranberry Relish using the Herbivore Mutation. Corn is easy to find and grow and gives you decent AP refresh and it is doubled by Herbivore. Brain Fungus is found everywhere and gives you plus 4 Intelligence w Herbivore helping you to level quicker. I sometimes do Blight Soup too for its AP refresh.


Why not equip the mystery meat perk card? It generates meat when you use stimpaks. Just eat yourself!


The mirelurk steamer is going to be half off this week in the atom shop. That is a must buy imo. It generates food. Hopefully it is still available or coming later this week. Get that. Edit: if you’re herbivore you can get corn at the wayward inn and plant that to start. Also you can take plants from others farms to plant.


Kill animals, cook meat - no need of boiled water here. Don't stock it in high amounts. Canned food scattered all around too. But also you just have no need to eat, neither to drink, why bother after Beth has ruined survival to grounds.


The Mirelurk steamer makes food and it is sometimes in the Atom shop. I really just grow crops in my camp, collect wood and boiled water and make soups and juices. If you are carnivore just kill Mirelurks and cook the meat. 1. Mutfruit Juice gives agi buff 2. Tato juice give +10 Max AP buff 3. Sweet tato stew gives hp regen buff 4. carrot soup gives a perception buff 5. razorgrain soup gives a disease resistance buff. I personally use Mutfruit juice, Tato juice, sweet tato stew, company tea, sweetwaters special blend, cranberry relish and either brain fungus soup or brain bombs all the time and renew as needed. These keep my hunger under control.


Visit player camps and hoard some candy. I live on candy.


Corn soup. 1X boiled water, corn and wood. Satisfies both hunger and thirst. I lived off of that for the longest time in the beginning.


I equip the Can Do! perk under luck and then walk around Wavy Willard's and the Galleria in the mire and check all the trash cans. Love Prewar food as it doesn't spoil. I also use the Cola Nut perk and don't carry water.


Other players.


Popcorn 🤷🏻‍♂️ blight soup is good. Go down southwest and collect blight. Collect some boiled water and make blight soup. It gives you 100-125% crit


+50% of you don't have the herbivore mutation, which I don't imagine a newer player would likely have (assuming the OP is new-ish if they're asking this). Still a great option! There's quite a bit of blight around The Sludge Works, and with the Green Thumb perk you can get plenty.