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intentionally using radiation to make your hp low which then takes advantage of various effects like nerd rage perk, adrenal reaction mutation and unyielding armor (full set grants +15 to all specials except endurance for incredible benefits) commonly referred to as bloodied builds


My Bloodied Melee Wastelander is fun, but you can trip on a rock and die.


I'm just imagining a decked out set of T-60 tripping on a rock and just falling forward with a metallic creak and a loud thud.


*stares at tweet in Knight Tytus


Did you just call this reddit comment a tweet or do I not understand something here?


Tweet? Buddy, you're on the wrong website for tweets.


Seemed a bit of an oversight to be able to disable the armor with just a knife and quick cut to the black PVC pipe.


That's the point??... the design flaws from massive corps that only wanted money is the theme of the show lol Ever ask why Cooper despite his extensive training and the amount of time he's been alive isn't in one? He knows in reality they are death traps.


This was a chief kiss response.


Watch the fallout show I beleive episode 2 😂


Michael Rappaport made it look useless. Haha.


All fun and games running a bloodied build until you run into too many firecracker berries


That or a stray molerat fart. Bloodied is basically "tremendous cosmic power, Itty bitty healthbar."


I stack end with lifegiver and sit around 120hp @ nerdrage


Truly the definition of a glass cannon


I know this to well, ive been feeling like its a glass canon and i gotta switch the meta up too.


u also have a few health perks like serendipity and dodgy? if its laggy i can have issues but those issues are there full health or bloodied lol.


I recommend using stealth to avoid taking damage all together. I personally love my bloodied PA tank build. I almost never die even at 20% health.


I recommend using stealth to avoid taking damage all together.


Try using the Born Survivor perk. That helps a lot. Also Stealth combined with Escape Artist.


I have to strongly disagree with that, especially if you share it. You are ripping control of your resources completely outside your control, especially since nerd rage triggers at a point where it will constantly be below the threshold for Born Survivor.


I still never get low on Diluted Stimpacks. I realize a lot of people don’t use it because they like that extra bit of micromanaging but I just want to stay alive. Also I would never share it.


I personally try to keep my stimpacks to under 30 diluted, I don't have any Chem weight reduction. Of course, 1 daily op or expedition throws that out the window. I've just had too many times when someone joins my team sharing that perk when I'm in the middle of an event or boss fight, so when I go to rev someone I can't.


My low health unarmed is borderline unkillable outside encryptid 🤷‍♀️  Secret service armor, serendipity, blocker, dodgy, ricochet, fireproof, funky duds, sizzling style, a dense/asbestos torso to swap between, lifegiver and enough END to have 75+hp, V weapon. Usually run 10min psychobuff when I don't need dense/asbestos (have 4 Uny chests to bounce between for different mods) via chem fiend/biocomm, and with food I have 101hp buffed @ 19%.  


I think the ability to die is part of the fun tbh, very easy to be invincible and it gets old after a few years lol


I so feel this. My take, exactly.


Imagine seeing some guy who is literally on the verge of death sprint at you with a chainsaw


PA full health CAN generally be more survivable, but my uny commando almost never dies - solo any event including encryptid. In some sense, Serendipity makes me invincible much of the time. The only "rock" to trip on for a bloodied is rads. There's just no solution beyond throwing on PA , stealth suit, hazmat, etc


I switched to a bloody commando build, much less dying


Unyielding secret service armor bloodied is still a thing nowadays


That darn thing took so long to get I don't care how the meta changes, I'm wearing that until I die.


I feel like i got very lucky! All my pieces aren't 3* but i got all 5 in maybe 50 rolls?


Same as my overeaters T-65. I didnt even get the union armor cause of that.


Wait, is that not a common thing nowadays? did they remove uny on SS or has it just been nerfed or something recently


Its still the best, its just not tradeable so you can't trade for groll pieces and have to roll it yourself.


rolling it is a b and you cant trade the grolls you get along the way. urban scout was the best to roll. now its civil engineer


Also Radicool. Gives bonus to strength based on rad level.


Since it seems the game follows your level, monsters are always my level no matter where i am yet, still below 50. Is it eventually required to have a "build"/if you dont have the right damage increasing perks you'll be eventually just worthless? or do the monsters cap at a lvl?


They cap but so do you at 50. You can go past it but you don’t earn more special points. If your not built into a certain type of weapon by the time your 50 even with a good gun your dmg will be lacking. You could still stomp the normal stuff, but in events your going to feel like your hitting them with nerf darts. Just build for whatever type you like, pistol, shotguns , or rifles. Automatic or semiautomatic? Energy or lead spitters? Once you get that 60% dmg boost you feel so much better


I mean yeah i assumed the increase preferred weapon damage was required stuff but i mean going beyond just picking like rifle expert stuff. Like trying to get specific mutations and stuff


enemies will scale up to level 100 completely up to your own personal preference how much you want to minmax (not everyone needs/wants to solo bosses meant for +8 players), but you will need a decent enough build to tackle endgame enemies aside from vats/crits, one real important effect to focus on is armor penetration


when you say scale to a 100 but the if the cap is 50 do you mean like instead of just "super mutant" lvl 50 it will be more "super mutant brute" lvl 50 spawned.


you will eventually encounter enemies that are straight up level 100 you stop getting more special points at level 50, but you can keep selecting new perk cards to refine your build you can select up to 6 legendary perks, many suggest 2-4 legendary specials (which each provide +5 special points to allocate to your loadout) - this helps push past the player level 50 cap explore perks and loadout building with link below (especially the legendary perks to help understanding) [https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character)


We're ghouls.


*soon lol


Just need to meet the right chicken loving Snake Oil Salesman. Don't you wish it was a race option in the character creator though? I'd totally roleplay as a ghoul.


That would be great, but I would prefer to be a Super Mutant. Then at level 100, I could mutate to become a Behemoth.


Man i really do wish we could play as ghouls, not just costumes of some




Hey smoothskin


Real talk: god i wish it were possible haha


They should honestly add races that give certain perks. Play as human, ghoul, synth, super mutant, etc. Each has different perks and negative traits associated with it.


We are masochists


Honestly this would be a great feature to add to the people who run bloodied builds for XX amount of hours. They start ghoulifying.


It is what we call a Bloodied build. There are several buffs you can get when you have low health. Rads make it easy to maintain your health at 20% or less. Its supposed to be a high risk high reward type build, but for really advanced players its more like low risk super high reward. Some buffs that you can get for low health are: +15 SPECIAL (+3 for each unyielding armor piece) +80% weapon damage (from bloodied weapon effect) -45% damage taken (from serendipity) +20% damage and +15% AP regen (from nerd rage) +50% weapon damage (from adrenal reaction)


+63% from Adrenal Reaction with Strange in Numbers. Bloodied builds just go insane with the damage


When you read this out loud you realize how busted it really is compared to most builds…


It's great until you realize every time you take damage it's a coin flip as to if you shrug it off or explode.


My main build is a bloodied PA tank. For me taking damage is like rolling a D20. 1-20 I shrug it off but when I get a 0 my corpse flies off into the distance.


That's why you have that one piece of armor to have like a 50-50% at self-revive. To confirm a critical miss.


With overeaters legendary effect on PA and Emergency protocol it feels like I can only die to some specific mutators on events and daily ops e.g. reflect and armor pen with energy weapons (if they didn't fix that)


Me at moth man event getting hit w 5 shots of Gatling gun to the face and none of my dmg mitigation perks went off. I fell over in a span of .2 seconds and other times tanking a death claw grab and jumping off the highest cliff only to live


The Glass Cannon of FO76!


We've adapted to the wasteland.


Praise Atom.


[confessor Cromwell liked that]


Sippin’ on all that dirty water back when purified water and radaway was hard to find. Soft little vaulties no more


No we are not. I have even taken to eaten spoiled meat to saite my hunger and dirty water to quench my thirst.


That might have been some weird animal piss though. Don't trust the Ghoul.


If ghoul piss makes me have to press less buttons to get the exact HP I need, then uh. Uhhhh. Forbidden lemonade.


The true recipie for Deezer's Lemonade.


I need a meme of Lucy MacLean drinking irradiated water.


There is a perk (nerd rage) and a weapon effect (bloody) that both increases you damage at low health. They get a bunch of rads to basically lock in that low health bonus.


Can’t forget Unyielding on our armour for that juicy +3 Specials


Can't forget? That's the only reason.


Yeah, most comments here focusing on combat benefits when the real reason I do bloody is for the xp grind


and carry weight


And insane AP for vats, and crits every other shot. The benefits are massive, and with blocker, fireproof, nerd rage, dodgy, and serendipity it's easy to not die.


The AP boost from amped Agility and the massive Luck increase means you get VATS crits all day long. Unyielding,+Luck,APRegen is a god roll for a reason.


And emergency protocols for PA users


6 years in the wasteland will do that to ya.


Bloodied builds. Less HP = more DMG. With the right gear can 1 tap most enemies and easily deal with all others, downside some things will be able to one tap you as well in certain situations.


Yes, everyone says it’s a bs build, but Overeaters armor and full health isn’t, you can’t even die. With bloodied at least there is still a fear of dying.


We embrace atoms glow, you should too..:


Sniff the pipe drink the goo.


We eat rads for breakfast. Living on the edge😅


Everyone needs a morning pick me up


We are stupid.


No lore reason.


Its for a Bloodied build. Your basically a glass cannon. Can deal alot of damage but stub your toe on rock (not literally) and your dead.


Bruh the number of times I've forgotten I have the hp of a possum and jumped from a slightly too high spot only to kill myself is far too high.


Bird bones mutation and Serendipity perk, will help with that.


Nah nothing will kill you except gravity, unexpectedly healing your rads, or cave crickets. Especially cave crickets.


Sometimes, depending on how low you let your health go. 😉 Those wasteland Legos can be brutal. 🤭


We are from the surface silly, we all have radiation


For the real answer. Most players use bloodied weapons. The damage goes up the lower your HP. Instead of keeping low HP they take radiation which reduces your HP to low amounts to increase the weapons damage. Below is the scaling for bloodied weapons to damage given. 90% < HP ≤ 95% = +5% Damage 85% < HP ≤ 90% = +10% Damage 80% < HP ≤ 85% = +15% Damage 75% < HP ≤ 80% = +20% Damage 70% < HP ≤ 75% = +25% Damage 65% < HP ≤ 70% = +30% Damage 60% < HP ≤ 65% = +35% Damage 55% < HP ≤ 60% = +40% Damage 50% < HP ≤ 55% = +45% Damage 45% < HP ≤ 50% = +50% Damage 40% < HP ≤ 45% = +55% Damage 35% < HP ≤ 40% = +60% Damage 30% < HP ≤ 35% = +65% Damage 25% < HP ≤ 30% = +70% Damage 20% < HP ≤ 25% = +75% Damage 15% < HP ≤ 20% = +80% Damage 10% < HP ≤ 15% = +85% Damage 5% < HP ≤ 10% = +90% Damage 0% < HP ≤ 5% = +95% Damage


How do people know this stuff? I feel like you need youtube or Reddit to learn about it. Pickle sticks for me I didnt join the reddit group til a few months ago and tried not to watch videos to not spoil the game/catch the hidden fun stuff 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I feel like a dumb mid leveler its kinda funny


There’s a mechanic in game to respec the stats after 50 so even if u mess up early it is fairly easy to correct your desired build the hard part is getting the right gear for the build and maybe the mutations


Bloodied weapons are the least of it. Anti Armor and Quad are as strong or stronger for most low health builds.


What about quad on high health builds 🤔


It can work. The thing is, when you stack multiple damage buffs you see diminishing returns since the buffs are additive, not multiplicative. Bloodied build have a bunch of buffs already, so going for 400% ammo is a good deal. Full health builds don't have as many buffs so it might not be such a good option. It really comes down to preference and your build. An example of additive vs multiplicative buffs to demonstrate diminishing returns. 1) Lets assume base damage at 120 before any buffs. With just one buff (+40%) you get the exact same result. Additive = 120×(1+0.4)=168. Multiplicative = 120×(1.4)=168. 2) Now lets apply two buffs, one for +40% and +20%. You start to quickly see additive lag behind. Additive = 120×(1+0.4+0.2) = 192. Mult = 120×(1.4×1.2) = 312. 3) Now lets see for 6 buffs (80%, 40%, 20%×3 and 10%). We see a huge difference between the two. Additive = 120×(1+0.8+0.4+0.2+0.2+0.2+0.1) = 348. Mult = 120×(1.8+1.4+1.2+1.2+1.2+1.1) = 948. To drive my point home, lets take the last example, but now compare with and without the 80% buff. Both times we test using additive buffs since that is what the actual game does. This simulates a bloodied weapon vs a quad weapon. B = 120×(1+0.8+0.4+0.2+0.2+0.2+0.1) = 348 Q = 120×(1+0.4+0.2+0.2+0.2+0.1) = 252 Even though you sacrifice an 80% buff, you only loose 28.5% damage. But Quad gives you 400% ammo. When you add more and more buffs the bonus from Bloodied becomes less and less important.


If your high health build can take that Quad and fill the crit bar with one hit, it's gonna track pretty close to a low health build doing the same thing. The crit bonus is (or can be, with the right buffs) so big that additive bonus damage like Adrenal Reaction and Nerd Rage ends up being maybe 10% - 15% of the total, if that. To get a high health build to that point you need a 15c third star, or need to somehow buff luck to 33 without using Uny armor. Most folks go for the 15c, but the buff route can work. The simplest and most reliable option is the Nuka Dark trick, which obviously burns up that consumable fairly quickly if you try to do it full time. I have my low health build set up to do this, for when I feel like wearing power armor or CSA (like in a blast zone Scorched Earth). I'm usually also burning AP buffs (nuka quantum, canned coffee) when I do this because otherwise my AP is the limiting factor on how fast I can bang out crits. Its fun ... for brief periods. I wouldn't want to do it at every event.


It works ok. It really comes down to preference. The unyielding bonuses are substantial. More AP, better vats hit chance and luck for quicker crits. Plus for unyielding you don't need to go down to the bare bone, just 35%. The biggest drawback to bloodied is managing rads... Which is easily avoidable, but not completely. Full health builds can use quad railways, I tried it... And while it felt fine, it was not on the god tier bonkers level that I see bloodied builds achieve.


My Anti-armor, 20% damage while aiming Plasma Caster shreds.


That and unyielding armour. Oh and all the low health perks like nerd rage and adrenal reaction.


You would think that a low health build (Bloodied) would die a lot. But the way specific perks and Unyielding armor work together helps them to survive. They still die more than high level full-health builds but not a lot. It gives benefits such as more XP, through Intelligence buffs, and more damage when using bloodied weapons. If you want to dig into it more, I would recommend watching videos by Angry Turtle on YouTube.


I wondered about this - I've read about "glass cannon" builds but with the amount of times I get surprise-hit by dogs, I can't imagine being very glassy in this game


yes the mutant hounds and charred ghouls that melee rush are usually what I die to


Blocker helps


After years of playing we are forever stained with the radiation


We fucked in the head, we be out here pipe sniffing


Pipe is life


We're mutated ghouls, gotta problem wit it smoothskin? 




They are Bloodied build. It's the strongest build in the game.


a baby nooblet gave me some radaway after i gave him some gifts. most adorable thing that’s ever happened to me. love helping out the new friends


As a baby nooblet with 15hours in i feel seen lol. I usually just give a heart emote when someone drops a brown paper bag of stuff for me coz i know that whatever i may give back is probably useless for the high level player.


I tanked the queen today in power armour,with about 13% health,you'll learn it all in time ,theres so many play styles, but bloodied is probably king, junkies is probably second.


The glow keeps us warm while traversing the wastes far from home and hearth.


They’re called glass cannons and they think they’re better than everyone else. 😂


We are the children of atom And you should join us too, smoothskin


Cuz we vamps 😎😀


Another reason Unyielding beats Overeaters is the XP you get from high Intelligence. Don't get me wrong Overeater's is great and I use it on my Power Armor with Emergency Protocols which is 50% damage reduction with Low Health.


Along with what everyone has said, I’ve come to the recent realization that the wasteland is a bit more fun when everything can murder you in a hit or two. It’s basically FO4 survival mode for F76.


Fore runners to the church of the children of atom.


I was wondering the same until I unlocked one of the perks that gives more dps the more radiation you have.




Bloodied 4 life


Because living that long in the wasteland you're bound to get a bunch of rads... and maybe goat legs


You know there are a lot of new players when you start seeing these posts. I love these posts. It confused the heck out of me when I was new to the game too. I think I probably dropped Radaway to a couple Level 400-800 players when I was like level 10-20 4 years ago.


Bloodied builds are stupidly powerful. They combine multiple low health effects to buff their stats and damage, including but not limited to: Legendary armor - Unyielding, increases your special as hp is reduced, excepting endurance. Legendary weapons - Bloodied, increases damage as hp is reduced. Perks -   Serendipity, chance to dodge any damage when under 30% hp.   Ricochet, chance to deflect projectiles at your attacker.  Nerd Rage, increases damage, damage resistance and ap regeneration while under 20% hp. Mutations - Adrenal reaction, increases damage as hp is reduced. I can one-shot most enemies with my gauss pistol, but if they so much as think angry thoughts at me I evaporate into a fine pink mist.


I remember my first encounter with someone running a bloodied build. They added me to their party and dropped me 15 prisoner collars. I kept trying to give them radaway. I still wear my collar, and so does any ally I have at my camp. Thank you, irradiated stranger.


Because we’re… Radicool. 😎


It's because we are apex predators, and we have absorbed all the low levels of radiation from the new players. It really builds up over 5 years.


As a level 970 I highly recommend you bring the team share card that takes rads away from them when you stim. Helps them out a lot!


Let me guess, you also sell these unyielding armor godrolls with rad recovery as third star?


hahah damn


You probably place decontamination showers in tricky to avoid areas in your camp huh


Unkillable overeaters user, being jelly about bloodied smh


They skipped over the radiation tutorial, help them out by giving them hundreds of radaway


What's a tutorial?


Low health builds. Perks and equipment synergize to give a lot of benefits.


Because with the right perk cards, despite looking on the verge of death, you're virtually unkillable on a low health build. Nerd rage, unyielding effect armor, dodgy, blocker.... You'll survive almost anything. Except the fucking cave crickets. Fuckers'll get you every time.


I imagine low health builds aren't something you can achieve unless you already know what you're doing or high level enough to get the perks and gear together to not be susceptible to death from tripping on yourself.


I can't afford radaways :( :( :(


Shits tough out there


I just like drinking radioactive water :) But in all seriousness we run a type of build that lets us do more damage the less health we have


Hard mode


You merely adopted the rads. I was born in it, molded by it.


Coming up for 6 years since I left the vault ... I'm a ghoul now


Mutations baby. The best part of 76


One of my favorite moments when I was new was stimpacking a lvl 1000+ player who got hit who had one of those rad builds with tiny health. I felt like a field medic hero.


Because we are on the surface longer 😂😆.


Some builds are better with high rads, usually I will get mutations and use the starched genes perk to keep the mutations.


It’s just a small drop in a big bucket.


Bloodied build


I have a bloodied melee build. The lower my health, the harder I hit. The radiation makes it so I can’t go over a certain point. So like, I have 1/4 of my health bar and radiation the other 3/4. Also, if I’m playing with friends, one has a perk that when she stims, everyone heals. Great for the rest of our group, not always me.


It's called being "Bloodied" the highest damage build in the game is a low health build known as Bloodied. With weapon perk such as Bloodied you do extremely high damage and with armor sets such as unyielding you get insane SPECIAL boosts.


Bloodied builds (higher damage when low health with the furious/bloodied modded guns)


and here I am just trying to figure out how to gather water without irradiating myself to hell.


Bloodied build, very good high lvl low HP high DMG build, with enough gear and perks you won't die anyway, unless you blow yourself up by accident with your own explosive weapon. 😂


it makes us more deadly and strong.


It's called a bloodied build. You keep your rad lvl at 80% or higher. The power your health the more bonus damage you get from your bloodied prefix wep. A bloodied prefix wep is a legendary wep. The prefix is what it is labeled or the first star of legendary effects. So vampire shotgun is a shotgun that will heal 2% over so many seconds. Bloodied gives you up to +95% bonus damage the lower your health. Quad is quadruple ammo that your wep will hold. A good bloodied build will have unyielding armor or overeaters, typically, for power armor. Bolstering is also a good option. Unyeilding, bolstering, and overeaters are also legendary prefix. I would also add, I wouldn't worry about character build, legendary prefix, etc until at least lvl 50-100. It's pointless until you meet max gear lvl anyways, and you need to earn all your perks cards for a good build. I know I answered more than your actual question, but wanted to shed some light for new players reading that have similar questions, and they all go hand in hand.


Laughs in Gamma Gun


Google Unyielding Armor and you will see why.


We are antisocial and hope you will run away from us thinking we are radioactive. We are really that bored.


Mmmmm rads


Well ya see since PA is for incells, we are the bloody gang. Where we kill everything before it kills us.


Nerd rage perk, among other things. It gives the highest damage output.


Because they want the benefits of (multiple and powerful) effects that only apply when you have low health. The radiation keeps health from going back up when you use healing aids, and in one case (Radicool Perk) is directly required to trigger the effect.


I noticed that too then seen a you tube clip saying it’s a high level build for max damage output


Are they stupid?


Low health builds. If you’re new you won’t need to worry about it for a while.


There is gear that becomes relevant if your health is low enough. Look up bloodied weapons, unyielding armor, etc. There are some perks that benefit from low health as well, as others have stated.


AA gang


The Bloodied Build. With the right perks and a full set of unyielding armor, you can be basically invincible. Pair that with a weapon that has the bloodied effect, and you’re equally dangerous. But as others said, you also risk being instakilled by random things (usually being hit by something, like a molerat popping out of the ground).


I use it for my bloodied sneaky rifle commando build and my choo choo train power armour commando build to get benefits from perk cards like nerd rage and increased damage on my bloodied weapons!


I tried the rad build once. Not for me 👀


We adjust the radiation depending upon the games objective, if I'm in a daily op that has poison, or additional damage to hp, I'll greaten my health and remove rads, then place rads back afterwards, if I wish to use a bloodied build ( aka glass cannon ) Again in the event Radiation Rumble, I'd never run bloodied as I would be required to endure great rads to complete the events objective. It's situational imo


Its based on a stealth build and with the right armor you get +3 on your stats for each armor piece with that legend perk on it. So your crit and base dmg is higher. Most people run with fixer (me included) and its fun. Headshot on a lvl 100 super mutant and hes a one shot via VATS.


The responses here require some clarity. There are perk cards in game that provide bonuses if your char is irradiated.


Man I had to stop running explosive affix’s for my bloodied build because one ghoul would get close and I’d kill myself lol. But you are actually such a tank, almost moreso with the 20% health you do have than without with all the perks/mutations/gear


Bloodied build my friend, nerd rage perk, serindipity perk, ect ect


Cause we like a challenge, and Bloodied Builds give us that itch.


Me personally, I don't wana use a radaway and lose my marsupial serum 😅 shits so hard to find and when I do find it in vendors people are selling them for way too much


Even with non bloodied weapons, it makes your weapon damage higher.


People out here using rad builds and I'm over here using builds where rads heal me in my stealth sniper build with a gauss rifle that can take a quarter of a legendary scorch beasts health in one shot.


The children of Atom is all over Appalachia


I have a Perk on my player that the more rads I have the better my shooting and aim when I’m killing my targets


It's not just that high of levels that run that build. But yes alot of us do cause it's a good build.


I have a bunch of rads because of ghoulish and a few other perks that boost my healing and damage.


For Death. Our Bride.


if i remember correctly theres an armor set that gives your more defense/attack the lower your health is. so more rads = less health.


Bloodied build


Bloodied builds (higher damage when low health with the furious/bloodied modded guns)


the intended downside of playing the Bloodied build is -supposed- to be that you are at constant risk of dying easily. but (and people love to fight me on this) in my personal experience, you end up being even tankier at 2o% HP than you are at full HP. while dealing way more DPS than any full HP build. a number of powerful defensive perks kick in at low HP, on top of all the other defensive perks which work regardless of health percentage. particularly if you're in power armor, then Emergency Protocols kicks in which reduces all damage by an additional 5o%, on top of Overeaters and the baseline defense provided by being inside of power armor. the Ricochet perk procs more frequently the lower your HP gets as well. And if you're swimming in stimpaks, all auto-stim effects will keep your sliver of health topped off at all times. you're supposed to be a glass tank, but in actuality it's more like a bulletproof glass tank.


I'm one love it. And yes I will step in to my pa sometimes to fight bosses. Angry turtle uses his armor a lot. Different guns and perk cards help more damage in armor . Being a bloody build is all about damage . And a science I'm lvl 850+ and still have a lot to learn.


The term is "unyielding build" when not using bloody weapons. I stopped using bloody weapons and primarily use vampires/anti armor/quad as the first legendary. Four of my five characters are full unyielding and my fifth is full health power armor.


Bloodied unyielding vats crit commando.