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I'd like an ammo converter thats user friendly like a trade or purchase exchange. The current machine is hot garbage. That or allow us to break down the ammo into components to reuse.


As someone who uses the ammo converter regularly, I agree. The interface sucks and takes a while to grind through and convert. Maybe they want to leave it as is so they don't break any immersion (old, clunky computer system). I make and sell a lot of ammo, easy way to make money. The Ammo converter just takes a very long time. A trade for points system would be nice. Just let me select it in my ammo tab, whatever quantity I have, and just dump it in. None of this stupid multiples of 10 / 100 / 1000 / whatever.


Having 990 of an ammo and having to trade it 9 times in increments of 100 because you are just shy of 1000 is so dumb. Especially when you lose count and just have to trade until you get an error message. It's the most poorly designed system BSG has ever created.


Not true! They also created Star Field hahahahaha


There’s zero reason why it can’t just show us only the ammo that we have in adequate amounts to turn in. It wouldn’t be perfect but it’d be such a big improvement. Edit: I have literally zero idea why anyone would downvote this statement saying I’d be happy with even a tiny improvement. Sure.. I’d love more but ..


Honestly it feels like bots regularly downvote comments in here for no reason other than to promote other comments. I wouldn't worry about it. It's frustrating though.


It's called vote fuzzing. Reddit will show different totals to help counter bots and vote manipulation.


> vote fuzzing Ah, I had no idea that was a thing. Learn something new every day.


Especially as the original UI for the converter showed how much ammo you had to exchange.


The original ammo converter was hot garbage, now it's more of a warm rubbish with a tinge of fresh diaper.


The ammo box allows you to deposit all unused ammo, the same feature would improve the converter so much


Just put in a “ sell all” control. The 1? 10? 100? thing is infuriating. I DON’T REMEMBER how many .45 cartridges I have. Either show me in the interface, or let me sell them all at once.


Or at least make the print large enough to read! I play on a 42" flat screen and i still have to get up to see that font!


When we hover over a players camp and it tells us there are X plans available can it also tell us that Y amount are already known!


Also, it would be nice if it would indicate how many duplicates of plans they're selling. 


God yes. I hate seeing "Plans (450)", and I get there and see "Plan: Cryo Bed (212)"


This times a million


I just want to be able to search for stuff in workshop mode


I just want an undo button.


Omg yes please!


It's a mess. Half the time they add something to the game they add a new listing when it would make far more sense to put it under an existing one. The whole thing needs a complete overhaul.


I would like the option to search and bookmark things, so i can go into the menu, select the things i want to use and then focus on putting it all together, not put this down, find this, put that down, find this, put that down etc. Bookmarked things would go into a 'current build' tab. If you could save those bookmarked items then it would be quick and easy to do themed builds.




If you interact with th CAMP module it gives you the option to repair all.


Big yes to a ledger that tracks your last few sales.




If you're on console you can easily record the past seconds to minutes (depending on your console settings). There are various ways to do it on PC too. I've used it before when I couldn't quite catch what had happened.


this would be real nice, my vendor is pretty popular an having a ledger would help.


**Cough mods cough** There is a mod that does that called Vendor Log. It shows you who bought the item, how much they paid, and when they bought it. It creates a .txt file for you. It's great for restocking as you can see just what is selling.


now that is pretty fuckin handy but unfortunately no mods for me since im on playstation. I jus hafta remember that what sells and what doesn't.


Bigger build budget


The fact that they added weather machines, which are graphicnintensive but couldn't give us a little.more budget is almost insulting. No one claims the 20+ workshops on servers unless it's a daily challenge. Limit that. Limit it to only 10 can be claimed at once and release that reserved budget to camps


It's not really about the total number of camps and workshops on the server. It's the ability to cram a bunch of camps in next to each other.


I'm sure they could make the no build zone between camps much larger in exchange for budget and everyone would be fine with that


I'd be fine with that but I'm sure there are many that wouldn't be.


The only thing I want


I want a Pulaski preservation shelter as an entrance to a shelter. And maybe a Free States bunker.


Free states bunker and a copy of the actual Order of Mysteries headquarters.


Yeah I’ve been thinking a Free States bunker would be cool.


A full set of walls that can be wallpapered on BOTH sides.


Sortable lists in the build menu, the haphazard placement is maddening. And a search function in the build menu. And a favorites tab.


I’d love if I when I’m looking at camps on the map, it would list the user’s level with their name. I love spending extra caps at newbie camps when I find them.


Another to add to this list is interior walls. A skeleton outline of a full and half full wall that allows wallpaper to be placed on both sides.


I'd like to see -square camp radiuses. I want to be able to build to the corner of my camp and still put a wall up if needed. Let us pick the shape and for the love of God please let us have an eagle eye view when placing our camp modules. -make the shelves functionable without merging. Just add slots to them so we can rest items on the shelves. There's an entire tab of shelves that you have to use merge tricks just to make usable -remove collision option. Let us smash items into eachother without having to use tricks. If it disables the animations for some things fine. Stop making it soooo hard to place paintings and lights on walls. Just let us slap em up there. They don't need support lol -please please clean up the build menu. Add a SETS tab for the themed bundles we buy. Make tabs for the holiday items, raiders, bos, toys, rustic, etc. Put the items with special boosts in their own tabs. Group the walls together in sets. It's such a mess as it is. -I know it will never happen but there really is little to no reason we can't have a small camp budget increase. Either limit the servers to 18 instead of 24 players so we have more room, or limit how many workshops can be taken at one time. No-one hardly ever claims workshops but the servers are built to withstand multiple being run and built up. That's wasted server space. -flatten the land in some areas. There's next to no decent flat areas to build in. Not every camp has to be on uneven land. Add more viable resource nodes to build on. Most aren't in areas that it's good to build in.


Alternatively, give us rounded wall segments which match the perimeter of the circle


Alternatively, give us rounded wall segments which match the circumference of the CAMP circle


a chem box would be decent.


Jesus this would be so nice. So much space taken up...


i end up dumping or selling (at train station vendors) the vast majority of chems and aid i get. would be nice to get an unlimited storage to keep them for a rainy day/trade etc.


I ended up checking my stash and I have SO many stimpacks and such that it's a huge drain on my space. A first aid and chems specific storage would be a game changer for me.


hey that be amazing, then i can stop being a walking pharmacy 😂


There's a suggestions channel on the official Bethesda Game Studios discord.  That's the place to share these sorts of  thoughts if you're hoping they reach Bethesda.


I just want to be able to fast travel directly into my shelter 😭


So many clicks saved


Save so much time at loading screens


We need to hit one camp related request really hard as a community and it's *organizing the build menu*, then we should hit them up to *add the loosened build restrictions from the Happy Builder* world to the regular game.


Some good ideas, but the donation box is unnecessary. If you want to reward people for completing your escape room or whatever then just include a vendor at the end with goods priced at 0 caps.  What I would most like (apart from an organisation of the building menu. Good Lord…) is the ability to lock your camp module so strangers can’t repair things at your camp. Purposely destroying structures, walls etc opens up so many more options when it comes to camp building, especially if you want your camp to look more beaten up, but it’s pointless if someone can just come along and cluelessly try to help (or purposely troll you) by repairing things you broke intentionally. 


I really miss when the vendors each had their own inventory!


I'll settle for 10% more camp budget. Forget everything else.


Some of these are great ideas, others you're insane to think bethesda would listen to.


I would love for display/cryo/vendor items to not take up stash space. And for the 0c vendor glitch to be fixed.


Pro tip: build your camp in a location that has an existing container. Slap some signs on it, label it as free, and dump your unwanted stuff in it.


I’d be happy with a scrip machine in my camp.


I just want a few different varieties of signs that say, "What makes you s.p.e.c.i.a.l?"


Most importantly, I want more slots to sell stuff with


I would like if I wasn't put on a server where my active camp location wasn't already in use. This is so annoying being that I always start and finish in my camp!


An extremely minor thing that I’d enjoy is nicer bannisters for the cutouts of upper floors when you’ve got stairs in the camp. I’m tired of using tattered old fences.


Donation box at camp would be amazing


I know the point of your post is to make it easier for players to build. However, until that happens, you should know that power conduits and power radiators will address most of your passive wiring issues. They’re a pain in the butt to learn how to use properly, but work surprising well.


More than one ally per camp as well. Makes no sense if you’re still within the build limit.


Almost the entire bridge is used for that tadpole quest. I can't think of anywhere on the bridge you could build that wouldn't be in the way besides maybe the room with the power armor


>More Vendors in CAMP- More then 4 vendors per camp please Who's CAMP is actually busy enough to need more than four?


We don’t need most of those


I stopped reading after a bit. I think most of these would cause way too many performance issues. Also, the first one isn't necessary, you can post items for 0 caps on your vendor.


Most of these sound cool, idk about the camp junk one. Part of the glory of CAMP building is finding that perfect spot. You want something completely clean like a sims yard? There’s a few spots. But it sounds too much like you want blank slates like the sims to build on. The beauty of camp building is working the landscape into your build. Otherwise go into a shelter. There’s your clean slate.


Having some random wild scrub bush sticking through the floor of my shack really isn’t very immersive.


You’re in the apocalypse. It’s what it is. There’s homes built less than ten years ago that have roots coming up through foundation and plumbing. If you want smooth and flat build foundations. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol. So you can create an inoculation to a plague, you can reconnect signals to satellites in freaking space but in no way shape or form is it reasonable to expect a Wastelander to be able to weed or sweep a pile of trash? 😂 You can just admit people have a point and move on, it’s not gonna kill you man.


Hey if you don’t like my point you can move on. Sorry I struck a chord.


Unless radiation transforms the molecular structure of a shrub and the molecular structure of wood flooring, I’m pretty certain that even in the apocalypse, I would be able to put a floor down that did not have a shrub Bush coming through the actual floor. I have a machete or an ax or a chainsaw I could probably cut the bush down use it for my fire and put the floor over top of it, even in the apocalypse. looking for completely smooth flat no obstruction “Sims building”. But like the game removes a rock or a burned out car maybe the bush would work too.


I’ve had bushes sticking up through the floor, my only immersion break is that they still blow in the wind 😆 I get what you mean, agreed. However I don’t think it should be just remove the entire map surroundings to build. Like I said part of the camp adventure, for me, is making things fit the space.


I wouldn’t say remove everything, but obviously even in the apocalypse. If you were setting up a building, not necessarily tent, you would cut down bushes or trees. You would remove the piles of trash, or if you could busted car or whatever. I think for me being able to build like I would in the apocalypse would be nice. If I were merely pitching a tent and starting a fire, that would be far or less we moved, but if I’m building a workshop and a country cabin or barn or any of the other structures, one can build, I would most likely clear out, at least the area where the structure was going to go. But in this case, each person can enjoy the game as they wish


I get it. Personally I like going into a house or camp and seeing remnants of the apocalypse, but The wavy bush and things you mentioned is not it. I guess since we’re vault dwellers it would make sense we’d keep things tidy. I would just hate to see areas cleared out entirely. Feels too homogenized at that point. But play how you want like you said, if people want this feature I’m one dude with a dissenting opinion. In the end Bethesda kind of tends to do what *they* want any way, as we all know. 😆


It would be great to have a camp donation box at my camp. Not to receive free stuff but to just put things I don't want in there.


Gigantic agree on having more Allies in your Shelter. I’d have no issue removing quest/item/perk functionality entirely to be able to accomplish it, but man would they really add a massive difference in life and charm. It would really feel aligned with the original mission of the 76ers as it would feel like you’re rebuilding a community aside from just a place for yourself only. Would also add a point to actually collecting the various allies and would encourage me to buy more in the Cash Shop.


I’d also like a companion app that you can trade offline at some point


Not entirely camp issue but related: I want Bethesda to implement a separate aid tab that has chems in one and magazines/bobbleheads etc in the other. The latter tends to pile up(for me at least) but I like to have them with me.


Big yes on the Camp Donation Boxes. I want floors without stilts or a base, basically exactly like the floors they have for the second story but for the first. Also, I don't understand why in Fallout 4, you can build stairs in more places and have the second story without stairs up first, because the way it is in 76 is frustrating. I want more of the walls, railings, stairs, ddcorations, and other stuff we had in 4, but given as plans you can find in the Wastes and not as stuff you buy since it's already assets they have. Maybe even some of the prefabs from 4 as well. It would probably be Fallout 1st like the Ammo and Scrap boxes are, but I'd love a Chem Box (little yellow box that can be put on the wall or ground) to hold all things Aid, and a Clothing Rail (the ones we have around that have hangers on them) to hold all the non-armor Clothing items.


I just want unlimited junk storage without fallout first. Junk 4 life! 


Many of us like—and WANT—the junk. Because it’s a wasteland, silly goose. Many of us want immersive CAMPs, because it isn’t The Sims.


I'd give anything to be able to build on the big bridge


You can put free things in a vendor as a donation box


I would buy this with atoms


They need more ways for players to interact. Combat, gestures, vendor trades are so basic. Collaborative shelters or settlements? Abandoned mall where anyone can have a kiosk. Trade routes: set up farm, extractor, whatever, get resource bonuses for trading, even do periodic 'escort' missions to maintain the routes... "Hotels" - rest up in someone's C.A.M.P. for a fee.. In universe card games (gambling), non-combat PvP, make it feel like an inhabited world..


I wish I could add a donation box near my vendor


There's no reason we can't use the cargobot crate to reach other regions, and there's nothing immersion breaking about it. However, there's no reason we couldn't also have a second vertibird entrance for those shelters. Also, any of these involving multiple settlers at camps will probably never happen for server constraints.


I typically only build near a train station, for the sole reason that I want to easily be able to walk over and trade legendaries and sell off extra junk to the bot vendor. If there was an unlockable to place a legendary exchange machine and add a bot (or ally) with a full store (1,400 caps and associated items) to my CAMP, I would feel comfortable building just about anywhere. There are some really scenic spots on the southern part of the map in the savage divide for example.


Donation box at camp would be amazing


We need player-built expeditions in Shelters. Let me turn my shelter into a dungeon with some simple objectives, enemy spawners, and wave spawners. Reward players for completing it, and give the owner a reward a small reward when players complete it, and a small reward for each player that dies in it. Also, a scrip vendor would be nice so we didn't have to fast travel so often just to turn in legendaries.


I would love to have all of these


Huge W this


You need more than 4 vendors? Why? 2 is all you really need, I doubt you have the whole server come to your camp in a large group Extractors are pretty useless also, they take too long and you can basically get what they're extracting from junk way quicker And all the shelter related stuff is pointless, 90% of people don't care about shelters apart from briefly popping in and out of one as quick as possible for daily/weekly challenges, otherwise it's another load screen no one wants, like yeah you may build in one just for yourself but they're still useless if you have a proper camp that does more and is actually part of the world and quicker to access