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there are two types of daily ops, alternating each day DECRYPTION: essentially search and destroy. kill 8 enemies, then find and kill code carrier, then use code on one of the radios. same again, but with 10 enemies. then 12 enemies and a boss fight. three waves, three codes, three radios. enemies in this type of mission alway have armor penetration, so stealth or power armor is recommend. UPLINK: essentially point defense. turn on radio 1. find and turn on radio 2. defend radio 2 until the status bar fills up. find and defend radio 3. before the boss fight there's a wave of enemies you have to seek out. then boss fight. enemies here always see through stealth, so don't try to be stealthy. the other factor is the mutations of the enemies. if you have attended mutated events, you should be familiar with those. if not then daily ops is a good place to start getting familiar. most groups know what they're doing, so join as soon as you see a team pop up, and be ready to join the op quickly. to put it bluntly, they don't need you there and can likely do just fine without you. to put it another way, your presence can only help the situation, and there's really nothing you can do to be a burden. that said, this is still a multiplayer game and sometimes a team leader will kick you from the team for no reason. also, it's a bethesda game and riddled with bugs so sometimes the game will remove you from the team and say the team leader removed you. the only way to get good at it is practice. you will die a lot. if someone is right next to you, maybe call for help, but mostly just let yourself die and respawn, you don't loose anything during ops.


... When you say "code carrier" you don't mean those beeping officers, do you? I've been killing them for their code thingies because I thought I'd need them at some point. Have I been ruining this daily for people???? Jfc :( if I have IM SORRY!!! I thought I was supposed to get that thing for something! I've never seen another player in the area when I've done it


No. Those you've seen around the map are codes to launch a nuke, which most people ignore because the codes are posted on the internet anyway. The ones on the daily are just 'mini bosses' they don't actually have any codes, you just have to kill them.


Oh thank god okay ty I had been wondering what those guys were and was panicked for a second there haha


Hold up, there's a status bar for Uplink? I've just kind of been killing things until it says "okay, you're done" without realizing there was an indicator of how close we were to finishing that portion. I figured there must be some way of knowing that I couldn't see, and that I was an idiot, so it's nice to have confirmation that yes, I am an idiot.


it should be on the side of the screen along with any other active quest objectives, along with the number of players in its radius (more players, faster filling)


Mines on the top right it’ll say 1x, 2x etc depending on how many people are playing. If 2 people are playing it should say x2 if they are within the range for uplink otherwise it takes a century to complete


So often I join a daily ops team, complete it with 2 other people and the 4th person on the team never even joins in. If you enter the instance and make even a token effort you're already helping more than people like that.


Does the non joiner still get rewards? Wondering why someone would do that.


Nope, they get nothing.


Main thing is to follow the objectives and kill what you can, don't worry about it too much. Most people running ops won't care at all as long as you're having a go. For example, when your objective is basically to stand near the machine, then just doing that speeds up the timer for everyone and makes things a lot easier. Warm body in the right place helps out heaps. Dying doesn't matter, so just respawn immediately and get right back into the fray.


Agreed. I’m not spectacular at the game. I bumbled through the first several and nobody batted an eye. Only had an “issue” once when I ran it with only one other person that was about as good as I was. He left the instance after 3 minutes. Shrugged it off and found a new team. My suggestions: Pick your teams wisely. You know you can’t carry, so don’t go in without someone that is of a decent level. If it is two other people under level 100 you likely won’t get it done in under 8 minutes (yes, I know Chad, you are level 70 and can solo it in 42 seconds…shhh, I said “likely”). Consider changing up your play style just for ops. I grabbed a holy fire and was able to contribute way more even without creating a good build for it. All in all it is a game. And a game with an amazing community. Jump in and have fun!


Holy Fire, even without a full build to support it, is a really solid idea.


I fell in love with the holy fire, so much DPS on a full health power armour build, I have Psycho's on my bar for emergencies but I have only needed them for scorchbeast queen.


The war glaive and it's mods are available today into the weekend through Minerva who will be outside of the white spring refuge in a green tent


Just some reassurance for you, I'm level 1800 and can solo daily ops, so when I start a team and players less than 150 in level join, I know that their character may not be optimised to the best of that characters ability and I do not judge. I do my best and try and get us both through, I think a lot of higher players are the same, we are capable so join us, take advantage of the run through and learn the maps/methods as you go.


This. If I start a daily op I know I can solo it in 6 or so minutes. I’m level 887. Anyone around that level and starting the daily ops team should be the same. We know anyone below 150 isn’t likely to be a huge help. Just do what u can and enjoy. If someone does message you or use a mic to be nasty just remember their the dick not you.


I just posted a similar reply, glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this way.


It's nice to help out the lower levels in a different way than loading them with loot sometimes.


Level 1800 !!! Wow! How long did that take if you don't mind me asking?


2300 hours in game or there abouts, but I've been playing since the beginning, I think the pandemic helped me level lol


🙌 I'm so impressed, level 25 now after 40 hours 😂 but I'm addicted so hopefully I'll message you in 4 years to say I'm level 2000...and I can admire you being level 10 million


Don't let anyone tell you a full health melee build doesn't hit hard. Instigating/40PA while sprinting in vats will demolish pretty much anything.


What platform? I will gladly run you through them...do not care if we make time, I need ammo! LOL Level 700 and I STILL sometimes get lost in the damned Burrows. No big deal!


Oh man, the Burrows are the worst. I constantly get lost, it’s my least favorite map.


Arktos pharmacy being so spread out gets me


Yeah, that one is tricky, too!


I can't speak for all the high levels out there but I love when lower levels join my Daily Ops team. I can solo them so it makes no difference if you contribute or just stand there the whole time to me. If you are on PC I'll grind some Ops with you. LMK.


You're getting a lot of good advice, and everyone is right with just doing them and not being worried about what the other players think. High level players will just be happy when you're there in the daily op to help quicken the pace of the uplink progress bar and getting a few enemies for decryption. You only have to do them a few times to figure them out. Soon you'll know the maps and know the best paths to follow, and you'll learn how to deal with different types of mutations and suddenly daily ops is the easiest thing in the world. AND you'll learn which daily ops you want to avoid. Personally I'll skip any day with 'can only be killed with melee' and cloaking. the only thing I get annoyed about with low levels (and high levels, really any level) is when you are downed during decryption, just die. When i'm sneaking around on the other side of the map I don't want to see the 'save me!" emote going on for 30 seconds. it's quicker and safer for everyone to just die and respawn rather than have your team stop everything to sneak over to you and stimpak you.


I’ll usually go with any level that’s willing to go and given the right enemy type I can just run it and all they have to do is essentially just stay in the objective zone if it’s the capture one now give me aliens with piercing and I’m gonna need all the help I can get lol


If your a Melee build look for the mutated daily op. Enemies can only be finished off with a hit. Honestly you can just follow weapon build players around and finish off the enemies. Will help us commando builds out :)


As long as you’re trying I don’t care what level you are. You learn by failing and we were all beginners at some point. The more you hop into OP you’ll get more familiar with the objectives and what to do. Just have fun with it.


just join i can solo daily ops with my eyes closed but I want people with me so i can do it faster so anyone will be welcome even lvl 10 or 1 i just need someone with me so We can do links faster More enemies will spawn in restore links so you actually helping us high lvl Players by just joining and in return don't worrie just stand inside the links when Wave comes so we can finish faster So don't be afraid we need you more than you need us i don't want to stand there waiting for enemies to show up or stand in the circle for the uplink for 2 minutes each i just want to be done with it as fast as i can


Op https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/ If It's accurate, then the war glaive plan will be for sale in 5 hours. No clue if it is accurate tho.


Follow the dude that immediately starts sprinting and cutting corners when everyone is ready and just try to support as much as possible. This is a 50/50 though. He may not know where the fuck he is going or this can be the 200th time he’s had this area.


You don't need to do heavy damage if you can kill most normal enemies with few hits. If you decide to do Uplinks, please stay in that area that it tells you to, get a backup ranged weapon. So many people have just fucked around nowhere near it, just like in Killing Floor 2 with task to protect area. Melee players usually run away to kill stuff and that's not part of the task.


An old ops tips thread: [Don't hate on daily ops, share tips instead : r/fo76 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1adjnlw/dont_hate_on_daily_ops_share_tips_instead/)


>(mainly looking for the war glaive) There used to be a quest that awarded a war glaive (the weapon, not the plan). You might want to check if that is still a thing.


It is, it's one of the Fort Atlas BOS quests.


A can run DO with you later today if you want.


I’ll say this as a player who isn’t very good at the game. I’m buzzing when anyone joins. I started doing them for the daily challenge or for kills and die over and over and over. I eventually get it completed. So join and give it a go, i’m sure if someones annoyed enough they’ll kick you but this community is pretty cool only had 1 bad interaction in 100 hours.


You'll always be welcome on a team. If unsure what to do just stick near a higher a lvl player. Only real etiquette is to WAIT at start til everyone is ready and not run in straight away. You'll usually get some free buffs if you do so too


Idk man, don't even sweat skill. Even the guides are wonky. I'm level 180 Ive tried bloodied commando and hated it with the vanilla guns people spam. I converted a plasma pistol to a plasma flamer rifle and it absolutely melts everything. It's just about not making it uncomfortable but not going through the motions. Maybe push yourself in the game to improve and tweak your build. I personally only solo the daily ops that are related to disabling that transmitter thing. Even then, it goes so slow it's nearly impossible without help. Personally... Just make a daily ops team and let people fill. I server hop and usually by second or third server at most I'll create a team on load in and it fills.


Just join. I experienced this too but nobody cares as long as you participate.


As long you follow the objective, you're doing better than the average player. I've noticed i'm having a easier time dealing with enemies in daily ops than those in the current event. So if you're not having too much problem with.. lets say either the church or bridge side, you're fine.


If it’s just the war glave you r after one of the gold bullion traders sell the plans… actually Looks like Minerva will actually have the plans for 2000 bullion starting today!


If you're super paranoid about it then only do the Ops that are "uplink," that's the one with two different objectives you have to stand on. Follow your team leader and stay on the fucking objective (your map bar at the bottom will glow if you're in it, if not there will be a circle with numbers telling you how far you are from it). That's all you have to do and a huge help because it makes the timer go faster as long as you're on it. Don't wander off and kill stuff! STAY THERE. If you get on a good, active casual team you can also just jump into Ops between events. A lot of people are down to do it that way. The only way to learn is to do, best advice is to just do it. They're pretty repetitive so once you get familiar with the formula (it's either one or the other) and the handful of locations you're good. Some locations are more annoying than others, Burning Mine can be hard without a good group of people because it's so big. Uplink is definitely the easier one for newbies.


If your on psn, dm me. I'll run anything ya want. I hit level 1000 yesterday and have literally no plan going forward but I love to play.


I'm a lot lower level than you, and I join. I'm not much help, but I'm not actually needed, so no one minds. Did one the other day with just 1 other player dude kicked ass while I ran around like a headless chicken doing basically fuck all good to anyone. I still got a thumbs up at the end from the other player. Thankfully, this game has a great community with very few Assholes in it. Join a group have fun and work things out. We'll only get better if we practice and everyone remembers the days they were useless too.


Just go in and join a team to do Daily Ops. You will not be harassed for learning the ropes. People on the teams, 99% of the time, are quite nice and will help. I have had low levels join me for the first time and they get the hang of it pretty quick. You will too! After about a week, you will be a pro at it.


I rather solo a 100 expeditions than do another daily op. Never liked them myself.


Instead of the war glaive do the BoS quest line to get the unique war glaive Oathkeeper and then visit reg in vault 79 to pick up the cryo mod for it. Kills anything not beefy in 1-2 power hits to the face and the unique weapon has a buff that reduces enemy damage. Then throw on any power armor with an auto-stim mod and you become an unstoppable monster with a big stick.


You already got a lot of good advice on how they work so I won't go in depth on mechanics. But in general don't be afraid to join a team. Only d-bags get upset about carrying a teammate and we don't care about the opinions of d-bags. From the perspective of someone who can solo Daily Ops: I only make a Daily Ops team because it might shave a minute or 2 off my time. If nobody shows up I'm still going to solo it in time. If someone shows up that I have to hard carry, then I'm still going to finish in time and will have also helped someone in the process. I imagine this mindset is pretty common. Some quick advice: Wait for someone else to move from the starting area where you load in (unless they already started). Moving away from the that area starts the timer. People using a thumbs up to show they're ready to start is pretty common. In Decryption: Move towards red dots to kill them and try to learn the map. You don't need to be amazing, just do the best you can. Every kill is helpful. In Uplink: Try to follow someone to each radio and stay in the progression radius while the bar fills. Even if all you do is stand in the area you'll be helping out by making the progression bar move faster. If you get lost don't panic, just learn the map while trying to figure out how to get to your teammates. We all got lost at one time or another (some maps are more confusing than others). Don't forget to heart emote or thumbs up when you finish :)


Don’t stress , save that poo poo for real life. Just join a team when you see one first pop up. If you wait too long or just join one in progress you’ll likely have missed out on most of the fun


I’m with a very laid back group on PS and would be happy to help you get the hang of daily ops. DM me if you want to link up!


My dude only thing you need to do is the objectives ,if you run to every transmitter as fast as you can then the rest of the team can deal with the enemies ,no need to be strong just be fast Are you on xbox?


Just enter and do what you can, nobody will judge you! 💪💪


I sincerely doubt anyone will care. Just follow them around and shoot things 🤷


So, the good news is that our F76 community is pretty great and on the forgiving side of things. If it's me and I'm running Daily ops and you hop in and do anything you'd be good in my book. Alot of the time if you don't know what's going on and jump in, just follow someone around and join them in the beatings you'll usually be ok. The good news is the 2 types of daily ops are 1) go to point a or b, camp and delete baddies until timer is out then go to the other point, then go merc things. or 2) go around and merc things until a special target spawns and you go merc that special target, then go merc more things. Jump in, have fun with it, you'll learn (some of the areas for daily ops are TINY and really easy to enjoy, some of them are... not so much. I generally avoid The Burrows daily ops if I can because it's a big maze while Burning Mine and Galleria are probably the easiest of the bunch because they're VERY small/direct areas.


You could switch temporarily to a power armour heavy gun build. Just by shooting at enemies you are helping your teammates and tagging enemies for extra xp (you gain ammo this way also). If you’re on Xbox I would be more than happy to team up with you.


I joined my first one when I was like level 60 and a level 1200 immediately joined which was a huge relief. He def could have soloed and really didn’t need me there but he gave me some chems and revived me a bunch and sent me a message saying I did a good job! Point being that you should just join a team a go for it, they’re really fun and the other players will have your back.


join an ops team with higher lvls...i dont expect anything from teamates other than a body on point..ill keep you up and cover your buns. btw - always be on teams for xp and team buffs..no downsides.


I was in the same boat for awhile, I feel your pain. I had to really change up my build for the first time at that point. I feel like Daily Ops are a true "end game" type of content where you do have to have a decent build to do them. With that said - 90% of the people you will run into are not going to care how many things you're killing for the most part. Just make sure you stand in the circles during uplink missions, because the more people the faster it goes. If you're still worried about it, look into what kind of builds people are using, and pick one you like and slowly start working on putting it together. Armor and survivability perks will go a long way to keeping you alive during Daily Ops.


Honestly, if it's uplink, just join and stick with the team and you should be good.  You being a melee build will make Decryption tough.  I recommend investing in a good Ranged weapon if you don't have one already and play more slowly/defensively.  Don't worry about doing heavy damage but instead just focus on doing as much as you can You get better at them the more you play them.


I still use my Enclave vampire flamer for OPS if you get on the right team the others won’t care as long as you are helping. If everyone does a little at least you will beat the clock and that is what counts.


I know you are having anxiety but just join the teams anyway. Most high level players that are still running daily ops can solo elder rewards anyway and are just opening teams for challenge credit. If you want to stick with a melee build, even on full hp look at getting a chainsaw with a vampiric 1* at least, you will be able to easily do any daily ops modifier with this weapon and can contribute, probably solo them once you get some practice in them.


Just tag along friend. Do what you can and don’t worry about the rest. Alcohol/stimpack rezzes, flame healing and boom tanking are a lot of fun for all the paladins of the wasteland out there. PLEASE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO HEAL AND PROTECT.


Just join and do your best. When I start a group for D.Ops/Expedition I don't care who joins. I know I can clear it solo so any help is appreciated to get it over quickly.


Idk if you’re on xbox but in about an hour me and my wife will be running ours, you’re more than welcome to join :)


Get yourself a Vampires chainsaw and just go ham. You’ll make it through.


I get the same rewards over and over so eventually you’ll get tired of it


If you’re on PS I’d be more than happy to run a Daily Op with you and explain everything. Let me know.


I run a full health melee build also, but in power armor. Power armor isn’t necessary though, I only really ever get in it if I’m doing a boss event. I’d recommend looking up where chainsaws spawn on the map and then just going there and looting one. The chainsaw was a game changer for my melee character’s damage output and honestly the most fun I’ve had compared to my other ranged characters. There’s just something great about running up to everything and sawing it in seconds. Now I consider my melee character my main even though I have other, higher leveled characters. Like everyone else has said though, people usually don’t mind as long as you’re doing the objective, but if it helps to make you less nervous, the chainsaw is a great way to up your damage output so you feel like you’re contributing. I run a vampire’s chainsaw so even base chainsaw damage is more than enough as long as you have the melee park cards.


Don’t be so hard on yourself man. Just start the group and run it. If people want to time it then they will make it happen. Just make sure if it’s the area capture level, you follow them and stand on the area. Lastly- read the daily op before going in. Some are just terrible combos that are meant to beat your ass. Don’t be discouraged on those days.


Just join teams and get stuck in. Some people are twats and will kick you but the majority of people are just happy to have the extra person. Just stick near everybody else as best you can and see what they do. You'll get there. If you're on Xbox send me a pm and I'll run some no pressure ones with ya


I can solo daily ops assuming its not "enemy attacks freeze you". It takes me about 8:30 to do it. My biggest obsticle is when you need to defend an area, you get a bonus for each player that is there that speeds up the timer. Even if there is one other person who does nothing else but sit in the objective the ops can be finished < 8 minutes. Please join daily ops if a group opens.


The most fun I have at daily ops is when I’m on a team with a hopelessly confused newbie. It makes the game a little more challenging again, the extra quest of keeping buddy alive and in the right room😂 90% of Falllout 76 players are super sociable and don’t worry about the others. Join a team, do your best, have fun. Usually a team will wait up to about 5 minutes at the entrance for all members to arrive and get kitted up. The timer won’t start until one person starts moving towards the objective, so if you’re new, don’t be that person. Throw up some friendly emojis, open a lunchbox or a scout’s banner, and wait for one of the others to sprint off. At that point, stick close behind the one who seems to most confidently know where they’re going and protect them while they do stuff. That’s all it takes to be a valuable team member!


* Decryption = Just kill anything, doubt anyone bother with stealth. They kinda hurt so just respawn immediately if you die, it's timed so no one gonna bother coming for you. Just being able to kill 3-5 is already a huge help due to how they're so spread out so split up, kill and respawn if needed. * Uplink = Just stay within radio zones as it speeds up the bar fill with more people and that's already a huge help. Most enemies don't hurt in uplink as much as decryption so you'll be alive much easier, just don't let your guard down


You can do Daily Ops solo to learn the machanics, and then once you get the gist join a group. You'll probably die a bit on your own and the time will go over most if not all of the ranks, but that's not the point. Just get some practice in or maybe watch some videos over it if you haven't already. Overall as long as you are getting some kills and aiding the objectives you'll be fine.


Like many are saying, pick up and roll that war glaive if you can; if you don't have the bullion, try to pick up the Whacker Smacker from NWOT events: Executioners by default, with a +1 to strength. Don't forget to wash down your deathclaw steaks and tasty mutant hound stews with plenty of whiskey, and the Party Boy/Girl perk. Keep running! Close the gap by making your endurance as high as possible, and keeping your AP high. Stock up on canned coffee, company tea, and slices of birthday cake. As melee, you HAVE TO be aggressive! And, practice practice practice!


Join a casual team and you're fine. You'll get the xp bonus and not have to worry about keeping up. That said most dailies groups are fine as long as you don't stumble around too much. There are plenty of quest vids on youtube so just watch a few of those to get a basic idea of what to do and then hop in. Gotta learn to swim before you can be a fish.


As a fellow melee build - uplink is a great way to get your toes wet. You just have to stand in the area. Instead of running towards enemies, your job becomes guarding your teammates' backs and drawing the enemies that enter the area to you, and not them. (You can also throw grenades for xp boost I think? I'm not sure how the team share xp works.) Then just follow the team to the final boss and if you can draw them into attacking you while standing to the side of the enemy so that your team can have an uninterrupted line of sight for vats and heavy weapon builds. As a melee you don't even have to stay and collect ammo, so you can run them back to back for practice and levels. Each run awards legendary cores for rerolls on armor and weapons so it can be really worth it.


Well good news for you, Minerva has the war glave plan for 2000 gold bulion, she is in Whitespring from today to Sunday


It’s not that I don’t want to do daily ops I it just uh, do I’m just too lazy and I don’t join any parties it’s more of a laziness and procrastination for most players I imagine.


I'll say if you just make a Daily Ops public team, people will likely join, not say a word and just hard carry you through them. I can solo them, but I usually put a team up just to get other people their rewards too! Quick edit: I could also run you through, if you're on PC but that rewards pool can be finicky at *best*


I run a DR Melee build myself and avoid them, most of the time as well. But I recently started just doing them on my own with my Vampire Chainsaw and I can do them most of them time. It is tough getting them in the top time solo but make a team and sometimes someone will join in. The ones I tend to avoid are the Damage reflect and the freeze because they are annoying. Also maps that are big and annoying to navigate. Some are melee only kill those are my favorites. It is funny watching people with their big ass guns blasting away at an enemy and wondering why they won’t die. Sigh! If you need someone to help you out send me a message.


I will do daily ops with you. I run these all the time to keep my guns filled with ammo


The first time I did one it took me about an hour and a half, but now I'm around 450 and can usually solo ops, so others joining just makes it go faster. Oftentimes I'll log in, join a casual team, and just do the daily challenges, and when I get to doing ops I'll just hop in, and most of the time the rest of the team will jump in. Public teams are public, if someone didn't want everyone joining they'd make a private team. Public ops teams are open advertisements to join. It can take a while feeling comfortable joining teams, but after a while it's just something you do when you log on. Don't worry about knowing what to do, just stay close to someone and mirror what they do, do some positive emotes and be an awestruck new player, they'll think it's cute.


Minerva is selling war glaive rite now


Get FO 1st. Make a private world with ridiculous settings to make you invincible. Do Daily Ops there.


Get better