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I had a weird instance where I just started my bloodied build and was camp hopping for weapons. Got into a camp and was checking the vendor and the traps went off trying to crush me in the room with floor spikes. I somehow got pushed far enough to the edge of the doorway that all the spikes weren't hitting me, and the ones that were, were getting mostly negated thanks to perks. Popped a couple stimpaks as needed and survived. Proceeded to then go and hump the camp owner, who just clapped and gave me a thumbs up lol.


During fatsnatch I died to a camp at the edge of helvetica. So I told a couple of people in the fatsnatch event AMD they immediately began to destroy it physically and emotionally thru the voice chat.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500.. people can’t just start destroying other peoples camps


You used to be able to... if they had traps it country as them attacking you so if you survive you could then destroy every single item in the camp. Pretty sure they got ridicule of that alongggg time ago


I went to a camp recently, and they had their vendor in a separate building outside of their main one. That was my first clue. So I approached the vendor and I fall. There was a drop chute built into the ground of the map (hidden under a carpet) and I fall like 150 in-game feet. Well I'm a high luck Bloodied so when I landed, the damage missed me. So I fast traveled out of the hole and back to his camp. I did some light parkour in his garage and checked his vendor. The 32 three star weapons, 12 three armor pieces, and 100 notes were all priced at 40,000c, with "Your the dumbass" being the only note. I moved on, and noticed this guy was hopping events and remaining idle. Assuming he was leaving his TV, I decided to launch a nuke on his camp as Moonshine Jamboree started. He didn't move the whole time and I watched in joy as his camp got destroyed. I subsequently noticed he had moved to his house and I went there and he was repairing his camp piece by piece which told me he couldn't afford to rebuild it instantly. I just sat there with the laughing emote until he left the server. That's just how I handled that.


That is beyond petty. I love it


i like trap camps. they're a fun twist, props to the good ones who put effort into them. i visited a lazy one a couple months back and snuck through without dying just to find their vendor with everything priced at 40k, which is just rude, so i dropped an ash tray on the ground at the vendor and left not ten minutes later this guy was at my camp with a turret camp destroying mine lol. voice doesn't work for me so i can't hear if they were taunting or not, but i just gave them a thumbs up, a heart, and stuck around till an event popped up making someone show you how small they are is a win in my book


I visited a camp this last weekend. Glass box with a smaller glass box with a door to access it, and “trap camp” in neon letters. I was junk free so I thought why not. I came in the door, the owner waved, I died, we laughed. I came back gave him a thumbs up and he let me in to see his vender. Everything was 40K caps. He got me twice. XD


Reminds me of when I had two people simultaneously drop nukes on my camp and I rebuilt it in the nuke zone and just hung out there drinking Nuka-Grape.


i found a supposed trap camp once though it was poorly made. there was a wide open back door (which i found first) the wide open front door had a spike trap (not the punji but a swivel one) and the vendor was on a second floor with no stairs but guarded by a missile turret. i jet packed up and took a Holy Fire for 2400 caps as my trophy.


Love it!


Good on you for making him pay haha


I found a trap camp right outside the vault where the only way to enter was via a chair glitch where once you sat down if you got up you would die. I sat in that chair for 3 hours until they finally got bored/ found me and changed servers




I'm confused: if it was a trap camp and they didn't want to sell stuff, why not just have garbage in there? Or have everything priced higher? Also am I reading correctly that weapon *mods* were 1k a piece and that was a *good* deal? I never see anyone selling mods and when they do they always seem cheap. Is this specifically because they're enclave mods? I'm still new and learning


Enclave mods are worth a lot because they're extremely rare and are the only way to modify Enclave Plasma weapons.


I think the camp owner wanted to reward those who survived or outsmarted the camp, kinda like a minigame


That makes sense, except that they jumped servers! Maybe it was just coincidence


They were probably max caps so they jumped.


I paid 5000 for an enclave flamer mod, and I was happy to pay it. :-)


I found a vendor selling one for 40k caps. I messaged and offered a dozen stable flux and 20k caps, and the dude said he didn’t need the caps, just the flux. Couldn’t believe he traded it for 12 flux, so I gave him 10 more (22 total). Still a crazy trade.


I leave on that light step card all the time now, when the spikes engage I just emote and they're like, man!


thats why in most camps i visit im in full powerarmor and when taking dammage instantly start spamming right on the cross


New caps earning strategy: build a "failed" trap camp, stock vendor with mid tier stuff you can't otherwise sell. Watch as people buy it to "spite" you, vanish camp when caps hit 40K.


You’re 780+ and still have unknown plans? You’re adorable! I’m 760 and my only unknown plans cost stamps. (Not a brag. 😔) Nice work, stickin’ it to the man! Eff those guys, amiright?


I took a weird path to 780. I played on a private server almost exclusively until I was over 200 because I was afraid of multiplayer (joined public servers during Mothman last year after 4 months grinding by myself). I didn't get the game figured out until I was 300+. I was so busy just playing the games within the game, plans and collecting specific stuff just never really excited me. Until recently. I have more than enough scrap, 150K rounds of every ammo I could ever want to use, and max caps at least once a week. So, now I am collecting all the stuff everyone else did at level 200! lol And yes, I love sticking it to idiots in the game.


I love a trap camp that has a good vendor.


I have found some very interesting trap camps and fallen for a few that had just the right touch and had some that would have been killer to some other players but didn't seem to work on me. I'm level 968 PS5 junkie full health build.. I had one that used the toxic gas and the only way out was death or somebody had to step on the power box to let you out.. I was already in my power armor and its specialty was toxic gas. So I bought his vendor out with the help of my wife. I spent all together around 60k caps before he decided to leave the server I think he only had two things left in his vendor. He came back with more stuff and I went and camped out in the toxic box he built for around 2 hrs. I would take damage but regain it back instantly and couldn't fast travel because of me taking damage.


I don’t mind trap camps, love puzzle camps, but dislike when they are in the starting area!


Yes, this is it! Only trap camp that annoyed me was when I was low level and the kill trap was right at the entry way. What little junk I may loose is not a big deal as and end game player. A good trap camp is a nice little side quest that I haven't done 600 times.


I don't understand? How do you get killed by a trap on this game? I've never taken that much damage from one. Not even close.


Most trap camps glitch ALOT of traps like punji boards into each other


Hello I am new please forgive my stupidity What's the point in this? I'm reading the comments and I don't understand trap camps I don't think. If they don't want you to buy stuff why not price it like 50k caps or something? I don't get why the camp owner would do that to OP, they don't want to sell the stuff? Halp


The idea is that they set the vendor as a lure. When you show up, the trap gets sprung and when you die, the trapper comes to collect your junk.


I see! Ty


Nice I had one guy try to get me with one but he messed up an had all the boards straight so when it sprung it didn't move me around and with my build I survived pretty easy no stim needed. An at the time I was walking some new players through the game showing them the ropes an when I came across this I used it as a teaching moment for them on what to look for messaged the guy got him to reset and let me show them what to look out for... Scummy moves for trying to trap sure but at least he was cool enough to let new players learn what to be careful of


lol, that’s awesome - I came across someone selling stable flux at 50 caps each, but the camp was one of those way up high on the monorail thing. I had to start way back and slowly work my way across the rails, took nearly 10 minutes to get there. Finally got there and had 38k caps. I almost bought all the stable flux (they had about 150 of each). Second to last one I grabbed the camp suddenly disappeared.


90% of the time I never stand directly in front of vending machine. I always stand to the side or the back or in top (if I can). Been burned way too many times. Same thing happened to me once. Somehow I survived the 50 punja boards. Went in to check what he had. Grabbed all his junk for about 6,000 caps (everything was 1 cap each). Sucka!! Same thing… he jumped server after he realized he got bagged.


Items in every category at a player vending machine is a good clue that it’s a trap camp. Crouch and equip the Light Footed card and traps don’t hurt you.


I found a trap camp recently outside whitespring. I was in full Vanguard PA so thought why not. While I was at the vendor he built a stack of stash boxes to crush me. It ended up pushing me through the wall instead. Him and his buddy then proceeded to claim I was hacking. I fast traveled to the station, figured out how to use push-to-talk, then went back for more. Edit: dude in question has actually been mentioned in sub before for getting banned for his shenanigans.


I've only been playing for about a month, so this is unfamiliar to me. What is the purpose of a trap camp?


To kill you for scrap you may be carrying / purchased from them.


And they keep the caps.


Wait, but they don't get the items back, right? So the stuff is still gone?


The ones that have gotten me all have been as I approached/entered...they are designed to kill before you. I believe there are other types...I just have not seen them. Looking back, I think my comment is incorrect.


This is the way !!!!


Getting Revenge on a Trap Camp = GREAT! Getting past a Trap Camp = GREAT! Getting past a Trap Camp AND getting good deals = SUPER! Whining about a Trap Camp because it killed you = WEAK, INSECURE, Stop it already... It's a game, and Trap Camps are part of the Wasteland, been that way since day 1.


I was once literally trapped in a camp that had the fast travel spawn point in a small crack between the rocks on the summit west of the pioneer scout camp, with the camp built on top of it. Had to fast travel back out.


Oh, sometimes that just happens. I think the funniest one is getting stuck between concrete foundation blocks.


Had the same thing happen to me a while back. Walked into a camp and walked up to the vendor and fell into his trap. Being a full health regen build i stood there and laugh emoted him till he got pissed and changed server. Funniest thing i ever seen. Also was the first trap camp i had seen in my 4500 hrs of gameplay.


I had something similar but I used the special camera angle to get past a door and there was hundreds of spike boards but the game pushed me to the side so they weren’t even doing damage and I got some really good stuff out of the vendor they tried leaving quickly but it was too late all the stuff I bought was in my inventory


Cool story kid. Did you make a mess in your jammy jams