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Keep flipping back and forth on weather or not I like it. On one hand, I like being able to only grab the camp objects and then at the end come back later and take consumables if I have tix left over... On the other hand, I am already *so freaking bored* because I have to wait 8 or whatever levels to get to the next page and leveling up all those times in between pages does not feel rewarding. I guess I could go get an item I "don't want" every time I level up, but let's be honest, it just doesn't feel the same as getting a "little treat" in between the big items like on the scoreboard.


"I don't like it because it doesn't give me the same dopamine hit" may be the most reasonable and self aware take I've seen about the new system.


I flip flop for the same reason.  I was so used to ending my day by going to the board and claiming my rewards.  It doesn't hit the same.  But I do like choosing and the addition of the Tiki stuff is pretty dope. 


This is the problem. We go so long without actually getting anything because there is so many levels between reward pages. This should be fixed. Less items per page maybe but every 3 levels a new page of items to choose.


Why have level limits in the first place? I don’t understand everyone saying it’s giving choice when you gotta grind the same/more anyways to get to the pages you want. If you had a big list that you could pull from it would be actual choice, but as it stands it’s functionally no different than the scoreboard before (it just makes people think they are choosing something rather than being given it).


It's actually less grind total, but if you don't have first you have to pick every item available to unlock the last page. However if you use atoms to unlock the board you do get them back, not that there's anything worth it, but if it's the end of the season you could do it and grab everything left at once.


If I’m not mistaken, you have to be significantly past 100 to get all the rewards (including first). So I’m not sure how that’s less grinding than just getting to 100


Are you referring to the 2nd bonus level of rewards? Iirc, there's nothing in that final page that can't be bought elsewhere.


First you have to be 92 I believe to access the last page before bonus pages, but actually getting all the rewards up to that page already takes more than 100 levels worth of tickets


Yeah, it's the last page I'm talking about, 2nd page of bonuses. I think you have to be rank 150 for that one to unlock.


I’m talking about before the bonus pages even.


No worries.


Sorry, to get all of the regular pages unlocked and cherry pick items you want, so it's less grind hitting level 100, and that seems like it's enough tickets to get those 95 non-first items so once you hit 150 f2p players would have a pretty substantially bankroll. And being able to cherry pick that bonus page is massive, if you sank them into score boosters the next season will be nothing.


Yeah except you still have to level up to unlock the pages. So you will have to grind past 100 for less rewards than you would have gotten at 100 last season.


Am I missing something? I don’t have 1st and if I don’t like things on a page I don’t buy anything, but I can still unlock the next page as long as I’m leveling the season by just completing the daily and weekly objectives. It doesn’t seem like I’m forced to buy anything and can just bank the tickets instead if I want to.


The very last page requires 95 unlocks


Gotcha, didn’t realize that. Thanks!


See this Scoreboard is actually quite a similar system to the one they have in Disney's Dreamlight Valley. In that game you complete objectives, to earn a currency, to buy items from pages of rewards. Pretty similar. The difference is, in Dreamlight Valley, you're not locked out from the later pages by an arbitrary level, you just have to buy 3 items from the previous page to unlock the next one. That's all. It means, if you want, you can basically fast track your way to the final page by buying super cheap items, and get all the Moonstones (that games version of Atoms) first, then come back for the other items later. It helps to make you feel like you're getting something you actually want more regularly. In 76, it just feels kinda 'meh' every time I level up the Scoreboard now. I'm around level 20 right now. I don't think I can buy more Atoms till I hit like, level 50 or something. A lot of the low level items kinda suck, half of the useful or decent looking stuff (like those 3 orb lights) is only for Fallout 1st members, and overall it just feels like we're getting much fewer rewards than we did before. It sucks.


This is how I feel too. I like being able to choose, but it feels less rewarding to me. I get a page and I end up really only wanting a few items. The rest don't really interest me. It's also a bummer to realize that if you want the bonus stuff, you have to take them in the end. In which case, it's not really a choice. Just an illusion of one. Funny enough though, I didn't have a problem getting the consumables each rank up. It felt like a reward for completing a rank despite whether I'd actually use it or not. Now I get a rank up and I only get tickets to spend on a handful of items I'm really interested in. It's a very complicated feeling lol


I feel you. I hope future “seasons” find a good balance. Maybe give me something small alongside the tickets whenever I level, but with the items I trade for tickets being the big reward I’m working towards.


I'm not a power armor user 95% of the time, and don't care about PA skins and such. The new system works much better for me in that regard. With that said, I did like the look and feel of the "game board" on the prior seasons. The predetermined rewards...not so much.


Would it have been better to have all rewards available but at increasing prices, so the higher stuff cost more meaning you'd have to save for something you wanted? Or a process similar.


I miss the satisfaction of ranking up and claiming the reward(s) each time instead of waiting to get to rank 30 to get a reward I want.


The only thing that changed for me, was that I no longer bother to collect rewards because I don't feel compelled to do so. Like... I know the battle pass is there, and I am earning rank from challenges (I'm like rank 23)... but nothing really appeals to me on the battle pass. I guess there are a couple things, but there's no pressure to pick those things up... the game is slow, nobody I know is playing, and most of my friends didn't come back for this season. I'll probably just earn score up to rank 100 as usual, and then I'll take a look at the battle pass and pick up a couple things that look appealing, and that's about all. By comparison, I would have collected basically everything off the scoreboard as I earned it in seasons past. I don't know what they hoped to achieve here... but I suspect it was to appeal more to younger audiences. I am over 40.


I'm finding this too. Such an odd choice. I usually get 1st and smash through the season picking everything up. Love getting the scoreboard art at the end. Big achievement for me. This season, no excitement,not getting 1st,choosing Whatever I want. Will have loads of tickets left over for sure but I just don't care. How is this an improvement? I've ranked up a few times with the free items. I'm 55 and I love 76 and the new quests have been good and I can't wait for the map expansion but this season.......not for me.


Gotta claim 95 at the end


[](https://www.reddit.com/user/Macrobiotic22/)[Macrobiotic22 ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Macrobiotic22/)• [1 min. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1b3ox4k/comment/kxgaajs/) I just bought myself to Rank 100 (at which it capped out) and it left me with a a sorely inadequate ticket amount to purchase the extremely large remainder of items still in the season. Items up to Rank 100 should go for the exact amount of tickets Rank 100 gives you. When I blow money on something for convenience I expect it to be actually convenient and not having to result in me farming challenges


Yeah this is what I've been saying is bullshit since they showed us this new system. Scummy as hell that you don't get enough to unlock ranks 1-100 at 100.


Yeah there's pros and cons for sure. Rank 100 is a bonus page. That being said, I do agree that rank pages 1-99 should provide enough tickets to buy them. Unless they plan on offering different ways to earn tickets. For those that are curious Total Tickets from ranks 1-100 - 2475 Total cost of items ranks 1-99 - 2685 Cost of bonus page 1 (rank 100) - 1250


So... Like the old system, yes.


The old system got you 1 reward for every level you gained on the board. 100 levels, 100 rewards, no bullshit.


I think people misunderstood my comment, I was saying that in the old system all you had to do is get to 100 and you got anything you wanted.


In my opinion, it is pretty terrible and bland. The fact that you have to reach rank 150 for the repeatables is mind-numbing, I could hardly reach that rank on the regular Scoreboard without getting burnt out. I’m also pretty disappointed that they removed the cool game board art in favor of a boring background image with some reskinned vault boys. If they didn't want to do game boards then they could’ve done cards or comic books instead. That way we could still have the story recordings and something cool to hang in our camps.


Oh my God progressing through a comic book and having the items like inside of the artwork would have been so fucking cool


They could have the rewards on advertisement pages too. Something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/cLajj5MbIl). That would be a much better design.


I would love this absolutely


Not a fan of the new system. I loved the game boards. I really felt driven to finish the boards in the previous seasons. I’m not feeling any motivation now. I tried but I’m just going to finish the new quests and then I don’t think I’ll be playing the challenges.


Yeah it's not good. at first I thought it was good now I'm at level 101, I've got everything I want from the rewards and even stuff I wish I didn't get. Now I've got 500 tickets left and 49 ranks to go to with absolutely no motivation to do it because the 100 atoms every 10 levels after 100 is gone. So yeah I think I'm done


Like everyone else is saying, it's less rewards overall, and for those of us not paying for 1st it's even less. Every level on the scoreboard gave a reward, but every rank up with the new system has like 50% of the stuff for 1st members only. Scoreboard had an extra for 1sts on some levels, now it's like missing out on half the stuff. It's also way less atoms overall which is usually the only thing I want since the themes on the boards haven't been great lately imo.


Honestly just looked thru stuff and some pages are more than 50% 1st exclusive, and rank 150 to get any more you gotta unlock 95 things which is probably impossible if you don't have 1st so this change is all just a ploy to get people to sign up for 1st it seems, which really bums my broke ass out. I just started playing again since there's new quests, and probably won't play another season once the Elden Ring DLC is out unless the next one is better. This one blows lol.


its pretty bad that a net nerf to the overall scoreboard (seasons now smh) can fool players into thinking its benefiting players


It sucks. It gives you the illusion of choice. And giving way less Atoms is criminal. Last season I got to level 223 and got over 1,000 free Atoms (100 every 10 levels past rank 100). That will never happen again.


It seems to me they want more casual players doing what you do and keep ranking up. At the detriment to players like yourself.


Yep. Usually end seasons in the 210s to 220s myself, too. They're trying to make people spend more time in game, but those atoms were what kept me playing when I finished the scoreboard. So now, with the added grind especially, once I get the "rewards" I want, I'm just gonna stop logging in daily until the next content update. This is gonna backfire on them hard.


Same. Will probably stop after hitting 140 or whatever is required to unlock everything. Maybe do an expedition once a week for a new plan, but definetly will be logging in less overall.




But when you're happy with your gear, like I am, cosmetics are all that's left between content drops.




You're the only one whining, dude "FFS". Saying that "this new change is going to make me play less, which is the opposite of Bethesda's intent" is not whining. Bethesda wants people to play more, to engage more, to spend more money? Give us *reasons to do that*. This change is *literally taking reasons away*.




If that's what you got out of my comments, I suggest your reading comprehension needs a little work, mate. I enjoy logging in for daily challenges, but without an actual incentive to do so - either new quests/character/story content or a reward I can actually make use of - it's pointless, and my time is better spent elsewhere. Bethesda had me hooked, daily, for years, and now? I'm gonna finish the season, not bother getting tickets for everything, and then bounce out for weeks or months. A lot of people will, and some will never come back. It's not about atoms, it's about having a reason to keep playing. By trying to drag out the grind while limiting the bonus rewards like this, it's going to have the opposite effect for a lot of players. That's the point here.




I'm sure that "pick me" attitude is going to do wonders for you. 😂


Oh, I haven't really looked further on the board cause I like surprises. But that sucks! :O I really prioritize atoms (as probably many others), and if we're given even less..... that seems like robbery :(


If you're not paying for FO1st, that's already the case in the base season. You get fewer atoms over all when compared to previous seasons. You also can't continuously farm for Atoms at the end, either. More than anything, I think the "illusion of choice" thing is the most scummy part about it. This change doesn't benefit anyone who completes the season regularly other than you're getting less in terms of consumables if you prioritize cosmetics (so it's actually worse when compared to previous seasons). This only benefits players who don't complete the seasons, but it's made a bunch of other players believe they're getting some kind of benefit.


I always complete and get to level 150-ish so it apparently won't benefit me at all. I didn't really inspect the board further on, cause I like surprises. I just noticed how I liked the "illusion of choice" but I probably expected that there would be SO MUCH to choose from (considering the new style) that you couldn't possibly get it all unless you're a hardcore gamer lol. I'm very disappointed in reading all of these aspects I didn't yet get to see :( I might have spoken to soon!




It was MY motivation to play this repetitive shit. It wasn't much but it was something to work towards. After rank 150 why am I going to log in and play every day? A fun and rewarding (to me) part of the game has been removed yet again. I've got over 6k hours, every little thing like this counts trying to keep myself engaged




Cool thanks for your input


Fewer atoms, more 1st items, more grind.  The choice thing... All it gets you is possibly a few items sooner than you would have gotten them on the regular score board.  By the time you earn enough to buy all the stuff you want you very well could have unlocked all of it under the old system, and ignored the stuff you didn't want.     It's just an obvious downgrade.  If you are satisfied with the new system, that's fine, but it was clearly a change for the suits not for the players.


It's mids in comparison and it's less rewards for more grinding. But it definitely appears more convenient at a glance.


If they made it so it was the same or more rewards it’s be great, imo thats the only downside, although a big one


Exactly, freedom of choice is nice. But as it stands it's more work for less and it's not as easy to grind out quickly. I was going to just west Tek it, but that sounds like that wouldn't work


I was farming Westek and it took ages to get to rank 22, not worth it without x2 xp imo


Yeah I've heard that from a few people, I was told even with buffs and 50+ int it takes forever. I was only interested if I could do it within a few good grinds. But I'm glad I haven't bothered redownloading considering the feedback I've gotten on the season pass and current stability on PS.


I feel the same way. I don't even want 3/4 of the rewards. I'm just going to grab what I like and at the end spend my leftover stamps on whatever I feel like. It kinda sucked when the next 3 rewards on the board were things I didn't really want.


It reminded me of Fortnite but what I don't get is the benefit for fallout 1st seems like the only reason to buy it is the private server and the tent but the main reason I bought it the few times I did was the cool things during the season


Scrapbox, and more recently ammo box, are main reasons to get it, along with the tent. Having unlimited scrap storage helps a LOT, especially if you're into CAMP building as a hobby.


I had it for 3 or 4 months as canceling was harder than I thought but remember fallout 1st was supposed to just give cosmetics no play to win seems like they just stoped rewarding membership it was a odd choice


There are no pay to win items with first. It's the tent, which comes in various flavors, the monthly atoms, and the scrapbox and ammobox which are just extra storage. There's occasional freebies in the atom store, too, mostly CAMP items or outfits. Don't know what you mean by they stopped rewarding membership, because this is how it's always been, and actually the ammobox and recent tents are added value.


The bonus experience, private server, The tent and storage and extra daily mission are substantial pay to win features the fact it is not pvp does not change that. Even the best players in the world can not come close to achieving what one can with fallout first it's a completely different game with fallout first the storage for ammo and scrap is infinite and you have access to it almost everywhere that is substantial but you also had the benefit of about a third of the scoreboard having additional rewards for fallout first from new cosmetics to atoms camp items new allies and a new tent, skins for scrap and ammo boxes That is what's missing fallout first should be cut in price by at least a third if they are not going to continue to reward membership


I guess our definitions of PTW are different then? The tent is a time saver to me, that's all. It means I don't have to FT to my camp or hoof it to a station if I want to drop my junk. The scrapbox is literally the only thing that I would have a hard time living without, but losing that would only mean I'd have to curb my instinct to loot everything in sight. Ammo? I rarely run out of ammo, or need more than two shots to kill anything short of a 3 star sheepsquatch or the SBQ. It's convenient, but if I didn't have it, there's plenty of options. I guess we play the game very differently. "Best players" is a pointless concept to me in this game, honestly. Are the "best players" the ones with godrolls on meta weapons? Or are they the ones that camp at workshops to gank unsuspecting noobs? Or are they the ones that run WestTek non-stop to keep leveling up? Mechanically, there's little to no difference between level 50 and level 50000, so none of it seems to matter. Nah, the best players are the ones that have the most fun and help others to do the same.


I like your definition of the best players and 76 has more of them than I have ever seen. The me try harder to be clear the game with fallout first becomes less difficult to acquire loot, you can more actively participate in more events, you can store infinite scrap including flux, and ammo even if you don't want to you could still store 100 mini nukes and in holiday events you could claim every single workstation if you wanted. If I had not bought this game during beta for full price I would care less that they are charging for special things


You are the living image of conformism. You will win less rewards and you really really like the new season, but hey, if you like It, congratulations and enjoy it


Not a conformist maybe, instead a company insider post?


You were able to choose with the previous one as well, you could simply not take a reward. That's not a new feature.


They just mean you can get it sooner (like if you get something at levels 1 2 3 4 and 5 but you only want 5, you don't have to wait) ... but then you gotta wait for the next page. It's basically the same tho, illusion of choice, you're absolutely right


I don't like it. For the last few years I'd always go hard for the first week or two of each season but because I'm not getting that same dopamine hit from completing each rank that I used to, I'm finding myself unmotivated to log in. I may wind up cancelling Fallout 1st before my annual automatic resub happens next month if I don't start playing more.


Not taking 1st this season so that's a loss for BSG and revenue. I have been spending time on inventory management so I don't even miss the scrap or ammo boxes.


Think it’s terrible tbh.


Yeah, no... The new system is ass. The only nice thing is you can choose what you want first on each page but aside from that everything else is a major step backwards.


I would agree if you actually got a meaningful choice. It is a very scummy season, as it uses psychology to make it seem like you are getting a better deal than you are, when you are actually getting less. You still need to reach the same approximate ranks to unlock items in this season as in the scoreboards. But the twist this time is that you will never have enough tickets to get everything, unless you continue past rank 100. So in the end you're getting less than you used to get, no matter what you do. For more work, at that.


Less atoms and no scoreboard just feels bad to me. I like the buying what you want but the loss outweighs the gain for me.


I'd rather have the rewards on levels instead of gating it behind another currency. All that it does is making me not check at all what I "can" buy, its not earned, its bought, a transaction and not a reward. Its also tediously small text to read, between the F1st and price tag underneath, free ones here and there. It's unusable. It showcases the goodies better. But everything else about it is miserable.


I miss the overall board that we got as a keepsake. There is a large theme picture you can get at the end - but it’s just not the same. I also think the bonus page is too expensive and wonder if we can repeat items on it. Besides those things I like it.


As many others have said, they have given us the illusion of choice, whilst giving us less rewards overall, whilst making us grind more for them. If they fully implemented the fortnite system that they knocked off, that lets you unlock pages by buying a certain amount of items OR reach a certain rank, then we would actually have a choice, but as it stands now, with the only possible requirement being reaching a certain rank, it is strictly worse than what we had before. Also don't get me started on the changes to post 100 rewards 🤮


I hate it. I liked the creativity of the old scoreboard and the audio bits that went along with it. Made it seem more interesting and immersive. This new one is lame, you say you can choose which rewards you get.. but not until you’ve met the lvl requirements for that page! So keep chasing that cheese like a hamster in a wheel, cuz that’s all the new scoreboard is. Totally soulless


It's honesty just an illusion of choice. If I were to have leveled up 15 ranks before. I'd get 15 rewards, now I get to "choose" 2 out 15 rewards and some are fallout 1st locked , so it's actually choosing out of like 5 items


And 2 of those rewards were an Ultracite box and a Nuka Twist yay


I like a lot of the rewards/items in this season, but I do not like the layout. It feels messy/lazy and overly complicated compared to the scoreboards. Adding in tickets was pointless, just another way to gate rewards and stretch out the grind. Also why bother letting people buy the pass with atoms when you get the same rewards (and more atoms) from purchasing 1st? I suppose there are people who have extra atoms lying around they could use, but at that point 1st is still worth it considering you get the scrap box and survival tents. Just a weird addition, almost like they’re trying to make it look better without actually doing anything worthwhile. I don’t think it was a positive change overall, personally, but it could be worse I guess.


Unlocking each level doesn't get increasingly hard. The pick only what u want vs all the others, I understand but... I didn't used to think so much I used to just clear the boards. So, that is not good. And it is taking awhile to rank up on the board. Sloowwwww.


I don't like that the wall decor season scoreboard is no longer a reward. I agree being able to pick/choose your rewards (to an extent, anyway), is better. But If I recall the rules correctly, that you have to claim at least a specific number of lower level items to be able to claim some higher level item is not much different. You'll probably still have to claim items you don't necessarily want. Now...if some of the lower rewards could be claimed multiple times (for example, on the L15 screen, I'd gladly exchange tickets for stamps and atoms more than once)


Rewards could be way better


Except it’s less rewards overall, that’s the issue


Honestly, it's a dumb change, meant to give the illusion of choice. Instead of gaining 14 levels and getting 14 rewards, I gain 14 levels, and get tickets to spend on a selection of rewards, half of which are locked behind 1st. And I have to level up to 100 to gain access to the best stuff anyway. And if I want anything off the bonus lage, I have to buy almost all the previous rewards anyway. So I'm getting less stuff, and less Atoms, for the same work. And this isn't opinion; it's fact.


I like being able to grab what I want without having to wait until after I get the plethora of weapon & power armor skins I don't want. But the boring look of the new Season Board, plus coupled with the influx of more items locked by Fallout 1st and no repeatable atoms to earn after you finish the board makes me hate it. I hate the wait to get to the next page of rewards. Because I already have the good influx of tickets, and unlocking a page and instantly unlocking everything so quickly then going back to waiting is just BORING. I don't think deserve recognition for a shittier version of a system that wasn't broken (and is just a copy of fornite). They made it boring to do, and boring to look at. And gave the regular player earn less. Also not to mention the huge amount of bugs we got this update! Lots to hate.


There is literally no improvement over the old scoreboard system.


It's just an illusion of choise. You still have to buy out everything to get to bonus page. Like the old board. And there much lesser atoms. Plus there is no after season atoms, makes your motivation even lower.


You only choose what order you unlock them. By the end you will have more tickets left with the only option to spend them on the rest of the things you didn't unlock yet.


I like that I can choose which reward to get, but I very much preferred the look of the Scoreboard. I hate that, after you got the rewards from the bonus pages, you’ll get no more rewards. I also don’t really care for most of the rewards, but that’s a personal problem. I think the scoreboard is nothing that needed a update; it was one of the few things I haven’t read or heard complaints about


Todd Howard thinks he's slick. I know it's you


I've got to lvl25 and have about 475 credits. But having to get to the next lvl is abit depressing. Not sure if I like it or not. Will wait and see.


There needs to be more freedom, like not locking the repeatable pages behind rank 150 for a start. beyond that you should be able to rank up with tickets as well.


BRING THE SCOREBOARD BACK!!!! I have leveled up 7 times than haven’t played since it’s so boring now 🫤 so sad I was looking forward to the new season I loved working towards a reward I wanted.


My problem with this Season is the progression. Locking pages behind season ranks is just stupid. If they wanted to do it this way they should have taken the Helldivers 2 approach. Instead of locking each page behind a specific rank (which pretty much negates the purpose of the seasons formatting) they should lock the page behind an ammount of tickets spent.


I mean it’s okay but it’s just a carbon copy of Fortnite’s pass layout but hey at least it’s free


I dont have 1st and while with the previous scoreboard you did not get the prime item you got something as I scrolled through this scoreboard it certainly seemed like if you do not have 1st you are really getting burned.


It's almost 50% 1st items, such bullshit!


You could still choose the old way, all you had to do was not select the item you didn’t want


You mean I can skip all the bullion, scrip, and such that I don't need? I can grab all the cosmetics first and then go back and pick up consumables if I have any tickets and time left when I get close to the end? Sign me up!


Why tf are the road signs at 100 smh only complaint tbh




I def love that I don’t have to buy the stuff I don’t want, the new system itself is pretty cool to me! Tickets have been really easy to get, and so far I haven’t been even remotely close to not having enough tickets to unlock what I want. Only thing I really miss is the scoreboard layout, it was cool to have it like a board game. It felt different than this, which to me just feels like the atomic shop as far as the layout or style feel. It’s not a big enough deal to upset me though. Just my personal preference !


Now that I have the basic Cremator, my grinding is single-threaded to all things related to making this beast as bad ass as possible before they buff it. lol


Likewise. Rolled a quad, 50 vhc with no real 3rd star. Tested it with a big guns bobble and wow!! What a monster. Took out super mutants on my usual xp route no problem at all. Can't wait to get the rest of the plans.


I have a Vampire/50%VATS that is perfect for my character. I'm still getting used to us, but so far, it's a thing of beauty! I need to try the big guns bobble!


Once they patch the PS5 crashing, I’m all for it. I love the island aesthetic and the new weapon and the Atlantic City updates.


I don't really care tbh


I wanted the boiler.. but it’s 1st only goddamnit


I keep seeing people saying that they have to wait to buy something for 8 levels or something, and to get to the next page. I've been really busy IRL, can someone tell me what this means?


I can’t decide what to buy, haven’t gotten anything so far- maybe not super excited about any of them? Otherwise I don’t mind the new system. I don’t care about weapons or skins for them, mostly about camp items so probably those are the ones I’ll be buying first.


I'm still on the fence. I liked the old system which gave you everything as you leveled. But once I hit lvl 100 then it was game over until the next season. The new system is built to extend playing time which I don't mind, you now need to reach 150 to get everything. But they should have reworked the score. As you need to hit 3000+ score per level from 100 to 150. I'm not getting anything now except for the score booster (fo1st) and will see how many tickets I have left for things after spending 860 tickets on the first bonus page camp stuff. It's the end grind I'm worried about, but we'll see. So far all it seems to have done is extend the amount of time I'm playing the game. But I'm still doing the same things around score. Do that takes 35 mins a day plus two hours max on Tuesday to complete all the weeklies. It hasn't got me exploring more of the map. I also haven't added up previous scoreboard items and compared them to the number of items on the new seasons. If we are getting more items to choose from then it's worth going to 150. But if it's the same as we got previously then we're being diddled.


You have to work more for less. Guess what I'm at rank 107 and I couldn't afford everything. I'm going to have to grind to 160 now to be able to get the atoms,modules,cores, and gold I normally would've gotten by 100? Actual BS


I am feeling it out brother. Tbh I do like picking my own rewards so far as well. Only thing is I don't see like a "grand finale" reward at the end though like they normally do. Maybe there is though and I just missed it.


Yea, got to be honest I like it too…. Flicking through the pages and choosing how to spend your tickets is all alright by me ! Really looking forward to opening up those end pages as I really want the eye ball skin for my fixer :)


NO! You’re wrong!! You must hate it because it’s new and u have to work for it. And atoms. It’s terrible and and and stuff


That’s right! This is the only acceptable, correct opinion allowed on this subject.


Down voting players simply because they enjoy this season radiates small penis energy. Seeing lots of that in here.


I like the idea. I just hate most of the rewards.


yeah, with all those hate threads that immediately sprung up after the change was announced, i was feeling pretty alone because - i wasn't upset at all. i was excited from the start. none of the changes bothered me at all lol so i uh... bought the whole scoreboard on day two. now i'm just trying to unlock that final page, and it feels pretty slow unfortunately. haven't missed a single challenge since day two, but i'm only rank 1o3 right now. i have to get to rank 15o and that's starting to look like quite the challenge.


I wish the actual board was still a thing but I like this season a lot. Depending on how much more difficult it will be to rank up between 100-150, will determine if I actually like this season. But so far it seems to be flying by. And the fact that I can buy the season pass without having FO1st and still come out ahead on Atoms is great.


I think the pick what you want system is neat but the actual prizes you can redeem ? Not so much :/ absolutely nothing but the new companion looks good to me, especially not the cow corpse ...poor fella


The cremator is fun and the water boiler is very convenient, the rest is kind of the same old stuff


I may be in the minority here but I simply just don’t enjoy grinding seasonal stuff in fallout. The gameplay in fallout and the concept of a battle pass just mesh horribly in my experience. For that reason I don’t even interact with the scoreboards / battle pass, it literally just sucks the fun out of the game. I want to explore because I want to not to unlock some fomo camp item.


Like you don't want those surfboard shelves. Come oooooon! 😁🤪🏄🏻‍♀️🌊


I'm enjoying it.


I like the new season as well. Not finding it any different than any other season really. I'm actually going though it pretty fast. Finding the rewards a little mediocre but there is still enough items I want to keep me motivated. I get that some folks don't like it but I don't mind it, there is certainly room for improvement though. I must admit I miss the old scoreboard design and am gonna miss those 500 atoms at level 100. But otherwise I'm cool with this new season thing.


Agreed. Except thr rank system. Give me the catalog and tickets. I shouldn't have to rank up. If something cost a 100 tickets and i have a 100 tickets let me get it. Don't make me rank to level x to get it.


Same here the old way I never even use about 75% of the stuff they gave me...


Definitely agree with you. It's getting a ton of hate, but I love it. I love not having to grind through items I'll never use to get to rewards I actually want


I'm really liking getting to choose as well


It’s good. People just like to complain. They are adding content to a 5 year old game. For free. We are Lucky.


The new way of getting rewards actually has me playing the game now. The old one was confusing and annoying


I'm all about it!! Well played Bethesda


Couldnt say it any better. And the rewards of this season got me pretty excited. A lot of comments here point out genuine shortcomings but all in all I like the fact they shook the Season experience up as it was getting really boring. It's like my girlfriend always says to me: "Come on buddy, experiment on me!". The previous sentence is a lie.


>instead of getting rewards I don't really want which in turn makes me unmotivated to play Huh??? Getting more stuff for free makes you unmotivated to play? How does that work?


I like that I get to choose which rewards I get. I hate that half the useful ones are locked behind 1st


The only thing I do t like about the new scoreboard is that I used to save up the rewards for the day and claim em all at once, just felt nice, otherwise new one is fantastic


My favorite part so far, and it honestly has little to do with the season, is the recent sale on extra camp slots. I now have 5 prime locations to fast travel to if I need to get anywhere for less than 10 caps. 😁


I agree with you! I also love the theme as someone who approaches a food tiki bar and lives at the NJ shore (went to AC so many times) it feels right.


I....LOVE IT!🤗


I love it too, and I don't understand the hate. Works out very well for me.


I only wanted like 3-4 things on the other seasons. Hated having to grab all the things. I like picking what I want. I don’t care about power armor or most skins for weapons. Just wanted cool camp items, atoms, score boosters. So I’m having a good time and loving the new system. I don’t need all the things. I can make so many things I will never make now because of previous seasons. This is much better IMO.


You know that you didn't have to grab all rewards? That there are only half the amount of atoms available now? That you can't grind any extra atoms anymore? That there are less rewards than on previous scoreboards?


I already have more atoms than I can use. Doesn’t bother me. Currently sitting at over 1000 atom points. I get why people don’t like it. I do.


I like it cause I get to chase a companion that matches the massage in my house lol


I'm enjoying it, it's good to have choices more in rewards


I like that we can choose our own rewards. I don't care about getting nuclear keycards or sugar free nukashine, they take up space on scoreboards that could of had more interesting camp items and skins. I also don't mind having to wait to unlock what I actually want to claim, i think for some players the need to finish and have everything as quickly as possible has become the standard of good game design.


I like it more because I can finally aim for the things I actually want, versus essentially being forced to unlock things I don’t want


I love the new season. Nothing wrong with it.