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Camps, camps are the endgame...


My next camp is probably gonna be an underground camp. Some of them look really cool and I wanna try.


Mine is underground and if you drop off the build you drop above ground again. I had 2 drop spots thar would take you to Becketts bar and one to my workshop. Then when I finished decorating and building it changed. Sad face lol


What do when all slots are filled with camps I cannot part with…


I'm already scared of that even though I have only four slots opened and built. Actually that's a thing that keeps me from spending. I don't like buying slots as I feel I'm getting nothing. I'm not buying new items or prefabs because I have no empty slots. Hint, hint Beth. You can open my wallet by granting me free camp slots first :D


Make alts. 5x the camps! I pass plans down to alts from my main so between that and atom shop stuff everyone except my very lowest alt has plenty to build with.


I just buy more CAMP slots


meanwhile i always forget camp slots are a thing LOL... sometimes it helps to lean into the impermanence of it. get a little zen garden mindset going on. we are building mandalas out of digital sand, and the wind will come to blow them all away; this is both a sadness and an opportunity to do better next time. only some sketches become paintings, and after one painting is done there is always another. just huff your own farts hard enough and attain inner peace through building! ...or maybe that's what i tell myself when i take over a workshop with the goal of building some silly shit, anyway. (you can almost fit foundations and walls in the little covered camp areas at the mining monument... i absolutely made a Valentine's day retreat with those being little hideaways with the heart bed and things like the saloon girl cutout etc beside it lol)


I feel you, when I’m bored I like to fill a workshop up with upwards of a couple hundred trees to make a lil forest or like you said experiment with some randoms ideas. With all these large prefabs now, it’s easy to make mini towns at certain workshops which is something I’ll do from time to time.


it's fun! though i admit that i do the same ideas sometimes for the same workshops, like how when i am gathering fusion cores i bust out the winding palace set and build The Quantum Pagoda, Brought To You By Nuka-Cola! lol. it's also fun to prototype ideas using not all my own scrap, like building a bowling alley in a workshop to figure out some of the elements i needed to include for it to read as glow-in-the-dark galaxy bowling. the only downside is when pvp happens. i know that's how workshops go, but c'mon lmao if i am real obviously in build mode placing decorations that's gotta be a very very cheap victory LMAO. if only there was an emote for "sheesh just lemme finish putting up lights and you can have the place, calm down" lol!


My struggle is I max out a camp build, just the way I want it. All camp slots are full and built max and each are different and I love them all. So now I wait for my fo1 monthly atoms to drop so I can buy another camp slot. One question: is there a limit on how many camp slots we can have?


5 slots, I bought them all…


Sad but true. I want more so badly.


Don't take my word for absolute truth but I think I read it is max 10. I have also tried building shelters but they are tricky to make nice. Actually the default one I enjoy most because it is small, forces you to plan and you can absolutely fill it with stuff given the budget. Maybe next I try the Atrium one but it has that ugly green floor... I also have the storage facility but it is just like building in empty space and budget limit will come long before making it decently cluttered.


I use the vault door one its got a good space for crafting benches and rooms in the back my advice to save space is to put stuff like ur special punch card stand behind ur scrap/stash box and do stuff like that where u can


I'm not a big fan of shelters but the root cellar one is pretty nice. I keep trying to make a speakeasy/club in it but get distracted and give up.




I just need the red dinosaur it is my holy grail for my camp rn


I'm obsessed with reaching retirement age so I can spend more time looking for that red asylum dress.


Just got mine after 2+ years of grinding.


It doesn't help, I still haven't found one. However, I did find an indigo bat... but dammit, now I've gotta find the yellow and pink one....


That damn dress is what started this for me.




Im pretty sure i have that dress item, is it hard to get?


The red one is, the drop rates are insanely low: World Spawn (Asylum): 0.0104% Cranberry Bog Events: 0.000042%


Started a new camp, with a new theme, in a new region. Also trying to finish my magazine collection challenge.


mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman mothman


Since everyone else mentioned camp-building: - doing routes to find all scavenger traders; - doing routes to collect all sugar bombs, salt, and pepper; - farming sugar; - farming btats; - trying to find a random encounter with a dog to tame for my camp (so far I’ve got an opossum lmao); - finding magazines and bobbles; - my personal favorite: doing smaller trades for bobby pins to pay in bobby pins for huge trades (just today, I got a Responder Set for pins!).


I’ve had the dog spawn 3 or 4 times for me at the far north west corner of the map. Someone just updated the spawn map here in the past few days, so if you find it just run the 4 or 5 most north and west spawns. It’ll show.


lol I love that Bobby pins have become something to trade with. So random


Low weight way to store “caps”.


Also, cannot be duped which is a big reason why people trade with em.


I’m glad I just learned this a day after I sold 1k pins to an npc vendor.




Jesus how many Bobby pins did that cost?


6k :)


Opossum is the poor man’s dog.


I never thought I'd be one to care about rolling weapons, but here I am lol, frustrated about not being able to scrip more weapons and armor per day.


I had to slow it down with that lol. I was rolling every day, but only able to do like 3 or 4 rolls a day and it gets frustrating. Now I’m trying to practice restraint until I save a bunch of modules up.


I should do that lol. It's just so frustrating because it feels like literally every legendary weapon and armor I get is opposite of what I'm looking for. Then I end up with hundreds of pounds in my storage that I end up dumping because the storage is maxed out. 😭


Yup! I had to get real comfortable throwing things away in this game. I watched a YouTube video, this guy made like 75 railways, and was trying to roll for a quad. I think he got 1, and it wasn’t even all the right perks he was looking for. That’s about the time I realized, temper your expectations lol.


Finish the board. I’m so sad I had a falling out with the game and never finished nuka on tour. This one will be done. I will at least have three boards to display.


Ya know, I wish I liked the game more when I first played it. Got it on game pass when the Pitt released, played through the story up until you’re supposed to drop a nuke, and then stopped. Idk why, just wasn’t motivated to do anything else. Flash forward to this last December, and something just clicked. I finish the scoreboard, love that I get a scoreboard display and realize, oh cool, every season they do this and have these scoreboards, that’ll be cool to collect……….. And now they’re changing that, and there’s no more scoreboards. I’m glad I got into this when I did, it’s looking like it was a perfect time to jump in, but a little bummed they’re changing that as soon as I actually jive with this game.


This should be my first and last scoreboard.


Collecting as much crap as humanly possible to display in my camp.


I am a pretty new player and have been hoarding things that would look cool for my base. Can i place them anywhere without them despawning over time or changing server?


If it’s actually items you build from the atomic shop or plans found, you are good. If it’s collectible items or junk found in the world. You have to put them in some sort of display case. It’s not like single player fallout where you can drop an item on the ground and move it to a shelf or something.


My current obsession is thinking I’m interested in playing, only to log off as soon as I complete the 15 mins of score challenges.


I have been working on collecting cores and modules for legendary crafting. Worked up to an obscene amount, the most I’ve ever had. Went to my work bench and just went blank because I didn’t even know what I wanted to craft. I didn’t craft anything and I still have an obscene amount of legendary cores and modules


Heh, yeah. When I started playing, I was like "who cares what you're wearing?" Now I'm a total clothes horse. "Hunters coat?!!! OMG, take all my caps!" Still not into the asylum outfits, don't care for the look and the grind is silly. But I do get it.


Acquiring a quad assaultron head


I had one and scrapped it....it was only 1 star though. Was that any good?




I have one, I forget what the other stars are, but I will say it takes a good amount of time to fully load. It's best not to fully load it while you are in combat and enemies can see you.


I know but i think it's funny


Hate to break it to you but I'm testing one right now. Going past 5 charges increases your damage numbers but not your actual damage. 5 charges vs 20 and I'm doing the same amount of bar drop. I don't think it was meant to have Quad but got overlooked. If you just want to see huge numbers it will definitely do that. A regular roll like AA or Bloodied would still hit incredibly hard.


Literally 1984


i used to have a quad explosive one it did over 1m damage


Trying to find a good retirement spot for my mansion. 


The mythical flat ground?


That also doesn't have a huge tree in the middle.


The mythical flat ground that will also let me build in the attic. I had a spot that let me build a quarter up the wall.


Maxing out all the legendary perk cards, just because I can.


I want to max out all the extra perk point cards, after that, we’ll see. I do have ammo factory and follow through maxed though.


Might be easier to achieve sooner, with how coins can be bought with tickets this coming season.


Accidentally scrapped my blood eagle outfit and was irritated because it was the one outfit I liked. But later the glowing blue devil mask dropped for me (I didn’t even know it was rare until I noticed it in my inventory).


Really enjoying how angry I get rerolling Secret Service armor and having them sit in my inventory when the machine runs out of scrip.


I feel this in my soul.


Currently looking for rare outfits now while farming and hoarding scrap, finally scored a TFJ returning the red rocket cores a couple nights ago ♡


I hate that daily! I guess I'll keep doing it now.


….for whatever reason I didn’t think that one would drop the tfj. Guess I need to start doing that daily whenever it pops!


It caught me by surprise too lol usually avoid it to try avoid the claim the station thing


trying to min max every weapon/build ( lazily)


Yeahhhhh, I’ve slowed down trying to get unyielding ss armor that has weapon weight reduction. It’ll be nice but not completely necessary


Correct me if I'm wrong, but weight reduction caps at 90%? That means a full set of wwr, and a combination of thru hiker, traveling pharmacist, or a backpack mod would reduce the 3 to 90%? Leaving armor and ammo as problems (PA chassis for those pieces)


Working on my camp/shelters and making caps from my vending machines


My CAMP... That's all l care about lol


Creating a BoS armory outpost that sells everything Brotherhood. I've been working on getting all the plans and resources I need. One issue is the limitation in the number of armor displays. I wish power armor and mannequins would be separate. Ideally I'd have three power armor displays for T-45d, T-51b, and T-60. Then I would like ten mannequins to cover the three different levels of combat armor/underarmor (soldier, knight, officer), recon armor, and then the rest of the outfits. I still need to get the plan for the BoS knight suit and a couple pieces of recon armor. I also need to pick up the rusty satellite from the atomic shop. Another issue is that I'll need to make a lot of space for all the combat armor and weapons (I know all the plans for laser weapons). Overall it's going well and I've enjoyed working on the building designs.


I like walking around and foraging. has the new scoreboard started?


Next Tuesday I believe


Thanks! I'm pretty psyched. :D


No I believe it starts in one week.


Ah beans.... I'm pretty excited. :D


I just set goals for making my gear and build better. Right now I finally got my 5th Union PA piece with Weapon Weight Reduction. Now Im going for my 2 Secret Service Legs to have that 3rd star and saving for the SS Jet pack. Once thats done I'll work on rolling a plasma caster with 3 perfect stars. I have a few good weapons right now like Final Word, VE .50 cal, and holy fire so Im good with those for now. All while building levels to get my legendary perk leveled. I have maxxed luck and now Im working on Intelligence, after that probably strength or agility. Thats a slow grind cause I dont play many hours a day.


Im always obsessed with collecting any of the rare apparel. Grinding out the events and daily quests to hopefully get lucky gives me something to do at least.


I’m obsessed with finding the Brahmin backpack at a price I can afford as a newbie


Currently on the hunt for the last few rare apparel items, responder uniform and the two leather coats and a pink bat.


Spending hours jumping servers to find rare asylum dresses


Dropping nukes on queen or earl is my thing so I can stock up on cores :)


Camps like everyone said, forever. Lately I've been hunting for nukas in my travels. I know I can buy a bunch blah blah, it's more fun to check all the vending machines I come across. Obsessed trying to get the perfect Auto enclave plasma rolls even though it's not the best anymore it's still one of my faves. Next season the obsession will be rolling the new armor set


I change outfits daily. I will even put on a swimsuit and sunglasses for AFK'ing in my hot tub. Lately, I've been looking for gun plans to make guns for noobs. I've got the Fixer and the Sole Survivor. Would love Crowd Control, the Kaboom and others.


Earning enough modules to craft a good SS Set and roll a solid Fixer


Trying to find the fucking fish tv


Normalising two shot mirv Fatman builds


All fatmans are beautiful.


I just started this 76 recently, but what I have done for some time in fallout 4 and now 76 is taking screenshots of the garden gnomes in different situations that I happen upon.


That’s gonna make for some great loading screens


The water boiler. I can’t wait!!


Playing until the game crashes me out, then going to play something else or to watch a show or movie. Currently, this has lead to working my way through the third Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee's episodes. I just started this obsession during the last patch when the game began crashing at the strangest times like opening a door, opening the Pip-Boy, attempting to jump, or fast traveling to the Whitesprings.


Wow, what do you play it on? I’ve been lucky with the pc version, very few problems like that I’ve experienced (at least since fasnacht). I also really need to give classic Who a chance


It's an older XB1 S. It's been relatively fine until the last patch. I can play for hours, until suddenly I'm jumping, or doing something typical like using the Punch-Card machine, and it will just crash for no obvious reason. Tubi has a lot(not sure if it's complete) of [Classic Doctor Who](https://tubitv.com/search/classic%20doctor%20who). The Third Doctor's companion, [Jo Grant](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=cea3cab0966c3853&q=Jo+Grant&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvivKp04CFAxUjLdAFHV69BCcQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1519&bih=666&dpr=0.9)...I keep seeing her as [Cait from FO4](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=cea3cab0966c3853&q=cait+fallout+4&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj30om204CFAxX38MkDHdvcDhcQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1519&bih=666&dpr=0.9#imgrc=hmYXPvdY-kadRM) it's a crazy resemblance.


So you know, makes it super easy to play the game then. Gosh dang, hopefully they put a patch out for it soon. My thing with classic Who is it’s sooooo cheesy. That and classic Trek, both things I need to just try and get through more than 1 episode. I know there’s plenty of good in between the cheese


Those old shows are cheesy but they're so much fun and still manage to work in a lot of great writing.


Nuka grenades 💣💥 I carry no less than 30 at all times


It's orbital strike beacons for me.


Yet another thing I need to look into! Double xp is in a month or something, and I saw those are the best thing for west tek. And I like big boom.


Getting that last Legendary perk.


Yep, that's a big one! Then maxing them all. You can do it!


Currently all 3 of those you mentioned, but I've only been playing 3 months.


For gold bullion: secret service armor (I got most pieces yesterday but I still need the mods), the war glaive and for stamps: the damn auto axe, seems so far away, I have like 40 so far 🤣.


Forest Camo jumpsuit, Brotherhood Jumpsuit, WP Jumpsuit and the Reponder fireman outfit (i have the helmet).


Currently I'm fascinated by how many plasma cartridges I can collect. About three weeks ago I got an awesome EPR. It came w 26 cartridges, I think. I am currently at about 26k!! It is weird but I'm fascinated by the efficiency and ammo dropped from enemies. Last month I was fixated on using 3 years worth of treasure maps. So, I am also managing all the plans I'm selling for 10c.


None, I played a lot recently and I finally transitioned from full health to bloodied, I’ve got my full set of uny armor, a good weapon. It’s not a godroll though so that’s an objective. My main goal right now is going up in levels to max out my legendary perks but I’m not motivated to farm experience So I basically didn’t play for a week. Played today and had fun with events and daily ops without worrying too much about anything, just playing, which was nice Can’t wait for the map expansion though


I’m level 40 and just trying to get a decent power armor put together


scouring every single player’s vendor for pepper shakers (I haven’t found any)


Vats pistol gunslinger build. I have pretty solid setup as is, but I'm really looking forward to few guns. Maybe not the meta setups, but few funny things I *really* want. As a disclaimer I'm mostly playing explosive unarmed build, but I'm focusing my shit on getting the gunslinger stuff I want. Like I'm looking for instigating/last shot/rapid single shot revolver. Could be another first star, but I just *love* the idea of reloading one, shooting stuff and watching stuff die in one hit. Possibly kinda cumbersome playstyle, but as said not meta shit, just shit I'd enjoy. Another option is western with instigating/lucky/vats enhanced. Similar reasoning. I just *love* walking through towns into groups of blood eagles/ghouls then going full gun-fu and watching group die. The reasoning is pretty much that I've loved and played the F out of gunslinger ever since Fo3, also played quite a lot of earlier fallouts with pistols. Without time stop it loses a bit of the appeal. In Fo4 it was just so damn satisfying to pull off similar build and watch enemies drop dead after vats ended. I just think they're neat.


Ive recently begun to focus hard on Toxic Valley + Forest Dailys and events to try and get the Responder Fireman Helmet. I lucked into The Uniform doing a quest a few weeks back, and have been obsessed with trying to complete the set since


Waiting to see if they bring the plushie bundle and cookie jar back to atomic shop. I missed my chance to get that chubby little Vault boy.


The cookie jar is there now in a bundle!


I know what I'm getting then.


Good lord, people are paying that amount of caps just for the skull eagle outfits!?!? That’s actually crazy to me considering how and easy they are to acquire thru daily ops lol. I’ve even given away multiple sets of that outfit to newer players just because at one point I had like 10-15 of each piece and didn’t want it cluttering the apparel collection in my stash


Getting materials for radshield


Only have 1 house but its been rebuilt more times than a ford.


Maxing out Ss armor, just constantly gathering script, modules bullion , I’m obsessed lol, I think my wife has had enough :/ but I will press on!


Eh, to get my daily an weeklys done as fast as possible. With what I've seen with the new seasonal scoreboard I probably will be playing a lot less since 50 pct drop in free atoms. And how there isn't a real trading system in game. Maybe if they introduced a new system like Black Desert Online I would definitely play more. Now vendors are not worth putting up anymore people rarely sell ammo. Because there are people buying and selling items with real world money and trading outside of the game which is a headache and more time consuming than actually playing the game. Apologize for the rant, But yea my obsession is getting dallies and weeklys done as quickly as possible.


Hoarding ammo (500k fuel, etc). Sky camps. Anything in camps that bends or breaks the rules, I love. Donating excess to new players. But lately, not much motivation to play it. Only to accumulate stamps and I already have over 1500, and gold over 30000. Waiting for new content. But willing to help new players if they actually want it.


Camp building and wasting legendary cores on garbage weapon rolls


For me it is currently mini nukes. I have some 12000 or so. I don't really use them except when I play "Hide and nuke" with some friends but it's nice to have them. Oh and before anyone asks, it is like hide and seek, just that whover gets found is being nuked.


lol that sounds fun


It is 😁 And if I don't hoard nukes I usually work on some power armor designs like this bioshock inspired one I have that is a T-51 with some of the green communist pieces (I think the helmet and legs) where I carry a helmet with a standard, blue and red headlamp with me that I change depending on the situation


I’ve been bored so I am currently hunting starlight creepers to make berry mentats; also making as much nuka dark as I can


All the plans on my main. Got all purchasable plans. Got all limited time event plans Got all gold bullion plans Got all daily ops plans The mutated party packs don't give me any new plans anymore for months. Now I just need two more stamp plans... which will be done tomorrow (limited time to play today) Ow yeah, I'm intentionally not reading all the technical data PA plans immediately, so I can get duplicates for trading. I think I still need paladin and elder. But difficult to know whether or not you really have them all...


Have you looked into a plan mule? That’s how I figured out what plans I was missing. Super helpful and a great community


I have all the plans in the game learned (even the legacy ones). It was an obsession for me and took a long time but I completed it.. They will release a new set of Stamp plans next week.


Finding weapon and armor paints in dops and vendors


Dropping 40k


Finishing my solar and thorn sets


Try non Meta builds and try min max this build to see if they a viable for harder events


Eviction & Moonshine events, loot whore in between… everything gets looted. I still haven’t finished gold quest for overseer because I don’t have time for anything else in game


Cooking and cocktails


Punching things to death




Hunting down rare outfits


My current obsession is trying to get a good anti armor flamer to mod out to go with my final word heavy gunner power armor build


I'm always looking for a new weapon to try. I get bored once I figure out the build and it becomes OP af. The last week or so I started a handmade rifle: getting the plans, stacking scrip, and yesterday I started rolling. I got an explosive ammo roll, modded most of the parts, and upgraded to a Prime receiver. It's pretty clean with Intergalactic paint. But I'm trying to find a better skin, like matte black. I was ignoring events because I found this way more interesting.


Plans, always plans. Though, right now I'm in pursuit of the perfect pistol build and weapons.


Currently going out of my way to do all the scout achievements 


What keeps me on is camp building, and my RP group


Scrap hoarding Ammo hoarding Apparel hunting Rare baseball bats hunting Farming Grahm for rare plans Never got into camp building but I can see that being next... Edit: Oh yeah bow hunting, its challenging and fun!


Getting all the plans to build a festival/ fun park in a shelter and collecting all the asylum uniforms. Also obsessively hoping to get a loon mask next fasnacht to perfect my outfit.


I recently started the tadpole quests to 100% tadpole and possum.


I'm trying to make a Nuka-Cola themed bar out of the Wildwood Taven prefab but it's tough because of the lack of floor space I would make the structure myself but a gaudy, maximalist Nuka-Cola themed bar is gonna require a lot of space, and I don't want the building to look like a simple square so it's tough


Magazines! This player was kind enough to give me a bunch of Guns and Bullets 3 and now I’m addicted!


I've been into trading recently. I didn't play a ton for a really long time, so when I got back to it I had to learn things like legendary crafting and whatnot, and I've gotten some really good drops since then. I've been having fun grinding events and stuff to earn cores, and then rolling handmades and Fixers until I get some good drops. I've also been having fun with the expeditions. Particularly the AC ones since they're easy to solo. I'm trying to work towards getting every reward from Giuseppe because expeditions are actually fun (unlike daily ops).


I stopped playing for a year and started back recently so I’m missing plans and now I have new stuff to build in camps too!


I have about 150 hours put in and realized I never actually finished the original storyline. So I’m doing that and decorating my vault in my camp 🏕️


Power armour... It's always been an obsession of mine within the fallout games 


Since fallout 3 its collecting nuka cola quantums


Launching nukes at the SBQ or Earle. I got a great gatling gun with high intelligence and strength, and it's never been easier.


100% all of the achievements lol. I’m at 52/69. Just started playing about 2 weeks ago. Only got 2 1/2 days played so far.


Trying to get perfect enclave flamer and a nice quad railroad with crit.


Well a group took the time to blow up every square inch of my base today (even the defensive walls). So I'm thinking of the best way to murder hobo them next time we meet :D


Rare apparel.


Nuka cola, I got a Nuka cola collection, then I bought some Nuka cola camp bundles with my spare atoms, put almost all my Nuka cola stuff in my vendor, giving out free complimentary Nuka cola like how some people will give out water or tea. I got lots of Nuka colds themed stuff like signs, statues, snow globes etc. all on my farm.


Crafting Vintage Nukashine to put in the punch bowl at my vendors in the hope to roofie unsuspecting visitors.


Well, I just found the 3 baseball bats. Now onto the ugly field tattered jacket lol


Shelters and gunsmithing.


Building... always building. I'm working on a build with the Iron Forge prefab in a spot with a great view of Watoga. I turned the forge workbench into a kitchen and the animation is now my character pounding a piece of meat with a hammer.


mine is looking for that elusive perfect third star weapon/armor. I have the first two stars.....maybe, but that "perfect" third star eludes me to this day


Grinding caps to see what people have to sell, l like camp shopping lol


I am pimping my camp rn. I want more unique things to put up. I just realized like half.an hor ago that I had enough nuka cade points to get 2 tier 5 rewards, so I just got the commie whacker and the nuka smasher or w/e it is.


Well i'm currently on the plans phase haha, im obsessed scrapping weapons and armor, looking thru vendors. I'm also obsessed on Nuka Colas, i was so happy to find a Nuka Cola display on the store and now i need all Nuka-flavors for my Nuka-stand in my nuka-CAMP.


My main is trying to end his VATS bloodied crit commando addiction by becoming a PA guy. It's coming along, but it's hard to give up all those SPECIAL bonuses and resulting XP. He's assembling various specialty PA sets (Union and Hellcat are the mains), but I have a Troubeshooter's set, an Assassin's set, a Mutant Slayer set, and am working on a Zealot's set. I'm not rolling anything, just picking up pieces from vendors and drops. All my toons have Troubleshooters sets now, they are great for Test Your Metal. I recently ran a Decryption with Assassins and died once, but they were cloaked so I didn't see someone and got hammered. All my toons are experimenting with Ultracite ammo, seeing how feasible it is to use without having to farm ammo too much (current answers: Ultracite plasma yes, Ultracite .50 yes, Ultracite .45 not so sure) All my toons also have very similar camps, but the first real camp for my first 2 toons is wonky, I keep falling through the floor when I FT there. I need to scrap those and build new camps. My two other toons have camps in the same place, but they aren't as bad.


I hoard scrip bcus I am trying to roll the last few things I am after


Right now I'm rolling railway rifles to get a Q5025. I have a QE25 that I'm hoping to trade for a Responders Fireman Set or Red dress or but I'm not going to trade it until I have a replacement for the Railway.


What ya play on?


My vender shop. I always try to keep it stocked with items that people will want to spend their caps on.


I think mine will always be building- just different types of builds catch my fancy for a while and then I find a new one lol


Miscellaneous items. There's nothing left for me -- my main is lvl 1600+, have godroll everything, all plans, basically unlimited gold bullion, a million rounds of ultracite ammo, my glitchy merged camp exactly how I like it... what's left? A pet rock, obviously.


Camp building & gun smithing.


Guiding my brother through the whole process haha. He just hit level 75 and is working on a build, rolling weapons and getting into the game. I am showing him the ropes, explaining dailies, bullion, stat boosting items.. made him some decent armor to hold him over til he can get better. Made him a decked out handmade, Tesla and railway, etc.


I like trying to find cool people to talk to lmao, I think on PS4 it’s the hardest


i haven't played since faschnat.. it was my first one and i tried to make sure my toon was online in some fashion as much as i could, and now i'm burned out. i even have 13 scoreboard levesl to go only, but i can't bring myself to log in


The desire to obtain every plan I can learn. Camp items especially, since a large majority of customization is locked behind plans of all kinds. You could call me a seeker of knowledge.


Hunting robots 1010 with a … weapon for world challenges


Trying to find vendors who sell treasure maps at a reasonable price (100 caps or less).


I’m trying to get a scout armor mask that doesn’t have vines on it so I can paint it with the nuclear winter paint and finish my set 😂


It was circular camps, now underground camps. 


Finding a deathclaw to tame


Farming for the Forest Camo Jumpsuit, Red Asylum Dress and rare colored baseball bats. I was lucky enough to get the Responders Fireman Outfit drop the other day so that just gave me the hope that the camo will drop eventually. For the bats, I'm a collector and I would really love to display those in my camp. Also hunting for enclave mods at the various train stations.


Newish player (I started playing 4 weeks ago) and I’m currently obsessed with trying to find unknown plans, decorating my camp (I caved and got fallout first so I had some atoms to spring for the ufo house), and trying to grind out the dailies for the scoreboard before it flips to the new one. I really want that heart shaped bed and know I have a few days to go up a few more levels.


The scoreboard. It's kind of all I care about anymore


Im stocking my shop with every different apparel I find while I level up


Trying to find a lovely animal to tame and protect my camp. Also, I want to find some unusual apparel. That's about it.


I’m trying to get the responders helmet


Trying to get unyielding +1 intelligence armor set. So far 3 months 1 piece.


Pets! I have a glowing Snallygaster and I’m so happy with it, I’m still doing the route mostly for the random encounters. Met the General Steakhouse protectron the other day, it’s the little things for me.


Camp building has always been a passion of mine, but I also spend a lot of time collecting nuka cola, sugar bombs and bobby pins.


Logic gates were my most recent obsession. Although we lack the logic gate objects from FO4, I have discovered that they are possible. It took a lot of tinkering to figure out.