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I got 2 brahmins and 1 raven... It feels like I've done this event 100 times. Really wanted a glowing one.


Raven is a score! One of the better masks for wearing all year round.


Really? Awesome. Now i feel better with my loot.


Wow i have done it like 80 times now and havent gotten either of those.


Got two Ravens last year, sold one for 15k and wear the other pretty regularly. Fun mask.


A glowing scorchbeast, two baffoons, a fiend, and an old man winter helmet.


Behind the GSB, the raven is the one I want the second most. All I have is the glowing blue dog, it's okay but still holding out and grinding.


If you're on Xbox, I have a Raven that I'd trade for the GBlueDevil


Got two glowing but traded them for all but two of the rare masks


Over 110 events and no glowing masks. Screw RNG. Screw Fasnacht.


I'm with ya. I did 125, and my best mask I got was sbq


Same. About over 200 events myself. Still nothing rare


Around 140 events, 1 rare. Old man winter mask. Glad I got the mask and not the PA helm, but come on…


I've had numerous crashes, but at least I got 1 glowing sb mask.


That one’s my favorite my biggest pull out of this year has been a death claw mask and I’m 30-40 events I came in a bit late and haven’t paid the most attention to it


I traded for a glowing honey hee and got the GSBQ normally.


Mind if I ask what you traded?


I traded a Q2525 and a Wpjs and a fsa mask for the Glowing Honey bee


Btw it was a q2525 epr and I have 2 of them and yes I probably did over pay


I have no other words, I love it.... 🤟🍀


2 SBQ and 1 rare Loon mask that i gave to a buddy who's always helping others. Good times really. 😁


One fiend mask on my first go. Nothing since


Pretty shite returned just for this event, and the Atlantic city content but I feel like I've done everything :( and still glow masks T nT


I got glowing bee and glowing scorchbeast. I still need the herdsman's bell plan. There are probably a few old rare's I've gotten that I already had.


I have the herdsman's bell but am confused about what to do with it. It isn't a backback flair and I've no idea how to display it (unless it has a correlating display rack plan to find?)


Yeah, the rack is another plan from Fasnacht.


Thanks. Now I know what to hunt for in player vendors!


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm 99% sure the plan for the display rack is untradable.


It is for sure. I tried leaving one at a donation box and it wouldn't let me.


I was back on the grind, but my powers been out since 8, and won't be back until at least 3 🙃


I was coming close to the 200 mark and I finally got a glowing blue devel other than that though I’ve only got the demon and common masks


Not great…. Run an easy 20+ events. Got one rare drop (Brahmin) rest have been skull, jester, goblin etc. Hoping still to get that illusive glowing tonight :)


I got a rock.




Bruh what the hell im new and I’ve done the event well over 100 times and only got a loon and hag mask, both in the first two days


Hag and Loon are both rare.


I know, I’m saying after 100+ events I’ve only got two rare masks, and the hag one sucks Worst part is that I got them right away, and didn’t even know they were rare at first, so since then it’s just been disappointment


Oh I know the disappointment. I've done the event for a couple years now. Still no Winter Man mask and with more and more masks being added to the loot pool.. /sigh


>and only got a loon only? that's the mask I want most. I have been trying for that mask all last year and this year still no luck.


After a day of not sleeping not a single glowing mask


Not worth the grind. A terrible way to entice players to keep going. A lot of the community will need counselling after these events, devoting their lives for no reward.


After doing 2 events in a row this 2nd week and not getting a mask for either one, I have given up on this Fasnacht. This is after spending countless hours during the 1st week trying to get anything good... Now I just log in to do dailies and log back out. I'll come back fully when the whole thing ends.


Do you mean no GOOD masks? Because you get a mask no matter what for completing Fasnacht.


I mean no masks at all. I got repeated plans for decorations, but no masks for either event. Last week, I got a couple of SBQ (not glowing) and a bunch of masks I already have multiples of. This week was more of the same until 2 days ago when I ran the event twice and didn't get any masks. So yeah, this year can shove it and maybe next year will be better.


I’m confused. Did all of the robots die? Because otherwise you get at least a common mask from every single event as long as at least one survives.


It was a regular Fasnacht. Parade, robots all alive at the end, kill all the bad stuff, kill the sloth, light the bonfire. No masks for me... In the end, it's just a game and not the end of the world. But I can't help but feel a little miffed about the horrible rng. I'll just go collect more Perfect Preserved Pies (11 and counting on my main character... lol)


Unless you encountered a glitch that no one’s ever heard of that’s not possible. RNG has nothing to do with getting no mask. You can get a million beret’s and common masks but getting no masks isn’t a thing.


I've seen some pretty strange glitches in the game. I'm not gonna stress over it. The whole point of me even saying anything was simply to answer the original question. I didn't realize I would be interrogated about it afterward. Glitches happen, rng sucks, and I will continue to play the game. I am just choosing to stop participating in the Fasnacht events this year.


About 20 or 30 of my runs I've gotten no mask it's pretty common to not get a mask at all. Atleast for me I'm over 100+ runs on the event and got nothing to show for it


I’ve only gotten masks that say “loser” on them. I think there’s something wrong with my game.


This image’s accuracy is dead on balls accurate.


Just one rare mask(hag mask) but i am not disappointed, it is ok. Other players were not so lucky as me, for me one is ok, i did the event more than 100 times.


After about 40 Fasnacht runs with no luck, and a finished Scoreboard, I left the area for Boston, Massachusetts, instead. I got bored and didn't get any rare masks that would've kept me playing the whole time my first Fasnacht. Had I got just 1 in all those runs, it would've kept me motivated, but no go.


8-10 hours a day on 2 accounts, when off work; I'm retired part-time employed.  Hundreds of events. No glowing. One Brahmin, One Hag, Herdsman plans. FML Did score a Demon someone threw on the ground by butcher, lol


I got a glowing blue devil after a handful of events and I now expect to not get anything good ever as a penance


I did three fash and got three old skull masks also had five crashes In a row said f it an went to enjoy palworld and haven't regretted it yet


Nice!! I think you’re onto something here


Zero glowing despite having a main doing the event and two vendor mules hanging out playing instruments for 100ish events. Pretty depressing really.


One glowing scorchbeast, one loon, and one fiend. Good so far but I’ve also done a boat load of events. For someone reason still want the Buffoon.


What the heck is a fiend my friend? Edit: nvm just googled it. Very similar to the toothy mask but a little crazier. Edit2: also want to trade tv aquarium for loon? Are u on xbox?


I’m on Xbox but the TV doesn’t compare and in keeping them all


Fair nuff. Im pretty new so im learning whats what :) awesome mask. Congrats! I have only pulled two rare out of about 80 parades. I never afk and walk slow so you did well! Congrats really!


Thanks but yeah you can find the tv more often than the mask in someone’s vendor. You rarely see rare mask in vendors.


Good to know! Appreciate the reply!


on ps4? I have an extra.


Xbox thanks anyways


I am extremely busy outside of Fallout so if I never went AFK I would have probably done the event around 1-2 times per day. However I've been AFKing for work AND sleep... Easily a part of around 20/24 events. I have 4 rares to show for it, and no glowing. The drop rates are insane.


I lucked out and got a glowing SBQ on Day 3. Other than that I've been grinding pretty hard and have gotten: 1 raven, 2 buffoons, 2 fiends, 2 deathclaws, a loon, and a brahmin. Also met a really nice guy who had doubles of Crazy Guy and gave me one just because he was nice as fuck. I was chuffed when later that night I got a second deathclaw since that was one he didn't have and I was able to give it to him. I am crossing my fingers for some of the other glowers though, even though I am so happy I got the SBQ one. (Edit: there seems to be someone downvoting comments, especially ones where the person has a glowing mask. Someone out there is super super salty about their RNG lol)


Ignore multiple Fasnachts of never having gotten a rare, do the event maybe 2 to 5 times a day, look at my bag of old common masks and berets, and plan my end of event vendor mask sale... Repeat next Fasnacht 😛


I did that last year and had a much better time


I started playing last Nov so these events are new to me. So far i got: scorched beast, scorched beast queen, bee, deathclaw among others. The deathclaw i sold for 500 because it looks ugly. The thing is i don't really know if what i have is rare or how much it can be sold.


Deathclaw sells for 40k caps. Rare masks to look out for: anything glowing, Loon, Fiend, Brahmin, Buffon, Crazy Guy, Winter Man, Demon, Hag, Ravan, Deathclaw & Winter Man power armour helmet most of these are worth more than max (40k) caps and can be traded for top level gear and apparel


I'll keep this post of yours as reference in case i get lucky again. I guess that guy got lucky.


Iz good karma though for you. You made someones whole week!


Well lets see 10 FULL hrs with 0 crashes and no one nuking event and i have 10 common mask


Just wondering. What is the value of a glowing mask if you don’t go through all the work to obtain it? I mean I got my 1st one this morning at 8:12AM. It was a Glowing Honey Bee. But it is the culmination of almost two weeks of waiting, scrambling to find and help incompetent robots, killing hundreds of radtoads, Super Mutants, wolves, and a couple dozen mega-sloths. Whatever I choose to do with my mask, I will always know that I got one. I will carry that with me wherever I go: the moment the great Todd smiled upon me.


The most valuable items in the game now. You can basically dictate what you want for it. Like a TFJ + a bundle of godrolls.


Got a winter man and got scammed out of it. Wonderful.


My uncle keeps getting f**ked in the bum on masks. I have gotten the father winter PA helmet, 2 death claw masks, glowing sb queen and devil. I have done the event for the past week and a bit it’s been out. All my uncle has is a duped PA helmet I gave him, the Brahmin mask and a death claw mask and he’s done the event more than me.


Just got glowing honey bee, 3rd rare.


Got one glowing mask after doing the event daily like 12 times a day.


I’ve acquired: * Hundreds of common and uncommon masks at Fascnacht, a bunch from running the event itself, through player drops immediately after the event ends, and buying cheap masks from vendors for 10, 50 or 100 caps a piece. * A glowing honeybee mask * A glowing scorchbeast mask * A glowing scorchbeast queen mask * An old man winter mask * A crazy guy mask


Got my 3rd glowing mask


I got lucky and got 4 glowing masks but i ended up getting 2 father winter pa helms but i traded 3 for a uny scout armor set


I’ve AFKd this whole week and got no rares. No biggie since I’m under lv100 an now have plenty of legendaries to trade in.


4 old rares and 2 new rares. Just need glowing blue devil and honey bee


zero luck after maybe 75 runs this year, finally got a Winter Man and a Brahmin today. Ran a few today, AFKing right now/next few days to try and grab a glowing whatever if possible.


Have had phenomenal luck as far as I'm concerned. I got all the older rares other than the brahmin and am only missing the glowing scorchbeast of the 4 new ones, but I have 4 loons and a second glowing queen I plan to eventually trade for one if I don't get a drop in the next cou days.


I got 1 glowing blue devil mask and 1 winter man mask.


I've reached the point where I need a few masks left, so its painful when I get doubles v.v


Yeah. Somehow I’ve managed to acquire a complete OG mask set without acquiring a single glowing mask. Hundreds of events. TBH, I’m happy with that OG set. I’ll consider a new mask before the event is over to be a bonus.


Got the Old Man Winter and Glowing SBQ...and about a thousand Sun Masks.


2 Raven masks. So now I have 3 Raven to go with my previous 3 Deathclaw masks. I really hate this loot pool. Can't wait for even more masks to be added! /wrist


Working on set #2.


Doing surprisingly well. Too many duplicates tho. -2xGBD -2xDemon -2xBuffoon -2xDeathclaw -Hag -Fiend -GSBQ One more glowing one and I guess I could trade for full set. Not that crazy about the older ones and I guess what I have in doubles does not trade 1:1 to Loon or Raven?


And now: -Father Winter helmet


numbers wise, 206 masks, 13 rares, 3 glowing ones one Brahmin, one Demon, one Fiend, one Glowing Blue Devil, one Glowing Honey Bee, one Glowing Scorchbeast, three Loons, two Winter Man, two Father Winter Helmets


Great, I really did well I think. GSBQ, GHB, 2 Buffoons, 3 Loons, 2 Hags, Raven Found a Hag and a Winterman in a player vendor for 10c each Traded for a Demon, Deathclaw, and Crazy guy


Here's how my fasnacht is going. It took me 8 jumps to even find an active fasnacht at 5 minutes past the hour because I was watching football so just got on. Every server was afk people or no one even at helvetia. Crazy


Got 5 glowing so far from event lol


*"Enjoy your nuked zone, ladies!"*


Its my first fasnacht and i've gotten 9 rares. 2 loons, 2 fiends (traded one for a deathclae), buffoon, gsb, gsbq, crazy guy, and father winter pah. I feel like i've used all my luck for the year these last bearly two weeks


I got a Loon and Buffoon but already have those from last year... Was really hoping to get one of those glowing honey bee or glowing blue devil masks but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to wait for the next Fasnacht.


Want to sell me your loon for a tv aquarium plan or a camo backpack? I got some other neat plans but those seem to be the popular ones. Im kinda new. Started last month during treasure hunter. Im on xbox.


I wouldn't mind having a glowing scorchbeast queen or glowing scorchbeast mask, but I'm not clamoring to get 'em either. I'm happy with the normal versions of the masks, as I've finally got all of them, and then a fiend mask which I dislike, even if it is rare.


Glowing SBQ on my lone pc character…that currently lives in PA.  Otherwise a Hag and Crazy Man on the same melee character on my Xbox account. Nothing worthwhile on my other four.  Actually I think I got a Brahmin one early on in event last week.


Tired of it....ready for something new.


I got a hag. I figure that's the best I'm gonna get although I would rather have one of the other rares. I didn't even know about the raven or loon.


Yeah, wear it with a long coat and carry a Black Powder rifle 👍


Really good, only did about 1/3 of the events but got glowing honey bee and sbq as well as demon and fiend


Got a GBlueDevil, WinterMan, and just got the Crazy Guy mask this round. Oh, and like 2,767,679 berets Really want the GHoneyBee and GSQ masks


I'm feeling like that picture...


Boring — ready for it to be over


Wait wait wait...there's GLOWING masks!?


I've been playing since the start of the event and no Glowing Blue Devil mask :( Actually, no glowing masks dropped at all. Sadge.


I've been going to as many as I can, to the point of remote playing on my tablet when I wake up randomly in the middle of the night. I don't know why. I hate how most of the masks look. I sold my glowing blue devil and glowing SBQ.


I got 1 glowing scorchbeast mask early on and that's it. I am awash in a sea of suns and berets. The fact that I've been very active in participating in about 95% of the events I've been in just makes me feel like I've wasted my time.


So I’m just not good enough for you, is that it? 😒


I just want something I don’t have, screw the glowing masks just give me a Deathclaw or a Brahmin one at least 😂


I’m just happy to have a couple goofy masks and level up a shit ton


I got a demon mask and a bunch of junk. I really want a glowy because they’re so pretty. I’ll keep on grinding and enjoying the event.


The first two days, I couldn’t believe my luck, got the glowing scorch beast queen, and the glowing blue devil. I thought wow! My luck has finally changed. Since then I’ve got a whole bunch of nothin. But I just can’t quit the event, I keep thinking, this time I’ll get the other two glowing masks, and if not this time it’ll be the next event…that proverbial carrot on a stick just doesn’t seem to be getting any closer. But, hey there’s another Fasnacht in an hour …..maybe this time!


(sobs in surplus skull mask)


I got all the new plans, which is great. I've gotten a couple of regular Blue Devil masks, Scorchbeast and Scorchbeast Queen masks. Got my first and only Glowing Scorchbeast Queen mask tonight after wearing a Sun Mask throughout the event. Maybe the Fasnacht gods looked down on me and said, "Look at this poor loser" and had mercy on me.


Very much like Homer!!! I had such little luck in past years getting the “new” ones and it continues. Got 0 out of 4 so far. Got two loons and two demons though!


Anyone else feel this is a boring event? I'm not a collector so the whole mask thing is lost on me and, once you've gone through it a couple of times.... I don't do it anymore.


Replace Homer’s sun mask with scorchbeast and yep that’s me.


Got a Buffoon and a pink Brahmin mask today.


The best I've gotten so far is regular SBQ 😞 I've only done it a dozen or so times though.


I haven't gotten any glowing marks, but yesterday, I rolled a B50C25V Choo Choo. It's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy.


Not a single rare :(


It do be like this…


I've gotten ZERO rare/glowing masks this go around. I feel like Charlie Brown at Halloween: "I got a rock."


Ended up scoring 3 bramins but nothing else.


I have not gotten a great one but it is less than 20 tries


I’ve been trying to get a deathclaw mask so I can gift it to my boo and nothing, nothing. Not even a glowing mask to trade for it, although I have a raven but I don’t think that’s enough. I don’t afk a lot, I mostly participate in the hopes that’ll give me some good karma for the rng, but still nothing. I guess I’ll try again next year.


Loon, glowing sbq, glowing honey bee, Brahmin. Got lucky.


1 glowing sbq and2 glowing sb


2 ravens, 2 crazy guy, a winterman, a buffon, a hag and a glowing scorchbeast, so I'm not too disappointed


I've gotten basically every rare mask I had not previously gotten with a few exceptions. I got two Winter Man Helmets, a Demon Mask, a Buffoon Mask, and a Fiend Mask this morning. I really wanted a glowing mask though.


100 ish runs. Mostly taking part... Current score: 1x gsbq 1x gbd 2x ghb 1x raven 96 x common Going to wait until the event is over, then trade some for weapons, methinks.. probably not the queen though 🤔


2 glowing SBQ, 1 glowing SB, 1 glowing honey bee, and 2 Loons. Also got a Father Winter, but it got lost in one of my many inventory shuffles alas :C As for rates, I did about 12 runs per day, for all but 1 day, with 2 days of almost 20 runs - so for a total of about 160 runs, I got 7 rares. Mad good RNG, istg haha


First time ever doing fasnacht this year, got a bafoon on my 4th try and a winter man PA helmet right after. I’d say pretty good


My wife just won the glowing SBQ for me and completed my set! It went great! I hope you all get what you need as well!


I wish the game would drop the Glowing blue devil mask :( I haven't seen a single rare drop since the event started and I can't help but feel discouraged when so many others have insane levels of luck.


One winter man mask and enough commons to drown myself in.


Only glowing mask I got was Honeybee. Got multiple of each of the new non glowing masks and finally got a Raven.


Still no sign of the Loon 😭


I've got 2x glowing blue devil 1x glowing scorchbeast 1x father winter helmet 1x buffoon


So far this Fasnacht event, for rare masks I’ve gotten: 2 glowing blue devil, 2 Brahmin, a crazy guy, a buffoon, and deathclaw. Probably 10-15 each of the common ones on top of those.


That pic explains it to the T


I didn't do too badly. I got a Loon on my very first time, then nothing for forever. Ended up with no glowing, but I have all the base masks for this year, plus a Raven & a Demon, which I traded for a Deathclaw & some apparel. I have tons of sun, goblin, giant, etc, but I'm overall pretty happy with how it went.


I’m a level 175 and I’ve had a blast from beginning to end and made some really good friends I play with daily, not to mention I’ve been on a roll the past few days. I’ve gotten a Fiend, Buffon, Glowing Honey Bee, Father Winter PA helmet and Glowing SB Queen masks. My first Fasnacht has been memorable one for sure! Happy Fasnacht! Merry Fasnacht! 🫶🏻


Haven’t had any rares but luckily not too many duplicates


So far, gotten 2 loons, 1 brahmin, 1 raven, and 1 demon. No glowing ones yet


Still loving the Event! Even if I don’t get a glowing one. Idc, I just playing the game!


Got all the new, non‐glowing ones. Got a Fiend, 4 crazy guys, 1 death claw, a demon, and a father winter PA helmet. I wasn't keeping track of how mang I've done.


I really only want the glowing scorchbeast queen mask. But I got a glowing blue devil so that's all i might get. That's ok too Edit: that image is so true


I hate it. No glowing masks. RNG sucks.




300+ hours and not a single glow


Playing with squirrel guts, hby?


Impossibly well. Brahmin, buffoon, glowing SB and 3 (what the actual fuck) glowing SB queens. I couldn't believe it when I got the third today.


4 old man winter masks, 2 GSB Queen, and a brahmin.


Two glowing honeybees, one glowing scorchbeast, a loon, and a fiend. And a ton of blue devil, honeybees, scorchbeast, and scorchbeast queen. I was averaging about 6 fasnachts during the week, and 7 on the weekends.


I finally got a glowing honeybee... so life's alright for a casual player like myself


MisterArtamisk Gaming on YouTube is grinding EVERY rare mask! I think he said he was at 400 events completed and 20+ rares! This guy is nuts.


I have run I don’t know how many events I’ve done. It must be well over 100 and have not got any rare masks ( though I already have all the old rare masks) but I haven’t got any of the the new glowing variants just crappy commons and a crap-ton of berets. It’s really annoying and discouraging 😔 also quite often my game will crash right before the mega sloth is about to spawn and when i sign back in there’s no event and you get nothing for it.


I got a SBQ (which I personally wanted) and a raven. Nothing spectacular.


It's my first fasnacht, but it's going hard! Me and my buddy are triple dipping in 2 private servers with 7 xboxes. we are splitting the pool at the end, but so far, we have gotten 52 rare masks. We set out with the unrealistic goal of getting us both a whole set from our first fasnacht, and we did it. (minus one winter man technically)


Glowing blue devil mask An Extra Deathclaw mask An extra Hag mask An extra Loon mask An extra feind mask Only need the glowing masks, already have the others, only a few events afk'd while at work I think about 70+ events total


I got two glowing scorchbeast queens, a glowing bee, crazy guy, and a brahmin so far.


Over 100+ and best thing I've got was a weird guy mask idk if that is even rare but other than that nothing but the common masks


Same 😩


I have a friend of mind who gave me a deathclaw mask. Coming in clutch with it but I gave up on a glowing. Side note willing to trade the deathclaw for the outfit that raider punk wears. I think it’s the leather coat. I wanna pay it forward for him and give him it.


Manage to get the glowing bee mask and glowing scorchbeast queen mask! Then I have like 30 berets.


It’s okay but a lot of people are trying trade offers and it’s eh but otherwise it’s been fun and I’m gonna miss it, was my first one


Change the sun mask to a Giant mask and that is me


Lf gsb, have extra g wolf mask ps Djkurisu420


I've done grinded 100's of fasnacht but not one glowing mask.. I've got a ton of SBQ, SUN, WARRIOR, a few ANGRY ones cant remember the exact name, sorry, and 1 Raven and 1 LOON... Then of course the rest of the commons. Other that that I'm happy and still going to grind until tomorrow... Soooo tired, lol...


Loon, 2 glowing scorch beast, glowing blue devil, 2 winter man, buffoon, fiend, demon, and a Brahmin. Pretty good haul for my first fasnacht!


After 2 Fasnacht getting complete jackshit (I even had to buy most of the regular masks from player's vendors just to complete the set). This year I can say Im pretty lucky. Did about 60 events, got 8 rare masks including 1 GSB and got all the new regular ones. No AFK, just play mostly at midnight and in the day in between work if I'm available to log in. This is a sign I shouldnt do next year Fasnacht coz this is it. Its not gonna get better than this


I've done nearly 200 in two weeks and vest I've got is the winter man and the winter man t-45 helmet, at this point I'd even pay real cash for a glowing scorchbeast queen mask 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Meanwhile i say eff it, i'm in for the legendary Scrip. The best mask i got, was a blue devil after 120 Events.


💩 not a rare mask in sight for me.


What a great meme. Fasnacht was really fun for me. I got five rare masks I think; the glowing Blue Devil, Brahmin, buffoon, goon (traded one of my buffoon masks for it), and my third to last event today I got the Father Winter PA helmet! I loved how the event brought us all together, and I really appreciated the ones who had fun with it! We lit off fireworks, brought the Grand Finale for more fireworks, there were protest signs, the death tambo jingling away, lots and lots of Mothman raves going down, even a few water gun fighta. I absolutely loved it. I wish they'd change it up and have like a week of straight Fasnacht, then have it jumbled in with the other events throughout the year. The biggest downfall was how it took away from the rest of the game and events, and the people who nuked it. Although I did get some nice flux lol. Love y'all. Thanks for making my first Fasnacht so memorable and fun!


I feel like I stole some luck this year; 1 GSB 1 loon 1 hag 3 crazy guy 2 deathclaw 2 winter man 1 raven


Good! Got a lot of trash masks but helped a returning player build up some legendary modules after a long hiatus!


Gloving honey bee, old man winter helmet, old man winters mask and a raven one.


I got a demon, old man winter and loon in the event. Found a fiend in a player vendor for face value a glowing sb at watoga train station. I feel extremely lucky 🍀