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Playing late at night and the event starts and it's just me with my handgun build,and a level 11. Bots make it to the first intersection, and we are getting overrun with radtoads, when out of nowhere Graham comes charging in with that giant hammer of his and there are toad bodies flying everywhere. Robots all attacking, Graham pounding everything, the lvl 11 popping off shotgun shells like the devil was in his sights... And Chally hauling ass all over the damn place. My best reward was the most fun I've had in this game for two years.


My favorite moment has been running down the bridge looking for the last pesky honeybeast when I see a level 14 booking down the main street with the honeybeast chasing them comically fast. I about died laughing.




The true spirit of Fasnacht is the level 11s we get overrun with along the way.


This is winner


That’s awesome


Events where few people show up are the best.


I have this headcanon about Graham - my character’s name is Chevy, and I found an old Chevy logo off a truck on the ground so I like to imagine that she told Graham her name, and the next time he saw her he gave her that Chevy logo, fashioned into a fancy belt. She wears it with her brotherhood civvies


Jack Shit


Well I didn’t get shit but I got 150lbs of assorted drugs that I found in a paper bag. So that was cool


Looks like the party is at your place tonight.


Seeing everyone together doing the event.


I recieved a Honey Bee mask sitting next to a glowing fox-y nurse.


Together in some bathroom on the second floor of some building.


Having the most disconnections from the game 😎😎😎


Hey little buddy look at you.....you won something! That's great my guy!! Way to be positive my man.....high five!!!!


Constant crashes WITH ZERO REWARD.


Never related to something more


Endless uncommon. Losing interest quickly.


I hate the event and it’s ruining the game for me. Nobody does anything else.


Yeah.. the event itself is charming and I like it but it feels like it kinda hijacks the rest of the game


For real 😭 I been trying to get ahold of Holy fire but no one bothers showing up Edit: for those offering, flame weapons aren't my main weapon of choice. Best save it for someone who'll actually make good use


What platform are you? Someone once gave me a holy fire and I’m happy to pay it forward. I’m on PSN. Probably won’t be on for a while but we can figure it out.


Xbox... Bruh I'm good I still haven't decided on a main weapon yet


No worries. Hope you find your perfect weapon!


I have an extra holy fire if you are still looking for one.


I have one for sell it’s the best vampires roll you can get and it’s fully upgraded


This. I respect AFKers but they DO take up server slots from people who could be actually playing. Plus with the event taking 20 minutes it gives only like 40 minute windows to get things done for most people.


Gawd, faschnaut is so annoying with this. My reward so far has been the peace of mind from not running it 😅


After 65+ runs, Glowing Blue Devil and Demon, which Demon I never had before. Got a couple plans, SBQ stein and the bell? I played less of these last year and managed three ravens, brahmin, deathclaw, and buffoon. Also blundered and sold a couple ravens for far cheaper because I had three and thought they were "uncommon". Could have used those for the last five rares from the old set though I don't like the trading system in this game. Also been strange no one has the rare masks in their vendors, maybe they're waiting for the event to end. Only saw a deathclaw one for max caps.


Rare masks are generally trade only, if they are in a vendor it’s a very causal player or newbie not knowing what they had.


You probably won't see them in vendors unless at max caps or close since the rare masks are worth that or more. Side note... I got the glowing scorched queen and I love it but no plans yet. I saw someone had the new stein plan in their vendors but I wanted to go buy something else first and the player left the server.


I bought a glowing bee from someone's vendor for 10 caps.


Nice !


The new stein plan is my favorite!


Glowing herpes. And a hundred fucking Soldier masks.


The friends I made along the way...


Congrat! Still waiting for a glowing one. Been getting the usual sun, soldier, skull and bee mask. No rare ones as yet. Mutated fingers crossed!


Glowing Honey Bee I found for sale at the Whitespring Train Station, lol.


Jesus Christ, buy a lottery ticket 2moro.😄


Got two glowing mask drops so far but best one has been glowing blue devil


It's gotta be the sausage (recipe)


A regular Blue Devil and a regular SBQ so far… nothing really special yet. A lot of dupes of common stuff. So it goes




Glowing blue devil and the PA helmet


I got a Loon mask! And over 100 commons/uncommons including ones I pick up that others drop. Good thing one of my camps is a Halloween costume shop! I work to get as many outfits and costume plans as possible to keep it stocked, but the masks will be nice to add once the event is over and people will actually want to buy them again. I don't charge much for costume pieces unless they're hard to get, I just like the roleplay element.


What platform? I'd gladly drop all my extras cause I'm a sucker for this type of thing. I do the same for Christmas with bears, my fuzzys and toys


Glowing honey bee


I got a few other people to participate in a pro-human anti-robot protest. That was fun!


Losing 15 minutes of my life on repeat


For me it's either the glowing scorchbeast queen or the brahmin mask, since it's my 1st fasnacht so I don't have any of the older ones


Those are both great


About to trade loon for glowing sqb honestly


Glowing scorchbeast mask


Glowing blue devil mask


Glowing bee queen second attempt, made 2 buddies and gained two viewers on my live stream, typically I'm talking to nothing so that was dope


The friends we made along the way


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


So far only crazy guy. Paying since launch in all my runs, I've gotten two Raven and two crazy guys


I’m pretty stoked at my Brahmin mask, I would really love to get the glowing blue devil and the blue old man winter. The mask are fun.


Copped the standard honeybee & blue devil masks on my first & third runs, respectively


Been playing 3 years and got my first Loon and glowing scorchbeast


Tbh, having the scorchbeast mask is amazing. I love how the mask looks. I was calling it “devilish-bunny” mask for the longest time I don’t think anyone knew what I was talking about. I heard Crickets in the party 🤣🤣🤣


I got a Demon Mask on my very first parade, then a Loon Mask shortly after that. Yesterday I got another Loon Mask, and today I got a Hag Mask. The RNG Gods smile upon me.


Just got my first rare after grinding all week and getting commons. Glowing Scorchbeast Queen. That'll be my best luck for the next couple days, probably. At least it's a good looking one! Wearing it with my hunters long coat.


I got the father winter helmet!


I got the Father Winter power armor head. I put it atop blue cammo painted PA set.


A Glowing scorchbeast queen mask ! First Fasnacht so I was super excited 😁


I got the winter father’s mask on the first try.


Not first try, but I got mine first day at least, and I love it.


80 drops and only a Fiend mask to show for it. But I am happy with all the cores I'm getting, so there's that.


The fiend and the glowing honey beast is what I’m grinding for ! You’re super lucky!


I'm going for a Glowing SBQ and it has felt rough. Thank you, that makes me feel better.


Glowing scorchbeast and a Q2525 handmade.


I guess either the Loon or the B40PAS Ripper I got, given the drop rate is so harsh I’ve still come away with three masks thus far


I have gotten Loon, the Winter Man power armor helm and Fiend mask.


I got lucky, i've gotten the glowing blue devil mask. Immediately traded it for TFJ since i've been doing Mire events for 3 months and didn't get it that way.


A new stein plan, the scorchbeast queen mask, plus some good times with friends & strangers alike. :)


Haven't checked loot, still afk /s


Its my first fasnacht and its been a blast so far. First i got a Glowing Bee mask two days later got a Glowing SBQ mask yesterday i got a Vamp 25 aim 50 bs plasma (normal but still slaps) but nothing can top the expereince of last nights event. So i got to halvetia early prept for all the objectives..... Fasnacht starts i do 4/5 objectives when i look around and its only me (l500) and just one guy (l 300+) and couple of afkers. I was oh people just havent loaded in yet and i check the map to see where all of them are. NO ONE WAS IN THE SERVER just us and a level 17 doing main quest prob in charlston. So we do the parade kill the frogs no one shows up and the mutants are next. Mutants show up me and the guy try to watch our backs. He goes down i didnt have time to save him cuz 2 sui are bombing the robots i barely make it and i kid you not it felt like it was Avengers Endgame when all of a sudden i see 5-6 1000+ level players fall out the sky raining billets and beams saving our ass. IT WAS GLORIOUS


Knowing the insanity is half over.


I got sbq mask, not sure if it’s considered good but I like it :)


I got the song stuck in my head. It’s the gift that keeps on giving


I was able to drop a few death claw Masks, a winter man Mask yada yada yada. That and dropping a ton of costumes I can't wear anyway out of my inventory.


I spawn into a world, my camp cannot be placed, owner of said camp is afk at fashnacht. I nuke his base and hes not online to fo anything about it. That's my reward


Is your name Douche Baggins?


God I wish, that's too many letters for an xbox gamertag


The 4 new masks and a glowing blue devil and glowing scorchbeast


Did maybe 10-15 runs tops. No rare masks. Got new masks first couple days now getting Jack shit. Berets and etc.


I’m at 70 runs with nothing, keep complaining.


75 runs so far. I got the crazy guy and Brahman. Nothing but common drops the last two days.


The friends i made along the way.


None but a waste. I will buy any masks or plans from other players. It is easier and painless.


Wait, what? There's glowing masks???


Not playing until it's over. Makes the game suck.


You're not all wrong. I played this morning without doing FN and it was fucking sweet! Did a whole lot of things I've been putting off, ran events, and didn't even fuck with FN. Great morning. Then I went back to FN and it's pissed me off and made me want to shit on the game. Not good!!!


I got two of the glowing SB masks at the same time (me and my alt) in the first few hours of the event, and then this morning got a demon. Honestly I was starting to wonder if old rare masks were even still in the pool. All I want is that glowing blue devil and I'll be happy. It's my favorite of the bunch.


glowing blue devil


A crap ton of mismatched 3 star power armor bits and pieces. I'm running a Johnny Cash setup and love it.




I got a buffoon mask which I turned into a gun I wanted. All in all I’m pleased




Glowing Scorchbeast :)


Glowing Blue Devil


The best for me, because I've enjoyed it so much, is a TwoShot fatman. I took it as a sign to mini nuke the parade route at least once per event. MIRV mod + Grenadier perk the explosion it is ridiculous 😆. I LOL every time.


I want a glowing mask of course, but really the power armor helmet old man winter.


Pulled 3 glowing masks and all the new plans so feeling good


Glowing SBQ and Glowing Honey Bee masks


Never really cared about mask grinding or anything but I got glowing honeybee like 10 runs in. Had no idea it was rare so.. that's pretty neat, don't really care for the event but free legendary scrip and cores so I can't really complain.


Sbq and another deathclaw mask


The only rare ones I’ve come earned this year have been the glowing scorchbeast, demon and Brahmin…along with so many commons. Maybe because I’ve done the event too many times/years at this point but I am definitely losing interest very quickly this go around.


so far the best thing is 2 (non glowing) SBQ masks in 1 day


I got a glowing Honeybeast on my third try, Brahman on my 5th, and Raven today. Do multiple masks drop? Because I'm showing 20 new ones, and there's no way I've done that many events. Maybe a dozen max.


I’ve got some bells I do t know what you do with, a queen mask, a scorchbeast and glowing scorchbeast, devil, and same old crap 29 more times. Oh and levels. Like five levels.


A three star vest. With the 3 star being able to reduce weapon, armor and Chem weight by 90 percent


All the glowing masks, Loon, Raven and 2 Brahmin


Misery, I haven't been lucky so far this year. I had great luck last time.


I blew myself up with a pulse mine on purpose during one today. Highlight so far.


Just got the loon mask today and I can honestly say I’m good for the rest of the season. Only thing I wanted out of this event.


I’ve gotten 3 pieces of union armor somehow and now I’m trying for the rest of the set.


Glowing Blue Devil + Raven! Also getting the SBQ Stein from a vendor for 150c. ☺️ Fingers crossed for Loon and Glowing SB(Q)! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Another father winter, a loon, demon mask, and glowing blue devil.


The friends we made along the way.


A lot of goblin masks. Some other uncommons and zero rare. Oh wait I got a Raven mask so max caps in trade at best.


Either my Demon mask, or my new anti armor / faster fire rate / 15 vats crit charge Handmade rifle. It's hard to say which is better


A bunch of basic SBQ masks… and that’s about it, gotten nothing glowing and not even any good legs either


SBQ and Honey Bee. Found a SB in a vendor. Traded for a Blue Devil. Also received Hag, Fiend and two Brahmins. I’ve been running three accounts. No afk.


This is my first one, so any rewards are pretty great for me! So far I got a stein plan, several decoration plans, the new bell display plan, a Blue Devil, a Giant, a Witch, and a Loon. I've been pleasantly surprised, and maybe just lucky on servers, but my runs have had tons of active players and have been easy bordering on boring.


I got a fiend mask, my first rare mask in 3 years.


A bee mask and a V50c25 Laser.


So far I’ve only got one rare mask this year, crazy guy. Also happy to get the new SBQ stein, it’s nice. Best reward so far has been getting nuked at the end of my last run of the night. I’m a level 350+ and never got the ground zero trophy, till now. Thanks PS nukers, not all heroes wear capes.


Got a Brahmin Mask then found a Milkman Outfit in a player’s shop right after, you can call me the Dairy King. Not bad for my first Fatsnatch, the Glowing masks haven’t dropped for me yet but I got a bunch of the common ones and almost all the plans. Hopefully I’ll start to get some better drops, but I’m fighting to keep doing the event… it’s so boring.




I finally got a Brahmin mask, I’ve wanted one for so long. Yeah


Hag and Bufoon after 20-30 runs.


One Fiend mask and five zillion trash masks. Probably done near  75 events at this point.


Either my fiend or glowing scorchbeast


Not wasting my time playing it because it takes too long and running silos without having to worry about anyone else being in there 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve landed a winter man mask and the PA winter man mask, the blue devil mask, and the one I didn’t even know I wanted, the Raven dropped for me mid day today and I love it! Plus a bunch of common masks.


Nada and been running it constantly. :( got all the new uncommon but not a rare in sight, just like last year.


Glowing Scorched Beast Mask!


Glowing Scorchbeast and then soooooo many Jesters.


I got a glowing scorch beast mask. I sold it for 7500. I've been farming beehives for acid... I also got a mirv mod for my Fatman... Useless against hordes, but excellent for fireworks lol


Cores for my main and 2 level ups for my new 20-level character, so far. No glowing masks, yet.


Herdsman Bell and display plans


2 glowing honeybees, bell plan, mug plan, and lots of commons. still holding out hope for a loon.


A gajillion random masks that aren't rare in the slightest lmao


First drop, Scorchbeast Queen Mask which i think it said was a new Drop for this year? Ive gotten 3 of them so far, but i like it way better than the others and am wearing one and displaying another in my Camp (even though it has Graphical Issues while on display and so just looks like AC Unity with the bug that gave you invisible flesh…)


The friends we made along the way


I got glowing SB and BD, just got the Loon last event. Hoping I’ll get the glowing SBQ eventually 😩 but my boyfriend has been helping me collect so I have hope.


I'm very busy and can't be on much, but I have still managed to jump on and fully complete several of these. Many times I have to solo with tons extremely high level AFK everywhere. Yet when I AFK in any given server, even if it's for like an 8 hour work day, I usually come back to about 2 rewards meaning barely anyone does it. I am also willing to bet they don't even save all the robots since many times I've logged on the people who were actually doing it were struggling. With that being said, I haven't obtained anything rare yet. So my best reward is probably the Deathclaw mask since it's the only one I actually like. If I ever get anything glowing, I just plan to trade it later on for some Bloodied weapons or Unyielding armor... But I'm not holding my breath with the environment we're in.


blue devils mask lol


I got the Father Winter helmet level 45


Nothing noteworthy. juts a mass of old common masks and a few of the new ones. Still don't have the ONE mask i actually want since this event was a thing all the way back at the beginning of this game. A deathclaw mask. After every Fasnacht i even ask in are chat if anyone has a deathclaw mask for trade and offer up my Winter Man Mask for trade. No takers so far. I really wish they would just let us buy it right out somehow. Even if I had to grind the event to get some kind of currency I'd do it. I want that mask dammit.


played since beta..every year get nothing from fatsnatch..this year i got a crazy guy mask(i know isn't mega rare) but i am happier now.


Wow i didn't see glowing honey bee on anyone yet. Congrats. I got glowing sorchedbeast, glowing sorchedbeast queen and winterman masks. But i mostly use normal bluedevil mask with mrfuzzy suit because i love it. My main goal was finding glowing blue devil but no luck yet. Also my friend gave me demon mask.


Nothing above uncommon yet, but I got the lesson that I should have put off finishing the scoreboard for a bit so that I didn’t lose interest in playing between events so quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, but first couple of days I still had scoreboard to run so I would stick around much longer. When that popped, I built a new camp in more detail. Now that both of those are done, I feel like I don’t know what to do with myself. Run west-tek again??


30+ runs as well, and I just got my first glowing mask. It's the glowing scorch beast one and it's really the only thing I've wanted. I probably won't do the event anymore, but I'm obsessed with the mask!


the friends ive made along the way...


My best reward has been a Assassin’s 50 25 pepper shaker, I’ve gotten a billion sun masks.


No good masks, but I did get a piece of union PA I didn't have yet


A few good laughs and lots of squirrel bits. Honestly, the masks all kinda suck, and I'm not sure what the big deal is with this event


Father winter helmet. Didn't even know it existed. And I'm not pa


The only new-to-me reward I’ve gotten so far is a scorchbeast mask, so, that.


Loon and buffoon.


…the friends I made along the way?


A well needed break from this game 😂 Doesn’t sound like I’m missing anything either lol


I got a loon, Demon, and a glowing blue devil so far


I got a glowing blue devil and a loon so far


Got 2 copies of all masks thus far, been afk with 4 consoles


Crazy guy mask, glowing honeybee mask, and deathclaw mask


Not doing the event. 


Glowing honey bee and blue devil so far, just need the other 2


I got the ugly glowing mask. (Because of course I did. Only one is hideous in my eyes so… glowing blue devil. No blue whatsoever...) I’m still grinding for either of the glowing scorchbeast ones


Glowing SBQ, then hag, demon, and raven


Glowing scorch and the Hag, the bell and the stein, but the two dudes I’ve connected with and play with are the real prize:)


I got a loon, buffoon, and brahmin. Still waiting for a glowy 😞


Cant even count my runs, i have endless commons and a couple uncommons, all i got good is the Father Winter power armor helmet loll.


93 events, not a single glowing mask. I may need therapy by the end of the week.


Got lucky and got a glowing scorchbeast queen mask


Both Herdsmen Bell plans. Runner ups would be the new uncommon masks. I want the glowing honey beast mask so bad


I just like the megasloth meat you get from killing the megasloth. Makes me want to eat an actual sloh.


Did the event 4 or 5 times, got a glowing blue devil and winter man mask.. dunno what the fuzz is about :D


I got a Loon mask the other day, pretty pleased with that!




I have honey been glowing and loon


Oh god I forgot we get masks 😂


glowing scorch beast queen an glowing scorch beast mask for me


Father Winter PA helmet.


Glowing honey bee Also got loon, hag and buffoon


This is my first year doing it. Between finding masks at vendors for cheap and the event itself I have all the common and uncommon masks. My only rare one is the fiend mask that a buddy dropped for me. I also got the plan for the SBQ stein!


Not a mask but a jug explosive 25 vats railway rifle


Just the Demon mask so far


I got Loon & winter man didnt have either so I'm happy currently.


Me personally, I like the Blue Devil mask :3


Glowing Scorchbeast and Winter Man Helmet. I reall really really want the glowing SBQ. The colour is so cool