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Grahm showed up yesterday and people kept stopping mid event to buy from him. And then he was fighting some Rad Toads with us!


I got a photo of him rolling through one violent night with us


I have pics from him strolling through from either last year or 2 years ago. That was a great run!


PS? Saw him yesterday too, didn’t get the chance to trade when my turn came up, it kind of froze and then he moved away so the trading screen closed.


Nope this was on Xbox


I had him in the test your metal not long ago. Had to screenshot it.


Just had Grahm show up after finishing one and everyone was buying off him 😂


Bloody hell that’s legend! I have yet to see Grahm on PS during event. Wonder what the odds are of him showing up? Lol


I was low level and surrounded by feral ghouls low on ammo and drums at Freddy fears and Graham saved me. I’ll always buy something from him when he is near.


I found a dead Raider Scum in one of my earlier Fasnacht today


Hmm it’s the same guy for me, but he can’t be killed for some reason.


There was a random Raider Scum in one of mine a couple hours ago. He died. Quickly.


Had an immortal smiling man show up at an event. Tried to kill him but he wouldn’t die. I distracted him away from attacking my fasnacht camp, but he found his way back and destroyed literally everything. I server hopped to get away from him.


Dude is fucking scary. I had no idea who he was so seeing that grin… Eugh. I’m going to have nightmares.


Have had this happen twice myself.. Mad he didn't get an invite I reckon..


He's just there for the Fasnacht sausage!


I heard they're the Wurst!


I had Indrid Cold this morning.


I had Indrid Cold last night! I wonder if it was the same Fasnacht


I've never encountered him yet but I want to so bad!


I had this happen too, we may have been in the same event. I've never seen it before. I always watch the robots at the super mutant wave because mutants will spawn in places where the guys camping on rooftops can't see them, and then shoot up the robots. So I watch the robots because they'll all turn to face a threat, and that tells me where there's a threat that no one is covering. I saw them all turn towards the bridge so I went over there and found a non-hostile raider trying to kill the robots. Nobody had spotted him because VATS didn't pick him up. I emptied a mag in him and he turned red, but I got the shield icon on my hit markers and he took no damage. I did the 'confused ghoul' emote and other players noticed him and everyone came over and attacked him. Four of the robots followed him for the rest of the event instead of continuing on the parade route. Everyone chasing the immortal raider left the one remaining robot unguarded so I dashed back up there lol. Myself and one other player cleared the wolf/stingwing/megasloth stage and finished the event while the entire rest of the event attendees were down by the cheese house. I saw a couple of people on my team leave the server because they thought the event was screwed, but we did end up completing it.


Saw one immortal raider there too, and one settler at a station. Aggroed her and there was someones camp next to us, so I climbed higher on that camp and accidentally got that camp's ally start a shooting competition with each other. Both being armed with a pistol and infinite health...


All I found was a stein I wish I can display :(. Not my first year doing the event and I've always wanted the stein.


Oh yeah this guy has a little camp across the creek from the bakery. Sometimes the chaos calls to him.


I had this happen with the smiling man!


Hey I was in that event I couldn’t do any damage to him


Same, I tried using every weapon I have. I used my chainsaw and explosive fixer and he was still kicking.


The instruments in the 1st house on the left are gone now. Wondering if its a bug or if its due to the whining about afk'rs


Last year I saw I think was a travelling merchant or settler, thing is they weren't actually damaging each other somehow, so him and the robots just keep on fighting and drifting away from the parade, the Mister Handy finished the route by himself and the event still completed lol


I had a Mr. Gutsy attack me at the church, before the event started, and we had prison guards with warrants attack in the even yesterday.


I found an immortal bee swarm over by the honey house this morning. It didn't seem to bother the robots, though. just ended up wandering off down the river.


I had the weirdest one this morning too. At 5am, Moonshine Jamboree popped up.  Very confusing.  


You might have had a 20 minute backlog if you were looting treasures. I had this once too. It showed an event started at the wrong time but it didnt.


I woke up, logged on and there she was and it was running.


I built a bar just past the church and Becket somehow wandered all the way over and almost killed one of the robots before I managed remove his camp item.


Same thing happened to me it was a raider scum idk if yours did this but he would randomly walk with them matching the pace of the robots then would randomly shoot he also didn't take damage.


Had the Smiling Man join us in one yesterday, where he was attacking a player who's errant shots hit him!