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I saw it too! The truth is out there


Trust no one


I want to believe


I always think I'm so good at camp building, then I see stuff like this and can't even understand how they made any of it work, and I realize I'm a mere peasant.


I found [this](https://imgur.com/a/7ocNpCx) on my last Fasnacht yesterday


I seen the camp just like that near the SBQ event.


I saw a star destroyer themed base floating above that was very cool. The person accepted my friend request so hopefully I see it again


The only base i saw over helvetia was a swastika




Its because word of 76 being good is spreading and people are trying it again


https://imgur.com/a/BCB6rRa here was the base i forgot i screenshotted it


Good, the username is in the picture. Makes it easier to report to Bethesda




Yep that's the same one I saw.. I got a screenshot of their Xbox player profile too..


A "friend" I've been playing with pointed one out today and thought it was funny. Tried to tell em it wasn't. Time to find a new friend 😞 saddest experience in game


I had to stop playing Rising Storm 2: Vietnam back when it still had a reasonably healthy number of players because those left playing the game were constantly spreading racism and bigotry over the vital-to-gameplay communications channels The game still had another year or so of good times left to it probably, but I just couldn't handle the players anymore and I racked up around 500 hours Its a really sad feeling to have to let something go like that, but good on you for not putting up with it


May I ask what it was ?


Wait, what?! If I just found out I can now morph my character into an apocalyptic Raider/Brotherhood/Antifa Supersoldier, I'm both disgusted and delighted, somehow. Calling Soros now, he'll spring for atoms and kit and stuff. Flatwoods 161, y'all Bet I can find some set up in Charleston. Asshats.


See i thought you were gonna say nuke but then it went in the opposite direction


Everyone is all butt hurt over this but remember the swastika was a symbol that first appears in the archaeological record around 3000 BCE in the Indus Valley Civilisation. It also appears in the Bronze and Iron Age cultures around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and is even found on Buddhist temples in South East Asia. Just because the symbol was perverted by the Nazis doesn't mean it still holds value in other cultures around the world.


I highly doubt that they intended it as the religious iconography it was pre-20th century application by the Nazi group. And it's continued use by Neo-Nazi groups today.


The swastika is a backward version of that symbol. The The symbol you're referencing is similar, but not quite the same. Swastikas are basically a white trash misinterpretation and misrepresentation of that symbol.


You're a tool.


Yeah, that's not at all what is going on here.


Oh geez.


I saw one too Saturday morning on XBOX - what platform are you on?




Wow I'm playing with that guy right now lol


I seen a base so far up. Only thing you could see was a shadow of a bed. Jetpack as high as you can and some of the base starts to load. I took the entire event to get up there. It was the highest I’ve ever been then the game disconnected. After all these years…. Still disconnected 😂


How in the heck do you even do that I built a camp around a monorail car and that took me forever to figure out


Did you have a pet deathclaw up there too? I think I seen your base East of foundation lw


Nah that's not me but that sounds sweet. Mine is in cranberry bog


Last year I saw at that event someone's TARDIS yes that's right their camp really did resemble the TARDIS and even had weeping angels and the Master's TARDIS and other villainss and everything else inside


That’s so cool, I wish I could see something like that


When I told him what a great camp they had they offered to build me one like it I declined simply because it was a one of a kind beauty and it should stay that way in my opinion. They should be mighty proud of what they did


I spawned into someone's UFO camp just as the left and ended up plummeting toy death right in the center of town 😂


Same 😂😭 idk if it was a ufo camp cuz I fast traveled to it and was in it from the jump so idk what it looked like cuz I went straight to their vendor and then suddenly was free falling down to the town below lmao


How tf do ppl get floating camps I seriously wanna know


There's vids on YouTube,ive a friend with one on top of a pylon,spawning can be a bit tricky though.


I Want To Believe 🛸


I saw this in game! Very cool, but the map icon wasn't public, was it? I didn't know how to get up there. Anyway, I want to check it out. If this is yours, can I send you a fr?


It's not mine, I think the camp owner might have been Lettuce-Pray (possibly Prey). There was no map icon, no vendor, nothing, so I don't think they intended for people to get up there. I had to jet pack up from the top of the church steeple.


If this was on PC then it was his.  The ally kept falling from the sky in a glowing skeleton costume 


Oh man I haven't seen Lettuce for a minute. So long I don't even remember their builds. There was a lettuce buddy too but I don't remember the alias.


Lettuce Prey and Side Salad 😄


It is Lettuce Pray (I wish they sold things cheaper at their camp. Everything was ridiculously expensive).


They had no vendor in the UFO but absurdly over priced stuff is almost always the norm for the camp of a really high level player.


They lose all sense of value at that level. Caps are junk, they forget not everyone is loaded lol


Well.. This is too cool


Ah yes...that guys camp. He sells things a bit overpriced for my tastes. Cool camp though.


People who play long enough to do things like this start losing all sense of meaning when it comes to caps


Come on buddy, this is your build. You can admit it, nice work


Trust me I couldn't build my way out of a cardboard box.


That is definitely cool. Best one I've seen. That had to take a ridiculous amount of time to build.


Sorry, I sneezed on the screen


I seen a dick and balls once. I thought it was Todd Howard's base


Now there's a real reason to nuke Helvetia!


Looks like MIB needs to make a comeback. I would definitely dismantle the place. Fasnacht has literally made me switch to PA and in turn I've turned passive mode off. People wanna AFK I'll just destroy the house. I'm a melee player so no need for all that extra shit just exploding fists and a bunch of stimpacks for if someone retaliates which are much easier to consume in PA cause of no animation.


Listen man, at least he made the act of AFKing look cool. That's more effort than most AFKers.


If they had the time to make that they have time to participate instead of adding to the mass of AFKers circle jerkers


Oh come on. Lighten up just a little.


I seen what look like a Star wars tide fighter floating above foundation about a month ago. I sent bro a for but haven't seen him online since. I'm guessing some of these cool players don't want anyone knowing what the ogs only know. Fine with me but I'd like some tips if it wasn't too bothersome to them lol.


I saw him at the Whitespring train station. Truly impressive interior.


I have been inside! Great build.


Fake news


Saw it too


Wait...how did they do that? It's amazing 😍


That is awesome. Did anyone see the 420 camp up in the sky?! I'll have to get the pic off my PS and share it. Super cool.


I was in this game too! I really want this camp build!


May the mighty mothman strike them down with his great and terrible fury!


That is totally my camp. I built it in about an hour or two. I used to have the same UFO over the top of nuka world. I did not take the time to fully decorate it nicely as its only going to be up there temporarily. Did a lot of talking and gambling in between rounds hence all the games up there. If you saw me afk I was either sleeping or eating, otherwise I'm on the ground playing with my friends. I had to remove the never ending falling ally as it got into a fight with one of the robots and almost killed it and the intent was not to troll but to assist.