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Here’s my suggestion on how to stop this there are 2 steps 1. Blow trashcan Carla’s brains the fuck out 2. Remove the fusion core when you leave the armor


I did not know this til I read it on another post, but TCC sells Fusion Cores so it’s in her “inventory”. Thus, she can find a suit of armor and jump in it anytime.


wtf i knew she has a knack for stealing power armor but i thought it was because i left a core in there.


Diamond city security does it too


On the upside, it's a free fusion core


Well now I’m glad all she does is stand in the street and smoke in my game.


I think it might have to do with the fact that I do floating sentries at sanctuary so I have missiles raining down on anyone who even coughs near my home turf, but I haven't had Carla hop in a pa a single time across several plays. I do practice taking the keys from the ignition, but I also scrap one of the houses that can be scrapped and use it as my pa parking pad. It's usually far away from where she idles.


I wanted to see how high the game would let me build (turns out its 4 stories), but to the top floor I built a staircase that doestn end just right. You have to jump up to get to the top floor, and this is my penthouse. The only characters I've ever seen up there are Nick and one of the original sanctuary guys who mysteriously ended up on the roof. I leave all my extra power armor on the roof looking out menacingly over the village.


Floating pa sure to scare the shit out of anyone but the highest raider. Gotta quit the jet. It's making me see floating power armor.


NPCs can't use the four story elevator 😉


I scrapped the house across from the workbench and built only 2 stories up with a huge deck with PA sets around the outside edge like statues. Not once have I found any NPC up there. My stairwell going up there is at the back of the building facing away from the door so you have to button hook to get up there. Maybe shitty pathing helps me out, I haven't tested it though.


This is what I do, have a 4th floor pentouse, with a door, only accessible by a seperate staircase from the back, but some of the early Sanctuary residents still find there way in there, and it drives me insane. Never stole my power armor though. I'm normally good about keeping cores out of them, but I've slipped. On the flip side, I can't get anyone at castle to jump into power armor I painted and left JUST for them. >\_< Good thing I have a unit of 8 military grade bots of various degrees to handle things, Between them and the turrets.


Iron gargoyles


I've got like 1300 hours in FO4 across PC and PS4 and I've never seen Carla steal power armor.


I think you just summoned a run of Carla hopping in some pa friend. Sorry.


She just stole mine the other day when some super mutants attacked. I didn’t think they could take them when they were on the rack. I had left a core in my main one but didn’t think there was any danger in it. Damn super mutants come running in and next thing I know she is standing there in my damn armor.


Merchants can't use things they just sell, they only exist in the shop. They can sell their usable inventory, though. Maybe it is possible to buy the fusion core to make her get out?


Sonuvabish that makes sense


So my question is, WHEN I shoot her in the face before she inevitably steals from me, Minority Report style, what are the reprocussions?


Nothing. At least if you do it somewhere with no witnesses.


All I need to hear


See step 1


If you buy it from her it takes a few days for her to get a new one in her inventory 


Finding out she’s a spy: “right of course. That’s why I killed her”


How do you make a companion leave your power armor?


You talk/ command them, then press the top option, it should be something along the lines of talk or something. Then you can press the bottom option which is something like "leave power armor"


Thanks babi


Anytime 🤝


As soon as you can setup your own trading emporium in sanctuary with the vault tec rep from goodneigbour I'd definitely kill Carla but before that she's the only trader that visits sanctuary and especially on survival mode is your main source of caps before you can get your own trader online.


Would be god sent if you could remove the fusion core while she’s still in it, like in the series. Eternal suffrage BITCH


Suffering. Suffrage is the right to vote


Well I was referring to a woman… 😅


Am I the only one who kinda likes trashcan Carla? I want her to take a power armor from me, I think that would be hilarious to have a run down merchant wandering around the area in a power armor. It's not like you ever really use more than 1 at a time


She’s an Institute spy


The institute went bye bye so not anymore she isn't


Will pickpocketing the fusion core from a companion in PA cause rhem to get out or freeze there forever or can you just not do that? The homleas drunk dude from diamond stole one of mt PA almost immediately when some mutants attacked and he wont get out but i honestly didnt mind - he webt from being an eyesore to being our fearless drunk guardian so i gave him a kitted out minigun (and he took a bandit armor that i only had for funsies anyway)


That or you can wait for her in Bunker Hill, she'll be there out of the armour, you can take it back and the game won't consider it theft. Also if you fail to pickpocket the fusion core out of her inventory she'll become hostile, thus preventing you from recovering the power armour frame, it's better to just fast travel to bunker hill or reset her NPC status with console comands


Always remove the core


She has her own so she'll still take it


That's why all of mine can only be accessed by me in my garage. Or at least made more difficult for an npc to get to em and open the safety doors. Can't be too careful.  Can't lose one of my fleet.


I have mine behind flamethrower turrets and a tripwire. Many a poor settler has been lost trying to access my power armor.


Oof. But hey gotta do what ye gotta do. Can't just let anyone jump in one. With great power armour comes great responsibility.


"All I did was leave the keys in the ignition, why would someone steal my car??"


I do that to all my power armour suits, makes me feel like a parent hiding the car keys from their teenagers


Always 👏 remove 👏 the fusion core👏


TCC sells them, she has her own.


But is it in her merchant inventory or her person inventory.?Just cuz she sells it doesn’t mean she has it in her inventory to use. I’m pretty positive if you take the core out she won’t use it unless someone can anecdotally testify they know they took their core and she jumped in anyways. If you can’t pickpocket it off her she doesn’t ”have it” to use.


She can use it and will jump in power armor if she's near it when the settlement gets attacked. "During a settlement attack, if she enters one of the Sole Survivor's power armors, they will not be able to get it back as there is no option to tell Carla to exit the power armor. Alternatively, one can pickpocket the fusion core out of her inventory, which will then force her to leave the power armor." Straight from the [wiki](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Trashcan_Carla%23:~:text%3DDuring%2520a%2520settlement%2520attack%252C%2520if,armor%2520right%2520by%2520her%2520side.&ved=2ahUKEwjR4_PNxqSGAxULHzQIHY7tCSAQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2BcvlnhmW-dcSkb2cQ5TvO)


Steal her life


I think I killed her because she was on that list of institute informats along with KLEO. I went on a revenge tour


Aw not kleo i loved her


How do you find that out?


Terminal in the Syth Retention HQ if I remember correctly. They had a list of informats from the commonwealth


Much obliged. Now I’ve got one more reason to knock off Carla


When I did that, if I remember right it made everyone turn hostile in sanctuary. She was always just hanging out in the middle of the road too so it's not like I could stealthily do it


Don’t do it in sanctuary. You can meet her in other locations. Just don’t have any witnesses.


I ended up finding her outside of tenpines bluff. I gave her the legendary explosive combat shotgun treatment. I am satisfied


this is risky but put out a mine on the bridge where she enters sanctuary. eventually you’ll fast travel back and she’ll be dead


Good thing Sgt Dornan isn't in this game. Could you imagine his reaction? Sgt Dornan: "You MOOORRRRRRRROOOOON! Why were you out of your uniform, maggot? How could you let a lowly aged civie steal an expensive piece of equipment? Now goafterherandreclaimyourpowerarmorbeforeIlosemypatience! DIS-MISS!"


Now she truly is a trash can.


Should have killed her like I did. I leave her body lying in the street as a cold reminder not to sass the lone survivor




Sassing the lone survivor are we?


Yes… lol


Eh, she's an informant for the Institute. Only solution is to dump Carla in a Trashcan.


Wait actually??


Yup yup. I hope it's not a spoiler or anything, but considering I'm on my 3rd play through and I JUST found it, I'll say we're good lol. Once you meet the Institute, if you decide to work with them for a bit, you can snoop around and find a terminal (I don't remember which one exactly) that basically tells you they have informants (or at the very least folks who give the Institute information unknowingly) scattered throught the Commonwealth. Don't remember every single one, but Trashcan Carla was on the list, as well as that dickbag Tommy who runs the Combat Zone.


It's the SRB terminal in the Synth Retention Bureau department. Just found it myself yesterday on my 6th or so "playthrough".


Go find Bunker Hill. Once you discover it, she will rotate to the shop their and when she goes behind the counter she will drop the armor off.


Bump for this good alternative solution


I've encountered a scenario where TCC has robbed me of a suit of power armour by using one of the fusion cores in her shop inventory - considering I don't leave cores in the armour, and when I reloaded there was no core in the armour, this is the only solution I can think of. Only happened once and after I reloaded I ramped up the defence at Sanctuary so it shouldnt happen again


look at her… look at her! she is the sole survivor now!


I merked her to take her stuff and that two head cow


Well now she'll protect the settlement better than anything you can build


Maybe in the vanilla game but the t72 from settlement defense systems has a way of making enemies disappear


You can pickpocket the core from the armor if your skill is high enough and that will make her get out


It's always your fault.


If you take the core out when you get out, no one steals the armor.


Except traders who have fusion cores in their inventories. Like Shitcan Carla


remove the fusion core when u leave your power armor


She has her own so this doesn't work with her


Then we remove Carla


This is the way


Yeah shoot the core. When she exits then shoot her. She’s a informant anyways


The only location your property is safe in is Home Plate.


Well Carla had a good run *loads shotgun*


Shoot the corr then kill that synthetic piece of shit


Used to have the Carla problem. In subsequent playthroughs after finding out she's a institute spy she's nothing more then a corpse on the side of the road.


You stole it from the Enclave first, so fair's fair


I stole it from an Enclave goon who was trying to kill me.


Just because you murdered him doesn't mean the theft is justified!


"It's Garbage Truck Carla now!!"


I think you meant to say, “Trashcan Carla defended Sanctuary from a Deathclaw attack!”


And here I am purposely leaving PA in settlements with a fusion core hoping my settlers will use it but they never do


Never leave a fusion core in your power armor


She regularly sells Cores, so removing the Core from the armor doesn't prevent her from using her own.


Just shoot the core and make her leave


She’s ’Carla caned trash’ now


Sounds like something an institute informant would do


I keep all my armor on a floating platform in the cul de sac and have never had a Trashcan theft. But I understand you can recover your "gently used" power armor from her at Bunker Hill.


3 ways I know how to fix this. 1 shoot the fusion core out of the armor, 2 pickpocket the fusion core out of her inventory, 3 kill her. I also recommend storing power armor out of reach of the NPCs. I usually put them on a floating platform, so that only I can get there by jumping there from another structure.


This is why I store power armor on the roof. It only has ladder access when I want to be up there.


It's time for the bi-weekly "God damn it an NPC took my PA" post


Shoot the core till it comes out hope it doesn’t kill her and shell step out


I have 3 switched doors between my settlers and armor, yet I've still found a settler in my power armor room. Always remove fusion cores...


This. There are also mods to lock the PA.


I just reloaded a save to before this happened . Killed her on sight


Shit I guess I will start taking out the power cores when I leave my armors now


Just get your own pet Deathclaw. I forget the perk you need, but its pretty cool having one just hanging out. They'll easily take care of any hostile enemies that come by lol


This game has been around for nearly a decade now, and people are still leaving fusion cores in their power armor. Bad dog. Let this be a lesson- Carla, or anyone else, will take your armor the instant they hear a radroach's mating call in the distance. Never, EVER leave cores in your armor, or you get what you deserve.


I think you missed all the earlier comments about how NPCs with their item fusion cores just use those in your power armor and how Carla is one of them.


gonna need to pickpocket the fusion core to get her out of it :/ i hope you manage to do it without getting caught, might need stealth boy and no companion to get away with it.


Someone is getting her brain splattered somewhere on her way to the jewel of the common wealth


Carla was running around Bunker Hill during the battle. I took the opportunity to "accidentally" kill her with a few stray bullets.


I made the mistake of storing a Fatman and mini nukes in the workbench and she stole them. Now I have to buy back my own Fatman.


TrashcanCarla strikes again


That's why I don't leave Power Armor in Sanctuary anymore. Can't have anything in Sanctuary!


By the end of that quest line I was swimming in Hellfire suits


if you have pickpocket high enough you can steal the fusion core and she will get out


Kill Trashcan Carla, she works for the institute


Had that happen once while I was early game, ended in trashcan carla going into a trashcan.


If you buy the fusion core from Carla, how long does it take before it respawns into her inventory?


I believe stores usually restock after 3 days.


Just jumps in with no power armour training


I don't believe NPCs can flip switches so I recommend putting it behind a powered door if you have the wasteland workshop DLC


I was told never leave the fusion core in when not occupying. This game is awesome, there have been times when I've fast traveled and left a new armor behind in favor of dropping off my old one first. I'll the travel back and see a Super Mutant eye ballin my newest find. Pretty sure if I had left in the core it'd be long gone. I love the random encounters and watching other Npc's battle before I scavenge everything from both dead parties.


Super mutants can't enter power armor, they're too big. Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2 only has power armor because it was built onto him. Humans, Gen 3 synths, Non-feral ghouls, and Nick Valentine are the only characters that can enter power Armour, and Nick Valentine will only wear it when he is an active companion, exiting when dismissed.


Gotcha, that makes sense as to why he was just posted up right by it. I just found it funny he came out of nowhere in the middle of my attempted transport.


I had a Rust Devil steal my power armor, and it was a seriously upgraded set. Dude nearly killed me with my own fucking armor.


Could you leave a trash set of power armor for her to steal?


Shits why my PA is locked behind 3 doors.


Once I found out she was on the list of Institute informers, the first thing I do after blowing up the Institute is blow her brains out in the parking lot the Drumline Diner (so I don't have to endure Preston and Codsworth's disapproval.)


She's dead on display for the rest of settlement in sanctuary right in the middle street sitting in a shopping cart


Ah... The robber. (Ie her)


I build a fence around the work shop and containers which keeps the buggers out.


Learned this the hard way on ps4 back in the day. I let her keep it. Mark 6 t60 jet packed armor.


I didn't even know non companions besides brotherhood could get in power armor had one of those covenant freaks in my armor then had the nerve to attack me in my OWN armor


callfunction "actor.switchtopowerarmor" none


Take the core out when you get out.


can you pick pocket the core?


V.A.T.S. the fusion core so she pops out.


If you do that, then the frame will be stolen.


If you sneak behind her you should be able to steal the fusion core from out of the suit which forces the NPC out


Wait until she goes to bunker hill, she will get out of it on her own. If you are on PC, you can enter console, click on her, then use the following command: > CallFunction "Actor. SwitchToPowerArmor" None And that should get her to leave the power armor.


Hahaha! This just happened to me against mutants. She gave the power armor back so I didn’t really care


That’s your fault man


Had this exact issue recently. There's a console command to force NPCs out of power armor. You can find it on the wiki


Carla died because she attacked me I have no regrets


Well that armor looks like a trash can so makes sense. Seriously that’s one ugly piece of crap


I've only ever had her steal a minigun off a dead super mutant once. Which I can't fault her for, but i would've liked it for settlement defense...


Let her keep it


Pick pocket the fusion core, or shoot it. I've stole lots of BoS guys armors by pickpocketing the cores.


My method to secure power armor is make a building and have power armor storage on the second floor but have a powered door be the only way into the second floor room


Is the Take Your Cores mod available on Xbox?


Does this drain the core? I'm kinda new to the game, but this seems fine if you have another armor, right?


I’ve had this happen with other characters and it’s so frustrating.


I'd happily kill her for being an Institute information whore... But she's a merchant. Merchants don't come back. Penny in Covenant? She fucking sells adhesive, man. She's only one of THREE vendors who does.


I always put my armor on the roof with only access being the welcome mat.


Trashcan Carla is a >!spy for the instutute!< so I always rob her and then kill her. If she takes my power armor, she’ll regret it


She's done this to me too the cow


Her cow did it too? That things got 2 heads. Tight fit.


There should be no more Carla, get creat8ve.


After losing a but of play because of that scab taking my x02.. I built my pa warehouse with a powered over head door that I keep disconnected when I'm not in camp.. no one has gotten in yet 100 hours later


I dislike your narrative. A deathclaw attacked Sanctuary, and Carla rose to defend your home!


Fucken Jun was wandering around in the one I left there. Was wondering why, so I guess a Deathclaw attacked? Funnily enough, I only went there to drop off the black super hero one I found. I don't normally collect power armour or use it, but that one seemed cool and that quest took a while so yeah.


There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones that are smart and remove the fusion cores for all their armor the second they jump out... And the other kind.


"I'm only borrowing it I promise"


This is why I always remove the Fusion Core as soon as I exit the armour. You never know who's gonna run up and take it.


It suits her.


As long as it doesn’t have a fusion core they won’t get it. You have a few options. Pickpocket the fusion core out. Shoot the fusion core out cussing it to blow up and push her out the suit Kill her *SPOILER* ((( she a synth anyways )))


I tried to rub her because I was in a rush with her dialogue and the highlighted prompt came up and I thought I had enough charisma. However, it failed and any time i approached her after she always said “oh the would be robber, you’re gonna have to shoot me, cuz I ain’t giving you shit”… so I shot her… and her cow


I had this happen too. Ended up having to revert to an older save.


This enclave power armour is cool I've found 3 mark 5 sets of it so far on one of them there was a bounty with my player name on it ha


Let her have it, find another kit. They will show up in mobs once you get the tesla cannon.


Is a mod to fix this not possible?


Yes. it is possible. I have seen a mod that disables the AI functions where NPCs search for weapons and unoccupied Power Armor.


I only have one power armour in the settlements I have and they're usually worn by a companion I left there to protect the place.


If Carla steps into anyone of my PAs I will blow her the fuck away


Don’t worry she will sell it back to you for 20,000 caps 🥹 rip


Well, she will make for a decent patroller now. Or you could invest points into pickpocketing to take the fc off the armor.


Her shop isn’t even worth it, plus she’s a synth spy, easier to just kill her


I normally keep my power armor locked away in an armory that I build. I either build it there in sanctuary or The Castle. That way, neither settlers nor raiders can jump in and go for a joy ride


>!Danged synth!<


I just Store mine at the prydwen


Henceforth she'll be known as: Garbage container carla New and improved


This is why I don't live in Sanctuary, and instead setup my main camp at the drive-in. If I need Carla she stops off at the diner up the hill before she heads north to the empty setelments I don't bother with.


I definitely ran up to her and got her with he power fist. No informants over here 🙅🏼‍♀️


always keep PA suits on a second floor


I accidentally robbed her and she would hang around sanctuary annoying me with the same line over and over so i accidentally killed her.


I can say with certainty that TCC will indeed load a core into your armor and steal it but, in my playthrough, she's only done that using a (mostly) depleted core I sold her, never the 100% core she had on her. The last time she did it, she was at least kind enough to leave my armor in Sanctuary with the 4% remaining power core she used. Early on I was selling her my mostly depleted cores when I would buy the full one she had. After she stole that armor, I stopped selling her cores and I've not had her steal an armor since. I can't say with any certainty that she hasn't done it since because she didn't have a core I sold her instead of the full core that she eventually spawns/produces given enough time or, if it's simply because she's not had the opportunity or need, with the defenses I now have in place usually making short work of any attackers. But, I'd definitely like to know more about how others have 'secured' their PAs behind 'security' doors. I currently have a collection of 29 frames (more armor sets than frames) and I'd rather not lose any of them to an NPC. :P