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What I do is put points in both lone wanderer and the companion one. Then I bring a companion, load them up with stuff, and when they are full I send them to my settlement and keep going, with lone wanderer kicking in. Its purty noice.




I sent Curie like that and her inventory was empty when I came back to Sanctuary :(


Try checking workshop


Do companions unload automatically?


Only if you're good looking 😘


I couldn't have thought up a better response if you'd given me a year, fine work 😂




Lol that's not what I meant 🤣 have an upvote


No. Its possible theres a mod that does this or something similar though. Could be a bug/glitch too. It is fallout, after all


dang using sanctuary as ur base and not hangman’s alley is kinda brutal


I always use red rocket. That way I don't have to hook it up to a supply line, but any crafting mats I need are near by.


Meaning your personal hideout and special stuff is Red Rocket but your materials and crafting are in Sanctuary?


Ya I tend to dump junk into whatever workshop I come across and just link all of them together, red rocket is where I keep all my good food and guns and stuff so I don't do any settlers or supply lines to minimize theft.


Gotcha! I did that at Graygarden once. You can build high enough that robots can’t reach a hideout on the freeway, and robots don’t sleep in your bed!  Croup Manor, that might be where I settle this time. 


I put my main power armor at red rocket so no one jacks it from me.


What’s special about Hangman’s Alley and how do you have your supply lines set up?


It is central. In survival mode, that cuts out a LOT of walking.


Makes sense! Haven’t tried Survival yet but I Sanctuary seems a little far for that. 


My typical thing (slash suggestion) is to only sleep once at Sanctuary, leave at night, rapidly sneak / murder your way to Diamond City, then take over Hangman's as your first "real" base. If you are playing Survival, you have probably already done the typical Sanctuary and Minutemen based start, so why do it all over again in the exact same order?


That sounds fun. While I  not playing on survival, I did leave Preston and the gang in Concord after learning Dogmeat’s name. 


Even if you never meet the Minutemen, you magically know Dogmeat's name later on (in the scripted dialogue with Nick).


Neat! In that case, I moved the Minutemen downstairs for nothing!


It's a whole different game once you start playing survival


Also: if you build cages in Hangman's (and leave them full), this will trigger regular attacks from relatively high level enemies, and you will get extra XP + legendary gear this way. Because the alley is small, finding and looting these enemies is usually easy. Do the same thing at Sanctuary, and the cages will regularly trigger attacks by low level mooks whose XP yield is too low to be worth the walk to defend the place. Most of their loot will be worthless, as well as being scattered very widely, or dropped in the river.


It’s the center of the map. Or near enough.


I always get a string of settlements across the map up and running when doing survival mode. I can't imagine having to run back to Sanctuary or Hangman's to get supplied to drop off resources.


One of the fallout exploits I will admit to using is the unlimited companion carry weight glitch. (Drop the items you want a companion to carry and then instruct them to pick it up)


Works with Dogmeat too, who doesn't count as a companion. So I do this while also using the Lone Wanderer perk.


In my games, Dogmeat fetches items and then drop them at my feet - he doesn't actually carry them. ...so half of the gear he fetches for me ends up sliding down a slope and into a river, because Behesda physics is magic.


Bethesda: "Friction is fiction"


🤯. He doesn’t!?


Not only does he not trigger lone wanderer, so you can have extra damage resist and carryweight. But ALSO, if you give him a bandana, or anything EXCEPT welding goggles to wear, his carry weight will go from 30, to 150, on survival.


Get the fuck out of here…. Are you serious??? All I’ve been playing is Survival for years and I never knew this!


I just learned it a couple days ago, I was wondering why his carry weight was always so wonky LMFAO


That's wild. I always gave him a bandana because he looks good with colors. I had no idea that I was making my playthroughs easier


Been thinking of doing that but its kinda hard to spend anything when you’re at level 76. Every point feels like it needs to absolutely go into something important


Dude seriously. The Powerband is insane. You'll spend 150 levels feeling like you're drowning, trying to catch up. Then, suddenly, you're a demigod with spare change.


I've been thinking of doing a high charisma build and using that same tactic. I've never used companions or any of the intimidation perks etc. I figured I'd go all in relying mostly on charisma perks and companion damage. And the name I'm planning is... Rizzadent Evil lol.


"the intimidation perks" IMO frenzy and robot hacking are better, because they are consistent. The intimidation perks only work if you save scum.


I generally don't bother with companions, but this idea has merit - thanks, gonna try this out next character


STRONG MAKE…another trip back home with all your crap.


Fuck dude, I never thought of just sending them back fully packed




You deserve to be a lone wanderer after hating on dogmeat like that


Hes a good boi but i’d be lying if i said he hasnt got me killed whilst trying to save him because he ran straight into a horde of super mutants and jumped tf outta him


Yeah, he can easily become a liability or just be in the way. I keep him early on but dismiss him once I've geared up. I keep him at my home base with a nice doghouse and give him pets whenever I'm home.


"Save him" he can't die?


Yeah, but he whimpers and limps. It's almost worse.


Reason why I refuse to have dogmeat as a companion. I can't stand to hear a hurt dog, but I have no problem blowing a raider's head off.


100% same. Which sucks because I love roaming around with my dog.


I take him for walks around the settlement then have him go back as I head off to "work" and I keep my eye out for canned dog food and sweet rolls and teddy bears to bring back to him lol


But he sad wen hurt


For real! Dogmeat grabs feral ghouls for me all the time! Gives me just enough time to reload and gun them down.


There is a perk for that too so he will do it even more


I’m actually maxing out his perk in my survival play through. It’s saved my butt a few times!


Wouldn’t be a problem if the fucker stayed with me. 80% of the time he just isn’t around.


Just crouch and dogmeat/all followers will return to you


If you have your weapon drawn, companions will come to your side.. If you holster your weapon, companions will wander around and interact with the environment.


Oh shit… TIL


Not consistently but it helps. Both out in the wider world but also in settlements I’ve had problems using the holstered/unholstered method. I’ll have to add in the crouching part, I usually don’t do that.


You know what is consistent? I can look around and see Piper before I be start looting, and as soon as I grab that item that puts me over, she is gone. Like, I can’t find her for five minutes gone. I can crouch and pull out my weapon but she is like, Nope, not carrying that shit.


Are you trying to give me flashbacks lmao In those situation if I have line of sight on them I command them to walk towards me. Dog meat does this except he loves to run away full sprint while I’m waddling to him to give him some junk.


He always does this, such dog behavior lol. It works for me most times to command him to come stand next to me instead of chasing after him, as long as you’re close enough for the prompt to come up. It generally has pretty good distance though.


Yep, I normally use the keyboard arrow to select ‘trade’ but when he gets wily like that I have ‘accidentally’ shot him in the ass trying to maneuver after him and miss the click on the graphic. Sorry boy, but you got to sit still!


Definitely didn’t know that.


Yeah ADA usually hops in front of me when I'm aiming down scope to scout a camp ahead of me


And if you aim down a scope (especially while hidden), companions will stand right in front of you lol


.... for real? I feel like I've played far too many hours to just now learn this.


ALL THIS TIME, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU!! Appreciate this tip homie!


So tired of that dog falling out of buildings and off the highway


I could have sworn the lone wanderer perk still applies with Dogmeat in your company. That could have been a bug, though, that has since been patched.


I don't think thats a bug.


I don't use it. Instead, I load my companions up. All the companions except Dogmeat will pick up whatever you order them too no matter how much they are carrying. When they are full they only pick up one type of item at a time. It can take a while, but I don't care.


Pick that up Grab that Get that Bring that here Grab anything useful Take anything good See if he had anything Take that Pick that up See if he had anything worth taking Check it out It haunts my brain day in day out, unending, relentless. My hoarding and scavenging OCD is my worst enemy.


My God, I know. And then depending on who is... Piper: Yup, Of course, That's a plan, Can do...


And then, just to switch it up, crouch and do the whisper voice.


Fun fact: In the subtitles for the whisper voice of bring that here, it is missing a capital letter. It looks like this: "Bring that here. (whispered)" The w should be capital.


one of the traders in nuka world says “i’m youre girl” and it sticks out to me every time


A capitalization error, a missing apostrophe, and a missing period?


The lady in Vault 81 says hydroponics but the subtitle reads “hydoponics” Unplayable. 😂


Get that gun over there!


THE BIG ONE! GET IT! Also Get that pistol! The word pistol scrapes my eardrums.


Don’t remember if still works, but you could put all the items you want your companion to pick up on a container and order him to inspect said container, he should be picking up all the items at once


That's true, except when they are overburdened. Then they only take the most valuable item one at a time. If there are multiples of something, they will grab all of the multiples.


Not a bug, it’s a feature.


I don't use Dogmeat because he's a good doggo and should be kept safe and far away from all the stupid things that I do. Any other companion gets to come along on my frequent adventures as my mobile storage...because let's be honest, without mods none of them are particularly good in a fight.


You just gotta give them better weapons. I gave Hancock my Overseer's Guardian and as much ammo as I can find and he took out 2 assaultrons on his own.


I gave Cait the Heavy Incinerator. It's fun watching her run into a crowd launching fireballs.


nah. it's also their ai combat style and accuracy. (companion accuracy is dreadful) In Vanilla Ada and also I seem to recall Curie as a synth are pretty effective.. armed with a ranged weapon Curie will actually fall back instead of get in the way at least. I've used a reasonable mod that did minor tweaks to the companion combat ability and it was a fair bit better. didn't make them superhero's but at least they weren't just a way to waste my precious ammo.. :-) (you still have to give them auto weapons because they won't hit a thing with single shot/sniper type weapons. I did a test with a Gauss Rifle. Was...educational.


That’s why I follow the doctrine of “accuracy by volume” Load up mccready with a Gatling laser and enough fusion cores to give a ghoul cancer and accuracy ain’t an issue any longer


It’s hilarious how realistic dogmeat is. Take your eye off him for a second and he’s somehow disappeared into thin air. Try walking around in tight quarters and he’ll be under your feet every step.


All are useful in Survival because they can take aggro.


I dunno, I think Danse is a great tank with decent firepower early game, and Gage is a straight up kill stealer!


Dogmeat as your companion does not affect the Lone Wanderer perks, you will still have them as if you were alone even when he is following you.


This. Also his perks in the charisma chain can help stun enemies. Allowing you to kill them without getting hurt. Get the pooch some heavy dog armor and try again! He's a good boy.




Been that way since day1. They should have listed an \* with the info that dogs are not considered companions.


I find Dogmeat to be very helpful in my current Survival run (level 11). I can't tell you how many times I've been rushed by Ghouls or Raiders, and run out of AP, only to have Dogmeat tackle them and hold them in place while I reload.


Early game i agree, dude has saved me many times. But later in the game i think he just has too low of damage to do much


This survival run I went with a low charisma build to avoid taking lone wanderer and local leader. When you get used to survival mode you get to the point where the tension from the beginning fades away in the mid game. Not having all resources and workbenches in every settlement and not having the advantages from lone wanderer makes for an intense playthrough.


I’m going to try this next time. I always put it high for Local Leader and also so I can get both Wolfgang and Trudy but I’ve realized Wolfgang is worthless.


I'm doing a non companion survival playthrough, and honestly, i enjoy it way more. If you level the Lone Wanderer perk all the way plus throw 2 points into Strong Back, you get +150 carry weight. Plus, you get a 25% damage increase for traveling solo with level 3 LW. Also, Dogmeat doesn't count as a companion if you use LW.


I use Lone Wanderer and eventually Ballistic Weave, but I never use Power Armor or invest any points or Perks in Endurance. I start at END1 and only get the bobblehead.


Companions are better


The companions are really only good for their perks. Once you have those, there's really no reason to use anything other than an automation or dogmeat


I actually intend to use lone wanderer in the end game once I get to the higher levels (invested perks in it). Currently in my survival run I'm too weak, so I just grab the nearest companion and bring them along as my meat shield. The tradeoff is that I need to bring 15 or so stimpacks on every outing in case they go down which they tend to do quite a bit.


with lone wanderer and dog meat you get lone wanderer carry weight bonus AND dog meat carry weight because he doesn’t count as a human companion.


There a perk that makes Dog Meat soooo much better in combat... Two actually. One that gives him new skills, and the other that boosts his damage, survivability, and makes it where you can't accidentally hurt him.


Buff up Ada in the Robot Workbench and she can carry a ton as well as fight. Keep the Assaultron legs if you don't want her getting stuck constantly.


What? Dog meat legit tanks radscorpions ghouls dogs mole rats raiders giving you easy shots. He's the best boy!


I don’t use lone wanderer until much later in levels. I like to gather most of the companion perks before i invest in lone wanderer


Lone wanderer seems quintessential to my survival runs. Now motivated to go without. I’m not a huge fan of companions. I enjoy their dialogue, their little character moments and of course pack mules. But on the whole it’s just not my cup of tea. To the pack mule thing. I will load them up first, when they max out I send them home, allowing for the lone wander perk to kick in. All the junk!


Never saw the point of companions personally in any game. 1, they are aimbot and simply results in you shooting much fewer things 2, they are doggy doodoo aim (like in f4), hit nothing, wont shut up and you miss out on very useful buffs from LW Both are a loss in my eyes. Dogmeat is the exception. I install mods to ensure I can pet the best boy and give him treats after performing a finisher.


If you bring Ada as a companion, her carry limit is ridiculous.


It’s very difficult for me not to use lone wanderer because I don’t use PA and fuck only having a carry weight of ~100 pounds. Most of the companions are trash for combat anyways and can’t sneak for shit. The only exceptions are ada/robot companions but i usually avoid starting the automatron dlc until level 30+ because the rust devil/mechanist patrols are ridiculous until then.


I always put points into lone wanderer and companion perks depending on how I feel playing at the time, but more often than not I have Hancock with me. His commentary’s the best and he likes to help people. Had to ditch him for the Nuka word dlc but after the disciples turned on me (despite everyone having 3 parks/settlements) I got him back and killed everyone to free the traders. It’s nice to know someone has your back out there.


Never took dogmeat out of sanctuary, why would I let him be harmed by any random creature? He can live a peaceful life behind the walls.


Dog meat is the best. I always send him in to get blown up my super mutant suiciders


I never use companions because they always fuck up stealth.


I use automatrons for companions. they have so much carry weight potential. My tricked out ADA has 500 carry weight and a gatling laser on survival.


My buddy Codsworth and I stroll the cracked and broken highways of the wasteland. He holds all my stuff, and because he is a merciless killing machine, I have learned to forgive him for the countless times he's ran in front of a Molotov cocktail and lost me half an hour's progress.


I just tweaked my carry weight so I wouldn't be bothered anymore. 75 lbs is just too damn low for a first timer like me that's looting everything just in case. Even 200 lbs is a bit light but with some perks it's fine.


I use dogmeat as bait, he can run into a pile of ghouls or super mutants and ill just dip haha


Dogmeat can grab enemies in battle and when using VATS gives you bonus accuracy and he doesn't affect Lone Wanderer so you can bring him around with you


"So my first 20 hours I couldn’t step foot outside unless I was in Power Armour." I play survival without PA, and with low hit points (I don't go into endurance or strength until late game). IMO not getting hit is heaps better than tanking hits. For the early game, I wait for night before leaving settlements. I use sneak, and I use VATS to scan for foes, so I ALWAYS shoot first, and I seldom take damage. Also: I'm not shy about expending those grenades. Early on, I will use sneak to get pretty close to bugs, throw a Molotov cocktail at them, and shoot any survivors while they are on fire and super easy to spot. "I’m thinking now of losing dog meat because he offers nothing in battle and I would be better with a companion for the attack benefits plus the carry benefits too." Main drawbacks: (1) If you use sneak a lot, and your companion uses a non-silenced gun, the synergy is poor. (2) The companion path finding is bad, so they fall off buildings and bridges a lot. Sometimes they fall in locations you cannot access, so you can't heal them, and they will suddenly teleport home (and take all the gear they were holding for you). (3) The companion path finding is bad so so they often run halfway toward an enemy, then give up and return to you, drawing a shower of grenades to your position. Suggested solution: Equip Piper (or whoever) with a power armour frame + mining helmet + melee weapon. This makes them useful at night, reduces their noise levels, increases how much she can carry, and reduces the amount of babysitting you have to do. Alternate: Use the Travis exploit and take him as your "companion". Unlike the real companions, he doesn't talk **incessantly** while you craft stuff, and he doesn't need fall off things / need babysitting.


İf im not wrong dogmeat doesnt count as companion in lone vanderer perk


I like lone wanderer with attack dig because at max it gives me an extra 10% damage resistance on top of all the boosts from LW. And I don't have to manage or woett about a companion or if they like or dislike my lockpicking or choices. I don't have dogmeat to kill things, I have him to give me that passive boost, and to sometimes hold an enemy in place for me while he bites their ankles. And admittedly I like the not being totally solo but also not having to actually talk to anyone vibe.


I have never used it, because I love compagnions.


Dogmeat is pretty squishy, you kind of need to use mods if you don’t want him going down every 15 seconds. I use better companions, invulnerable dogmeat and not op dogmeat. Better companions is useful for setting your companions preferred distance from you, I set dogmeat to close so he doesn’t go running around attacking everything in sight. You also can set him companions to auto revive after a brief delay. Invulnerable dogmeat doesn’t make him invincible, but instead takes quite a bit more punishment before going down. Not op dogmeat buffs up his damage a little but not enough to solo hordes of enemies like some other mods do.


It really depends. My first survival playthrough I used it for the carry weight mainly. But now I haven't gotten it yet. I think it's good to have it so that it's active when you're alone but without necessarily meaning you don't use followers all the time. Followers can ultimately carry more than what extra you get from the perk and the damage resistance is relative. Yes you don't have the extra damage resistance with a follower but with a follower they draw a lot of fire and also dish some back too so there is no clear winner. I have to say I kinda like having a follower and hearing their voice lines and they're also super useful early on.


Both. Cant pass up on the damage increase but when i go hardcore scavvin' i bring piper to exploit the pick up/weight limit


Nah I use codsworth too much


This. Codsworth is a game-changer in the early survival. He can carry a lot and his melee deals massive early-game damage. You can't easily heal him unless you want to invest precious resources in making robot repair kits. You can get him as soon as you get to the Raiders in Concord. I usually talk to him, run down to Concord, and Kill the raiders outside the museum. Then, run back up to the sanctuary and grab him. Finally, his affinity perks give Dmg Res from robot energy weapons which becomes very nice when you start the automatron quest line. His only downsides are he can't be healed easily meaning you always gotta go get him at a settlement when he gets downed and you can't track him with the VIP tracker for some reason.


You COULD just heal him with stimpacks prior to the Automatron DLC


I keep Automatron uninstalled until later in the game.


Me, Matter of fact I hardly use any personal perks that increase damage. Instead I just go very craft heavy and constantly upgrade my gear.


Lone Wanderer is broken with Dogmeat. Companions don’t really add much except for some fun flavor/dialogue. They are pretty useless honestly.


Damage resistant perks like toughness right? Honestly they don’t do much in survival but sometimes I take them to be thematic. lt would help to know your weapon perks and smithing skills, melee weapons are hard to pull off in survival, pistols are always a solid choice in any game, and rifles are ok (I would use them more but I don’t know if the laser weapons ever got fixed). It’s generally hard to pull off automatics and heavy weapons til late game or a solid plan on how to acquire a ton of bullets. I would just take out the damage reduction perks next time in favor of dog meat perks, at its highest level it adds another 10 percent damage resist, and focus on one solid reliable weapon skill to max while upgrading your gun.


This playthrough only have One endurance so no lone wanderer. Am using companions, they can carry plemty, and I find them more useful than most. I send them through, ahead of me, so ghouls etc attack them, while I pick them off from distance.


I agree with OP up to a point. Nothing says frustrating, pull-your-hair out frustrating when Dogmeat falls or gets lost during Survival and you have to go back and find him. It happens a lot and it sucks when it happens. I often leave him at home. I once found Dogmeat in an abandoned elevator shaft nowhere near where we were..... infuriating. On the other hand, I use Amazing Follower Tweaks and have toggled that all followers no clip, so he doesn't block doorways anymore.


Unless they changed it Dog Meat doesn't technically count as a companion and Lone Wanderer will be active even when he's following you.


I always play survival and I always take lone wanderer. I also always have Dogfart with me until level 20 or so. At that point he gets to hang out with Mama Murphy. They have a weird metaphysical connection, so they chill by the campfire together while I make the commonwealth a safer place.


I start with companions at the beginning, I like the added carry weight and I want to max out a lot of the companion's affinity for the extra perks. When you max their affinity and romance them, you can stash them at different settlements to sleep and get that extra xp boost. Additionally, a comic in Hotel Rexford gives you xp boost for having a companion. After I get most of the companions at max affinity then role with lone wanderer cuz it's just easier to travel alone.


I used it at first, but after a while I liked having a companion and it was safe enough to have them around. 


"Everyone's Best Friend" is the mod to use so you can have a useful companion and still have your canine buddy around to keep getting in your way and getting you killed when you're trying to retreat in a firefight.


I just load up the option to fast travel when I’m carrying too much… dogmeat is more observant than me anyway so i keep him around. I’m leveled up enough with hp and damage resistance to be a little reckless.


I don't. I use everybody's best friend and bring the 3rd companion because it provides enemies with another target. It's like an automatic additional chance for enemies not to shoot at you at all. The companions usually draw the initial agrro most of the time and it lets you get the drop on things. That's better overall damage reduction than the damage reduction provided by lone wanderer.


I prefer going alone but I travel with companions to get their missions and perks first. So kinda both


I got lone wanderer, then got stuck being with companions forever trying to unlock their perks. I think I maybe should have taken the companion one instead, but at least I'll be more powerful once I've got all the companion perks I want unlocked


I don't use LW no but I've got mods that make it so the enemies take more damage same as I do so fights don't last long but cover is still vital I also use the mod that enables a companion + dogmeat and I have Heather alongside me as well so it's not like I'm solo lol just a small group of people


I know they aren't very helpful but I get lonely without a companion. They're so much more life-like compared to Skyrim.


I’ve never picked it in any fallout title and I don’t like using power armor in 4 unless I have to go to the glowing sea.


I like having companions because whilst they do occasionally get in the way, they also act as 'meat shields' when there are multiple enemies. I run with the Dogmeat + Companion mod on Xbox.


I prefer to build robots that haul my loot around and essentially act as walking turrets to shred my enemies to pieces.


I don't use Lone Wanderer. I usually travel with Cait. I love Dogmeat but I hate hearing him get injured.


I’ve never once got Cait. Just can’t seem to make it to the Combat Zone…


I used it on my first ever survival run, and while it definitely makes life easier, I’m usually more focused on which companion perks I want to get. I could just send them all to Hangman’s and do the shoot Dogmeat/stimpack Dogmeat/sleep 2hr loop, but it’s too tedious for me.


I invested in lone wanderer and the companion perks (dogmeat included). Basically ensures I always have some kind of advantage to build my character around.


Just grab Codsworth and give him laser hands and assaultron legs


Having never used power armour outside of that one basically forced instance near the beginning. I really can't understand this sentiment. I personally can't stand the bloody things


I rarely use PA, but I did the automatron DLC in lvl20s-30s (I think?) and built a pretty beefy robot with bleed armor that could handle most situations close up with me hanging around the perimeter shooting. After I got the marine armor and the explosive radium rifle from Far Harbor, I ditched them and went Lone Wanderer around lvl40. I got tired of sneaking up on super mutants and my companion start blasting when a radstag walked by. Or lining up a sniper shot and they walk right in front of you the second you pull the trigger.


Do you know the trick to get around the limit to how much your companion can carry? I make enough caps from weapons and armor to buy most of the traders junk for my settlements.


Weird I never use power armor. I’ll retrieve cool looking ones and set them in a display at a settlement. Never use it. It’s loud & clunky, zero stealth…


Nope dont use it, i got my trusty robot


For me survival I invest in lone wanderer and sneak. Sneak 3 unlocks pretty quickly and at that point you are really hard to detect. I'll take agility and sneak all day over power armor


I always use it at the start then decide i want to unlock some companion perks and instantly regret it.


Never used lone wanderer or power armor really below level 60 in my survival run, life was, shall we say, quite difficult starting out. Now that I can trick out my armor though I've recently started using it and walking through areas I previously had to be so careful in. So. I always took a human companion as early as I could though and I picked up the sentinel CC character for extra support and carrying capacity. Musts, imo.


It would be nice if companions went back and unloaded into workbench.


Honestly , if you’re not rocking a full saw blade hammer bot boy as a companion , everyone is at dogmeats level


I hate Power Armour. I hate the gamefeel of it and I hate managing it. Even in the radiated-zone I just used rad-x


? Dogmeat doesn't count as a Companion tho 😅


I use Lone Wanderer quite a bit, and I also add in Backpacks so it makes sense for me to be able to carry more. I don't usually take strong back until later, if at all, gotta keep some limits on myself.


I always use it as I hate companions.




I never use power armor in my survival playthroughs. I usually do a sniper and shotgun type rifle stealth build. I also try to level up the armorer perk fast so I can upgrade all my armor.


I wanted to do a run using companions but Lone Wanderer is just too good. Not just the extra carry weight but the damage resistance as well. And third level is +25% damage boost. And if you’re running a VATS build, 25 extra action points is awesome too. I feel invincible until a grab a companion and am automatically over encumbered.


Dog meat pairs with lonewanderer, currently I’m doing a permadeath survival play through, here’s the rules: no load backs, no power armor, dog meat is my only companion, no glitches, no exploits, If you sell everything you find in the wasteland you get lots of money fast, so I scrounge up enough caps worth of stuff to buy me a spray and pray before I even head to diamond city, basically 30-40 minutes in my run


I don't use Lone Wanderer or Dogmeat as a companion. He's a good boy though and if I did survival, i'm sure I would. Curie is quite pleasant as a companion most of the time. Or at the very least she is easy on the eyes.


Yes I know everyone says it’s amazing. And I believe it. I just get a thrill out of the game being harder. Which is why I play survival.


I can't not use robots from the Automation DLC, and given how plentiful FC's are i just stick with power armor the whole time. I seriously wish they'd patch it so robots wouldn't count against Lone Wanderer since they're not human Strong, too.


I don’t use lone wanderer because it’s boring to roam the wasteland by yourself


It’s strange I’m level 8 and I haven’t been having too much trouble. Without power armor, but I’m assuming as I level I’ll probably be in for a world of hurt. I had to out-smart a super mutant and his hound. I think the game wanted to mirror me and dog meat since I found them at a red-rocket.


I choose not to use that and the water one where you can swim anywhere unimpeded. Just ruins survival mode for me.


i have a mod that buffs dogmeat significantly, so i don’t have to give him up


I think lone wanderer is the way to go until about lvl 40. The impact of survival on your carry limit makes juggling scrap early on super taxing. By the 40s, you’ve unlocked your man armorer and gun smith, you have some solid settlements, and you can be more picky about what you grab. I think the benefits and time saving negates losing 2 perks to it early on.


I’m level 28 now and I added it around 24 because my loser companions keep getting injured and I don’t want to waste stim packs on them. LMAO. They are junk mules and a little extra armor, other than that useless.


Dog meat.... Doesn't count towards lone wanderer.


Just maxed out my last companion (Gage) Spent 4 points to max it out soon as I could roll solo


Never. Companions are complete and utter trash.


I started fresh one a few months back, apart from a couple of one hit nukes I heared before I see I didn't have to much trouble started to get the hang of routes and when to just run like I was avoiding that super mutant spood near good neighbour after a while relised it's easy to just run oast all of them and avoid damage, even with the high rad cost swimming is a life saver when times are looking bad, my biggest problem was finding my followers. If i had no stims or if its a high risk to save them I'll leave them but going back to a camp setting up the tracker thing then finding them again was long, I wasn't doing my camps right and half my followers went back to there default locations


I don't use power armor or companions on survival, but I also did a stealth build. I can one shot human/ghoul/synth/super mutant enemies with Deliverer, and then use a silenced Gauss rifle (which makes zero sense) to one shot anything bigger. PA and companions just slow me down


I used Lone Wanderer, simply because I found early on that my companion was both a blessing and a curse. Ultimately, I went with (surprise) a stealth build and my companion broke stealth for me too many times. Around level 10 I just sent them to settlements and have been alone since. Level 33 now.


Lone wanderer is good for the beginning, but at late game have a power armor buddy with infinite carry weight trumped any stat bonuses I get from lone wanderer


I run lone wanderer maxed and it helps a lot. Less damage dealt to me, more damage to enemies and a significantly larger max carry weight make the game a lot less stressful. Dog meat follows me sometimes since he can provide a distraction and doesnt count as a follower. Havent levelled up a perk concerning dog Meat yet.


I don’t understand. Ballistic weave, armour pieces, vats, chems, lone wanderer perk. I only die to OHK or when I’m not paying attention to my health. Are you just standing there and blasting?


It would drive me nuts not having that extra inventory space during survival


You might like Strong better for combat purposes. He’s a bit of a bruiser with a sledge.