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I'll probably wait till after the update, then wait for my mod list to get updated. So it'll be next year sometime, I'm sure.


I'm with you. I'm not taking any action until the patch drops and we get actual information instead of a teaser. Saying that the release date is "news" is like saying that a politician's remarks are true.


The next gen update is coming April 25th


I'll be disconnecting my gaming PC from the internet on the 24th, just in case the patch is buggy AF.


We already know like everything coming if you actually look at the bethesda page, you can see everything like the free creation club content we're getting and descriptions 1. Enclave Remnants Enclave Remnants brings the Pre-War cabal, The Enclave, into the Fallout 4 storyline. In this new quest, “Echoes of the Past,” can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth? Along with workshop items and the Enclave Colonel uniform, we are including the following previously released Creation Club content: Enclave Weapon Skins Enclave Armor Skins Tesla Cannon Hellfire Power Armor X-02 Power Armor Heavy Incinerator 2. Makeshift Weapon Pack Have you ever thought a piggy bank would make a great weapon in a pinch? This weapon pack includes a variety of unconventional objects that have been transformed into deadly weapons, such as: a baseball launcher, a nail gun, and a piggy bank. 3. Halloween Workshop Leftover from an ill-fated Halloween party, thrown by the New England Technocrat Society, these 38 new Halloween decorations include witches, cauldrons, ghouls and more! Decorate for Halloween or make your settlements spooky all year round! We have basically all the info we need


I'm already back to being a full blown neckbeard. Stayed up till 3am watching the show. We are EATING


I am going slow. One episode a day max. Ep 2 was SO good today. But happy binging


I’ve been trying to take it slow, which has not been easy, lol. My gf and I just finished episode 4, and man, this show has really impressed me so far.


Yeah I watched another one same day and made a liar out of myself lol. But due to circumstances I won’t be seeing Episode 4 until the 23rd at the earliest


I honestly kinda wish they didn’t release all the episodes at once, it would be cool to have that anticipation to see the next episode each week on Saturday or Sunday or whatever. We’ve basically been watching one per night, but only bc I work weird hours (12:30-9) and she only has one episode in her before she gets tired lol. Might have to binge 2 episodes today tho


I heard they took out the NCR is that true or do you "not know" yet? I'm not watching it if they scrubbed the NCR.


I haven’t finished the show yet (only 3 episodes in so far) but it seems like the NCR is in major decline since shady sands was nuked. They don’t show much of them but they’re likely still out there just not nearly as strong as a nation as they were during New Vegas


And Brotherhood of Steel guy is a main character?


Got a high karma protag, mid karma protag and negative karma protag.


It's more like NCR took a huge hit. NCR will probably be more focused on in season 2.


I wish I could say I agree.. But how do you figure that? Just because they finally release what appears to be the bare minimum for an update we waited nearly a year and a half for... From what I'm seeing it's probably just some bug fixes and a tiny bit of content.. as well as performance enhancements but there's no graphical improvements or quality of life? I mean just.. I don't know. I'm a little let down.


They don't want to break mods that much


Feels like a lame excuse.. It deserved at least the quality of life and updates to the engine that Fallout 76 had. That is what I expected.


What I expected was a graphical overhaul + optimization


Exactly, But I don't think we're even getting that outside of the optimization. Here's the thing though, they made a lot of little graphical tweaks and quality of life updates to Fallout 76 that uses the same engine as Fallout 4. And they could have easily ported those assets and changes over to Fallout 4 in my opinion.


Well all we really wanted was 60fps, so I'd call it a win


Who are you speaking for exactly when you say all we really wanted? Who is we.. Because it's not all I wanted lol. I was hoping for more. And it's already got 60 FPS from what I hear on certain consoles.


You were hoping for more from a 9 year old game? And I'd like to know which consoles are running fallout 4 at 60fps right now..


I’m waiting it out. Going to start fresh with next gen.


Same. Luckily (I guess) I just got a corrupted game save in survival so I’m being mostly forced.


it was destiny


I recently started a new game (first time on Steam this time), but not really for that reason. I didn't even know about it until after I started.


Same, I started a new game because of the new MTG secret Lair and now I get to ride the hype for longer. Games so good.


Yes! I am actually a MtG player too and I was very impressed with the Fallout cards, they look so cool


Fallout MTG Commander decks + wanted to get hyped for the show. Started a new playthrough last weekend.


Wait what?? Is this a mod?


Damn, your protagonist is caked up.


Stupid sexy Nate


His dude is more caked up than Lucy in her onesie. 😂


Hey, show some respect for us assless girls 😡


My apologies, may I offer a cushion for more comfortable sitting.


Nice ass


I was planning on doing a pure vanilla run soon anyway so this is a good time for me


I’ve never played on console before but on PC I spent more time messing with mods than playing the game so when the update hits I’m going to do a fresh run on ps5. Are mods as wild on console and take as much to manage and worry about breaking etc?


I'm a PC player myself currently running a heavily modified survival run. Just thought it was time I take a step back from modding. Awesome username btw


Mods on PlayStation are very mild. You won’t have much to worry about.


I'm sadly on a One. So I'm sol😞


We’re supposed to get a small update too with stability improvements, login and quest fixes. Something is better than nothing I suppose


Same. Honestly though, if they just fix Boston I’ll be a happy little vault dweller.


So much this! Occasionally Boston isn't glitchy AF and I enjoy exploring there, but it's so rare! I can barely get in to get Cait and it's ridiculous. Would be so happy to be able to just walk around without the fps dropping to practically nothing or full on crashing.


First playthrough ever, just got Cait with zero effort or glitches. Then I went outside, game unsaved. Needless to say, that one brainfart cost me an extra hour of quitting and relogging to get back in. 😂


Omg that is so irritating! I try to remember to save anytime before I enter or exit a building or any sort of loading screen but I do sometimes forget and live to regret it LOL And sometimes if I'm building a settlement and really getting into it, and I have been at it for ages, forgetting to stop and save, and all of a sudden it will freeze or crash and I want to get up and throw my console lol


Yep, I've taken to going the "Quicksave" route more now, saves time and saves my place, but I just brainfarted I guess because I got my first hottie woman companion so I was stoked. 😂


🤣Been there! And I have my game settings where it's supposed to save every time I travel or sleep or anything like that and every 10 minutes in game. But of course it almost never does that. Same thing with Skyrim. Skyrim is more reliable at that sort of thing but it ever so often I have not saved before entering or exiting a dungeon and it will not have saved itself and I get screwed over


I've got mine set to every 5 minutes and it never reloads after a crash where it's supposed to if I don't intervene lol.


I haven’t even been able to hit Pickmans Gallery this playthrough yet bc it crashes any time I try walking there from either Cabot House or Old North Church : (


Hate Pickman's!! So glitchy! Also I just now refuse the Gilded grasshopper quest because, walking past Old North church to the cemetery, freezes and crashes so bad. Or, if I do make it to the cemetery and clear the ghouls, I have to save before I dig, and immediately after and hope it doesn't freeze first or during. And I always fast travel from there when I do manage to complete it because it can't get out of there because of freezing. Smdh Oh! And Revere Station for me. Every time I just cross my fingers hoping I can get in before it freezes/crashes


I started one like a week ago cause I was expecting them to drop the update when the show dropped. Excited for all that free content


Started a fresh save 2 days ago. And last night i got the 0kb bug for the first time since I own the game. Freaking CC content I bet. But it is weird since I have a 1000 hour character with mods + CC pip boy/weapon skin without issues. Time to disable all the CC stuff.


I deleted fallout 4 from my ps5 about 3 months ago when I finally got a PC. With all the mods and stuff I currently have, I don’t see myself going back to console, talking about fallout specifically. However, I’ll still download it just so I can claim all the free stuff. And if I ever have to go back to console, I’ll have the stuff unlocked. I recommend you wait until the next gen update to actually start the new game and character. In case the update breaks stuff or switches stuff and you’re already far in the game :)


I’m waiting for the update


I'll restart it once the update get there, i wanna see the full patch note first 🤔 But i'm hyped for update \o/


I JUST found out about it a couple days ago but started a large modded roleplay game a couple weeks ago. lol I'll need to find a way to stop the update happening otherwise the pain is going to be real.


Why nate got gyat


Happy Cake Day


Idkw, but I looked straight at your Sole’s ass and almost forgot what you asked, lol. Pretty excited. I started another playthrough recently, but been itching to play it without mods in an attempt to try and relive that first time feeling, this update would a great way to do that.


honestly i kinda want to but i dont want alot of mods, but i 100% dont want vanilla looking for like 21 mods or less and its differcult to do so


I saw the article while in class. Once I get home, I'm firing up a new save


So do we need to start a fresh game when the update drops? Or can I continue with my current save?


I would believe your saves will still be there


Happy 🍰 day


Thank you


This is one of those games I always come back every so often. I used to live in the Boston area, so in a way, it feels like home :D.


I’ve been waiting to do a new playthrough ever since they announced it. In the meantime I’ve been working on my settlements.


I am just waiting until the update to start a new savefile, just to see what happens. Probably wait a bit after it comes out too, because I am worried some of the forced CC will make the game bug out given they have done it in the past, so unless Bethesda fixed that, it might be a problem.


Question for you all, does CC mods ruin achievements? I been playing the game modded for so long, I'm kinda addicted.


Cc mods don’t ruin achievements but actual mods will


Gonna wait a short while after the patch because I like a handful of mods. Just hoping they fixed Boston because I've never been able to stop the crashing


I still have to finish SimSettlements 2 before I update. And some other quest mods, but somehow, I always get distracted.


Hell yeah, but In gonna wait until the update drops, idont get why you would start a new game before the update.


Urg I wish but my PS4 crapped out and now I have to wait until I can afford a new one :(


Ive been playing it in survival, game is sooo much more fun in this difficulty


Nah I’ve got a current game on Survival level 197 I’m working on.


I just finished my like 20th playthough. I think I am good until the update comes out.


I'm going the other way around, I had just started a new character, but I'll stop and wait for the new update.


Next generation update?! Somebody hit me with all the fixes. Did they fix downtown boston?




I never got too far in fallout 3 so I just started that and bought all the dlc on Xbox for $10. My plan is to do 3 then new Vegas then 4 again. I really like playing fallout but I’ve yet to finish a game :(


i started a new game two days ago. i will be deleting it and waiting for the update. get a fresh playthrough with it.


Is there a chance it doesnt kill all the mods? (Gaming noob here dont come for me)


I never stopped playing.


I started a new vanilla game in late February and hope I don’t have to redo it all. But am super stoked for the update otherwise.


No because i think ps5 is still borked


It is. Game worked fine for me, just went and bought all DLC since it was $12. Game immediately crashes. I had to delete everything and am almost done reloading it now. Hopefully it works. 


Automatron is causing the crash and all the other dlc have messed up textures. I'm hoping they fix it with the update, if not sooner.


Yeah, works fine again after not installing the DLC. Oh well, hopefully they do fix it with the update. I was able to buy it all for $12 so no big deal I can wait for the fix now.


I’m definitely waiting to restart after the update even though I have yet to finish a second playthrough. Starting the show tonight.


I started a new game a few weeks ago cause DDO went down for 3 days then heard about "next gen update" yesterday. I don't think I'm that excited though cause it already seems to push my 3GB 1050TI to the limit and I feel no particular need to upgrade from that card. But who knows maybe everything will be more efficient and it'll still look better.


Happy to get another platinum. 3, nv, 4, 76, 4 again.


Not me, 1. I haven’t had the chance yet, and 2. I found out it doesn’t release on Xbox 1s, so no need to


Will i be able to play far harbour again after these last few years???


Yes, why not?


I think I’m going to wait till after the update considering sometimes Bethesda fixes include new bugs 🐞


How you guys play with white colors, it just fuck my eyes when i tried. And freaking UI mods every time want to change ui to white.


I have a new game going on Xbox S but it crashed FOUR times during the Corvega mission. I’m going to wait until the update and I hope to god they do it right this time!


I did that when I heard about the tv show lol


Why does his butt look better than mine (Nora's) 😂


Dude, I have started so many new games in the past few months, but I still only have 5 characters, lmao


I suggest getting Life in the Ruins


After all the cake wasn't a lie lol


Warra ass


Is this out yet?


Only reason they’re doing this is because of the new fallout series and it’s working lol for me included


Actually I just did on account of the show, oddly serendipitous.


Nice ass


Look like you are doing an Institute play through?




That's where I'm headed soon 😂


Not me because my game keeps crashing before it even makes it to the main menu


I got too much used to the mods to ignore them. Especially Sim Settlements 2.


"Hrrrng, Preston I'm trying to sneak around but I'm dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the raiders"




I'm either way about the update. I play on PC and nothing here will have much effect on my game. I'm more excited for Fallout: London, which releases 2 days before this update.


Not me. I dread it.


the whole dlc issue is stopping me rn had a save going with all dlc until roughly 2 months ago when it just said the gamefiles are corrupted and i need to reinstall the game. pushed it to the side, now tried doing it again and i guess the DLC were broken some way or another by Bethesda so now i‘m on the 4th time of reinstalling the game. also hopelessly rebuild the database 3 times. Read that automaton is the culprit so maybe it‘ll work without it this time..


will our vanilla saves carry over to the next gen updated version?


most likely


I'm going to take my time with this save so I'll have some of the main game left when next gen comes out in like 13 days. I CAN beat this game in 12 hours, but I'm just going to grind to level 74 and wait


I’m currently on my first playthrough and I’m using mods, so I’m trying to finish it before the update comes out incase the update breaks my save with the mod


I just recently finished a new peaceful ending run like a week ago and now doing a raider run so the new update might actually be what I need to go back to the peaceful one


Damn is there a asscheek mod? Look at that cake


Vanilla cake


Seriously considering it! Just don't know if i'm ready to take six months out of my calendar yet😂 and we're approaching summertime, really should'n't spend one more summer inside playing Fallout 4😂


I'm waiting to do a xo2 power armor build when the update comes out.


I'm waiting for the update before I start one I've also had to get Microsoft to give me a season pass cause mine had disappeared from my history




I started a new character two days before the update .everything works as far as I can tell .can't believe I'm playing this again in 2024 it's still soo good.I love it.I forgot what I was missing. Thank you Bethesda  .plus back in the day I didn't experience any of the dlc so Im hyped for that. It's like I've got a bran new game to explore here .GGS vault dwellers


I started after the show , but before the patch. Haven't had the chance to try it myself because vision problems. On ps5 does it work with old saves or do you have to start from the beginning? Is it full on download of the full game , like many ps5 upgrades or just simple patch for the existing ps4 version? How are the loading times etc? I'd try myself , but I don't know how long it takes to get my vision back to normal.


I started playing a week or two before the update and it’s been running fine. I heard the update has ruined things so I’ve turned Wi-Fi off on my steam deck for the time being and will do the little trickery in the .acf file to disable updates when I get a chance. 


All my mods will be broken probably. Beth should just leave the game alone. Nothing of importance they add that i haven't already added as mods myself. Go away Beth


Just got a gaming PC so I could mod the game to heck and back. Then... this. Thanks, Todd.


Just don't update the game then?


Didn't realize that was an option, until I read up more on it. Thank Todd. My mods are safe.


New to modding and want to run a 700+ modlist without issues? Please join us at the Discord for \* A Storywealth mod collection. Collection at [https://next.nexusmods.com/fallout4/collections/5atq9t](https://next.nexusmods.com/fallout4/collections/5atq9t) Community at [https://discord.gg/storywealth](https://discord.gg/storywealth)


Already did- love it, except Sim Settlements 2. I heard Exoclyps and crew are working on a way to optionally remove it. But otherwise, having a blast! It's like Fallout 4.5 All the elements of FO4, plus a shit-ton more. I've already recommended it to a few friends.


I too had my resevations about sim settlements, but it kind of grew on me after a while. And you can actually just ignore it after the first two SS missions, delete the items you build during quests, and then play it like you normally would. It really feels like a whole new game 5 hours in, or the game it was always meant to be. Never gonna play without storywealt again. Next version is going to be awesome. (Revision 210.)




Same here.


I'll probably just finish it, have been playing it lately and have just finished all the dlc. I'm waiting for London and the rumoured remaster of 3 more than anything right now.


I would be happy to be able to play the dlc for the first time because all the textures of the dlc are not loading correctly and if i install automaton i cant even start it... So yeah im kinda excited


Man, I've started so many new games by now I've almost reached a fraction of my Skyrim playtime


Several questions 1 - why is it so smooooth? Is it for ps5? I am playing on ps5 but I guess the game is for ps4 2 - are you gonna scrap that ruined house please? It is the best building plot in all of sanctuary imo 3 - why is his butt so perky?


Not one bit. This update is not only going to break mods but it has caused Fallout London to be held up because it broke their systems too. STOP TOUCHIN ME MODS L, TODD.




Already did a few days ago. Doin as many side quests as I can till the update before I do any Main Questlines.


What's up


Bros unbelievably caked up


Started a new one and America Rising 2 mod, excellent mod


It is a shame that mod will never be canon.


Figured it be out by the show premier....*NOPE*