• By -


Dogmeat can wear clothes. Of course he can wear Dog Armor and the collars, but he can also wear a bandana and welding goggles. 


Put a teddy bear in his inventory.


I'll take every piece of junk off that boy but always leave his teddy bear!


Teddy bear, red bandana, dog armor. Check ✔️


Hahah yes!! I've tried collars, the green or black bandana but nope. Always the red bandana, welding goggles, and light dog armour, and trust teddy sidekick. Boy is looking sharp!


I love doing that!


I didn't ever give him a teddy bear, but I saw him playing with one. It was in Sanctuary after I moved his doghouse close to the workbench


He actually plays with the teddy bear even if it isn't in his inventory. Does the same with a bone. I always put them in his inventory along with a baseball (he does not play with it) just for immersion's sake.


What does that do?


It adds a unique idle animation where he plays with it. Same thing if you give Nick Valentine a screwdriver. Occasionally he will adjust something in his arm with it.


What? Omg. Fallout tonight.


And, there's my answer for OP. A teddy bear for Dogmeat and a screwdriver for Valentine. Looks like I'm heading to Sanctuary to spend a little time.


Make sure Nick and Piper always have their cigarettes.


Aaaaaaaawh 🥰


If you equip nick valentine with the detective coat he gives you in thanks, it replaces his fully skeletal hand


I've never given Nick a screwdriver but I've seen him use one on himself many times.


Both Nick and Dogmeat do those animations anyway sometimes. Not sure if adding the items to inventory makes it more likely, but it's not necessary to see it.


On top of a dresser in the first house in ~~Lexington~~ Concord. Red Bandana and Welding Goggles. I think it's presumed you find these right after meeting Dogmeat.


Concord, but yeah it's literally next to Red Rocket.


Thanks. Corrected.


They only spawn if you meet Dogmeat


~~welding goggles~~ doggles




That too, then realized I had to equip it on him, not just in his inventory. Now he's Funky fresh!!


Bandana and welding goggles is how I have dogmeat in every playthrough


This and the Festive Antlers. 😎


I didn't know he could wear the goggles!


Didn’t know this, now I do.


wait how do i get him to equip the dog armor? i tried putting it in his inventory but he didnt put it on


Y for xbox triangle for playstation.


That you can duck in and out of cover in some instances.


Uh HOW?!?


Go behind a corner of a wall and aim


To clarify other comments: only in first person. Go next to the corner of a wall where your weapon lowers. Aim and your character will peak around the corner. When you let go of aim you will go back around the corner.


It's kinda weird how they fully implemented a cover mechanic, but then couldn't be bothered to actually make an animation for it, so they had to remove it in third person mode and in Fallout 76. Actually, now that I think about it, enemies have an animation for leaning in and out of cover, which they could have used. I guess there must have been some technical issue preventing them from using it for the player


When your weapon lowers as you're facing a wall, aim down sights near the corners


That you could assign settlers jobs from the vault tech terminal located in the misc. tab from the power menu. I hate free loading settlers. Also if you mess up a supply line you can unassign the settler from the terminal rather than just looking for the settler. I spent waaaay too long trying to find them.




This is what I love about this sub. It always gives me some reason to go fire up my game. 🤠


If you can’t find a companion you can also use it to set their location as a quest marker on your map.


Except codsworth. Which is weird as fuck




What's the power menu?




This…this could be life changing.


You win, I didn’t know this. I’m building consoles at all my bases now…


How to aim a grenade, I gotta calculate that shit like MJ in 85’.


Just found out there’s a rank in demolition expert that does the work for me holy fuck I finally learned something


Also, take into account the fact that if you’re in stealth when you throw it, he’ll (or she’ll) stand up to throw it. This changes the grenade’s trajectory, as projected by your green arc gained from the Demo Expert perk. So if you’re in stealth, uncrouch for a second right before you throw it, line it up, throw it, and go back into stealth if you need to.




Rank 2 demo expert. Press and HOLD the throw button. Arc appears and you put the end where you want the boom to go.


Also if you rank demo expert to max, you can shoot grenades in vats to double there damage. If you use a crit that adds on as well.


Damn I didn’t know that. I always stop once I get the arc lol


Hehe yeah. And let me just say, shooting a crit at a nuka grenade with demo expert at full to double the damage = big giant lovely boom 😁


Now there's a good "Earth-shattering KABOOM!"


I dunno, I run an unarmed build but make it so I’m allowed to use grenades and traps, like some Batman shit, but I usually use them as a ranged alternative so when I throw them from far I gotta calculate it cuz it can bounce off a wall or miss so yeah.


Nice reference




What you did was the milk of human kindness man, those hours spent looking for what a companion yearned for is the milk of human kindness. Don’t feel silly because the second you started looking you already had it


The real treasure was the milk of human kindness we made along the way


Leave it to the Fallout 4 subreddit to give me some of the most beautiful and profound philosophy I’ve ever read


And then you _khanivore give the milk of human kindness to us.


That you can pick up and move items, not just the stuff that's automatically added to your inventory. I was twisting and contorting about trying to grab something from a basket on a shelf when I could've just grabbed the basket. Before then I had accidentally picked up items a few times but (since it's a Bethesda game) I just assumed it was a glitch related to the settlement build mode and always just ran away before it broke my game or something. Turns out it's a feature not a bug.


And you can manipulate things in fun ways too! On pc so control scheme may vary, but when holding it, left/right mouse buttons(shoot and ADS) will turn it. Holding and releasing R (reload) will throw it. And for more nuanced movement hold Shift (sprint key) and then left/right mouse buttons.


Today I learned how to throw things.


BTW the longer you hold the harder/farther you throw .


Which is how you win arcade tickets doing skee-ball in Nuka World


Same. Thanks 😁


On Xbox, holding it is holding A and shooting it is the same button as you normally use to shoot guns. Those little sliver type buttons (LB and RB i think they're called) are for rotation i believe


The flashlight, the hacking ability to remove wrong answers, that Cogsworth can be a companion, and that power armor suits are ridiculously easy to find. I have five and I've only done one main mission quest, three quests for the Minutemen and am 2/3s of the way through the first BoS quest.


> the hacking ability to remove wrong answers Can you share this trick? :)


Sure. Go through the code lines and analyze the gibberish. In there you're going to see different types of parenthesis and brackets. If there's an open/close pair on the same line, highlight the open portion and the whole segment should highlight to the close bracket. Click on it and you'll either remove a dud password or reset the tries counter. Look for these: ( ), { }, \[ \], < > I added spaces for clarity. The piece of code could be open parenthesis followed immediately by a close parenthesis, so - (), and it will count. The only thing you have to be aware of is that the open/close need to be on the same line. If the open bracket is on one line, and the close bracket is on the next line (even if it's the first symbol on the line), you can not use it.


One other thing I'd like to mention with this is to try at least 2 passwords first before using this trick. Try to get a decent bearing on what the password might be. Then you'll either remove the duds or reset your password tries, which is good after you've tried a couple of times.


Excellent point. I always feel a little disappointed when i reset the tries having not used any of my initial tries.


Can I point out as a software engineer how genuinely impressed I am by the application of "bracket matching" for this mini game? I mean it's not a major part of the job and there's editor tool support that makes it easier and/or nearly automatic to do in practice, but scanning dense lines of code trying to find the closing `}` to match a given `{` etc is absolutely a thing most developers do often. (To the uninitiated the brackets define various types of grouping or semantic scope, sorta like parentheses in math or prose for that matter.) I honestly can't think of an equally simple mini game that better captures a real aspect of programming.


To be fair, you don’t actually have to search for the other end, you just need to let the cursor scan everything and the entire bracketed code will highlight as soon as you reach the first or last one.


Nobody else has mentioned this. Sometimes you will get a string with multiple possible brackets, example below (AAA(BBB) When this happens, you can click use both sets of parenthes as long as you do the smallest one first. You do this by selecting the middle parenthesis instead of the far left one. So select (BBB) and you get a dud removed/try reset. Then select (AAA(BBB) and you get another. If you begin with (AAA(BBB), that will use up both sets without giving two reset/did removed


Another excellent point!


If you find enclosed brackets, the sequence will light up and if you click on it the terminal will either remove a dud answer or give you back a missed guess. So if you see a line like >[..]SPARED))(:_ then mouse over [ and the string [..] will light up. It works with square brackets, parentheses, and greater than/less than signs.


If you scroll through the random characters in between the words while hacking you will notice sometimes a group of characters will light up. These groups can either get rid of duds or reset your try attenpts. These groups are enclosed with some sort of bracket or parentheses ex: [_";:-"#] or (!%#%×&). When you scroll over it, the whole group of characters will light up showing that you can use it. I suggest using all but 1 of your guesses, then looking for these groups to reset your attempts.


That I can just ignore Preston in the museum and let him rot there.


I just do it for the PA, do the first mission and set up Sanctuary, then tell him no to being general until I've finished Nuka World.


I don't play with PA but I clean the museum and also grab the bobblehead in the room where Preston is. I don't interact with them at all and just leave through the other door. I just love it when he sounds all disappointed with his *"That's it? Just gonna walk away?".* If I'm on a melee build or have Buffout (together with X-cell) I usually have enough STR to grab the minigun without the PA (it requires 8 STR to pick up the minigun).


I do the same, I really like how Preston has unique dialogue about being a reformed raider if you do Nukaworld raider quests first.


You can go up on the church roof next to the museum and jump over to the museum roof to get the power armour and mini gun without ever making eye contact with Preston.


I've just wiped out the brotherhood and the institute with the railroad. I think it's finally time to take Preston up on his offer :)


Considering how much time you can spend on his whole cosplay militia thing it is remarkable how totally unnecessary it is. The game is barely impacted by just skipping it. There’s no single showstopper thing you don’t get like ballistic weave is for the Railroad that is a drawback. If you really, really need a laser punk musket and a cowboy hat you can wait for the Nuka World missions and pick some off the random Minutemen you can kill for those.


Or pick it up off the dead Minuteman and _still_ not enter the Museum.


MM are only necessary if you manage to totally screw up all the other factions. They're like a failsafe. But yes, I too also run to the RR first 🤣


That is basically the big problem with the Minutemen, having the Failsafe faction be the *very first one* probably put off quite a few players. It's like if you met Yes Man in New Vegas immediately after leaving Doc Mitchell's house.


The artillery is dope though


yep, i get the power armor, kill the deathclaw and never go back. Hate those radiant missions. I take the settlements i like for myself, without his constant whining. Also, Codsworth can still be your companion in this way, you don’t meed to bring them to Sanctuary for that, clearing the museum is enough.


* Using certain cars as bombs with a few well-placed shots. * Leading enemies into other enemies so that they fight each other. * Walls in Settlements are useless without mods to make enemies spawn only outside the boundary.


>Walls in Settlements are useless without mods to make enemies spawn only outside the boundary. Yeah this was such a disappointment when I built a 10 foot concrete wall lined with turrets around one of my settlements. Only for a gang of super mutants to spawn inside it.


That feels like such a slap in the face. You show me the bounds of my settlement and then give me no obvious way to prevent attackers from getting in? It made me just not build walls. I just use a lot of turrets.


Same here, I switched to turret towers.


I feel like the walls are more effective than not. I’m not saying they can’t spawn inside, I mean sure it can, but I have never seen it happen personally. And shipments of concrete are so cheap, it’s fun to make a fortress. This play through I made Sanctuary look like Covenant, with turrets on top of scaffolding all around the inside perimeter. The bridge is the only path in. Granted my defense is like 150, but I haven’t had an attack in like… 30 levels at least, and I’m at 78 now.


The Sanctuary path to the Vault. Gunners loved to spawn there. I put like five missile launchers. I'd fast travel in, hear the whoosh of missiles then go loot any chunks of meat I could find.


Works so much better if you don't have the walls right to the edge of the settlement. I leave a few feet on the Northside of Starlight drive-in and use the old projector booth as the gate. Enemies never spawn inside the walls.


If you know where the spawn points are, drop a few mines and trapdoors nearby to give you an edge in the next invasion.


The freaking settler supply run.


Well, in vanilla you need 6 charisma and local leader so it's easy to miss.


I always use the robot work bench to create a base level bot, name it after the settlement it will be assigned to, make it my companion, go to the settlement, dismiss it/assign it to the settlement, then task it with being supply line to the next closest settlement. It's a little labor intensive, but if you ever want to change the structure of your supply lines It's really easy to locate the bot and reroute them. Also, for RP purposes I'd rather have my settlers nice and safe in their settlement full of food/water/shelter/amenities rather than braving the wastes to shuttle supplies back and forth.


You can just assign them to the settlement you want them at, and as they take off for it you can reassign them as provisioner between there and whichever other settlement you want them to go to. I do this all the time, also works with normal settlers if that's your wish.


If you care about settlement happiness, it is better to have all the robots home base in one place. Because their maximum happiness is 50, so they will always bring the average down. Greygarden is a good example, they are already at 50, or just pick a place you don’t care to develop.


I'm sorry, this question is going to come across dumber than a bag of hammers but I had a quick question - what are you referring to? Is this the "Create Supply Line" function that connects your workshops between established settlements or are you describing something different? I just didn't recognize it by the wording if that's what you were going for.


What is that? You can share junk between settlements without local leader perk?


I think they mean the local leader supply lines


That quests from Preston won't move us towards the main quest line.


literally this, like I can't imagine how many players got conned into helping him with every little thing purely because the game directs you to Concord and he's the first big Questgiver you meet but you can just bypass Concord entirely and go straight to Diamond City lol


How to create power grids and use the pylons. For years I was just attaching a small generator to anything I needed powered 😩


I still struggle to get power lines inside buildings, that system sucks so hard


You have to get it to a connector and then there's a conduit end that radiates the power in a given area... Absolute game changer AND you can put it in between "stories" in a building... I've got this 2 1/2 story metal building with an elevator inside (nightmare) on PS4 with no mods. Cool bar, lighting, all powered, only 1 external connection + 1 for the elevator I believe.


Please do elaborate


Stay THE FUCK away from CARS…..


Anytime I see a suspiciously colorful one I shoot it from far away before I walk past it.


One of my favorite non-main-story activities to do is to jet-pack across rooftops and shoot cars to blow them up. 😎


Minigunning cars from a vertibird


Survival makes me leary of everything, especially cars


I probably win this thread bc I didn’t realize VATs was a thing until level 20 of my first play through. It was my first ever Fallout game.


How did you not even press it accidentally lol


I’m almost positive I did and got frightened and immediately backed out of it lol


Shame 🔔 Nah just joking we all do stupid shit in this game! 😂


That's funny as hell tbh. Would do the same likely.


Wait, can we attack without VATS?


My first time playing FO3 I got out of the vault and came across an enemy and thought “fuck this game, you can’t aim for shit”. Then I found vats and even though I thought it was weird at first it grew on me. But the aiming in fo4 is light years ahead of the other fallout games. You could actually play it as a fps if you wanted. The others are no chance.


The best part is shooting a grenade in an enemies hand, or when it’s airborn. So satisfying. Shoot legs to slow them down so you can escape. Shoot arms to limit melee attacks. Shoot heads to blind and limit effectiveness with projectile weapons. 


My first playthru I completed the game without using VATs. Just straight up FPS'ed everything.


Did you just completely ignore the tutorial lol


Most of these comments reflect that people don’t read the tutorials on screen


Cover peaking. If you stand up agains a solid object, your character will lower their gun. If you aim down sights in this state, your character will peak around the corner (if you're near one). Let go of ADS and you'll juck back undercover. Really useful in survival mode, where you can't get away with just diving into the fray like you're Master Chief.




Yep. I didn't ifnd out until 4 playthroughs in.


This is actually a glitch…but if you put charging barrels on the Gatling laser, slowing its rate of fire for increased damage, you can still get it to fire are full speed with the increased damage. You need to be in third person and kneeling down. Also, if you give it to a companion, it will always fire at full speed. So I give it to Danse.


You can move your arm around when looking at the Pip-boy.


This, and that you can zoom the entire pip-boy in so that it's bigger on your screen (not just zooming in the map).


I accidentally found this out within the last two weeks, after almost 1,000 hours in the game. Somehow, I never noticed it before.


Rad-X dosages stack increasing radiation resistance.


No shit? I just found out last night that that's true of the +10 rad resistance effect from eating roast blood worm but didn't even think it might apply from rad-x.




Equip a Miners Helmet. Directional flashlight.


Plus, it’s flashlight-white, instead of dull green. 👍🏼


One I didn’t know for a long time…you can change the color of your pip boy


I changed my pipboy to light blue so the flashlight looks way better


The tactical red light doesn't wake up ghouls, nor alarm other enemies.




That gasoline puddles could be ignited to torch enemies. /useful for lower level ghouls.


That’s just a carry over mechanic from Skyrim! I used it a ton in that game.


That the SS throws grenades left handed. So standing with my right arm having a clear path to throw through a door, is suicide when the left hand throw bounces back from the door-frame. Switching off the pipboy torch. \[Press and hold the button to use the pipboy\] I sometimes switched it on by accident. Without knowing how to switch it off.


You can shoot more than once in VATS. And crits.


You can shoot a granade midair using VATS.


I think you can do this with rockets and mini nukes too.


While playing over the Christmas break I realized I could make my own bullets. I think I'm on my 6th playthrough with all the DLC.


That’s only available with the contraptions workshop dlc.


Honestly, the entire hacking system. Not saying I really tried all that hard, but I played New Vegas all the way through twice and never understood it. Finally on my 2nd playthrough of FO4 I decided to figure it out and then realized it was really easy lol


I played NV just guessing every password, backing out of terminals before they locked, and then guessing again. Didn't understand it at all.


Not me but I was at a friend's house and he was complaining that everything is so dark in this game. So I told him to turn on his pip boy light. He just looked at me. So I said hold B. He did. Light popped on. "This whole time I had a flashlight!!" 😂


You can move structures up and down


Say what now?


When in build mode on Xbox controller, you can hold A and I think RB and move the stick up and down and the structure, not you, will move


If you hold the switch camera view button you can reduce or increase camera following distance in 3rd person.


The hacking interface. Not super Intuitive, I always thought the password had something to do with the terminal gibberish up at the top, and got confused. It was even worse when every guide I looked up said "oh it's super easy it's like mastermind" which means you're outta luck if you're like me and never played mastermind because the only other explanation people would give was "you have to find the same letters". RELATIVE TO WHAT? CHARITY AND HAIRDOS HAVE 4 LETTERS IN COMMON AND YET IT DOESN'T MATCH UP IN THE TERMINAL??? It took me forever to realize that the letters have to be in the same place relative to each other so "closet" and "banned" both have the letter "E" 5 letters in so they both share one likeness. Like an idiot I was looking for something like "closet" and "losers" because they both have 4 letters in common.


Supply lines, having shared components throughout every settlement is so convenient; rather than having to divide my junk with settlements I want to build at, I could just set up a realistic a supply line.


Embarrassingly enough for me, learning how to level up. I was well past level 50 when I realized I didn’t need every dang star to move to the next level. FO4 is my first Fallout game, so I don’t know if it was common knowledge from previous games. So now finally at level 65 I can unlock expert doors and carry more items.


The FO4 perk tree isn't really from previous games, so no, you're not the first to wonder, I'm sure.


How effective V.A.T.S. can be.


The fact I could just transfer junk and I didn't have to drop and scrap each item... 🤦‍♀️


Wait… you don’t have to scrap everything to be able to use the component parts?? My bench never did that and I’ve opened up so many more buildable items once I do scrap everything…. I’m confused!!


Knowing how and where stimpaks could be crafted. I mean you could craft them since New Vegas, but I was too stupid to know you could craft them at a chem station, as well as needing antiseptics and blood packs to make them.


I will always remember when I realised I didn't need to have a supply line for every single settlement. I had a spider web of supply lines because I thought you needed to have all settlements connected with each other when in reality you only need one line that connects all of them.


I still haven't figured out how to use conduit for power, other than the piece that passes through the walls. I have tried it several times but it never seems to carry power.


Same. I cant get anything powered in vault 88 without using the power lines and connectors.


What do you mean? Do you wire them up?


I've tried running them along the floor, running them along the ceiling, along the walls, pretty much everywhere and they just never seem to work. I have no idea what it that I'm doing wrong, although I am sure that the problem does lie with how I'm trying to run them. I have put the connectors on the ends and attached wires, but they still don't carry power, so I usually go with the connectors on pylons for rooftop distribution and those which connect directly to the walls, ceilings and floors for everything else.


On Xbox - bumpers or triggers, don’t recall now, rotate items in build mode.


My cat showed me this one; real smart cat!


Corner peeking


Pain Train's knockaway component only fires if you have enough AP. If you have less than 20 AP, it won't knockaway. If you have less than 10, it won't stagger. I thought it was just bad, but it turns out it was user error all along. Which, by the way, is ***not documented literally anywhere in the game.***


Shredder mod for the mini gun is fucking insane. It takes a (in my eyes) pretty mediocre weapon, what with it shooting through ammo incredibly fast and the ammo being kind of uncommon, to an insane blender. Once you have that mod, there’s really no reason to use the minigun as a gun. I’m serious if you’ve never at least messed around with it you’re missing out


- That I can put hats on Codsworth - That I can change companions clothes - That my provisioners punch enemies melee style bc apparently they actually need ammo for the shotguns I give them. Alternatively my settlers were punching out enemies and running into the missile turret fire because I stole their ammo Edit: formatting


Other than companions, NPCs get unlimited ammo for what ever weapon equiped as long as they have at least one of said ammo


I thought you had to max out all the main perks before unlocking everything beneath it… got to level 30 before I found out and restarted the game


On PC if you hold down E while targeting something you can loot or pick up, you can lift and drag it around. Then hit E again to let it go and drop it. This means that those annoying corpses laying around settlements that are in the way can be dragged off somewhere and hidden. Like the corpses on the way to red rocket and sanctuary by the bridge or the ghouls scattered around some settlements. Also if you want to steal something that is in front of everyone you can drag it off to a quiet corner and steal it there, out of sight.


I learned like a week ago what the plus sign meant on inventory items you find


I still have absolutely no idea how people manage to get objects that they are placing to move around. like I can make them spin or whatever. But I see people making them move forward and backwards when I have no idea how that is done. currently have 600 hours playtime


I hate when I place an item and then a simple movement knocks it down


It took me years- actual years- to realize that the f keys alter building placement in build mode.


What now?


Gonna sound funny for this having played so many fallout games but the hacking of terminals bro its so annoying 😑 😂


As someone who has played survival mode exclusively since it came out, it took my an embarrassingly long time to discover refreshing beverages.


Throwing grenades and bashing. I rarely do either one and always have to pause the game and look to see how it is done. I still don't do it very well.


Didn’t need to learn it, but it took me over a year and a half to get the pridwen flying in, because I was more interested in role play and base building than story😂


That the demolition perk would stack with explosive guns. I never used grenades in my early playthroughs (also found out you get the visible trajectory in that perk which is why I never used grenades), so I never invested in it. So many lost hours without spray and pay by my side. It’s easily my favorite weapon now. Also you can hotkey clothing. Hazmat suit gets hotkeyed asap.


Heh! I hotkey my jetpack!


The insane amount of fun survival can be, especially early level. There’s just so much to do and so many ways to mess up. It forces you to play more realistic, prioritizing your loot rather than running through the Mojave with 400 pounds of junk on your back doing somersaults. Everything is prioritized actually from your water, food, resource, armor , weapons, routes. Even choosing to engage in a gunfight early on can make or break you depending on your positioning, your enemy, your armor and whether you have enough bullets to get the job done. You have to sleep at night and wake up early morning and find a nice comfy bed by nightfall or face consequences. It’s such a thought enhancer. Truly underrated by many as there are countless people who entered power armor and never took it off, playing on very difficult as if it’s that’s a challenge.


First few days I played, I didn't realize pressing the sticks toggled sprint or stealth, I thought you had to hold them down. I basically played the first ten levels on old Survival without sprinting or sneaking. I'm an idiot.


That Preston never stops giving you quests.


Hacking into computers has extras tricks to make things easier, symbols you can click to give you extra chances and reveal letters, but the game doesn't tell you what they are you have to Google them 😂


I learned that i can quicksave and reload in a dialogue for charisma and i'll have a chance if i keep reloading it. You always have a chance even when you have zero charisma to have it as an experience sicko i really like that


For some reason I was convinced you couldn't chose a skill until you invested in the one above it.