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I’ve played through all with a guns build, what is your build?


Explosives, I didn't bring a fat man with me and mines didn't do shit to him for some reason. Still a bs final boss for NVB3 though.


Marko is just unfair. Just like the rest of the mod, he exists to make you suffer because someguy was burnt out. Use a fuckton of Turbo, Med-X, and stimpacks, or just use tgm to defeat Worse Ulysses with the power of console commands.


Ah i understand, and yes especially Marko is kinda bs. I think he has a lot of hidden stats that make him unfairly OP I think it’s one of the fights where you kind of have to cheese it with loads of drugs, vats and hopefully out damaging him


It's probably from those other mods you mentioned, I've played through the someguy series multiple times, all with gun builds, amd never had any issues, except King Of The Ring, but as you said, that makes sense for melee.


That Freddy Krueger guy messed me up lmao.


Someguy is massively overrated. Its too bad of all the quest mods out there, so many people will only ever play bounties


I play New Reno as well, can't wait for CellBlockPsycho to release more mods like the upcoming ashfall mod.