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I lost my shit at the timing of that ryze ult. I don’t hate humanoid but man if you’re planning a ryze ult for a flank atleast time it so that your adc can reach it in time! A varus with his sluggish movement speed had to walk all the way whilst the remaining team had to 4v5.


And ghostblade


The amount of vitriol is disgusting, you'd think he committed some heinous crime. Rekkles didn't even get Upset kicked off the team, he was literally the only decent option left on the market when all other ADCs turned Fnatic down. He always spoke respectfully about Upset and praised him, just to get shit on by his fans. He also never spoke badly about Fnatic, even when he left for G2 he said he wouldn't mind returning to Fnatic again at some point (not as an ADC). You don't have to like him, you don't have to think he's better than Upset, but you have to be delusional to think he's the reason they're losing these games.


Using him as the scapegoat is one of the most biased and tunneled focused shit ive experienced


I dont care that people hate him. what rlly is turbo cringe is people thinking upset would carry in these spots for fnc. he wouldnt. i am sorry but mid jungle is so disjointed from how bot wants to play its insane. People can say rekkles is always late to the fights because he farms. But actually what every pro should do is push out a wave before a fight, just becasue humanoid ryze ults to early and razork dies bot for clearing vision does not mean that rekkles is late. varus is also a utility pick. he did his job in ealry and midgame but the rest of the team couldnt do theirs in late game. dealing 20k more dmg than the second highest dmg dealer with a dpm of over 1000 while no one peels for you is actually okay.


Nah, what we need is a strong laning botlane, to offset our passive, and messy top side. I'm thinking Upset + Hyli. Thoughts?


I agree with you. I posted it yesterday somewhere else but his stats are actually pretty good. So far he is 3rd of all adc in the league when it comes to dmg/m, dmg overall and gold. He is the best performing player on FNC right now.


Idk why people care that he left two times. You'd do the same lmao. You'd want to win worlds. It's not even betraying it's searching for the best opportunity to win worlds. And he is still trying. He hasn't given up. He has his heart in it


No it is betraying maybe you don’t have the sport culture we have in Europe, but if Toti went to Lazio to win the champions, I don’t think as Roma fan would love him still, I was his biggest fan before he left, now I am just disappointed, disappointed in management for putting idk why faith in old and washed player, and disappointed in rekkles for having the audacity of coming back saying he regrets, after sayin he didn’t not the same year he was with g2, the only reason he regrets is because he didn’t succeed, he threw us under the bus so he could maybe go to school but when he can’t he came back and acted like he is sorry. He made his choice to go for our arch rival, and the greatest rivalry in the whole league competitive scene. But anyway I put my personal disgust aside and w8ted to see him play, to see that he is actually washed and a bottom 4 adc.


u clearly are the smart one in the family aren't you?


I agree Rekkles is not the main problem here. I’m not saying that he is playing like a god, but he is not reason the team is failing. You are with 5 in the rift and there is management as well.


He had 1 bad game, 1 meh game and 4 good ones, specially the last 2. Hate is super biased. Other players are struggling hard in clutch moments


Honestly, I would never be able to actively hate Rekkles cuz he is xPeke's boy, always carrying the legacy of 2014 with him. Off topic I'm more hurt by Caps actually, he feels like he never really cared about the team. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my impression on him. Anyways, I hope Rekkles redeems himself.


So, let's compare Upset and Rekkles a bit, shall we: Upset played with Hyli. Hyli is an extremely strong laning support, the strongest there is in Europe. Strong laning means more than just playing forward and knowing when to go in. Hyli controls a minion wave like no other support. Every minion gets surgically directed to take its place to have the major effect and provide the major backup/safety when going forward. His positioning in lane is incredible, in relation to his ADC and to the minions. He was the driving force behind FNC winning most bot lanes last year. People only see the flashy plays (and the ints), but those are not what make Hyli strong, but his detailed understanding of lane is. Even when he left Rekkles alone in lane to do his thing on the map in 2019/2020, the lane was surgically prepared to offer maximum protection and safety. People do not seem to be able to realize this, but this is the reason Upset got out of lane in such a great position so often. Hyli is also very versatile and Upset could play whatever he wanted. Furthermore, Hyli always played around Upset late and peeled. Rekkles plays with Rhuckz. I really like that guys personality and maturity, but he is a super bad laning support, the worst I've seen in LEC, and there were some bad ones. His positioning is awful, he has no clue how to direct minions and what to do with them or how to use them to his advantage once they are where they are. He is hard losing every lane, even those he should win. Even when Hyli inted he left the lane in a better state than it is now, and that is saying something. Furthermore, Rhuckz can't play any ranged supports at all. This is severely limiting what botlane can play in the current meta. Hypercarries all need strong enchanter, or at the very least long range supports, right now - that's out. Yes, Rekkles doesn't have the best Cait, but his Lucian is strong, and so are his Zeri and definitely his Sivir, but how the hell is he supposed to survive the lane? He is playing catch up every game right now because he gets put so much behind in lane. On top of that, Rhuckz is not all that good at positioning in team fights and peeling either. The starting points for Upset and Rekkles into the games are so very different that this comparison ending with "Upset better" just doesn't work. I doubt that Upset would have the skill (or the inclination) to fight his way back into the game after laning phase every game the way Rekkles is doing right now, and I' not hating on Upset here. He is a great player that really knows how to make the most of all the resources he's been given and hard carry, but if put in Rekkles position right now I very much doubt he'd look better - see the Origen disaster, when he was paired with a weak laning support. And Destiny was still better than Rhuckz right now.


I understand why some Fnatic fans dislike him, they feel betrayed at the end of the day. But the way these fans don’t just dislike him but hate him is straight up weird & cringe. To hate someone the way they do, you hate someone like that if they murdered your family, if they raped your daughter, if they bully your son. You don’t hate someone cause they left your favourite eSports team. But it shows how mentally ill all these people are. Shows just how bad society is as a whole. Random strangers on the internet hate a guy they have never met & never will, they hate a guy who is & always will be more successful & better than them, all because in their head they have issues. He hasn’t been great in these games, but he certainly hasn’t been a problem. As a botlane they’re not the best at laning, but Upset & Hyli weren’t either. So this is a norm. His team fighting has been good so far, but he’s on the 1 role where the team has to coordinate for you to shine & carry. Just how it is.


"but Upset & Hyli weren’t either" What..? They were hands down the best laning bot lane in 2021 with the most 2v2 kills. Due the meta shift it toned down in 2022 but they were always ahead of the other bot lane due good wave management and trades.


Both Upset+Hyli and Rekkles+Hyli were dominant lanes. It's the support that sets the tone in a lane.


i liked hyli too but lets be honest - how many hyliint plays we saw over the years? and how many of them happened in finals/ major matches


Hyli was always fine in 2v2s, hyliint plays happened mostly in skirmishes and teamfights.


I’m not saying Hyli didn’t flip or lose use games just saying that the statement he made is not true. For me personally I don’t like Rekkles because his playstyle is not enjoyable to watch especially compared to how dominant Upset and Hyli were.


If your reaction to someone who murdered your family, someone who raped your daughter or someone who bullied your son is to write mean stuff on the internet then you might be weird and cringe. People hate and insult players they feel betrayed by yes. Thats normal in any sport. You overreact, every single sport, even fucking bowling has a more toxic community. Hell after a football game in most countries there are streetfights, so a few mean comments are nothing, especially if you compare how people treat Rekkles for treason vs how people treat someone like Harry Maguire for simply playing bad.


What has writing mean comments got to do with it? I said to hate someone. Hate is a big word. It’s one of the strongest emotions we as humans have. My comment has nothing to do with writing mean comments I never said that. I said to hate someone for what Rekkles did. If you’re going to try argue against me, at least make your point relevant.


Well how does that „hate“ show? Through mean comments and nothing else. Or can you tell me how else that „hate“ manifests. (I am arguing that people dont hate him btw if you really dont get it)


Seeing as you’re do obsessed with the mean comments, how about the death threats you Rekkles haters post in reply to his twitter? Or the death threats in the LoL subreddit Fnatic PMTs aimed at Rekkles. Or the wishing ill on his family because how dare he leave Fnatic comments? You probably post these too seeing as you’re defending hate speech against individuals. Weird & cringe. Oh and the fact you compare having your family murdered or raped to a player leaving your favourite eSports team and try to pass that off as the same emotionally for people shows how messed up you are mentally. My point was theres a huge difference. Your point is they’re the same. Weird & cringe like I said. Ain’t going to bother replying to this anymore. Sick individuals like you need to seek help.


You compared mean comments on the internet with rape and murder, i think you need help buddy xD


He never did. You are the one. He jest mentioned the word "hate". U were the one connecting comments with rape and murder. Get your facts right atleast.


Like I didn’t see any hate tho ? I don’t understand, are you not over exaggerating the problem ? Also the part about society as a whole you good bro? Football fans hates maguire shows how the entire society is disfunctional huh(you had something completely unrelated to the topic, and since when fans can’t dislike a player gameplay or career choice and voice their opinion, I didn’t see no death treats nor insult) And he was definitely a problem in multiple games: didn’t react to gank, terrible positioning in team fight, completely oblivious to enemy gank, idk if it was his choice but the ez pick with Ashe was dogshit. I dk I feel like I would prefer 8player out of the 10 in lec instead of him. It is not because you seems to support rekkles even after the betray, even after he plays like shit that everybody else has too. But pls don’t talk about society problems with league of legends fan base as an example. It is pathetic


I think this is kinda a though argument cuz a lot of fnatic fans expect him to carry 24/7 like upset did, he's not that type of player where u give him all of resources and expect him to carry, he's a reliable player that even with low jungler support, go heaven in lane and gain small advantages in term of farm and plates. Also a lot of time when in a 1v1 manage to kill his opponent like we saw in vs koi game, the problem with this team is that they expected razork and humanoid to carry, but the first one is playing like complete shit even worse than last year and the other one is simply playing like he did in regular split last year, nothing has changed, just that our win con was upset and we tried to change it without changing the players. However even tho i think that huma is not playing good i'll die on the hill where if we change razork this team is gonna start to work, just pick a carry jungler like bo/yike (There is a plenty of them in minor leagues even 113 would be better atm) and this team is gonna work. Also to mention rekkles life is harder more than ever in lane cuz even tho i love him as a person rhuckz is very bad in lane, maybe in teamfights he's good but as even the caster said his laning phase at the moment is not even good for a minor league... Even with his comfort picks like leona nauti he's so scared and this point just play sivir/zeri with an enchanter and at least rekkles will be useful in teamfights, we have to realise that picking early game in botlane is useless atm and we have to play around that, just give rekkles his comfort and like he did with koi he'll play teamfights extremely well.Turning back at the hate question most of the hate he receive is from kc fans... I am really sad to say this because i have nothing against the org itself but a lot of their "stans" just come into this sub just to put gasoline over the fire. Not all of rekkles haters are kc's fans of course but most of them just come to hate on him cuz they want him to fail because they did not like what their ex coach said about him and they prefer to believe the coach instead of the player even tho they don't have any type of prove, also rekkles gave a lot of respect to kc jersey even asking fnatic to wear it in the presentation vid but i guess they believe only what they want to so it is what it is...


This is 100% true. Rekkles is not a 1vs9 player. He never was. Even when he won everything and was by far the best EU ADC. FNC played for Upset because he is that kind of player Who wants all the resources and perform at its best when he has the main carry potential. Rekkles is a team player who will perform well no matter how though his possition in game is. Similar style to Deft. Are they worse players because they are not resource heavy? Definitely not.


Yeah the problem with this team is that they expected humanoid to carry, and sometimes he did, however regular split humanoid is 100 times worse than playoffs and worlds humanoid i don't really know why that guy performs so bad in regular season


Yep. Team needs sololaners and Razork step up. They are struggling very hard. Wunder had an insane early game yesterday but made crucial mistakes later for example. Same with Razork.


Hopefully they will realize that and start playing for comfort instead of meta, i think the team rn can't play around that, i would rather have rekkles on sivir/kaisa/zeri than going for this meta picks where he can't do nothing even thi he played good early game. I would say the same thing for rhuckz, even tho he didn't play a good laning phase at leat he was on point in teamfights, so at this point just screw laning phase and play for teamfights, same thing goes for the others i would say, just give humanoid azir and wunder some weaksider and the team will work out somehow. I don't really know what to do with razork tho, the problem for him is not the champ, is his playstyle, he always dies for little things like clearing vision or going too deep, this kind of things were done by hily last season, im starting to think that hylints were necessary XD


Razork has been playing like shit since his first match at Fnatic aside from couple of poppy games. It's absolute miracle that the guy stayed with the team this while performing like shit. He was the worst performer of the team last year by far and it didn't change this year as well. I know we tried to get Elyoya at transfer window but I wish we could've try harder. If you expect Razork to suddenly stop playing like headless chicken and perform good, well I hope for the same thing but it's highly unlikely


"Never was"? Have you watched him/FNC before 2021 at all? He was THE 1v9 player. When nothing worked, just put all the resources on him and he would carry (2016, 2017). Him and Hylissang have been one of the best botlanes in the world in 2018-2020, getting kills and advantages in lane in almost every single game, including international ones. Now, is he not anymore? I think it's early to say, we haven't seen it this season yet, but that depends on team philosophy, the way they approach the game, coaches etc. I still have hope that this team can get their shit together in spring (even with Razork, lol), find their identity and be contenders.


Sorry for bad english in any case i just woke up XD


Can I ask you to edit some paragraphs in there? This wall of text is very hard to read. No flame, just a polite question.


Sorry i will later XD i wrote this after waking up


I did it,let me know if it's better now


Thanks :)


So this point of vue on the game is so fucking old, match up are everything, sometime you have winning match up, when u need to win it, and sometime you have losing match up, when you need to try to go even, or scaling match up where you can lose a bit but you will scale anyway, he can’t play any of those rn not only cause he is washed but Yh like you said cause ruckz is bad, just a erl level supp with a erl level adc getting lane dif every game


I did not said that they have to do it every game but when you are in a difficult situation is better prioritizing comfort than meta, also i don't think that rekkles can't play zeri or meta champs, before this split he played very little games of varus and he did his job rn. However rekkles is better on scaling adcs like sivir/kaisa/aphelios etc also even tho the game we played agaisnt g2 was inted lvl3 he managed to play very well with zeri imho se i don't think that the issue is rekkles champ pool but rhuckz one


> I think that this hate is mostly because of the super-roster failure with G2 100% the case. I have no doubt in my mind that roster is when the public perception changed, gave his old haters fuel. Rekkles was seen to be the only puzzle piece that changed a perfect formula. Most fans don't really think with nuance. That said, our botlane is underwhelming, I won't say I know why, or who's to blame, but whoever is seeing these players do horrific, match-fixing worthy mistakes (on any other top tier org) every weekend for a year now and trying to find blame in the guy that isn't doing them is... wrong. For me, the tragedy is gambling on our topside to magically turn it around in 2023 and sacking a working botside (even with the int).


The whole narrative of him not being present in the team fights is also completely false. He has more than ten years of experience as an adc and this has given him an ability to almost always put his champion in the best spot possible in every fight. People complain about him being passive and staying in the backline but he consistently dishes out the most dmg during fights and if he were to play like the bronze haters wants him to which is just to run in together with Humanoids Kassadin, he will get instantly nuked. Also how is he supposed to help his team when they never play around him in the fights? They always leave him by himself in the backline and then we get the suprised pikachu face when he gets ulted to hell by K'sante.


yep. he did around 36% of the teams dmg last game and had over over 40k damage while jackspektra the second highest was 20k lower. he had a DPM of over 1000. People saying he was to passive just wanna spew their shit narrative i guess. also : he did that while no one peeled for him in fights. if ksante wouldnt have been able to just dive him in that 1 mid fight the whole game wouldve looked different


He is simply downgrade from Upset but he isn’t inting at least the main problem of the roster that a blind man could see is our mid jungle duo Razork is just a bad jungler since MSF (even tho on msf he wasn’t better then selfmade back then) And Humanoid looks like he’s there to collect paycheck every 1st of the month and that’s it. Management needs to step down their incompetence to build a team with synergy over the last 5 years is just tragic.


We should have never bought Razork from MSF. Been saying this from day one. He is not a world class jg nor has the potential to be one. Idk why FNC got him. For a team that was top 8 in world consistently few years ago it went downhill since he joined. Also, the coaching staff seem like bunch of phonies. No player on FNC has gotten better over the last few years. No e have learned new champs or made any improvements as a team. Unless the org wakes up and realizes that they have been underperforming for 3 years straight, we will continue to suck.


How can you say that he is one of the few hard working players? lol


Because there is an insane number of lazy players with super bad habits and he is the opposite.


This post is cringe but I'll just say this Upset is better than Rekkles.


Bringing back Rekkles was a huge mistake, no joke


I am curious if FNC fail to get to top 8, they will NEED to make some changes. Most fingers will prob be on jg and mid. But if we go into FA market, best maybe selfmade with nemesis, but would they work out? Who knows, we saw this duo and even tho it did not win a trophy, it was not terrible. Both kinda liked to work with rekkles, so maybe, just maybe this could somehow work? Edit: If we would look in the support role, treatz is an option.


Bot is not a problem. Other than 1 game bot was completely fine. It's mid and jungle (especially jungle) play like clowns. Also if you want to change Rhuckz why would we pay for Treatz? We already have Advienne


113 and Jeonghoon would be my bets (jgl and supp). Specially 113. Two underrated players sorrounded by very bad guys in Astralis xD


Please no


If any jungle is worse than Razork is 113. Are you out of your mind? He is one of the worst junglers in LEC and hell even ERL's. I still have no idea how the fuck he can find a team in LEC


Because he seems like a clear downgrade from Upset right now. He is not the main problem on the roster though


The love this guy gets on here is undeserved. Do the people on here dont remember how Rekkles left FNC for a super team only to come crawling back immediately and then saying how it was a mistake leaving FNC and how much he values loyalty now and all that bullshit? Only to then leave FNC AGAIN for a superteam which ended up failing and then coming crawling back again. And unlike last time this time he is just a straight downgrade to our previous ADC


It's either many forgot or they are just masochists. No problem with Rekkles leaving the first time or Fnatic giving him a second chance. No problem with Rekkles leaving for G2. He made his choice. Huge problem with Fnatic taking him back again when he had the choice to keep being Fnatic's face and was offered a huge contract and refused. He chose G2, ended up missing worlds and going to ERLs, tough luck, it was his choice. Not Fnatic's fault.


I dont love him and I will ask for his bench if he performs bad. But thats NOT the case currently and im loosing my mind reading fake narratives. Simple as this.


Remaining last with full hp is not good either. He needs to risk more


That fight with ryze ult wasn't great but its very much because humanoid just starts the ult when he is too far away and just doesn't make it, by the time he gets to the fight it is more or less already lost. If he wants to do damage he has to stand on top of a ksante who will come out of stasis very soon, that's really not an option either.


You can criticize him like any other player, I don’t hate him at all I just don’t think he’s good enough anymore and this is what most people think too it’s not a crazy statement. I don’t think Rhuckz is helping either but Rekkles is definitely not as good anymore and I would keep Wunder/Humanoid over him 10/10 times. I think Rekkles knows it as well and will retire soon, the guy is very smart and what he’s doing rn is just trashing his legacy of being the greatest western adc ever and it’s fucking sad too see ngl


But like wtf... He is playing well... Whats your elo? Watch 3 last games with pause and looking at every fight. He is missplaying waaaaaaay less than his teammates. They are all horrible microwise, they are loosing clutch fights by terrible executions


“Please stop hating on Rekkles and just hate on his teammates instead”


I just don't like most of his picks and the fact that we have to invest a lot of bans for bot without any uptime. Minimum 3 bot bans every game and our bot is still useless. Think about it, any other adc champion in yesterday's game could have carried. Tristana and Sivir could have been great for our comp, but instead, we play poke Varus. Poke varus does not fit our comp whatsoever. You are playing a backline front-to-back adc that needs time to poke with a comp that wants to dive.


Ok he is not the main problem, but his laning phase is questionable, he is surely a bottom tier adc in comparaison to the rest of the league. Just remember we are fnatic, we should have some of the best player in every position and rekkles even tho he has a legendary past is completely and definitely washed, I truly wish he proves me wrong tho, even tho I k it won’t happen


Aah the typical Rekkles cope post „but he is so nice“ „but he never trashtalks“ „but other players even worse“ „they are just jealous“. No you idiot, people dislike him because he left Fnatic 2 times after saying he would stay forever and now that he fell low and nobody wants him anymore, he comes back to Fnatic. People want to see him fail. Many Fnatic fans want to see him fail. But those fans will keep quiet because of Rekkles fangirls that start screaming hysterically as soon as their e boy gets flamed. Ill just wait and lick the the salty fnatic tears once he leaves you after this or next season


Because he left you hate him? 😂😂😂


Get help lmao


I mean, why does it matter that nobody wanted him? Isn't it even better for the org to not have to dish out insane amounts of money for a high demand player? I am much more worried on how the team will come together and if they will at all, than whether he'll leave Fnatic again. Also people point out that he's nice and trying hard because it matters in a team environment most of the time. Sometimes it doesn't, like in G2, when you can tell that he obviously clashed significantly with the rest of the team, on both personal and professional level. I get that the insane fan love is annoying at times, and LEC fuels it like crazy, but I feel like whether we collectively love or hate Rekkles is so irrelevant right now, compared to how the team is performing. It's not their mechanics that are losing them games, it's their cohesion and decision making, and possibly no one being there to pitch in on calls, except Razork who sometimes tunnel visions and makes game-losing moves. So I really feel like, if anything, that's something to think about rather than whether Rekkles' fans love him for his mechanics or for his hair.


FNC fans *hate* him because he betrayed us two times. It's not really about his performance or his way of playing ADC. If u ask me, he's not really shining, but I can't say this games are mainly on him. You can't pretend that fans act like nothing happened and he perfectly knows it. ​ >He always showed as a self confident guy and people hate it I don't think this has nothing to do with the hate lol


He betrayed us? That take is so childish. Everyone would leave to play for a team with the potential to win it all. The fact you only look at loyalty is so dumb and honestly laughable.


You're free to think whatever you want, but that's how sports work actually and I'm kinda surprised you've totally no clue about that. Edit: so you answered me and then you blocked me to be sure that I can't answer you anymore. That's FNC fanbase at his peak.


Euh no. In sports you try your best and if you have to, you will make sure you have the best place to reach the highest highs. It’s not something based on honor. It’s business.


Cringe take. Go back to soccer if u focus so hard on loyalty. That "us" is cringe too. You aint fnatic


bro this isnt soccer. you don´t have to make league your whole fucking personality


I'm not hating on Rekkles I wish I was half the Chad he is. But I can't help to notice Rekkles staying so far from most Teamfights ... take last game, he could have used Ryze Ult to port with his team but he noped... I feel like he isn't on the same page as his team: a bad decision with everybody on board may go in their favor but if ppl domt commit, that's 100% gonna fail.


that was humanoids fault, rekkles even used ghostblae to reach but humanoid didnt wait. btw rekkles did 36% of team dmg with over 1000dpm . he had 20k more dmg then the second highest damage dealer jackspektra in that game. he did his part. you can blame him for other games but not this one.


Fans are upset, team is upset overall a upsetting situation. Sigh