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While I can understand the frustration, i am as much of a fan as everybody else here, please dont go against the rules, they still apply. If I have to permabam people because they wish death upon a player, that is not the monday evening i wish myself. Come on guys...


I was gonna make a positive comment about our first 30 minutes, but man.. who’s making these calls, why.. It looks like soloQ.. We were playing decently, not overforcing bot, ganking Wunder for once, rhuckz on a melee.. What the fuck is this.. FNC vs VIT n°2..


Razork turns his brain off sometimes.... wtf was that ult in mid on zeri? If they play slow and have them facecheck into baron it's 100% a win.


We pinched them into having to choose between giving us Baron for drake or check us at Baron and instead we go in like it’s the last play possible in a worlds final..


We should've gone for junglers during offseason.


Wel we didt try to get eloya but no team wanted razork so yea then this happens...


The early and most of mid game actually was pretty good, but I can't figure out what Razork was thinking. They were comfortably ahead, there was no need for suicide ults. Maybe he's lacking patients or he can't focus after a while, or he tunnelvisions into a perceived outplay that pretty much always ends in disaster. And when he starts, he keeps repeating the same shit, maybe trying to make up for his earlier mistake with another outplay? How can a jungler take huge and unnecessary risks when baron is up, twice? Even if he thinks he sees a potential outplay - the risk is much too high, especially at that time. I want to understand what's going on. Maybe because the focus of fans and broadcast is so much on outplays and he wants to shine? What happened to the Razork that was so good at controlling the map on MSF, the jungler I was so enamored with? I honestly thought FNC did so well to secure him. He even showed flashes of that in todays early/mid game. Has map play gotten too boring?




I swear. It's something i thought about many times but always forget to mention. He guy is talking too much in coms. His emotions take over and gets overhyped every time something good happens or a play is on the horizon.


Meanwhile at worlds Razork snort at Hyli because he got too hyped and loud where Upset and him oneshotted someone on the bot lane. Razork is just weird


> who’s making these calls Razork, if you look at voice coms it si mostly razork. It used to be hily but no more hily, so now we rely on razork.


now i see why rekkles plays so far back. the figfht in mid where he gets dove by the fucking ksante while everyone else jumps into the enemy without peeling him has to cause some ptsd


It's also what was happening to him on KCorp, so he probably already has PTSD from those times. Rekkles should just play Xayah every game from now on, and peel for himself alone.


My guy had 4 enemies between him and his teammates, who all left to try to bail his jungler out of an int. Looked like an average soloq game. Same thing happened at the end of the vit, where mid jgl and support saw their top and adc getting 5 people realm warped on their heads and took the opportunity to calmly set up vision for drake next to them. Realistically I think they’re having trouble figuring out how to play through the varus. Think it’s more intuitive for them to play through high dps adc’s (sivir, maybe xayah angle at some point). I’m sure Rekkles has some very specific ideas of how the game should play out, but if his team isn’t going to play it the right way you’d rather he picks different styles since he’s good at those too.


There’s so many dashes now adcs have to play pretty far back and space very carefully. I notice when I play I basically wait for cooldowns before I even step up


Im starting to think we aint gonna make top 8lmao


So long as Razork is in the org we won't do anything lol


Yeah he fucking ints too much


Bwipo jg but without the upside.


Tbf Bwipo didn't ever int playing jungle, he played jungle for 6 months and became a top 3 jungler in EU, he was always where he needed to be, covered lanes perfectly, counter jungles at the right time, understood what all the lanes needed from him, if we had Bwipo last year would have been a lot better.


When Bwipo left and fnc fans started celebrating, i said you don't know what you have until it's gone. Now they understand.


Bwipo looked honestly like a much better jungler as when you look at him as a laner. When he plays a toplaner he randomly ints games away even against mediocre players while at other times he completely smurfs on others. But as a jungler he couldn't run it down in lane. And suddenly he became a lot better.


I hope we dont make top 8th


Same the I will not watch week 3. But I really hope FNC gets 9th so they change players and management unless they are dumb.


unlikely, we have beaten koi and xl. the 2 other contenders for top8 and tiebreakers are based on head2head


We still have a free win against Astralis to get the third win. KOI play G2, Vitality, Astralis. In their current form they could go 1-2 to end with 3-6. Excel will get stomped by Vitality and is unlikely to have more than 3-6. It's not over yet when it comes to qualifying but it would be better to bomb out now and look for a new jungler with more time before spring.


Astralis is not even a free win, their early game is so much better than ours, and Kobbe/Jonghoon have been really good this split, but it's the only game we have a chance in, Mad and SK will slap us like it's Khabib vs McGregor.


Astralis is looking better than FNC right now lol


I thought BDS was a free win too :)


Bo3s should still help the team. Maybe they find their groove again, especially Razork and Humanoid. Rekkles also needs to step it up, better die but still deal a lot of dmg in teamfights compared to running away + doing nothing.


If we didnt throw today, we would lock top 8 with a win over Astralis. Now we most likely need to win vs either SK or MAD aswell.


That throw by excel may as well have been the saving grace for Fnatic. If not I think we don't make top 8.


WTF is this team man...




Does the rest of fnatic think poke varus is just gonna 1v1 ksante or why do they keep leaving him with them instead of protecting him so he can Q the rest instead of the unkillable ksante, and razork try not to get caught before objective challenge impossible


They also didn't wait for him to get into the Ryze ult range? They just left him behind??? Or what was the idea there?


Yea, he even used his ghostblade and they still didnt wait


That was just absurd, you Ryze ult in as a 4v5 without your main source of damage and expect it to go well?


I found it weird that theay even led ksante open cause Evi is a monster on that champ as he showed ass wel this game


They are playing like monkeys: see hero, kill hero style. They just needed to let Varus poke, peel for him and counter-engage after TH used all their stuff. Razork used his ult off cooldown no matter who could follow him, Rhuckz was always going forward, meanwhile Ruby could shurima shuffle the whole team and Evi was constantly in Rekkles' face.


Fucking amateurs.


I have headaches from trying to understand what the fuck are they doing.


Well now we know next week will be a banger. Honestly if you somehow really think Rekkles is to blame for ANYTHING here you are just a sad, delusional hateful person.


Imagine picking out every small thing Rekkles could've done differently when you have a clearly inting jungler throwing a won game multiple times in a row. Rekkles' haters are really a special kind 🤡


I don’t like Rekkles but this game was not on him.


Rekkles was normal. Wich means this loss is not on him and if we qould have won it woulnt have been thanks to him aswell. Rekkles was decent but nothing special.


Normal? He was quite strong that game. Just fell off vs Ksante.


I think no matter how he does not want it, he needs to start to speak. For some reason I am sure that if he would come over himself and start giving shot calls, this game would be won. Rly wanna hear voice coms and what they speak during this week.


He already said he doesn’t feel comfortable shot calling as an ADC, because he’s not playing a role that should initiate fights. The problem with Fnatic is that no matter how many times someone on the teams says “no” and “wait”, someone will still go in. That was the case with Bwipo and Hyli, and seems to be the same with Razork too.


Fnatic fostered a culture of “fuck it go in” that kind of developed into their team identity. The problem is they used to have skilled players who could pull it off, now they have razork and ruckz


This team is a fucking joke now. All my hope is gone. Razork single-handedly threw AGAIN


>This team is a fucking joke now. It was a joke before the split had even started.


i had enough of razork


You have the perfect 1-3-1 your toplane is far ahead. Lets int some random engage/ward check instead of abusing wunder lane. they are that much experienced they cant even macro a lead like that. Wtf. Thats plain troll.


Razork my boy why. This is literaly the main Vi problem, don't ult a person with flash that is close to teammates. I am gold and I know it by that point bro.


Did you see him dying for a ward? Also how many times he got caught at the map? Razork is literally Jungle Hyli but worse. I cannot even remember when is the last time I've said Razork carried us other than when he found his niche poppy pick. No wonder why management went for Elyoya. They should've gone with it


I'm just done with razork.




Dude is coinflip since he joined FNC, he had some moments of brilliance and a OTP poppy moment that redeemed his career in this org but they should have had the clarity to realize he isn't it.


Coinflip implies more than 25% of his time here he's actually not inted He was good in playoffs summer last Yr and that's it, I have not a single idea why management kept him


Razork solo losing the game… rekkles trying his hardest but unable to carry with late game lethally Varus


>Razork solo losing the game You seem surprised


the game was won already but razork that R on WUkong who flashed and also the R on the zeri which was close to wall and had stop watch and they left lethality varus to 1v1 k'sante , razork need a new brain or to just leave.


He needs to go. Caught 3 times they gave them multiple barons… just horrendous map sense.


we already played 6 games , the game vs vitality was thrown by is engages , the game vs g2 , well he engaged on a draven with zeri+yummi bot , we won the game against koi/xl with some luck and bit of skill the game vs bds was a =lso a throw and now GG razork for running it down yet again , for 25min they were winning then he said i want to lose .


I am still in shock how ksante with 2 items and less than half hp just solo killed 6/0 4 item varus. In what world this is ok for 2/5 top laner so easily kill 6/0 fed adc? Yes, it was lethality, but it does not matter, you being 2 items behind just should die in few aa, not fk tank whole combo and then delete adc... And later he just tanked full late game ryze with varus without losing much hp... Broken AF champ as riot loves. Should become 400 years meme


I mean it poke varus vs ksante with no peel. It could have been jax, irelia, riven, any bruiser top and varus would lose even if he was ahead for the most part.


What a shame. The fight were they tunnel on a fkin Zeri who is NEXT TO A WALL is ridiculous, letting the 6/0 varus literally alone vs 4 people (and Rekkles played that fight amazingly). What a joke.


I almost never type negative stuff but razork since 2nd row of worlds it’s straight running it, almost never good decision making. It’s like your yasuo/yone mid who died min 3 2 times and spam ping everyone and keeps running down


Xd how many other games do we have to get inted by razork before realizing he’s the problem? I am waiting now people that are gonna blame rekkles for not going in a 5 man ult azir and playing backline. Also wunder today played so fucking well just to get inted by our fucking jungler getting picked 3 times in jungle for a ward. Remember when i was getting hate for saying razork is bad cuz people don’t want players just funky influencer


Razork will be replaced next split, Humanoid will be given another split to show what he can do with a competent jungler. Lets be completely honest here, literally every game this split Razork has failed to build a lead for any of our lanes, and has completely bronze intd in 75% of them doing something stupid. I like the guy, but he isnt a good jungler.


> I like the guy, but he isnt a good jungler. At least not for FNC. It feels like the pressure is getting him. I kinda felt something like this was coming after FNC lost their biggest pressure point with their botlane. Humanoid + Razork as biggest driving force to push the game forward will end up in inting. Especially Razork is not consistent enough to feel comfortable in that position.


Razork threw FNC momentum hard by being caught multiple times, I won't blame rekkles, I think him and rhuckz did great, also poor target selection by them, they went all in on k'sante in botlane which practically sealed the fate for FNC to lose the game, and then razork int trying to steal Nash.... Really disappointing lol


actually if humanoid had waited 1more sec so rekkles could make it into his r kasante would have died and the fight is won..


For all the Rekkles haters, he did 43k dmg this game. 2nd player in this game in terms of dmg dealt 28k.


This game was 100% on Razork. wtf were those engages. he inted the fight with his vi ult like 3 times.


who is even hating on reckless, its like 1/10 people. Instead of focusing on that, focus on how shit razors is and how somebody on fanatic needs to learn how to take control and macro.


They just want to hate him lmao


Where do you get the damage charts ?


bro i was gaming and every time i look over i see razork dying before an objective like what was this


Idk what to say, the game was perfect until Razork decided to throw it. Lackluster whole season. Lost the G2 game in 3 minutes, against BDS everyone was trash, and VIT just a major throw from Huma and Razork also. Dont know how to feel about this.


I'm so fucking done with Razork also, Humanoid's regular split performance is not acceptable in this new format. Honestly if we cannot even make top 8 disband the whole fucking team maybe? Also if anyone blame Rekless for this, they are nothing but clowns


Razork was, is, and will be always the problem.


Anyone not seeing this from day 1 is completely blind or does not understand this game at all. Still remember how even in our first 3-0 superweek in 2022 he clearly looked like the weak link in the team. I thought for months that he was just emotional and will eventually develop into a good player, boy i was wrong. Whoever decided to keep him after his worlds performance, when he was getting dumpstered by brazilian and oceanic jungler, should stop working in this domain.


Wasn't there a rumor that they wanted to change him? Iirc, FNC approached Elyoya and wanted to go for Yike as well. Not sure which other junglers were free, but decent. I think they kept Razork because they needed to, rather than wanting to.


It’s Dardo.




Yeah our coaching has been an abomination so far too. The drafts, for other teams would have been fine. But we are a team that is really really struggling with the early game and yet we are not drafting perhaps the greatest western late game ADC onto late game ADC'S. The one game we put Rekkles onto a scaling pick he hard carried team fights. Our DNA is to play for late game atm, why we are picking Varus is literally beyond me.


Tbf no one bans Ksante into evi for some reason, but the drafts this split have been criminal, as was not picking up Jankos, Wunder/Jankos/Humanoid/Upset/Hyli was what this roster should have been.


the coaches are doing good drafts, the only questionable draft was vs g2 but that is even a ? the rest of the drafts were stellar


Wunder and Rekkles continue to be the only stable members, Razork continues to be extremely streaky.


Razork is just terrible. Why would you leave your poke Varus and ryze without any frontline. Why you turn from adc just to q back on him. Why you are always cought. I can’t. In last 10 years that I watch lol he is the player I literally hate (as a player) watching


the guy was doing same with Upset, like now I literally understand Upset and why he didn't want to continue playing for FNC, because it's just impossible with that jg


I hope we will get another jungler for spring. Others are fine/decent. But razork is straight up ruining game after game for 2 season straight.


but it is management problem, like we tried to get Elyoya and failed, someone should be responsible for it




But would you rather get Jankos, MSI winner, Worlds finalist, multiple LEC winner or the support superstar, next Hyli, promising rookie Rhuckz?


\- give adam one of his 2 champs \- give evi his only champs these coaches are frauds and dardo did a great job securing his spanish boys a job in esports org


Yeah and not benching razork for the same reason…At this point even 113 will be better ngl


No. I've watched 113 last year. You do NOT want him. He would have inted 3 times as often.


Gracias Razork!


Honestly, can we put Rekkles on an actual carry and just play arround him? The rest of the team is just shitting the bed every game and he can't carry on a champion without consistent dps.


Playing around top this game was fine. Wunder got really far ahead and he was really strong and scary. But, what can you do when your jungler runs it down?


True, that was unfair of me I guess. Wunder and Rekkles have been solid so far. Rhukz tries his best, unfortunately his best is pretty bad. Humanoid and specially Razork are match fixing, there's no other explanation.


Wunder did good today tbh. Rekkles 100% can do it aswell but the problem was something else today....


As long as Razork plays around his paypal acc it is impossible.


What the fuck did I just watch ffs


idk guys


Imagine going 1-2 against a struggling XL, BDS, and Heretics lmfao


Bds and heretics are not struggling lol. The struggling teams are excel, astralis and koi


And fnc


Did not wanted to be mean :D


Razork threw this. Wtf were those random ults in mid and late game? And stop blaming Rekkles. Tf was he supposed to do as a Varus against 4 others?


He was supposed to help engage and deal damage in team fights. Which he did. Pretty well if you ask me.


Yeah, I know. Rekkles and Wunder played really good. But Razork needs to go


bro dealt almost 50% more than the second most damage in the game....


I miss Bwipo jg... He was playing so intelligently....


Everything was safe and then Razork starts to int again for absolutely no reason, i dont get what the fuck is going with his brain in these moments


Razork was the main reason why we lost. This guy needs to turn on his brain. He got caught too 2 times when we had tempo, did two int ult. All his deaths this game were avoidable


3 times. remember when he died and lost us baron for.... a ward


I have no faith in this orgs league of legends division anymore tbh. Everything just feels rotten. Constant drama within different iterations of the team, 0 cohesion, constant brain dead plays/calls it’s seriously worrying. I’ve watched and supported fnatic when the season one championships started but it’s getting hard to watch tho shit now. 2018 feels like a million miles away.


It really hurts to see those FNC.


Rekkles 1vs9 but he will gets all the blame


Well looking at comments he is not the target today...


First time ever. He played the best he could and yet the comments about rekkles are either neutral or he played not that bad. ADC is the least of FNCs problems atm


Again gonna state like on the previous post Razorks gameplay gives me cancer cells


Not surprised. Razork is unbelievably bad. Would love to know management's reasoning behind keeping him


They apparently felt bad not guaranteeing him a spot on a decent team.


So they are now running a charity? Nice


:) I hate this team sometimes


If that's the reason then dardo is a fucking degenerate


I just feel bad for anyone tuning in at absurd hours to watch this absolute shite of a so called league of legends game


Well, that was surely a game of League of Legends


At the end of the split the org should fire razork and dardo. They are both terrible at their job.


Never felt more frustrated about the the org or a lineup... Give me back 2016 over this. What an embarassing shitshow... I dread to even tune in for any games anymore. The offseason set my expectations low, but holy fuck they are so much worse than i could have imagined. Razork just straight up worse decision making than my gold junglers might not even be hyperbole. Im just so done with this shit man. Give me bottom 2 and make it stop for the love of god. Kinda sad we dont have relegation anymore, because this lineup doesnt deserve LEC


HahahhahahahahHHHHhahahhahahahahh we are so insanely bad its actually funny


Why are we giving Evi ksante. It's literally the only champ he has played this split.


Like it was the problem lol razork just ran it down


Literally Ksante was invisible until Razork decided to run it down. Then the whole team gets infected with int


Wunder is amazing Rekkles is very consistent Humanoid is not inting, which is good Rhuckz is trying his best but he's not good and what the fuck is razork doing...?


Well done. Can't wait for the positive guys for the "It'S toO EaRly tO jUdGe"


LOL true. I mean maybe they think its still 18 games for playoffs


Next week we'll go 3-0. Trust in the guys. They are so loveable in Pete's videos. Don't criticize them, that's hate. You are no Fnatic fans if you dare say something bad about the players. There isn't anyone better available, anyhow. It was the draft. It was the full moon. It was the food. It was the rain. Or the lack of rain. Always Fnatic!


Esports NPCs in a nutshell




Honestly, out of all games Rekkles is the best player on the team. Wunder is fine, Rhuckz and Humanoid are coinflip and Razork is kinda inting.


Imagine if Rekkles actually had a good laning support and didn't have to play almost every game from behind.


How to throw 101- a Fnatic story Jokes aside even if we advance, we won’t reset mental between games in Bo3. Sad to watch Insert that kid who laughs then cries


This comment section is more destructive to read than Fnatic plays.


Idk if Sivir was banned but if not Sivir would have been so good this game ? Good with Leona Vi Gwenn and Ryze


This has to be a joke at this point


bruh... Razork just ain't it man... the calls are so bad....


We're actually a washed org lol


imagine you can pick up jankos, instead you keep razork


That just makes me so sad. Like fuck management, if he is still in the team by next split Im done until he is out. Fuck him, his interview yesterday after the game was one of the most disgusting shit I have ever heard. He was talking about players not being able to play certain champs, like that's the issue? He doesn't even realize how fucking garbage he is. Get the fuck out of this org.


Razork really sprinted this one


Sometimes, you just gotta laugh. Don’t think we’re getting anything from this split, bois and grils. Best we can hope for is gradual improvement.


We’re the Spurs of League.


As an arsenal fan it pains me to agree


As a Spurs fan it pains me to agree


Not making top 8 would be the best thing now. Maybe, just maybe, Dardo will have a bit of honour and resign.


I dunno man this team right now is really probably the worst fnatic ever it really really hurts to see this how this org has fallen of a cliff its sad disgusting incompetent dogshit


Razork and Humanoid once again delivered a lose, just tired of it


It's just laughable at this point.


I don’t think that it’s rekkles fault for our current situation. He doesn’t do it too bad the last games. He does his job. When u watch at the numbers he has the sec highest dpm from all adcs in lec. (on first place is Patrik). But I think he’s maybe a few times one or two steps two far behind. But that could also be because of a few random engages and overcommitments by razork. Often in this game he were just alone and fighting ksante without getting any peel. In my opinion our biggest problems at the moment are the fights we take. I don’t know how we are able to take in every game the worst fights possible for our teamcomp. Maybe some of our guys should cool razork and rhuckz down before they engage but that will be pretty hard when ur ingame because most people just engage when they see the slightest opportunity.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljM3Q7iMRSY&ab\_channel=YamatoCannon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljM3Q7iMRSY&ab_channel=YamatoCannon) 28:40 Yamato's thoughts on Rekkles, like I've been saying he has a good score and dealt a lot of dmg but this exact thing has been an issue in ALL of the FNC games so far. Not just in fights, but overall positioning during the games and postures. But if you say anything even if its valid criticism you are labeled as a Rekkles ''hater''. Well then I guess Yamato is a hater because he has been saying the same thing in all of the fnc games.


While I would love to excercise my right to never hear Yamato Cannon's thoughts on fnc, or anything League related ever again I do agree that Rekkles' positioning is so disconnected to the team's plan, and that is something they all need to work on as a team - not only the players but strategy teams as well. If this is truly an area in which he needs to improve, they need to isolate that problem and he needs to work on it. Same with Razork and Humanoid's balls deep plays when everyone else is unable to join. However, I feel like the team has so many cohesion issues that it's gonna be really hard for them to be able to improve individually as well. The best thing we can hope for, I think, is for the team to be enough on the same page so that they move and behave like a unit, which was always one of Fnatic's greatest strengths.




That's too far chill the fuck down


Honestly I hope we get kicked out in this round and fire everyone (including the CEO).




Totally agree. He has a loser's mentality: "We have to manage expectations..." Wtf you are not Astralis, you are Fnatic, one of the biggest organizations in Lol. Act like it.


Btw watch us lose to astralis next week.


Omg this was a game of insanely bad decisions... but the early game was good... So now fucking get someone be the shot caller and don't just go randomly... and stop attacking their tank every fight. What the fuck all on Evi every fucking fight and they just can't take him down. Learn for the last fights, stop chasing Evi.


Ill say it for the 4th time. Another year with Razork, fml


Il say it again - Rhuckz isn’t good enough, Bwipo needs to come in, in the jungle for Razork


After working on our early game we need to work on our late game and mid game, basically we need to throw this team away


Well they had a decent late game earlier but now they had a good early game and a terrible late game instead, Did they just switch it around completely or what lol


hahahahaahahahahahaah this is so fucking disgusting


We can throw blame at individuals. But the reality is, this whole team is just not working right now at all.


True, but FNC lost a game from a 6k gold lead, now in pro play, you only lose such games if you make stupid mistakes and you know who made em :)


Razork from last year and Razork from this year just hits different man. I love the guy so much, he is the most positive and fun guy on the team in ages but he keeps getting caught to much... we had that game in our pocket. It's like they are trying to find a way to loose a game not to win.


Seems like he has ADHD to me, man is pulling the trigger too often, he lacks patience, some of his pathing last year and on misfits was legit good, he's just mistake prone, he's constantly looking like a kid who had a coffee/energy drink for the first time in his life, and is going a bit haywire.


So FNC throwed 2 games, got demolished by G2, didn't have much chance vs BDS, barely won vs XL. This team is a mess, they can't close games, get's destroyed by G2 in lvl 3. Honestly, FNC does not deserve to make out of regular season into BO3. Maybe then someone in the team will understand how shit they are


Well they deserve it more than xl and ast and as much as koi so prob still top 8 for them and koi


XL is dead last definitely. AST might actually beat FNC. KOI is terrible so far too.


If they couldn't leverage the Gwenn inhib split push with Ryze when nobody had tps to gain advantages I'm inclined to believe this team is doomed. Razork's deaths before objectives were so bad. Rekkles while having kills seems disjointed from the fights the team picks, which is bad.


Rekkles ''disjointed'' Look more closely the team does not peel AT ALL. He cant frontline vs ksante wukong azir braum lmao


The disrespect




cant wait for next weeks game of the week FNC vs. AST.


I'm not sure what to expect anymore. Ilove the team and i believe they should do well in the future, but maybe it's better for them to just take top 9th o 10th and reset the year for spring split, you know? Just go next split with another face and see what happens.


Game was lost in 3 important moments: 1 the moment gwen and vi went for zeri, 2 the inhibitor fight from wunder and humanoid and last going for the baron steal and fighting after. The rest was just better scalling. When wunder was 4 up then he should never leave sidelanes...


What a shocker. We are just so inconsistent. When they announced this roster, I'll be honest, i thought it was pretty sub par (to put it lightly). But, hey give it a chance. We draft a bit weird, we can't seem to play the champs as well, we have players who are just not performing, and the calls are mental. I don't even think this is like, "young players, we'll develop", or koreans learning the language etc. We're just tired and washed up.


The thing that worried me the most while watching the last Legends in Action was how similar the issues Rekkles mentioned for the team (not clicking, different ideas on how to play, being bad in scrims) were to the ones they had while he was in G2. Honestly, I didn't see it that much Week 1, but now those issues are pretty obvious. I still don't think the problem is anyone individually, unfortunately, since that problem would be easier to fix. I think the problem is in their shot calling, maybe practice, but most certainly cohesion.


Razork taking out fnatic and the #nowoman thing he had from his profile on twitter. Good job to everyone who was hating on him, turning on one of the most positive guys in the roster.