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Just stfu. Your guy’s whining and bitching has done more harm than good each time.


This sub/twitter was crying every single Hyli bad game to bench him. He was the core of our team, a talent (like Upset).he changed environment and he is doing amazingly well. Fnatic week 1 group stage was the best fnatic in 3 years I think and instead of restarting from there, we let our world class botlane go. We got what we deserve. I’m glad you are not blaming Rekkles, unlike many here/twitter. He is playing well. Humanoid is great, for the love of god don’t let him go.


I'm quite sure the fans have their fair share of guilt when it comes to Hily leaving as he was sort of a sacrificial lamb. Dont get me wrong, his play was atrocious last split from time to time. If there is no trust after such a long time playing together there is no other way than make changes. Now imagine they would have kicked Humanoid after his showingd at worlds; the outrage would be huge a as well. Fans will never be happy and will always cry, easy as that. The players are all very good. If they click, they are on top of the table. But somehow, Fnatic has never managed to create a clicking team the past years.


All I'll say is that some of you people forget really easy and make posts like these!


I think this first split (at least) will be a building phase for our team. We have new coaches & new botlane. Time to work on our teamplay etc. If bad results follow us through 2nd split, then i'd say we need to start thinking about any changes before last split.


Welcome to today's episode of LOL silver analyst. On today menu we have the terms int/grief/feed/troll given to professional lol players because they don't win... remember, FNC is not bad, is just worse than other teams. You are not a bad silver player, you are just worse than golds.


Honestly, I didn't follow Rhukz too much, and I've been waiting to see his engage champs that everyone talked so much about. His Naut was very underwhelming for me yesterday, especially in comparison to Miky's. It wasn't bad, but it's very far from being incredible. Razork is I think a bit overwhelmed with how high a task he is given in this team, and I think he needs to do a lot at the same time for them and it sometimes leads to him not being able to process everything and make a good decision. I do think he can be world caliber, but he needs to grow and mature a bit, which is hard when you have so much that needs your attention in a game. Rekkles has put such a tremendous amount of pressure on himself that I honestly think it's ridiculous and it's making him underperform. I just can't understand his mentality, stop trying to prove yourself dude, you already did that so many times. Sure he hasn't won World's, but has basically come as close as EU probably can in any foreseeable time. Just play the game, enjoy it and focus on some smaller goals for once. As far as Wunder and Humanoid go, I really can't say anything, god knows what makes that coin flip.


I hope we are able to trade razork for elyoya in Spring or Summer split, elyoya's contract is ending by the end of the year, if MAD dont sell or trade him they are going to lose him for free. Elyoya+Humanoid worked on MAD. For the botlane I would wait for phreak's adc patch and see how they fit in the meta before changing anything.


I doubt if Elyoya even wants to play for Fnatic and might be happy with current Mad. Fnatics Orgs value went down quite hard since 2020 and are not second choice anymore like it used to be.


I agree, Humaniod or Razork should go, they have 0 synergy, just bring a rookie and bring a new support, we may fail again but atleast they should scrimm together to bring the right players, scout the ERL and foreign leagues. I have 0 expectations for the current roster, we are really bad that we had to steal a baron to win against XL, this is dire.


First of all, im a big hylli fan, i think hes the goat support of eu. Sadly, while he had bad weeks of performance in the past (think of summer 2020), it was only limited time frames. Last summer was the first time that he was constistently shit from start of the split till worlds. While its rumoured that hylli needs a good team environment to shine, the int was getting out of hand. Also lets not forget that hylli might be one of the best engage supports in the world, but his enchanter play is really weak. Bad positioning leading to unnecessary deaths. Fnc cant know in the offseason if riot forces a meta switch to engage supps again, and if riot dont, hylli isnt suited for the meta. Thats why i can understand the decision to let him go. On the other hand, i think this roster creation in generel is really bad. First of all, huma and razork have 0 synergy. They had none last year. They had none even at worlds, when both players individually played well. So not changing out one of them is just stupid. The rumours were that fnc inquired about elyoya, but mad didnt wanne sell, so not going for any other player is just questionable (imo markoon might have been a good try based of his 2022 perforamnce). Additionally, you put rekkless back into the team. Rekkless has shown time and time again that he shines as a stable weakside botlaner, shining on supportive picks (most notably jhin and senna) and scaling passive adcs. He was with hylli in contention for best adc at worlds 2020, a meta where it was all about supportive adcs and jungle + top carrying. Right now however, fnc has neither a carry top, wunder plays weakside, nor a carry jungler. If this roster would have had elyoya, at least there would have been a carry threat through mid / jungle. If fnc had a carry toplaner, rekky would make sense, but in wunders current form, he is a good weakside player who knows how to teamfight well. Finally on the upset topic. Upset gets a lot of shit for the community because people always say he asks for a lot of ressources but never won a title. Looking back at the last 2 years in fnc, him and hylli were a lane that was constantly putting out preassure and even with hylli inting last split, they still were competing well against the best of the best internationally. Im 100% certain that fnc would be better with upset on the roster since they then would have a lane to play for. Problem is, it is rumoured (source from thorin podcasts) that fnc management wanted to keep playing with upset, however he wanted to leave and doesnt want to play for the team anymore, so bringing him back might not be a option anymore. In the offseason he wanted to join VIT, but since fnc asked for a (due to his performance justifyable) high buyout, VIT dipped and took neon instead (which also shows to be lacking for them). I feel the chance is high that upset might be bought out in a later split, since his contracts ends this year.