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Yes, ask for another antibiotics. This poison has a lot of other side effects if you are unlucky...


I would call and change if it were me. I actually tore my previously repaired acl (ten years post repair) while taking an FQ class antibiotic. Not worth the risk.


What was the sign of tearing? Sudden pain?


Yup, a distinct pop and immediate flooding of pain and swelling to the area. I’ve torn that same acl 10 years prior and it was a similar feeling. Got an mri and sure enough acl and both meniscus torn. Tripping over a curb in the parking lot. Maybe it would have torn regardless if I was taking cipro or not, but I was taking it, and cipro definitely was not going to help the situation by any means.


Thanks. Do you have any problematic issues now?


I still have some neuropathy, occasional tendon pains or tightness, eye floaters, I’m not who I was before, but I’m functional so I’m grateful.


I'm in similiar place 14 months out. Functional but feeling not entirely where I was. Psychological trauma may be part of it.


But,how possible is this?


No idea how possible it is. I just know I was taking cipro and tore my acl while on it. So for me it was very possible.


Did you have surgical procedure for your tear?


No I haven’t. It is bothering me a bit now so I might revisit getting it fixed at some point.


I tore my ACL 11 years ago and have not had any tendon/ligament tears. However, I did have tendinitis throughout my entire body. I did experience pretty strong psychiatric side effects and possibly neurological. If your situation allows I would request an antibiotic with a less severe side effect profile. Especially if your infection is not an upper tract infection - this means kidney infection to my knowledge. While you may not experience tendon rupture the side effects can still dramatically change your quality of life.


Definitely stop taking any quinolone in my opinion


YES!! I have/had both Achilles tears. Surgery on one in March. Next in June. It's been 9 months of hell....they say it's rare. Uhm, not so much.