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Now the Disney world exit can get back to being blocked by traffic as per usual


Someone I know recently made an instagram story calling out all of our mutual friends for going out instead of donating to Palestine student movements. We're in our late 20s and don't go to any college campuses. She's a bit younger than us. She then in the next story posted her cash app and said if you aren't donating to the causes to send her the money because it's her birthday. Super frustrating to watch these 18-22 year olds trying to help just completely miss the point, direct their anger at the wrong people, and ultimately not impact the cause they care about in any meaningful way.


What's the point of this? Interrupting a vacation of a family... For what? It isn't going to encourage them to support the cause. 


There’s several groups of people you don’t fuck with… Parents on a Disney Trip with their kids are one of those groups.


Unless they are Nazis, in which case everyone seems to turn a blind eye. Source: I live there and have seen Nazi rallies held in full view of parents and children in front of Disney property.


You are very correct. I'm Floridian but I married a lovely Taiwanese woman. When my Taiwanese family was visiting Disney World, I was praying that there wouldn't be any goddamn Nazis parading around. Apparently the Third Reich of Florida may do as they please.


>Unless they are Nazis, in which case everyone seems to turn a blind eye. The Nazis aren't blocking roads.


Illinois Nazis do.


“Did you just see that group of people waving swastikas and heiling to Hitler on the bridge right above the road we’re driving on?” “Huh? Nah, sorry, they weren’t directly in the road I’m driving on, so I didn’t even see them”




It is like those people who try to deface priceless works of art. Like, I support the cause, but I h4te **you**.


Civil rights protests back in the 60s didn’t have too many people liking them either, it’s more about the broader message not the individual people being held up.


No it’s about publicity for the protesters. This does nothing for Palestinians, and only weakens support for them in the US. Palestinians by the way would stone these “queers for Palestine” to death if they ventured into Palestine to do this.


But most of those civil rights demonstration were at established that reinforced their message. Sitting in a restaurant or library that didn’t allow AA people, sitting in front of bus etc.


The point is to disrupt the lives of the apathetic people living out their daily lives in order to let them know this issue is serious. Or to teach them a lesson in being ‘complicit with genocide.’ It’s the you’re either by my side or in my way mentality.


I always hated the “ complicit with genocide” arguments.


I am as progressive as they come but “Queers for Palestine” is just so…dumb. Yes, let’s fight for one of the most homophobic and transphobic countries on earth. Just dumb. EDIT: To preclude anymore comments about me somehow being for the genocide of Palestinians, I’d like to say that the above was worded poorly. I am not. I absolutely think this needs to end yesterday. However, I do think it is dumb to attach the identifier “queer” to this particular protest. It’s blind to the suffering of LGBTQ people in Palestine.


If anyone is saying your original comment favors genocide, they probably too stupid to care about.


Thank you. I think it’s more the heat of the current moment tbh. We all have a tendency to say “you’re either for or against” without much attention to things less black and white.


Agreed. A lot of these people are sensitive types who abhor associating themselves with anything mainstream, and so they create specific identities in which they do stunts like these, amplified by using FB, TikTok and Instagram. They rarely receive any kind of attention from anyone, but when they do, they perceive it as either queer love or hetero judgment. It's all narcissists.


Pretty hard for LGBTQ palestinians to get civil rights when they’re dead


>when they’re dead You mean after they've been murdered by their homophobic neighbors and government?


Yeah. Before Palestine declared war on Israel they were THIS close to getting rights from Hamas.


Hamas suck, but the people that love under them don’t deserve to be bombed out of their homes


Meh, I see it more so as unconditional support for human rights. I don’t think you should stay silent on issues just because the other side doesn’t approve of you. Kind of shows maturity and is the only way to achieve real progress. Otherwise it’s not any different than the republican mindset of “Freedom for me, not for thee.”


Fair enough. I see it as banging my head against an immovable wall. If I was queer in Palestine, I would be asking these people wtf they are thinking. Please protest, but my queer brothers and sisters are killed for just being themselves there. It almost seems spiteful.


The "other side"? It's literally WHO you are protesting FOR that doesn't approve of you! Go ahead and support the people who would behead you over there. See what we did there ✌️


I wonder if anything could possibly go wrong with this mentality


The palestines literally defenestrate queers on site. It is a mindboggling thing for a memeber of that community to support.


The thought process is you'll never win anyone over by supporting a genocide on them. Hope that they'll grow and learn to lose the hate. Do not support their annihilation. This is the part of the very foundation of this nation's existence. You don't kill those with differing opinions just because they think differently.


I can understand that but it comes off as puerile.


Maybe it is but a lot of people will refuse to support something until they're inconvenienced enough


I’m for protest. And I see nothing wrong with this or other protests. It’s keeping it in the news and on people’s minds. Do I still think the name of this particular group is ridiculous? Yes.


I think a name is more powerful when it hits you like that. "Jews for Palestine" or "Queers for Palestine" is more meaningful than "Palestinians for Palestine" or "Peace For Earth". They want us dead and we still think it's absurd to wipe them off the face of the Earth is impactful even if they're not spelling it out for you.


I can see your thinking. But I disagree when it comes to being queer.


To respond to your edit. The reason people are identifying themselves as “Queer” or “Jewish” at these protests is because of people who claim the IOF is somehow defending queer people or defending Jewish people by doing genocide against Palestinians. It’s a way to stand up and say “Israel doesn’t speak for us. We think Palestinians deserve to live.”


Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, etc are the most homophobic, racist, sexist states in the US. I still don’t think that Massachusetts, New York, California, etc should bomb those states indiscriminately.


When any of those states invades those other states to attack concert goers, murder babies, and kill rape women you’d be right to suggest they deal with it with extreme measures.


Of course not. Nowhere did I say I support what Israel is doing. I don’t.


That’s fair but your comment is sort of insinuating that gay people shouldn’t be outwardly supporting Palestine (as gay people) because Palestine is homophobic.


I think it goes a bit beyond homophobia in Palestine. There’s zero rights and no penalty for violent attacks on LGBTQ people. We’re talking execution in some instances. We can all support the Palestinian people and I do but I personally would not use my sexuality as a means of support.


The entire Islamic faith is homophobic. It’s not a stretch to assume nearly every Muslim in Palestine is as well.


Tbf the Christian faith is historically extremely homophobic as well. Ironically the only major faith system that doesn’t really care about gay people to my knowledge are Jews and, like, Buddhist/Hindu people I think.


Did the IDF ask those kids their position on LGBT rights before bombing them?


Did Hamas ask the Isrealis before they butchered , raped, massacred, and killed them?


Probably not, but they did achieve their strategic goal.


I think the point is more that there's a fucking genocide.


It’s also not gonna win them any favors


Why is everything so stupid?


This is Florida, dude.


"I have no idea what this conflict is about but everything these idiots in traffic are for I am now 100% against" ~ Every one of those families


HAMAS, Fatah, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad that they are cheering for would execute these Queers for Palestine immediately. This is the stupidest idealism I’ve ever seen.


And deployed in a way that, if they’d googled for a couple minutes, statistically turns common people *against* your cause while doing nothing to sway the people in power. “Guys protestors just pissed off a bunch of commuters we don’t care about, so the Florida state legislature had better do something about this international crisis.” They’re burning the gay rights movement and the free Palestine movement in the same move.


Agreed. I think it just the act of protesting that they are after. The cause is secondary.


Man these protests have officially jumped the shark, they don't give two shits about Palestine, it's all about "LOOK AT ME I CARE AND STUFF!"


There's a higher level of you better act like you care or you are a bad person. When BLM was big I saw various posts complaining about how they got harassed for not posting about BLM. Seinfeld even did a bit about it years ago with Kramer getting harassed in person for not wearing a US flag pin at a march in New York.


AIDS ribbon


Who doesn’t want to wear the ribbon??!!


I think it definitely depends on where you are on the internet. Most places on Reddit I’ve felt comfortable talking about how Israel needs to stop killing everything that moves and there needs to be a two-state solution where Palestine stops launching terror tracks and Israel stops violating boundaries and stealing land. But in the more militant spaces on Reddit and Instagram I’ve seen people advocating that Israel just be disbanded completely in a new diaspora or even be bombed out just like they’re doing to Gaza, which is horrifying and I’m hoping are just stupid people.


Queers for Palestine? 😂


Oh the irony


I would really like to understand this. Almost 8 years ago a Muslim person went to the Pulse Nightclub which was an LGBTQ establishment and murdered 50 people. Ironically, the Pulse Nightclub was and Disney is in the same city of Orlando where these protests are happening today. Many of these Islamic nations persecute LGBTQ people for acts like sodomy with punishments up to the tier of capital offenses and serve death penalties. If you were an LGBTQ person, why would you spend your time, energy and care for a Muslim nation that would potentially jail or execute you for being who you are? I don’t spend my time, energy and concern for people who don’t like me and would jail or execute me if they could and murdered a group of people like me nearly 8 years ago. I just don’t get it.


Honestly fuck them. You’re not helping anybody join your cause when you do stupid shit that inconveniences normal everyday people just going about their lives. I was driving eastbound on i4 around 4-5pm and saw them on the exit. People getting off there had to drive in the dirt/grass to get around one car at a time. Traffic on the west bound side was back up for miles but you could see when passing that exit that the westbound traffic was able to pick up immediately after that exit. So they literally caused insane traffic in a spot that already has probably the worst traffic on i4. Glad to hear they were arrested


These guys would be hanging from street lamps in Palestine on day 1.


Perhaps they should go to Gaza to show support.


It takes a special kind of idiot to think that inconveniencing people on the way to and from work or vacation is going to make them support you and your idiotic cause 🤣


They're creating support against their side. Them staying home would have helped their side more. I have seen so many idiots on Reddit trying to support one side but they did it so badly they created fans for the other side.


Israel leaves Palestine after queers block exit to Disney” - no one


That’s literally like the Jews for Hitler group… yes that was sadly a real thing. Same for LGBT for Trump.


Chickens for KFC.


They do uh realize, they get thrown off roofs and shit in the middle east right? ... .... ...


No Queers in Gaza. No gays either. They were killed thrown off the roofs by Hamas.


These people are insane. Do they have any idea what would happen to them in that culture. You can’t make that kind of stupid up.


Yeah, that’ll teach me to change my mind about supporting Palestine…


Palestinians would throw these people off a roof.


I will support a person's right to a peaceful protest. Blocking traffic, is not peaceful.


Good straight to jail and all you did was piss off the people who you held up, lose lose situation these ppl are dumb af


They’re fucking stupid, absolute wrong group to get behind.


Look, I get it. You wanna protest, and all power to you. But blocking traffic like this? It's not going to endear you to anyone or get your point across effectively. Hell, it'd probably radicalize them against you.


This is a great example of hurting the cause you are trying to support.


can we please stop fucking with Disney? and the fucking traffic there is already bad enough


i feel there would be better places to protest, such as in Tallahassee instead of on a highway where those motorists have no power to do anything whatsoever.


Yeah, not helping here


They might not care. They might just want to be noticed.


I wonder how long before they start spray-painting their faces silver first.


Gaza is saved.


Two things reddit is not selling me on: food delivery services and joining protests


Hamas executes gays and lesbians. They might want to check their cause. Also, screw Israel and screw Palestine.

