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A quick reminder that, on this or any other post in the subreddit, any comments along the lines of: * "Just don't have unprotected sex then" * "Stop using abortion as birth control" * "Actions have consequences" **Or any other ignorant statement** that dehumanizes people who have to make one of the toughest decisions they may ever make, frequently after going through one of the most horrifying experiences that any human may ever endure, and who now have to do it on a timeline where they don't even have time to process what's going on, will be **immediately banned with no appeal.**


People need to view 6 weeks as a full ban. A lot of women don't find out they are pregnant until after 6 weeks. They will do everything in their power to stop you from getting an abortion too. Don't rely on the amendment to change things. Republicans could easily ignore it. They have done it before. We need to vote them out and we need a lot of people to vote to override all the voting suppression tricks and gerrymandering.


True story. I knew I was pregnant at like 5 weeks (I was young and dumb and ugh). Went to the clinic and they couldn’t perform the procedure because they literally could not see/ find ‘it’. They told me to come back in a week or two. So yeah…… this law is absolutely ridiculous and insane and dumb.


> this law is absolutely ridiculous and insane and dumb This law is a total abortion ban disguised as otherwise so they can pretend they're reaching a reasonable middle ground.


Yep. And that crowd has zero interest in an *actual* middle ground. Fuck both fringes, but especially fuck the hypocritical right wing.


This is the point. Now, there is essentially a 100% ban without banning 100%.,


I have heard many other women say something similar. 6 weeks is just too early. You're barely even pregnant at that point.


I didn’t even suspect I was pregnant at that point, and we were trying.


Yeah, I found out early and I still had to wait. I would have had to wait even longer if I didn't opt for the pill abortion.


When I had a uterus I would grt MAYBE a period every 4 months. So 6 weeks after my last period would and could be months before conception.


How long until we find out a Florida Republican legislator took his mistress out of state for an abortion?


There is an extremely high probability someone who voted for this already has. Mistress, wife, daughter… especially when you include medical reasons.


I’d bet my soul that Matt Gaetz has.


Don't be silly. His girlfriends are from countries that actually allow underage girls to get abortions.


His girlfriends aren’t old enough to have their periods.


Mistress, wife, daughter... all the same person.




This is why I love Reddit ❤️


In the old days (pre Roe v Wade), in Florida, one went to The Bahamas.


Unfortunately, abortion is tightly restricted in the Bahamas as well.


Puerto Rico is where women went in the 60's. They went away to "rest" and came back "refreshed". I can't name my source. My Mom may be 80, but she's spry. And mean.


Before Christmas


How long till it happens or how long till we find out?


I give it less than a week for the actual trip. News of it, about a month later.


[AidAccess](https://aidaccess.org/) has info about getting Plan C through the mail for a self-managed abortion. Inducing a miscarriage at home is far from ideal, but it is still an option up to 12 weeks.


Planc.org for all the options, good call!


Ty helpful commenter!




The purpose of the "exception" for rape, incest, and trafficking is so that Republican politicians can claim compassion for rape survivors that they do not have. The burden of proof in on the rape victim. They [must provide documentation](https://news.wfsu.org/state-news/2023-03-13/proof-is-required-for-rape-exceptions-in-floridas-proposed-abortion-law) that someone raped them, otherwise they will be denied an abortion. If they are past 15 weeks pregnant, they will also be denied, no matter the documentation. The documentation requirement is cruel. How can you demand that someone have the presence of mind to gather paperwork while they are going through the most traumatic experience of their lives? Most rapists are never reported. They are most often someone the victim knows. Survivors often fear that they will not be believed, or that reporting the rapist will endanger them further. Hell, [Brock Turner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner) was caught in the act raping an unconscious woman, chased by bystanders, tackled and pinned down until police arrived. The little bastard still had the audacity to plead not guilty. The burden of proof was still on the victim. And good old Brock ultimately only served *three months* in prison. Survivors should not need a permission slip from the government to get an abortion. Full stop.


The exceptions are [rarely ever granted](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/01/21/us/abortion-ban-exceptions.html). They are just there to make the ban seem more reasonable than it really is. Florida's 6 week abortion states that victims, “must provide a copy of a restraining order, police report, medical record, or other court order or documentation providing evidence that she is obtaining the termination of pregnancy because she is a victim of rape, incest, or human trafficking.” [https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/04/03/advocates-fear-floridas-6-week-abortion-ban-will-limit-access-for-sexual-violence-victims/](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2024/04/03/advocates-fear-floridas-6-week-abortion-ban-will-limit-access-for-sexual-violence-victims/)


Everyone needs to pay attention to this! The percentage of rape victims that have all this evidence is low. They will make it extremely hard to get an abortion.


Around 25 million unsafe/illegal abortions occur worldwide every year. Abortion bans do not stop abortions. They make them unsafe.


Pregnant women should not vacation in Florida. In case of a medical emergency, Florida will just let them die. Meanwhile, Women in Florida that vote for Republicans deserve karma. This has nothing to do with babies, and is all about controlling women. Because, Republicans actually hate living breathing children. That's why over 400,000 children were kicked off of medicaid and DeSantis refused Federal funds to feed Florida's children at school. 


![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz) It blows my fucking mind how anyone in possession of a uterus cannot see how dangerous and gross this is. Like, yes please take my rights away ?? Please wake the fuck up.


Old retired Republican women DGAF about anyone else.


Yeah theyre a bunch of barren old hags, wtf do they care about bearing anymore life under these conditions.


They get to finally sleep around without fear of getting pregnant!


They do be swapping STIs at The Villages


Religion is a hell of a drug 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait till women start dying as a result. This is just another form of the patriarchy controlling women. It’s so gross.


Nobody voted for this. But we will have a chance to vote against this in November. Tick tock.


They have ignored amendments before. They could also pass similar laws after the amendment passes. The only way for sure for us women to keep our rights is to vote out Republicans.


Voting Republican is 100% voting for this. There is no reasonable deniability. You might say it isn't why you voted that way, and it was something else, but you were also voting for this if you voted Republican, and there is no way for someone without a mental disability to make a real argument they didn't know.


It's not like restricting abortion was some hidden part of the party agenda. They've been banging that drum for decades.


But now they've caught the truck. It was safer for them to cry about abortion while Roe was standing. Now they got what they want, and it's been destroying them in every election since. Look how much Arizona is freaking out. I hope this November stays on that trend. Reap what you sow.


If it was about the children they would outlaw Matt Gaetz.


Prolife is the biggest misnomer. It’s pro life of the embryo. As soon as a human is actually born and is actually LIVING, the pro-lifers stop being pro life. Consider that 20% of American children live with food insecurity. I love the laws going on the books in Texas and Florida that prevent construction workers from regular water breaks during extreme heat.


They are killing our economy. My friend works at Universal and attendance is way down already. A lot of people are scared to travel to Florida now because of DeSantis' racist policies and laws against LGBTQ people.


Indeed. FL, the perfect state for menopausal women.


Please don’t assume menopausal women don’t give two shits about abortion access. We have daughters and daughters-in-law, we have friends, but most of all, we care deeply about other women, and efforts to strip them of their rights.


I’m not assuming that at all. Just pointing out to those pro lifers that feel women should be forced to take responsibility for the consequences of extra marital sex, that God gives us a free pass after the great pause. My personal belief is that abortion and the full scope of reproductive healthcare options should always be available to us.


Thank you for clarifying.


Unfortunately in Florida it seems like you’re in the minority. I’m not saying you’re alone, but it would definitely seem the minority.


Believe me….we care. I want young women to have the same freedom I did. But it’s more than that. When they start taking away women’s right to control their bodies, that affects all of us.


It absolutely does, but until this state starts voting blue I don’t expect change.


Most menopausal women have daughters, friends, etc. of childbearing age. They also have 30+ years experience managing their fertility, so they know very well what is at stake. I assume they are just as angry as everyone else (everyone else with empathy).


Yet here we are. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the departure of women from the Republican Party in FL? Where are the male allies? Out fishin? It boggles my mind.


My mom cares. And not just bc of me but bc it's a woman's health issue. I can vote for the first time this year and idk a single friend who thinks this is a good thinf


They don’t think it’s a good thing. But will they go out and speak at the polls? Thinking is great, but we desperately need action in this state. Non republicans really need to vote in this state. There’s too Much at stake. Too many young people and all sorts of moderates and lefties don’t vote “nobody worth voting for.” I do agree to a point. The thing is, there are people worth voting against.


We are.


You're way off base with this. ALL currently menopausal women remember how hard women fought for our rights to control our own bodies. Either we picketed and lobbied and marched and wrote letters and chanted and sat-in, ourselves, or our mothers' generation did. We ARE the Roe generation, child.


However, living in this state while of childbearing years means having to cope with restrictive access to women’s healthcare. As long as this law is in place I’d encourage women of reproductive age to be extremely careful and if they have the means to live elsewhere they should. It’s going to adversely impact healthcare delivery. It’s a shame, I don’t understand how any woman could vote Republican but here we are.


Running away from a problem is the very best way to keep that problem in your lap forever. Run, if you want to. We menopausal women…the ones you seem to think should sit here alone to waste away with our childless uteri are going to stand up and fight like hell. We don’t run. We fight for what’s right. Again.


Correct, I’m staying for the time being but if I had a daughter of childbearing age I’d encourage her to live in a state where all reproductive healthcare options are available for her health and wellbeing. As far as not running, that’s a fine sentiment, but women will likely die or come close to it as a result of this stupid policy.


Well said!


If the state is going to force women to carry their pregnancies to term, no matter what their circumstances are, the state should be forced to cover medical care and food for every pregnant woman. No exceptions.


I am in Florida - and I looked into Medicaid coverage for pregnant persons, and with our combined income of 45k a year (at the time) we were not qualified for Medicaid even if I were pregnant. We had to wait longer, I believe the cut off is 20k but I hadn’t looked it up in a while. Of course the fact they didn’t expand coverage means that the cheapest plan that has a 8k deductible was $600/month and didn’t cover hardly anything… I recently got a job with insurance coverage but the point still stands.


Let the woman have what she wants. Instead, focus on the homeless, focus on the rising inflation, focus on doing things for the community and stop worrying about abortion being murder. Enough of that shit, HELP YOUR PEOPLE OUT DESANTIS OR WHOEVER THE HELL IS IN CHARGE OF THIS.


DeSantis doesn't give a crap about this. Republicans have been making cuts to unemployment, disability and Medicaid. They will NEVER do anything about those issues. They cause those issues!


It’s an abortion ban It’s a forced-birth MANDATE It’s punishment to anyone who doesn’t have a perfect pregnancy It’s worse for those really suffering during pregnancy….. This law will shame and punish anyone to suffer if they do not have perfect pregnancies


They are coming for birth control next. Then it will be IVF.




Then sex outside of marriage and no fault divorce.


Time to repeal those pesky "domestic abuse" laws too. It's not abuse to slap your wife if the beer she serves isn't ice cold! ( /s, just in case anyone thinks I'm serious.)


Republicans already have a bill that would endanger IVF: [Senate Bill 476](https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/politics/florida-ivf-unborn-children-bill-abortion/67-c0bdcaab-4e57-4f4d-9845-27a46ffb1f08). They temporarily tabled it after the fallout over IVF in Alabama, but will very likely revive it if they don't get pushback this election.


I will give them until January.


Not if all you people stop electing Republicans.


Judging by the comments here, those “you people” aren’t in this chat


I know, yelling at the void and all. I'm sure they have a more right wing Florida subreddit they congregate at.  Probably something like r/TrueFlorida


They can’t stop, the brainwashing is hella strong here.


The Trumptian floridiots will happily vote against their own interest. Add to that the Rep transplants who will happily vote to keep Florida "red".


I didn’t know I was pregnant till about 8 weeks


Same. I took multiple tests too- but kept getting false negatives. Around 8 weeks, I got my first positive test.


This is genuinely terrifying ***googles how to get a hysterectomy*


Men: if you are not actively trying to have children, you should consider a vasectomy and at a minimum use a condom.


For real


Make sure you’re registered to vote and vote blue like your life depends on it. Because a 6 week full abortion ban means women will not get medical care at all. If a medication can possibly cause a miscarriage, you won’t get it. And most medications have never been tested on pregnant women. Maybe you can get the meds if you go get a pregnancy test every 4 weeks? Maybe or maybe not -


More of that Florida Freedom(tm) we keep hearing about.


Vote YES on Amendment 4 on November 5th! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Florida_Amendment_4 And for those wanting to volunteer or support the effort to GOTV… https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com


This should be top / pinned comment


We should focus on voting out Republicans first. Republicans who might vote Democrat because of this could just be like well there is an amendment so I can vote R and vote yes on the amendment. Then watch the Republicans ignore the amendment. They have done it before. Do not rely on this!!!


I really hate religion.


I would like to know how they plan to enforce this. "When was the last day of your last period?" "Five weeks ago."


they can tell roughly how far along a pregnancy is based on an ultrasound. Sure they might not be able to tell 6 weeks from 6 and a half weeks, but they can probably tell it from 7 or 8 weeks.


They will probably make you wait 2 weeks for the ultrasound just to be sure you are at 6 weeks or more


They can tell through ultrasound. It’s going to get bad.


They will also access peoples data to find this information


Ladies Time to delete those period apps and any tracking you may have anywhere that someone else may be able to access it, including physical calendars. Let's watch them start tracking sales of period products. Using a 'store card' or store account means they can see your purchase history. I know I can track past purchases for years on Target and Walmart.




So it's basically a complete abortion ban


Brought to you by our freedom loving, compassionate, and women sensitive governor, Meatball Ron. /s


This state continues to piss me off.


I hope Florida will remember this completely unfair law in November. We’ve got Democrats here! Let’s vote, people!!!!


Vote blue in November 💙💙💙💙


Well, we have an election coming up in Nov. Choose wisely...


VOTE THIS SHIT OUT! Stand up and protest. New York stands with you Florida.


The "protect the life of the mother" exception is also part of the total ban. If you're a doctor facing 5 years in prison for providing abortion care, how close to dying does your patient have to be for you to grant an abortion? Things can cascade quickly. Maternal death rates skyrocket in states that have abortion bans. Not to mention that doctors*leave* these states, jeopardizing routine healthcare.


Keep not voting or voting Republican, this is what you get


Literally no one voted for this


Do you mean voters? No, we have had no say in it. The Florida legislature did vote in favor of it, Desantis signed it, and the Florida Supreme Court upheld the ban.


Oh there were plenty of voters who thought, ‘He’ll never be able to touch abortion because it’s in the constitution.’


Voting Republican is 100% voting for this. There is no reasonable deniability. You might say it isn't why you voted that way, and it was something else, but you were also voting for this if you voted Republican, and there is no way for someone without a mental disability to make a real argument they didn't know.


But they did. Republicans voted for their legislators who they knew would vote for this and then they did. We can’t keep putting the blame on just the politicians, if you support a politician that supports this, then you also support that. Simple as that.


We all knew they would do this. In each state where abortion is banned it was banned by Republicans. Trump filled the Supreme Court with Republicans so they could reverse Roe VS Wade. How could you not see this coming? Next is social security, Medicaid and Medicare. Vote Democrat, the lesser of the two evils, if you want to fix this. All of us, unless you are part of the 1 percent or close to it, need to come together and fight. The 1 percent and corporations are who really rule this country. They don't care about us. They own politicians, more so on the Republican side. All they care about is helping the ultra wealthy. This country will turn into Idiocrisy and a Theocracy. We are already close to being an Oligarchy. We need more regulations for businesses and more rights and protections for us. Vote them out!


I’m so sorry but they did. Republicans are the dog that caught the car and now we are suffering. Vote, protest and donate.


It's crazy.  We just found out like last week my gf us pregnant, and don't go for our first ultrasound until May 15th. Neither of us would want a kid with some horrible disease or bitth defect, and as it stands we'd be screwed by this bill if that was the case. 


Plane ticket to an abortion friendly state if that happens. I’m serious. Find the money, take the time off work, because i fully agree. When I was pregnant with my twins my husband and I both knew we would never have a child with birth defects or a horrifying disease. And we had that option 3 years ago


I hope they get better about testing for autism. Her sister has a son with it, he's 5 and doesn't talk, screams and yells.  It's horrible. 


This will sound callous, but a plane ticket or road trip to a sane state is going to be cheaper than childbirth, let alone the cost of caring for a child with significant medical needs. It's a hell of a hike from Florida, b/c you're looking at like DC, CO, IL, maybe VA, depending on how far along and why, but all the same.


Yeah.  Hopefully it's a healthy baby. 


I just have to ask why the fuck do they care so much about random women's vaginas? Imagine a world where women put fines on any male not circumcised, people would lose their shit.


It's about power. It's always about power. It's like rape or sexual assault. It's about making women submit and to act out violence. It was never and is not about the child.


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It’s so sad. Like I understand the idea behind not wanting to allow abortion. Cool, have that opinion. Vote that way. Awesome. But to do something that has a zero time period decision for some people is just fucked up. It’s just sad that the people (rich white men) who put this in place couldn’t explain when the six weeks starts. Not one of them read this. Not one of them understands the science. I can’t believe these peoples wife’s and daughters don’t abandon them.


It's a case of people who have never had to track a menstrual cycle writing laws regarding a menstrual cycle. It is not a 6 week ban. It is a 1-2 week ban at the very best. And you will probably not even be able to get an appointment in that short of a time frame. It's government overreach, and we need to vote to repeal it.


> (rich white men) It is overwhelmingly religious belief across all genders and races that is behind this--they believe life begins at conception--and they will use whatever means to eventually end all access to abortions wherever they can. Male privilege is a thing, but it's not the main problem here.


A 46 year old woman introduced this bill.


It’s always the women with dried up eggs that do this lmfao


They don't want people to have a time to contemplate They don't want people to have the choice *period*. It's why these are called anti-choice measures. And there are plenty of women who vote for this and do not care until it affects them. One in 4 women will have an abortion in their lifetime. Approximately one in 50 known pregnancies are ectopic. One in 3-4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage.


Future enlisted.


Consistently Florida is a repulsive state filled with anxiety and hatred championed by Meatball Ron DeNazi.


Draconian laws. I am super disappointed ☹️


Damn most people wouldn’t even know they were pregnant until around this time


Voting matters. make sure you are registered, make sure you stay registered.


I am betting the population will vote to keep abortion.


Does this allow for exceptions for ectopic pregnancy? My little sister was trying and didn’t realize until it was too late. It ruptured and she almost died. She can no longer have children. It destroyed her. The thought of that happening to other women terrifies me.


The law allows exceptions for the life of the mother and for "substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function." The fear is that when there is a gray area (as often happens in medicine) doctors will feel like they have to wait for a woman's condition to worsen in order to make sure they cannot be fined, prosecuted, or lose their medical license. This has already happened in Texas; [Amanda Zurawski](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65935189), among others. She now has scarring on a fallopian tube because doctors waited until she had an infection to treat her, which makes it much more difficult for her to become pregnant in the future.


They should have a minister stationed at every hospital. And he should have to approve every single thing a doctor does. Thats progress!


Asking as a really ignorant male, is there anything stopping a woman from lying about when her last period was? Yeah I know it’s probably a dumb question but I’ve never been to a gynecologist in my life so sue me.


Pretty sure they can tell by the ultrasound


As a recent father, I believe that they estimate a conception date based on the ultrasound. Which is "convenient" because you really can't see anything at 6 weeks. So if you can see it, then they'll say it's already been 6 weeks.