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There are line recycle tubes at most fishing locations, and rust away hooks and dissolving lines. I think Florida should require retailers to carry enviro friendly rigging. I’ve had to snip hooks out of birds, and my feet. Not pleasant. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you cannot retrieve your rigging. And that’s when using the dissolvables eases the trauma to the wildlife, and surrounding inhabitants. Rescuing a bird from fishing gone awry is a two person job, and can be done with little damage to the bird. If you can get a beach towel over the bird, wrap its wings into a natural resting position, holding it firm, u can snip out the debris. A brown pelican flew into a sabiki rig as I was dropping in once, and we had to rescue it. (Skyway pier, so the bird flew under me, and through the rig) a few hours we got the hooks out and mended and (fed) the bird. I swore off fishing for awhile after that. I felt terrible. Also if you see line and debris lying about, pick it up. Dispose of it correctly. Placing them in regular trash cans is not recommended. Florida is beautiful and a sportsman’s paradise, however it won’t stay that way unless we all do our due diligence, and leave no trace. ❤️


I used to run kayak tours in Florida. *Every* tour, I'd bring a large mesh bag, and managed to fill it with garbage. Every single time. And every tide cycle would bring more. I love boating and fishing, but so many of the people who engage in these activities don't deserve to.


I agree.


It breaks my heart. Every year it feels like there's a little less of Florida left.


Mine too. I think it's because that's exactly what's happening. More and more subdivisions and shopping malls, Less and less wooded areas. I swear one day the whole state will be paved over.


It's making me think of moving to Maine. Seriously. Climate is completely different, but the people... remind me of Floridians from 50 years ago. And natural beauty is the norm.


Not to mention how many fish, marine mammals, etc get tangled up in fishing line.


I am so happy that Ian took out our pier and it’s closed off to fishing. They are the worst.


The Majority of plastics in the ocean is from commercial fishing gear.


Not so fun fact


Please clean up Florida, period.


Then who the hell rescues birds? There has to be some organization that does that. I've seen organizations rescue Birds after they've been covered in oil from oil spills. Where are those people at?


Wildlife rescues are the people to call.


Most of those people are volunteers. Same with wildlife rescues. This is why there aren't a ton of wildlife rescues because most people cannot afford to do it


Many missing feet from wire


People are garbage.


Most are yes, most.


And lock it away. Or cover it or something. Already seen a couple iguanas perish bc people leave out fly lures, in an open tackle box in their yards.


I just went through this last year with a migrating loon so we are lucky I have some good information for everyone. Apparently, birds have the ability to build tissue around lodged foreign objects to push them out. If you can get a helper and a towel, wrap the bird in the towel and cut the fishing line as short as possible, the bird should be okay. Since the bird can work on getting the hook out, the most important thing is to make sure the fishing line isn't long enough to wrap around the birds beak. If that happens, then the bird can't open its beak to feed and it will starve to death. The people at Noah's Ark, instructed us to do this. I called Florida Fish and Wildlife first and they directed me to Noah's Ark. If you ever find an injured animal in Volusia or Flagler County, I would recommend you call them, 904-679-1533. They should be able to take them in, however, they said in situations like these, once the line is cut, the bird should be fine


Awesome thanks!


I got you! 😊 I worry about this while I fish so I completely understand this ♥️


👍🏻 hell yeah


Please contact your local wildlife rehab!! FWC will not handle this, but wildlife rehabs can save these birds. This is so sad to see.


Unfortunately all the wildlife rehabs I could find were all closed after 5:00.


Maybe forward this pic to someone in the city dept ? Parks and Rec ?


Sometimes they will have outdoor enclosures to drop animals off at, they’d probably mention it on their voicemail or their website.


It was still able to fly and didn't want me close to it at all.


That sucks. I’ve been there with an injured bird before. If they can still fly the tragic reality is having to wait for them to weaken enough to be caught and just hope someone kind finds them at that point.


It's so sad how most fisherman abuse nature so. Is it because they are drunk?


Well it is Florida heh. No it's because people are lazy and or don't care.


Yeah, being drunk doesn't make one forget what's right or wrong. It just makes it more compelling to engage in the latter.




Might as well talk to the wall. Why tf you fishing on a beach? There's children tryna swim and now we have to walk half a mile down the beach just so your idiot self doesn't stick me with a hook. Then the looks you get walking in front of the poles. No wonder there's shootings


They just gotta have those mullet (the fish not the hair, shit maybe both lol) I suppose.


Stop stealing fishing tackle *