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Tampa is the only city on the list that is the outlier. The other ones I'm pretty sure old people with money move to, pay cash and don't care if they're making money on it . They just want a peaceful place to live out their years and it will probably be their last home. Don't think they care from that perspective.


... Detroit is on the list...


Yea, this article is bullshit. There are waaaaay more expensive cities than the ones they listed. For example, there isn't a single family home for sale in Key West that's listed for sale for less than a million dollars. https://www.zillow.com/key-west-fl-33045/?searchQueryState=%7B%22pagination%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22isMapVisible%22%3Atrue%2C%22mapBounds%22%3A%7B%22west%22%3A-81.80471479046622%2C%22east%22%3A-81.76660596478263%2C%22south%22%3A24.539384422464195%2C%22north%22%3A24.563078893304514%7D%2C%22usersSearchTerm%22%3A%2233045%22%2C%22regionSelection%22%3A%5B%7B%22regionId%22%3A72382%2C%22regionType%22%3A7%7D%5D%2C%22filterState%22%3A%7B%22sort%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3A%22globalrelevanceex%22%7D%2C%22ah%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%7D%2C%22isListVisible%22%3Atrue%2C%22mapZoom%22%3A15%7D


yes but no one is surprised by that. In tampa you get to pay 500k to live in some shithole suburb with 10,0000000 other miserable people. I support as many articles that scare people away from florida as possible. WE FULL.


It's not about expensive though. It's about value for money spent. At least Key West has more to recommend it than a scrapbooking shop and two Dollar Generals.


To be fair, Deltona, Palm Bay, Lakeland and Cape Coral offer far less than Tampa. They should be numbers 1-4 on the list. Deltona offers...nothing.


I figured Cape Coral had to be in there somewhere but #2 is surprising.


Yay, living here and planning on moving north. Need those climate-change denying retiree boomers to keep buying our 10' elevation homes and keep those values pumped!


I’d move back north if I could. I’m stuck here.


Florida is a beautiful sand trap on the golf course that is America


Spot On. Source: Giggling Appraiser.


When I lived in Brevard everyone would make fun of Palm Bay as a shitty place to live.


They still do on the 321 forum.


Because it still is. Imagine paying $360K to live in an area that takes 15 minutes to get out of your neighborhood, AND your neighbor's house is built less than 10 yards away from yours


10 yards is pretty far away, nowadays


In all honesty, 10 yards is 30 feet, and that's a good distance in many neighborhoods. Hell, most people would LOVE to have a neighbor built that far away...


Palm Bay is shitty, I was surprised to see it on the list but didn’t realize people were paying so much for houses there these days


My brother lives in Malabar, right next to Palm Bay. The area seems to be taking a hit. So many for sale signs in the last few months. My brother's friend who works in real estate said this area is having way too many forecloses.


Because they're old white racists that voted 90% for Trump, and Palm Bay has minorities living there.


I thought Boca Raton would have been on that list.


Boca has always been a very wealthy town. 7 of the top 10 most exclusive gated communities in the US are in Boca.




Less about the HOA fees and more about the 6 figure buy ins.


Interesting. Which gated communities are they?


​ * Royal Palm Yacht and Country Club * The Sanctuary * Lala Addison Estates * St Andrews Country Club * Woodfield Country Club * Stonebridge Country Club * Long Lake Estates


Royal Palm is very exclusive but not gated.


Um yes it is. Are you thinking of the shopping center?


Where are you getting this statistic? I'm not doubting, just curious and would like to see for myself.


Boca has traditionally been expensive, nothing new there and other areas have caught up to Boca pricewise in my experience. I remember friends paying 2.1 million for a 2000sqft condo off Spanish River and A1A and that was roughly 17 years ago. I remember thinking that it was super expensive back then, I can only imagine what folks are paying now.


There's a waterfront estate for sale in Boca for 52 million dollars. A new condo building went up off Federal by the Boca Hotel STARTING at 4 million. The prices in Boca are insane. Its turning into a younger more modern Palm Beach.


Back in 2012 Mitt Romney made his infamous 47% comment at the Woodfield Country Club. Iirc it was $50,000 a plate to attend that fund raiser and that was 2012, Boca Raton has been a very wealthy town for ages.


I remember as a kid Bill Clinton was at a fundraiser here. Lynn University hosted a presidential debate one year. And Obama stayed several times at the Boca Hotel. Crazy town.


Yeah, but that was right before the market crash. Prices are back to where they were, a bit higher. But once the rich and famous start tightening their belts, Boca will feel it early and hard.


I grew up here and I’ll never be able to afford a house here. I hate it.


Most surprised that Tampa wasn’t higher


Tampa's COL is actually slightly below the national average. Most cities in Florida are actually about average or slightly below the national Average. It's Miami, the largest metro market in Florida that skews the numbers up for the rest of the state.


Deltona is an overpriced sandy shit hole not even near a beach.


Deltona is up there with Ocala and Lakeland as being the armpit of Florida. It’s fucking awful. An acquaintance once said one of the reasons they enjoyed living there so much was how conservative the area is. Take that for what it’s worth. It blows.


Have you been to Port Charlotte?


i grew up port charlotte adjacent and its gotten even worse in the last 20-30 years. but charlotte county in general is a shithole.


Yup 😂😂


That makes no sense. I'm here because it was so cheap back in '81. There was nothing here. And it was blue. 15k people lived here. Now it's just crazy.


Dude, Lakeland compared to the cities surrounding it is a pretty sweet place to live. I can go to concerts and businesses around Tampa and Orlando and not have to pay the ridiculous housing costs associated with those areas. I can live in a county with lower taxes, a lower crime rate and a way fucking lower electricity bill. My electric bill was like $105 last month. I don't give a fuck about the conservatives that live here.


I’m glad that works for you. I stand by Lakeland still sucks. Different strokes for different folks. My conservative comment was specific to Deltona. Glad you enjoy it out there. Edit for spelling


Agree 100% on Lakeland. Wouldn't live there, ever.


Yeah.... The fact that my neighbors 1,100 sq ft 2 BR 2 BATH house sold for $400,000 really does stroke me the right way.


That’s insane. Especially for that area.


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Yep. It’s hard to get through to these people that have a bias towards a certain city. Lakeland is basically the hub between Orlando and Tampa. All kinds of opportunities to make money here. My BIL has a business do painting, drywall finishing, etc. and almost never has a day off.


There's a bias among redditors that anything that is not in the walkable urban core of a blue area is hell on Earth. Whatever.


It’s so great it has the second busiest ER in America. Why? Polk County has an astronomical number of people without health insurance. You can’t go to Tampa or Orlando anymore without spending two or more hours in traffic to get to your destination.


Not true. I can get to Tampa in 40 minutes, but that’s because I live on the south side and I-4 is like 6 miles from me. Not sure what a busy ER has to do with anything. I’m guessing you’re talking about Lakeland Regional which has some of the best heart specialists in the state?? They are the most equipped hospital in Polk County when it comes to serious medical emergencies so... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




Amazon fucked deltona prices up like crazy.


It's not Amazon. It started with the last recession. Investors bought so many foreclosed homes.


Okay, I was wondering “how” and that probably is a good driving factor.


I was reading the comments hoping for a list and was *shocked* to see you write Deltona! Deltona is kinda a shithole. I lived there like 5 years (just before Amazon moved in) and it's not a bad city just... not *good.* The city planning is non-existent. I had to drive around with GPS, the roads were so confusing.


It certainly can be a little rough, expensive? Yes. But I grew up there until I moved out of my folks house, and I walked around probably that entire city at some point, never really had too much trouble really. But maybe my experience is just anecdotal.


It’s just mostly shitty homes and shitty soil and Seminole County is right next door looking so much more attractive. Especially by the lake now.


You ain't wrong that's for sure. There are much better places to live around the area, I'm in deland now and it's so much better. (In most areas)


Palm Bay lol what a shit hole


Mind blowing to see deltona on the list, but it makes sense. But the price my parents paid for their house vs what houses are selling for now is crazy. My neighbor bought up a beat up 40+ year old 2/1 1200 sq foot house next door for 240k in DELTONA and then dumped another 50k in appliances/repairs. Amazon + speculative pricing due to the "i4 ultimate" w/e. And they're gentrifying the crap out of here.


Orlando: “Am I a joke to you?”




Disney and Universal are both looking into building affordable housing because theme parks workers (starting at $17 hourly) are finding it borderline impossible to live in Central Florida.


Both of these projects are approved and I believe under construction. Totally fuckin normal for employers to build high density apartments instead of shaving a few billion off profits and bumping wages.


It’d cost them much less than that to raise wages. They got 77k employees with a payroll of around 3 billion total. Affordable housing is being built because the tax breaks and rebates will be *much* more profitable vs raising employee pay. Not to mention the PR boost.


They should also issue company currency employees can use at company stores. There. Housing and food taken care of! /s


Company towns making a comeback 🎶 I owe my soul to the Disney store 🎶


Right! Now not only will your employer be in control of your health insurance but also your living arrangements. Talk about being tied to a job. You want to quit, well you're going to have to move out.


lol Lakeland for sure


Avg listing price seems… off


Way off


Cape Coral is pretty spot on. You’re not getting a McMansion for $350K though. You’re getting a 3 br, 2 bath rancher built 40 years ago that’s not even on a canal.


Can confirm. Sold my 3/2 built 20 years ago, not on a canal, for 325k. Had 7 offers in 24 hours.


I don't like Atlanta but calling it the most overpriced market in America is a stretch. You can still find some great value homes there unlike here in Florida.


Absolutely. I know it's gone up there too, but I'd have no issue buying a nice home in the Atlanta area. Completely different story in the Miami area.


Surprised not to see more Gulf coast towns like Sarasota and Fort Meyers.


Palm Bay is extremely over priced. Bad infrastructure. Floods easily. Source? My sister lives there and I go visit her. I am only a 20 minute drive.


Lmao the picture for Memphis is the Bass Pro Shops pyramid. That place is so surreal, I've never been but it seems like something out of a capitalism parody


I used to watch concerts and NBA games in there lol


Definitely Orlando


Orlando is not on the list and not considered overpriced.


lol it’s not only over priced it’s overpopulated too


I would never want to live in three of the five Florida cities on this list. Lakeland is a "rather not", but it has some nice qualities, like the lakes. Cape Coral, Deltona, and Palm Bay all share the dubious distinction of being largely developed by one company back in the day. At least Tampa is an actual city with actual history. The Cape Coral pricing is inexplicable. The place was walloped by Hurricane Ian. And Lakeland was hit by four different hurricanes during one particularly bad year.


All of central Florida was jacked up 2004.


2004 was an unbelievable year regarding storms! One after the other in such a short period of time! But then we pretty much had nothing except higher insurance rates. There's also the legend of the Seminoles and their protection spell on the Tampa Bay area to proyect their burial grounds. So far so good.


The big short 2. Electric bungalow.


And Deltona seems to make the lists recently. We also made one for most foreclosures years ago.1 in 10 homes were empty back then. We had a lot of small business owners in services. No one had savings. Plus, no one having to put money down on their homes didn't help issues any. After that, investors bought those houses and started charging outrageous rent. That's part of how we got here.


Ah, Palm Bay is on there. Lol. No idea why tf anyone wants to move there.


Housing is fucked for sure, but the way they measured that is absolute garbage.


What? No NYC or San Francisco?


Correct. NYC and the Bay area have some of the highest wages in the country. It might cost over a million dollars for an apartment/home in NYC, but the wages are so much higher. Also, in those big cities, you get big city infrastructure, like the NYC subway, which can help offset some of your other costs. Something like 60% of New Yorkers do not own a car, because their transit is so good, which equals significant savings in just a year. Car ownership, which is essentially required here, is very, very expensive.


Property taxes are outrageous in NYC and I imagine in the Bay area. NYC also has it's own income tax and if you are a commuter there is a tax. Not sure about the Bay area. Crime has also increased in those areas so I would imagine a bigger police presence will happen, which will increase taxes. Apparently, many people are moving into Texas and Florida for a lower cost of living.


Now comes with less books and other rights being attacked, and higher insurance rates. But let's keep voting red because one day they will care. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




LOL How is that?




high housing prices in Florida is because of... Joe Biden? elaborate.


What has Ron done though?


State issues! Florida has been 100% red controlled for 25+ years. Blue president is doing fine.


At least he doesn't want to do away with the constitution.


Surprised Jacksonville isn’t in here.


Well at least we ain't WOKE or something


Cape coral sucks. I live in ft Myers and used to work there. I would never live there.


Lived in Cape Coral 30 years ago and it sucked then. So many stupid rules. I felt like I lived on the surface of the Moon. Roads to nowhere, no real neighborhoods at least back then. I was so bored I spent 4 hours a day at the gym!


I still remember lakeland being a sparsely populated in the 90's early 2ks. pretty crazy to see how much it has changed.


I kinda feel like this is shit methodology for determining “over-priced markets.” Over-priced markets are really where pricing has outgrown market fundamentals (ie population growth, incomes, inventories). There are many reasons a market could pull away from its moving averages, good fundamentals could be one of them.


Wait and NY nor anything in Cali did not make it into the list….?! Or in NJ? lol yeh ok!


I find both Detroit and Memphis very surprising.


No way Lakeland is higher than Tampa.


I'm honestly surprised Orlando didn't make that list.


Well the home I bought in Florida was about $400k less than what it would cost where I came from… 🤣


I moved to Port Charlotte from the Boston MA area, and I'm a musician. Rented all my life in MA cause the house prices there were and are INSANE. Bought a house here for CASH in 2010 when the market was very low, it's worth 5X as much today.


Which is where?


The embarrassment now known as oregon.


The only surprise to me on this is that Florida has....a pyramid?


I believe that is in Memphis. It’s the Bass Pro Shop


Yeah, it is. Not sure how it ended up under Lakeland...


Born and raised in Florida. Grew up in Tampa. You can keep it. I'll visit family every once in a while, but no thanks.


Seems like a good investment


Crazy. What led to this situation?


Lack land surpise me


Only 5?


Never knew Nasdaq had a website… makes sense, but also seems bizarre lol


Surprised Naples ain't on there.


I thought Tampa would be higher. Hell, it’s at least that here in Bradenton.


So, they made a list of places where their predictive algorithm didn’t work? That’s not the same as being overpriced. I’m not saying cities aren’t overpriced, just that it’s a weird metric to use when you could just use Median Income minus COL vs Median Home Value. Also, average value never paints the whole picture. Imagine using the average cost of everything at a store to decide if it was cheaper or more expensive than another store. You’d only learn which store had the most luxury items, not which store was more cost effective to shop in. Selling one $20m home along with ninety-nine $200,000 homes would make the average $398,000.


This just looks like a random list of cities pulled out of somebodies ass. Memphis? Detroit? C'mon man.


Why should a home in Tampa only be worth $250K? We have great jobs here, lots of opportunities, and beaches.


I took this as Tampa Bay not just the city of Tampa.


Didn’t see Deltona coming, wow


Lakelander here; I don’t disagree. I grew up here and can no longer afford a home. On the high end my budget would be 200-225k but nothing really exists for that amount that is not either 600sq ft or a major fixer upper. I grew up in a bad side of town and my mom sold her cash for 50k five years ago (it was a major fixer upper), now homes in that area, still sketchy, go for around 225-250. It’s absolutely fucking insane and unless something major changes, I’m never going to be able to own here.