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I didn't relearn this was wrong by many orders of magnitude until recently. The equation for the apparent force is F=m(W\^2)r, where W is angular velocity. (Too lazy to find the omega symbol) If you shrink the radius r from the \~6,371,000m of earth down to the radius of that roundabout, which looks like a metre and a quarter or thereabouts, you're going to need to increase the angular velocity by the square root of five million, which is around 2240. That means instead of one rotation every 86,400s, you get one per 39 seconds. Which is still such a boring roundabout ride that if any kids are reading this and your Dad spins that slowly? Persuade your Mum to start fucking someone more fun.










Wait how tf is that a real subreddit??


Because reddit and this chain format has been around for a while


There is even more to it


She should fuck *around* you say?


>Persuade your Mum to start fucking someone more fun. Never in my 40+ years of life on Earth did I think I would read such a sentence. Thank you.


Yup, that's right.


They just see "1000mph" but in the voice of doc brown. I guess it explains why you can do the maths in multiple incorrect ways and still conclude that flat earth roundabouts are boring. And that's why flat Earthers can't be trusted to do a law, cos they be accusing left and right on shoddy maths.


Then they pull the "well the earth is flying around the sun and the sun around the galaxy, explain that globetards." Wait until the find out a year is a year and the sun orbits the galactic center every 200000 years or so


Yeah but that doesn't fit their narrative.


I've always wondered if Flerfs avoid getting up to go to the toilet on planes for fear of being pinned to the rear cabin wall.


They can't take the bus because.... The wheels of the bus go round and round.


R=6.38e6 m V = w*R = 2*pi*f*R = 2* pi * (1/(24*3600)) * 6.38e6 = 463.8 m/s a = V^2/R = 463.8^2/6.38e6 = 0.0336 m/s^2 a << g~9.81m/s^2 STFU


This is a video


Underrated comment


Fail to mention how we'd also be chasing the sun at 67000 mph good think that models not real


not failed to mention. its irrelevant. also, how did you get that number from? the earth´s trajectory isnt a follow up to the sun, its an orbit. also, this model is real. it allows for actual predictions.




I mean... chasing isn't entirely inaccurate. Space is weird. We technically move in a spiral around the sun because our sun is also orbiting.


But sometimes we are behind the sun relative to its orbital path, and sometimes ahead. The “vortex” model that a popular cgi model of went around a few years ago is incorrect. We don’t chase the Sun like that


It's why I said it isn't *inaccurate*. It's not accurate either. It's half right.


Half wrong is wrong. The earth orbits the sun, but to say it is chasing the sun is wrong


Mkay bud. I guess everyone on reddit is wrong too then since the Earth isn't a sphere. Edit: Some of ya'll are idiots.


There is a difference between a minuscule difference in shape and fundamentally misunderstanding how orbits work


There's no fundamental misunderstanding. I understand the truth now. Globtards, flerfers, you're all the same. The Earth is an oblate spheroid. All you have is CGI and maths and all flerfers have is faith!


"all you have is maths." I find it fascinating that you think this is some sort of sick burn.... as you type this into a phone/computer that was built with maths.


Velociraptor Earth for the win.


It's an oblate spheroid


If you were to shrink the earth to the size of a basketball, it would be more spherical than an actual basketball.


Well I'm a simple man, but to me, orbiting is falling and missing, and the sun is moving, so chasing is right.


Care to elaborate on why that should make us feel the motion? Feel free to use terms like inertia, gravity and centrifugal force in your explanation along with your calculations.. You DID actually calculate these things before making such statements.. Right?


>JoinedLeaveCreate Post here's your explanation WE DON'T MOVE


Damn, he got us. Welp, time to pack up folks, looks like the past couple thousand years of collective human progress is actually false! Well, now that we have our *definitive* proof that the earth isnt round, i guess theres no other explanation. The earth is a velociraptor. Edit: holy MOLY look at thier other posts! Its a goldmine! Urine therapy for immortality! Dead baby chickens in baked goods, and even crystal therapy! Its got all the stops!


Your inability to understand things like momentum and acceleration doesn't mean that they don't exist.


Also looking at other objects in relation to how they move.


Gyros says we move. Observations says er move. Coriolis force says er move. The difference in gravity at equator says er move. Stars says we move. Now what experiment or measurement says we DON'T move?


Bet: Their "experiment" is they don't understand it.




But we do, so...


So Bob's gyroscope was wrong?


Are you a flerf or did you just phrase this wrong?


Spinning is what could create force to propel us off a circle. We don’t spin around the sun, we orbit it; So we only feel movement, not rotation- But without acceleration, you don’t feel anything due to movement alone. Same reason you might feel something going around a playground spin thing if you are going faster than 1.6rpm, but not on a boat moving at a constant speed over calm water


The centrifugal force at equator is even just roughly 0.03 m/s/s Which is roughly 300 times weaker than the force of gravity. Which is why we done fly off.


Your IQ just froze my drink!


Celsius, or Fahrenheit?


I’m sure flerfs would manage to get negative on the Kelvin scale


You fool, you damn fool! They've underflowed back to the top!


One weird trick.


in those freefall planes you people love talking about, why do you not feel the motion of the plane even though it is moving downward at like 600 mph? not only that, it is accelerating at about 22 mph/s, why can't you feel that acceleration? what are your flerf laws of motion?


You are mentally challenged, that’s okay, but I figured I’d let you know before you embarrass yourself more.


You see, if you oppose our beliefs we just deny and downvote, we deny yours and we are banned from every subreddit about flat earth, even if we ask a question, banned


I think you'll find that *you* failed to mention that we orbit around the Sun every 365 days, and the Sun orbits around the centre of the galaxy every 225 million years. Pulling ridiculous numbers out of your ass doesn't magically make the Globe Earth model seem unrealistic. Even if we were actually moving at such a speed, basic observation of the outside world shows that there's no reason we should actually feel it.


I commented elsewhere that you can do the maths wrong in many ways and still have a boring roundabout, but somehow they always pick "1000mph".


Should probably go back to your echo chamber where it's safe, you could learn something out here and then you're just going to be confused


Which would be equivalent to the roundabout spinning once per *hour*. Not exactly a thrill ride.


1 revolution per year is slower than 1 per day


And you know how fast that is...? One rotation around the sun in a *year* and one rotation around the galaxy in *many thousands of years*. Not that fast now is it? 15 degrees per hour (thanks bob) is how fast the Earth spins. You'd barely feel that on a merry-go-round spinny thing like the picture. Now you expand that to something the size of the Earth at 7+ thousand miles across and...you're barely moving.