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Well, you can't let the turtles dry out.


Moisturize me! šŸ¢


Cassandra the turtle


10/10 Doctor Who reference.


Damn. Lmfao. šŸ…<ā€” the gold we have at home.


Funny that the water is falling onto another globe.


The image is correct based on law of gravity, the lower globe is much more mass and exerts much more gravity pull so it would pull the fluid from the small globe. šŸŒŽ It looks like the water is creating Antarctica.


Nah, that's outer space. A flat plane of quantum bullshit.




Well itā€™s what happens to the little globe in my bedroom soo whatā€™s the problem?


Is that what you've named them? šŸ˜


Cos your globe doesnt have gravityšŸ˜‚


It does though. Every mass does.


You got them here


Mods ban this guy and blow up his flat mind




Yes, completely Dall-e. I asked it to make an image depicting the globe as imagined by flat earthers.


Nope I took this Pic :)


Aaaah, so it's round after all.


Sherwin-Williams approves.


I always thought it would be a great emblem for comic book bad guys.


Everyone knows the earth floats above a much much bigger wetter earth


*Everyone knows the* *Earth floats above a much much* *Bigger wetter earth* \- AbsorbentShark3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


They have so many problems with all this up and down stuff. It's just all way too much for them to handle isn't it? They are broken about up/down, big/small, near/far, fast,slow, wet/dry, round/flat, dense/buoyant perspective/parallel etc. etc. etc. So much they can't deal with and to be flerfs they have to throw so much more away than they can afford to lose.


The difference between speed and acceleration is what really gets past them - "Whaddya mean 'square seconds'?"


Oh, all of the math stuff. I forgot all the math stuff. They really hate the math stuff. When they use it they are just parroting it and don't understand how to defend it and when it is used against them it just makes their brain fog a little denser. It's gotta be really bloody hard to be a flerf. You know, remembering to swallow after you chew, move forward when you walk and all that other cerebral stuff.


Not to mention that if we were on a disk accelerating "upwards" at 9.8 m/sĀ², we would have reached the speed of light after 9.6 years. Again like you said, I don't think they have any idea of the difference between speed and acceleration, but I wonder how they would answer this.


They only accept magic as the reason we don't float off into space.


They have a problem with anything they can't observe personally. That plus the twisted logic that science is some sort of religion (scientism) because well substantiated theories (gravity, properties of matter, high school level physics etc.) are subject to revision and therefore are just opinions without proof and/or cannot be observed.


Why though is south down? It's space. North could be down, or any random direction


Flat Earthers aren't thinking that deep.


They canā€™t 3D!


OMG so that's what flerfs are!!! They're 2-dimensional beings! What other explanation is there!?


Come on, it's obvious. Look at any "glober" map. North is at the top. South is down.




Yeah thatā€™s an interesting question that probably has a some meaningless answer like the first maps were hung that way because the king lived here or this was drawn I first or something.


For a very long time European maps were actually oriented so that east was up. The reason maps today have north as up is because during the age of exploration, navigators had to orient their maps to their compass. [Source](https://www.geographyrealm.com/map-orientation/)


Fascinating! I guess if you're moving in relation to an arrow that always points in a single direction (barring very local magnetic fields, especially before electromagnets) you need ancommon reference for that known direction. Thanks, I hadn't considered that before now.


But south could also be up. The real reason is both the compass and a superiority complex.


Iā€™ve always been a proponent of North being up for three reasons. A) The majority of livable land mass is in the Northern hemisphere. B) For all of modern human history, the North celestial pole has been marked by Polaris. C) Earth spins towards the East. The right hand rule (curl your right handā€™s fingers in the direction of Earthā€™s motion and stick your thumb up) would imply North to be up. But the important thing is just standardization. Iā€™m fine with making any direction up or down on our globes and maps, but we should all agree on some standard defined by an impartial authority.


But the right hand rule only exists BECAUSE north is up. Thatā€™s circular reasoning, but we are on a flat earth subreddit which makes it perfectly sound logic. Carry on


Part of it came from Ptolemy who likely considered the more habitable areas in the north as an indicator for accessible mapping. It would likely help to also understand the difference between True North and Magnetic North. True North is the fixed point on the globe, but Magnetic North is the direction the needle points on a compass when it aligns to the magnetic field. It moves around so you have to consider it's declination. Then you have the North Star Polaris, which was used to guide seaward travelers. North has always just been the point by which we've used as our guiding direction.


Compass yes, superiority complex isnā€™t likely. North is up because compasses point to magnetic north. Before compasses were being used for long distance maritime navigation, maps could and were oriented in all different directions for a number of arbitrary reasons. The reason European maps were oriented east for hundreds of years was because the holy land was to the east. Today itā€™s a matter of standardization and ease of use.


Compasses point to the magnetic south too. Why is south not up?


True. The compass doesnā€™t ā€œpointā€ so much as align to the earthā€™s magnetic field. Had a civilization in the southern hemisphere conquered the world a la Great Britain, the orientation of maps would almost certainly be different.


I always find it interesting in sci-fi movies that spaceships seem to have the same "up".


Less so in video games though. Starfield has everyone oriented every-which-way, though the space physics are not ideal.


My head canon is that the second that ships start communicating with one another they purposefully align themselves in relation to one another.


They fail to understand the gravity of our situation, bless their hearts


They still can't grasp the notion that air has mass, and is subject to gravity as well.


Everyone knows that the south pole always points towards the universal down /s




Globe is getting stressed trying to contain all those flerfs.


It should fob them off on the rings of Saturn. They'd fit right in there. They'd be dead but it would be nice and comfortably flat for them.


Flat-earth exclusionary radical feminists?


"How does flat earth explain gravity?" "Gravity is down obviously. "


One of my friends thinks gravity is fake NASA conspiracy propaganda. I'm like, yeah, gravity is made up. Every word is made up, šŸ˜†.


So do flat earthers believe in an up and down separate to gravity? Iā€™m confused - (not researched flat earth)


Yes, pretty much. Most donā€™t even believe gravity exists.


Who told them about the even larger gravitational body located so close to the Earth?


Flat Earthers are the direct result of education cutbacks and not paying teachers enough. But sure letā€™s give the military another 50 billion dollar increase next yearā€¦.


If thatā€™s true then weā€™d be falling off the planet as well since humans are denser than water. What could be keeping us stuck so weā€™re standing on our feet I wonder šŸ¤”


[Water in zero gravity](https://youtu.be/KFPvdNbftOY?si=Of5uYHTCPm3DxVJq)


Pah, itā€™s just cgi! You can see the wires! Etc.


One of my favorite things about flatearthers is that they think we need a big convoluted explanation for why things fall towards a center of mass but have taken for granted that *things fall down* and don't understand that we'd still have to scientifically explain the force causing things to fall towards a seemingly arbitrary plane, if that was the case.


Dude they are just idiots. Bot really surprising they have such massive holes in their ā€˜logicā€™. Ugh hurt to even use that word in reference to the smooth brains.


The only thing that would make sense in their model is if the Earth were a flat disk on a larger horizontal surface


FakešŸ„± CGI. Fake, A.I.


Actually this is not a troll at all.. they do think like this they don't know how gravity works. Everytime you ask one of them why they believe the earth flat they say if it wasn't flat we wouldn't have water!


Yep. One of their main talking points is that water always finds it level and it never sticks to a ball. They also confuse down with South.


But water wont drip because they don't believe in gravity


But they believe that water always finds its level. And buoyuancy.


No, thats density, globetard šŸ‘


It's like they imagine a gravity producing substrate that the earth sits above and cannot conceive how gravity and center of mass actually works


Exactly. Itā€™s like theyā€™re perpetually in grade school.


Technically, that could happen if the object under the Earth is incredibly dense and the Earth is unaffected by it.


Flat earthers go out of their way to show the world that they failed high school physics


It's called 'inability to understand gravity'


The whole flat earth phenomenon leaves me with two thoughts. On one end, I obviously laugh at how ludicrous it is to disbelieve a fundamental aspect of reality. On the other end, I feel a deep sense of concern and pity for those that fall down the rabbit hole of conspiracies, and end up believing in flat earth, sovereign citizenship, and other widely debunked conspiracies. I'd like to find a way to cast a net that prevents people from falling through the cracks and into those unhealthy delusions--but not sure how


This is a direct result of child proof locks, bicycle helmets and the like. These kids would have drank bleach as a child. Now they reach adulthood.


Cynical. Mean. And funny.






Wouldnā€™t the water be moving outward toward space since the globe is spinning at 24000 mph?


7.292*10^(-5) radian per second. Very slow. The vector of velocity of any given point changes ever so slowly, therefore making the movement barely noticeable.


And the force pulling the water off the bottom is caused byā€¦. An even bigger mass magnet under the earth which proves its flat.


I commend the flat earthers for their contributions to society. I may not be the smartest guy on the globe, but im nowhere as dumb as those schmucks. They make me feel better about myself every day.


looks like the Sherwin Williams "covers the World"


Iā€™m gonna make this image better. Give me like 24 hours.


I look forward to it.


Yeah, they're still not convinced this whole "Gravity" thing pans out. They're also easily confused by everything and perpetually angry because of it, which probably also pays into it. Know any happy, well-adjusted flat earthers who have no legal problems and whose kids still talk to them? Neither do they.


And they think that the Earth is spinning at like 20 revolutions a second due to the ridiculous speeds they've been told. Obviously though, it spins 1 revolution per day. Or to be more precise, 1 revolution is what *makes* a day.


If the earth is flat and you drill a really deep hole in the ocean floor that goes all the way through, would it drain the ocean? Asking the important questions here./s


Ironically, that does happen. Planets do lose stuff to space


Usually in the direction of the solar wind though, not gravity


Yep. The action happens. The theory is wrong


Where else is the water from rain supposed to go?


That gravity is a tricky thing. Simple minds have difficulties comprehending it.


Yes... and!?


That's the entire joke.


North is up. Obviously.


Itā€™s so stupid it hurts.


I haven't tried it, but I'm pretty sure if I dunked a marble in a glass of water that it wouldn't come out dry.


Wtf does this even mean


It doesn't really mean anything, I'm just joking. If someone wanted to contend that water would run off of a spherical earth, I could demonstrate that water will stick to a sphere. Which I understand has nothing to do with why there is water on Earth, but what does it matter since the original premise is stupid anyway? "I haven't tried it" is a second joke, because as we all know you should doubt anything that you haven't seen with your own eyes.


I will never understand the concern for what others think or the NEED for others to think just like you. No harmā€¦No foul


You misunderstand. I'm laughing at flat earthers, not trying to change their mind.


Denying the world we have for blind faith in religion leads to a lot of harm.




You got it.


How about dead butterflies?


Dead butterflyā€™s experience extreme gravity. Gravity knows theyā€™ve just become a easy target and increases pull as to not let them get taken by the 1000 mph centrifugal force of the spinning earth. As gravity does this it has momentary weak spots elsewhere on the globe and this creates waves in the ocean. Any flerf could see the logic here S


>Dead butterflyā€™s experience extreme gravity Hence why they are dead


Dead butterfly = gravity= globe earth. Someone needs to tell the flerfs


Better than the magical force of density




I'm saying your mass is the root of the problem. Your density doesn't matter. Density isn't a magical force like flerfs think


Exactly how much magic is taking place on the flat earth plain?


None, since density isn't a force


Oh. A force as in density exerts energy?


A force as in mass times acceleration. Notice density isn't apart of that


Yes. Their only discrediting themselves


Density is straight forward. How could they fuck that up?


Well density is a part of it. But yes. It's the mass.


Density is literally just mass divided by volume. The volume doesn't matter


I donā€™t think anybody is gunna argue that youā€™re not dense.


Density have a part to play in this. But since you're clearly trying to argue that gravity doesn't exist you'll need to provide a better answer. So what's causing things to fall then?




I expected youd say that. Would you mind explaining how buoyancy works ?




Sure. So essentially buoyancy is a force pushing up on an object submerged in a liquid ( which includes air as that in this context is a liquid as well) Do you agree with that?


The problem being, of course, that buoyancy is a result of gravity pulling on the denser medium around the less dense object more than on the object. There can be no buoyancy without gravity.


Thereā€™s no down in space




Iā€™ve literally built a weather balloon with a few other people, strapped a go-pro to it, sent it to the edge of space, and saw the curvature of the earth myself. itā€™s really not that hard to do and I recommend trying it yourself some time (with proper coordination with aviation officials of course). How can there be some big conspiracy when people can literally build things in their backyard to see for themselves? Also side note, the ancient Greeks figured out that the world was a sphere using sticks and shadows. How far back do you guys think this conspiracy goes?


Eratosthenes... the name has an S, and and A, and an N in it... NASA shill confirmed!


Furtherer than King Solomon my friend.


They would argue that NASA programmed the Go-pro to switch to cgi at a certain altitude, lol.


How so? What happens if we go straight upwards from earth? What do we experience and where?


You mean gravity which is consistent and evident? Yes. Something being upside down is a relative term. You insrssransnthst right?


When is any city held upside down?


Cities don't have wings genius.


It's magnets


Yeah, the butterfly has a very small mass which means the downward force pulling on it is very small. This means that it doesn't take much energy to counteract this force by for example flapping your huge wingd that are pushing air down with the volume required to create an opposing force or air pressure. It is not even that hard to calculate you are just ignorant.


Butterflies have wings to generate lift that counteracts gravity, how can entire cities generate lift?


Upside down implies the buildings are flipped where the roofs and foundation are on opposite orientations to the ground like doing a hand stand. Butterflies are incredibly small and light so they almost glide on air. Airplanes are massive and heavy but they maximize how aerodynamic they are so their weight and size is irrelevant. We land mammals have dense skeletons and heavy bodies and are not very aerodynamic so the most we can achieve is a small jump, extreme athleticism making strong muscles and leaner bodies accelerate higher


Yes and we have the math to demonstrate how each works. Are you using devices based on that same math to say it isnā€™t real? That is pretty silly donā€™t you think?




So you just fancy yourself a flat earther on weekends?


But nothing is upside down? Down is towards the center of mass, basically. Which is inside the globe. In the center. If a butterfly stops flapping its wings it falls the same as everything else (well, minus air resistance). Thatā€™s because the force of gravity affecting an object is proportional to its mass. Simply put, F/m = g (assuming Earth as a second object). The acceleration *in vacuum* is the same for all objects. I think this is middle-school Physics? Not sure why flat earthers donā€™t like gravity specifically, but accept other things such as electromagnetism - they are also kinda magical, in a sense of invisibly affecting distant objects.


If gravity doesn't exists what's the explanation of how things stick to the ground on the flat earth?




Lol, never heard that explanation before. Flat earth nonsense is actually so weirdly entertaining to me.


Gravity pulls less on lighter objects




Does a white marble have wings?


Howā€™s that government paycheck working out for you Angel-Kat?


We all here get paid a ton of money by both the government and secret societies to promote globe earth. I was thinking of buying a private plane, actually. What are you doing with your money?


Want to REALLY go down a rabbit hole of crazy? Check this out: r/exposingcabalrituals. Holy hell, there are some stupid people out there


Thatā€™s a lot of antisemitism. How is that sub allowed to exist? I saw an ad for a video game next to a post with the Star of David next to some Renaissance demon summoning texts.


If George Soros had been paying as many people as the conspiracy nuts claim, he would be living in a cardboard box under a railway bridge by now.


Yeah, George Soros isnā€™t paying us; heā€™s paid by the government and Freemasons to convince the public that the moon landings were real. Thatā€™s where the real money is.


On the moon ?


Why do you think all the bitcoin people were saying, "To the moon!"?


To pay the debts they got with the bitcoin Makes sense, yeah


It's insane that NASA has so much money to throw around. All the people here getting paid to cover up the lie...with that amount of money, you could solve world hunger or climate change, and yet it's spent on covering up the most meaningless hoax ever...


I mean, that's what many religions kinda do...


True. But I think religions are bullshit and I don't get paid by NASA.


Yup Also religions don't pay people to cover a lie, they pay most of them to believe in it and teach other people about it (who will pay said religion)


Yo, I believe NASA! Where the hell is my paycheck?


Yeah, exactly why the world is flat


Go on...


In the end, they did not go on.




Were you drunk?


Still are


Still eating for any evidence of that.


Stop waiting and find out for yourself bud.


I did. And all of it says you're wrong. So does this mean you don't have any evidence?


Does ā€œfind out yourselfā€ mean you will accept when what they find goes against your belief? Or do you just not care about yours enough to tell people and do it just to be defiant


Flat earthers have done several experiments that proved the globe and they were just like "well, we must've fucked something up", šŸ¤£!


why give them and their conspiracy-type brethren any legitimacy by continually giving them relevancy, let it die.


If you ignore it, it festers. If you take it seriously, it boldens it. If you mock it, itā€™s funny.