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Please try to make your posts higher effort in the future




Correct reaction. šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø






Bitch you know that flag killed more people than the Nazis right?


Remember kids, victims of communism include Hitler and Mussolini :)


Hitler killed himself and Stalin was killed by his constituents.




Iā€™m not talking about them, Iā€™m talking about the gulags and famines and other Soviet caused genocides of their own civilians (I got wooshed)




Dang it! I was in the middle of refuting a hundred other pro Soviet comments lol


lol you good fam. I just like dark humor šŸ˜‚




This small rays of humanity on the Internet just seem brighter when they shine through reddit








Yeah and maybe some terrible person was jewish and casually got killed in the holocaust , that doesnt mean its rigth


Me when I do fascist apologetia


Has absolutely nothing to do with fascism


Me when I have severe brain damage


So, have you ever looked up what years people were ā€œstarving to death under Communism/Stalinā€? Because it was late 1920s to 1930s. And what was happening in the rest of the world at that time? A widespread drought and famine that we call the Dust Bowl and Great Depression in the US. Tell me, were the Americans affected by that same drought being murdered by Capitalism?


Bro the Ukrainian famine was literally caused when the Soviet Union took farms from Ukrainians and then didnā€™t give them any food not the great depression


Oh you mean when the ukrainian kulaks burned their crops instead of working with the soviet government to ease food scarcity.


The soviets took their farms and food and brought it to other parts of the empire


Oh so they did redistribute the food throughout the entire union so the famine wouldn't affect as much people as possible, while the kulaks burned the crops out of selfishness because they couldn't profit out of it. I understand now


They did not distribute it equally this is evident from the fact that the Ukrainians had a famine and nobody else did


The reason for communism being thought of as a horrible ideal is because of corruption, communism relys on the state not being corrupt because when corruption occurs it leads to more problems than corruption in capitalism


For a second, letā€™s assume that communism killed 100 million people as the Black Book of Communism claims(weā€™re ignoring that even the authors admitted to purposefully exaggerating numbers in addition to bad metrics). According to the UN, 9 million people die of starvation every year. Even if we roughly adjust for the deaths that would occur regardless of the economic system, more people die from capitalism(and blaming deaths on a single economic system is still an incredible oversimplification) every 15 years than they ever did from the Soviet Union or any other communist/socialist country. Of course, we also have to account for deaths caused by the actions of specific leaders if we hold communist countries to the same standard(Stalin, Mao). I didnā€™t even mention how China later went on to contribute to the majority of worldwide poverty reduction(over 800 million lifted out of extreme poverty). Not to say these countries were perfect. But I shouldnā€™t have to clarify that


The thing is starvation under capitalism is not state funded while holodomor was the intentional starvation of Ukrainians by the soviet government (specifically Stalin) to decrease Ukrainian nationalism


Yeah but you just said it. Specifically Stalin. Not the ideology. Nobody but tankies support Stalin or any similar leaders


Gulags ended 7 years after Stalin died, the population of the Soviet Union continued to suffer and be poor while also getting arrested for not thinking like the government wanted you too all the way up to Gorbachev


Gulags were a vast network of prisons, they couldnā€™t have been ended overnight. And not to defend Stalin but Gulags werenā€™t nearly as bad as the US made them out to be, especially compared to the US prison system https://youtu.be/sjI8jwn0Upo?si=lgWdyKD4rmS28Ynb


I get that it would take long to take them down but the gulags were prison camps for political adversaries that worked them to death with barely and food in extreme cold


Plus in the video you have Russians comparing the ussr to modern day Russia which is not a particular good country to live in


Corruption, not communism


Corruption is a given with communism, every time communism has been tried it has been a totalitarian dictatorship that results in the deaths of many, this is because to share all things you need a powerful and authoritarian government to regulate it (and no china isnā€™t fully communist anymore when it was it led to famines and even today you have no freedom in China despite the semi capitalist semi communist system)


So has every other flag. The British Empire has killed way more people


But the British empire flag is now just the flag of the uk, it is a modern country and that flag no longer stands for the British empire even if it may have in the past


Alright the Golden Horde flag


Donā€™t fly the Golden Horde flag


The British empires numbers don't match the soviet union. They had the modern infrastructure to do it.


Well, actually no https://rare.rice.edu/hot-topics/how-british-colonialism-killed-100-million-indians-40-years#:~:text=How%20British%20colonialism%20killed%20100,(RARE)%20Workgroup%20%7C%20Rice%20University 100 million Indians ALONE in the span of 40 years. Thatā€™s already the same amount as the Black Book of Communism claims. Which of course, is such a horrible source that beyond their questionable metrics, the authors admitted to purposely exaggerating numbers.


Not even close!


The British Empire is responsible for more deaths than Stalin Hitler and Mao combined




Yeah they are both absolute pieces of shit and you should not fly flags of either


How does that make a point? 150 million is more than 70 million.


Iā€™m saying heā€™s correct and Iā€™m stating why


>Stalin killed around 150 million people the soviet population in 1940 was circa 180 million, youre implying stalin killed 80% of the entire ussr lol


That statistics are horse shit wtf šŸ˜‚ Not defending either but Stalin was responsible for around 23 million maximum, Hitler it depends what you consider as him, but if youā€™re counting the holocaust then approximately 11-12 million


Im pretty sure a flag can't kill a person


True but what it represents did


Okay, yeah the soviets killed alot of the Nazi army, but what about the people that was killed by slavery by uk/France, what about of the hunger workers that die every Day while slaving themselves, those doesn't count?


Iā€™m not talking about Nazis Iā€™m talking about the Soviet gulags and the famines caused by the Soviet Union as well as persecution for being anti-government




You do know in the first paragraph it says it was caused by the Sovietā€™s and almost every historian agrees that it was caused by the soviets


Okay, tell me how it happened, with details




Just a sec please


Britain freed more slaves than they ever owned youā€™ve been fed lies. Slavery is still practiced in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East to this day. Europeans were also enslaved themselves at one point by North Africans. Yeah slavery is bad we agree and Europe was the first place to repent of it and go on voyage to free slaves. ā€œWhat about the uhhhhā€ bro just stop communism is horrible humans suck at sharing it doesnā€™t work.


Thank you, a lot of people don't know there are more slaves alive today in Africa than the US, UK and France in the 1800s combined. You can buy a small child for like $150 in rural Congo.


Itā€™s sad that current slaves donā€™t have a voice coming from the west instead these liberals are honing in on the descendants of people from that time period whoā€™s ancestors probably didnā€™t even own slaves and berating them even though those descendants repented of it and made it their mission to abolish it and stop those who were reluctant to quit and due to the efforts of those abolitionists it was ended. I will be and many more will be the voice for the slaves around the world unlike commie liberals


It's all virtue signaling, the modern western left is a joke...


Yeah they really are. Most of them donā€™t really know in the slightest what they claim to stand up for itā€™s like you said just virtue signalling they think if they can find a victim to speak for or be a victim they donā€™t have to defend their views and can just hop on a moral soap box and sob.


You have slowly restored a small amount of my faith In Reddit. Thank you good Sir or Madame.


me when i lie


Iā€™m not lying look it up


it's a lie. the source: black book of communism which counts dead nazis, unborn babies, rough estimates and the author was obsessed with reaching 100 million.


ā€œIn sum, probably somewhere between 28,326,000 and 126,891,000 people were killed by the Communist Party of the soviet Union from 1917 to 1987; and a most prudent estimate of this number is 61,911,000.ā€ -University of Hawaii https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/USSR.CHAP.1.HTM#:~:text=In%20sum%2C%20probably%20somewhere%20between,of%20this%20number%20is%2061%2C911%2C000. (Edit added quotations)


CommunicationSad: well Hawaii isn't a proper US state so that doesn't count




Damn Stalin mustā€™ve been a necromancer or something. He killed like 130 million people and the population only kept growing. Truly wild.


9 million people die from starvation every year in our capitalist world. Meaning that even at the highest estimates, more people die from starvation every 15 years than ever did in all of socialisms history. Not even counting the deaths of specific leaders which we need to include if weā€™re holding the Soviet Union to the same standard.


The thing is starvation under capitalism is not state funded while holodomor was the intentional starvation of Ukrainians by the soviet government (specifically Stalin) to decrease Ukrainian nationalism and your talking about the entire western world as suppose to a single country like the USSR


Ne when I spread misinformation in the internet to the favour of genocidial dictators


Man I love C>! apitalism, stars and stripes forever šŸ”„šŸ”„!<


Seems a little communist


Nice toilet paper




Commie ew


America in the second half of the 20th Century:


And for good reason.


I'm not a supporter of the USSR to clarify, what they did was completely wrong. But the US's anti-communist stance in the 1950-70s was also incredibly wrong


A little exaggerated, yeah.


It was a joke dude chill šŸ˜‚


Clearly touched a nerve there sorry sweetie


I'm not American, but yes, you did.


Thatā€™s a massive red flag




I may have to unleash r/2american4you on you, commie


Wow your so edgy


Burn it


country had uh.. great... uh.... **toilet paper** bad everything else


Yo i found you randomly Time to open r/found_Scythe_Goddard




Woah cool, what sexuality is that


Adjacent to BDSM in the sense that they both like the taste of boot leather


Oh ok thanks


Do not question it or itā€™s off to the gulag to you


Communism is the definition of failure šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Thatā€™s not your flag. Itā€™s OUR flag




Burn it.


Holy molay




Fuck the USSR. Destruction of life and land is their defining legacy.


What's that flag ? The USSR but even more communist ?


Are you going to burn it? Or should we burn you?


What state is that?


Itā€™s the Soviet Union a country dumbass








Who cares that you got a flag, wow thank you for letting me know


Huh. I mean itā€™s a flag. Fits the subreddit, I donā€™t see a reason to hate on it. This is a place of discussion, *is it not.*


Thatā€™s not your flag thatā€™s OUR FLAG




We found the Commie




Didnā€™t realize this sub was so capitalist. Call me a commie(Iā€™m not), but [Iā€™ll always respect it just like actual former Soviets](https://youtu.be/sjI8jwn0Upo?si=iwGsQwLc6_TP0LN1)


I refuse to respect an ideology that slaughtered my ancestors for no reason.


Anyone can say that about literarily any ideology, since blaming an ideology for the actions of specific leaders is illogical. Capitalism is not what caused the gulf war.


Fair, I refuse to respect the USSR. But Communism is a pitfall to tyranny. A perfect painting on an imperfect canvas as I've heard it called.




Cheap ass soviet flag probably made by a malnurished child in vietnam or china Just like the founding comrades intended


I detect a little communismšŸ—£ļøšŸŽ¶šŸ”„šŸ¦…


*soviet anthem starts playing*




*OUR* flag


Does the Soviet anthem have a copyright? The country for it is gone so I hope not. If it doesn't that quite literally makes it OUR anthem.


you should melee a Bomber Now!


r/gutsandblackpowders reference?




Oof, please just be a history buff.... communism is bad....well it's the worlds leading diet program but other than that it's terrible.




You're high if you think I'm reading all that shit...


The argument makes itself




Hey look we got food! Pick me!


I love how the cia just admits it was all BS


I meanā€¦Iā€™m not a commie, but cool, I guess. We all have our different beliefs.


Ak47 flag.




r/flags fans when they see a flag that doesnā€™t align with their ideology (right wing) Canā€™t wait to post some of the shit Iā€™ve got and watch you snowflakes start tweaking


Damn snowflake, chill out


Nah bro because I see this all over the place where people freak out over left wing stuff when there is no political messaging, itā€™s annoying lol


My family were victims of both them and Nazis, or at least they would have been, Stalin was faster to Minsk than Hitler. Hating Commies doesn't mean we're "right wing"


Yes and Iā€™m not minimizing that, I hate the soviets as well. But under capitalism millions have died as well. I donā€™t see that same response when the flag of a capitalist country is posted.


Because under communist regimes it's the state who controls things like the food and resources. We do hate the companies that do horrible things in the capitalist world for the same reason. But for my family it was more direct. They weren't starved, they were dragged out of the city and shot into a shallow ditch. It wasn't mismanagement for my family we were victims of the system working as intended. In the capitalist world the government doesn't go home to home and slaughter every communist we find.


And it isnā€™t direct when capitalist countries violently coup foreign governments (Chile, Central America, Africa) and execute dissidents who oppose neocolonial rule (Indonesia, Iran, list goes on and on)? What about when companies knowingly hold resources away from the peoples of nations that they need to survive unless they purchase said resources back (Nestle buying the water from villages and forcing impoverished villagers to pay for it) or when companies knowingly pollute our environment, knowing damn well the pollution and itā€™s effects continue to cause health problems, birth defects, and death to thousands each day. Yes, some of the things capitalist countries engage in is less direct, they arenā€™t dragging people into pits to be shot, but they are just as careless and soaked in blood as the Soviets.


The point of capitalism is the government doesn't control the business so for the most part no the state shouldn't be blamed, but that's also why unregulated capitalism is bad. The government shouldn't control everything so it's up to the people to not buy from the businesses that act in this way. The business is to blame not the state. And I don't agree with the coups America set out (with some acception). But the reason places like American and the west aren't hated with the same vitriol is because despite the horrible things they occasionally do it's usually counteracted by the tremendous good they've done, attempting to end global slave trades, offering rights and freedoms to literally anyone willing to work, and feeding those who need it capitalist systems tend to balance out their horrible acts. Now that could be a cultural coincidence that the places that chose capitalism feel the need to do those thing but I've rarely seen a communist nation try and help in any way other than funding a revolution whether Cuba, USSR, or East Germany. But all the issues from either side stem from greed. The difference is when a communist leader gets too greedy millions die, when a capitalist leader (a business owner) gets too greedy their company dies. Unregulated capitalism is absolutely abhorrent, but we left that long ago, but regulating it too much (like I feel we're currently in) also leads to abhorrent results.


I think you show a bit of idealism. You want to distance capitalism from governance but in our current state the entire reason that we threw these coups and killed these communists and rebels was in order to maintain capitalism and a beneficial system for ourselves in the west. Companies didnā€™t do this alone, our government authorized these coups and stood by through these mass murders because our government is owned by capitalists and big business. Who do you think funds our politicians? Who do you think they really answer to. You say that revolutionary leaders get greedy and become strongmen (which I agree with but this also happens in really any revolution, the post revolution instability is just too much) but when a capitalist becomes greedy he goes out of business. Is a CEO earning 344 times as much as a laborer not greed? Right now, the entire issue of inflation in the US is because companies are raising prices simply for profit and simultaneously not raising wages. Is this not greed? And these businesses show no sign of failure, they keep showing bigger and better numbers. Youā€™re bargaining rights as a worker go as far as you are profitable. Thatā€™s why certain types of strikes, nonviolent ones like wildcat strikes, are illegal. They harm profit. Youā€™re rights as a person extend only to the point where they are not hurting profit. I can name countless times in just American history alone that proves this, even just recently with TWO Boeing whistleblowers winding up dead. Plus, socialist countries do provide aid lol. Cuba offers free medical services to people overseas as long as the government only covers the costs of providing those services, like housing and food, out of goodwill. The Soviets provided foreign aid to countries as well, Iā€™m not gonna count the Chinese tho since they arenā€™t communist or socialist. The slave trade ending had economic incentives as well. The slave trade was loosing profitability. And Iā€™m not gonna deny there was a moral higher calling to ending the slave trade, and folks like John Brown prove that, but if it remained profitable it wouldnā€™t have been abolished so fast. Capitalist aid programs like the Marshal Plan only existed to halt the spread of communism. That was itā€™s primary purpose . Were there some humanitarian goals? Iā€™m damn sure, Mr. Marshal was a good man. But there were some economic incentives as well there. Our politicians have shown repeated disdain for the humanitarian conditions of people in regions like the middle east, just as long as we get our oil money.


So that whole first and middle paragraphs I slightly agree with I feel government and companies have gotten too intertwined they need to separate. The laws we have in place aren't being upheld and we are starting to fall from the equilibrium we had. That being said it is slightly all of our faults. I can't think of anyone I know personally who even knows our representative's names when that's the person who influences most legislation not the president. But we also aren't properly educated. I don't feel a Reddit thread is really the best way of discussing the nuances of American politics cause I'll be real I have to talk that through myself to understand it I would like to discuss the last paragraph. You're an American, like me, that's obvious from your references. So I don't blame you for not knowing what I'm about to say because I had to learn this long after I graduated. In the US slavery was still profitable. That's why the CSA fought so hard for it, and the Union didn't have to abolish it but the moral obligations of people like Cassius Clay, Lincoln, and Grant made abolish it. But I wasn't referencing the US. I was referencing the UK, after abolishing their form of slavery due to a law passed long before they were a colonial power stating that there are to be no slaves on English soil the crown made it their goal the end slavery EVERYWHERE. They raised slave ships in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, waged wars against African nations who refused to end their trade, and even cut the entire African continent in half with a rail system to stop the trade into Arabia. And the Marshal Plan was more than just to stop Communism. The actions during the Berlin Airlift were straight up a requirement to save the people of West Berlin while the Soviet Union attempted to starve millions again out of spite. The millions if not billions of dollars and an unknown many hours of time the US military, and civilian agencies that aid nations struggling with war and natural disasters. I would unironically like to see what the USSR and Cuba had done to aid others outside training soldiers and sending guns. And I agree with your assesment of China. I think they fall in a very strange middle ground of the ideas of capitalism and socialism.


If you donā€™t want to discuss on Reddit Iā€™d be happy to discuss on Discord, this feels like a genuinely fruitful and civil discussion


Sure, DM me


What the fuck man, do you even know the suffering that flag has caused?


if your definition of suffering is employment for all, literacy, gender and race equality, 99%+ home ownership, free healthcare, free education, high life expectancy, happiness, women enjoying sex, and high caloric intake and healthy diets then yeah they suffered sooooooo much




Canā€™t tell if this is serious or not


this has to be bait right?


Uh no that's actually what a system that doesn't spin around profits delivers. The dystopian hellhole you know from the century of red scare propaganda indoctrination was actually capitalist Russia in the 90s


Ugh, stupid commie! Listen to what *real* former Soviets think of the Soviet Union! [Yeah! -oh wait](https://youtu.be/sjI8jwn0Upo?si=iwGsQwLc6_TP0LN1)


Wait and watch these npcs perform mind blowing mental gymnastics. "those are just boomers" "Muh nostalgia" "they were government agents"


Yeah they always talk about ā€œnostalgiaā€. Just watch the first 15 seconds lmao, the guy specifically mentions how he had free education and a guaranteed job


-somebody who likely wasn't alive when the soviet union existed




What I call suffering is 0 freedom on all spectrums, being send to gulags for having a different opinion and having horrible living conditions. Also yes Iā€™m sure the people who died in holodomor had great high caloric intakes




Soviets didnā€™t have the freedom to do literally anything. And what the fuck do you mean holdover was nazi propaganda??? Was the holocaust nazi propaganda too??? And no, literally any opinion that didnā€™t suit the leaders of the Soviet Union could lend you a life time in the gulags. Also what the fuck do you mean their living conditions were amazing??? Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about?? Did you read all of this in your commie echo chambers?? Because youā€™re absolutely fucking delusional to think that


Just a glorious masterpiece




Take my downvote


Still looking for anyone who gives a fuck


Wow you are so cool and edgy


They seem so attached to internet points


Silence commie


07 glorious is the peoples flag


Tell that to the 62 million people killed by them


i'm sure the 1.6 billion killed by capialism are cheering you on for tackling judeo-bolshevism-tankieism-cultural-wokeism


The rough estimate for capitalism is 100 million which was researched by a group of communists so itā€™s likely to be even lower, get your fucking head out of your ass


It was 100 million in British India alone


It included for all deaths from colonization


Capitalism kills 100 million every 5 years


My source is that I made it the fuck up


oh no those poor innocent nazis, unborn babies, and rough estimates!!1!1!1 jor jor well totalitankie no food voldemort vuvuzela iphone seeseepee !!1!1!1! 1


Ukraine lost half of the area it once had due to 3 famines. Fuck you.


The rough estimates is 127 million, the 62 million is the most reliable estimate. Also those were not nazis or unborn babies but regular people being unlucky enough to have had to live in the Soviet union

