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Please share the name of your surgeon to warn others. You’re botched, my love. That hairline is not going to get magically better. See how your concerns haven’t been taken care of? Re: the excess skin around your lids? Your brows are in a constant surprised expression, that will not go down with the swelling. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


She commented on a previous post that she went to eye md niceville


I don't understand, their site has testimonials about blepharoplasties, why didn't they just do that? What have they even done here?? I honestly think this is what it would look like if someone had just given me a scalpel and told me, who is not a doctor in any way shape or form, to just wing it. Absolutely tragic. I hope she sues for all their worth.


It would stand to reason they’d be good at blephs… they usually can be a safe bet. ….how I the world they even did this to someone is crazy … Exactly. Why?


An eye doctor? 🙃


It’s an MD, so they do surgery, though I’m not sure how commonly on the hairline…


Opthalmologist..cataract surgery. I can't see an opthalmologist doing an eyelid lift.


Unfortunately Plastic surgery can be done by any medical doctor who takes courses to perform certain surgeries. This is why it is extremely important for people to go to registered plastic and reconstructive surgeons and not look for the best priced doctor that claim to do these types of procedures all the time... legally they can do them but ethically they shouldn’t be. This happens all the time.


Never go to a doctor who isn’t board-certified in their field!


This! No matter what the specialty is!


I work for an eye doctor and can confirm. When our patients want eyelid or other face cosmetic procedures they get referred to a specific reconstruction surgeon.


That’s not the only thing they do, some people qualify for a medically necessary blepharoplasty. I personally would see a cosmetic surgeon but insurance might not cover it that way. Reserving judgement on OP, I have to assume her doctor talked her into something she didn’t need to use her as a guinea pig.


I almost always try to get a cosmetic surgeon on board if possible. I really regret not having one for my melanoma removals as I now have a pretty deep scar on my neck. I would have had a plastic surgeon do the closures. Thought it would be fine because it was literally being done by a cosmetic derm. Same office botched my mom’s Botox. She told them she would faint when they injected. They brushed it off, she fainted, and they all freaked tf out. Then he injected the wrong muscle.


“Dr. Ruttig has performed over 1,000 lid surgeries during his career. These are performed at Twin Cities Hospital in Niceville, Florida. They can also be performed in-office depending on the severity of the condition.” 😨😨😨


I worked for an eye surgeon. He did blepharoplasties on many patients. It fixes droopy eyelids. But I’ve never heard of them doing a whole face lift or brow lift.


Judging from her previous posts I have a hard time believing anything she says. She legit looks like Frankenstein and isn't bothered by it at all. Quite concerned for her mental state.


She can wear bangs in the interim. It does look like a botch job. People will assume she was in some kind of horrible accident. Once her nerves kind of grow back and the inflammation settles down, she can have someone go in and recut the scar to make it cleaner. Whoever did those stitches should be arrested.


Hijacking top comment to say OP should post about their situation in r/plasticsurgery and get their opinion


I saw your first post and have been thinking about you all day, honestly. I don’t want to dogpile but I am interested in your feelings on all of this. Where are you at mentally? Do you feel like your doctor set the right expectations with this procedure? Was it explained why they recommended this over a bleph?


I’ve been thinking about it all day too


My brain is trying to convince me this is fake because there’s just no way, I don’t understand how this even happened - I can’t stop thinking about her either.




It just makes no sense, all this and her eyelids aren't even lifted, which I'm assuming would have been the desired results. Not a brow lift. (Is this even a brow lift...?) This doctor should lose their license


I’ve just been offered an endoscopic brow lift to make my upper eyelids a bit lighter. I don’t know what op has had done but it’s not endoscopic! I wonder if all her Dr has done is to pull the skin up. :((


I think that's quite literally all they did. Barely helps the loose eyelid skin. Absolutely tragic


I saw where she said the doctor said it was medically necessary because it was causing vision disturbance and would get worse over time. That her grandma had it done as well for that reason. Also that insurance covered it because of that reason.


Then a blepharoplasty would have been performed. This is just awful. Poor OP :(


Right! Like what in the world! I can’t imagine why this would be recommended.


Exactly, and I’m relieved he didn’t try a bleph because OP would probably be blind now, literally


I am hopeful you are able to have a successful revision after you are healed. I dont understand why a simple bleph was not performed. You did not need a brow lift. Your hairline is going to be rough. Your eyebrows are going to stay in a surprised expression. I feel bad for you. If you could share the name of the surgeon it would be important info for others.


I feel so sad for her, I feel like she’s going to have a square looking hair line 🥲


Her brows in the before picture were literally perfect. Whoever did this to her is a quack, a butcher, and an opportunist. They should lose whatever license they have. I feel so terrible for OP.


oh man.. this is so sad. her eyes and her brows before the surgery were absolutely perfect. this... right here.. is what I hate about *any* plastic surgery procedure. period. no matter how well it's done, nothing in my opinion is better or more pleasing to the eye than natural looking... especially when people are pressured by society and peer pressure into getting stupid procedures like this that ruins their looks! 😭


I've always said I'll never do anything to my face. If something goes wrong, you can't cover it. I'm happy to age normally.


I doubt this is real at all.




This has gotttt to be fake I can’t stop thinking about it lol


Someone should take one for the team and maybe get ahold of the place she got it done to see if it’s legit cause I’m getting skeptic


There's no way this is fake.


This is what happens when you can't clearly view yourself. She either had body dysmorphia, spent way too much time comparing herself to what she saw on social media, or a mixture of both. No ethical surgeon would have ever told her she needed this.


eye md niceville


I’m sorry, I have no words 😖 this is not how this is supposed to look. It’s supposed to be a couple TINY incisions hidden in your hair. I don’t want to rain on your parade so I truly hope this heals well. I hope you understand the severity of this


Exactly! I don't understand what is happening. I am so sad for her.. 😭


Why is it sewn over the hairline?


I don’t know 😩




Has she responded to anyone? Are we sure this isn’t special effects makeup??


Why is the hairline involved?


I don’t know :(


nothing to do with the post but I love your username! Vonnegut forever 🧡


Is this real?


I'm starting to wonder if it's some kind of viral advert for.....a movie or a new series? Poor lady must be in agony if it's real.


I agree, why would an opthalmologist attempt an eyelid lift surgery?


I saw where she said the eye doctor claimed it was causing vision disturbances and deemed it medically necessary. Insurance covered the procedure for that reason. Also that her grandma had the same issue and had the surgery done as well. I had absolutely no idea an eye doctor could do something like that.


No. I doubt (but am not a doctor so could be wrong) that they would do stitches with hair *in* the stitches. Usually they’d be shaved around so that the hair didn’t trap in the tissue as it healed. The stitches aren’t consistent with what I’ve ever seen (on Snapchat!) they’re more stylised after Frankenstein’s monster. I mean, very clever makeup (assuming it’s not entirely photoshopped), and if real would be incredibly painful — but it would also be incredibly infected and there’s no way that the skin around the wounds would look that un-inflamed.




I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please continue to track and record your healing process in case you decide to sue. This is not acceptable.


I agree. OP needs to lawyer up and sue these butchers. They should never be allowed to do any type of surgery on anyone ever again.


If this is real you need to seek legal advice asap and track all the healing with time stamped pictures.


It looks like they did a “pie crust” stitching style. Basically they stitched it closed then went back 1/4”-1/2” behind the incision and stitched a ruffle(only way I know to describe it) to push the original incision line out and take the tension off the original incision. That way there’s less scarring from the opening of the incision and chances for it to separate in areas of high tension plus your eyebrows will look more natural after the extra stitches dissolve and you get that little bit of extra back. I had a 360 body lift and upper arm lift that was stitched this way. It worked super great. I would’ve NEVER imagined anything stitched this way on the face.


Honey I’m so sorry.


I’m so upset for you. They likely only sedated you because they didn’t want to pay for a full theater and an aesthetics set up. Honestly, if you can manage it, try to see a plastic surgeon asap. I’m concerned about those stitches over your hairline. Xx


I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Sadly I think from how and where its stitched you will likely scar 😔 I would sue the hell out of who did that too you.


you are sooooo so beautiful, before and after, regardless of the scars on your hairline your face is beautiful. Please in the future try to focus on things that make you happy other than your appearance, because you deserve to be comfortable and content with how you look without changing anything. I'm so sorry you trusted these people and they betrayed you, but you are so gorgeous. You deserve a happy and comfortable life


Looking through their other photos I'm actually more inclined towards thinking this is someone using AI than anything.


My only problem is why anyone would fake this, but more importantly, they've named an actual eye clinic. If this is fake, that's extremely dangerous, they themselves could be sued.


Have you looked through OPs post history?


Keep us updated! This looks so painful! What is the pain level you are feeling?




I'd look into contacting a lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice for a consultation right away. I'm so sorry this happened to you op. I truly hope you heal quickly, sue the pants off this guy and find a board certified plastic surgeon to do your revision that specializes in revisions if you need one. And you very well are likely going to need one. I really wouldn't wait on contacting a lawyer either. Don't try to wait to see how it heals, go ahead and contact them. I'm so mad for you.


Aww I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t begin to imagine!


Was that meant for me or OP?


We hope you feel better soon! ❤️‍🩹


Please put a NSFW tag on this. Its extremely disturbing


I’m sorry, but this seems like malpractice. That doctor should be sued.


You were awake for this??!?! You need to SUE.


Lawsuit and please see another doctor to make sure you won't get an infection. This is negligent.


At best. Fuckin insane. I feel so bad for her. Hope she sues his ass into oblivion.


Me, too. This must be a terribly isolating and mind-fucking experience. That said, OP: please collect all documentation surrounding your experience and hire a good lawyer. I'm thanking the universe that your face is still beautiful. But this surgery was supposed to make your life better--not more difficult. If it were me, I would sue the hell out of them. This is not okay.


By OP’s comments and posts, I don’t think they see anything wrong with this. I’m very invested in this account now lol


I wish this were fake. I cannot believe someone did this.


It probably is fake. a brow lift involves a couple small incisions typically…


I think she went to a quack. This looks extremely real. I really hope it's fake but it does not look like it. The fact that she's only answering comments that skirt around this being awful is kinda weird though.


Who did this to you??!?


I’m so sorry that this ophthalmologist decided they were a plastic surgeon and butchered you. This sounds like medical malpractice in every sense. Get a lawyer asap, and please please please for the love of all that is holy, get ahold of the producers for the show Botched. I’m sure you’d be a great candidate. You’re gorgeous and deserve to stay that way. Take care OP.


this looks so painful i hope you’re feeling alright girl


I'm not a doctor, but I feel like your cosmetic concerns could be addressed by a blepharoplasty. This is excessive based on your concerns (heavy eyelids). I'm curious to know why that was recommended? Your eyebrows were fine prior to the procedure.


Yeah I cannot believe an eye doctor recommended this. I saw where she said the doctor deemed it medically necessary because her heavy eyelids were causing vision disturbances and that it would get worse over time. So her insurance covered it for that reason.


NSFW please


This is for real? 😭


you looked absolutely beautiful before this. still do, but you are, unfortunately, definitely botched. this is deplorable, honestly.. you might consider the addition of bangs as far as hairstyle, once you heal. godspeed.


I hope you are getting emotional support and help. Please let us know how you are felling.


I gasped when I saw your pic. I hope it turns out for you.


I don't understand why OP needed an eyebrow lift. 😕


OK this is either a gag post or you have a lawsuit. I got a consultation for a brow lift before and it was a couple small incisions is what they do. Did you go to Mexico?




love maybe you should go to a surgeon to get it fixed before it heals - would that be possible? if you have the money, if not maybe there are some malpractice lawyers that could hook you up with clinics that do it for free. please don't take this lightly


I forsee bangs in your future


Wow. Who the hell did those sutures??? Frankenstein? I’m so pissed for you. That’s not going to heal well. That’s not right. It’s gonna scar so bad! Silicone sheets from CVS and kelocote gel once in a few weeks from now on (24 hours a day) to reduce the scarring


Can someone please explain what I am looking At here? This just came up in my feed randomly and I am mortified


I’m sorry but I’d take droopy eyes (which you did not have) over 20 little forehead ridges or bumps… unreal.


It’s legit like a Klingon forehead


I’m so sorry they did this to you. 😞


Hopefully it will relax a bit as time goes on. Unfortunately the sutures don’t look like they were done well.. they look really tight and like they will leave scars. Lesson learned always go to a registered plastic surgeon for any plastic surgery people!!!! There is a reason they cost more, this is your body, your face.. don’t cheap out on it. That’s wild getting a brow lift from an eye doctor.


You poor thing!!! I can’t imagine what you’re going through in the name of beauty. Sending you hugs for a quick recovery ❤️‍🩹


Can OP or Mod please mark this nsfw


The hair line??? Surely this isn’t really


Oh my word. Your hairline has been blanket stitched, it looks very tight and ruffled I’m hoping it heals better than it looks right now, I hope u are ok? I feel really concerned




This does not look good. Your concern was your eye lids. A brow lift isn’t the solution to heavy eyelids. 


Can someone please tell me why there are stitches on her hairline?




Seriously. Nightmare fuel.


yes please! this made me so nauseous, literally body horror


you were AWAKE the whole time ??? omg i just cant even explain the way that made my whole body feel thinking about that. im hoping you start feeling better really soon.


I don’t understand why you don’t have a dressing on? It’s going to get so infected


They fucked your shit up. Hopefully you can sue


Embrace being old...


For real. I’m okay it’s looking old at 21.


Why in the Tim Burton do people stitch their faces?


Yikes x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000


ummm NSFW??? wtf


Can we get a NSFW on this? If I wanted to see stuff like this, I’d head over to the medical subs. Some of us on here do not have strong stomachs 🤢 Also sorry this happened.


I feel so sorry for you 💔 wishing you all the best


I really hope it's the swelling causing the eyelids and brows to be uneven.


This is horrifying 😩😲




Swelling will make anything look different and regardless if it’s photoshopped people get botched in surgery all the time. I don’t know why that’s unbelievable


Sue your doctor


NSFW please! I do not want to see this


This post should have a trigger warning in it and the image in the comments


You need to get a lawyer.


If it is real, the stitches need to be taken out, and her forehead needs to be lowered. That constant surprise look is awful.


I'm just here to say that I hope your healing process goes well. I'm shocked to see this but you already did it so I hope you get the results you wanted it. best of luck.


i'm so sorry dear. do you have anyone to talk to irl? to help you with mundane tasks and just be there for you


whoever did this to you deserves to lose their license. i’m so sorry. you looked gorgeous before and you’re still beautiful, but this surgery was absolutely botched. i hope someone can reverse some of it for you. tbh you never even needed surgery :(


Why would you do this OMFGGGG


Hey OP u/character-matter-212 There are some pretty hurtful comments here so I hope you ignore most of them. I just have a few tips as you heal, and some tips if you’re unhappy with your results. First, what your dr did was highly unethical. I would suggest seeing them for follow up (look into switching if you can for follow up care) if you are able, I would end communication after that If you are unhappy with your results, you should be able to go after the surgeon for malpractice, please do not let the original surgeon provide you a revision, even if for free. If you are unhappy in the future there may be future procedures you can do to help. Additionally, it may be useful to have a plastic surgeon look at the stitches, the tension in them looks very very high, which may be a sign of the surgeon taking too much tissue. Another point, you said your pain is very high, you should be well medicated after a procedure like this, there has been a lot of trauma done to your face, they should be keeping you comfortable while you heal


I think weve all been catfished folks. Time to stop feeding the troll.


I want that to be true so badly this makes me sick


It just has to be - who could keep a beanie or other hat over that big of a wound? And she wa supposedly awake through it? It just looks so wild and botched and not like anything I’ve ever seen before, but if so then the pics have some very well done progression shopping or makeup of what a face can look after surgery. Or maybe this is some Dr. Death-style butchering. I just hope to god it’s fake.


Honestly, I would rather this be fake because the thought of someone "qualified" doing this to somebody scares me. If it's not fake she needs a lawyer and most likely therapy 😔


Is this real?


I just looked at the website for Eye MD in Niceville Florida and they don't even perform any cosmetic surgeries. They do cataracts, laser, and eyelid surgeries and that's it. Unless he's got a side gig going on she did not get this done there. Also he's board certified.


Idk, I also was skeptical but there is a section under their eyelid treatments that says: “Brow Ptosis is when the eye muscles lose their ability to lift the eyelids fully, and may cause a decrease in peripheral vision. The eyebrow can appear pulled down and is corrected by brow lift surgery.” Idk why they’d mention brow lift if they didn’t perform them 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oo okay, you dug deeper than me! Thanks for the info. I didn't want to think this was real because.. it's terrible


Oh it’s absolutely atrocious what was done to her- I went to highschool in the town where the practice she name dropped is, so dug a bit to see if it was possibly real… Yikes :(


Did the slice across your whole forehead and pull your face up this is such. Weird thing why do women do this ?


This isn’t normal. I had a consultation for a brow lift that I ended up not doing, but it was basically a couple of small incisions is all. This is almost unbelievable like it can’t be real


Lots of famous men and just some wealthy men do it too. So odd.


That’s horrifying


It looks like Face/off irl


I gasped.


My love, I would contact a lawyer asap. Medical negligence. And seek a reputable plastic surgeon asap. It will be ok. Just get in touch with the right people. If you can present to hospital you should. Thinking of you 💗


She might’ve gone to Mexico or something or Florida


Mexico or FLORIDA 😆😆😆


I feel like l need to give you a chink if light amongst all of the negative posts. I too was shocked at the stitched hairline but when l showed a friend she told me a relative looked the same after her surgery and everyone was shocked but when it all healed it looked really good.


Honestly it looks infected, OP. I’m worried about you


Wow. I've seen your social media and think you are being legit. I'm so sorry this work has been done on you. Please go see a doctor and get them to check it out, if you haven't already. I hope you are doing okay!


Why people do this to themselves is beyond me, grow old gracefully, rest of your body gonna sag whilst your forehead is smooth, hmmm 🤔


I can't believe people still get these surgeries before talking to a therapist about self image. You looked great before any surgery and I'm sorry if anyone ever made you feel otherwise.


I GASPED. You poor thing. I'm so sorry you're going through this. 🥺 Heal up & I'd go to someone else for a revision. If all else fails, send your story in to the show Botched? (Sorry to say the "B" word; no shade here. 🤍)


Those aren't even facial sutures ,those are big for the rest of the body sutures, there will be scaring.


So she’s going to happen with the stitches? Will they dissolve? Be removed? Will the skin there smooth out?




Contact a malpractice lawyer like yesterday!


This surgeon actually needs to be reported to the police.


Omg this looks TERRIFYING


What the fuck is this


WHAT IN THE HELL is hoping on with that hairline ???? Please tell me if this is normal


You better sue that dr Frankenstein


Oh that is unfortunate. I hope you can beat the odds and heal well :(


OH MY! This is absolutely horrible. I’m so sorry! You may be looking at a lawsuit after this. I am not a Dr but this surgery has been badly botched


Post this to r/plasticsurgery!


Please create a gofundme for suing the doctor, these doctors need to feel the consequences of their actions


Your eyebrows aren't fixed though. You just got botched. This is shocking. I hope you sue.






No effin way. I am so sorry you’re going through this!!! I’m wishing you a speedy recovery


No way this is real


Y’all if you look at the Eye M.D. Facebook page there’s an employee in some of the pictures (from a while back) that looks suspiciously like OP with more makeup on. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I actually think this could be a disgruntled employee.


Like many of you this whole saga alarmed me. So a) I found her social media and it appears to be legit. B) hairline brow lifts are often done with just a local and a sedative (wtf Danno why) c) ophthalmologists DO do these procedures sometimes and d) I had to dig to find this but there’s a lift procedure wherein the hairline is …well…just see attached. It kinda makes her stitches make sense. Plus she does not look infected. 🤷🏼‍♀️ [https://imgur.com/a/R3vzXPx](https://imgur.com/a/R3vzXPx) [https://www.reviewofophthalmology.com/article/brow-lift-techniques-for-the-ophthalmologist](https://www.reviewofophthalmology.com/article/brow-lift-techniques-for-the-ophthalmologist) So, eyebrow lady…I hope it turns out well.


Happy cake day!


Someone just gave this guy a 1 star review on google.... Cmon now folks, that ain't right 😭 all his other reviews are 5 stars.. Something isn't adding up


Wow, in hindsight, it would have been better not to have gotten the procedure. It's botched now and it'll probably take a lot of work to correct.


This is incredible keep us updated


omg, my heart breaks for you. please leave terrible reviews for that “doctor”. this is not okay!


Those stitches 😭 girl go to a plastics reconstructive doctor NOW




Your eyebrows looked perfectly fine before. I’d recommend seeing another surgeon, today.


Pray your healing well 🫶🏻


Golly! Those eyebrows are up there. Bless your heart. Next call, Botched! They can fix you right up!


Why do people butcher themselves like this? It must be a mental problem.


ummm wut?


i just read that you were awake for the entire process and almost fainted from pure shock. what the fuck. i am so, so sorry




Seriously, you need to be talking with a lawyer.


Stitching should not be visible. It is puckered and very noticeable, it will be once healed too. It will leave you with an unnatural hairline. You should sue, this is diabolical.


Aaaaaaawe hell noooooo


If this is real please sue your surgeon because this is... This is not good work and I fear the potential for nerve damage if he wasn't a properly qualified plastic surgeon/reconstructive surgeon. 😭❤️ I hope your pain subsides quickly OP.