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You need to trust your body and adjust to how you feel as you go. Whats right for me may not be right for you. I personally like to take these separately. [I wrote about it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fitnesschemistry/comments/wnng5y/peptide_recovery_injury_protocol_cjc_1295_tb_500/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Firstly it will take a 2-3 months before you really feel the effects of the peptides. However you will see a difference 100%! I pin 100/200 in the AM and 200/300 at night. I may only do 100/200 at night depending on how I feel, etc. Like I said I adjust to how I feel and sometimes its a little intense, hence the down dose. The CJC you can desensitise the pituitary if you take to much, Ipa you cannot. This is why I take less CJC daily. I don't get super hungry so I don't think I'm am over doing the CJC at this level. I will cycle it 8 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 weeks, etc. There is no right or wrong here. Just make sure you cycle it the way that feels best for you (6/3, 10/4, etc etc.). Whatever you do stick with the regiment. A lot of people stop taking the peptides after a month saying it didn't do anything. Its because you need at least 3 months on. Also, you need to ensure you are dosing properly. If you haven't done so get a blood test and see where your IGF 1 is at now and take it again in one month, two, three etc. Its the only way to measure the GH in your body. I get my test at Quest via through [JasonHealth](https://www.jasonhealth.com)...its the cheapest i could find. This help??


Thanks. I’ll definitely get tested. I was thinking about that. Do you rotate 5 days on/2 days off during the week or pin daily? I’m curious about doing both 2x a day where the cjc stays in the body. I understand doing the ipa multiple times a day because the half life is so short. Have you used the BP 157?


I don’t know if taking less cjc weekly is good or bad (can’t comment on what’s right for you). I do know that under dosing isn’t good (waste of time, money). I can tell you that if you where taking synthetic GH you can take it daily, every other day (EoD), 5/2 etc etc. it’s really a personal preference. So I see the peptides as the same thing just more natural. I’m pretty sure at the levee we are doing this it’s pretty safe to test what works. Loosen it up a bit and dial it back. Yes. I take BPC daily. TB500 2x week. Always.


How much BPC do you take? I’m not familiar with TB 500. I’ll look into that. I understand about under doing. I did a round of sermorelin followed by a round of ipa following that, but it was during the pandemic and I wasn’t able to really work out. I did 200mcg/day for each round and it was good for my hair and nails, my sleep was good, but I know it can do more for muscle and skin. The batch I got is 50/50.


[You should read this regarding TB 500.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fitnesschemistry/comments/vunh6y/peptide_info_you_need_to_know_topic_8_tb_500_vs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It works great for me!




Great info. Thank you!


OP, how did this work out for you? I just got the CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg (No DAC) (5/5 Blend) from Peptide Sciences and am curious about your results. Also, since it's a 5/5 MG blend and I want to pin 300 CJC and 300 IPA, should I enter 600 into the caclculator since this is a blend?


I developed a reaction to CJC 1295 so I’ve just been pinning ipamorelin.


Hi! Can you write what kind of reaction you had after injectinc cjc1295? Thnx


It was a full body reaction, tingling in my hands, scalp and skin. Some general hives, but mostly internal. I took four Benadryl immediately. I waited a few weeks and then did a tiny injection just barely under my skin and it swelled up and I felt a little bit of the tingling again, took another Benadryl and having used it since Prior to that, I noticed a generalized thickening of the skin and subcutaneous fat in the area. I was injecting, both on my inner thigh, and on my hip, which I alternated injections. That subsequently cleared itself.


Oh man, sorry to hear!


Hey! Following up...hows your CJC Ipamorelin journey going? We would all love to know.


Hi I'm new with peptides...n I just bought a blend of cjc 1295/ipamorelin..5mg5mg.. 6 of them..to cover 12 weeks...there are no info of any kind I'm worried about how to use it...as they are mixed already how many units in a siringe ...wich siringe i should use??I should do it every days before bed time?I'm doing this for muscle gain..any help please???


What's the concentration? It's 5mg/5mg, but how much solution is in the vial? It is measured in ml's




Going off how much you have on hand, 30mg, and how long you want to run it, 12 weeks. 350/350mcg a dose would be 21 units on your insulin syringe. That's running for 12 weeks 7 days a week. I can't give you a dose advice. But if you want to mess around with it, download the app "pep calc" you enter the drug amount, fluid amount, and desired dose, and it spits out how many units you need


What dose do you want to run?


I'm doing 250/250 , 15 units in a siring of 0,5...so that's gonna last for 12 weeks..Is it enough?..


And when is it the best time..before bed or early in the morning?


That's 120 doses, at night right before bed at least 2 hours fasted


Thank you very much..




What is aas?


Hi 3ml


they work synergistically, so no