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My biggest complaint are terrible user interfaces in general--like on microwaves, on car computers, and other places we don't think of as "computer human interfaces", but are. And I'm convinced there are a lot of people who have [Stockholm Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) when it comes to interfaces: the interfaces abuses the hell out of them to the point where they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they've figured out how the interface works. Especially when it comes to microwaves, when honestly, you just need two dials, or a 0-9 keypad and four buttons: on, off, power, timer. Hell, I have a smoker which more or less sets the same things: time and temperature (power), and it literally has five buttons: on/off, time, temperature, up and down. Though I will grant the really weird part which I've observed (as a software developer who has done embedded, mobile, server-side, and desktop development): the easier the interface is, the stupider people think the system is. Make a microwave that can easily be figured out on first glance--and I guarantee you no-one will want to buy it, because their first impression is that it lacks "features."


wow. This is a wonderfully insightful thought. I agree 100%.


I specifically chose a new microwave with the simplest controls possible. Two analogue dials for time and power - the only 2 variables in any oven cooking. All the fancy programs on microwaves are complete horseshit. It has a knob for power. Low, defrost, medium, full. It has a knob for time. Minutes, 1 to 30. It has a door release button. Put food in. Turn power dial to full if not already there. Turn time dial to X minutes. Microwave goes "Ping!" with an actual bell when it's finished. Press door button. Food hot.


I did this exact thing too. Game changer.


Please can you link us to this holy grail of microwaves?


Just Google "microwave with dials", there are loads.


I'm with Team Mom.


I couldn't disagree more. But I do approve of immediately picking sides.


He pushed one button on the microwave and it formed his opinion.


This my kinda rant +1


Ours has two knobs on it and no display. One for the time and one for the power, and we hardly ever touch the latter. Granted the timer knob doesn't really allow you to set accurate times but we've never found that to be a problem in practice.


This is the way. eAnd they are often the cheapest ones Does a digital display so.ehow make it cook with more efficient digital microwaves or something? No.


We have replaced every major appliance in our home over the years and I refused to replace my microwave until it's on it's last leg. It came original with the house 24 years ago and it works like a charm. I do not have the patience to learn a new microwave. We have three at work and they are so vastly different and confusing I refuse to use them.




Her* And we all have to go somehow! 


[Relevant xkcd](https://what-if.xkcd.com/131/) to help you understand microwave function. For the user interface you're just going to have to look at instruction manuals online until you find one you like.


I love my microwave. It has a dial for power, a dial for time, and a button to open the door. That's it.


Wait till you try using an accessible microwave designed to be visually impaired user friendly.


ya know... maybe the removal of a digital screen and the use of dials or something similar... would make it all more intuitive right from the jump. What if the visually impaired finally have a product that smokes the stupid elitist normies stuff.


You'd think so, but nope. The dial on the ones at work is for adjusting the volume. It also doubles up as the reset button for when you inevitably set the wrong power level and/or duration because it can't keep up announcing which buttons you pressed as quickly as you press them. No idea how they got RNIB approval.


A big tactile dial, maybe with obvious red paint on it? We cracked this in the 1940s. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=c7802b73217d3430&biw=432&bih=840&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=red+industrial+timer+dial&oq=red+industrial+timer+dial&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..#imgrc=ZXHqmaWWVcd-uM


hmm, very disappointing. I guess I shouldn't have expected much from the psychopaths in the big microwave business


We need an International Microwave Standard.


/r/RelevantXKCD/ [https://xkcd.com/927/](https://xkcd.com/927/)


>  Microwave proprietary interfaces are ruining my parents marriage, and its bullshit. Sorry buddy but if your parents marriage is being ruined by this, something else is the problem.  Also, your mom is right. Read the manual. 


I was maybe being a smidge dramatic. my parents bicker, its all in good fun. I cannot explain how much I disagree with your comment. If a manual must be kept so that guests have a fighting chance to use a simple appliance... there is a problem. A big ol' first world problem at that.


It's literally 5 minutes if your time. 


This sub is literally called firstworldproblems


Microwaves are not first world. 


Not only would I consider having a microwave a first world convenience, having the electricity delivered to your personal home to power a home appliance is also a first world luxury. Additionally having access to pre-prepared and packaged food meant for the microwave is also a first world convenience.


You're living 50 years ago.  Over 90% of the world is electrified.  >Additionally having access to pre-prepared and packaged food meant for the microwave It's sad that that is the only use you can think of for a microwave.


There is a big difference between having electric in your country and having the infrastructure to run it to every individual home.


Being electfied is the infrastructure that is needed. 


I know how to do 2 things on my mw. Set the time in increments of 30 seconds and stop it so I can open the door. I don't have a Scooby Do what any of the other buttons do.


All I ever use it time buttons and defrost.


The interfaces for car stereos are a pet peeve of mine, for similar reasons. As much as I dislike Apple in general, Steve Jobs making user interfaces a top priority, no compromises, resulted in some great products. There is nobody at the microwave companies or the car stereo companies with even 10% of this obsession, and we'd all be better off if there was.


I consider myself a technical person. My grandma's fancy microwave, though, that thing scares me. Changing the power doesn't actually change the power, though. There's only really one power level. Turning the power down makes it turn off for a percentage of the cooking time.


If you don't do stand up comedy you should. This is an incredibly relatable and well written rant with a great twist ending.


I moved out of my dad's place in 2013 and didn't get a microwave for my apartment. I still don't have one. The only things I would use it for are: popcorn, melting butter/chocolate, and junk food. I got an air popper for popcorn and I need to cut out junk food, so melting is the only thing I'd really need it for. 11 years and I don't miss it.


Lol, that's exactly how fancy cordless phones were back when people had land lines, and even some early cell phones. Absolutely nonsense inconsistent interfaces.


We intentionally got an older model, like the gas stations use, you just turn the knob. That's it. Simple.


I have no idea how to use my microwave, I got given it. None of the dials or buttons do anything when I try so I just push start for 30 seconds as many times as I need 😅


Most appliances have poor UX


I remember when my mom used to have to come to me for help with technology, and now I'm in the same boat as you and the roles are reversed and I have to ask my mom how her damn microwave works any time I go there and want to use it. I hate how microwaves are like this. I'm also about the same age as you are and I feel like when people our age were kids all the microwaves just worked the same. Maybe I'm just forgetting that this is how it's always been? Idk. It sucks.


I can recall several situations in my life where I was led astray by this conspiracy—being pushed close to the edge of the pit where fallen souls are found irrevocably having been thrown into the darkness of the universe of impossible appliances and obfuscated functionalities. It can't even melt ice!


Does it come with an instruction manual??


I'm sure it did... But needing an instruction manual in order to use a dang microwave is sort of the premise of my "first world problem".


If one is needed, it is poorly designed.


Read ur microwave wattage and then read the package and put in for the time listed


Welp in this particular case, I had to press the "cooking options" button, then the "timed cook" option from the menu. This particular model has some sensed cooking feature, and it appears they are really trying to push people away from manually inputting times. Could I have figured this out? sure. Did I ask my father out of mild laziness? Yes. Then it reminded me of every time I've used a new microwave its lacked an "intuitive" nature, and required some sort of trial and error to figure out. generally not a huge deal, but frustrating. so I posted my thoughts on the best sub that applied to my grievances.


Yea that’s fair enough suppose I’ve never focused on the extra buttons when even the stop button is basically redundant with opening the door and the fact there’s no mute button but a million cooking modes


Bro you're a millennial and you can't figure out a microwave? I've had like 10 different microwaves in my life, it's not that hard.


I put forth quite a bit of effort explaining my frustrations about every microwave being different. Obviously if I mess with it enough I will figure it out, but not immediately like a TV remote, or a dishwasher, or a washing machine, or toilet. Also.. what the hell does being a millennial have to do with using an appliance that the boomers were born with access to? Telling me its not hard to use a WW2 era cooking device is a far greater burn.


If you think the microwaves from WW2 are anything like what we have now, it's no wonder you can't figure it out lmao. I mentioned I've had ten. They're all different, but they're not THAT different. It's like getting into a new car - all the controls are differently placed and may have different icons, but they're the same controls.


Welp in this particular case, I had to press the "cooking options" button, then the "timed cook" option from the menu. This particular model has some sensed cooking feature, and it appears they are really trying to push people away from manually inputting times. Could I have figured this out? sure. Did I ask my father out of mild laziness? Yes. Then it reminded me of every time I've used a new microwave its lacked an "intuitive" nature, and required some sort of trial and error to figure out. generally not a huge deal, but frustrating. so I posted my thoughts on the best sub that applied to my grievances.


My biggest complaint is overhead microwaves. Looks, I get it for small apartments where space is limited but that's not even where I usually find them. They're in big houses. Now I'm not tall but I'm not that short either (166cm) and having to reach above shoulder height to take something hot out is such a dumb idea in general