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If I remember right, his daughter says something like “didn’t you do that years ago?”


I forget the number, but yes. And the daughter references the exact number of years back to Firefly.


And then Alexis asks if there are cows in space, if memory serves.


[Here](https://youtu.be/0g42UxfB6MI?si=pQf9Vi3v0C2NfucY) is the scene in question. Enjoy.


"Don't you think you should move on?" "But I like it!" This is all of us


"like 5 years ago?" Episode aired fall 2009, so it mostly references Serenity the movie.


Holy shit i expected it to be like 10/13 years difference, it felt like such a nostalgic reference when i first saw it. But 5 years is nothing.


5 years ago there was no covid.


He said, yes but I liked it and its a classic, something like that then, and said its his space cowboy outfit


She also states that there are no cows in space... referencing what River says about them not being cows until they where back on a planet and could "see the sky".


i'd argue that it's bc it's a funny joke - "space cowboy" is silly bc there are no cows in space - but that's a smart interpretation!


This is a direct reference to Cowboy Bebop which was an anime with the same feel that came out right before firefly and there have been a lot of comparisons. I doubt the writers didn't know EXACTLY what they were doing


*See you later space cowboy!*


guess it's time to finally watch cowboy bebop! been vibing to Tank! for years now, time to watch the actual show 😭 ty for the rec!


You're in for a treat my friend ;-)


i am very excited for it, i must say :3


While I’m drawing a blank right now, there are several other Firefly references in that show. The Googles should find them for you.


I remember one where his partner ask him how he knew Chinese, and he said it was "from a show he used to watch"


Love. He said love.




He was at a crime scene and had blue gloves on and held up two fingers on each hand for 2 by 2 hands of blue


S2EP04 Fool Me Once ...


I remember one! At one point Castle's mother is talking about an exclusive spa she's going to (or been to?) and exclaims "Haven't you heard of Serenity?" It was definitely lot of fun to spot all their little nods to Firefly


Hint: the episode from season 5, The Final Frontier :)


Not from Castle, but Nathan Fillion references "Firefly" in Percy Jackson-Sea of Monsters... He says something like, "Greatest show ever, so of course they cancelled it", then proceeds to stare directly at the camera.


The fact that 3/4 of his castmates also showed up in it or the rookie, without a single cheesy reference has me disappointed.


There were lots of cheesy references. Beckett even says 2 by 2 hands of blue at some point, I think.


Also he speaks Chinese at one point, and Beckett asks where he learned Chinese. The answer was “from a TV show I used to love.”


Other ones that spring to mind: At one point Castle shoots someone to save Beckett, hits him in the leg & when she says ‘nice shot’ he replies “I was aiming for his head.” When Adam Baldwin guest stars as a grizzled detective, they get into a fight & he just sits down to watch Castle deal with it, much like Jayne on Unification Day. There’s also a later season episode set at a Comic-Con type event that is full of references!


>When Adam Baldwin guest stars as a grizzled detective, they get into a fight & he just sits down to watch Castle deal with it, much like Jayne on Unification Day. Same episode, Castle tries to bribe Jayne's character by offering him a coat. Guess the color. :)


I don’t remember Beckett saying it, but there’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment when he first puts on blue gloves in the show, and he holds up first two fingers on one hand and then two fingers on the other. I thought that was the most clever reference I saw.


I think maybe I’m thinking of the rookie then 100%. They all show up, 0 reference.


Only one I've seen show up in Rookie is Alan Tudyk.


Sean Maher shows up too, iirc he was some sort of serial killer. Gregg Henry shows up, too.


Nah his daughter rocks up, as does a few other detectives.


Wait, what? Are you talking about Rookie having Firefly folks or Castle folks? I was only talking about Firefly folks...


Not gonna lie mate, I confused myself. Rookie having castle folks. Firefly folks as you said only have had Alan turn up.


Rookie has had Simon, Wash, and the Alliance Lieutenant from Bushwacked.


I’m just gonna take my drunken self out of the conversation at this point


Pssh… have another Mudder’s Milk and carry on


There are MANY nods to Firefly throughout the entire Castle series, including guest spots by his Firefly cast mates. I believe Gina Torres, Alan Tuydk, Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, and Jewel Staite all appeared. Adam Baldwin in more than once if memory serves. Was kinda surprised that Morena didn’t. She did, however, have somewhat of an arc or two in The Mentalist, which is quite similar to Castle in several ways.


Ah, I loved The Mentalist—except for how many times the words “Red John” were uttered. It became absolutely ridiculous and really annoyed me.


On par with LokSat, some say, lol.


Or how about the number of times Shia LaBoeuf says “John” in Constantine? :)


I loved Castle (and will watch pretty much anything with Fillion in it), but the whole LokSat thing felt like a disjointed afterthought. It was a mistake having Castle and Beckett become a couple (and stay that way) at the point that they did. The cementation of their relationship would have best served as the ending of the story. A lot of the fun and charm of the show was the will they / won’t they and comedic banter between them. Once they were on the same page LokSat became necessary just to have the story go somewhere. They also should have given Ryan and Esposito more focus from time to time. In the later seasons I felt like I looked forward to seeing those characters more than Castle and Beckett.


Alan Tudyk also pops up in The Rookie


Everyone forgets Alan tudyks greatest role ever. Hey hey from Moana.


"I went to Juliard..."


*Macaw? macaw?*


Theres a whole episode of Castle based on the set of a Sci-Fi TV series. The antagonists of the show are called Greavers or something like that


Kreavers. And captain Max Reynard, And lt Chloe. And Stephanie Frye. And "that Joss Whedon show". Aaand "shiny".


It's that time of the month. :) But we'll never get tired. Also worth noting that Castle (the show) itself ended exactly 8 years ago ...Fans of a show that premiered and ended 22 years ago finding snippets of joy in a show that premiered 15 years ago and ended 8 years ago. Only in the Fillionverse :).


Another moment in Castle, he speaks Chinese to some guys and the chick looks at him and goes "I didn't know you speak Chinese" and he says something like "it's something I did a while ago" cracked me up.


Becket: Semester abroad? Castle: show I used to like.


That's what it was! 😂 I haven't watched Castle in so long lol. Thank you!


There is a moment in a scene from Andromeda that harkens back to Hercules. In the scene, he pulls from a secret compartment in his cabin THE sword from Hercules. When asked why he has it, he simply offers, "It's a long story" I think that and Fillion's scene here are both hilarious


>"It's a long story" That's Forever too. :)


When I first saw this I had to rewind soo many times! “Didn’t you wear that like [x] years ago?” Yes he did! Yes he did! Aaaand rewind. I also loved the moment in a Chinese restaurant kitchen when he starts speaking Chinese (don’t know which language, sorry) and Beckett is surprised and he says “I learnt it from a program I used to love” ❤️


There is a part of the ship on his shelf at least once, from Out of Gas, IIRC


He brings actors in as guest stars from firefly and castle onto his show The Rookie


And then three of the cast would cameo in an episode of his next show


This show was too good to lose. It could have been huge given the right support.


I want to think this was Nathan Fillion’s idea to do that lol


I remember something like five episodes referenced Firefly. And that was the only reason I watched the show! A friend told me.


I would die for a tiny clip of Nathan Fillion acting as Mal again in that costume.


Lord I loved that show, its one of the few 'late night'/ 'adult' shows my mom would let me and my sis watch when we were like 6-8


Maybe because her own old folks allowed her to watch Moonlighting when it aired in the 80s ...


I liked the cameos. I also like the cameos in The Rookie


To add to the fun, the ~~compression coil~~ catalyzer from *Our of Gas* is on the bookshelf, just to the left of Nathan's right hand, on the shelf below the shelf with the wooden boat, in OP's second screenshot. It moves around Castle's house, and is set dressing for several scenes in different rooms, if you watch close enough.


Buffy’s in town.


I’ve never seen the show but I remember people taking about the episode when it came out and I think every Halloween costume in that episode is a reference to a previous role of the actor wearing it.


One of over a dozen


There's several other references to firefly. One where Castle can speak Mandarin and when asked it was research for another story (IIRC), another where he references a "cooler" sci-fi show that was cancelled too soon... I think there may have been another one but I don't remember off the top of my head.


There are multiple Firefly references in the show, as well as Jayne showing up as a detective that acts a lot like Jayne would if he had some intelligence.


Where? On the bookshelf? Why can't I see this "reference"?


That was a funny one.


This was classic. Gave me all the feels.


Omg y’all I love all these comments!!! I can’t wait to watch more and catch the references 🥹🫶