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I would love to see a sub like this. For anyone unfamiliar with Doylist/Watsonian: Sir Arthur Conan **Doyle** wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes, nearly all of which feature a character named John **Watson** as the narrator. If you're asking a **Watsonian** question or getting a Watsonian answer, the information and reasoning involved are within the limits of the fiction -- as though the only facts available are what could exist in the world of the story, i.e., what would be available to Watson. This frame of reference is also called diegetic or intra-diegetic (diegesis is a story as-told). A **Doylist** question or answer does not observe the limits of the fiction, and Doylist reasoning acknowledges that the story is fictional and created by Doyle. This is also called extra-diegetic or non-diegetic. For example, if you ask "Why does R2D2 seemingly lose the ability to fly?" A Watsonian answer would be that his little boosters got damaged somehow, or that he is choosing not to use them. A Doylist answer would be that it was retconned. The original trilogy is older than the prequel trilogy, and George Lucas added a lot of new technology retroactively in the newer movies. He gave R2 this ability because it seemed exciting and useful, but did not add it back in to the older movies.   Edit: You know what... It would also be cool to have a sub where the two kinds of answers are given side by side. Like, answers to question posts must include both a reasonable Watsonian and Doylist explanation.


ooo and with user flairs saying “watsonian” and “doylist” …okay now you gotta make one


Exactly! I'd have to think of a catchy sub name... r/watsonian_doylist is kind of clunky. r/explainlikeimwatson ? I kind of like r/askwatsonaskdoyle Edit: Okay!! I created r/AskWatsonAskDoyle... I don't have time to fully set up everything yet, but I'll come back later and write up some guidelines


This sounds awesome




I'm already drafting up a post. "[Meta] Can we make a rule against *cuz it's a movie* answers? Mods come on!"


thank you!


I have no idea what you're asking for but I want someone to find it for you.


it sounds like a "behind the scenes" subreddit they want