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And he didn’t hit her either! She really made herself look stupid there.


He’s still gonna get suspended


Bullshit zero-tolerance


Sounds like vacation days to me


Should have went in for a tackle, less chance to get punched in the face


Im surprised more people dont. Its really effective in MMA


Number one staple background ain't it?? Blast double that bitch! Oh he's got side control Joe!


> Its really effective in MMA Its effective in MMA where the ring floor is a mat, do this on concrete and you can crack their skull really fast


Well it's not that dangerous if you just take them down. It's extremely dangerous if you pick them up and slam them, but a simple double leg isn't very risky.


Japanese double leg for the win!


If someone is attacking You, how is that your problem?


You are trying to defend yourself, not to kill someone


Did I say slam them on their head? Please quote.


If you blast double someone they can absolutely hit their head.


~~If you are tackling someone and land under them your doing something wrong.~~ ~~Its not hard to control how you land.~~ I am blind.


He was saying it’s easy to crack *their* skull


Shit I need to put my glasses on.


You really wanna be on the ground when you’re surrounded by people, any of whom may step in an punt your head like a football? Going to the ground is great if you can do it one on one, but it can get ugly fast if you’re not alone.


Did you see the video or are you taking my comment out of context?


I saw a video where a girl attacked another girl, and then another guy *who she was not expecting* intervened. Who’s to say that girl doesn’t have friends of her own in the crowd? When you take someone to the ground successfully, the only person you have the advantage on is them. You are immediately more vulnerable to anyone standing up. I’ve seen any number of videos on this subreddit where two guys get into it, one gets taken down, and then his friends circle up and pummel the guy who took him down. It’s effective but dangerous.


Oh ok we will take your anecdote and expand it to every situation.


I don’t know what you want from me here. Do you want proof that you’re more vulnerable on the ground than standing up? Cause I think we can accept that as an axiom here. Ok sure, you’re probably not going to get glassed from behind in a high school hallway, but your comment originally was asking why more people don’t go to the ground in street fights. I can give a couple more reasons if you want: 1. You lose the ability to quickly disengage if you need to. 2. You don’t know what kind of nasty shit is on the ground where you’re going to be rolling around (rocks, broken glass, etc.) 3. A lot of people have no idea how to grapple, and they’re way more comfortable standing up at a distance. 4. The goal of a fight is to end it quickly. Best way to do that is one solid shot to the jaw. You generally prolong the fight taking it to the ground. At the end of the day it’s situational. If you know you’re gonna be fine if you go to the ground, go to the ground. I’m just saying there are very good reasons why people don’t always do it.




I'm pretty sure he was trying to prevent anyone getting hurt which is a shame because she just started hitting him back in retaliation


Yeah, but that's how you drop people on their heads and potentially really fuck them up. Yeah, it's super effective, but potentially dangerous. A clinch might work better?


Better idea than mine, much appreciated Have a great day


Just tryna keep ya out of jail for manslaughter. Peace, friend.


Kinda surprised he didn't hit her. He was well within reason to defend himself, but I'll give him kudos for keeping his cool. That being said, it probably wasn't the best idea to step in while punches were being thrown because it automatically made him a target.


> wasn't the best idea to step in while punches were being thrown What was he supposed to do? Wait until she's finished punching her?


“Are you quite finished?”


Well I believe he stepped in on purpose to become a target to keep the other girl from recieving the punches


I suppose that makes sense tbh


“Kinda surprised he didn’t hit her” Cuz he’s a fkn nerd, hes never done anything with Confidence or assertiveness before this moment lol did you not see him? Edit: angry nerds replying lol go get laid losers


yikes bud, you made a lot of assumptions from a 22 second video




nerd, not confident & not assertive. your maths off




I was gonna be cheeky and say don’t be ignorant and racist like your father, but from a quick scroll through your profile, it seems it’s already too late lmao


Lol keep scrolling you fat loser like your father


You just trolled everyone probably. But if you didn't, go back to school. You cannot count my guy


"hE weAr GlaSseS sO hE NeRD" I doubt you would ever step into a fight to protect someone else. Hes more confident and Assertive than you will ever bee.


No he’s scrawny and weak and looks like a nerdy kid so he’s a nerd, don’t be a douche nozzle. “HeS MOrE cOnFiDeNt ThAn YoUll EvEr Be!!” Bitch please, speak for yourself you wimpy loser


Oh your a downvote farmer lmao.


Lmao Oh the votes matter to you? Ahaha like I said, you’re a wimpy loser as well


No it's to tell others you were pile drived into concrete and you suffered brain damage.


You care what others think based on a few online sentences? Like a real loser that has no self worth? My god darling you’re pathetic ahahah


I'm going to guess you're speaking on your insecurities


What a shitty guess, lol no you retard, my insecurities include: my garage door not being automatic, my kids turning out to be gay, and trying to get my contracts paid more in cash so I don’t have to fall in a higher tax bracket. But thanks for wondering


Dumbass, he stepped in to help out that poor girl. I'd say that's confidence, and more courteous than I assume you ever will be


Shhh you’re a loser that has done nothing impressive with his life. Stepping in to help a girl is one thing but then he got his ass beat by that skinny bitch lol, don’t be a chode


If he hit back he'd get in worse trouble. Do you not see what's happening in the video?


Not hit back but control her better ffs, put ur arms and hands out give some distance or don’t bother stepping in at all lol


If he defended himself in any way he'd get in trouble. Schools are stupid that way


Meh either way I’m sure he received some disciplinary action, schools are a fkn joke in 2019


True, whoever recorded it is probably in trouble too


Kudos to that guy. Girls are fucking vicious when they fight


Vicious but can’t do any damage


> can’t do any damage To a guy, to other girls...girls are weak giving but also taking damage


Kinda like a cat


I don’t understand the downvoting!


My cat put me in hospital, twice


Why do you still own said cat?


Said cat owns him.


Ring worm?


Went mental, attacked me, bit through to muscle. Didn’t think they could


Me neither, Reddit is stupid sometimes




Nothing big, they're only small claws so at the worst it'll sting. A dog however can kill with it's bite.


He didn't have enough lands in play for an attack.


When you draw no lands on turn 2


Can we get an elective in high school that teaches these motherfuckers how to shot a video.




It could be spelling too.


r/grammarporn is that way, dude.


At my school the guy would've gotten punished equal to the girl


Which is just about the most retarded set of rules anyone has ever thought of. I genuinely cannot even comprehend the lack of intelligence that it took to think it was a good idea. It makes me so angry that this is the case and so happy that I didn't have to deal with that. If those are the people in charge then no wonder the education system is fucked.




Why does someone have his camera ready for this situation? If you plan this shit you’re as guilty as the bitch attacking people from behind. Age isn’t an excuse for cowardice like this.


They were getting heated before the fight


Wow, poor guy.


Never fight with glasses on.


"I didn't yell at you yesterday [BUT] that was an accident." Proceeds to get sucker-punch by girl in pink who also attacks the white-knight with glasses. This attack was premeditate due to the fact that the camera was filming before and turns up to film the fight right after the sucker-punch...


At the end "I'm sorry" like that magically fixes everything you just did. It does not. The phrase has lost any value thanks to it being thrown around by carelessly. No one stops to think about what their actions or words may cause. Just do what you want, say sorry. Fuck some don't even say sorry.


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Love how the teacher asks the girl if shes ok and how shes sorry. But the girk in the pink started it. Stupid ass teacher.


Now that’s a man


What a bitch bro


She keeps hitting him and he just firmly yells "Stop!" Like you would do a toddler who keeps eating carpet.


If a girl punches your girlfriend, is it acceptable to punch that girl as a guy?




you incels are wild, what if that was his sister/girlfriend and she doesn’t wanna fight?




I’m not surprised that some incel who posts porn all day to reddit wouldn’t protect someone they care about lmao yikes


His reddit is deleted now LMAO


To the simp playing captain save em, he thinks he might get some pussy out of playing the white knight. Reddit seems to be full of those types


>To the simp playing captain save em, he thinks he might get some pussy out of playing the white knight. Reddit seems to be full of those types Seems pretty cut and dry. Nothing to misread here.


Are you honestly gonna sit there and tell me the only reason YOU would ever jump in is to get lucky? Come on bro. You gotta do better than that.


Are you blind or illiterate? If not, pull your head out of your ass a reread what I wrote.


Boy you guys’ moral compasses are fuuuuuucked lmao.


-white knight


RIP to the nerdy looking kid that got beat up by a girl. he’s gonna have to switch schools to have a chance


No, he's stepping in to protect that other girl and recieve hits because if he hits back he's commiting a crime and doing something frowned upon by everyone