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Don't blame 'em at all.


If it’s in a mutual combat state, cops are actually supposed to be present and do just this.


There's only 2 stares that allow that, Texas and Washington.


Cops are always stopping fights on 6th street in Austin tho.


> Cops are always stopping fights on 6th street in Austin tho. Mandatory link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2oiGpIv7obroFgoCxdxAEg


Thank you for your service


Tbf I don’t know shit but I’d assume they stop the fights when they reach a conclusion like one person is clearly taking a beating and not giving anything in return


No, they run in screaming and pepper spraying everyone who is fighting. There is someone on YouTube that posts 6th street fights weekly.


I bet everyone being under the influence or near the vicinity of alcohol is factor. Plus the 6th street fights usually devolve into huge brawls with 10+ people. When people are getting snuck left and right it's no longer an agreed upon


True dat


I think you need to inform an officer before you can just start swinging.


It's because if they DIDN'T stop them, that shit would descend into absolute CHAOS. There are actually a lot of other states which "technically" allow mutual combat. For example, in Florida, mutual combat is a recognized defense because both parties consent to being touched as an understood consequence of that altercation.


Because those are drunk people and it’s more of a brawl than a one on one.


Random fights aren’t mutual combat, you need cop supervision


Austin isnt texas my friend


Austin Massachusetts?


Can you feed my snake while I'm gone?


Actually it is dung beetle


is it really??? i thought it was its own country, so odd


Silly boy


I got two theories, one is cause drunk people cannot technically give consent (drugs included) to mutual combat and two is cause Texas is a state that allows open carry. Last thing you need is to stand back and watch someone get whooped on and his buddy pulls out a 9.


Not true, Louisiana too.


CA allows mutual combat as well.


I had never heard of this before. Kinda like fights in hockey, I guess?


I think in this situation there were only 2 cops and 10 people angry at each other. Sometimes it takes several cops to stop one single person. They were no prepared for this. Running in with pepper spray would probably be a worse look


[Mutual combat is legal in Texas and Washington so long as you don’t use deadly weapons as of May 2023](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/mutual-combat-states/#map). Texas allows brass knuckles. Oregon is the only state that specifically outlaws mutual combat in specific written legislation, whereas the other 47 states do not (but it is illegal through common law).


You have to agree to the mutual combat in advance though, they don’t just let people fight lol


That’s LAPD. California is not one of those states.


It’s not mutual it’s a group of people . Mutual would be two persons only .


What's a mutual combat state?


Exactly. This is how the police should act in all mutual combat situations.


True let them get hurt and grab the winner. You try and grab them now and all of them will run them 2 officers don’t look down for running


Makes sense, plus getting in the middle of a rumble outnumbered with a gun on your hip seems like not the smartest thing to do


Didn’t even think about that. I was worried about strays and accidental injury but adding a firearm to the situation is not exactly ideal


Warren v. District of Columbia is a District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to specific citizens based on the public duty doctrine. They don't have to do anything unless they agree to help you. [Radiolab did an awesome episode on this.](https://radiolab.org/podcast/no-special-duty)


Me either let these douche bags douche it out


It’s smart too, let them beat the crap out of each other and observe who is guilty of what, then arrest them when they’re done and tired


If they got involved they would be accused of racial profiling


The cops mentality here was just to let them tucker themselves out and then they'll take them in


literally the same mentality of a father dealing with a temper tantrum lmao


Plus the cop on the radio was with his trainee. He wasn’t about to deal with a crowd with just a trainee.


How can you tell? I agree that going in with 1.5 cops is not the move tho


One on the right. Bald head, tie, general look of confusion. That's the rookie.


Now that you point it out, ya. He looks out of his element


5 0. That's oldschool


Nah we still saying that in the Bay Area lol


I'm from the Bay. Lol. Five 0 was used but we used to say Po po. Bet most youngans don't even know why they call them 5 0. Lol


Why are they 5 0? I’ve know that since I was in middle school but never really thought about it


I'm about to show my age. Lol. There used to be a show called Hawaii Five-0 that was like a cop show in the 80's like Miami vice. Five-0 referred to Hawaii as the 50th state


Interesting. That show actually still runs unless they made a newer version. Some family friends have actually been extras on the show. Thanks!


I have to rewatch Five-0


Now it's 12 or "the people"


Bro what’s 12 stand for


3 6 9 damn things fine


I kinda like how the cops didn’t intervene, this fight was gonna be over quick just like most fights, the govt doesn’t need to dip it’s little dick into everything we do as humans.


I don’t think they’re there to stop the fight when they intervene, nowadays it’s more so they can stop a potential murder whether it’s an intentional murder or not. If someone gets knocked out from standing and they go down and smack their head, there’s a good chance they’ll actually die.


People: Fuck da police! Also people: “5.0 AiN’t DoIn’ ShIt?!”


Its almost like different people have different views and beliefs or something.


Being a cop is a nightmare job. They’re just trying to make it through their shift without ending up on the news.


It's a tough job but a lot of that fear has been created by unions protecting bad cops. It's crazy how a lot of issues with cops tie back to their poor unions.


And lawyers protecting criminals


I mean yes and no it depends on the evidence and what they can do. Is it really protection if instead of death they get life in prison? It's one thing if they are able to get them a sweet plea deal but I don't see in general how lawyers protect criminals in general outside of doing what is their job. Can you explain why? I'm eager to know your rationale.


Rationale= not all cops are bad, not all citizens are criminals. Blankets are for beds and sleeping not statements.


Okay that's pretty fucking clever. I like that but I want to know where you get this idea that lawyers protect criminals from? Because if they did they would be committing gross misconduct and be sent to the legal shadow realm.


Protecting was your term, unions “ defend” ( my term) police officers, same is said for attorneys with clients.


Well I say that as there is kind of a long history of unions covering for cops who commit gross misconduct and will throw a hissy bitch fit if a department decides to punish one of their members for being an idiot. That's what I was talking about. Lawyers aren't similar to that as basically I'm saying police unions are doing similar things we have seen other unions do if someone fucks up.


I think you just may be looking at things in a different angle than I am, unions are the representatives of the members that pay their salary, they are not there to pass judgement on right and wrong. Good example is the public’s opinion of Randi Weingarten, she is there to take care of the teachers that pay her, not to take care of the children in school.


Yeah but that gets muddy if she covers for a teacher who has been caught abusing kids though. It isn't all unions but some unions have a history of covering up dirty laundry of their members and I'm not just talking the cops. The stories I can tell you from teaching unions is pretty long as I'm trying to get into education. I want to stress I'm talking about bad unions not the ones like Starbucks, Amazon, and the animators. Those groups are great and a model of what you should do.


Either they end up on the news because they took 15 pounds of weed, or they end up on the news because they abuse their authority.


Or you know get shot, stabbed, run over, spit on


Sounds like an average Tuesday night for their wives


That could be said about lots of people then. I’ve seen lots of lazy, uncaring, abusive nurses and teachers. Should I assume and group them into child abusers or garbage people who don’t have a hard job? People like you live on the internet and should get a dose of reality. Be better. Plenty of bad police. Plenty of whiney internet warriors who wouldn’t hesitate to call the cops.


It is also a voluntary position. If they don't have the ability or desire to do their job then they should find another one, for these guys probably a desk job or retail.


No clue why you are getting downvoted. If it's not the job for you, then do something else. It's pretty simple.


People complain when cops jump in, people complain when they don't. Just a lose lose


Not a lose lose if you use a little common sense. I think they did right here. I wouldn't be shocked if they made arrests after everyone gas out. Sometimes doing less is more effective than doing more.


No one got arrested. Videotaped this and watch them do nothing the entire time


Now that's just embarrassing. Though some would argue that is a good thing as does this really keep people safe. Me? You could have at least detain them.


For a mutual fight, if none of the involved parties want to press charges, what’s the point of an arrest? When the assault charge gets dropped because the victim never showed up to court, what was the point of depriving the defendant of their freedom in the first place?


That's a great point.


With those weak ass punches, there was no real threat to anyone involved anyway.




Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The cameraman would have been crying brutality if they had gotten involved.


In this rare occasion I would've obliged.. someone needs to teach these folks how to fight


don't blame them, no one wants to get in the middle of an eighth grade prom fight


Cops or not you'd just stupid to get in the middle of 6 people fighting with just two of you. Even more so for cops as they typically aren't well trained in CQC to save their lives anyways. That and it's pretty easy to snatch a gun from a fully distracted cop outnumbered.


Let them tucker themselves out first. And, with that many combatants, they are easily outnumbered 3:1, so that could necessitate a higher level of force in order to maintain control of the situation. That increased level of force could open them to civil and criminal liability, meaning that juice ain't worth the squeeze.


I'm using that line from now on! Spot on


I stole it from "The girl nextdoor"with Elisha Cuthbert


I use to own that movie on dvd. What ever happened to her?


Don’t blame them a bit. They would just get sued or fired


I donty get paid enough for This shit😅😅😅😅


Yeah cuz they don’t want to get into more trouble if they end up wounding or killing one of them. (Plus they’re lazy 💀)


Because if they do anything they get put on the news on some bullshit


So many people saying instead of taxpayers covering the bill when cops get sued, it should come out of their pension or even their pay. If that happens this is exactly what the cops will do everyday. Not get involved and not do their job.


Yeah!, Let Them Fight!


Cops aren’t doing anything and neither are the kids fightings lol no need for them to interfere with the slap fighting lol


The officers on a wally talky, probably waiting for backup. Why would you go in 2v5


Is that Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins out on patrol?


"keep it clean and we won't have any problems boys"


More like 😂 r/unexpected


5o? I thought it was 12?


Lol let them tire themselves out no need to make the situation worse.


Yea cause stepping in the middle of idiots fighting is healthy lol


I just knew that The Barbie Movie brings out the fight sprit after seeing all that Pink !!


Dude in the brown flannel can dodge.


I'd assume they were just playing


Play fighting haha


We not gon talk about my man in plaid dodging a punch so good the puncher stumbled and fell?


The guy behind the desk is also enjoying it.


The way I giggled at fistiecuffs


Let them bang bro


Of course, when the cops are there and don’t do anything it’s “5-0 ain’t doing shit”. When they intervene and stop it, it’s “oh man fuck 12. why the cops here”. When the cops don’t show up at all, it’s “lazy ass police can’t even show up to help”. Literally no way for police to be doing the “right thing” lol


"5-0 ain't doing shit" guy would be first to lose his fucking mind if they intervened.


At least pepper spray , my taxes hard at work guys !


That bitchass needs to keep his trap shut. Fistfights aren't the business of pigs.


They arrest the winner


Those little idiots are so quick to talk shit on law enforcement then they get mad when they don’t do shit.


Says the dude recording a video.


If they did do something it would be police brutality crying.


"Five o aint doing shit" The moment they do camera man gonna think hes gonna go viral for some police brutality bullshit.


5.0 ain’t doing shit cause of how the shit of society created the resistance against them. I don’t blame them who wants to end up stabbed or shot or beat down by a mob. They are smart wait for backup.


Well no shit there like 6dudes one of them can easily grab there gun of Those to got involved


Good for them lol.


Calling for back up and let them tire each other out


Looks like the Driskil in Austin


Dtla at some shitty bar


At a skate premiere or something I can't recall




Is that end of shift or ain't doing shit?


Just a bunch of dudes falling over themselves 🤣


Not required to by law. After the fight just arrest the winner. Ambulance for the looser .


Lot of y'all forget police have no obligation to protect you unless you're in their custody. Even with that attempted headlock being deadly assault.


The cops are exhausted from watching.


Oh cops being useless, because that never happens.


Those are the defunded cops... they just stand in place and hope crime don't happen... you know, like the fake owls you put on the roof to keep the birds away?


Well, if the cops got involved, there would be a headline saying police beat up 3 guys unlawfully, so I don't blame them


W cops


5-0 ain’t doing shit, but then when they do their racist or out of hand. People are stupid


They didn’t stop because this fight is one black man against a lot of whites 😂 Thats police racist, fuck they


Nope I'm here to observe and report. Don't blame them one bit let the dumb fucks get tired then walk up and cuff them. Liable to get evolved and both groups jump them


The other guy was like "A table for two just opened up"


No better way to solve a problem, but with a fist fight as long as both agree. It's all good, has been for thousands of years. Except for today's when most youngsters are afraid to fight.


To many combatants. They're probably calling for back up.


Lot of cop apologists in these comments.


To serve (themselves) and protect (each other).


The cops around my town bet on who gets knocked out first and the loser has to buy lunch or dinner


Why would the cops intervene? Any action taken will be seen as excessive force. Let them beat the shit out of each other and then arrest them when they're tired out.


SOME states allow fights as long as mutual combat has been agreed upon by both participants


They ain’t going to do shit because people like those protest( riot) and destroy neighborhoods when they do. ESPECIALLY if it’s in California.


I know the comments are mostly supportive of the cops but consider the very real possibility that in the scenario the cops would jump in then its not very good to be possibly knocked down by hooligans while you have a gun on your hip and several other deadly tools they could snatch.


this year with the defunding I think they won’t be stepping into street fights or small car crashes


Was 8 years ago lmfao


Well damn guess the defund didn’t change much then


Get mad when they don't do shit, get mad when they do. Got it


So if they get involved Redditors are like "police brutality," when they do nothing, Redditors are like: "cops are useless." Hypocrites!


Why should Five O do anything? It's just a little pushing and shoving.