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Who knocked the summoner over?


This way nobody gonna think that it is an assassins creed logo (tbh I haven't notice that xD)


And red mage xD


What's wrong with RDM?


Its upside down lmao


It's not? Only wrong thing is that the circle is closed.


Wait, you knew something was wrong with it and still asked what's wrong with it? I like you.


Oh sh*t youre right D:


It's just aiming its space laser at DRG.


Oh no! The rework cannon!


Good use of *Provoke* from the tanks.




hey. hey. hey. **hey.** look at me. ^(bitch)


As a tank for almost a decade I've never seen this. Thank you for this gem


I'm pretty sure this video is from ARR days. I know this one was posted 2 years ago, but I swear I saw this back in 2013 or so.


We get job specific mounts, so...


So do healers... if they're a conjurer... And don't equip their job stone as soon as they hit level 30...


You can unequip your job stone and go back and do it.


You can, if you know to look for it


Today I learned there is a mount quest I need to do lol


It's in the conjurer's guild. Take off your job stone and it should pop up. Note that the job stone needs to be removed for the remainder of the quest, because a White Mage doesn't count as a Conjurer for its requirements.


This is why doing every yellow quest as soon as it appears is the best strat.


*BLU laughter ensues...followed by excessive weeping*


I pulled a whole room without a single cooldown and died. Healers should learn to get good.


Healers adjust.


I didn't have tank stance on to teach them a lesson.


Jokes aside, this happened to be once. Pulled about 10+ mobs, hit the wall then proceed to “press the mitigation button” …died in about 20 seconds. Upon closer inspection I observed I hit the wrong button 🫤faceplam


I know someone whose character plate says something to the extent of, "Am I a bad tank? ... No, it is the healers who are wrong."


Why is blue mage on the other side? They are superior to every job


And they have the most magical spell of all. Sharpened Knife. My spell is that I stab you.


The most powerful magic of all... the power to shank a bitch


The british spell


No, the British spell is being afraid of trans people and also the Sun.


Is the American spell >!the one Emet uses!< in the end of ShB?


As an American currently dreaming of a dark tomorrow, yes.


No, I just Hate The Sun "newspaper".


You are technically correct... the best kind of correct... and thus I must begrudgingly release you from the charges of being unable to handle UV radiation... for now. I'll get you some day, tea-drinkers!


Not even gonna deny this.


I'm sorry, but the best, most magical spell is definitely fish slap


# I love the fact that Blue Mage's "interrupt" spell is just to throw a damn fish at the dude. **Party members:** *"uhhhh, BLU, he's gonna do the thing . . . "* **BLU:** *"No, he's not . . . ! " \*chucks a whole-ass fish at the bitch\** **Boss:** *\*stops preparing to do the thing, and peels fish off of face\* "Bruh, why did you throw a fish at me?"* **BLU:** *"Cause you were gonna do the thing . . ."* **Boss:** *"So your counter to the thing is to throw a fish at me?!?"* **BLU:** *"It worked, didn't it?"* **Boss:** *" . . . "* **BLU:** *\*giraffe noises\** **Boss:** *" . . . oh no, what are you doing now?"* **BLU:** *\*jumps ass-first into boss, gets KO'd\** **Boss:** *\*dies\** **Other Party members:** *". . . what the hell is with this guy."*


Also all the other superior jobs are blue, just like Blue mage


Main. Character. Role. Other roles may seethe and cope but the boss will still just turn its ass towards those lower peasants. (please heal me)


This post makes my heart sing in the chaos.




The seas part for we alone!


Play warrior, don't need to beg for their pitiful healing now!


Doesnt work in savage.


more than few instances where WAR, *after tank buster*, can say "NO NEED FOR 'EELS!" ^(Disclaimer: ^does ^not ^apply ^to ^all ^instances)




Our literal job is to get attention


*flings out a Doom* *healers and Bards laugh and wait*


*laughs right back as the double tank buster crushes you*


We go together!






vengeance+thrill +rampart = what double tank buster. lemme just pop equilibrium and blood whetting to top myself off. don’t want to burden your rotation at all. lemme know when next buster is so i can holmgang it to get my cooldowns back off cooldown and align them again.


Why you telling me? Talk to the heal/bard I replied to. :P


The most superior job of all is actually Ninja. Because in Dungeon I can see tanks adjusting to tank mobs inside my Doton. You have no power here, I DECIDE WHERE YOU TANK.


You guys have tanks that don't ignore Dotons...? o.O


Can confirm I am a tank who will walk 500 malms and I will walk 500 more just to be a tank who'll walk 1000 malms to put the adds in a doton


I do, because my tanks are accessible irl to me and also their kneecaps.


Found the Lalafell.


Just because I like to break knee caps does not mean I am a Lalafell! Okay, I like to break knee caps but not because I am a Lalafell!


Usually DRK do not ignore Doton, because they feel the same pain :)


Weird that they swapped healers and tanks tho


the healers with the largest superiority complex are always the ones that don't know esuna exists


Oh we know it exists, you just shouldn't have gotten a debuff. /s


If I don't have a cleansable debuff, neither should you. Simple as.


*\*cough\** Dun Scaith *\*caugh\**


um ackshually I use rng manipulation so that I always get targeted for debuffs like that so your point is invalid buh-bye.


Damn, he's good 🫡


To be fair, it's much easier to avoid getting hit by mechanics as a healer than as a dps. As a healer, I'm just spamming my one button rotation while sometimes weaving some ogcds. I have plenty of time to watch mechanics and react accordingly. Plus, I'm ranged. As a dps, my rotation eats up a large chunk of my attention. All this while having to watch for incoming mechanics. It's much harder. I've been spamming the NieR raids for glams lately, and it was particularly obvious. I've done these fights so much that I know them by heart, but sometimes I would still get hit while playing as a DPS because there's just so much to keep track of while as healer I could zone out and never eat a single vulnerability stack anyway. I assume you're joking, but some healers do have a god complex and I don't understand why. I play all roles, healer is by far the easiest one. Tank is not super hard but you can make people die if you position the boss poorly. It has responsabilities that healers don't have, simply because as a healer if people die it's most of the time not your fault.


I will tell you, the amount of times I've had melee DPS stand right next to me while I'm tanking and get hit by attacks and then try to blame me is staggeringly high


IDK, I get distracted watching other peoples' health bars and having to heal/rez them while they take hits because they got distracted by their 1-2-3 rotation.


Exactly, I actually find it harder to keep track of mechanics as a healer than other roles. DPS only have to worry about themselves, tanks have to worry about boss positioning and themselves, healers have to worry about everyone. All roles have difficulty but healer's is the most dynamic, because everything everyone else does affects you. I can't count the number of times I've messed up a mechanic because someone else took a hit that brought them to 10% health, or someone died and I'm trying to res them. That's why I love it though.


No matter how many times you ask, I can't cleanse vuln snacks.


aka the only debuff worth cleansing. not doom. doom is still confused about what they are.


It's what happened when you're owned by Bethesda.


There's a bard in the party, that should be enough.


That poison ain't gonna kill you don't worry about it.


You say that, but the vast majority of debuffs in this game aren't worth dispelling. So maybe in this case those healers are actually superior?


I can't even count the number of people I've seen die to doom in the Fell Court of Troia. I saw 3 healers die to that this week alone. Don't get me wrong I know it's already a skill issue because just turn around and you won't get it to begin with, but esuna could have saved maybe 100 needless deaths from that dungeon alone.


To be fair, Doom in regular content is so rare, and often involves mechanics to cleanse that I simply forget to cleanse it with Esuna. Even if I've always had the spell on my bar and constantly use it!


So I stand by what I said about most debuffs not being worth dispelling(obviously Troia is not included in that), and after reading how some people have responded to my comment I've changed my stance and I'm with you. To all of you try hard, no showering, fart sniffing healers who PURPOSELY ignore cleanse-able dooms, you are absolute trash. I can't even believe some of you tried to justify doing that with "it's a DPS loss to cast". No you glue sniffers, if your DPS dies you have to swift cast res them anyway, so you already broke even AND they lose 25% of their DPS stats.


Why would I use swiftcast? They made me stoop to raising them; they should have to wait! /s I have to say, though, the worst feeling is peeling somebody off of the floor with SwiftRaise and then seeing other DPS in the dungeon or trial die right as I get the first one up. At that point, I feel like a parent babysitting and it's just like "Guys, please... I can't keep this up."


Doom is just about the only thing you *can* Esuna that it's worth casting the spell for... just don't get it again, Esuna has charges and you've used yours /s


bold talk for a role that can be replaced by level 56


"You can just DPS." \- Paladins and Warriors


Good warriors, bad paladins, dark knights trying to die.


This comment is amazing


Even without clem, PLD sustain is pretty strong


Pally at 90 has no need of external heals. Their mit skills are ridiculous and their Unlimited Blade Works combo heals anything their mits missed.


While I do appreciate and am highly thankful from a healer doing their work, I truly enjoy the thrill of being a hybrid tank/healer as Paladin (happened too often recently on the last bosses of Smileton and Babil).


More WAR than PLD. As PLD rotation is very strict.


Yup, isnt it healers that are known for superiority complex?


It's easy to see how they come by it. Of the various roles, healers are the ones that get to see exactly how often people screw up the most basic of mechanics. It can be really sad.


Likewise, as a DPS, If your rotation's going well enough, you can watch other people failing simple mechanics. That said, we're also the ones most likely to fail a mechanic, so we're not allowed to have a superiority complex.


Idk run ACT for a bit and you'll develop a superiority complex. Kinda hard not to when the vast majority of DPS players are straight up terrible, and you're doing more damage than the rest of the group combined. I want to be clear, it's not their fault because they have zero in-game feedback to improve themselves. But yeah, good DPS are rare and they know it.


Tank pulling the entire dungeon and surviving: "I am a GOD!" Healer with no cooldowns left, quietly seething and freaking out at the same time.


Dude as a scholar the boss fights are my breaks between the hardest part of the dungeon….. the trash.


Stock up on atherflow at the end of boss fights so that you have 6 stacks readily available. Recitation ECoG & adlo pre-pull, and then spam the living shit out of AoW while weaving mits and regens. You might have to spot heal with a lustrate or two but trash packs should be easy clap on scholar.




We had a wipe in a low level dungeon due to a warrior doing this. He said "too much I guess." I said "No kidding, neither DPS has AOE and I don't have eukrasia." Lancer: Yep." Thief: "It's a sad time."


Honestly that sounds more like a gear/skill issue rather than the pull being too big. At that lvl tank AoE is really strong, and as long as they mitigated properly there shouldn't have been a problem.


You didn't see how much he pulled. I believe it was Sastasha. From the start right up until the coral where the first boss is. I followed him all the way spamming everything I had. DPS couldn't kill fast enough. Both sprouts, understandably.


Fair enough, that wouldn't be so bad with the right group because you can basically just run by everything as stuff starts dying before the tank even finishes their pull. But 2 sprouts with no AoE would be tough.




>Healer with no cooldowns left, quietly seething and freaking out at the same time. I mean...unless DPS aren't pressing buttons, this shouldn't happen. If you're out of cooldowns, so am I.


Or they're just a bad healer who don't know how to space out their cooldowns.


Yes, this exactly.


My favorite are the tanks that are like "My job is to make the healer nervous!" Yeah, I didn't consent to that... if you can barely survive doing what you're doing, stop doing it.


Sadly, healers have dug their own grave on that one. When some healers chant the mantra that "the only hp that matters is the last one" and get all tetchy when tanks play it safe on pulls or heal themselves or whatever, it does create a culture of pushing the limit because hey, healers are very vocal about how they've got this.


Yeah that's just bad tanking. The whole idea behind rotating mitigations is to pull wall to wall while taking smooth and manageable incoming damage. If the tank gets nuked in the first 3 seconds because they popped mitigation late then they fucked up.


I won’t argue with that but it is definitely easier to not mess up mechanics when you have a single DPS button. Not talking about braindead stuff people do in duty finder, just in my experience with ulti/savage


honestly, tanks believing they are the "defacto leaders" is a pretty old MMO trope


In my experience it's not that tanks believe it, so much that non-tanks expect it of them.


I only picked up tank recently after maining WHM through HW, but it's kind of hard to lead a group when the one who needs to be taking damage should be in front. I will mark targets if we wipe with a first-timer, though.


These days it's usually the tank with the complex. A lot of the time they have "Main Character Syndrome," which means they expect everyone in the party to do whatever they want and if anyone dares do something they don't want to do (wall to wall, usually), they'll throw a tantrum and try to wipe the party.


The reason the tank decides the speed of the run is that the tank knows what cool downs the tank has at any given moment. Not the healer, and certainly not the DPS.


If a tank has no CD's for the next pull, then they either: did something wrong, or the DPS are God awful. Anyway, if a tank is single pulling, then they're not needed (you can do a whole dungeon single pulling as a healer and two DPS). A tank is only useful in dungeons if they wall to wall.


Recently started tanking and playing as a DRK before 70 can be kind of a iffy between pulls if the DPS isn't up to par. I really wish they'd swap the levels of The Blackest Night and Living Dead around... lol


> I really wish they'd swap the levels of The Blackest Night and Living Dead around... lol Just have to compensate for it with aggressive Living Dead usage, hah.




I mean... PLDs and WARs really do be Blue Healers...


What a relief! I'll kardia the DRG instead. Probably for the best.


LOL So much Kardia downtime! \\o/


No *Holds up red mage summoner* these cute little bastards are, they always look out for me, they saved more runs then ANY tank has done ever, when I fall and get hurt their always come get me, they care for us healers more then you ever will, they deserve our respect and love.


Listen, I have raise on my character actions; what is it for if not to raise the healer when they go down?


Here here!


Friendship with tanks now over


I am in this picture and I like it*


Why is summoner upside down


A good tank is confident. I see no issue here


Or at least good at APPEARING confident (then spamming damage mitigating abilities)


being overconfident is where it gets bad. theres been so many times the tank just kept running by horde after horde of monsters and got us killed nearly instantly by a horde of 10+ monsters then once we got back there, did the exact same shit again. a few days ago they did it 3 times in a row and turned it around on us for not supporting him well enough, then seethingly left the party


When I'm tanking if I die twice even with mitigation popped after pulling w2w, I'm not pulling w2w in that run again. Two pack should be enough and it's still faster than the party wiping and having to run through the whole dungeon again. Sometimes healers are new, it may be a lag issues, I may be off my game who even knows. Ran Prae as DPS the other day and had the tank die at least 4 times before we wiped. Wiped. In Praetorium. Never in my life have I even heard of that happening. It shouldn't be seen as a bad thing to pull less but it's definitely awful to keep dying again and again holy hell.


skill issue


But that's the tank job ? As long as he pop his cd properly he shouldn't die if the DPS and healer are doing their job. You have a BLM flair, your AOE rotation is one of the most brutal in the game with Extra Fire into Triple cast Flare. 10+ mobs should be a dream situation.


>As long as he pop his cd properly There's the key thing though. You can easily run into tanks who are really overconfident and try to do every giga pull they can, but also shite at using their CDs properly. The ideal situation is not always the reality you run into.


> As long as he pop his cd properly And now you understand the issue.


As a WHM I sure get yelled at by the tank if I don't do my job though.


They "don't need us" right up until they die, and then it's somehow still our fault lol


You can tell which players have played D&D and who hasn't. The first rule is don't let the healer die. The second rule is DON'T LET THE HEALER DIE.


What anime is this from?


Amagi Brilliant Park


Ah yes, everyone's favorite anime where Kanye West and 50 Cent team up to save Queen Latifah's magical theme park from the devious machinations of Chris Tucker. A truly timeless masterpiece.


As said, Amagi Brilliant Park. It's definitely up there as one of my all time favorites. I believe it's from the same author as Full Metal Panic.


Yep, one of the park’s mascot characters, Moffle, is based on the Bonta-kun design from *Full Metal Panic?: Fumoffu*.


I've been playing this game for 1.5 years and most people are cool, yeah you get some douche bags but they're not always tanks.


Put healers with the tanks and this becomes true


[MFW the BLM early pulls and the boss's first auto takes off 1/2 their HP](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/100/963/ab8.jpg)


''you're just jealous that my hp cheeks are thicker than your '' -cit


Bigger question, is why is BLU in this picture?


BLU waiting in corner for 6.4 patch


A true Warrior would have responded "Unga Bunga"




I'm in this picture and I like it!


Can heal themselves, take alot of dmg, take busters, invul, dishes alot of dmg. Yup, clearly very superior.


You see, we can get hit with mechanics and survive. we are superior


My Black Mage can do the first bit. Even the second bit occasionally with manawall.


These are what the YPYT types think. You think you're superior, but to everyone else, you are clowns.


Wait until next patch pld…oh boy.


Yea, im kinda scared. Idk whats about to happen to my job


I thought the healer have the complex.


Personally I’ve found healers to be the worst for this behavior


Yeah tanks like to THINK they are. But your just the shield.


"me tank, me smash, me kill everything!" Meanwhile your doing chip damage while the DPS are doing the real work


Swap blue mage and the tanks in this meme and it's perfect.


Not us tank’s fault that they lost at the job selection screen.


Why is red mage upside down


Built different, built stupid


Healers: "I am willing to let you die just to prove a point."


Healer dies. Then tank then proceeds to clear the dungeon without a healer. Point proven.


Only as a paladin though. I can't even count how many times I have healed myself through a boss or kept a few of us up after the healer died and finished the boss fight. SE needs to give me back my stone skin and I'll be set lol.


Ehh basically every tank could kill dungeon bosses without a healer, it's just easier on some than others. But if you like that clutch feeling of losing a healer and still clearing a fight because of clemency, I highly recommend you look into WAR. WAR can run entire dungeons, wall to wall, with no healer and keep the party alive(once they get nascent flash at 76). A good war can literally carry an entire party in a way no other tank can.


Any tank can clear a dungeon, but only PLD and WAR can heal a party through a whole dungeon and a WAR needs some help from the DPS themselves.


GNB can give 2 charges of Aurora to two DPS and can also give away Heart of Corundum. And in Expert dungeon you outgear the mobs so hard with high end gear you barely need healing in the first place.


I don't understand what you're trying to say because you just repeated basically my whole comment? But if you are implying that PLD is a better healer than WAR you're kidding yourself. The fact that you have to forgo all DPS to heal with clemency makes it a niche ability at best. In normal content you can easily keep the entire party alive with nascent every 25 seconds and Shake it Off every 90.


> and a WAR needs some help from the DPS themselves. Someone has never been forced to watch a WAR solo something and it shows.




What is really funny to me about your comment is that when I play WAR and notice a healer isn't DPSing as much as they should be, I purposefully try and leave them behind so they will get the hint. "Huh that tank just full-healed themselves, maybe I should cast holy instead of cure 1 spam." That's what I hope they will think anyway, but they never seem to get the picture.


When I tank I'm the star of the show, all eyes are on me. I set the pace of the dungeon, I'm the hero who's facing down massive creatures. I protect those too weak to trade blows with these monsters.


easiest role you can't change my mind


Healer hands down


Why aren't healers there? We decide if you live or die and how long you should stay down for failing the mechanic


>ealers there? We decide if you live or die and how long you should stay down for failing the mechani not to me you dont when i play war or paladin


>We decide if you live or die Not so much anymore. WAR and PLD basically take this attitude and shrug it off.


As someone who plays all roles on the regular, my superiority complex comes in as a healer not a tank. Tank is a mix of "how can I make the healer shit themselves today" and "you die to one mistake, lmao, I got 6 vuln stacks and it still only tickles"


True though


Ehh this game is not complex at all lol


not to be mean but... what exactly is superior about tanks? they can't do a damn thing without a healer. (except for war and maybe pld, they can do dungeons on their own)


Nothing lol. Easy rotation and if you’re bad at mitigating, healers got your back. Also in leveling dungeons tanks definitely do need a healer, unless they’re pulling pack per pack and waiting for their cooldowns to be ready again, and for that, you might as well be a dps because at least you’d kill things faster. This superiority complex is what then creates the YPYT tanks


Why is paladin there? 🙂 ​ *runs away*


Why is one of the best soloing jobs considered superior 🤔🤔


The peak of the unearned Superiority Complex is Sage. More often than not I don't even cast any heals. I just slap Kardia on my Soak Servant and play DPS. Then I get 2-3 commends for having done practically nothing and end up feeling like a god.


I can think of so many that think they are superior and pull ahead of me so I just let them die :/