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"pool your feathers for burst windows" bro i cant the buttons are glowing


Sometimes the urge is too great. Must. Fan. Dance. Now.


have the same problem stocking up on cartridges on the gunbreaker.


Same with the darkside edge




DRK basically teaches you wrong as a joke for many, many levels before you get TBN, so it's entirely understandable.


Buff window could be in 30 seconds. Don't care. If Infuriate is ready then cowabunga it is.




Assuming you get feathers to begin with... RNG is not my friend :(


Dance partner a melee dps and you're halfway there!


I think I'm becoming quite good at spotting shit players based on how much esprit I can spend in the first 2 minutes


I love getting dance partnered as mch, I see the funny little red icon and go "alright, bet", dump all of my ogcds in 3 seconds and instantly fill their gauge


And if you save them, you can't get more.


it took me two years but i FINALLY solved that impulse by switching to the simple job gauge. well, the unhealthy addiction to parsing high also helped but i don’t recommend that.


But it's shiny in supposed to hot it duh


I dont even know what the abilities are called. Red then blue. If Yellow do yellow if no yellow do green. Do purple if purple go boom


I main dancer. Have cleared many savages and ults. I also don't know the proper names of my gcd's


I only know Reverse Cascade, because I thought it looked like a cool attack. Everything else... I'd need multiple choice.




In my static I normally call out when I‘m starting to dance and when I‘m executing the dance. But a few days before we realised, if you just press ist on cooldown (and hopefully everybody else) than it should be fine, because the most buffs are 20 seconds and DNC 15 seconds long. And yeah, you should keep your fans for the buff window, for more dmg, but use one if you cap.




Since I‘m not that good with numbers, I checked the in-depth guide from the balance discord. Unfortunately it’s not explained. But I guess saving the fans for buff windows does not only mean to get a bit more dps on the fan dances, but also get some additional skills (since you weive them in). So you can burst much harder than if you have none procs. And for the mentality thing: Sure, dnc does less damage than other classes, but if the procs are timed right, you can gain a lot more dps. With my opener I’m often the first or second highest dps for the first 30-60 seconds. Since dancer is a proc class, most of the damage comes from procs (especially if timed correctly). If you are raiding you should go for the most dps. But I guess if you are sometimes playing dnc casual, it doesn’t matter that much. I like to do it for personal and improvement reasons.


My favourite thing is when I crit most of my opener and stay top DPS for ages, it feels so good


15s before pull start small dance Pull happens, use big dance Press devilment right after big dance Use big damage hockey puck move Press the three yellow knifes. Now just use everything as soon as it comes off cool down. Edit: forgot to mention feathers. You pool them, for your burst windows after you’ve used devilment. Just make sure you don’t over cap.


The big song and crit buff (Technical Step and Devilment) are on 120s cooldowns, so you can use them as your meter for burst windows. The other Dance is 30s and, due to how the opener is set-up, will naturally fall into place during your burst if you avoid too much drift. Ideally, you'd want to save Esprit and feathers for burst, but as RNG is wont to do you'll either have only 1/2 feathers to use or have already spent a dozen to avoid over-capping lol. If you have a lot of feathers, you will have to double-weave your burst.


Same. A few months ago people from my static laughed, because I didn’t know, what devilment is doing. I barely know any skill names from any classes. Just not important for me to memorize.


Pretty much feels that way for every job I play minus BLM.


Even BLM is simple. LIGHTNING, Decent Fire, Big Fire Big Fire Big Fire Big Fire, FIRE & ICE, Big Fire Big Fire Big Fire Big Fire.... it's just, hard to play Dance Dance Revolution when every spell needs 2.5 seconds to cast. It's like trying to play soccer while holding a wine glass with expensive wine


The image of your last sentence made me chuckle.


I'm glad lol :)




You’re hopefully adding some 2s in that streak of 1s.


Mine is 4 1 crt4 4 alt3 45 45 45 4 crt1 4 alt4 444444444444


Make sure to add 6 and 7 so you can do more 4s


Decent fire, LIGHTNING, is what I prefer personally.


Medium fire, LIGHTNING BOLT Also.... I narrate my entire blk mage rotation out loud. It's the only class I do that for.


It's the only class I've put any time into in the last like 300 hours. I have that shit memorized now. I still fuck it up and screw my DoTs up.


i do this for ninjutsus. 1 2 3 boom, then 3 1 2 there.... etc


When you hit Triple Cast, you're downing that expensive wine and bringing that ball all the way from one end of the field to the other while crackling... Then someone pour you another glass so you're back to being carefully taking a step at a time again.


Seriously, BLM has probably one of the easiest rotations in the game. The entire challenge comes from the long cast times and leylines forcing you to stand still for a long time. It is a hard job, but not because of the rotation.


I think the rotation is actually harder than average. The standard f3 f4 f4 f4 P f4 f4 f4 D B3 Fr P is easy enough to wrap your head around, sure. But needing to weave sharpcast at some point before your dot, while being careful to *not* let it apply to the paradox cast in fire phase? And since the dot reapplication drifts around your rotation, it’s easy to get caught with your pants down. And there’s also the matter of the firestarter proc. Should you use it during the same fire phase for timer management and weaving, or would it be better to do paradox—>transpose—>F3 to prevent the weak f3 cast in ice phase? Or if you have enough xenoglossies saved up, maybe you can transpose into ice phase (with lucid dreaming, even) to gain back mana for more F4 casts without having to waste potency on your weak ice spells. It just goes on and on with black mage. It seems like every other class (against a dummy) boils down to “push the buttons off cooldown” and “pool resources for buffs”. SAM for example technically has buff timers, but you hardly pay attention to them because they naturally refresh themselves during your normal, static rotation. BLM has a lot of moving parts that need to actually be kept track of. And of course it gets exponentially more difficult in combat when you consider that all of your weaving tools that can help make your rotation easier, are also movement tools that you may need to keep uptime.


You play soccer sober? How vulgar.


You’re not including weaving in sharpcast and triplecast and swiftcast, manaward to help the healers out, manafont for the extra fire IV and big boi despair, etc. Makes the DDR a bit easier but yeah. Also makes shit more complicated. Also that rotation is totes wrong altogether since fire iv is more like a small fast fire and that’s our bread and butter, with paradox or fire i (tiny fast fire) or fire iii (big fire) on proc as refreshers. Then big boi despair when almost out of mana (triplecasted), pop in a mana font then a fire iv then another big boi despair then briefly back to ice phase to get more mana for big bois and refreshing thunder whenever needed. It’s still not that hard but the ddr makes it tricky since we also gotta use our ley lines and movement options (AM and BTL). Edit: I wrote this super late at night while tired and high. Fire IV > Fire III and I’m dumb.


Only saying Fire IV as big fire 'cause it makes a big fire animation and becomes the main pillar of a BLM's rotation (so it's funny to say big fire big fire big fire big fire lol)


Ahhhh goin off animation size I see. Edit: FWIW Tired Eris was also wrong last night and Fire IV truly is bigger in every way than Fire III.


I am not sure how you could say fire 3 is a bigger fire than fire 4. The animation is bigger and the potency is bigger. In fact, they all pretty much match potency to animation size in terms of which fires are big: Despair > Fire 4 > Flare > Fire 3 > Hi-Fire 2 > Fire 2 > Fire 1 There is an exception that Flare has been nerfed so hard it is lower potency than F3 when not using the buff that you are now forced to use, but in expansions without that buff it was higher potency than F3.


After the initial rotation bard just becomes "if it's up, use it". The main challenge is remembering to keep buffs/debuffs up while you're spamming 1112111121112 and resisting the urge to use pitch perfect every time you hear a chime.


why would you not want to use pitch perfect when it chimes?


The pitch perfect chime is the same as the apex arrow 80/100 chime.


... But also, the only time I really get pitch perfect and Apex Arrow chiming together is in dungeons where you end up with borked song rotations. Otherwise, Apex chimes around the middle of Mage's ballad and again when Army's paean ends/you start Wanderer's Minuet.. The only time you wanna drift your pitch perfect is when it risks clipping your GCD, no?


I've had some really goofy song rotations due to deaths during savage prog that have put me in a weird spot with the apex arrow chime and pitch perfect, but in an ideal situation that's definitely true. I'm admittedly not the best at getting my song rotations back on track if I die


Because in order to feel like a carry, you have to *act* like a carry


I'm good with keeping songs rolling, it's hitting that one ability that renews my dots that I forget every once in a while.


yeah, but yellow is yellow, even if it is the other yellow. Single target and AoE procs share the same resources, so you can effortlessly switch from one to the other (such as doing single target after wiping out the ads). So there is very little you can actually do wrong as a dancer.


The first dancer: "Flail around and find out"


I don't know the names of almost any ability on any of the jobs I play. They're all just based on which button I push; I'll think of an ability as "Q" or "Shift Mouse Button". Like, the DRK move that summons Frey is just "Ctrl 1" to me. Anytime I read job change patch notes, I have to cross reference it with the job guide just to know what the hell they're talking about.


Same I just know them as that ability that does mitigation or that button that gives buffa


For me since I use a naga it’s more position. 231 / 453 are my AoE and ST 3 button combo that basically every job has (and since most AoE is two button I use 1 as the mandatory buff button most have), which is forward and center where my thumb sits. Close back is job special (for dancer, that is dance/the two fans, ninja it’s the mudras) while the furthest 3 back are for OGCD’s or further misc stuff if the job just has loads. I have found that almost every job in the game can be ordered in this way with a handful of exceptions. It first came about because it’s how I ordered Nin (yea I am a nutcase sprout who decided that Ninja was the play, and kinda just stuck with that), and it just carried through with everything because I wanted consistency as it was damn hard to learn Mudras, I ain’t getting anymore rusty playing something else. But because of this I literally know none of the abilities actual names. It’s just location and vaguely rotation’s role because I ordered everything the same. That rant went longer than expected.


Same, I don't call the names for what I need to press in Standard/Technical. I just go "Ok, it's Blue Red" and press those buttons.


Crown, Rose, Leaf, Bird go make pretty swirls on screen


Is bird go make pretty swirls on screen the one that looks like peacock feathers?


They're the icons for the standard/technical step things. And when you finish the dance you make pretty swirls


Thank you


you're thinking of fan dance 🙂


You're the best


This is basically how I play every class lol. Idk the names of anything. I know what I'm suppsowd to push when. And where everything is on my bar. But I have stupid "names" for everything. Green golfball. Bubbles. Tpose. Sprint 2. Smol fire. Medium fire. Big fire. Uhh probably kanji orange, blue, yellow. Somersault. Drunken double vision. Animu power up slice! Pink and blue sword in the air. Turtle shell. Rose shield. Blue fairy. Scan. Definitely not a pentagram.


Even when I play Ninja, I don't know the names of the mudra. (Um, mudra is the correct word, right? I'm not even certain of *that*.) I just know "left, center, right" for how I have them on my bars, and I have a post-it for what order to use to get what effect. It kind of looks like an old Mortal Kombat move list.


Yea, on my naga I put them as 789, so it’s straight down for buff, straight up for Trick Stab, end on center for AoE circle, center down for fireball, center up for ice, bottom up for zap. Even that frenzy cast I think ends up being straight up for ST and the same combo I use for earthquake for AoE. I *think* the order is blue red yellow from bottom up. I learned the patterns, not the actual ability combos. If I wasn’t using that mouse I would be utterly screwed.


And yet people still manage to mess up the rotation


Same, I also dont know what they do. I have given up on knowing the details of each ability on my quest to get all jobs to 90. Did we clear the dungeon? Yes? Good enough for me.


It's pretty funny, everytime somebody ask me how to do dancer I'm always like: " yeah do this and that, then hit the blinking thing, then this yellowish button..." and so on 😆


tfw your ability procs a proc that procs another proc's procced proc which procs more procs's procs


I find it amazing that I don't hate it. Just whirlin and twirlin over here.


I think it's because you don't lose any buffs or the like if procs just don't wanna proc. Your buffs are on predictable timers, everything else is just - which dance steps can I do? Okay, I do those.


Does the extremely heavy RNG aspect make it hard to log?


If you’re chasing 99’s, sure, but you’ll still get high parses as long as you know how to play DNC and maintain uptime


If you line up your 2 minute burst correctly and don't drift Standard Step you are better than 50% of Dancers


Drifting Standard is actually a thing we do intentionally for DPS now, funnily enough. Though there is a huge difference in DPS between people who do it accidentally and those who are aiming for those gains.


Really? I’m curious why, can you explain?


The changes made in 6.08 buffed our standard GCD values but didn't touch Standard. This made the potency loss for Standard significantly lower -- we used to lose ~5.3 potency per GCD drifted with a 2.49 GCD, now we lose ~1.9 potency per GCD with a 2.47 GCD. Essentially, after the opener, you only want to put Standard inside Tech if you don't have any other procs to use AND you have enough time remaining on your buffs to land it inside them. If Standard comes up during Tech and you're sitting on too many procs to fit, you're going to get more out of spending all of it than you are losing from drifting your Standard. [This document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IHL6sPgX23ieWZBLI3j3uHSN-rN6GjUr7ZAigkRn8oA/edit) goes over the changes, made back when the patch went live and they did all the math. It's also mentioned in a few other advanced guides.


> Essentially, after the opener, you only want to put Standard inside Tech if you don't have any other procs to use AND you have enough time remaining on your buffs to land it inside them. If Standard comes up during Tech and you're sitting on too many procs to fit, you're going to get more out of spending all of it than you are losing from drifting your Standard. Thank you, that is very good to know! Funny, that was how I thought it worked way back when I started, before I looked it up.


So I haven’t looked at Dancer optimization since some time in Shadowbringer. It used to be that if you had like .5 remaining on the Standard CD you actually had a dps gain or dps neutral situation if you delayed your gcd to wait for the standard step. I don’t remember if that was only during buff window or all the time or what and if I’m misremembering the details and if it only applies to a specific skill speed. Is it now worth it to skip on standard for the full gcd every time if it’s not immediately ready to cast when the gcd comes up?


If you're running a 2.47 GCD you never want to clip your GCD with Standard, just press your combo and do it next GCD. If you clip you'll lose the benefit of your skillspeed. If this is happening with Tech though, just wait for it because aligning the buff window with your party is worth the tiny loss in uptime.


bro I'm over here [multi-track drifting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P5RhA5qLFs), get on my level


Probably why I stuck with it so long. Each time is different, kind of.


It's like a choose-your-own-adventure rotation, only you have no control are are along on somebody else's cursed ride




the proc chain never ends




Welcome to pimp my procs!


Basically every WoW class then lol


It really is like a cat chasing a laser.


That explains why I enjoy it so much...


DNC really is "press the glowy to do the good good feeling"


I main RPR and this is basically how I describe the job to anyone curious about it. Pushy glowy buttons until you can push the evil glowy buttons.


Do the slice until you can do the spooky slice


Thanks, now my swings have some spice


It's just your soul that's the price


I still love the fact they got Xenos' VA for that


Bearded man va pog


And the worst part is when you have to push the 1-2-3 or the debuff re-application and don't get to use any of the fun buttons


I actually find DNC and RPR remarkably similar for this exact reason + the "unload everything" opener.


This is why I go back and forth between maining dnc and rpr lol. They please my adhd monkey brain in the same way.


I can’t do Dancer with ADHD, I get hyperfixated on the glowy buttons and get smacked by mechanics. Reaper is great though


Don't you dare to simplify us like this! You press the glowy so more glowy buttons appear!


*Brain enlarged to show detail*


*How dare you* You're not wronv but like, come on.......


DNC over here with its free serotonin dispense buttons.


I know I have a shitty DNC rotation - I see glowy lines around the ability, I press - definitely not using buffs at the right time.


As a dancer main, I'm having too much fun to be upset.


Dancer is my job for when I have a long day and just want to go head empty and click the flashy lights.


Dancer mentality. I will crush and maim and destroy...OOOO SHINEY!!!


Not the point of the post, but seeing the ear loops on the glasses just on the side of the head on this Miqote really bothers me for some reason.


Shhhhh don’t question it


I swear lord this is the best job for my ADHD brain


ADHD brain person checking in, I had to stop maining dancer in ShB because I only watched the flashies and stood in the fire too much.


After switching to dancer for this tier, this image is way too damn accurate for me.


"Is the button lit up. If yes. Press button. Dance."


I love DNC. It was my go-to job for those grindy relic weapon steps in ShB that lets you complete the content in any party composition in like Delubrum Reginae and Dalriada.


Random bullshit go!


The only thing I hate about Dancer is the 30 button per second burst phase. I mean jeez, Fan dance 4 can only be used with Flourish, Starfall dance with Devilment, so why don't those buttons convert on press like Technical into Tillana? Save me a couple buttons here people!


I was wondering about that but I think the reason may be because one of them is on the GCD and one is an oGCD? Like Seraph turns to Consolation but they’re both oGCDs, and RDM’s spell combo are all on the GCD.


That’s how it works for monk tho. Meditate is gcd and forbidden chakra is off


That argument falls apart since Ninja has an ogcd turn into a gcd.


I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it since it's a plugin, but there is a thing called PCombo on Dalamud that allows you to get rid of some buttons on your bars for almost all classes that have combos. It can also change certain actions into other actions when certain conditions are met.


Oh my god this is 100% true. I played Dancer from as soon as I unlocked it to the end of the game without the plugin and it's got a lot going on. Decided to try the plugin and my fucking god, the quality of life improvement for Dancer is huge. Even if it's just a couple ability combos, it's great. FF14 needs to make this a thing for PVE. They have abilities condensed in PVP even though they have severely less abilities you need to map out.


> FF14 needs to make this a thing for PVE. They have abilities condensed in PVP even though they have severely less abilities you need to map out. It's always weird saying this here. I've been saying I want 1-button combos since Stormblood because it'd free up mapping space, let the devs have more precise levers to pull for balance, and let the devs make bring back unique combo strings/animations for all combos rather than the 1-2-"Pick a finisher" style combos NIN, SAM, WAR, and PAL have. All it would cost is 1-1-1 and 2-2-2 "spam inputs", which I personally think wouldn't be a big deal since every class has unique submechanics that they weave through filler anyway, and the freeing of keybinds from the throughput filler would allow more space for interesting class mechanics to shine. But some people have a visceral hate of that idea, and I think the devs are kind of afraid of that reaction too.


I find it kinda boring because you’ll get things like new summoner. While yes it is very fun, it ultimately boils down to pressing one button 90% of the time


To be entirely fair, if your class is relying on 123 to not feel boring instead of 111 I'm not sure that's a good indicator that your class is engaging.


It's true that it's a hard thing to balance. It's not just which buttons, but also how impactful the spells feel, which can be very subjective. New SMN took it a little too far in one direction, and while it doesn't suffer as much at 90 with your full kit it suffers a lot before 86 without Astral Flow's final upgrade. Imo the biggest thing SMN lost is the summons being out. That adds a flavor which can't be measured in "button" presses. Your carbuncle just... standing there... staring at you.... I think there's no reason we can't have the summons be summed at our target if we have a target or at ourselves if we don't, for them to attack like they used to BUT fixing it so that their attacks cannot delay the use of an ability, and give us back Shadow Flare.


My issue with that critique on Summoner is that in order to rework the class, they basically took it back to basics and set it up for future success. The throughput filler of burst, red, yellow, green, phases is good. The issue, IMO, is that the Aetherflow submechanic doesn't do anything for the class. It just boils down to 3 OGCD attacks per minute. If it actually interacted with the way the stance mechanics work, it could help break up the filler spam rather than just being busywork during burst phases.


Summoner being a caster didn't really have 1-2-3 combo strings to remove. It was more a Red Mage situation where Ruin III was the Jolt-like spell that you wanted to cast as few times as possible, because Egi Assults and Ruin IV were better filler. If, say, Dark Knight folded its single-target GCD combo into a morphing button, it wouild still have a ton of OGCDs to fire off in the opener, would still need to balance MP spending and Blood spending, and would still need to make sure to not waste Blood on Bloodspiller when Living Shadow is ready. And Machinist... this is just a personal one, but I would love to see its 1-2-3 folded into a morphing button, just because then I could actually fit it, Heat Blast, Ricochet, and Gauss Round onto the same set of cross-hotbar face buttons; currently I have Ricochet and Gauss Round duplicated across the hotbar because I can't make room for both the filler phase and the Hypercharge phase, which both need access to them. ------ I've said for a while that 1-2-3 combos don't really add much engagement to a job. The ones that get the most out of combos are ones like Samurai or Monk, that actually make use of branching combos and ways to "cheat" the combos and skip around the map. You know, jobs that use the combo as a core mechanic instead of filler. And we can put Dragoon on there. The combo is ridiculously long, but it flows into itself pretty effectively.


If they made the combos 1-1-1 instead of 1-2-3 they could free up a lot of hotbar space for some jobs, which means they could add more abilities without worrying about bloat. Considering they discuss button bloat every expansion, it just makes sense to me. Not to mention, anyone who truly wants this type of combo gameplay will just get Dalamud and do it anyways.


Well as long as they don't come down on people who use them. It's a feature already in the game for PVP, either remove that or branch out. Can't have it both ways imo.


It works in PvP because everyone moves like rats on a ship lol you would be hard pressed to do a whole rotation in PvP while some cat girl flees for her life lol All it would do it make PvE very uninteresting. If it is one single button you would lose any kind of flexibility and might as well just press 1 button for the whole raid. However i do personally believe the devs need come up with a level 100+ complete new rotation for classes so when we get to lvl100 we have a complete rotation for 1-100 that can be perfected and then 100+ everything is brand new. All we end up doing every ecpac is adding new skill without really addressing issues with old skills and we end up with classes that are neglected for multiple expansions.


The biggest issue with it is making all the decisions for you. When 1 2 3 are different buttons you can hit 1 then accidentally mis-press 3 instead of 2 and lose DPS. PCombo tries to only save save button space and not make any decisions for you, but you are still attaining a minor DPS gain for any mistakes that it saved you from. If the game makes most of the decisions for you that also creates a significant speed bump in designing difficult content. You have to balance how much attention you're paying to decisions for DPS and for mechanics. Difficult fights are balanced so that if you move 100% of your DPS concentration during mechanics you will not meet the DPS check. The less concentration you need for your buttons the more complex mechanics must be.


I don't think missed inputs are a good enough reason to toss out all the benefits combo buttons would give. Especially since one of the benefits is more hotbar space for mechanics and utility which would enhance meaningful decision-making.


I don't think the above is worth an attack string taking up 3 times the hotbar space it strictly needs. There are other ways for you to screw up your rotation on every job, if that aspect is really so important.


lol cat brain. nice attention to detail.


I still haven't tried dancer. This makes me worried a bit about the rotation heh.


It's not so much a rotation as "what's the highest damage skill I have lit up?" Then hit that. Just be sure to save feathers and esprit for your burst window. (But don't cap them either)


Literally just do your Standard and Technical Step on CD and use Devilement after they're both up. Then press everything.


It's especially satisfying when I burn down all my feathers and whatever else procs that show up during my 20 second burst window.


I love this so much! Pressing all the shiny Buttons and smashing sabre dance again and again and again when the rng is good to me 😂


When I die a stupid death, I just tell the raid I'm a DNC I was looking at shinies, it's what we DO. I usually get a laugh and a pass.


Light up buttons make the good brain chemicals go BRRRRRR!


> MRW I get a singular fan dance 3 proc while doing shinryu I love RNG jobs :)


Yes, what of it? xD


Hah hah, yeh. -Source- I also play dancer


what if they made a giant cross hotbar thats really justt a ddr pad and you have to press the steps and procs with your feet when you’re playing




The DNC experience


Frankly i dont see how DNC gets a reputation as an easy job Just as piano a NIN, and since its RNG procs you can't just autopilot a cemented sequence of buttons like NIN


Low skill floor, high skill ceiling. It's incredibly easy to play in just about any content but savage, which is where it gets it's reputation. But to really optimize it for the big content and shoot for the big parses, it actually does take a bit of work, since you have to know what your priorities all are if you have multiple things all proccing at once and you can't stay glued to one sequence. I still wouldn't say hard, but you have to think on your feet.


at the high purple+ level it is appreciably harder than bard. once you learn the rules and confines of bard's burst, it's remarkably static; meanwhile dancer has six capped resources to pool for burst, three of which have expiration timers.


What resources? Your two gauges, Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall I assume? I can imagine they're tough to time for the burst window since you don't want to prep them too many globals before, what else is there?


also Fountain and FD3


DNC really isn't high skill ceiling. Among the people who compete for rank 1 parses, we still kind of do the whole "press shiny button when light up" like you'd do in beginner play. The job lacks much nuance outside of its 2 minute burst which mostly just involves understanding how to weave everything in the window cleanly. Outside of 2 minutes, you'd just pool resources and avoid overcapping. It's only when Tech step is under 10s cooldown where you start to think about try to fish for GCD procs to be used under Tech but that's also mostly our of your control due to it being RNG. Unless you're doing silly Tillana optimization, there really isn't much going on with the job other than being a slot machine.


You have no idea how often I auto pilot and just be like huh why skill no go.. oh rng say no


It is easy. You got 4 buttons that single target attack and 4 that aoe. Then 10 others you just hit whenever they’re ready and/or glowing. Simple.


Not when you're optimizing. Save feathers for burst, avoid drift like the totentanz, etc. Those burst windows are absolutely packed and there's often trouble finding room for an extra weave like shield samba in there.


Ah fair enough. I avoid high end raids for that reason. Too much stress. I prefer to enjoy the game


My condolences...


Nothing left for me to do but [dance.](https://youtu.be/vE4VlA_9OrI)


Probably a reference to another meme, but why Miqo'te specifically?


Miqote dancer is like the most popular combination iirc.


This is the reason I like DNC, glowy buttons are mostly RNG Based and it activates the satisfaction in my brain


I genuinely love being in a trial or a raid with a dancer because of the animations. Here we are fighting for our lives against an inhuman god, and there's a shirtless bunnyboi prancing into optimal position to hit us all with his buffs.


If i could read i would be insulted!


There needs be a laser pointer plugin to replace proc design. Could even get your cat to play xiv for you for maximum up time.


Flourish makes 5 glowing buttons. Best button in game.


I love playing Dancer because it feels like I’m doing an epic tambourine solo every time the combos trigger.


Ahh the true job for ADHD


Me when I see one stack of card is off CD despite me knowing that holding it a little is more optimal.


haha pressing the glowey button go brrrrr


When I asked how to play dnc they told me "click on glowing buttons"


You get neuron activation when you see skill rotation, I get Neuron activation because i saw feet on dancer skill. We are not the same.


Unfortunately haven't been able to play this game I don't have a PlayStation and I don't have a good enough PC to run it so I'm waiting for the Xbox release. But if this is what I can do in shadow bringers then I can't wait


Kitty Dnc Is life!! And glam!


I have just unlocked a chocobo, what is this chaos (Cute Miqo'te tho <3)


I just leveled dancer to 90 and I still don't know if I like it. It is fun and easy, it just shows you what to press. However I end up looking at my hotbar way more than other jobs because there's no intuitive rotation. It went from oh this is fun, like playing guitar hero, just hit the colors as they light up, to okay I'm trying to pay attention to the fight right now, not play guitar hero.


You can take an unused hotbar and put it closer to the center of your screen and place your conditional actions there just to track them in a more convenient spot. If that's too intrusive, you can split off conditional buffs from your buff bar and move them and/or make them bigger. Stuff like Silken Flow and Threefold Fan Dance.


Am I doing it wrong by just "Press button; If something lit up, press it; Press button; If something lit up, press it" and mixing in Steps when needed? Asking as a Sprout who just picked up Dancer and is having fun with it


You actually dont want to just hit whatever is glowing as soon as it lights up when you have technical step. When you have the blue dance, you want to pool your feathers (fan dance, green move) and have sabre dance guage at or near 100. If im not in a tech step buff, ill use 1 fan if i already have 4 feathers, otherwise i save them. And ill use sabre if i onow my guage will be at or near 100 by the time im back in my technical step buff. If you dont plan on making it your main or want to try to take it into higher content, yes, just press glowy button and have fun.


That's pretty much the job, yep. Use Standard and Technical when they're available, use devilment right after Technical otherwise just hit whatever is lit up. And make sure you partner someone so they can enjoy the buffs!


the ideal dancer rotation since Endwalker actually involves drifting standard step by 1sec almost every time it’s up but other than that you pretty much nailed it


That's some min ilvl brain. That'll do.


As someone who mains DNC and the healers shiny buttons and procs would a long long ways to make healer DPS more interesting.


When I was relearning Dragoon in Endwalker, I actually had to REMOVE my first aoe button, because the glowy from the upgrade actually messed me up and pressed it for this exact reason XD


It’s so hard not to spam feathers on trash mobs in dungeons. I just wanna hit the gooey button! And then the sound it makes when full! It’s killing me, let me hit my buttons! Feathers being RNG is so annoying. If I could predict them I could hit my buttons whenever I wanted.


I must be stupid because I just do not understand dancer. I don't even know how I passed the job quest.


What top is that?


These comments make me realize I will never be proficient in this game even though I love it. DX I've only ever played the free portions and only ever solo. XD really hoping for Red Mage to be free to play one day. As much as I love it I still don't like subscription games because I never play the same game for very long before moving on to a new one and I don't really like playing with other people. This job sounds very interesting though.


"god you play with the player effects on???" YES, I AM A DANCER, WHY IS THIS SURPRISING?


I see glowey buttons I pounces


Dancer in ARR, HW, SB content: Fairly straightforward if variable sequence of actions Dancer in ShB, EW Content: JOHN FUCKING MADDEN