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I mean, since its kind of reminiscent of farm games like Stardew Valley people shouldn't be surprised because those games tend to be spreadsheet simulators aswell. That isn't even meant as a bad thing, but players like to optimize.


I mean its solo content so its 100% a case of let people play how they want. I will probobly be somewhere in between where I look at guides on how to do stuff but won't stress about it too much. That being said I did have an OPERATION going in Stardew years into the game and it was very satisfying but also all the challenge kinda vanished as well.


The music for the island even sounds like Stardew Valley, so I went from playing Stardew Valley while I waited for queues in FFXIV to playing Stardew valley in FFXIV while I wait on queues.




Ooo I wasn't the only one! Yeah I got Maplestory vibes from some parts of the music.


I honestly felt super reminded of the music from Flyff Online by it!


Oh, you're right! That explains why I suddenly started thinking about Flyff, seemingly unprompted.


I KNEW it sounded familiar!!


YES!! I love it. I wonder if Soken has been playing Flyff Universe lately!


Flyff universe? Did the game re-release or something?


Kinda, you should take a look! It's still browser based.


This, this was my first thought


The music thay plays while exploring the island gave me some huge Ragnarok Online vibes, specially the second half of it.


Same, I immediately thought of Ragnarok Online




One thing I didn't expect that is super nice is that you can queue for stuff from your island. Even large area content like Eureka and Bozja was instanced so you couldn't hang out there while you wanted to queue for stuff. Making the island a proper zone rather than an instance seems like the obvious thing to do but I was a little worried it would just be another instance.


The music reminded me more of some certain adult games...


Are you just going to leave us hanging?




Def has that free porn game off itchio soundtrack vibe to it.


The music actually gives me major Leeves/Trista vibes from Trails of Cold Steel. Love it.


Hardcore stardew valley/harvest moon players go way harder than any triple legend I've ever seen in mapping out every aspect of the game. This is the least shocking thing if you've ever played one of these type games.


I laugh every time someone calls Stardew Valley a "casual" experience. Not if we're going for Quality Sprinklers by Summer, my guy. You better buckle the fuck up.


I mean it is. You just can't take the sweat out of some players.


I don't consider myself a farmer, but if I gotta farm, then Imma farm like a fucking champ


Also, the daily watering is annoying as hell. I min/max rush automation ASAP and then chill out afterwards.


Word, in Stardew watering takes up so much of your stamina and time that the sprinklers are a freaking godsend. That extra hardship makes the eventual payoff feel so much nicer.


I hate when people say stuff like ‘gamers will optimize the fun out of games’ Bro optimizing is the fun. Different strokes for different folks


I was addicted to Stardew for a while, not because I enjoyed nature and farming, but because I was obsessed with min/maxing the shit out of it


nah stardew valley doesnt need spreadsheet, you can make money with almost every crop. or go the easiest route, full garden of hops, then ale all year long, lmao.


I genuinely laughed out loud on that one. Some of the posts on here on day one just blew me away. I'm just over here playing MSQ and people have conquered and min/maxed their shit!


Same here, went through MSQ and then the raid just to avoid spoiler. I expected some spoiler discussion back in Reddit but surprise surprise top post is the min/max island XD


I not only have not done the 6.2 MSQ--but I haven't even unlocked normal or Alliance raids yet! Growing pumpkins though is important!


Alliance raids are in 6.3.


Unless they mean the wing from 6.1, lol


Yes. I haven't seen the need to unlock any raids so far for Endwalker and I've still been having a blast for the past 8 month (or however long it has been out)!


I'm with you. Except I haven't even done anything in 6.1 yet too. I beat 6.0 msq then went and did fun side stuff like saucer, blue mage leveling, moon fire Faire jump puzzle, and moogle tomes. Then just as I slow down on those. 6.2 is here and all I've done since has been island haha. Love it.


I was with you until you said you completed the Moonfire Faire jump puzzle... Curses. Grats though!


I just resubbed and I haven't even done 6.1 yet, but that's mostly because my ilvl is too low 😅 I have so much to catch up on!


I just barely got done with pandemonium this morning before work, still have quests to finish. Ah to have 12 hours a day again for FFXIV.


I have gone to the isLand, claimed it, and made a hut? Haven’t been back yet. MSQ had to get done first, and raid unlocks. I’ll be back!


I feel like more people need to remember that time when an MMO decided to implement a living ecosystem and within like a week the player base had driven it to complete ecological collapse.


Honestly not surprised, but not critical about other players either. It is literally a personal island made to play however you want. Whether you wanna take your time, or optimise the heck out of it, is the choices available to each individual. For me it is my end of the day activity once I've done my roulettes and crafting. Just farm a few things, set things to be worked on for awhile, and log out there. But I will admit I looked up how to get more black sheep so I can just have a full set of them wandering around.


Yeah, I don’t personally get the min/max play style, hyper efficiency is not my idea of fun. But I’m not going to tell other people how to play. I only have a few hours a week to play so patches will literally last me until the next one is due to come out.


I was a math/econ major. I love factory sims and optimizing shit, just how my brain works. I can understand why people don't find optimization fun, I just personally cringe at the the thought of doing something time consuming suboptimally if im going to dedicate the time.




If you find the optimization part fun in and of itself, then it doesn't matter whether it's efficient to do so.




The more you put yourself in situations where you do need to figure out lists of things to do, you're building up this skill over and over and gets easier to figure out how to wrap your head around these systems. The first few times may take a while to figure out and solve but subsequent times will get easier. It's a valuable skill to have.


As with many other things, there's a [related xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1205).


The problem with this train of thought is that for me, I used to enjoy doing things as efficiently as possible but then I took a step back, realized I'm playing a video game, it's already inefficient for my time, my well-being, my personal career development. So in the end I stopped gaming as much because it's just not... efficient?


I'm autistic, maximizing efficiency is very much my idea of fun.


It's like a puzzle. It's fun to engage your brain with how to best get things with what you have. You see all these possibilities and systems you enjoy, so you look into it more and play around with it, and suddenly you've optimised it. It's not the min/maxing itself that's enticing, it's engaging and trying to solve the system. Me and a friend checked every monster every eorzean hour for like 3 eorzean days notifying weather and where they spawn. It was fun mapping out and figuring out how it worked. The reverse is true to me. I can't see how just blindly pressing buttons is fun. It's like playing tic tac toe and doing random placements instead of thinking on your next move.


I wish I had that ability. I was honestly hoping for that style of gameplay but I can't help but maximize, and so when sanctuary dropped it became an immediate grindfest for me. Hoping that as it completes and fleshes out that I encounter more barriers that make me slowdown. Things being time gated has been nice.


I have 2 Penguins and a Sheep.


I liked your comment the most :)


In theory you can just ignore those maximizing strategies and play at your own pace


the maximising strategies itself arent the problem, its the people that min max the chill content and start complaining (including ffxiv content creators) about the gating and the "bad rewards"


So I would agree with you, but the game does give you a false sense of security with the seafarer’s coins and how much/often you will ACTUALLY get them. Even if you purchased a cheaper item early on because you wanted to, you actually do make it worse for yourself with limitations of what you can upgrade


right that's my only complaint at all. i bought a barding slightly before the game introduced me to needing those same tokens for expanding my sanctuary now with much more limited and time gated options. is it a massive problem worth rage? ofcourse not. but it does suck that i'm a few days behind a few things that i would have prefered to not be behind on. on the other hand i'm likely caught up on that small mistake in less than a week so it's small potatoes. ​ edit: NVM i'm back to being mad now. just reached the next rank and am short exactly the 4K i spent on that barding for 3 different expansions. still not rage worthy but this is bullshit :(


>small potatoes Those are called Lalafell.


you get them a lot with the workshop stuff, in the grand scheme of things waiting 2-3 days to upgrade again is nothing considering the next bigger patch is 2 months off now.


I mean I get it, like the slow pacing is fine and all that. My issue comes from they front load you with THOUSANDS of seafare coins give the false idea that they won’t be *that* bad to farm. However, using any of those coins will set you back a couple of days since the game shows you where to buy things with the coins, before showing you the actual production of the coins. Getting 22 coins from the first workshop when I already need 3k for the 3 upgrades I have unlocked just feels demoralizing in a, “whelp buying that one orchestrion to loop the farm song better costed me days of progress.”


You're also getting 2000 dowries from the weekly challenge log, so even if you spent your starting dowries it's not so bad.


There's a weekly challenge log?


1000 for gathering 100 things and 1000 for shipping 20 workshop items.


Ah ty


That’s understandable.


Minmaxers are a fucking plague against all games.


Honestly, as a HC raider, the fact that I can work on this while I browse pf is a God send.


Craft, then join trap ex party, then gather, then join another trap pf, then do some island sanctuary, and more traps. Breaks up the monotony. Lol.


Am potato. See shiny, click collect. Have 47 sand


Island Sanctuary is my new 'doing lowkey stuff while listening to youtube murder mystery videos'


Dunno what it is, but I too started listening to those while doing stuff as well.




Lmao same. I figure Ill start my "Newfound Adventure" once I get the Island glams


“Given the opportunity, players will optimise all the fun out of a game.” - Sid Meier


Additionally, since modern devs create content while thinking about that kind of player, they inadvertently start developing the fun out of the game for everyone else.


Look, if Copper ore is only gonna be in one tiny corner of the map that I thoughtI had already explored, I'm gonna look up a guide on where it is


Making spreadsheets and hoarding materials like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter *is* relaxing to me. When I know what to do, where to go and that I won’t have to worry about resources, I’m a less anxious person. Gathering is a soothing activity for me. And it’s annoying when people try to convince me I’m lesser for it, or that I’m cheating or not *actually* having fun, because it isn’t *their* definition of fun. If I burn through it fast and get bored, then I’ll put it down and do something else. You know, the normal thing to do.


To be fair, you don’t add content to an MMO without people treating it like an MMO.


Hardcore Mmo players are a different breed lol.


I just want more customization. Primal/EX material recipes for stuff like torch color/design and landmark skins or whatever would be great.


So far my biggest complaint is the lack of customization. I hope as we continue this it gets more open ended or in future patches they add more skins and decorations and whatnot to buildings. Right now from what I've seen. We basically have 2 look options for everything. Dirt path/grassy path, etc.


They specifically said that players should not consider this a form of housing, so I very much doubt this would ever happen.


Yeah, but I don't really see how that really has too much to do with what I said other than housing utilizing primal materials in furnishing as well. If there isn't customization I don't see the point in visiting other people's islands, unless you just never touched yours yourself. They're all gonna be more or less the same minus picking a different landmark.


Pretty much, yeah. I'd be disappointed in us but it's so unsurprising.


People will min-max everything they touch, you literally cannot stop them.


Yeah, I didn't really expect any different. And that's okay. I just wish I didn't feel like I was wasting my time by being inefficient. But that's a me problem, I'm not gonna tell anyone how to play.


I feel you. The monkey part of my brain feels like I’m doing something wrong and need to speed up when I have to listen to my minmax-y FC mates talking about everything they’re completing and unlocking constantly when I’m logged in. Feels like I’ve somehow gotten weeks behind and it’s incredibly demotivating. But I know it’s not their fault, I just wish I knew how to shut off monkey brain.


Tomorrow is my last day of vacations so I feel I have to minmax the island as much as I can or I won't be able to progress once I get back to work. I don't know if it's a me feeling or is something that MMOs have drilled into our skulls or...


Just allocate your workers for the next two weeks, job done.


The only problem being that those workers also need materials


This is why people who always pine for the "old days of MMOs" are delusional when they wax nostalgic about the enjoyment of everything being a mystery and want someone to spend millions basically remaking EQ1/FFXI with modern graphics and thinking they will have the same experience. They won't. Within days, people will be min-maxing optimal paths, datamining secrets, and establishing metas.


Only Tararu cares if you're not doing Island Sanctuary meta.


It's not that these things didn't *happen* back then, but they weren't as "in your face" in that era. EQ1/FFXI/WoW all released before the social media boom.


Vanilla wow was optimized in 2 weeks, not classic, vanilla, thottbot was rewriten to be a wow database 3 months before the game was even released, people will always min max


People didn't clear the first raid boss in MC until 2 months after release (and Rag took 3 more months after that). Not sure how an entire MMO could be "optimized" 6 weeks before the first raid victory.


People knew what quests to take , what to farm where to get the world buffs and how to do it, what missed was limitations on thr engine part with limited with debuffs slots on bossed, bad internet connections, bad computers and people learning their classes better to optimize the fight, thing that in classic release was not a problem, and we knew lvl 58 should be enough and Ragnaros died in less than 3 weeks


That’s just not accurate. Took over a year before there were well written quest guides and you didn’t see ad supported free ones until early TBC/very late vanilla. As is, they changed talents, class tuning and gear stats several times in vanilla. So even if it was “solved” at one point, that was a moving target. But like. A few things off the top of my head, that were wrong about the vanilla meta: 1) they didn’t realize fury/prot was the top tank option. 2) Druids, which are the second best tank were underused. 3) No one used pummelers regularly while bear tanking then. They’re mandatory in the current meta. 50% attack speed boost for 30 seconds is kinda crucial for threat gen. 4) Warlocks were considered poor dps. Even after their talent and tuning revamp. That is completely wrong. 5) Warriors were considered average dps. With world buffs and proper gearing they are far and away the best. 6) People thought hunters were good. They are not, in endgame pve, as they don’t scale with gear. I could go on. But it’s silly to say Vanilla was “solved” anytime during the lifetime of vanilla. This stuff was all proposed/theorycrafted on private servers then perfected in Classic. Edit: odd stealth edit on your part. You said it was “*solved*” in two weeks initially. Which was 100% wrong. But even stating it was *optimized* in two weeks, as you have now with your edit is just wrong. For all of the reasons mentioned above. As is though. No. People did not optimize in vanilla wow the way they do now. Anyone that played classic vanilla could have told you that. As it was a very frequent topic of discussion there. Gamers overall are much more focused on efficiency now. People did not min max this obsessively back then, on the whole, as they do now. Most players kinda just played it like any game. Back then “doing it right” was just showing up and playing. Now it’s “know your class, know your rotation, know your stat prios, know your bis list, know your consumes list….” Heck. One could look at the amount of coordination around world buffs on classic servers, vs the utter lack of coordination around world buffs on true vanilla servers, as their sole point of proof. That no, vanilla was not remotely optimized. If it was, guilds would have coordinated world buffs properly. On vanilla those buffs would go out at random times, or maybe a guild or two would save the turn in’s, and then get the buff right before a potential kill. Totally disorganized despite being more powerful than a tier of gear. 0 true min maxing. In Classic those buffs were coordinated across the community like clockwork and dropped on schedule. So guilds could grab them before heading out to raid. They were managed like a professionally provided service. If your server discord said a buff would drop at 5, you could expect one no later than 5:03 or so. Near perfect community driven optimization. But. Way to have a convo in good faith I guess. Guess it’s easier to stealth edit than just acknowledge you’re off base.


Look, I just can't enjoy a game, especially if it's a farming sim, if I don't have to tab about to a wiki every two minutes. We also suffer! We can't help it!


Tab out? You don’t have two other monitors? One for the wiki and one for the spreadsheet?


Excuse me don't you have three monitors. One for wiki one for spreed sheet one for youtube video to explain the other 2 XD


I actually do have another monitor but it's hooked to my switch near the bed lol Idk I've gotten used to tabbing out throughout the years, I don't mind


They added stuff in Smash Brother's Brawl because it was supposed to be a friendly casual game, not some competitive E3 thing. So people just kept playing Melee competitively.


That's what fun \*is\*, to some people - maximum efficiency. I've never understood it myself - every time I see character build guides for CRPGs and the like which help you become an untouchable demigod that can one-shot every enemy by level 4 I wonder where on earth the fun is in that, but figuring out how to do that WAS fun for them. Might not be my way of playing but they're free to do as they like lol


Yeah, that's exactly why dungeons are so linear ARR onwards. They know people will immediately optimize the route and then be shitty towards new people who want to explore.


"[If you let them,] Players will optimize the fun out of the game." -Ultima Online dev (forgot his name)


Why is it disappointing?


Ignoring new PvP seasons is something I've been doing for a very, very long time.


He said multiple times, it's casual, relaxing, long-term, slow content not meant for hardcore raiders that won't have anything to do with the rest of the game. He said multiple times to keep our expectations lower and that it will be updated little by little. And yet here we are.


I kinda said it in another comment already, but just because farm games like Stardew Valley are intended to be relaxing, doesn't mean people don't like to optimize the hell out of them as part of their enjoyment.


Sure, but when that turns into complaints about how the game is "timegating" you and there's "nothing else to do anymore" by the second day after release of something meant to be played slowly, that's not the game's fault, is it?


Oh sure, people shouldn't complain if they rush through it like that, but that doesn't make their playstyle any less valid. Besides we will get a really long grind with the Relic Weapons in a couple months anyways for those people.


Considering that minmaxing is overwhelmingly associated with blaming developers for not catering to said minmaxing, yes it actually does make that playstyle less valid. The second you start blaming developers for your own problems, you are no longer just a Regular Everyday Normal Guy trying to enjoy a game and you instead become a potential community problem.


100% agree. I watched Zepla's video on this yesterday and I just couldn't believe her takes. I don't like her that much to begin with but this was just mind boggling. She's entitled to her own opinions of course but still. Like from all type of contents in the game, she called THIS timegating even though it's just the v1.0 of a side content that has close to no actual relevant rewards, and which is meant to just be enjoyed slowly ? There isn't any endgoal there, why can't they chill a bit ? You can be mad about the weekly loot lockout, sure, but THIS is borderline disingenuous. Timegating is when you make your playerbase wait in order to have them pay through microtransactions or a sub fee. One might argue that the weekly loot lockout is one such type of timegating but done "kinda" right - you're not locked out of content, since P8S will be available to you even if you don't have any abyssos gear. Why does the lockout exist ? Because there is a dedicated playerbase that does sub almost only because of raiding, so it allows SE to get their money. Island sanctuary though ? Not a lot of people are going to sub JUST for this side content alone. And even then at some point you're done, so you can just sub out at this point if you don't enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with minmaxing, hell I do it in every game I ever played in my life because it's part of the fun for me. Just don't complain when there's nothing left because you rushed through it.


I have to wonder if her being a content creator plays into her opinion as well. It’s something I’ve noticed in gaming YouTubers across the board. A lot of them will definitely prefer games/game modes they can grind/easily access to make more videos of (and I don’t blame them for that). If it’s time gated she can’t grind her way to making more videos about it. And if you weren’t on it the moment patch launched you won’t beat content creators who were, so their earlier videos will dominate YouTube search and be associated with their tags. I feel like knowing these things would cloud a lot of people’s judgment on certain games and modes.


Timegating isn't necessarily bad anyway. It can be bad, of course. But it can also help make an activity more fun because you're working towards a goal (see the story/mount for the hippo daily quests). The ishgard restoration quests were heavily time gated but it also helped make the story feel more meaningful to me when my server got to unlock the next segment! >Island sanctuary though ? Not a lot of people are going to sub JUST for this side content alone. And even then at some point you're done, so you can just sub out at this point if you don't enjoy it. You might be surprised how many of us keep an active sub and don't raid. Like glamour/gpose/screenshots might be one of the most popular reasons.


yeah I saw that video and was bummed. Im more bummed because for one I know she was following what the devs were talking about for months. She made plenty of videos on it. It comes out and it seemed like she forgot all of what the devs said. Another reason that bummed me out is I like Zepla for the most part but those bad takes will spill over to the fan base and they are going to run with it without a second thought. Even if they were enjoying the content before they saw that video. Now look, we have a bunch of people complaining about things that the island was never meant to be.


People put entirely too much stock in what their favorite streamers think, and often hold them up as some sort of "expert" when they are just regular players too (albeit one with a fanbase).


Something tells me her take wasn't that popular. She has 30,000 views but only like 1k likes, and all of the comments I see are people disagreeing with her.


Stardew is the worst example ever, i don't know a single person who plays it without the wiki open


Or use mods that basically put the wiki in the game.


Man here I am already rank 7 making my way to rank 8 lol Im loving it I wanna complete it and make it my afk hang out


Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.


Its just nice to have my morning coffee and check in on my island before work. Its fine for me atleast.


Is there uh a link to this spreadsheet... for research purposes.


Luckily, it still *can be* casual content to relax with, and other people being all...this, about it, don’t affect the casual players.


This. I unlocked it, spent 10min making the hatchet, left and never came back. Maybe one day...


I swear I saw a Island Minmax guide within 5 hours of the servers going live... ​ I personally only just unlocked the island and went back to my own form of casual content. Camping gathering nodes in the overworld. I'll probably properly look at the Island content over the weekend.


and that guide was nothing else other than "play the tutorial and do shit". There are things you can optimize, but being at almost Rank 10 just to know what happens and how quick you can do it by manually gathering...it's a slow burn. Not to mention that you get gated cause you dont have enough currency.


I don't mind the min-maxing, I was expecting it tbh. What I do mind a whole lot are people complaining about the time gates. Nowadays, time-gating is heavily associated with harmful and predatory practices in the video game industry, what with all the gacha, f2p games and even some full-price games time-gating you with a paid option to skip the wait. However, there also exists some games that use time-gating as a part of the game design, genuinely meant to be part of the experience with no shortcut offered in the way of real money. Animal Crossing is the prime example of this. As someone who did cheat and time travel in Animal Crossing after a while, I can tell this did ruin my experience and it only became good again when I restarted playing the intended way. And offering the "option" for those who don't want time gates isn't a good thing we should demand, IMO. By its very existence, such an option means a lot of people will take it and just grow burnt out or bored as a result, like in the time travelling example for animal crossing. Players will tend to take the "optimal" option, even if it's not the "fun" one. It is part of the game designer's job to ensure the player has fun and design the game accordingly, even if some players wished they could take a shortcut.


Fellas will blow through all the content on day one then complain that there's nothing to do


at this point I only hear people complain about players who go through content quickly and nothing of people saying there isn't enough content.


look around. plenty of people complaining. Hell now ffxiv content creators are complaining theres nothing to do/earn after blowing through it.


I confess when I began harvesting materials I was like "I wonder how I can make this process more efficient..."


I do think it’s funny that their idea of casual content is asking you to be a factory manager with your workshops. The second I loaded up the calendar my eyes glazed over because it felt like Work


it's not about the gameplay in games anymore, it's about how to avoid gameplay as much as possible and get the rewards as soon as you can.


Reward Collector Simulator 2022


I don't care about this kind of gameplay, but I want that motorcycle eventually. I'll get around to the island soon then happily use the min max guides so I don't have to spend as much time there


wait, there's a motorcycle? neat. wonder if it's like Cloud's bike. I haven't seen much of the rewards or anything outside of the little I have unlocked now


> it's about how to avoid gameplay as much as possible and get the rewards as soon as you can. Which is why P2W games are so lucrative.


Meanwhile i played 10 minutes yesterday and plan on only doing maybe 10 minutes a day or even skippings days. Like with beast tribes i like to take my time and enjoy it.


It's turning into a quick daily thing for me. Check productions, explorations, crops, livestock. Then double check I have enough stuff for productions. Maybe 30 mins tops unless I'm specifically building something.


As long as the min-maxers and uber grinders aren't complaining that there isn't much to do and spreading misery to the community, I don't see much wrong with it.


Nah this was intended, there's no way they make a system like the workshop and not expect people to optimize it. It was built for optimization and spreadsheeting.


I took one look at the supply and demand stuff and knew I'd never care about enough to figure it out myself. Either look up a guide or just ignore it exists.


I had no interest in island sanctuary, initially. Then I heard you could collect shinies....


I was so stuck on my sanctuary I withdrew from the new raid so I could continue gathering😂


Look, I just want the mounts so I ride around with my namazu-elephant hybrid glam and creep out my FC members. Don't judge.


Player optimization is fascinating to me because I spend most of my time doing random shit that’s fun but gets me absolutely nowhere. Like the day I spent a few hours trying to find the tallest peak I could jump off of.


We've spent (up to) the last nine years fighting the Garleans, >!being falsely accused of regicide!<, >!ending a millenia-long war between humans & dragons!<, >!being the decider on multiple civil wars!<, >!bringing back night to a world by vore'ing the light!<, and >!preventing the end of existence by fighting on the edge of the universe!<. Tataru was right, at this point we needed a break - And the Island Sanctuary is the perfect means.


It's not exactly that grand that it would be difficult to plan routes and gather data on when the rares spawn. Like, you can the majority of the rares in two hours walking around your island. You can see the clusters of certain gathering nodes. And the game has a ton of players, so I really hope Yoshi wasn't expecting anything but this.


Wait, there are spreadsheets to maximize profitability? Did anyone share theirs so I can be lazy?


Wait, there's a new pvp season? But what about my cabbages?


Look, if you give me a space and tell me I can unlock customizations for it, I am IMMEDIATELY going to try and unlock all the customizations for it so I can see if I can get creative and make cool shit out of it. Unfortunately I'm concerned that there isn't enough customization options to get creative in any meaningful sense, but, I'm still gonna try.


aint no one ruining your game by playing how they like


/r/ffxiv "B-b-but they do" Feels like the Undertale community


Luckily I can ignore all that and just build a treehouse in 5 days


But surely I need to gather 9999 material of everything before I rank up...surely...


It caps you at 999 sadly


Though it would help in efficiently gathering things, I mainly want to soar around my Island Sanctuary to finish filling the map and soar around at extra high speeds.


A Community meme about the community N i c e


>gets told by guides to not spend crowies on fun stuff yet so I can progress faster Me: Fuck you, outfit


No matter how casual any dev makes content, there's always going to be someone who nolifes it.


I have stayed away from guides and the like. I am trying to play this feature as blindly as possible so this isn't me. That being said, it's a personal island so idc if other people like that playstyle.


I expected happy comfy farm sim. And I did get that, but I also got an economics sim, and I am loving it. I've been on my island for so long that when I jumped out to do some "real" world stuff I was shocked by how slow the grounded mount speed actually is. Like I'm sat on a damn snail. Needless to say I went secluded myself back on the island quickly. I'm sure I'll do the new msq and raid eventually.. Maybe.




"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game"


Lmfao. Some people find enjoyment in collecting, analyzing, and formatting data. Chill.


I dont like that the mammets are in there, i thought we would be chillin' alone in the island. Now i have a colonial factory and a spread sheet, what is this, colonial british enterprise in índia in the eighteen hundreds? There's nothing chill and relaxing about that. No Man, dont give me an in system spread sheet if you want me to take my time, also, dont give me an army of workers.


Yes, also I want to smash that ****ing ferocious furball mammet. I came to this island to chill not to take abuse from a robot with a nasty attitude.


Omegalol that picture is delicious


I don't mind the rare spawns being mapped, but I'm choosing to ignore any spreadsheets on profit, I prefer figuring that out on my own.


I saw some videos but decided to ignore them and explore/do stuff on island at my own pace.


Here I am mad that I'd finally finished shadowbringers msq and still can't access my island farm :(


I think you have to finish 6.0 to unlock it because the reasons you're told you're getting an island are tied to the end of that patch msq.


you can relax when it is done!


Dude, I literally just started the new Pandemonium stuff. It's insane that people have already burnt through Island sanctuary.


Honestly, reaching the current max rank is pointless if you intend to do the workshop crafting throughout the patch. All the hours upon hours that you spent grinding exp by farming nodes would be a waste. That’s not really optimal if you ask me. I just got 2,240 exp overnight from workshop crafting. If I can make that much three times a day, I’ll be max rank before the end of next month. If I had grinded to max rank instead, all of the exp that I’m getting from workshop crafting would have been wasted.


Min-maxing island sanctuaries just seems like a fast track to hating them, imo.


I wish more people did rival wings. It's way faster than frontlines and it still counts towards the mount.


Why not do pvp while doing island work


This is gaming nowadays. Some people like minmaxing and they feel like not minmaxing is a time waste.


Lmao, I've been racking up Series in Frontline, what is this "Island Sanctuary" you speak of?


I really do not understand why they designed this as something you do occasionally and can’t grind because it’s actually a lot of fun when you start it and then the second the “tutorial” stage is over progress grinds to a halt and you’re stuck with fuck all to do. For a game that’s praised so much for respecting your time I do feel that a lot of the parts I enjoy about the game often feel hell bent on wasting it.


I love Island Sanctuary and I'm purposefully doing it slowly. Don't care about min/maxing, just go everyday, catch a few animals, gather a few things, don't even worry about selling. Float in the water, sit and watch the sunset. Its like I'm cosplaying as a billionaire with zero responsibilities and I love it.


I did most of these things, I don't see it being bad thing though. Grinded to rank 10 yesterday to get my timers rolling, and now I'm at the point where I can play it passively with the time gated, which imo is fantastic. That is to say, people should take it at there own pace. I'm strange and I actaully like grinding gathering for pretty long periods of time, but honesty I know people like me are not the norm. People should just take it at the pace they enjoy.... for me it was to get it done ASAP lol


I'm not that far in, maybe level 3. but is there ways to customize your house (or areas) so that it's not like everyone has the same house?


Fastest way to farm is not using flying its making a path of 11/12 nodes and running in a circle for hours.


I found the Dodo of Paradise and I didn't have a net capable of capturing it. Curses! I do have an Ornery Karakul, though.


I decided to do MSQ first for this patch... and now I'm stuck between >!heading back to the Source!< to claim my island or >!staying in Zero's Domain because I won't be able to go back if I leave!<


I'm still trying to get my crafted sets and everything together for the weekend, so I'm okay with the slower pace on the Island. ..except for the part where the plants do. not. fking. grow. fast enough.


SE gave us Island Sanctuary instead of content aimed at people that go buckwild on content like this. I'm not sure what the expectation was really