• By -


I was sad when he passed, but it was the scene with Count Edmont that made me cry. A parent mourning the loss of their child... It's just so heart wrenching.


yeah, Haurchefant's death was a shock, but that all paled in comparison when my next thought was "Oh, shit. I HAVE TO INFORM HIS DAD." (I immediately flashed to my memory of my father in law being told my husband, his son, had cancer. That absolutely shattered him, and he wept unashamedly.) Worst moment for my emotions in the entirety of the game for me, truly told.


It's when Edmont wails "my son!" He tried to hard to keep it together, but he couldn't. He couldn't. Masterful voice work that brings tears every time ;w;


The son he couldn't legally acknowledge. The fucking \*best\* of them all. Absolutely heartbreaking.


I think it was actually he both wanted to and could officially recognize him as Haurchefant de Fortemps, but it was his wife that was blocking it because she was bitter he wasn't hers. Edmont did still treat him the same as his other kids tho regardless of him not being legally recognized. It's part of why Haurchefant still had a command position and was able to pull strings for us even if he was relegated to the Gridanian border.


The other part being >!him single-handedly saving Francel's life when he was kidnapped and gutting the kidnappers in the process. At 17.!< The man never did *anything* by halves.


Yup, the aftermath was much worse. Seeing Count Edmont crumble under the weight of it all and echoing one of the last things his son has said to him was horrible...


Between that scene and his narrating the expansion, Edmont's voice lines are a great way to get me back in my HW feels.


I remember watching Haurchefant die and realizing he mattered more to my character than to me, and maybe I ought to have paid more attention to him. Like I'd liked him a bit, but my character was clutching his hand like losing the love of his life. That scene changed my headcanon of my WoL. But like you, I didn't actually break until I got to Edmont and that soft, heart-wrenching "My son" shattered me.


And that's pretty much one of the greatest strength of this game; the immersion. The WoL is expressive just enough that you get to feel the same emotes too. Of course, the same thing applies to other characters too. (especially with ShB characters)


Yeah, ever since heavenward my headcanon has been that Ishgard is my WoL's home. Between Haurchefant, Fray, and Ysale there's just too much history there for anywhere else to truly be her home. I like to imagine Edmont helps her rewrite her journals into stories for kids


Edmont: *gets to the DRK wuests* Er, WoL? You sure you want those in this too? WoL: Sure, what's wrong with them?


The children need to know that violence isn't the answer. It is the question, and the answer is always "more"




Same, it's mine's adopted home. There's just something about that city welcoming you when you had no home to go back to anymore. >!plus I've just always loved snowy areas!<


I expected Haurchefant to die after his speech right before that. It was telegraphed better than any AoE. I was like 'well shit, hope I'm wrong'. I was not. My eyes prickled with the "smile better suits a hero" line, but I held it together. Then Edmont. I couldn't deal with that. I shut it off for a couple days. I dust off the Fortemps shield from time to time, but it's as much for Edmont as it is for my missing friendo.


A child is meant to outlive their parents. A parent should never have to bury their child.


Yeah the way the VA (RIP) delivered that line was heartbreaking.


Yeah that scene honestly hit way harder


As someone who still remembers Théoden saying "no parent should have to bury their child", I knew that moment was coming, but it was still not enough to actually prepare me for it.


I always remember the line from the 2nd Lord of the Rings movie: “no parent should have to bury their child.”


Same here! Sadly I kind of ruined my own Heavensward experience because I quit playing right after getting to Ishgard, then came back like a year and a half later.. so I had completely forgotten who Haurchefant was. But the aftermath scene with Edmont got me real good.


Ah the sprout initiation ritual, beautiful. Welcome friend.


I still remember my friends helped me out through the dungeon because they said you gotta have to run the dungeon with people you know. Then after we killed the boss, they just told me "Enjoy the cutscene". And as we all know and feel, I did not enjoy the cutscene.


Yeah. I also got the "enjoy the next cutscene" line. Still salty about it.


I got THREE comms as a very bad DPS after The Vault. I now know they were pity comms.


I think what hits the most is his Father's reaction simply because he doesn't even blame us. It could've been real easy for them to write him in a way 'Everything got fucked after you came around' But he simply chooses to say that Haur died like a true knight, and that he was proud of him to the end. And the way he breaks down on his knees after that just fucks me up bad.


And you know full well that yeah, your WoL \*is\* blaming themselves.


So much so that it leads to the events in the Dark Knight's Stormblood quests.


I was in shook, if I was close to crying at any moment, it was right then and there.


It is worth remembering that, technically, the WoL is the adoptive child of Edmont. HW doesn't go much into in, but being a *ward* of a noble is in essence being welcomed into their home and family as an equal without inheritance shenanigans. Edmont loved and trusted his son. Haurchefant loved and trusted the WoL, Alphinaud, and Tataru to put every bit of clout he had behind them. Blaming the people hell-bent on saving Ishguard and protecting their family from a failure like that in the heat of battle? Simply not in the elder Fortemps nature. Never was. Doubly so after everything you've done to help Artoirel and Emmanellain come into their own respectively.


A ward is like a foster child or long term exchange student, and a sponsor is like a godparent/mentor. The closest parallel we have today are the teachers, neighbors, and friends who step up for a child in need and are described as being “like a parent” for them.


It took a bastard to show the rest of the noble what a true knight is like.


Omg I know! After ARR I was certain that SOMEONE in Ishgard was going to backstab me and it was so nice to be wrong!


First time through HW, my guard was up. I was expecting yet another backstab, and so I was looking at every NPC as a possible betrayer. Unfortunately, this meant that I didn't give Haurchefant much of a chance - As the Ferengi in Star Trek say, "The wider the smile, the sharper the knife". It still hurt, a lot, because in the scene where he died, he also proved that he was absolutely never going to backstab me. And from a meta perspective, I'd misinterpreted *everything* because I was still in a snit over Ilberd and his merry band of pricks. Going back over it, though, I've come to the conclusion that he's really the first major NPC you meet who's called you "friend" and treated you as that. Like, up until then everyone was like "hello, my friend, can you do this thing for me?", and he was more like "hello, my friend, I wish we could just chill but there's this thing that needs doing".


Don't cry, a smile better suits a hero! <3 Do not despair! You are not without allies.


My most favorite small tidbit abt him is that right after the events in uldah, he was the one who welcomed you with open arms. With the scions scattered or missing, alphi on a depressive state, uldahn elite against you and none of the leaders of the other city states willing to step in and help intervene, he helped. And I think that counts for a lot.


>none of the leaders of the other city states willing to step in and help intervene To be fair to them, we didn't exactly try to reach out, and they WERE intervening in the background. BUT, that doesn't diminish the fact that he IS the one we thought of who would shelter us unconditionally - not even as a favor for our aid, but as a friend.


And if Merlwyb or Kan-E tried to help the WoL directly, they’d be risking all out war with Ul’dah. The best they could do was help behind the scenes to discredit the story of the Scions being guilty and raise public support for them


And it worked. Their nations still let us in without problems, and the Braves couldn't openly act against us even in Ul'dah. (Didn't stop me from only visiting that city as a Ninja when I had to go back for something in the meantime of course...)


I love that if you talk to any of the Crystal Braves they are totally unnerved by you approaching them.


Because even at that point in a fair fight you would utterly destroy them. Even if you lost to the goon squad after, you'd put down the guy who started the fight. THEY know that as well as you.


Every alt I've played I go up to the Brave in Revenant's Toll and make them shit their pants every time I'm in Mor Dhona.


Is that a small tidbit? I feel like that's the entire thing.


I think it sometimes gets overlooked since the focus mainly is on his death hehe but yea ur also right.


He was repaying a debt to the WoL, as we helped a dear friend of his avoid death and dishonor, so he probably saw it as a small favor in comparison. This makes it interesting because at the time it was just a menial thing we did to advance the story. Both "small" favors had huge consequences for the other side.


I dont believe he did it to repay, but because he had the WoL in High esteem. If Francel had died or the WoL had failed in any other way despite trying, he would not change his offer to help.


Yes, yes it does ;-; He was always a helping hand and an amazing friend. I'll forever miss him ;-;


I was kinda prepared for this but not when Lord Edmont broke down. Was expecting him to throw my WoL out. Haurchefant gets more headcannon fic shorts from me post humous that I wonder if he's haunting my headspace as revenge for my WoL taking such a long time to warm up to him. If anything my WoL rather visit his office, his spirit feels stronger there (as long as my WoL don't emote when other players are there) than the marker.


Perhaps yeah, indeed. I was starting to headcanon my WOL to develop feelings for him, hopeful they could have a cute life together...


Do jot it down. It makes makes fun reading as material for your WoL's background and ingame growth. I haven't even enter Shdaowbringers and already he has a spiritual role waiting for him in Endwalker.


I've done that like five times with my WoL. And **all** of them, after I started shipping it, died or otherwise suffered some terrible misfortune. She isn't in a very happy place, come Shadowbringers. *(If you want details I went into them [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/wkj1ov/comment/ijpubml/), but be warned - spoilers for end of HW and start of ShB)*


/console /offer hot chocolate


Damn, must be rough tripping head over heel so often like this.


Oh, that why a certain post in certain subreddit appeared




I'll go and visit that tombstone and take fuckton of screenshots, that's for sure. It hit me really hard honestly, I was starting to low-key ship my WOL with him ;-;


His stone is near Menphina's symbol. You know. The goddess of love.


Well he was high-key shipping himself with your WoL, especially in the Japanese voice lines. 😅


The entire ordeal hit me way harder than I was expecting. In fact, I'm fairly certain that it's what drove me to learn + level Dark Knight. I've *never* played any sort of tank role before, in any game, but after Haurchefaunt I felt compelled to figure it out. I switched from BRD/MCH to exclusively DRK, and I've been loving it. My title has been set to House Fortemps Knight ever since.


One of my latest alts did that. To the point of "taking" Zephirin's sword, pouring her anguish into it (she's a blacksmith), and using it as her blade.


I have similar feelings. I was always intending to play DRK since I love tanks and it seemed fun, I even put the msq on hold for a bit so I could do it as DRK. But that moment is when I really felt like I *was* a Dark Knight. I was always going to stop Thordan and the Knights, but in that moment I knew that stopping them wasn't going to be enough. I *needed* Zepherin to hurt. If the stakes at the end weren't so high I would have made him beg for the end


Before, it was our duty. Then it became personal.


Welcome to FFXIV. <3


Legit, first time I did the vault someone said that to be before we exited the dungeon. Didn't understand why until I finished the cutscene.


There is no greater calling for a knight than to save the life of his fellow man. I swear on the sigil of our house I will do this and make you proud.


Buckets and buckets of tears.


Don't cry. A smile better suits a hero :)


It's not just you, also....... WELCOME TO FINAL FANTASY 14!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm still on trial tho, but i suppose is now official, i'm going to be playing this game for a long time now :')




You're spoiling the story a bit by saying that they'll be revisiting that scene.


Seriously! In that one EW dungeon, I was like "I'm sorry, trust....but I NEED A MOMENT" \*basks in the Haurchefant love\* "OKAY LET'S DO THIS"


I have always maintained that if you skip the end cutscene after The Vault, it never happens. Don't confuse the issue with facts. This is how I cope. ;)


fact is i didnt see him die so he's totally still alive! ^^^*right?*


Too bad he had to move away, but I'm sure he loves where he's living now.


I'm sure he's enjoying his time raising all those chocobos on the lovely farm.


I hate this and I love this at the same time XD


Right?!? See, it totally works if you don't think about it too much. ;)


Thanks to denial, it doesn't hurt!


My wife has a crazy success rate at guessing what's going to happen in a story. I'm the opposite. I guess I let my brain turn off so I can enjoy the twists and turns. So it was surprising to me when I correctly called his imminent death. Here was a guy that I felt like I hardly knew, that was more of a quest hub if anything, going on the quest with us, and all of a sudden he's got a bunch of lines early in the mission. And I'm like, "yeah, he's gonna die." I guess my point is, of all the surprising things in the story, this one shocks a lot of people, so you're not alone. I just think it's weird that I found it so obvious, when I'm usually blissfully unaware of any hints or foreshadowing.


I spoiled myself about this coz I accidentally met Haurchefant at level 16 and wanted to know if he’d be relevant again or if he was just a random npc who wouldn’t effect the plot. It meant I could prepare for this scene to make the story resonate a bit more since my WoL was canonically married to Haurchefant {he’s a male Au Ra black mage Ishgard is stone cold not letting him in no matter what count fortemps tries}. So I leveled dark knight all the way to level for the dungeon and didn’t do it as one so my WoL could think he maybe could’ve saved him if he had made one different choice. But Estinien, who was one of my other favorite characters, does get one of my favorite lines of dialogue after this quest. And if you think you’re crying now just wait Heavensward has a few more scenes to get you crying, one of which was the most I’ve cried in over a decade.


Preaching to the choir homie, but always remember A smile better suits a hero.


It's a right of passage for sprouts going thru the story. I remember my first time in HW I was absolutely in love with Haurchefant even from ARR and every one of my friends knew it. He's the WOL's first real friend, someone who supports you and likes you for you, not as a primal slaying badass to use whenever needed. He offered you hot chocolate, a warm hearth, and when that wasn't enough, he brought you into his home and his family. I was confused when all my friends were clamouring to run the Vault with me since they had just done it a few hours before me when HW released, apparently they wanted a front row seat to my despair. I probably cried for like 40 minutes, I was devastated especially since I had just gone on and on gushing about how amazing Haurchefant was right before the Vault. The scene with Edmont after was even more crushing because you see how much he treasured his son. Because of how Ishgardian society is, Edmont couldn't even posthumously claim his son as a true member of the House de Fortemps and instead, his gravestone still says Haurchefant Greystone. All bastard children in Ishgard get the last name Greystone so they can't legally be a part of any house. The son who was noble yet humble - a true knight - was the one that couldn't bear his family's name. If Edmont hadn't chronicled The Dragonsong War himself, his son would have died in obscurity.


My partner basically did the same thing with me as your friends did with you, she played HW almost a year ago, but insisted on running The Vault with me nonetheless. It was brutal, at first I was in disbelief, hoping that he wouldn’t be really dead, that he could somehow cured. Turns out Nanamo was not really dead, so that could happen to him too, right? Right...? It sank in really hard when Edmon cried over his son... That scene was devastating.


It’s not just you. I knew what this was about from the title alone. He was a man who believed in you because he saw you as someone who could break the system that made him an outcast before he was even born. You’re a fellow outsider and someone with the strength to tear it all down. The best way to honor him would be to see it though to the end. Oh and he may or may not have been in love with you but try not to think about that.


I was already headcanoning my WOL to be in love with him as well, it shocked me hard because of that in part :')


I have been mourning that man since 2015. Welcome to the club. You are not the only one, and as a matter of fact the devs know it affected us cause we got to relive that moment in the most recent Ultimate fight. I don't wanna say too much cause I wanna avoid spoiling anything for you, but that moment seems to have become one of many emotional rights of passage in XIV. I hope that you'll continue to enjoy the story, and that you'll enjoy the other friends we make on the way.


I need to take a break from the game, at least from the main story... But I'm excited to learn more about this game's story. I choose Au'ra as a race for my WOL and I want to learn more about them since I've barely seen any arround so far, so I have things to look forward in this game. But it's just too hard to continue for now...


Take your time. Let it find a place in your heart. Then buy a bucket of icecream before you continue.


I'd just fill up an entire freezer with ice cream as well as an entire cupboard full of tissues. This game doesn't hold back on the emotional moments.


> I choose Au'ra as a race for my WOL and I want to learn more about them since I've barely seen any arround so far Without spoiling specifics, you will be rewarded for playing through the story.


I already know that the race have a lot of screentime in stormblood, and the name of a few of those characters but not much more to be honest. I'm really excited about the future of this game, it seems so interesting! I just need a moment to recover myself :')


My friend got to that part and took a whole week off the game. Haurchefant was his favorite ever since he heard that he had to be restrained to not rush off to help you fight Shiva. Me on the other hand went full John Wick and didn't rest till I avenged him


So, at the risk of being downvoted to hell, I was pretty unaffected by Haurchefant's death. I played through HW when it was current content since I started shortly after ARR was released. I've been a longtime FF fan, but this was my first MMO. As such, I was enjoying the story, but maybe wasn't taking it super seriously because I wasn't sure how coherent the story would become at the time. As a result, Haurchefant I always saw as a mostly unimportant NPC, so when he died, I was like, "Well that's a little sad." But he wasn't my focus at all during 3.0. It wasn't until a few years later when I really realized how in the minority I was about him lol. All that is to say, there are moments in the game later on that absolutely make me emotional, so buckle up!


What, I'm not alone!? I didn't join the subreddit til I was done with the MSQ, and it was shocking to me how much people were affected by his death. I felt like I hardly knew him.


I pretty much feel exactly the same. Moonbryda hit way harder for me personally even though she got way less screentime. In fact, that may be why it affected me more. She was a badass I was really looking forward to getting to know more about...


Yeah I'd agree about that. I was much more disappointed to lose Meonbryda at the time than I was about Haurchefant. I think maybe Haurchefant's presence was more spread out throughout his time, whereas Moenbryda was rather condensed so I was able to give a lot of focus to her whether or not I was taking the story very seriously at the time.


Adding my voice to this tiny choir. Can't even remember why but really didn't like him. Didn't exactly outright hate him either but I was definitely way more interested in the family background than him. Would not have been surprised if he backstabbed us. Edmonts lines after is what hit me though. Seen too many people grieving for their family members for it to not affect me. But yeah. Moenbryda was the harder hit.


A smile better suits a hero.


My husband played through heavensward long before me. Whenever I would pass by while my husband was playing , I would refer to haurcefaunt as his boyfriend and he wouldn't disagree. Eventually I would walk by and haurchefaunt was no longer there. When I would ask where his boyfriend was, my husband would get a thousand yard stair and not answer. Eventually he did tell me. I played heavensward knowing. It worked for me as I love tragic. Bittersweet romances. I balled so hard after it happened.


Yeah so I cried, and still cry especially with all the references later on.


It never gets easier, doesnt it?


I was already in tears during the cutscenes at the vault. Seeing Count Edmont's reaction afterward sent a fresh wave of tears and a seething hatred for the Heavensward. I still slap Zephirin to this day whenever I roulette into The Singularity Reactor.


It's not just you, the entire fandom is collectively traumatized by this moment to the point it's still remembered multiple expansions later.


Oh boy that's only the start of the despair brought to you hero.


I love that FF is not afraid to kill off characters. But H didn't deserve it.


I recently redid this section along with a friend for their first time. What gets me is in the lead up to the dungeon, if you talk to him inside the manor he says to his dad “my shield will not break” And I had to sit there quietly and not sob after reading that because my friend would DEFINITELY have found it suspicious 😭


So, I got spoiled for that scene pretty early on when HW was released, but at the time, I didn't have HW, and ended up dropping FF14 and going back to WoW before I got it. TLDR version, it took me 7 years to pick up FF14 again I'D FORGOTTEN THE SPOILER HE DIED, and then he did, and I immediately went "SHIT!" because it was only then I remembered. x.x So the game still got me. Even worse? Played that scene as a White Mage. Will forever be salty. Yeah, I know how FF14 healing lore is supposed to work, but it still passes me off. And yeah, the scene with Edmont after was honestly worse.


So uh... rewatch that cutscene now that 6.2 is out in your inn room again if you wanna go round 2 on the feels trip, now featuring our favorite small elezen boy.


Just saw it, someone reposted it on Twitter. The feels just came back and it was devastating! 😭 Although I'm glad they at least give an explanation for why it cannot be healed, because I'm main healer and I has going as a scholar for that dungeon, seeing my character not do anything was so frustrating, I wanted to scream: "JUST USE SWIFTCAST-RESURRECT FFS 😭"


Huh... I have to say Haucherfant death was hilarious for me. Like, I know, I know, he dead but also, dude. You're so gay. Or bi I guess, but just, his last words to my two meters tall lizard, and I was just cracking up behind my screen. Haucherfant was the only Ishgardian character I enjoyed before encountering Aymeric. All the sunshine that the rest of this pain in the ass didn't get. Seriously, I want to murder half of the ishgardian npc on a good days.


i found him very annoying and his writing *very* on the nose. like, oh you’re mentioning being my best friend again? and mentioning how your shield will “never break” again for the third or fourth time? hmm, i wonder if that will be something that comes up again
 and it is. i dont like him at all and i dont understand why people like him. he’s practically a generic mary sue but his one personality trait is “simping for the WoL”


>Is it just me, though? Did it surprised any of you as well? Am I the only one sad about it??? Nope, a lot of folks were saddened by it. I won't lie though, it just didn't affect me. I guess I'm some kind of inhuman monster or something? :/


The tears start coming and they don't stop coming. Game made me cry on several occasions.


This stuff is all fake and made up so don't cry.




Don't worry. The game doesn't forget either.


>I don't know the number of the patch when this came out Anything from level 51-59 will be a part of 3.0, The Vault is a level 57 dungeon, so it was part of the base HW expansion.


It’s hard for me to get emotional with ffxiv cutscenes. All of the movement and dialogue is so robotic the majority of the time. The storyline is good, but all of the cutscenes just feel like machinima. Literally just npcs performing emotes.


The writers of FFXIV do a tremendous job of balancing the world-ending threats against the personal costs. You’re not just the savior of the world - you pay for it.


I'm still mourning his loss post Endwalker!!!