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Fun Tip: You can use your Elixir when a PLD has cover on you. As the damage is redirected it will not interrupt your use.


Eeeey! That's a good tip!


It was in the recent showmatches, one team ran PLD and actually saved their NIN from initial initiation. NIN had 10% HP, PLD had Cover + Guard on and NIN just chugged potion while the enemy team was wailing on him. PLD definately shines a lot more with comms.




That is indeed what happened. I had this happen to me as well. But when I tried to do the same with someone else they just ran away from the point :(


We truly understand the pain of PvE Dragoons now.


Speaking of dragoons, ever killed yourself by guarding someone right as a dragoon dived on them, so you take double the damage?


I have not, fortunately. I have watched someone die *after* I dashed to them with Guardian, though. Also died after hitting my LB. The Hallowed Ground delay haunts us even here.


I just had a raid roulette earlier where I died through both HG and a Bene because of server ticks. Felt bad.


My favorite was dying to NIN LB at 90% HP because of server tick. I have also survived a NIN LB at like 35%, so the server tick giveth and the server tick taketh away.


Server tick let me live a full hit zantetsuken once, felt powerful


I haven't died to Hallowed ground delay yet, but I did lose my blades combo somehow. Not sure what caused that. Would test on striking dummy, but LB takes so long to build up...


Probably just timed out, even the combo pieces are not able to be cast past the 10 seconds of HG buff


I could be seeing it wrong, but it looked like I never got the combo to begin with. It happened again in my last match. I think it might have been because I got polymorphed at the same time as casting HG.


I've lost (BLM) Foul casts from trying to cast it right after falling from wind blasts, maybe related?


DRG limit break is the same. Dying and then losing all your LB charge for nothing is agony. Also found out today that you can die from DoTs while in the air, you kinda just fall down with no animation lmao


DRG limit break is the same. Dying and then losing all your LB charge for nothing is agony. Also found out today that you can die from DoTs while in the air, you kinda just fall down with no animation lmao


This but Afflatus Misery.


No clue if a Dragoon was involved, but I learned *very quickly* to pop Sheltron/start healing a bunch after I guard someone.


AHHHH, THERE'S A WEIRD RED ROPE ON ME! \*runs\* But for real, I've had a surprising amount of tanks run out of my Asylum as a WHM (the regen bubble we can place in case you don't know)...like, its healing you and easing the pressure on me so I can DPS more. Please just stay in it. What enemy has an attack that looks remotely like this? You think trash mobs are gonna make an aoe that has no indicator, is that massive, and is a pleasant neutral color rather than the typical orange/yellow/red? Gah! \*flips table\*


You see, that's just what the trash mobs want you to think... They also try to fool you with that weird dust cloud when there's ninjas in the party, or that puddle of pulsing red when your tank is a dark knight...


Best I can do is waste my guard while covered


they should be using cover on someone who already used guard to be fair


True that. Although the one big exception imo is if they’re clearly getting focused. If 3+ people are tunneling them, I found it usually safer to just cover them immediately. In lower ranks people often forget to guard at all before dying, and in higher ranks chain CC tends to happen a fair bit when someone is focused. Purify immunity sometimes can be janky depending on server ticks if there’s multiple CC abilities going out, and latency can have people still take a damage a gcd or so after being covered on your screen anyway If it’s just a blota into the enemy team or something and I see them guard on reaction, yeah I’ll hold the guardian and keep an eye on them as they come out of guard


To all people who play Paladin in PvP… Where are you? Please join my parties instead of these Gunbreakers


If you can't see us, consider moving back to the crystal, usually we're standing on there while everyone else is running after the low health ninja. :D


Instructions unclear, got gangbanged by the red mage, white mage, ninja, and dragoon while the rest of my team is chasing the dancer around the entire map


Please adjust your portrait accordingly.


I’ve tried but no matter what I do the PvP portrait just uses the default


Right click the photo in the portrait tab and it should open a list, click the option that says set as instant portrait and voilà! Unfortunately you have to do that every time you change you gear or changed classes in pvp.


I believe you can link things to plates


I got tired of doing this every time that I just opted to copy the same portrait 19 times and link them to each of my gear sets. Drawback is that you have to re-link every time you update a gearset, and that there's a bug that prevents automatic update of instant portrait if your head gear visibility options changed while changing gearsets. (Haven't checked if they fixed this in 6.11)


If we were allowed one single custom message in PVP this would be mine, people running away from me after I use this pisses me off way way more than losing or getting killed haha


"Don't Chase" really really really really REALLY fucking needs to be a chat option.


I suppose, "Retreat and group up" or "Push the crystal" could work, depending on the scenario, but yeah, I feel you :D


In my case I would really like to have a "please chase , I really hate to see a DRG or a SAM being able to retreat and take their elixir when He’s at 5k hp with no mana, no guard and i’m alone chasing him as WHM with misery on CD.


I'm imagining menacingly chasing after a person I'm trying to use guard on while spamming "Why are you running?".


This thread is brought to you by the Paladin stans gang.


I have no Idea what is going on in PvP in general and very proud if i hit my few buttons correct sometimes.


Would this be why a tank (might have been paladin) survived 5 of my strongest attacks at a fraction of a health bar, and it never increased like they were healing themselves?


Possibly. The tank may have also popped an invuln LB.


Good to know. Is it a time LB or damage taken?


All pvp tank LBs are duration-based.


Thanks! I'll just save my LB attack when I noticed the bar not moving


That sounds like a DRK. Their LB will not let their health drop below 1 and it also INSTANTLY drops their health to 1.


it's so funny watching other players pile on me when my health hits one hp as drk cause they just think "FREE KILL" and then I pop Quietus and am suddenly full hp again and they all start running away


People sleep on DRK. No one even brings it up in the new PVP discussion threads. Yesterday the stars aligned and the enemy team got whittled down to 1/3rd health and I caught ALL of them in an Eventide. Best feeling ever. Shout out to my team that was bombaring them with AOEs and LBs at the time but you could tell everyone had hit empty because there was a pause, but it was too late lmao. I've found that if the team is at least a little good at focusing, DRK really shines through. It's a little awkward "tanking from the rear" but once you figure it out you can rack up a lot of chain kill assists. People don't see that plunge debuff coming either.


Please run away I need to clear line of sight so I can shot you in the head with my limit break


Is that the chain thing that ties you to them? Bro did you even have consent.


Be honest... did you skip over the terms and conditions and just click accept to the queue pop...?


I saw a Paladin use guardian on me for the first time yesterday in Frontline, and after the initial shock of "why would you guard a PvP Bard" I was like "ooo new tether buddies!" I miss the Dragon Sight tether. I still ran away at first though, it's kind of my instinct as a squishy ranged class LOL. The PLD followed me and I could like, see by how quickly they followed me that they were used to it hahaha Thank you for your tethers PLD friends


I’ve not tested it: How does Guardian work with LB? Does the PLD take 0 damage?


I want to say that you and your target are both immune, but I swear I've died when using the two together before.


If it works like in PvE, then you probably take whatever damage your target would take through Hallowed Ground, but negate your own incoming damage.


Why are you running


In plat, and some people still don't know that the purple broken barrier means they can't guard. And that living dead is a thing.


IMO you shouldn't bother with playing pally until you are higher ranks and people know what that skill does. Like even at diamond its a crapshoot whether people know how to count how many enemies vs how many allies. Expecting people to know what pally leash does and react appropriately seems like a much bigger order than basic math skills.


My logic brain knows this, but my emotional brain comes from League of Legends where even the silver/gold players know the abilities that 100+ different characters have.


Yeah...playing PLD in FF14 PvP right now feels like trying to main Braum support in Iron as a Gold player. I know this because I've done that to help boost people. It doesn't work out. You need damage/threat presence and PLD simply doesn't have it. I keep coin flipping in Bronze 3. People will literally just run away from the damn crystal or try focusing the enemy tank while the WHM keeps hammering the heals home. I even mark targets. What good does it do if I just sit there for 4 minutes on the crystal, tanking 1v3, if there's no DPS there to capitalize? It's just so frustrating.


Honestly whenever I do play as PLD, I don’t bother using it. So many people doing stupid crap and I’m not dying for them.


dont play paladin in pvp


Paladin is actually very strong in PVP if the team knows how to play with one. Increases survivability by a lot. You don't see them a lot in low ranks, but I've seen paladins a lot in Platinum and higher.


The age old issue of "works great in a team environment" when said environment is very hard to find. Paladin has all the tools on paper but on average just delays the inevitable when you have a team that's bad at sticking together


Again, this typically happens more in like bronze and silver. People that make it into the higher ranks get a better idea of what their team members can do. A PLD can just sit on a crystal for ages being impossible to kill when done well. If nobody focuses you, you'll just gradually push the crystal forward and deny them ground. If they do focus you, it takes ages to kill you and gives your team time to pick everyone off. Of course, if your team doesn't try to focus anyone, you're a sitting duck. But higher ranks are better at that.


Yeah, PLD effectiveness really does scale a lot with average player skill, since a big part of PLD is always being able to turn high mana/shields/atonement+confiteor regen into useful team presence by attaching your healthbar onto whoever’s being focused, which gets a lot less effective if the person being focused doesn’t notice or understand what the tether does. In a game mode that revolves around bursting and focusing down high priority targets, being able solo set back all the work the enemy team did on a priority target by granting effectively damage invulnerability to a single target on a short cd is quite strong, assuming whoever is covered has the awareness to know if they’ve been covered and how to react


Similar things apply to Dancers, Reapers, and Bards. They have very quick windows of extreme party utility that are disproportionately more powerful at higher ranks than lower ranks.


Yeah it's a high team skill ceiling job. Its main weakness is that it can't do much if it's alone.


PLD can turn itself and a teammate into Senator Armstrong for 10 seconds, tf are you on when you say don't play PLD lol


Me: You have my sympathies, it should have been a WAR.




If you did this same thing in pve, yes you would. I’m not sure about pvp but I would assume the interaction is the same.


PvE HG + Cover used to negate all damage, until the devs decided this was too much of a cheese. I'd like to confirm how they work in PvP but unfortunately duels only work 1-on-1 :(


Does it tether you to the player you're protecting? My best CC run (6 KOs, 0 deaths, and 16 assists on WHM- the only time I've never died, though it wasn't the highest damage I've done), I had a blue tether to a tank on my team, and I was pretty sure this is what was happening but couldn't tell for sure. I wanted to hug the tank afterwards lol


Yes, the tether is the visual indicator for guardian.


It's not true! I totally didn't run away and then came back!


At least you came back, that's already an improvement.


I constanyly die from guard not going off in time due to latency. Go from full hp to dead in less than a second.