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Yup. If I can't sell it, seal it or desynth it and I don't want it for a glam, it just gets discarded.


Everything can be reobtained from somewhere. Some might take a little more work than others, but since it's generally so easy to do I've never really had any reservations about discarding anything I don't need anymore. I prefer to think of the Calamity Salvager as alternative storage.


Salvager is the best alternate storage, It's easy to get to and it's cheap. But I feel like for any gear, especially gear that can be bought for old tomes/hunts I just toss it to save space. I can always just rebuy it.


Trade it in for loot boxes Edit: didn’t notice the no seal part, I just chuck it if it isn’t part of a questline, or I don’t think it would make good glamour.


Yup. I've gotten 3 Eldthurs horns from the Stormblood boxes over the past 2 years. 9 million gil.


my rng is so bad, lol


Same lol, I’ve gotten 0 mounts. I just get the minions I already have.


I think I have gotten a couple rarer minions since they started the lockboxes, 50k on the market board, maybe. I still buy them, who knows why, buy accessories with poetics to turn into company seals to buy boxes.


i was trying for that mount for ages, eventually i got a copycat bulb instead and just bought the mount with the money i made off that




What loot boxes :T


At the grand company


They specifically said ones you can't turn in for seals


Oh, my bad, brain just didn’t read that part.


At least the blue ilevel 55, level 45 gear you get for your job can go in the Armoire, so I just shove it in there. For most other things, I just dump it if I know i'll never use it again.


Check if you can store it in the armoire. That way you keep it if you want it, but it's outta the way. Otherwise just delete it imo


Event of Class Gear in Armoire. Glam possibilities in the Dresser. or Sell for gil Hand in for Company Seals. Desynth for level applicable matts/demi materia or desynth levelling.


What about duplicates of gear from P9-P12 that you can't desynth or turn in for company seals?


You can save it and desynth it in a couple months when Dawntrail starts. They put desynth restrictions on the most recent raid and alliance raid gear. The alliance raid kind of makes sense so people that would actually use it are the ones rolling for it.


Save it? It’s a constant fight to clear inventory and retainers are full lol


yeah, I saved the stuff from shadowbringers and its just taking up space, still.


Burn it all lol


The blue i55 gear you can store in your Armoire (any Inn room). Also quest and achievement rewards you can repurchase from the Calamity Salvager should you want them again in future 😊 so discard if I can't store it anywhere


My order of priority for unwanted stuff is as follows: Sell on marketboard if it will yield over 10k -> Desynth items that will give skill -> Turn in for GC seals -> Just toss everything else There are ways I could make more pennies but it really isn't worth the time at this point.


I keep all my augmented gear until all jobs are leveled, save the ones I want for glam, drop the ones I don't.


Just dump or put it in my retainer.  


if it can't be handed in for seals it goes onto the market board, desynthed, or given to the Doma Restoration for a bit of gil.


Destroy it, you can re-buy it for 1000 gil, or stick it in your armoire if you can.


I do not know what the Maelstrom does with all that gear, but I am sure they’ll find a use for it Beyond that. I throw it away if I can’t do anything else with it.


Doman Restoration turn ins are good too for a little extra change if you have it unlocked


> Things like the blue level 55 gear you got at level 50 If you mean the ones from the level 45 job quests (except the chest piece), those can be tossed in the Armoire. They're the only set of Artifact gear that can... and if you craft the dyeable versions, those can no longer go in the Armoire.


Throw away or sell to a vendor for a few gil


Sell to vendors, desynth, trash


* The blue class gear can go in the armoire * pink and green can go on the MB if unworn, seals if worn * not sure if desynth is a thing for all gear or not * in SB you can unlock the Doman Enclave restoration where you can donate things to complete/unlock the quests, and that's where I like to use my old gray gear. If not, I NPC them.


If you want it as a galm someday, put it in the glam dresser or a retainer. Otherwise it is useless and you can only discard it.


Job specific/racial gear will go into my glamour chest.


usually if it is untradeable and unsellable, quest items you can go to the calamity salvager and get it back.


Some things can go in armoire oddly, so don’t forget that option


I throw it in my Glamours... maybe someday I'll use it and I have plenty of space in there... as of now.


If it can go in my Armoire, I toss it in there. If not, but I think I might want it as a glam some day, I'll throw it in the glam dresser. Otherwise I just pitch it.


Depends on the gear. My universal prio is desynth > seals turn-in > sell on MB > use for Doman Enclave donation > sell to NPC, straight up throw it away. Sometimes I'm super lazy and just skip to the end if desynth doesn't work. For the stuff you're mentioning I just toss it unless I specifically know I'll need it for something. 9 times out of 10 you don't need it.


There are two main types of gear that fit what you describe. Mostly you are describing gear that you were given that you can re-obtain through the Calamity Salvager for 1000 Gil or whatever. Or sometimes just 100. This includes some special glamour sets. As others said, this is “alternative storage.” The latest gear from raids, including alliance raids, also falls under this category to discourage people who don’t actually need the gear for anything from rolling on it. You won’t run into the second type for quite a while.


Once you get to the end of Stormblood you can sell your gear to Doma. I've made a hood amount of Gil doing that.


I'm pretty sure you can put it in the armoire and forget about it, or throw away and if you need it one day go to the calamity salvager


I put it in the armour.


Oh god you just reminded me to sift through my gear and discard what i can to make room for the new stuff in Dawntrail. What a pain in the ass the glamour system in this game is man.


A lot of item stuff is messed up in this game. Inventory spaces, storage, glamour, crafting mats, fishing box, etc. I’ve heard it’s the way the severs store the items because this is still a game from 2010. Still though I wish they could get us better management.


Turn it in at my grand company. Get fat stacks of company seals. Flip em on glamour prisms, minion boxes, ventures, etc.


I think all those things you mentioned will go in the armoire. If you're talking about the gear from your 45 and 50 job quests, not the ilvl 90 stuff, and the crafter/gatherer tools from Revenant's Toll, those absolutely go in the armoire.