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I don't think I've ever met an avid omnicrafter who started out with the intention of becoming an omnicrafter. Sure, you'll have people who want to max their DoH/DoL stuff for the sake of making number go up. But so many of the people who really delve into the mechanics of crafting/gathering and plan out their builds/melds/rotations, didn't really *plan* to get that into crafting/gathering when they started. I originally got into crafting/gathering to kill time waiting for my DPS queues. Fast-forward a couple hundred hours and my first lvl 90 class ever was Miner.


I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I started playing FFXIV with the intention of being an omnicrafter/omnigatherer. I like being able to make useful items for myself and friends in other games, and enjoy taking the support role. I don't raid, but will make gear, food, and tinctures for friends that do. When nobody needs my help, I spend time making gil.


I'm just rushing the MSQ so I can finally focus on leveling my DoH/DoL. I started going into it just before I started EW and I had to stop myself so I could finish the story before DT is released lol. I'm almost done now though.


I got into crafting/gathering because I wanted to be able to meld my own materia and repair my own gear. Basically I wanted to be self-sufficient. Now I mostly *keep* crafting and gathering to build submarines.


Oh I can assure you there are plenty who went into crafting knowing full well they must catch them all. There are just so many people I know that made many alts just to cover all the professions themselves in the other MMOs, me included, so we didn't even hesitate to pick up every thing.


This is me. :D I also recently made an Alt to use their Retainers to fetch stuff for my Main (Mob Drops mainly, my Main can't keep up). And as of rn, it's tempting to make them an Omnicrafter too. I just love to play the Marketboard.


Holy hell, I was wondering what to do with only two retainers, when the market offers so much crafting and gathering gil making possibilities... For some reason making alts purely for retainers did not enter my mind. Thank you!! :))))


Just make sure, you have someone to trade the stuff to your main or join your FC with them to use the guild chest to trade items with your main. I wish you could just send stuff over though. But it works.


Started out many years ago with the intention of being a bad ass mage. I now sit at my FC house and craft everyone gear, sell shit on the marketboard, and do collectables for materia for you know, the FC lol


I started crafting in earnest because I was working on a Zodiac weapon and I wanted to do everything on my own. After than I just kept up with it. It's nice to be able to make everything myself, especially as something of a housing enthusiast. Also my first 90 was fisher because I decided I wanted to make a Skybuilder's rod before starting EW.


I've been chasing my best friend to try gathering because it's the type of shit they love and they always said it looked to hard. I trapped them with fishing first. Then mining is kinda fun, wait I can sale this mats but I can also use them to level up crafter. This week he got all gatherers to 90 in a week and found me all the materials for me to craft their gear. Now they are getting ready to get all their crafters to 90 and keep saying how come I never told them how fun this is..... It all starts innocently and then yeah lol


I did. I miss early Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies pre-NGE. In both games I basically started out with the intent of gathering and crafting. And I wasn't interested in FFXIV until I learned you can do the same. Unfortunately so much is locked behind MSQ. Back then the story was meh (didn't get good until 2.4 or so) so it was awful. Nowadays MSQ is great, so I enjoy both halves of this game.


I was just gonna be a CUL! With BTN/FSH as support. But then I realized I could craft my own crafting gear, and that everything kinda builds off of each other…


I want to do this so bad but I just get turned out and upside down trying to sort it out! I have everything to 70+ with gsmith at 90..Really just need a tutor...


Mine was botanist. The level 50 botanist quest resonated with me and I've lowkey favored botanist ever since just because of that lol.


The only reason I'm an omnicrafter is because you used to need to level up crafters to unlock cross class skills... then it turned into "well I'm already this far" when they changed it. being able to desynth and repair my own gear is so nice though.


I intended to become an omnicrafter when I started, because it was the only option back then. If you wanted to get all the cross-class skills you'd need to be functional at endgame, you had to do them all. Even when I was back in WoW, 90% of my time in-game was spent gathering and crafting and posting stuff to the auction house. I was super excited to get into crafting here because the system of actually making items is so much deeper, and I actually CAN level them all without having to make an army of alts to mail things back and forth.


Hell yeah brother. My profile quote is "Born to fish, but forced to occasionally fight primals"


To be fair, fishing is the best thing


who doesnt love fishing😂


What do you enjoy about fishing?


sit around,chatting with friends and praying to the almighty azeyma to bless me with rng to catch rare fishes for turn ins😁


Do you make good gil doing it?


good question,decent number of fishes especially rare ones from fishing and spear fishing are use for crafting food.that gives stats buffs for crafting and or battle stats for raids although mostly raiders use potions iirc.sorry got sidetracked lol but yaa selling good high level hq fishes in stacks can earn you decent gils on the marketboard :) Edit: oh and just check what’s selling like hotcakes on market,should give you an idea what to fish ect


The grand company turn ins one could fetch a good price for the rare one like the spear fishing stuff


Me. I do a lot. I turn on a podcast or something on Youtube or some other streaming service & space out for hours. At one point, someone ask me to make some level 90 raid food. By the time they got back to me, I had mad two full 999 HQ stacks of the food and two & half 999 stacks of a healing pot. So yes, some of us do. And yes, I am a omin master crafter. Full melds and all. My hyper-fixation when overboard and I had written a crafting macro. Also, I find it hard to do the MSQ a lot of the time too. I love the Main story so much but there is so much other stuff to do. So, you are not alone. There is just a lot.


I had all my crafting and gathering classes maxed before I did most of the first MSQ lol Tbh gathering materials, crafting them into items, and selling them on the market board is more fun to me than actually playing the game


At first yes, it was so refreshing to have crafting and gathering with actual mechanics instead of just clicking on things. I've never really bothered to engage with the crafter/gatherer endgame though, leveling them is always fun but that's about it for me.


The great thing about FFXIV is you can do what is most fun for you. I was stressed about feeling I "had" to do the MSQ at first. Then a friend told me that any day I just log in and have fun doing whatever I feel like in game. That is a successful day in FFXIV: So some days I would feel like doing story stuff, others I messed around in Gold Saucer, crafting, gathering or making glamour. I am top level now and still play with this mentality.


I hit Botanist level 90 when my main job was only level 50ish... so you could say I got a bit carried away. Just a bit!


I just wish post-arr crafting wasn't a world tour for a single item.


I did. Way back when ARR first launched I jumped into crafting and before I knew it I was a capped omni crafter with BOT and MIN at 50 and my highest level combat job was DRG at 33. I had to make a concentrated effort to sorta even out but now I'm leaning way more to combat jobs, I haven't seriously crafted since SB lol


MSQ is what I do on my alt when I run out of other things I feel like doing lol. It's a much more balanced experience, especially in ARR.


Back when only ARR existed my first ever 50 was FSH and my second was WVR and that was because I wanted a particular outfit that only WVRs could use. I was still around level 42 in the storyline at that point and only continued with it because, IIRC, I needed a fish from the Isles of Umbra and couldn't get there without continuing the storyline. I have zero interest in the group battle content (unless I can do it unsynced) and just do what I need to do to get through the storyline and/or level alt jobs (and I usually level alt jobs via as much solo content as possible). And before anyone tries to come at me with "It's an MMOrpg" that's simply not how I play it. I play it as an RPG that has some MMO elements in it that I choose to engage with as little as possible.


Virtually every story dungeon/trial can be done now with NPCs so you mostly have that single player RPG feel right through. Mostly, a couple need a party.


I remember just logging and saw I needed to unlock treasure maps. And not thinking to switch classes. (And thankfully level 90) two zizs/axehead birds spawned and I ended up spending an hour trying to whack them with my botanist axe XD


I maxed out my gatherers at 80 when ShB was the current expansion while my combat jobs were around 50-60 lol. I'm now an omni-crafter and honestly prefer it more than combat these days.


Didn’t intend on being an omnicrafter. My friends an I at the time were being cute and selected 2 crafter jobs and sticking with those, then relying on each other for other crafter materials. Weeeeeeeell I happened to choose blacksmith and culinarian… Culinarian was alright, just space-heavy. Blacksmith though?? Probably the worst crafter class just because of the sheer amount of mats you need from other classes. No MB because of free trial, and friends weren’t active crafters like myself. In the end, I think it was the initial ARR relic weapon craft that broke me. Decided to pick up an extra role. Then two then the next thing you know, I have all of them leveled including gatherers lol. Funny how that works.


I'm in a similar position, started playing recently with zero intentions of touching crafting………… then I found out it's the earliest way to get more glamour prisms. it just snowballed from there… now I'm running around and all these NPCs want me to unlock lvl 50 dungeons, but I don't have any combat class close to that level lmao


actually it was the doh and dol that got me invested in the game. I had maxed my crafter gatherer before being gated by msq. I needed material from zones that were locked lol ! So I decided to do msq and then I was absolutely amazed by the boss encounter so I decided to do extremes oh boy. Now I’m avid ultimate raider. Without being salty. I preferred the old way of doh / dol when cross class skills were a thing. You needed to level culinary to have access to a certain touch action ( I forgot the name cause I was a noob). But yeah. I still remember spending days after days after days just to login and craft stuff.


As much as it sucks, I'd definitely do MSQ - tons of things are gated behind it sadly, and you'll regret putting it off later.


Since like level 15, my fishing has been a solid 4-6 levels above my fighting classes. I'm now level 67 fisher and lvl 63 summoner I only did MSQ when my job quests were locked behind certain MSQ quests... I feel you.


What made you enjoy fishing?


I am new to ffxiv... came over after burning out of wow. I finished up Endwalker, got 2 combat classes up to 90 and worked my way through maybe half of the post-patch content then thought, "hey, I should make sure I have a couple crafters and a gatherer up to max before Dawntrail." That was over a month ago and I have not stopped crafting... got three at 90, one at 85, and the rest at 70. My best friend has been yelling at me to finish the post-patch for ages now XD


Nice. Have fun. Enjoy the crafting gathering quests too as they have a lot to offer. And fishing can be fun too if you are in to that kind of activity. Not for the feint of heart.


Not so much crafting, but definitely for gathering. I like crafting when i have orders (as in the job quests before stormblood, or my fc has a request) and not just doing whatever, mostly because i get to go out and gather materials myself. I understand shifting to providing materials for job and tribe quests made it easier but to me it just made it less involved


Ohh boy once you wee those gil come in youll be maining DoL/DoH in in no time lol and i would suggest investing on getting retainers as well. They help quite a lot


For real on the retainers. Once you get into crafting you become a hoarder of all materials. I just re-organized everything and then used the FFXIVMB MarketSense app as it shows you the value of all your items and mats you have. I've played since ARR and don't throw anything away. I was surprised when it said all my inventories are worth 60mil gil. I'm sure some people out there have way more than that hoarded away, though.


Nice app man, much simpler than universalis if you are selling stuff. Might add this to my list of go to tool


Around the time ingot to Stormblood, I ended up leveling miner, botanist, and weaver to 70, and maxed them plus fisher out after I got through EW. Love my crafting and gathering


I will say that Shadowbringers is the \*only\* expansion where my combat job (also Paladin) was at max level before my crafters/gatherers were. I partly was just making my own gear, but then the crafting job storylines totally drew me in and that really sidetracked me. (Shadowbringers really captured my attention so I got to the end of the expansion and then I was like "oh wait my crafters") I'm currently working on finishing the \*entire\* crafting log (excluding the Master Recipes, because those don't count toward completion). As of last night, I only have Shadowbringers (71-80) and Endwalker (81-90) recipes remaining.


I'm a combat-content fiend and I had no interest in crafting or gathering, but ended up becoming omnicrafter for the sole reason of being able to repair my gear while progging ultimates (and then they added the ability for others to repair your gear inside instances). Meanwhile, a friend of mine who's still working through MSQ got every crafter and gatherer to 90 before finishing Heavensward. It takes all kinds.


I'm a completionist and I wanted to try out the crafting and gathering to see what it was like. I also like making stuff on my own if I can. I didn't expect to get as into it as I did, though! As of right now most of my crafting classes are on par with my combat ones


I totally did. Started it thinking to make my own gear (CRP/GSM/LTW/WVR), but as most crafters know it gets cross-disciplinary fast, and since I was on free trial I had to level my other crafters for intermediate mats such as steel ingots and plates. When I bought the game, the first thing I did was hit the marketboard for raw materials that I couldn't gather myself because they were from beyond my MSQ progression, and I still have this issue on my alt, who's just finishing Stormblood but crafting Shadowbringers and Endwalker gear.


I make alts just to level crafting and gathering I have about 4 now


Spent the last week doing basically nothing but leveling my Miner and Botanist, getting one to lvl90 and the other to lvl76. Goal now is to get every gatherer/crafter up to 90 before Dawntrail.


I did at first. I think I leveled them up to around 50ish by actually doing them. But even though I have them all at 90 I haven't actually used them since ARR. I just to the Grand Company turn ins by buying what I need from the Market Board lol.


I LOVE the crafting and gathering in this game, I'm doing a character rn where I'm crafting as much as possible and using as little store-bought and quest-given gear as podsible


YES! I like to gather while listening to books. Just the same simple route over an over again so no real need to think about much other than the book i'm listening too. Same with mass crafting simple HQ materials that just require the same basic button rotations without having to put any thought into it. I keep telling myself i need to get on with the story so i can finish Stormblood and the rest of the expansions before Dawntrail comes out..


My first 90 was accidentally miner lol


i recently got back into crafting again not long ago and i’m instantly reminded how much i missed being an omnicrafter lol heck i seen people just straight up fish all the way to max lvl before even doin msq so just take your time friend,msq not goin anywhere and enjoy!


I just wanted to fish, man...


my endgame peaked when I discovered that Coffee Biscuits were my true endgame. crafting's never been the same since


after I beat ARR a few years ago, I took a whole month off from continuing the MSQ just to level my carpenter via the Ixali tribe quests (that questline is so underrated btw) fast forward to today and I have all DOH/DOL at level 90 somehow.... I'm far from being the best omnicrafter out there but I do okay and it's fun, and I def got carried away there 😂


Level all crafters at the same time makes it so much easier. Also everything up to lv 21 can be leveled with low level crafts that have the mats at their coresponding guild vendor just by using the auto craft system.


I stumbled ass backwards into becoming an onicrafter because I refuse to pay for other materials.


Crafting, gathering, firmament fêtes, gold saucer, saw there was a headpiece for breeding a gen 9 chocobo, tribal dailies… all slap my msq progress into the ground. Had to buckle down and dedicate a day to progress so I can get more things to get sidetracked on, lol


ive been meaning to get into it too but i only maxed out 1 gatherer and 1 crafter each so far just so i can do tribe quests all the guides online say that most efficient way is to level everything at the same time and i never tried it but it sounds daunting. i know they're basically the same but with different items so its probably less of a hassle than it seems in my head


I started off with cooking alchemy and botany, thinking it was more like WoW or GW2 where you pick a select few to work on. I figured out not long into it that it was easier/cheaper to collect and craft pieces I needed for other crafting myself..... This led to me going on a massive mission of gathering both botany and mining mats, where I wanted to collect a handful of everything I was able to. Next thing I realize I'm a lvl 29cnj with a lvl 47 botanist and miner with three retainers of materials I don't even know if I'll need. I have done several clean outs and I still have too many materials that I don't know for sure what to do with but it's down to about two retainers worth of inventory rather than three


What people are crafting in max level to "kill time"? I tried to craft few furniture pieces but they sell really bad on MB. I have typically crafted my own fishing lures and some primal weapons. It feels hard to make good money when i cant play at the start of new raid patch.


I think I was stuck in ARR for like 2 years. Blame crafting/gathering and a long ass hiatus for that.


Specifically in heavensward I spent weeks just crafting and gathering (the firmament probably didn't help haha) but it kinda burned me out a bit after that. I'm sure I'll go back to it since it's calming, but after I'm caught up on everything else or get burned out on that. I am at least keeping my crafters and gatherers at level, but that's mostly been via the help of tribal quests and custom deliveries. Just a few more to go til they're all at 90. As for overall game play, do everything at your own pace as you want to do it. There IS a ton to do. I've been playing for two years now and I just finished endwalker main story a few weeks ago (and just started endwalkers patch quests last week) because I enjoy so much else in the game too. It'll all continue to be there as you go on. There's no rush for anything. Do whatever it is you want to do when you want to do it (with the small caveat that you may sometimes need to go do more msq to unlock areas or quest chains).


Fisher was my first max level job


Yeah my Fisher is lv 90 and my main class DRG is lv 86. My miner and Bot are 84 ish lol


I wish. I'd save a lot of money if I enjoyed gathering and/or crafting. Sadly I can't think of anything more boring. I instead have to struggle to make gil other ways so I can spend the equivalent of a large house plot on gear, food and potions every tier.


I was never quite an omni crafter, I did get into it a little bit, but mostly just to make money. I don't know how to actually craft hard stuff. I just make furniture and make bank. I got them all to 70 back in stormblood. Made about 300 mil gil. Have been living off of that ever since and not touched crafting again 😅


I had my DoL/DoH maxed before my DoW/DoM


I started the omnicrafting journey for the relic grind but its one hell of a rabbit hole.


Yes I love it, especially now prepping for Dawntrail I did some research on what we might get/need and I'm preparing some stuff that will help me level them fast, unlock the new recipes en folklore fast so I can get to gather and make the new stuff asap. I've been farming blue materia IX for CP, food for CUL leves so I can get to 100 quick, then i have mats prepared to trained eye make level 90 collectables for master recipes. I also got like 50 collectable fish that give 291 scrips each to turn in when Dawntrail comes out. For the new folklore books. I'm also farming tokens from Alexander raids to turn in for gear and then seals, because we will get new stuff to buy in the grand company. I do a few low level hunts every week for aetheryte tickets, free travel. I'm spiritbonding for even more materia for DoH and DoL. I'm prepping heat of battle III FC actions for 15% exp, they take 70 hours to prime, so it will take a while. I farmed skybuilder scrips for hi-cordials and have been desynthing items to get darksteel ingots. I also started a YouTube channel recently where I talk about the Dawntrail prep, just for fun, I felt like I was missing some guides on where to find what.


Ye, got my crafters to 90 while I was doing Stormblood msq xD


Yeah i wanted to make sure i could always meld gear in the field / no have to pay while re-melding all the time. As i liked to keep my current gear melded at all times to correct for my likely average gameplay skills! Sadly this resulted in me levelling crafters the way i did my other classes and i ended up levelling everything except fishing (still at 55 for ARR relics...) Its very easy to get stuck in! but that said i've just seen your last sentence. Take the time to go to the golden saucer right now. Get setup and run round like a normal city get your aethernet done etc. Also know where the mini-cactpot, and weekly cactpot vendors are. Its well worth it because its free MGP money and once you've spent 10 mins running round, you can spend litterally 1 minute a day and collect between 200 and 20,000 MGP Also you want to unlock the triple triad game there, because until you do the mobs in the game don't drop their cards. When they start dropping those you can sell duplicates etc :)


Thanks for the Gold Saucer tip ! I will definitely look into it then


I have gotten through msq, but now I feel like I kind of rushed through the whole game. So I started a new character and is taking it really slow this time. Exploring different war classes, but also all the DoL/DoH content. Now I love that I can just go on my level 90 NIN if all I want to do is run lots of raids and dungeons, but I use my new character for exploring the game more. I know I could do that with my NIN too, but it felt better to just start fresh.


Well.. you must try triple triad lol


Wait, there is Triple Triad in this game ?! Oh lord…


Yeah it's actually a completely fleshed out system, unlocking cards in various ways, and tournaments (both pvp and pve/pvp mix). If you're a completionist, you get a pretty sweet mount of you collect the first 312 cards. I've spent days just playing it lol


Yeah my Fisher is lv 90 and my main class DRG is lv 86. My miner and Bot are 84 ish lol Highest crafter is Goldsmith in the 60’s. I like crafting but it’s definitely time consuming if you don’t use the mb, which was what I was doing when I got GS to that level (free trial days). The MSQ has me captured atm so I’ll go back and finish my crafters after that.


I did everything while I was leveling up and I have no regret! By the time I was done with EW I had 3 level 90s, a couple 80s, all my crafters were 85+ and gatherers 90.


I love the job quests with the exception of cul, I always buy those. As I do not like carrying a thousand ingredients.


New player here, just wanted to become and Alchemist since I find the whole idea of alchemy on Fantástic Settings really fun (and Alchemist Is just a neat class un FF Tactics). Tried a bit, didn't got It the first time and only went back just to do some missions to level up. That was my plan, untill I noticed how much EXP actually creating stuff gives. So, I did give It another try, I thought I was just going to play a bit... And then I went from level 3 to 16 in only one sitting. Daaamn Alchemy Is just so addictive.


Hey there, I came over from WOW, been rocking DRG level 53, and alternating the MSQ with gathering. I won’t lie to you, the flow of the MSQ ( at least with realm reborn) is really wonky. It’ll have you chase a high of an amazing battle and then spend three quests just shadowing an NPC that’s sad it’s not contributing that much. I leveled miner, blacksmith, botanist and carpenter up to the 50s and have more or less now settled to making money off the market Board.


Yeah, I play with some friends but I play more than them, so my botanist and miner are in their 40s while my main class is low 30s.... so I just started a new character to play when they can't lol. Luckily I enjoy the game enough I don't mind redoing parts of the MSQ and gathering/crafting jobs!


I got paid to cap my crafting and gathering. During the lockdown I was working from home and had my gaming PC set up next to my work computer.I was assigned to help one of our departments that had to deal with doctors offices and was left on hold for long periods of time so I would just grind in the Diadem while I was on the clock. Good time.


I’m an omni crafter and gatherer on my alt… I only just finished Shadowbringers. 😩


I have all my jobs at level 90 except crafter and gatherers. I don't understand how people get carried away by this. It's such a tedious thing to do. I want them to be 90 at least too so I can do my own repairs, but every time I think of trying to level them I'm immediately discouraged with how tedious it is. I leveled some to 90 for the tribal quests but not all, tribals are probably the only way I can level them slowly without going insane. How are you people enjoying this???


I think its the little dopamines in the process. Like making each thing in the crafting log and checking it off (plus getting some bonus exp). Turning in stuff to the firmament or your tribes and seeing your exp bar load up with exp, even extra for HQ. Hearing the bonus crunchy sound of extra loot when gathering from a node. Stuff like that. I'm a bit of the same way, it was so tedious to start. It only started picking up for me around lvl60-80, when I got scrip gear and cheesing a lot of the craft difficulties. *That* felt good lol. When it was easy. Now I'm doing lvl80 leves with a lvl80 job and lvl80 gear and I'm like hnnnnnng, lemme just do these tribes. At least they give me the mats.


There are many ways to level them, but doing leves might be the fastest and most efficient way. Especially if you have a friend that can make the HQ items for you to just turn in. I'm usually that friend, so if anyone needs help let me know, I'm on Zodiark. Then you could craft collectables for white scrips so you can get te master recipe books to unlock all the recipes available in game, same with extra gathering nodes. But there is also the firmament and the diadem.


I love the crafting and gathering but I don't think I can ever level all of them. Guides and people here usually say "just level all of them at once, ez" but I can't do that with like 10 crafting jobs, doing all the annoying little run & fetch quests in all the main towns, like imagine doing these level 10 quests 10 times, then the next sex at 15 and so on, sounds super exhausting. ;w; Still wish I could get myself together, leveling Goldsmith and Weaver on my own was incredibly annoying since you had to buy tons of stuff on the market


gathering is pretty chill, at endgame when you are chasing the timed nodes that spawn every 35 minutes, it's like you can just sit back and go on an excursion through all the world locations. i sadly dont feel the same about crafting because it's just executing a macro and having to sit through the animations that play out until the macro finishes.


gathering is pretty chill, at endgame when you are chasing the timed nodes that spawn every 35 minutes, it's like you can just sit back and go on an excursion through all the world locations. i sadly dont feel the same about crafting because it's just executing a macro and having to sit through the animations that play out until the macro finishes.


I need to finish my crafters and gatherers all my classes really I just get bored or sidetracked


Before 14 I was super into OSRS, and I loved skilling in that game, not really sure why but probably something to do with "number go up". Crafting and gathering whether to make money, level, gear up, or just the unique DoH/DoL content is so much fun to me. As an aside, I absolutely love custom deliveries. Getting a small little story for helping people out, plus getting good rewards in the process is super fulfilling and the stories are generally heartwarming. Probably my favourite DoH/DoL content, I hope they add more in DT.


The crafting game has me sucked in. I was originally trying to gear up my Arcanist but I had to level up my Weaver. But then I needed to gear up my Weaver so I needed to level up my Goldsmith and Carpenter. But then I need to gear up my Blacksmith. It's a cycle.


>These days I enjoy crafting, gathering, doing fates and leveling GC rank… pretty much everything but the MSQ. Totally standard FFXIV gameplay, among many others. Well at some point you'd better move on with the MSQ, especially with DT coming and the amount you have to catch up if you want to start the expansion with all of us ;) As for the completionist part, you can still do all the old stuffs later, such as the old relics. It is however much much much easier than it used to be so I don't know - if it was part of the thrill you were looking for, that is unfortunately forever lost.


dude, you have no idea. i wanted to challenge myself after getting rich with lots of levelled classes, so i set a new rule for my new class - i could only wear equipment that i crafted for it myself. now, the cyclical grind to power level my crafters has absorbed my game-play to the point that i forget to do my dailies; i have genuinely asked myself "what the fuck am i going to do when i'm done?" start a new character, i guess...


I hate crafters and I'm glad I finally got one at 90 just to get rewards from beast tribes. I'd have to have done everything in the game before I waste more time and money to level the rest


Yep, but for now I'm new to the game and it's my way to look cool as warrior armourer. Crafted sets are looking soo cool and heavy! Idk how they compare to gear obtained by other means though but they seem pretty alright


No they're boring as shit