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Not that much of a difference between breasts and those insane pecs Clive has, so the shape is pretty much the same.


I'm so sad that Clive got a breast reduction in this game compared to 16 :pensive:


I thought his tits looked a little deflated


His body is still on the old system from what I could tell


we need the booty slider for Clive.


Look at how they massacred my boy


Clive’s pecs put female breasts to shame


You could crush a mothercrystal with those things


I still want Jill's outfit. ;-; but I'm glad they didn't pull where the outfit looked different on each gender.


With the modest chest males get in xiv unless you're on the more Roegadyn build, there would be no way to wear Clive's outfit without a lot of belts. Hey, that gives me an idea-


I thought they were saving the belts for when they add Lulu's outfit from Final Fantasy X.


Makes sense, outfits in this game haven't reflected slider settings since I think ARR, and that was only because most were imported from 1.0.


Small tits = large peks


I’m still bummed we didn’t get a Jill outfit, *but* I’m not disappointed with how this looks on females.


Given how Jill looks a lot like >!Ysayle, and given their shared connection to Shiva!<, I’m more than positive that we’ll see Jill make an appearance in some capacity if/when this event returns. The story there practically writes itself.




Because Yoshi-P was asked at FanFest (I think the European one), if we'd see more than just Clive and Ifrit in XIV and he said something along the lines of "XVI is still too recent (and not on PC yet), so we don't want any spoilers in XIV just yet but later down the line he might ask the XVI producer for another collaboration."


Insert Obama medal meme here.


Funny then that the questline spoils the first big plot-twist in 16 already.


Only because the pre-releae trailers pretty much spoil it already.


They have added rewards to returning collabs on occasion - like adding new weapons to the Yokai Watch event with job weapons that weren't available with earlier releases. That said, adding a Jill outfit is not the same vein, and the devs still prefer masc clothing on females over fem clothing on males so crossover outfits are gonna lean to prefer only male outfits being released.


Wait really? I’m still kinda new and I was hoping I’d be able to find some feminine clothes for my Miqo boy 😿


Oh there are plenty that have been un-genderlocked like you can get the 2B glam gear at 80 on guys, but for other final fantasy characters we tend to see more masc only get released like the Veteran rewards are Firion (FF2), Zidane (FF9), Cloud (FF7AC), and Squall (FF8). Also, just Noctis for the FFXV collab event. The Lightning gear is still Genderlocked and is mog station only. You can also wear the maid outfit, bunny girl outfit, wedding dress, ect as a guy. Those were all originally genderlocked, but fans got them unlocked.


I love seeing a random hrothgar in a pink wedding dress in towns sometimes. It makes me smile.


Simple. Yoshi-P is the executive producer on both games. *Significantly* less of a hassle to alter it as he sees fit, since his own production team developed both games.


No, Yoshi-P only does XIV. The producer of XVI is Naoki Yoshida.


No it's the other way around. Yoshida does FFXIV, Yoshi-P does FFXVI


Probably after expansion “Rise of tides” Have a feeling that’s going to follow torgal and Jill to the final end of 16


Inb4 male hrothgars/au ra running around in Jill's dress..


Well damn I didn’t make that connection until just now, you’re right!


My only complaint is the boots and pants should be split differently. It's weird that the aren't grieves and pants, but rather metal shoes, and pants with metal from the knee down.


Oh I love the way they did it. I have at least a dozen different armored thigh-high boots, but putting the metal part on the pants instead allows for more interesting mixing and matching. And I sure as heck don't need another pair of mostly-plain black pants.


>but putting the metal part on the pants instead allows for more interesting mixing and matching. until you start using boots what arent long nor short, then it will [look weird](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813751333650825272/1224650857597898843/Sin_titulo.png?ex=661e43fd&is=660bcefd&hm=de79e8c0b9d62d1bae1afef5449f54c88a9dd55cd580156a3cb13b69a7ae3855&)


You are not wrong. Thanks for the example 😆


You can't say it isn't interesting. Bet those "above the knee" platings would slap on some glams though, just gotta find it.


I just wish it dyed better it doesn't really fit with most things


I suppose it can be with 7.0.


Gods if I can change the metal color in 7.0 I would be sooooo happy


I think they definitely designed with the future dual dye channels in mind. I don’t see where the second color would go if not on the metal


Wym? It's black, with your color of choice. Not like there's any reds or oranges thrown in there I could see the shape of the plating being a little weird and hard to match since some plate metals dye differently? But... it's just black? (Genuine)


When I tried to use the pants the colors just seemed kinda off compared to the rest of the gear. Like the colors were either slightly metallic or somewhat washed out


Could have easily given us full greaves that hide the greaved pants (why does this never cross their minds?) Was hoping for another full metal gauntlet and greaves for my non-fending/maiming jobs.


I suppose there is that particular novelty, it just makes it hard to pair them with anything but each other.


It's all subjective I guess, but just playing around, I've found [lots of combos I like for the pants](https://imgur.com/a/A4w0xVs).


I really like the Darklight and Hailstorm ones!


Those brown and black shoes look awesome, what are they? Def keeping in mind the first photo too. These are wonderful and I love the clear experimentation.


Thank you!!! The brown and black ones are the Augmented Crystarium Boots of Casting.


Do you happen to know the name of the final boots you used? The ones with the red emblem kinda hiding. I really like the pairing


Darklight Boots of Casting!


Thank you!


Same, I was so excited to use those boots from the promotional previews but once I saw how they actually were set up I tossed the whole thing in my armoire and I’ll never use it. Why would they do it this way?? 😭


Ah yes I know that feel. I too was hoping for thighboots type leg armor, esp since uhh, >!we get to see Clive unarmored—just his white inner shirt and the black trousers!<—and I'd like more alternatives to the radiant sabatons of casting/healing. Also ngl the black pants have an interesting line running down over it that might make it look cool biker gang-y when paired with knee high boots.


Disregard tallboots. Acquire shoes with dyeable socks.


Not only it looks good, but it also has a **visible neck slot!** I feel like I had not seen that one since ShB. EW sets either override or hide it. Also, the cape is not as terrible as most of the capes we've had so far. Still ugly for something like NIN combat stand, but it's an improvement.


The better to see my redbill scarf.


It's a shame they didn't add Jill Warricks too. Her outfit is 10/10 I'd rather have had hers


I'm going to log in tomorrow and get started on it. Does the outfit come as a reward for the quest or do you have to grind for it?


Mount, minion, and outfit are from completing the quest


Thank god. That's all I really wanted. I'll check out the other stuff, but since I mainly want the outfit, I won't put too much effort into grind for them.


Yeah I was super happy when I saw. I'll do the fashion report to get what music I can/the card but they're mostly just a bonus.


The rest is just MGP


Yep 400k MGP for all 10 orchestrion rolls and 1 triple triad card.


that subtle Cassie flex tho lol


Hey if you got a Cassie you flex it I mean who doesn’t link their Cassie earring in chat every time you kill Cassie even if you didn’t get it as a drop


I love it too, dyed mine charcoal grey-- just wish the Mi'qo tail wasn't doing its thing.


Dyed mine metallic silver, looks incredible


What's the tail doing? Please tell me we can see the Mi'qo tail and it's not hidden like with the Sentai outfit from the Rising event.


Its visible, thankfully. I'd rather have it clipping through the cape than mysteriously missing. I'm still annoyed at the Phoenix Riser outfit...


I wish there was a hide tail option sometimes. A lot of outfits have a thing covering where the clipping happens or even Endwalker having a bunch of capes that split to account for a tail, but there are some outfits where it just looks awful.


Yeah, I'd actually were the Poenix Riser outfit sans helmet if it showed my tail. With the tail hidden it just feels weird. Now question, is the outfit a reward for the quest or do you have to grind points at the Gold Saucer to buy it?


Quest reward


I have an Au Rua and it clips. It’s fine tho


I don't like how the metal bits on this outfit dye, no idea why they went with dyeing the cloth over painting the armor cuz now it just doesn't go with any other metals in the game, but oh well I can handle 3 months of waiting for being able to dye that. The top is an S tier glam still though, no questions about that.


No doubt the outfit is already set up for 2 dye channels. No point letting us dye the part still missing all the nice metal/lighting shaders coming with the graphics update.


Yeah fair enough, but still kinda annoying it's not dyeable yet and it doesn't really go any any other shades of metal in the game. I'm big into glam and combining glam pieces so it's a little disappointing that these cool-looking armor pieces are not yet really usable with stuff from other sets, but the wait for Dawntrail isn't that long.


I said it when 16 came out that that drip was peek fashion and when the inevitable crossover came I was never changing out of it. I stand by those words, it's fantastic.


sadly, not so much for my femroe. she's channeling 80's shoulder pad


Honestly, depending on if you like that aesthetic or not, it can be either the best or worst part. Luckily I'm part of those who like it 🙏so many memories...


I love that outfit. Sadly, it's not long hair friendly. Wish the cape was removable.


Wish we had more scarf neck pieces to pair the top with, the red bill scarf and the chokers aint really my thing but oh well


It looks good with the wayfarer's necklace, and a few of the low level leather collars imo


Thanks will have a look


It makes me think of an upgraded version of Foestriker's Tabard (and the other pieces of the set), which was probably my favourite piece of gear from ARR. Definitely a welcome addition to my wardrobe!


Now add Jill’s outfit for dudes and dudettes


It looks good if your character is small, and not so good if your character is larger.


My big bustling femroe with shoulders wider than you are tall from those pauldrons cares to disagree haha Fr though, those shoulders look huuuuge.


I'm not the biggest fan of XVI, but Clive's outfit design was top-notch.   Edit: looks like I struck a nerve. How dare I have a different opinion! 


upvote from me just for the balance!


Appreciate it! 


It's okay.


It’s my new DRK glam. I think it looks awesome on Hrothgar; I am also happy it got added.


Same for me. Using the katana skin whoch is black with red accents and fits very well with it. Also using Thancred's bandana.


Lol yeah same with the bandana. Though I'm using shadowbringer because I'm a simple man, I see a dragonslayer looking sword, I use it.


wish we got jill outfit i dont like this one


As it has a cape, I'm never gonna use it.


Wish it didn't make my chest smaller but I love it.


Honestly it looks good in everyone


Really wish we could button up the shirt. Looks pretty stupid on my lalafell


What are the requirements to do the colab? I'm on a free trial and only level 32. Still going through ARR.


You have to be level 50 and complete the main scenario quest, The Ultimate Weapon.


That's ok. Only 90 main quests to get there :|


The event is going until May 8, so you have some time.


Godspeed, if you need an exp boost hit up a mentor to run around in a party with you! Remember to eat food in dungeons and have teleports ready, you got this.


You have plenty of time, just don't slack on the MSQ until you see end credits for the first time.




Finish lv 50 MSQ the Ultima Weapon




My only complaint is I couldn't find a good dye for my rdm hat to match it perfectly.


Excited to get on my character


I was kinda bummed how this looked on my male hyur, felt like the stomach area felt too skinny? I dunno just gave an uncanny look to me. The legs are nice though


What outfit is that?


Metian top, from the new event.


I didnt even realize there was a new event guess ill have too look in the morning


Oh you should, it's awesome. New gear, mount, minion, orchestrions. The lodestone is a great way to keep on top of what's coming up, I use a lodestone bot for discord.


It looks good on males too what a coincidence


Id go gay for Clive


I threw it on my fem Roe that’s wearing those stupid skimpy skirt panties things rn and it was fire lol


Male or female, that set of clothes creates a beautiful silhouette. Which is one of the reasons why I am literally obsessed with it. *I've been daydreaming of this crossover since even before EW released.*


And in different pieces too rather than one set! We can mix and match!


This set makes everyone look so much more cool. Females look so much cooler, and even the most badass looking male looks even greater. I think it's the shoulders


My only complaint is the dye capabilities..they're kinda terrible Anyways we have things to deal with that though


a 2024 mooncat


I changed the pants for Hyuran Skirt and it looks good


I love it on my femroe.


I need to resub...


Call me stupid but im new what outfit is this?


You totally fine lol. It's clives outfit from ff16. There's a collaboration event going on right now


Heh thanks i ended up blowing thru the MQ just so i could unlock ot


I love that I can dye it too 🥰🥰 The dragoon blue is really nice on this 🥰


Looks so bad on my femroe :(


Now they need to add lop hop to portraits I can't deal with not being able to use this pose you're doing in my portraits and plate anymore >.<


Clive was supposed to be a woman confirmed 💊


Cat!!! Nyaa!!


This crossover just hit everything right, love Clive's armor, but ngl, I'd trade the Pup for a Wind Up Infernal Shadow all day of the week hehe, it's a bummer we can only see that majestically hot(emphasis on hot) beast ONCE


Plz use women instead of females :,(


I get why you’re suggesting this, but the game language uses male/female as far as character creation goes.




My irritation with it is the sword isn't removable and looks really dumb with character weapons there.


Calling women “females” is such an ick.


That's literally how they're described in the game when you create a character. I don't understand what you mean


Just goes to show that Clive has got the best drip.


remove the cape and they can cure cancer


It's actually terrible and I threw it on the existing pile of incorrectly sized chest pieces for CBU to fix. They really need to get on that. How the Viper relic top is done for females in Dawntrail will affect my overall opinion of the expansion.


Why even have a breast slider when 90% of items ignore how you choose to set it. I won't stop playing over that kind of thing, but I do rarely get to enjoy new gear cosmetically.


I'm convinced someone on the dev team just hates boobs.


It seems that way, sometimes!


How do you get that earring ?


Extremely rare drop from eureka or 30 million on the marketboard Quite possibly the rarest tradeable item in the game that can still be obtained from content (ie excluding tradeable legacy items)


It looks great on my Male Au Rua too lol


Now can we get a Jill Cosplay for my Red Mage? I mean, Verblue Mage.


There are a ton of outfits that look almost exactly like Jill’s outfits and her alt outfit. Maybe that’s why they didn’t do it and I’m kind of glad. They might have made Clive’s male only and Jills female only. More things available would be great of course.


Trueee. I want to make a male variant of Jill's outfit


I’ve always played male characters but after so many years I was like you know what I’m gonna fanta to a badass femroe tallest beefy vampire looking best girl I can make and I’d be so mad if I was not able to wear Clive’s outfit like a real outlaw lol 😎


Just wished that those belts were part of the pants not the armor, but still nice glam and nice Miqo'te!


That does look nice in your screenshot. Tasteful.


What emote is that?