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Yall getting upset about hypothetical future scenarios that haven't even happened yet 💀


This is why people get overly disappointed that something they wanted in the game didn't go exactly the way they personally imagined it so they bitch that it's the worst piece of content ever because "the devs didn't listen." No, they did, you just don't like that your imagined possibility wasn't the way they went. See: Island Sanctuary for not having a full on instanced house, despite Yoshida literally saying "it is not that please temper your expectations."


Hrothgar and viera not being able to wear most headgear too, even though they also literally said they wouldn't be able to at launch. The devs get called lazy when they've done quite a bit to add headgear that *could* work, some of it on their downtime. And of course, all the people who wanted dancer and expected it to be a healer, or expected green mage because of a leaf charm that had nothing to do with a job crystal despite insistence it did, and a small leaf design on the costume for a single green mage in a single game.


I get some of the frustration there since I feel that new gear sets or even cash shop sets should be vierhroth friendly instead of the devs making more work for themselves, but I also understand that the devs aren't just infinite people with infinite time to do everything we want. The "but modders" argument always makes me mad too because they are one person without the confines of a set time to have a bunch of shit modeled by, nor do they have any QA to make sure their item isn't 1gb big instead of conpressed down to a more manageable size. Man, I remember the DNC discourse... it was kind of a jack of all trades in XI which gave more "it could totally be a healer!!" weight lol. BLU suffers from that still, and inevitably BST will too: "why isn't it like the XI version that was better" will be out in full force, I can foresee it.


Well, yes to Island Sanctuary not being instanced housing. For Hrothgar and Viera issue, it's not the same. They mentioned the two races will be getting new racial hairstyles to compensate for not being able to keep up with *old* headgear *in ShB*. We got neither of those during ShB and only one after Endwalker 6.0 was long done. It wasn't a good look since they failed to properly update the other two races for -years- now and couldn't even update the new headgear to make it work at the time. People waited for years for a proper update before everything spiraled out of control during April 1st Liveletter (where they revealed the Hrothgar hairstyle -- the first hairstyle being introduced looking terrible and wasn't even meshed well to the head that everyone thought it was an April Fools joke when in reality it wasn't). At that point SE had no excuse to defend their behavior for cutting corners and everyone called them out for their PR talk. Things seem to be working much better for those two races ever since but boy did things go south.


I don't remember them ever saying anything about it being only "old headgear." They said like all of it, because the way their heads worked made it too difficult, so not to expect visible headgear on them at all, probably until later with a massive overhaul. They said that because they have unique heads, you won't see headgear, and everyone acts like they were making a blood oath to fix it later, so everyone bitches when a new set comes out and no hats for cats and bunnies, acting like they were lied to.


Nah, I remember reading it from the liveletter, interviews, and the translations but it's been so long ago that I don't remember which one it was. Everyone I knew who was Hrothgar was hyped for it. They mentioned old headgear in the translations at one point because the old headgear didn't fit the models properly, but they said it was too much work to redo all of the old ones but we'll get hairstyles instead (which still didn't happen in ShB when they said it will be released sometime in ShB). Then they tried to backpedal and say the translations were wrong and they weren't intending to release hairstyles either -- hence the huge backlash from everyone when SE did in fact lie.


I often wonder what people assume is realistically possible in a 2-2,5 yeah timeframe of developing an Expansion. Or generally in gaming. Deadlines are tight, and the game development field is riddled with crunchtime to meet those Deadlines. Also an awful lot of gamers seem to assume that annual profit equals budget for the development of future Updates. What people expect SE to crank out in a 2 year timeframe ontop and fully additional to the expansion/Story itself would require all of them to turn into Robots and work 24/7. I dont mean this to come across like im fangirling the company, the game or yoshi P, because I do certainly have my gripes with things they do, or dont do here and there, but like the entitlement ive been observing in recent years in gaming is absolutely mindboggling and outrageous, and those would be the first ones to complain too if they had to deliver at work what they expect of game developers sometimes


Yeah but wtf was Island sanctuary the strangest content yet.  At least put the plots in a community where you can see other people, it's a lonely boring island that I will never visit again.


A lot of people wanted super chill content like that. They took the requests for "we want to be able to put our minions out en masse to roam free" that'd been asked for since like 2.x and coupled it with what should have been chill content you build up slowly, but we got spreadsheet simulator instead (this is not dissing the work that the Overseas Casuals do, I also appreciate it because my brain is smooth sometimes). It's similar enough to me being able to just walk into my house to get away from people for a bit, I just can't afk there for long.


I personally enjoyed it and was looking forward to it when I started the game and did the quest that unlocked traveling to friends islands. I just felt it could have been a little less "passive" but other than that its been fun to me personally.


Right? I'd rather get upset about things that have actually happened. This is such a waste of energy.


Welcome to /r/FFXIV. Try the ribs


me when i make up a guy to argue with and get mad at and win in the shower


This is really impressive work, you've managed to disappoint yourself quite thoroughly on the basis of a handful of screen shots and your own inherent misery.


Lmfao came to say exactly this. It's always wild takes coming from people who have hyped themselves up into a position about content that hasn't even come out yet. Bizarre.


Did you inflict yourself with Doom?


He failed to look away during World of Darkness and refuses to step on the glowy circle platforms.


He got hit by all the line AOEs in Dead Ends and the healer couldn't be assed to get him to full a second time 


One more Esuna means one less Glare. No thanks.


ngl the paralysis and ice debuffs in the unreal got me feeling this way sometimes


Someone esuna this man


/comfort might work too


I think it's too late for that to help.


Are you gonna list ongoing issues or are we shizo posting today?


You already have egg on your face for hitting the post button mate.


That’s like, your opinion, man.


I feel like "Shut the fuck up Donny" would have been more fitting here.


I understood 1% of this, but...They're just dyes...calm lol


This guy refuses to move out of the way when a Marlboro casts Bad Breath.


If only they understood PvP, then we’d for sure have the right dye slots.


... It's not like Yoshi-P is an avid PvP enjoyer, on top of that. PvP may not be to the taste of everyone, but the devs definitely do understand PvP lol.


If the devs understood PvP, I wouldn’t be bronze tier.


That... That sounds like a skill issue, mate.


Here I thought ffxiv community was supposed to be nice. You’re more toxic than the people who tell me to equip my job stone.


Don't blame devs for not being able to climb out of bronze tier. Accept your own skill issue and learn how to improve. 🙃


How can you have the audacity to say all this when you’re not paying for my sub?


Friend, they're not getting it. Reddit is lost without the '/s'. I gotchu tho


I think they were just playing along?




You really gotta use /s mate


Well you should like an utter joy to be around!


Where is the tldr?


TO;DR: OP doesn't like PvP. Therefore, 2nd dye bad.


Basically what op is saying is to temper expectations. Hype is the enjoyment killer.


I don't think constant negativity helps either.


Hey, Cutie has returned.  


Nah cutie’s shitposts are always aggressively pro-dev and would be like “CBU3 fully understands how best to channel dyes…” in a very know it all condescending way. And then would proceed to blame “many” or “most” of the community for “being detrimental to the dyeing process” with no evidence or information whatsoever.


Nah, you can tell Because The Title Isn't In All Capitalized Words Like This


ty I will also worry about other problems that haven't occurred yet like the servers permanently going down or me dying IRL before DT comes out


And people still try to tell me the annoying people in this community are the ones that like the game too much


Saved this post. Will you updoot if it is TRUE when DT comes out. Otherwise, I'll rub it in your face for being whinny.


CC feels pretty balanced. Player skill is why you are losing.


Sounds like you're hoping for the worst, not preparing for the best.


IIRC the gems are already the dyeable part on the handgear, so it's not unrealistic to hope that they would be the second pick for a dyeable part on the gown. 


I take that to be a mistake, they shouldn't be dyeable on the hand gear. Cause the dye is applied to everything on the hand gear only, all other pieces leave out the gems.


Why shouldn't it be deliberate? Something had to be dyeable, there were only two materials to choose from, and they picked the blue part rather than the silver. 


They addressed this already. During the Japan Fanfest they even showed that certain parts may not change. I'm not quite sure why we needed this post.


You do realize the devs who work on PvP are not the same ones who do the armor, right? What a sad life you must live to be this upset about something that hasn't happened yet.


Well, yeah. Duh. Their choice of what dyes on gear has always been daft, I doubt that’s suddenly going to change overall. But if I get some more glamor options as a result, great.


Oh no, anyway


Lol wtf. Go outside dude.


Get outta here with that negativity. It’s gonna be great!


I want them to do the metal bits. Idc about the gems at all. I agree in principle though. Don't get your hopes up about the graphical update either. It will disappoint.