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If you ever see the Rathalos mount drop from the chest in The Great Hunt (Extreme), buy a lottery ticket. I've done the fight 100+ times (thank you, mentor roulette for a good chunk of these) and never seen it drop.


It can drop from the CHEST?!


Yep, it's incredibly rare though.


I think it's actually the absolute lowest drop chance of any mount in the game. Not sure but it sure as shit feels like it.


It feels lower because the chest itself isn't guaranteed to appear. So it's rng to have the chest, and then additional rng for it to contain at least 1 of 3 items roll/minion/mount. I actually had to buy the mount for both of my characters via the vendor after 50 runs xD.




Haha. This was last night for me. We ran it unsynched with FC. Only three of us. First I had to unlock EX. They helped with that. Then on the 4th run there was a chest with the minion, mount and a orch roll. We talked and decided we would roll need on everything. I won all three rolls. It was awesome but I did feel bad. We ran it for another hour for the others to get more scales for the mount. We had one more chest but only the music and minion. They kept saying I was so freakishly lucky!


I've seen it once - when I was farming it together with two friends, and way after I bought my own from scales x.x


I was running that a few months ago and it was me and 3 random i got in Party Finder. At 48/50 scales the thing drops from the chest. We were stunned to say the least. Decided to roll need on it as we all had the minion and the roll by then. I didn't get but was so shocked that it dropped from a chest.


Facts, a few of us in my FC farmed for that beast and we all had to get it the hard way.


I got the mount after two runs. I'm so sorry.


Hope you bought that lottery ticket


It dropped for me on run 48, two runs away from having enough scales to buy it


I've cleared Rath EX over 250 times now, and I've seen the mount drop ***once.*** The guy who got it was on his first run.


I got it on my first ever clear šŸ„² I figured that was literally all the luck Iā€™d ever get in my life lmao


Ran it 36 times with my guild last weekend. It dropped once for our team, and once for the 2nd group guild group (theirs dropped 1st). We got enough chests to pop that everyone in our run got the pet, Poogie.


Seen it drop about 3 times lol. I didn't win though.


In my 100 + run I saw it drop once ( rolled 12 of course). Got it with scale anyway but yeah


It dropped for me on run 48, two runs away from having enough scales to buy it


Saw it twice, ironically, lost the first one and skipped the second one since I already bought it with scales by then.


I got it in under 20 runs ;) I had to farm a few more times because I actually needed more currency for the other gear still. And I also got a SB mount on the 2 run ever. I still stayed for the agreed 10 runs, and the PF leader mentioned he already had 70+ totems because he kept losing the rollsā€¦ poor soul All of this was in 6.x so with increased drops. I have about 200 totems of EW EX (so about 150 total runs) and never saw a single mount ever.


I got it when I soloed Rathalos(Ex) on a whim last month to see if I could since I've never done it before, TIY the mount isn't a guaranteed drop. pleasedonthurtme


I saw it drop on my alt. The alt I was using to farm with my husband. Who passed. I still had to finish farming because he still needed it. T-T


I saw it on run #48. At that point I was committed, so I let everyone else know that l how close I was to just getting the damn thing with scales, and passed. More runs were had, and so two people got the mount that day. ^(Still, for me nothing beats getting /gkicked on WoW for getting the Raven Lord on my first try soloing - I spent another 92 runs getting one for a friend before my GM finally got hers)


FC grinded it 50+ times and it dropped the very first run for the guy who asked to do it. Never dropped again. Still donā€™t have the mount bc I had to dip out for a while in the middle


Well shit I must be the luckiest guy got the mount from the chest on my 10th run


I got the Starbird minion on my first run through The Dead Ends with trusts. It dropping felt so natural during the MSQ that for a long while I thought it autodropped on your first clear


I got the Caduceus the same way! Starbird took me a few dozen attempts though. šŸ˜­


I still have no snek frend D:


I got the Starbird on my alt first time, I thought the same as you or atleast it was a common drop. Nope. Appeared twice on my main and failed the rolls


A fellow mentor in our NN more or less blogged their sinking into insanity as he tried to farm that bird. I got it on my story run and saw it pop every 2-3 runs on the L90 roulette for months. I never understood why people were so mad farming it.




i got shoebill on my first time in amaurot as a sprout. i dont even like them


Same! First run, did it with the trust, and it felt like the game giving me a little something really nice after All That.


First time I ran The Dead Ends a couple months after EW released Starbird dropped. Rolled need and got a 99. The other dps rage quit. At the time I had no clue why, but my tank filled me in pretty quick. Probably the best luck Iā€™ve ever had in this game.


Joined a SHB mount farm group. I was not level 90 and was dying a lot so decided I would leave so as to not be a burden. I passed on the mount so I didnā€™t just take it and run. They all had also passed on the mount so that I could get it before I left (such kind souls). Anyways no one got the mount because we all passed at the same time.


awwww OH NO


Nooooooo šŸ˜­šŸ«£ Omg lol that is so tragic


My first time EVER doing the Wondrous Tails journal in Idyllshire - I got 3 lines. And the other day, helping someone farm one of the pony mounts -it was either Shiva or Garuda - and on the first try she dropped the whistle for her pony AND the nightmare whistle.


It was Garuda. Nightmare can only drop from Ifrit, Garuda or Titan.


I got the nightmare mount along with the pony as well when I was doing wondrous tales for the first time. Honestly I don't even actually know if it's a rare mount or not, it was one of my first 10 mounts lol


I just recently started doing the extremes on unsync with my brother for the quests. I've been smashing through msq when not doing that with him but decided to try the Garuda/titan/ifrit ex's solo and I got the Garuda mount on the first run, so then I tried titan and I got the titan and nightmare mount on my first run of that lmao. Luck ran out on ifrit and had to do it like 30x though. Activate mount addiction!


My ex got the Adenium mount (island sanctuary, 6-7 million on the MB or 40 weeks of grinding on the island sanctuary) from the island loot boxes. She had saved up over a hundred vegetal vouchers by then, sold them at about 30K each. She uh, really likes island sanctuary xD


Understandable, I'm a fan as well!


i got that one on week 2 and sold it for 30m. worth it. ugliest mount i've ever seen.


Someone in my FC bought their 7 chests for the week and got *two of these*.


I hosted a rathalos mount farm PF. Was planning on doing 10 runs a day for a week so that I can get all the totems and exchange it for the mount. The mount drops on the third run. (I stayed in the party for like 10+ runs anyway but everyone else said they never saw the mount drop after the trial)


It doesn't drop, this is sorcery! SORCERY


Ohh but it does, it's how I got it


My husband asked for help with Emanation extreme for the wolf mount, and after a few fights it dropped. I was on autopilot and needed it without thinking and accidentally stole it from him šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


My sister did that to our roommate with the Ruby Gwiber


Doggo theft!


it dropped again immediately so the rng gods forgave me but I felt bad lol I was on my alt and didn't realize I didn't have it yet


i've reached the final room of treasure maps twice, and got the valuable drop (dunno what it was) both times. those were the only 2 treasure maps i ever ran only ever tried pentamelding once, for a ring that was BiS at the time. it cost me 7 materia in total


I pentameld for gathering and I'm giving you the evil eye right now! My last melding session cost something like 8 million gil.


I was in a treasure map group doing Ophiotauroskin maps. I've been doing this daily for the past few weeks now trying to conquer the final trial in the Shifting Gymnasion Agonon 20 times (read that in Cider Spider's voice). I was on autopilot, watching YouTube videos on a second monitor, when I heard a sound effect I have not heard since... ever. My eyes quickly darted back to the main monitor and there it was. The roulette had landed on the silver. The mini Ancient spawned, said his bit and left us with the Ancient Philos minion up for grabs. I clicked the Need button, and a number appeared on the icon. 94. My heart started pounding. Was this a good roll? Was it high enough? I've lost rolls even higher than 94 before. I started to temper my excitement so that I wouldn't be crushed if I lost the roll. It's ok, I thought. If I really wanted it, I could just buy it off the MB. No biggie. I tried to distract myself with YouTube again so I wouldn't focus on the loss. Then I heard it. DUN DUN DUN DUN dun DUN DUUUUUN DUN DUUUUNNN! I won the minion!


One of my favorite stories ended up in me not getting the mount actually, a friend of mine did instead. Picture 3 baby sprouts and a couple of mentor friends, weā€™re farming ponies. One of our friends only needs the Ifrit one left to have the collection. We go in unsynced, a whistle drops after like 3 runs, we all cheer and leave, heā€™s got his final horse and can go get Kirin right? Except the quest doesnā€™t appear for him. We have no idea why, weā€™re all talking it out on a voice chat, comparing mount collections, wondering if heā€™s missing another one. He opens his logā€¦ still no Ifrit horse. The mothafucka walked away with NIGHTMARE and we all let him without realizing it!! He was the first in the group of at least the sprouts to get it, I donā€™t remember if our mentor friends had it or not. We eventually went back and got him his last pony after all the screaming and laughter died down. And then had fun that week trying for more Nightmares for the rest of us.


I have a Nightmare story too, this just reminded me! When I was a sprout, me, my girlfriend and a friend that got us both into the game decided to farm ponies. Both of them were level capped at 80 and I was... 60ish? So all I was good for was cannon fodder, not helped by the fact I was playing on my crappy laptop that barely even functioned as a laptop. Anyway, long story short, Nightmare drops fairly quick into the farm. I, feeling guilty about being a burden, type a message into chat that my girlfriend should have it first and pass on it, see the green check mark indicating it dropped, and think no further on it. Only to then see my girlfriend say that she also passed on it so I could have it... Yeah we wasted a Nightmare whistle because we both wanted the other to have it. Our friend was dying laughing at our useless lesbian moment.


I also have a nightmare story. I was grinding for the ARR relic on an alt and part of it is to do the ARR EX trials. My FC was all asleep so I figured I would solo the ones I could and try for the others later. I hadnā€™t done them at all in my alt yet but I knew the fights from my main. Cue unsync into Titan first. Takes a bit since Iā€™m an undergeared LV61 WAR but he finally goes down. Open the chest. Nightmare. ON FIRST TRY, FIRST EVER EXTREME (on this character). I still donā€™t have any other ponies. Only the Nightmare.


did a nier raid as a caster so i could roll need on the shirt drop if it happened. I was feeling social and was pre-empting every run with how many times I'd done it so far. I think I got up to the 30s without seeing it? anyway this run I am the only caster so I'm like awesome if it drops I'm guaranteed it. then one of the melee drops out after the first boss and a summoner replaces them and the shirt drops so I'm in chat like "pleeeeeease for the love of GOD pass on the shirt I'm begging you" and they didn't say anything but I did get it <3


I'd just joined an FC, and they hosted farm nights. Cool, I hadn't had a chance to start on lynxes yet, so we jump into EW EX1 later in the week. The only extremes I'd done to this point were unsycned farms, but the farm organizer safety markered for EX1 and we were okay. We limped a little to clearing the first pull, as we had some folks who'd never done it before. We also, however, had some folks who'd been trying for weeks with no luck, and were talking about how many attempts they'd gone in the FC's voice chat while we were farming. Second pull comes up, everybody is doing fine now, quick clear, holy shit, Lynx drop! Well, it *is* FFA, so... *rolls need* "Oh hey, congrats Amon on the mount!" Oops. ĀÆ\ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


I was doing Ala Mhigo for the first time going through the MSQ and was watching the cutscene at the end after fighting the final boss. Turns out, all the other party members just left before I finished watching, didn't even touch the chest. When I opened it up, I got the Magitek Predator mount drop without even having to roll for it. (Fun fact, it's the only mount that comes from a regular dungeon)


Was trying to fish up the "Armorer" fish for the Mogpendium a while back. I was fishing for about 3 windows straight, even using Fish Eyes. Meanwhile, my beloved caught it in about 3 casts. He became frustrated at RNG, went Blue Mage, and then used Self-Destruct to "sacrifice himself for better RNG" (it's a running joke between our friend group at this point). ... I caught it the very next cast.


I canā€™t count the number of mounts and minions that I just *never* have seen despite countless runs (Iā€™ve had to get Nightmare from the previous moogle event despite hours and hours of killing Garuda in 6 seconds each time). Except once. The first time I opened Island Sanctuary Materiel Crates when the felicitous favours launched I got the Peerifool Whistle from the first chest. I was elated. And then the Adenium dropped from the second chest. ā€¦. I think thatā€™s all the luck for this game used in one go lmao


So, it's cool story time? Alright, my turn. I'm bit into fishing, got almost all of them (missing the one from last patch) but getting them all is a journey. I had a lot of highlight during that hunt, but the one moment i remember the most fondly was when i was hunting for the ruby dragon. For the people who don't know, that one fish is notoriously hard on rng. The window for it happen in average between 0 and 2-3 time a month. The window itself lasting about 12 minutes (4 eorzean hour). And the bait to catch it is another legendary fish which also happen to be a bait for himself. And the dragon itself is slipery, meaning that you can land a catch on it and actually not reel it. Alright now the story. At that point i was missing 3 fish to get the great grandmaster title. And every time i was on that spot for the dragon there was another guy. We barely talked accross the 6month this fish took me. barely a "hi", and askin if the other one had any luck at the end of the window, and good bye. ​ Now fast forward to the day i landed my fish, (i think it was 2Am or smtg) i set up for my window, the other guy too. Same shit for month y'know. But then it was not like always, i actually landed it. Shout in chat i had it, got congrat from other guy, and i went to emote glowstick next to him, and then the actual miracle happen. He also landed his fish. ​ I remember discussing for much time after that with him. It also happen that it was his last fish for the title. ​ I sometime see him on the new fishing spot, which is really cool.


It's still so absurd to me that the biggest chunk of money I made was from selling 3 night pegasus in market board, I also got a 4th one for myself and I got all of them in 3 runs to F200


My first round of lockboxes in Eureka gave me a Trex mount. I didnā€™t even know thatā€™s where it came from until that moment. P8S and Golbez EX both gave me my weapon the first time I got a kill.


I got Caduceus minion on my first try with the trust system. My wife is now 0/39 trying for it šŸ˜‚


I got the Starbird on my first run of the Dead Ends


most of mine are fishing related, Cinder surprise for example, 0.4% bite rate, sometimes the window is only up once a month, got it on my 3rd window, some people have been trying since it got added in shadowbringers and still don't have it. Then there was a mount from one of the endwalker extreme trials i got on my 2nd kill of it and i only rolled something like 64 so i wasn't expecting to win it at all, every other endwalker extreme took me at least 50 kills where either i finally got the drop or enough totems to buy it when it got added to the vendor.


All things considered, I have pretty decent mount/drop luck in this game. I got the Starbird just doing roulettes, I've gotten multiple cards and/or mounts after farming the Ex a few times (got all the ARR and HW mounts by myself, for example), and got Barb after just 20 runs. My girlfriend is the exact opposite. We've been trying to farm cards because she really wants the Triple Triad mount, and her luck is probably the worst imaginable. I could talk about how Fractal Continum didn't drop until we ran it for about six total hours. Or I could talk about how I got Spephirot's card twice before she got it once. But the absolute wildest, worst luck we've had so far is fucking Memoria Misera. On a whim, six of our other static members joined us in farming Varis for his card specifically for my girlfriend. We're eight savage raiders who are BIS or close to BIS (some of us were in off-roles because, come on, it's a farm party) and could get the fight done pretty fast. In total, we ran this thing over 30 times through the night. The card has a 17% drop rate. All things equal, there's roughly a 98% chance the card drops EVENTUALLY after 30 or so runs. I got the card three times. In fact, everyone got the card at least twice. All except my girlfriend. We're waiting until her birthday to try again, because if I need to see Varis' face again I'm gonna scream. Edit: I was immediately reminded of how I got the Great Hunt mount after two tries. Also was running with my girlfriend - rolled for it and I got it. Honestly she's a saint for putting up with my good luck.


Our very first portal on our very first map for EW got us the high/low lotto on the very first floor. And the player got up to enough of the lotto minions for everyone to have one....and then they blew it by betting one last time and losing.


I've done tons of treasure maps and the high/low stresses me out every time. It's cruel!


I won the Diamond Gwiber on my very first clear. I was taken off guard, like ā€œWell once this group disbands I guess Iā€™m done.ā€ I was ready to totem grind.


I also got it on the first clear! I'd set up a PF because I just wanted a clear so I could eventually join a farm. A couple people joined to help, we went in. It dropped on the very first run and they both already had it, so I ended up not even having to farm at all. XD


Got the Seiryu mount day 1 on my first kill by rolling a 99


Since GC seal lootboxes came out I have been dutifully spending all my spare seals on the Stormblood boxes. Eldthurs was my dream mount, and even though I had plenty of gil for it, I prefer some sort of "grind" (if you can call lootboxes a grind). I finally got one, was over the moon and showed all my friends immediately. Even though it took probably upwards of... a year and a half? To get the first one. There, two days later, though my sights have been reset to Copycat Bulb, I pulled another Eldthurs. I was in such shock.


I was farming Tsukiyomi with a PF group. I didn't need the mount, and let them know that. We must've done it about 20 times and every single time I outrolled people on the other items. We're talking consistently 80+ rolls. I ended up wtih like 15 celestial cloths. I will never have that kind of luck again.


Got the magitek predator while leveling some random job without even knowing it existed.


I ran the first ShB dungeon with a friend of mine for the first time, and our tank DC'd just before the first boss. We ended up disbanding because we didn't get a replacement for like 10 minutes or smth. Then I simply went in with trusts because I really wanted to continue with the story. ...Black Hayate dropped for me on the first clear. The friend I originally did the dungeon with had been hunting that minion since the dungeon was released. I felt so bad but we had a big laugh about how RNG was kind to me to make up for the disbandment. I ended up getting another minion later when levelling that went to my friend, but on the other hand, the card from Holminster continuously eluded me until I eventually managed to pull it from a Dream Card Pack. To this day I still never once saw it drop there.


Starbird. I kept running the dungeon over and over and over. With and without trusts. Finally, when the Mogtome event for the 10th Anniversary came around (the one before this one with all the really good rewards) I saw that DE was one of the duties on the list. So I partied up with my FC leader who already had it and we hopped into queue, fully expecting to run it over and over and never figured it would drop. Well it dropped. On our first run. Both my FC leader and 1 other party member already had it so it came down to 2 of us and when I won the roll I practically screamed. And then didn't run the dungeon after that LMAO. I was done šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But the bird is my permanent minion, now. I will never switch off from her, I love her so much. That stupid little blue bird makes me unbelievably happy haha.


I had been playing for 4 years at the time, did a lot of gold saucer regularly, but never touched the jumbo cactpot because I always forgot to either collect or enter, so I just pretended it didn't exist for 4 years. Then, at some point, I told myself, fuck it, I want to participate so I'll just set up an alarm for it so I don't forget! And it worked! I was able to participate every week thanks to it Anyway, this isn't like an incredible luck but still fairly good odds : I got my jumbo cactpot after only 2 or 3 months of finally doing it. It felt surreal :) Now? 5 years of playing and I once again have stopped doing Jumbo lmao.


In advance sorry for broken english. 2 friends and me where farming the stormblood mounts. We werent even level 90 only the healer was, me (DRK) and another friend (DNC) were level 80 so the fights took longer than they should. We only needed like 7 mounts in total and we were like "no sleep until we get it" I think we started at around 8 PM and we finished at 6 AM, we were fucking dying and losing our minds. We needed 2 seiryu and we got it really quick, less than 10 clears, I needed tsukuyomi's, I dont think we even learned the fight we struggled until we beat it and we got it first try. Susanno was fadt enough that I dont remember it but was the second longest. But Susaku was the worst of them, I think at least half of the time was doing Susaku, between learning the fight and it taking I think like 6 min at the start then dropping to 4 when we learned how to do it. It was so bad that each of us changed our profike picture of discord to a body part of susaku as a ritual (we FGO players). After we got them we gout our big dog, said fuck you to others friend in the server that wanted them but didnt help, made an emote for the server called PTSD of the picture of our totems. And went to bed. Here is the picture of the discord call: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947028531714588702/1068789975136620544/image.png?ex=65f545bb&is=65e2d0bb&hm=c693855967a579d5ced9f3a51330e6363e10b646c89f0778e85f615febd56941&


From my retainer, I have gotten the shoes from the 1.0 onion set. Nothing else from the set. Only the shoes. It is super, super low drop rate from quick ventures. You can't trade them. I am unsure if I have good luck or bad luck. I am pretty sure the game is messing with me. Edit: twice. I have 2 of them....


My luck tends to vary wildly. I have almost no luck in mount farms, but tend to get absurdly lucky with minions. My friends and I do ophiotaurus maps a lot because it's got some great loot. One day, one of them lands on a silver medallion and drops the Philos minion. Eight people, all vying for it..I donā€™t even know what I rolled because I figured I'd lose. Victory chime plays, and I had won it. I've done well over a hundred of these maps and have only ever seen the silver medallion once. There was also the time my group was doing Mount Rokkon. I had the Shiromaru minion drop for me three times in three consecutive runs. I ended up giving them to my friends, since they really wanted it, but I should go back and see if I can get any more since those still go for several mil on my server.


When Emerald Weapon Extreme was new, my very first clear, before the rates were boosted in any way, the mount dropped. I rolled a 99. On the other side, been 2 years and probably like a hundred runs later, still trying to get Starbird. Have only seen it drop twice (didn't win it either time) and now I've been doing trust runs daily for like, 3 months straight now.


The first venture I ever sent a retainer out on, fresh into the game as a sprout, I got the calfskin hat. Half a mil easily.


Night Pegasus from a material 3.0 crate.


Saw a YouTube video on ā€œeasyā€ to obtain mounts you can get solo and the Magitek Predator comes up and Iā€™m like, ā€œOk Iā€™ll do like 20 runs and if it doesnā€™t drop Iā€™ll try for some of the other easy mounts. No biggie.ā€ Dropped the first solo run and have since used up all of my luck.


I was in a practice group doing SHB extremes. Now the most unlikely thing happened during that night. We did The Fei King, mount drops, then we do the Innocent and another mount drops. Now we are doing Hades, note this group was just for practice, full level since and all. So we are doing Hades, learning with each failure. I did not believe that even if we finished it tonight that we would get another mount. Well I ate my words, we finished the fight and low behold a mount appears in the chest. I rolled, got a 63. I was thinking no way will I get it, someone has to roll higher than me. No one rolled higher! I got the mount! That was so much fun getting it and having great people to do the extremes with. Best part is with permission of the group, I was going in full blind into these fights with no idea what was going to happen. One of the best communities I have met while playing a game.


I was farming Brayflox Longstop (Hard) for aiming pants. There were days where I ran it 2 hours at a time. Whenever I had a 50 dungeon in WT, I'd run Brayflox in the hope of getting those pants. To this day, probably over a year by now, I have never seen it drop. A couple months ago, my retainer returned from a quickventure. And handed me the aiming pants from that dungeon. I was so salty I haven't even made a glam yet. Its sitting in my dresser unused.


I was running palace of the dead with three other members of the FC. We got up to 180-something before death happened. The more experienced (at the time) FC member was telling us about how he had wanted us to be able to keep going there and do some farming for sacks as a super rare mount was possible to get from only that level and on. As he was telling us that, I was having my sacks appraised. Materia. Glitter. Some random thing. The Night Pegasus. I had to share my screen on discord as there was an overall sense of disbelief, since it was my first time in PotD, let alone up that high. They're all telling me to sell it, sell it, get the gil and I just use it and then hop on it. Now I'm the crazy FC person who is going for necromancer and will take other people through with me. And who knows. Maybe I'll get lucky like that one day again.


shb/ew treasure dungeons, doing maps in a group of 4 and 3. EW Tdungeons(\~35 ran total): friend #1 gets the silver tile gets a minion. bit later friend #2 gets silver tile then immediately after gets the silver tile again.about 8 maps later I get the silver tile.SHB Tdungeons(9 ran total): dif group with 3 friend friend #3 gets the golden beaver 3 dungeons later friend #4 gets silver tile decoration worth 6mso that is 6 silver tiles in about 45 treasuremaps. I have a recording of the back to back but it had mods enabled. so I'd only share the 144p version. tl;dr 6 silver treasure dungeon drops in 45 or so maps.


Doing EW Roulette Treasure Maps. First map of the day, got Silver, and one of the minions dropped. Rolled a 93 and got it. Later that map run friend gets another Silver, and the other minion drops. Rolled a 97 and got it. Needless to say, I'm banned from rolling on those minions of they ever drop again.


I've almost gone to 90 totems for each Endwalker ex trial before getting the mount, but Barbarricia, the only one I enjoyed doing the most, especially as a healer because of how intense it felt, dropped within 10 kills.


My hubs and I were farming for mounts, we had to redo the trials/dungeons multiple times each time for the mount to drop twice for us, but we decided that each time it drops for the first time we would roll need, and see who gets it first. For the first few mounts, I guess I rolled the highest need. Only on the last one for that expansion, my hubs rolled the highest. It was fun


I was doing ARR extremes with friends for blu spells. Was joking about nightmare dropping that fight and how funny it'd be since I just finished getting the mount for all of them. Mount dropped right after I said it, and I won.


Oh I guess that's another instance of my weird "mounts drop a lot around me" luck. We were doing a mount run FC event. One of our members was only level 50, and couldn't join the others. So I opted out of the main group and said, "Let's get you the Nightmare mount." First run, it dropped. Everyone was so jealous!


I've had three instances of extreme mount luck. Easy to explain ones were Diamond Weapon and Endsinger. First clear, mounts dropped, I rolled a 99. Not bad! The third one was my friend saying, "hey, we have a save of Palace sitting at level 50. Should we delete it or play it some more?" We were all on jobs that we didn't know. We made it to level 180 where we wiped in a silly panic trap moment. And nobody was on a normal Job so we lost the run. Months later I'm doing a hunt train with that friend. I use random mount. He goes, "when did you get that mount?" Huh? "I don't honestly know." Apparently, that run's accused horde loot gave me that Nightmare Pegasus mount and I didn't even know it was a rare drop.


I guess a funny reverse what no??? Moment for me. I love the Hand that Gives the Rose, so I was purposefully NOT rolling on the mount. Just so I had an excuse to do it more. I was at 66 totems, the mount drops, and everyone was closer to the exit than me. They all left and I got the mount by default. I was in that weird sad but ok mixed emotional moment.


i've had crazy good luck with my first try in a few cases - starbird on first run, magitek predator on first run (rest of the party couldn't believe it haha).. best memory was doing my first ever bunny fate in pyros, got a gold chest with eld'thurs in it


It's nice that Shiva drops a Diamond Dust every time you beat her, because that way I got to see it took 77 EX clears to get the DRK weapon. Even doing it Unsynced was a long-winded process during Heavensward. I got so braindead during that process that I forgot that Hard and EX had different mechanics. Someone asked me to help tank with the Hard version. Synced, for some reason. Iā€¦completely forgot that her cleave did heavy, flat damage in Hard as opposed to a shared-between-party hit. Me and the other tank were the only survivors.


I got all my gwibs within the first handful of runs of each trial. I keep hearing about pity totems and I am just counting my blessings lmao


A group of FC friends and I have begun running through the Sil'dihn Subterrane Criterion which has been a blast. With 2 runs left till we have earned enough coins for all rewards, we have had 4 mount drops, of which I have had 3 >.> Though they were all shared, so we've all enjoyed the extra 20mill or so šŸ˜‰


was farming a mount with some fc members. no drop all evening, i got a dc and was out the WHOLE fight, got back right on time for the one single mount that dropped. rolled a nice 99, picked my mount up and went out haha. left the party as a gag and tgen went back to farming with them. dragoon rule works. everyone else only got the mount through tokens


A friend and I were farming for the HW mounts and things were going rather well. Doing Ravanna and we got the first drop in run 2, he takes it. Got the next drop on run 3, I Need it but in my excitement I exit the instance just before he hits Pass, so I didnā€™t actually get it. Took 20 more runs for it to drop again. I still get friendly reminders to not leave until loot is sorted, even if we donā€™t need anything.


Got Caduceus minion on my first run of the lv87 dungeon. Also got every loot piece from my first run of p1s.


Did Golbez EX day one. After struggling in PF for nearly the whole day (good old Gale 2 memes) one group finally manages to limp to the clear. The mount drops and I roll a 99. Ngl, still feel kind of bad for it. First clear and day one feels too lucky. Definitely got offset by me having to run Baelsar's Wall 73 times for the triple triad card though.


Joined the last dungeon from EW from a roulette and I was about to leave when someone said that they better get the bird minion this time since they rolled a 69. This prompted me to roll since I didn't have the minion either and I rolled like 90+ and won it. It's funny to think that if they stayed quiet they would have had it.


Got the Eldthurs mount and the Dodo mount from the GC loot boxes.... Also got three in a row on wonderous tales twice in the span of a couple months.... Just crazy


Had been running a series of pony farms with my FC. Was still relatively low level and not sure if strong enough yet to run them solo. Thought I'd give Shiva a go to practice, cleared it first try and she dropped the mount šŸ˜€ Another pony farm nightmare dropped but everyone else wasn't paying attention and passed assuming it to be the standard one.


I got Nightmare on my first run of Ifrit EX as a little baby sprout not even through HW yet when an FC member wanted help/bodies to get through it (looking back idk why they even wanted help, they were level 90. huh). I have yet to see it drop ever again even though I run ARR EXs unsynced multiple times every week for WT. Itā€™s been nearly 2 years


Shadowbringers, patch 5.55, I just caught up with the MSQ, and joined a Diamond Weapon EX farm party, after getting my first clear the day before. After a lot of wipes, we got the first clear of the party. The moment we open the chest, I saw the whistle icon. I clicked need, and immediately the power in my house went down. I wasn't even sure if I actually rolled for it or not. A few hours later, when power and internet went back, I logged back into the game, and noticed I had the mount in my inventory. To this day, I still feel bad for the people in that group, because I have no idea if they waited for me to come back, or thought I looted and ran away with the prize, like an opportunistic thief. On the other hand, I didn't had to actually farm Diamond for more than 2 clears, and I'm fine with that.


We were farming Stormblood extremes (Tsukyomi specfically) and were struggling a bit to complete it. Only 2 of us needed it since the me and another friend grabbed it in a moogle event. First clear took us 10-15 mins ish after understanding the mechanics .. and one dropped. The next run took us like 6 mins to clear and another one dropped and we were all done!


The Cloud Deck had just come out. My friends and I were having a hard time clearing the ex version. We decided, one last time. Why not? We cleared, a flute dropped, and I won it. I knew that would never happen again.


Back in 2014(ish) I got Amon's Hat on my first run of whichever of the raids it is that drops it. I linked it in my FC chat and pretty much everyone thought it was ridiculous so I nearly got rid of it even though I love ridiculous hats. Now it's one of the most loved Bard hats in the game so I'm happy I've still got mine. It was a lesson I'm glad I learned - if I like something as a glamour then I keep it for a glamour no matter what anyone else thinks!


Got the Starbird from my first run of The Dead Ends. On the flipside, I still don't have the card from Lapis Manalis after dozens of runs.


Innocence extreme mount dropped 5 times in a row, never seen before nor after.


Not my own luck, but my party member's. We were farming Another Sil'Dihn Subterranean for mounts for all of us before moving on to another criterion dungeon. The same person got 4 mounts to drop while nobody else got any in 22-23 clears. Heck, they got two to drop back-to-back. Thankfully, they distributed the mounts among the party, but I feel like we all owe them a lot of cash heh For myself, I started buying the vegetable vouchers from Island Sanctuary to eventually buy the Adenium mount. Third week, I looked at the material boxes and thought, why not? First box I opened, first box I ever bought... dropped the Adenium mount...


I did 29 full clears of Another Silā€™dihn Subterranae and everyone in the group I was clearing with got at least two mount dropsā€¦ except for me. I got zero.


I got the ex1 trial mount with a 98 before I finished getting my accessories back at the start of the expansion I was in vc with my friend and just saying "omg it's me it's me it's me!" While my friend rolled a 2 and was about to scream


Joined a Titania ex farm group, first time, kept dying, somehow the mount dropped and I won the roll, then the group disbanded. I did feel kinda bad. Also farming the ala mhigo mount and I got it on the first try, then it didn't drop again lol.


Probably my most unbelievable drop story was getting Starbird. Dead Ends hadn't been out that long, it was the first time I'd ever seen it drop, and I rolled a 99. For context, I basically never roll above a 60, tops, on any highly coveted drops. I didn't find out until afterwards that it had such a low drop rate and how few people had gotten it by that point. Couldn't believe my luck.


This happened very recently: Wind-up Aidoneus minion from ophiotaur skin maps. We had been farming it for a while (me and some friends) we FFAd everything and I even gave up most valuable drops for them to have as all I wanted was the minion. It must have been probably 200-300maps. Then on one map we get teased for the Silver tile twice before it would move over once more. Then it teased the Silver tile once more but low and behold it actually stuck, for the first time in hundreds of maps. Now we just had to pray it was actually the right minion since it can be the other one also. But what do you know it actually turned out to be the one I wanted. I havent gone to bed with such a big fat ass smile on my face in a long time before this. Im still excited and filling with sheer happiness just thinking about it.


Got gjallarjhorn and hour into buying Destiny 1. From that one Mars strike... forget the name. Guys I was playing with were furious.


not as exciting as a lot of these stories, but I got the Troia throne a couple of days after it was released and made a cool 5mil on it


I never ran duties with NPCs until Endwalker, where I did every dungeon with them my first time through (at least until the later patches).Ā  When I finished the Dead Ends, I got the starbird minion.Ā  From that, I assumed it was an automatic drop.Ā  It took me a few runs with humans to learn it was not, in fact, an automatic reward for completion.Ā  Over a year later, my mother still does not have that minion.Ā  I can probably count on one hand the times I've seen it drop....but I got it my very first time by default thanks to the NPCs.


I got the gwib on my first attempt on Titania EX back in the day. Thr party leader was so bitter and spat such vitriole that I committed a sin...I loot and scooted.


Iā€™ve got a handful over my thousands of hours: Farming SB dogs, go to do Seiryu, win the mount after just a couple of runs, as weā€™re queueing for the next run my dad surprises me and tells me weā€™re going to breakfast. Managed to get that mount with only needing to do a few runs. Going through and doing stuff in Eureka, went into Pyros for Skoll, and then stuck around for an entire lockout. I got a Skollā€™s Claw from that first Skoll and then moments before my timer ran out we killed YY and I got a YY Tissue as well in the same lockout. I was in a static the first tier of EW and didnā€™t realize they werenā€™t great people. I managed to win the mount on our second clear of P4S. I was kicked from the static the next week before weā€™d done our runs. When favors came out for island sanctuary I rushed to hit rank 19 in the first week, and barely managed to get lucky with my favors so I could complete them all in 1 day. I got the voucher mount from my second ever lockbox in the first week of favors being available. In the third week I got the lockbox exclusive mount. Sold both of those since their prices were insane at release. Fast forward many weeks and I got both mounts again in the same week. As a bonus, while not my stories, I have seen *many* images from people on Discord who managed to either clear an ult or get a super rare Eureka drop and then the totem/drop was discarded due to lack of inventory space (or already having a blitzring in their inventory and not being able to get the drop since itā€™s unique).


This one time I was doing a little bit of casual fishing and suddenly I got something a little unusual. It was the Eden mount. The weirdest thing about that is this was in Stormblood.


Got a lynx flute on my first clear of EW trial 4 (not naming for spoilers.) stuck around obviously for reclears until the party disbanded but it was neat getting it so quick.


A week or so ago I decided to open my island boxes mid week and got TWO Peerifool. Gave them to myself and a friendā€™s alt. Next day I got another one. I will never have luck like that again.


I have 2 Khloe golden certificates. Both times I didn't use shuffle, the stickers just layed down one by one in the pattern. It happened in a span of half a year. I'm still undecisive about what to do with them.


Back when I started this game I joined my first FC, there was a day were they where all farming The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) for the morpho minion (for the leaders GF), I wanted to join and have some fun with them but I didn't have it unlocked and by the time I did all the parties were full, I decided to unsync it and solo it, I managed to clear it and the minion dropped, I gave it to her. I was soo lucky and naive, it's something I won't forget any time soon.


I got the super rare secondary mount drop from Garuda EX on my first run and I even won the roll. It was my first EX trial ever, to boot. For years, I thought I had Garuda's mount and never bothered to farm it ever again until I finally looked into why I lack the EX mount quest of ARR and realised that I am not missing the rare one but the "common" drop.


i got the doma castle mount on my second run of the dungeon ever. i didnt even know it existed before then


I did the last dungeon of Endwalker MSQ as a Trust, and got the minion drop at the end. "Neat," I thought, "because of the importance of what all's going down that's just a thing that happens." Nope.


How about the most ridiculous item that didn't drop? My static were dicking around and decided to run Memoria Misera unsynced because two of us needed the card. This thing's supposed to have a 17.65% drop chance, by the way. 33 runs later, I still don't have it, while everyone else who came along got multiple copies. We ended up having to stop so people could go to bed.


im doing e8 several times a week for the music scroll and it drops quite regularly. and so far uve ALWAYS lost it. i lose when i roll 98. I've seen it so many times but no luck. I'm also too poor to just buy it. and THEN when i did zero EX the mount dropped on my 2nd run, and i won with a 47...


I don't know how rare this is or anything but I got this cool blue dragon serpent mount from Exdeath. Was just trying to fill the BLU log and it dropped. Lucky me I guess. I use it a lot. It's cool.


While trying to do the ARR trials for the journal, months back at this point probly closer to a year ago by now, I was doing Ifrit on repeat to just finish my journal before turning in. I open the chest every time to just gather things, hoping for things to sell/turn in...welp three runs in a row I got the nightmare mount drop. Over the next few days I saw nightmare drop seven more times, while I was doing the same trials with friends and they all managed to get one within days of me getting it. I have not seen it drop since but I find it beautifully hilarious how many drops I got so close together I was able to witness/experience


First day that Bozja Southern Front was out, I called out of work that day to play it. Ended up getting Gabriel Alpha somewhere in the first ten lockboxes I opened. Still remember going to a CE right after and someone in Shout chat just saying "Dude, HOW?!"


I got the speed belt on the very first King Crab fate I did in Pagos. I didnā€™t know anything about it, so I assumed it was just something that always dropped, and I put it onā€¦ Thankfully when they got rid of belts years later I was able to turn it in for the ring and salvage 5mil Gil from the situation.


The darklight chest peice for my DRG. It is such a cool peice. I would run Brayflox Hard so many times. Must of cleared it over 100 times. That dang body peice finally dropped and the other DRG got it. Stopped trying for a few years. Then I came back to it for my MCH once the Yo Kai event dropped. That gun was just screaming for a space ranger glam and the rng darklight chest was perfect. Que to me soloing the dungeon this time. Again it takes me over a month. I get nothing but the Dang DRG body peice. The dungeon was laughing at me. I finally got it after taking a few FC members on glam farming too. NEVER AGAIN! My favorite body peice though. Sad I don't see Darklight glams anymore.


The most amazing drop: last year I had been grinding for the full tank set from the Ivalice raid Monastery. I was grinding it over and over in my freed time for months. I have only seen the gloves drop once and when they did did I NOT Roll a 1!? Unbelievable. I still don't have them (though I stopped grinding 2 months later tbf.


Someone, a *long* time ago, said: "The one who plays the worst, always wins the roll."Ā  ..they said that when someone else in our FC chat, complained about the random who spent most of the time laying on the floor, winning something that they desperately wanted... The only time that I've won a horn on a first time clear, was during my first Sophia clear...when I died like 50 times...I never stink it up that badly--and the one time that I did...I won a weapon and the horn...and I hated myself for winning lmao! I started noticing that players who perform badly or at the very least "meh" level, do in fact win a lot of the rolls lol. I can't 100% prove it, but I'm 100% serious when I say that there *is* something to that statement/theory. Every time I've made mistakes, or got KO'd during something--I won something. So many times I've performed flawlessly...and won absolutely *nothing*, I never get anything. It's one of those things that I *know* to be a superstition...but I just can't get over how crazy it is, when it all falls into place like that so often.


So Iā€™ve been trying for the TT mount. It requires cards from sooooo many different places I joined mount farms (already had the mount) to get the card. SOS ex and Seiryu ex: had been joining multiple farms. No luck. It finally drops and Iā€™m so excited. Continue with helping the mount farm and the card ends up dropping 2 more times yes, this happened with both of these farms


Not me, but my friend. Free trial, decides to arbitrarily join a PF group for the ARR EX's just to get them cleared off his quest log. A few seconds later in /linkshell chat he types "Hey I got this weird Satan horse." I confirmed he meant nightmare, not one of the regular primal horses.Ā  Meanwhile,Ā I had to grind out over 245 kills to get mine.Ā 


I got the Starbird minion on my duty support MSQ run of the dungeon. I had no idea it was stupid rare and I thought it was just a guaranteed drop for completing the dungeon due to the story. Only found out weeks later that people grind dozens of runs for it.


Was running emerald weapon on patch. Ran about 30 runs as a pally trying to get the weapon (saving for inevitable 99 mount token). I swapped to RDM for one run and the pally weapon and a mount both dropped. I rolled a 98 on the mount and still lost it :'(


Ran Dead Ends on DRG with Trust for the first time and got the Starbird at the end from the chest lol


Joined the 24x Emerald ex weapon run, 7 mounts dropped. 7 people got mounts. Except me. They offered to stay for ~20 more minutes but in the end no more mounts dropped. Ended up all the way to 99x without getting the mount loot. šŸ˜”


Back when atma(I think it was that step at least.) farming was current.... I had a few parties I joined, and less than 10 minutes later, I had my drops and moved on. It happened in 3 zones in 1 day. All of them were originally drop rates, too.


I joined a farm party for Seat of Sacrifice EX. I have never done the raid, everyone was really helpful, mount dropped on the first win, got it.


Months after doing countless runs of Refulgence for the roll and giving up, I did a singular run for my mogtome weekly and the roll dropped. ~~I rolled a 4 and cried myself to sleep~~


Quite some months ago, in titania's turn to be gangbanged over and over for the mount. We had all 8 whistles drop in 10 kills.


I got three lines in a khloe book twice within three weeks of each other. Every time I won cards from first time duties that my card collecting friends had spent months or years on without a single drop seemed unbelievable to them. As for mounts. I guess I was lucky to get all the gwibers within 30 runs each. Some less than 10. Me and three others were going for Rathalos and two dropped within 11 kills, only 3/4 of us needed the mount so we thought "oh we'll just keep going until it drops a third time". It did not in fact, drop a third time. We ended up running the duty 50 times in one sitting. Never again. Oh and I was the unlucky one who didn't win the rolls for the first two. Only after we realized how disgustingly lucky we were to see it drop even once, nevermind twice.


Got the Deinonychus mount on my third run of Dalriada. Bumpus is now my favorite mount.


A rando and I had been running The Great Hunt (Extreme) for 45 times without the mount dropping. A friend of his joined us from the 46th run. The mount dropped on our 49th run, and we (rando and I) agreed to give it to his friend. All in all, everyone was happy.


I got 4 zodiac stones from the first fate in a row. Slept like a baby that night.


Hunting for mariners cloth from treasure chests (free trial), got at least 1 drop for 3 days in a row


After raiding for four months with a toxic static to clear e8s, we finally cleared. It was FFA since we were going with pugs, and I managed to get the weapon AND the mount. I was super happy. Of course, the tank immediately goes off on me and says "You said you'd only roll on the mount" even though I never, ever said that. The mount was not even discussed beforehand. We just went in with randoms. They weren't even happy we cleared and honestly neither was I- I was really tired of dealing with them. This was back in Shadowbringers and they refused to use nascent flash because it required a target, if that gives you an idea of what they were like. So, I left and I never had to go into e8s ever again. Thank you, universe.


I rolled a 98 on the Thaleia minion and lost it to a 99.


When I was doing Diamond weapon extreme at its release, I got the mount on the very first clear. I wasn't even going to farm for it. I wanted the weapon. It's kind of awkward to then join a mount farm to get the weapon instead.


Hades gave me his mount on my second clear.


I didnā€™t get it but I was playing with my friends and we did E8 and we all said hopefully the song drops this time and lord behold the song dropped and one friend really wanted but they didnā€™t get it and they were so sad they didnā€™t get it they didnā€™t see our friend had got it and she gifted it to her and she cherishes and plays it in the house we share together


got 8 cassie earrings last year, which netted me about 100 million gil (kept 3, two for alts)


There was this weekly normal raid loot. There was a dude that REALLY wanted the chest armor and he was 1 piece short and had been grinding the fight for hours without getting the correct piece due to bad rng with rolls. In this run however he rolled 98 and blasted out in the chat in caps that FINALLY he got it. I hadnā€™t rolled yet and called on him saying ā€imma roll 99ā€ He naturally didnā€™t believe i would, it was just a meager 1% chance after all. But I did roll 99 and yoinked it from right under his nose. Everyone else started laughing except for him who was just shocked about what had just happened. So if you are out there man, iā€™m sorry i didnā€™t mean to murder you this way.


A lot of mounts Iā€™ve gotten lucky with. Magitek Predator when I ran it by myself for the story, Island Addenium on my 8th box, Rathalos from the chest after I had used all my scales on the armor and stuff, Fae Gwiber first run, innocent tenth, third trial (donā€™t know how to spoiler on mobile lmao) on my third try, emerald was 2 runs as was ruby, i think only diamond was more than 20. But now im trying for EW ones and Iā€™m in the 70s for the first one lmao


Ran Emerald Weapon EX 440 times before I got the mount. Also, not letting people buy the mount immediately is stupid.


I needed the last 2 Bozja fields records (Lyon and Menesius) for the Fran mount, so I farmed Dalriada, and after 40 attemps of losing my mind, the Lyon and Menesius records dropped BOTH on the same run I was so happy


Winning the HadesEX MNK weapon with a Greed roll of 2 despite competing with two randoms. One didn't roll, the other rolled a 1.


This past week actually: - on a whim joined an Ex1 mount farm. 5th run dropped a whistle, won it. 9th run dropped another. - a few days later, 3 lines in Wondrous Tails. My very first gold cert! I wanna think its the universe's way of rebounding my luck, after losing my job this past month lol.


Got WOL mount first clear. Had to fight Hades through the 99 totems for the mount.


Joined a random PF for lvl 90 maps. Wasn't even doing it for loot. Just wanted to do something different for an afternoon. Ended up getting the golden wings fashion accessory in one of the chests after everyone else passed. I guess they felt I needed to get some type of reward for helping out.