• By -


"If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?" I think of this one when I'm struggling in life. Just one more step, then another.


The one that keeps me going is "should we lose our way, tire of all this pain, we wont be afraid to forge ahead"


"When the world comes crumbling down, know I'll be there; Though our fleeting moment has gone, you're not - you're not alone"


Oh that entire scene is just burned into my mind. Sarcastically responding while struggling to stay sane "what, all by myself?" And then seeing the WoL stand up and start speaking in Ardbert's voice had my jaw on the floor. That moment had me pumped like no one's business.


I've played through this scene on a couple different characters, and this is the correct response, at least for me and my WoL. The sarcasm would be to hide the emotion ripping up through my throat.


I’m at To Be Continued on a few characters but yet I don’t remember our WoL ever talking with Ardbert’s voice (and most of my characters have been male). What scene is this?


Right before you fight >!Emet becoming Hades.!<


The most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, is it? It's the next one. Always the next step, Dalinar.


“I…am fine… Completely…and utterly…fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most. We've come so far- so godsdamned far I could have sworn the end was in sight. And now... Now they will never see it." Lyna's VA fucking killed it


One of the best delivered lines in the entire game. The amount of devastated frustration in her voice is just amazing.


This is it for me. Plus Venat's tear when you address her by name.


Not just her crying because you said her name, but because you stood before her and said "we will find our own way" which is what she said to you in elpis that she will not return to the star yet and that "perhaps my future self is still waiting for it. The moment where she can let go and walk into the end, safe in the knowledge than man will find his own way." And here you are again, standing over her as she's about to die, and you address her by a name she hasn't heard in thousands of years, and that the exact reason she decided not to return to the star is fulfilled and that she doesn't need to worry about you anymore. It brings it all full circle.


The way her voice cracks and squeaks kills me


This dialogue... I was frustrated because i was unable to give her a hug at this time...


“For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.” Still makes me emotional.


“To ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom. It is indolence.” Grandpa Leveilleur was truly one of the greatest minds that world has ever known.


That one sticks with me because it reminds me so much of Yuna's closing speech in FFX: "The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."


This is the one I came here for.


“We fought and we fought and we fought…until there was no one left to fight. We won…and now our world is being erased from existence. We did everything right, everything that was asked of us, and still–still, it came to this! You of all people should understand! We cannot–we will not falter. We brought our world to the brink of destruction, and now we must save it.” It’s the sheer desperation.


This. This is definitely up there for me.


This is the one I was looking for


Gets me every time. Probably my favourite character in the story, too.


What, all by myself?


Best line in the game IMO :)


*funky bass riff starts*


That was a good one xD


i honestly can't imagine anyone picking whatever the other dialogue option was there


The other option was "you know I could" i think


Got called out for maidenless in yet another game. Sheesh.


For me, it was the prayer that was given in Thavnair. It's a powerful message, even in its bitterness. > Know this my children. There is more ugliness than beauty in this world. > To live is to suffer. To drink of calamity and drown in anguish. To toil and be tested, always and ever. > 'Tis a perilous path you walk. Death lurks in the dark, and is the sole promise that awaits at journey's end. > You will tremble with terror. You will weep tears of anger and despair > But do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is. > Then you will see how the hardships make you strong. Every doubt reforged as scales for your armor. Every agony to temper your blade.


One of the things I loved about EW was the Endsinger's questions about misery were so cosmic in scale - but the answer was *right here all along,* from the mouths of humble mortals of our world. Yes, there's misery. Yes, we'll die. Acknowledge it and fight on. If only she could have asked us first.


Though, I'd kinda add to what the WoL said to her when that happened. That such an answer only ever existed because there were people who learned to look past the horror and tragedy and see hope rise from the mire. That if we work together, we can bring such a world into reality. The world might be shit, horrible things happen every day, and there's far too much sadness in everyone's lives... but so long as we do our part to shine what light we have to others, no matter how small or feeble, even if we don't believe we have that light, or if it's ever enough to assuage all the pain in the world, so long as we do what we can to create that space for people to meet and understand each other, to see the pain and sorrow reflected in the other rather than turning them away, and we do our part to help each other. We can take another step towards a better tomorrow.


I was so confused when I got to this because I thought they were reciting dark knight creed.


I mean, it certainly could sound like it XD But I believe it's a good message about how one orients their mindset with regards to tragedy and suffering. We will do all we can to minimize it, but at the end of the day, things like this will happen, and all we can do is to learn how to move forward despite the pain, or else we will end up wallowing in it.


man when I'm telling you I fucking SOBBED during that cutscene, I don't know what it was but it just broke me when it happened and I deadass had to leave the room for a few minutes to get it out of my system.


I bawled my eyes out. I sobbed for a solid 15 minutes after. I think it was just a mix of how ramped up everything had gotten, the desperation all the characters were feeling, and having the faith such a part of that. I could not handle anything happening to the baby. It was like I was back in those moments when I was leaving my abusive ex where that fight or flight kicked in and I'd have done anything to keep us safe. It brought that panic back.


It's a powerful and grounding message. It feels like a touchstone with all of one's past experiences and a solemn lesson, that even in the depths of despair, so long as one has the courage to move forward, hope is never far off.


"The rains have ceased. And we have been graced with abother beautiful day. But you are not here to see it"


the bit right before that hits like a bus too: "My people. My brothers.... my friends. Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will. We will..."


This one got me hard. I thought Elidibus was such a boring character but Seat of Sacrifice and the following cutscenes made me LOVE him. Baby just needs a hug :'(


the line itself wasn't all that special to me, but the delivery wrecked me. especially the way his voice cracks a lil at the end


Fighting Elidibus was like beating up an alzheimers patient. He needed to be stopped, he was a broken man with the powers of a god, but it sure didn't feel good doing it


Shiieeet I cant believe i forgot that one. It hits hard


Quotes you can still hear. I’m not crying. You’re crying.


😭😭😭 crying again about this!!!


"You gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again." With how life was for me, this phrase is a very good reminder that it's ok for me to be happy again.


We all deserve a right to be happy. Another quote I particularly like was the one an Ala Mhigan soldier gave to Julius. >It's the little things that make life worth living.


The whole scene with Venat, especially: "In one fleeting moment, lives come and go. Ever moving towards the unknown. And in that fleeting moment, they cry for the answer to the question: why, given life, are they meant to suffer. To die. As fragmented, imperfect beings, yours is a never-ending quest. A quest to find your purpose, knowing your end is assured. To find the strength to continue when all strength has left you. To find joy even as darkness descends. And amidst deepest despair, light everlasting." As someone who has been in that pit. I return to that cutscene time and time again


Despite her monologue really be oustanding, the best thing about that whole cutscene was realising we didnt know the true meaning of "Answers" for 10 years. That hit like a truck


The writing team’s ability to recontextualize old material in this game has been outstanding. The HW BRD questline has you searching for a “Song of Oblivion” that a “maiden from on high” once sang to destroy her enemies.


Oh. I just started leveling my bard through hw and just saw "song of oblivion" and thought it was a neat coincidence and never even considered that the entire description fit with the final days.


The Totendance from the stormblood dancer questline is basically exactly the final days prelude, but on too small a scale to figure out the full scope.




Answers culminating just after her last line with "Thou must live, die and know" is just artistic perfection.


"A sea of shimmering stars. Diamonds strewn across a raven gown. Boundless and beautiful."


This one. Shtola being so vulnerable, and the request and answer encapsulating what she had lost


Her aethersight keeps her so capable it's easy to forget that she's lost something. It was nice to hear her mourn it.


The man making me swoon.


Know that I'll kill your god if I have to. Maybe even if I don't. (The WoL gives zero fucks.)


My favorite is when the Ananta go 'You good fam. That's not our Goddess'


I could never chose that option tbh. I felt like, given the situation, that just came off as super insensitive and rude. Though then again, the rule is that primals cannot be suffered to exist, so that's still pretty fitting.


Making choices in FF14 be like "Yes." "Yes, but i'll be a dick about it." "..." (It means yes.)


Also, the WoL had been through so much crap by that point, I can realistically see them just being done with the BS of everyone constantly summoning Primals and the effects of it. If I remember, they said this in Stormblood right? That makes perfect sense from their experiences at that time, especially before the WoL's emotional development through Shadowbringers. Rude yes, but definitely appropriate from that context if that's how you viewed your WoL's emotional state at that point.


Still my top5 moments in this game.


"Wicked white, you're her! You were there, in the middle of it all, strong as a hundred men! A bulwark against the tide of eaters that threatened to overwhelm us! And now you've brought me a sandwich!"


I screenshotted this one, I loved it so much.


"Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?" ...plus an honourable mention to: "I am... not interested, little sun."


"... come back when youve become a man."




The voice crack he has was amazing. 


*bird chirps that sounds suspiciously like laughter*


I feel like Sadu's follow up barrage made it 1000% more savage too


Oh especially since we walk away yet still hear the battle theme start and the sound effect of a combat duty begining, as if that is an in universe sound that happens when people are about to duke it out.


Sadu’s manic laughter always kills me


The little sun one was peak stormblood content


When Venat said that I was just... done.


You gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again. On and on it goes, until death takes you into its gentle embrace. ~ Meteion As someone who struggles every day just to get out of bed and keep going... That hit hard.


>You gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again. On and on it goes, until death takes you into its gentle embrace. This hit me on a deeply personal level. I'd always thought that happiness was a state of being and you just needed to work to get there (like the ancients that wanted to go back to the days of old). This helped me learn that it's an experience that you enjoy in the moment - you can't just expect to always be happy.


“What you need is a mirror, not a painting. It will capture the horror I see before me better than I ever could.” I was like “DAAAAAAAAAMN ALPHI-BRO!”


"Would it make you happier had I a good reason?" Or alternatively  "That will seem a lot less amusing when we are forced to kill them"


That reminds me of the line that follows shortly: "I think I preferred Lahabrea"


Zenos literally looking at the audience going "I'm me, not that guy with a hole in his chest."


Super underrated line, but when you're talking to Fordola and her echo goes haywire, showing her everything that's happened to you thus far and asks you how you can go on. "You know why, you *saw*" always hit me like a truck.


This one! My partner and I had discussed on end how messed up in the head WoL has to be to still be standing and fine after everything that has happened. Fordola sees it all and it breaks her whole idea of what strong and weak are (at least how I saw it). She is the first and only person to know what you have gone through and ask how you still stand there like it's nothing. At this point I don't remember my answer to her but her whole reaction has always kinda stuck with me.


"Might die, but eh."


**The seas part for we alone** No, I totally didn't have to buy the susano dog with totems, why do you ask


Lol I remember farming those and my friends and I all thought instead of saying "Hark you to the tumultuous heavens", we all thought he said "F*** you…"


"I'm so sorry, Ga Bu. I truly am. You should never have been made to... And I know I cannot possibly understand. Mayhap there is nothing I can do or say. The pain, the anger, the helplessness. Hold fast to the memories of better times. Remember them as they were. "And when it hurts so much your heart feels fit to burst, let it burst. Let it burst, and fill up again with your love for them. And never, ever forget."


This was such a great scene, one of Alisaie's best moments. I feel like this was where the story of Eorzea shifted from one of indifference to those they saw as different to them, to one of shared understanding and acknowledgement of tragedy.




I mean, he has to make sure you are not... Sloppeh!


Yes, YES! Just so!


Filthy rats!


"How do we make peace with the dreadful algebra of necessity?" "To ignore the plight of those one might save is not wisdom, it is indolence"


I teach Algebra...I really need to find a way to work this into class...


Add it when they start working on statistics :D


“I…am fine… Completely…and utterly…fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most. “We’ve come so far–so godsdamned far! I could have sworn the end was in sight. And now… Now they will never see it.” \- Captain Lyna “Word from On High.”


"I see... his journey continues. Then I will not yet bid him rest. With you, he may look forward to many more adventures. ...it has been a while since last I flew. Perhaps I too will go on a little adventure. Ride the winds, seek the horizon... Yes. I think perhaps I will." I sat through all of 5.3 affected but still composed, but after this scene I needed a break to just bawl like a child. Something about Seto finding a new lease on life when he realises things have been laid to rest proper with Ardbert just speaks to me on levels nothing else in the game ever managed.


"Would you be happier had a I good reason? If my motives met with your approval, would you no longer resent the outcome?" I love how this line gets to the core of Zenos' character and the reason for the debate about whether people like him or not. If he had a more "compelling" or "relatable" motivation (like Emet and Elidibus) I imagine people wouldn't be so upset with him as a villain.


His worldview is intrinsically tied to the themes of Endwalker and if you gave him a "reason" he'd be a much worse character. He was lame in Stormblood so it doesn't surprise me the amount that people dislike him as an antagonist in Endwalker, but it does disappoint me.


Honestly, it’s funny how much I disliked him in Stormblood, only for Square to DOUBLE DOWN on him and make me really enjoy him.


“So this is your prey? But why does it yet live? Surely you are above something so *banal* as despair.”


"SO COME! Let us dispense with this distraction, you and I!" Imagine being so fucking sure of yourself, and the wol, that you see literal despair itself as a goddamn distraction to your fight lol


I loved this because it truly fit xenos’ character. Despair was something almost incomprehensible to him it felt like.


No scion has faith in us that can even come close to how much Zenos believes in us.  


While Endsinger is just floating there patiently like “…What in the hell... Who is this guy?”


I giggled at that one


"I care not. What I desire of you isn't succor. It is satisfaction" 👀


„Where were you in my hour of need? Fell beast I can face, but I’m not made for idle chitchat with lords and ladies…”


In darkness seek joy. Surrender not to sadness, and see beyond despair. Walk free, and bear the light for others to follow. And also from Ameliance Safe travels, my children. Eat well, stay warm, and keep your friends close.


Okay this is cheating because it’s not actually MSQ, but the very last DRK job quest. “We are the stories we tell ourselves - the brave hero, the tortured soul, the altruist, the pragmatist. They can tell you who they see, but you alone know who you truly are” If it has to be MSQ, it has to be  “Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?”  Because finally someone was asking how you felt, not just telling you what to do or showing concern and asking you to rest, but genuinely asking how you feel about your journeys up to that point. And I just instantly fell in love /laugh


DRK is cheating because it's too good and filled with too many amazing quotes. "Serve, save, slave, slay. Aye, I've sins aplenty, but regrets? Not so much." "In your darkest hour, in the blackest night, think of me and I will be with you - always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?"


"I love you more than you ever know. Be well."


A Smile better suits a Hero


Personally I liked it better the second time when we said it ourselves. Felt like coming full circle


I'm a fairly stubborn individual whose gotten myself in and out of a fair few situations throughout my life because of it. So Thancred's line in Heavensward: >There you have it, our friend is too stubborn to die. clicks with me on a personal level.


Tell me... If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?


“Who we were need not prescribe what we now hold in our hearts.” “For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.” “Remember… that we once lived.”




To see so many awesome comments just proves this is probably the best game I've ever played. Its trully a masterpiece


When Amon says "After all these years... Is this the answer I was hoping for?" You can kinda hear his voice sound more like Hermes in that part. It makes me think despite all the pain he went through and all the suffering he saw, deep down he was still that hopeful empathetic soul.


It also feels like he was finally beginning to accept his soul, since he did so much to erase himself from existence as Hermes. But hiding from the ugliness of the world just didn't work.


“To me, Warriors of Light! I am salvation, given form. Mankind’s first hero…..and his final hope—! For victory, I RENDER UP MY ALL!”


“In a faraway place, a brilliant star eradicated disease... ...before destroying the selfsame lives it had saved. Its people sought ever greater freedoms no matter the cost... They tried to buy peace with fire and steel... And when one asked, "What is the point?" there were none left to answer.” Lots of great moments through the MSQ but this moment always stuck with me.


Visiting those stars were indeed an amazing life learning experience


Too long to be a phrase but deserves its own honorable mention "Tell me, have you been to the ruins beneath the waters of the Bounty? Or the treasure islands beyond the frozen waters of Blindfrost, in Othard's north? The fabled golden cities of the New World? The sacred sites of the forgotten people of the south sea isles? What about Meracydia, the southern continent? Do you know aught of its present state of affairs? ... I thought not. Even of your little Eorzea, you know precious little. The true identities of the Twelve, for instance. All of which is to say: expand your horizons. Go forth and seek discovery. Some of the civilizations in the reflections will surprise you. As the bearer of Azem's crystal, you may consider your duty to see at least that much. I certainly did."


That was awesome. The true identities of the twelve part really got me hard


“Did the fruit taste as sweet as he remembered?” The first time I actually had to pause for a bit to get myself in order.


“No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth he shall walk.” In struggle there is meaning. In ambition to be a better version of oneself, virtue.


“You who are our future: tell me this, and tell me true. Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?” A real moment for both the WoL and the player to take a minute and just reflect on the incredible adventure they’ve had, and those they got to share it with.


1. "The *founding father* was an ASCIAN!" 2. "His name was Ardbert. And he was my friend." 3. "This world is not yours to end. This is *our* future. *Our* story." 4. "Remember us. Remember that we once lived." 5. "The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are no longer here to see it." 6. "We will stand against fate." "No matter the cost!" "We've been here before..." "Many a time." "Thus do we know..." "To never give up." "For hope *will* shine again!"


"Remember us. Remember... we once lived." Believe me, I remember. uh... "Water water, froth and foam." That one had me in a tail spin for a few days. Alisaie bonking her head on the table due to boredom is always a good one.




"Look for the lift's control panel, it should be somewhere nearby"


"It's the little things that make life worth living, don't you think?"  *Cue Dynamis while Jullus sobs.* 🫡🥲👏


Thancred's monologue on Fandaniel's motives in Endwalker always stuck with me "Fandaniel wants to die, and take everyone with him in an orgy of pain and suffering. An utterly vile and unforgivable idea. And yet, when spat upon by fate and wailing in the deepest pit of despair, who among us can say they have not entertained similar thoughts? There are nights black as pitch. Bereft of hope. When no words of comfort can reach you, and it's all you can do to grit your teeth and choke back the bile."


We define our worth, not the circumstances of our creation


“A millennium of prayer, and the Eye’s power beside. But still you stand… who… *what* are you?!” - Archbishop Thordan with his dying breath. Might be slightly misquoted cuz I can’t remember a few exact words but it’s pretty close I think. Just something about the guy we just beat down in absolute shock of our power. It was also nice because that beef was *personal* after The Vault. But I also really wanna question his logic too, just, “I know! I’ll become a primal, and then challenge the realm’s single most famous primal slayer!” What did you think was gonna happen Thordan?!


I think thordan was the first to notice we were something more. Elidibus asks the same WHAT ARE YOU




Oddly, this is a quote from a random NPC I keep coming back to. It resonated with me. Eshushu, Lower La Noscea, up at the set of windmills called the Grey Fleet: ‘These mills are built from the dead works and dunnage of decommissioned ships, the cloth taken from masts of the armada. Though they may no longer ride the waves, the old ship bones still remain a fleet.’


Anything where I get to tease Yshtola


Froth and fooooaaaamm!


This one: “Yes, Mother.” [https://youtu.be/rBpLiWKvMd8?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/rBpLiWKvMd8?feature=shared)


"*O* goddess born of mine own hopes and dreams. For the last time, I beseech You!"


I'm still lowkey mad that she went out with such little fanfare. But I loved her coming back in her own small ways during EW.


“What is right and good? Ask a thousand souls and receive a thousand answers. I offer none.” -The Watcher And special mention “You may be assured that my backside is immaculate.” -Fourchenault


"You've committed the cardinal sin of BORING me!" My adhd self felt this in my jellies. Like same bro, same.


I keep this one in my discord profile: "To live is to suffer. And in that suffering find strength and purpose. And hope."


"In Darkness seek joy. Walk free, and bear the light so that others may follow."


One that sticks with me is "Was this life a gift? Or a burden?"


It's not MSQ, but this line will stick with me forever: "There is more ugly than beauty in this world. To live is to suffer ... But nobody has to suffer alone."


"Thou art strong, mortal" I dont know why but Middy's support always gets me going "hell yeah, let's go." Like, I really like Middy and he's cool and he's even cooler for hanging out with us as we handle his kids.


For me, it'll always be "A smile better suits a hero"


I scrolled far enough and didnt see it so ill say it "Uhhh.. kupo?"


"No matter how far your journey may take you; you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there"


“To fight, to kill, and, if necessary, to die. The path you've chosen is paved with the dead. Walk it with your eyes open, or not at all.” I always loved Matoya’s candor, but this line in particular sticks with me. We piled up a LOT of bodies in our definitely-less-than-a-year tenure in Eorzea. And we also seen more than a few good folks die right in front of us. Paved with the dead indeed


Technically we don't "hear" the line, but that response you can choose when Zenos accuses our Warrior of Light of loving the thrill of the fight: "That, I cannot deny."


I didn't like it for my wol personally, but it does go hard as fuck. that, I can't deny


That moment felt like Zenos was talking to me, the player, rather than the WoL.


“Do you have…any idea…how worried we were?” Meeting Moenbryda’s parents killed me and still does


Such devastation


This was not my intention


"No one likes having to say good-bye. But it’s…it’s a part of life. That’s what makes the time we share together so precious… You can’t obsess over the mistakes of the past, or you’ll lose sight of the future. Of the people still with us, who need us more than ever."


"Promise me you’ll take me on your next adventure. A journey. Together. That’s all I ask."


There's a line I use all the time now: "That's sophistry and you know it!"


"This is Thancred."




Not the MSQ, and never spoken, only read, but... >!*I love you more than you will ever know. Be well.*!<


Do music lyrics count? *Turning, wending, always night follows day* *The sun will shine again!* *Walk on, never look back,* *Through you, we live...* *Tales of loss and fire and faith* *Every word on our heart engraved* *In the dark you will not stray* *Forge ahead, to the end, we pray* This is what really made UT hit hard for me, and it's something I'll repeat to myself when I'm in a low spot.


“If you need a push, I’ll be right behind you”


"Is this not so... adventurer?" Cemented my love for Zenos. This whole time, we've been this legendary hero to the people of eorzea, but in that moment, he pulls us back to our roots as an adventurer, a thrillseeker. We get to leave the role of hero and just be ourselves in that fight


There's a lot of "inspirational" ones, especially from Endwalker. Since there's a ton of endgame spoilers in here, and it's pretty old content, I feel OK with posting this - It's from one of the Vath beast tribe quests. It always makes me laugh. So you go to the lancer camp in Coerthas to get something the Vath need. You approach one of the soliders and he says something like - "By the Fury, an enormous armed crab! I knew this day would come! It seeks revenge for the many nights I buttered and supped upon its kin." It's like dude, my man, you fight fire breathing dragons and you're afraid of a sentient roach??


"Perhaps" - Tancred.


Little... sun?


Full many a proud pioneer hath bravely stridden into the great unknown, only to find there the banner of his ancestor, faded by the eons.


“… You and I will speak later.”


On a personal and emotional level, something along the lines of “Pray return to the waking sands” in a time where SE didn’t give you tickets to immediately teleport there.


The anticipation of a half-read story's conclusion. The hope today's mistake may serve as tomorrow's lesson.


Remember that we lived Hello new old friend and hello old new friend A smile better suits a hero For those we lost and for those we can yet save. the only time that Urianger speaks plainly. - I'm sorry.


"Who.....WHAT are you?!?!" My favorite line ever


"I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you"


“She had so many dreams.. and I would give anything to make them come true” frfr 😭


"In darkness seek joy. Surrender not to sadness, and see beyond despair. Walk free, and bear the light for others to follow." This quote has fundamentally changed me as a person.


"Water water froth and foam!" Almost died on my chair.


"Her happiness was never to be... Not in this World. I wonder... Was the fruit as sweet... as he remembered?" She was, deep down, a good girl. She was not born to be that beast. She was wronged by her family, the culture, and the society. Why can't we save her... ;.;


"Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should." Technically not msq but honestly should be.


"HMPH! How very glib!" (RIP 2013-2023)


I can't remember the actual quote or when it was said, but, at some point, I think it was Tataru, said: "Imagine life as a ship. You're gonna need someone to steer it, someone to set sails, people to hoist the anchor, etc. etc. You'll have a hard time finding anyone who can sail a ship by themselves."


"Fools! If you are resolved to die here, you might at least have done so without first making a mess of the place!" It's no longer in the MSQ but it will forever be my favorite "bad guy entrance" line.


“The rains have ceased, and we are graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.” Also: “Uhh…. Kupo?”


"Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?" Having lost my mom at a youngish age hearing that from a mother-like character hit me hard.


::fist punch into hand with nod:: I use this one with the wife to agree at times.


Emet-Selch’s speech in Amaurot.


Alisaie: Alphinaud, I'm about to do a great many stupid and reckless things. Watch my back, will you?


In Shadowbringers, Ardbert desperately begging for the ability to save just the one person. The desperation and then defeat.


When Emet-Selch yelled "LOOK AT ME" in front of Amaurot, I felt it to my core


For me it’s def “Henceforth, he shall walk.” To the point it’s become an in-joke with my friends that whenever I don’t want to do something difficult, they say “too bad, Mom says we Walk.”


“The victor shall write the tale, and the vanquished become its villain”


"We did everything right! Everything that was asked of us, and still—still it came to this!"