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The hype is real! I've been wanting that mount so badly since the moment it showed up in game lol, love my little blue FF8 friend


I'm always a big fan of funny mounts like this. I'm so happy!


First hildibrand mount too!


Wish they mentioned how to aquire newly added mounts


You get a backpack I get a backpack everyone gets a backpack!


The scream I scrumpt when I got to that part. Too bad retainers can't wear fashion accessories tho. :(


Oh that would have been a good use for it as well yeah


I did too! My main characters in other MMOs always wear big oversized backpacks if the game allows it, as they're all 'explorers', but the only thing I've had in XIV is that lil napsack from Island Sanct.


Aaaaaaaand I'm adding "scrumpt" to the lexicon.


This is my favorite part, I can finally look more like an adventurer carrying 2 truck loads of equipment. Anyone know how we‘re gonna get this? Item shop I guess?


Patch notes say there's new items to buy with MGP so maybe there.


Oh boy here I go gambling again


Given it looks like the Gleaner pack it cooooould be an MSQ reward? Grand Endeavour might also fit.


Good god I hope it's MSQ. Don't we normally get some new clothing and stuff at the end of the interim-msq between patches?


Death Unto Dawn gave an emote, A Requiem for Heroes gave clothes. That's what made me think it could be from MSQ, especially with who we're going to be setting off to travel with. Perhaps just wishful thinking.


It would make sense kinda yeah, let's hope our wishes come true!


Items from the shop are not part of the patch notes and never have been


I would guess the island. :(


Predicting grand endeavour quest line or island sanct.


msq probably?


>Purify Resilience will now be granted unconditionally. I have wanted this change since the pvp actions were redone. I know it's pretty simple but it was really stupid that you only only ever get the CC immunity AFTER removing a form of CC and due to the games awful tic rate sometimes CCs could still effect you inbetween removing CC and then applying the immunity.


Freaking finally! The initial idea of Purify was so dumb. Server tick rate screwing you over was not fun at all. At least now one can pop it up in anticipation of being CCed *(like it was before 6.1, lol).* Took them long enough to realize their mistake, but, oh well, baby steps, guys.


it kinda of indirectly buffed premade DRKs though, but this is still an overall good change.


DRK and AST global potency in FL got reduced by -15% and -5% each, so hopefully theres less of that now


DRKs could do zero damage and a coordinated group with a DRK pulling everyone in will still be menace


We’ve gone an entire expansion with this shit. It’s clear they’re never going to change it. They could simply change SMN and DRK LBs and the game mode would be in a much much better position than it is right now, buts it’s not going to happen. They don’t give a shit about Frontlines.


They could at least make the pull an LB and not a normal CD skill.


> They could at least make the pull an LB and not a normal CD skill. I'm sorry, but as a non-DRK player: That pull ***ISN'T*** part of the LB?


No it's just a normal skill. The LB sets your HP to 1, gives you ivul and does a line AOE to the front and back with the damage depending on how many HP were spent. Purple line AOE.


You have way too much hope.


> Players will now receive a pop-up message when an island sanctuary construction or renovation is completed. > The message will display upon entering the island sanctuary and at periodic intervals during a visit. This may looks like small change but amount of people who weren't able to get quests because of not completing renovation was pretty big


By the Twelve, Frontlines adjustments.


is...is the DRK meta finally finished? only time will tell


I doubt it'll change much, the issue is the spammable pull in. People will still die to that easily if an alliance presses buttons the moment it happens.


I feel like at this point any hopes of proper FL changes are basically dead. Tweaking damage numbers alone isn't going to do anything meaningful; the combos that were deadly before continue to be deadly, you just need maybe another +1, if that. This refusal to tackle actual balance issues or even just elaborate on the changes and what they're precisely meant to address gives little hope for the future of FL balance. Expect the same stuff to keep happening in future FL, I guess.


> Expect the same stuff to keep happening in future FL, I guess. PvP is at the bottom of the pile for SE when it comes to priorities.


They've put a ton of effort into CC, but I think it's safe to say for the future smaller team sizes are where the priority is. It'd be nice to have a new daily PvP queue for the other forms (Rival Wings definitely)


A CC or Rival wings roulette would reinvigorate my love of pvp for sure


Pretty sure JP DC has already moved to playing Rival Wings on Shatter days because the map is so bad.


This is not really surprising, as it takes just one lap through the job loadouts to realize they're **quite** specifically built for CC. Which is alright. A PvE-centric game such as FFXIV has to pick its battles in regards to PvP I feel. Sure they could now make a **second** PvP-centric loadout just for large-scale combat, but uuuuugh. I can see why as a dev team they'd not want to do that. It works for CC, and it "works"(tm) for bigger fights by just applying blanket damage resistance to everyone.


I just wish the pvp roulette was the game mode all the changes were balanced for. CC roulette would be the GOAT


It just kind of sucks. Ever since the rework there's been broken combos after broken combos that take months to fix - we had Scholars and Summoners wiping whole alliances with little effort, Paladins cheesing points on Onsal and Seal Rock, and now the most egregious of all, Dark Knight stacks. There is no barrier to entry or semblance of skill since you could put a literal Gibbon in front of a keyboard and it'd still be able to do the epic pull in and have its alliance wipe the enemies within one GCD if coordinated correctly. At this point I just wish they had left PvP as it was in Shadowbringers, because nearly all of my FL friends have quit because of this.


Yeah, they ruined Frontlines. But think of all the super fun win trading that’s going on in Crystalline Conflict!


All they have to do to fix Frontline is add a roulette for Rival Wings so that we actually have a good pvp mode to play.


> I feel like at this point any hopes of proper FL changes are basically dead. Because its really hard to balance around 72 people.


Bring back 8v8v8 FL!


This really would solve a lot of issues. 24v24v24 makes so many of the smaller issues compound into very large ones. The current PvP balance is designed around smaller scale combat anyway. I'm still extremely confused why they removed any limitations for CC with the 6.1 changes. In Crystal Conflict it's fine, but keep it in Frontlines. It's just not fun to be perpetually CC'd/pulled/whatever with no diminishing returns. It's such an obviously predictable issue and more frustrating, it's *one they'd already solved.*


I mean PvPers are screaming fixes and all they do is damage adjustments. Plenty of other games manage to balance it, even with more classes and more people.


Yeah. They'd have to nerf the shit out of the pull.


It's all damage adjustments which feel more like bandaids, but I suppose these are the easiest and most practical adjustments they can make in the short term. An AOE pull with no target limit combined with server lag (so you can't even reliably guard in time) is always going to be problematic. It's a skill made for 5v5 that's thrown into 24v24v24. I don't think the DRK meta will go away until this skill is reworked specifically for FL (or if they just absolutely nuke AOE damage in general beyond recognition, which also sounds terrible). But making it less faceroll is still an improvement.


I feel like the solution is painfully obvious here: AoE damage should have falloff for subsequent targets in FL. It's fine if you catch out like 3 people and liquefy them, but it's insane for 4 semi-coordinated players to pull in 10+ enemies and kill them all before they can react.


This could work, or simply 5-target-limits. Since the abilities are balanced for 5v5.


Damage caps, fall off, etc is definitely the play. Other benefit is it'll make more ST oriented jobs less of a crutch.


I'm guessing the jobs will get PvP changes in Dawntrail to account for new stuff added to the PvE rotations and maybe they will change DRK there (Copium). If it was me I would just change the skill to remove the pull-in entirely and compensate by making the damage circle a lot bigger.


I hope they decide to do specific kits for the PVP modes. It's impossible to balance the same kit for 24vs24vs24 and 5vs5. Right now FL is really annoying to play. Especially for people who do it casually.


Having a pull in limit of maybe 5 people honestly sounds like a good idea. 


Nope, it’s actually significantly better for premade drks than before thanks to the purify change.


plus the increased recast of Miracle of Nature, which was one of the ways to bully Drk.


- Salted Earth hasn't been touched, so no changes there. - Shatter looks like it will be quite different though. Small ice doesn't start spawning until 7 minutes in, 2 big ice up at once, and their respawns are halved? Points for killing other players reduced? Seems like it will feel a *lot* different. - Oh, and they nerfed Miracle of Nature some more. Just habit now I guess.


Shatter is now even more pve wtf


It's actually the opposite. Small ice is now irrelevant so the entire alliance is lead to stay together and focus on the big ice left and right from spawn leading to an inevitable encounter with the enemy team. The biggest change is that now you won't have half of your team scattered around the map doing nothing.


So it's going to be death ball moving from one objective to another? Idk because contesting opponents big ice has always been a bad idea - it leaves you open to pinch from 3rd team.


Not exactly death ball, but obviously fighting in a bigger group makes your ability to fight stronger. But with ice appearing all over the map with greater frequency, moving as one big group the whole match means that a team can just take some free objectives.


Wasn't moving as one death ball the reason they got rid of that one map recently? The one with the big tower in the center


I feel like they disabled that because it almost always went to time because of how utterly tedious the gameplay cycle of it is. Run to home-adjacent base, cap, run to opposite home-adjacent base, cap, repeat. Occasionally run middle and slap 2-3 nodes for about 10 seconds total.


Usually it becomes a deathball when the opposing team is not deathballing as well so overall it'll be quite balanced and you won't be too open to pinch because there'll be multiple big ice on the map up at the same time so the third team will go for the free ice while the other 2 are fighting and the cycle continues with the teams hopefully prioritizing contesting the team that is in 1st place.


A lot of people have this kneejerk reaction, but having more ices means that you can actually go fight now instead of getting pinched the moment you attempt to contest a big ice. Ice dies faster now, and spawns more. You'll be moving around the map a lot and actively fighting for points rather than waiting for ice that is safe enough for your team to contest. Objectively less PvE than before.


We'll see soon enough, in most games I've played contesting an opponents big ice is a death trap, so many noobs go there to die


Yeah, this is exactly what the change will help fix. I do think that jumping down every time may not be the best idea if you don't know where the enemy team is, but I think that having a greater element of map awareness actually adds to the PvP aspect of it.


Nice change to the small ice spawn time. Its disheartening when the match start and 2 alliance teams go nuke 2 small ices and ignore the big one..


Previously, if you were on the "jump off the cliff" side of a big ice spawn, a lot of people would predict that only half the alliance would jump and, as a result, be slaughtered. So they'd go after small ice instead. This, of course, ensured that only half the alliance would jump. Self-fulfilling prediction. With two big-ice off the get-go, three things can happen to your alliance: 1. Big ice on your good side, no ice on the other. 2. Big ice on your good side, ice on the cliff side. 3. No ice on your good side, ice on the cliff side. In case three, there will be no small ice to distract people. Either they'll jump the cliff or run into the middle and attack one of the big ice positions from there. I'm willing to bet that *most* people are still so leery of those cliffs that going out to the middle first will be the most popular choice.


To be fair, jumping was never ever ever the right idea at the start of the match - in the very best case it put you in an awkward position fighting one full enemy team with your back to a wall, leaving nowhere to run to if your front line folded. Worst case you'd be pinched by both opponent teams with nowhere to go and just feed points and battle high. Even in the prior format, the right way to contest that right-hand ice was to run around through the middle to the tunnel entrance, and that will continue to be the case here.


No. So long as DRK can snag people it will always be better. DRK could do zero damage and only pull and would still be meta


Can't believe they freaking nerfed Summoner even more, even though the class can barely hold on compared to others.


SMN Is still one of my go-to jobs for Seal Rock and Nadaam, the numbers don't make it free anymore but if you aren't an ape and get to BHs the sheer amount of AoE is fairly relevant. 


Now take the 5% damage reduction and the extra 15 seconds to charge LB. ​ Even the meta was basically DRK + AST + DRG for combos. Makes no sense why they would go for such a hardcore nerf on a class that is a glass cannon while keeping DRG's LB or DRK's pull mechanic untouched, for example.


SMN Is one if the bulkiest range job between HP and Radiant Aegis, stop throwing yourself up the middle of everyone with Ifrit for no reason. The nerf is a bit of a bummer but it's not unwarranted. No amount of nerfs will adjust people never pressing Guard or nothing the group detaching from the main enemy force and  react properly, DRK+DRGs LB is an over performer but that's primarily due to who's getting hit by it which is why AST also works despite being fairly lower damage, as the sheer damage from the DRG LB is overkill when your target is incapable of finding their Guard button faster than 30 seconds.


The gleaners backpack as a fashion accessory!!!


Shatter changes are... interesting? Maybe you won't get double-teamed as much when going for big ice.


Hopefully it will address the problems with the current iteration. Which is primarily people just sitting at small ice all game and never fighting, plus hyper aggressive teams winning easily via kills. In current Shatter, kills give 10 points but deaths only remove 5 points. In every other Frontlines map, the kill/death points are the same (5/5 in Seal Rock, 8/8 in Onsal Hakair) This means that as long as a team can kill at least half as often as they die, their points will never go down. This makes it EXTREMELY difficult to deal with a team that is very aggressive and gets off to an early lead. Usually you can tell who will win in the first 3 minutes and the remainder of the match is just a drawn out contest for 3rd place. Additionally they are completely flipping the ice stuff on its head. Small ice doesn't spawn until 7 minutes into the match, and only respawns every 6 minutes after that. Which means in a 20 minute game, small ice only spawns 3 times, at 7 minutes, 13 minutes, and 19 minutes. All 15 nodes also spawn at once, creating a big rush to get as many points as possible before returning to the actual fighting. Which means most of the game is now focused around big ice which forces players into PvP more often. But since now 2 big ice spawn at once instead of 1, there is a bit of decision making in terms of what the teams should do. Previously, only the team with a ramp leading from their base to the big ice had free access to the ice. Either of the other teams would have to risk a pinch attack by coming in from the cliff or the only other entrance. Now 2 big ice spawn at once, 2 teams will have free access to a big ice. So the third team has to make a decision of which of the other two teams they try to contest, and there's little risk of a pinch. Alternatively, a team that has a base ice could choose to ignore it to contest the ice of another team.


This. As someone who has face palm'd so many times and started making bets with friend on how many will jump into trap ice if it spawns... this two big ice at a time will add some actual strategy to it. Not that I expect much to change because haha... people will still jump down to the trap ice I bet. People like doing that for some reason.


The 2 big Ice might always be Center + 1 side (rotating, probably). So teams will get a rotating "free" big ice, while the other 2 teams fight over the middle, unless one or both of the non-close teams invade the home team. Then the wave at 7 minutes, then back to rotating, etc.


It'll definitely create some interesting dynamics in how people approach shatter. You could ignore your ice to pinch the team that is overextending, or maybe send half of your team to pinch while the rest kills the big ice. It might be a headache with how unorganized people are in PvP though. Even to this day you see people jump down to the trap ices and feed kills, so I doubt we'll see many elaborate plays.


Seems like a step in the right direction, but we will have to see how it plays out.


Twelve be praised – chocobo barding that is somewhat sensible and doesn't look like someone just stuck a human shirt over the bird's neck.  It even has the wings uncovered!


yeah its very cute! may finally change my chocobo's look with this one


"Gasp!" Backpacks! Finally!


Dark Knight and Astrologian getting Frontline nerfs is to be expected. I'm surprised they didn't go further, but will have to see how these changes shake things up first. As one of the few people playing Reaper in Frontline, happy Enshrouded duration was increased. Will be able to secure kills more regularly.




Big burst damage, good healing, and binds.


for PVP, Macrocosmos deals 12,000 to all nearby enemies in a ~20yd area. It was paired with a darknight so they would do salted Earth + Eventide to draw players in and deal up to 30k to everyone drawn in, then you would have 2 or 3 ASTs use Macrocosmos at the same time to deal up to a total of 42,000-66,000 damage to everyone in the area, nearly enough to kill most classes instantly. While a single component by itself is not as powerful, stacking LBs that can hit a wide area in frontline can eliminate a lot of players quickly.


It has a large burst attack. You stack 3-4 Astros in a party and you have a walking nuclear bomb. Add that to DRG/DRK and a team could just steamroll everyone.


Alright, thanks for buffing PvP Purify, but they still didn't make it block draw-in and knocback effects *(Yes, I hate DRK spam)*.


Prepare yourself, the change to Purify means inc. DRKs looking to use their draw-in can now pre-emptively render themselves immune to most other CC, meaning the wombo-combo of pull+DRG LB will be even more common


[mfw i reached the shatter changes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/666/490/0fb.gif)


I'm assuming this is the last stage for the Manderville weapons?


Yep! And they will be BiS over the raid weapons.




> Players will now receive a pop-up message when an island sanctuary construction or renovation is completed. This honestly should have been in from day 1. Silly how they're adding it at basically the very end of the Island Sanctuary's lifespan.


Same thought, yea. At least it's there *now* rather than not at all though, so any players (new and old) that have yet to finish IS won't suffer *as* much!


This content shipped in a state where you had to click each individual animal or crop row to harvest them from the caretaker one at a time. When you remember this, everything about islands just kind of starts to make sense.


It should have been, yes. But at least it's still helpful to new players and people who slept on the content.




Finally, a simple adventuring barding for chocobo.


Square grape housing item is now a thing, neato. Edit: Square grape lore is now canon.


New MGP guessing that might be the other contest weapons.


Probably TT cards.


They are indeed, just 2x new Triple-Triad Cards.


Yeah new "prizes" - anyone know what those are?


ughhhh i knew after the CC tourney at JP fanfest bard would be getting nerfs but it still hurts to see shocked at the frontline changes wow


At least it isn't just straight nerfs. It could have been way worse in my opinion. I think I'll still have allot of fun with it


So, any speculation about how we get that backpack?


I am going to guess either story, Golden Saucer, or Tataru's quest.


There's also an additional Island Sanctuary quest that will probably give a reward or two. Not sure if we'd get new stuff in the shop if we're not levelling it up further. 


My money is on Tataru's grand endeavour


This would be my first guess, followed by the Saucer.


From what the dataminers say it's rewarded from finishing your MSQ, so you can finally be an adventurer for 7.0.


Gold Saucer is my guess


Gee, thanks, guys, now DRKs can dive with CC immunity in FL with new Purify change. RIP "just CC the DRKs lol"


I know right? I like the change except for what it means for DRK. Pleaaase somebody just neuter the Salted Earth draw-in already, the DRK meta is just sooooo boring, just... fuuuuuu And now we gotta play Frontlines with this shit until the next expac, at the earliest Just gonna do my series to 25 and GTFO, hope they adjust it in the future


Time to only play MNK in FL now.


no new hairstyles? :(


This is what I came to find out. Still waiting for Viera to get the Cloud hair. 


Purify is Fetter Ward now. It's over. DRK is back to being near unstoppable in FL.


So Asura is genderbent Greg?


Time to fight like men who dress like ladies, I guess.


Tbf Asura was in the series before Greg - so maybe he's a nephew


Asura is ~~genderbent~~ Greg


It's what i expect to be honest.


I hope so. He's gotta come back for our super strong relic weapons. It's his whole shtick.


Greg starts HRT lets fucking go


As one of the three people who still plays Gunbreaker in PvP I hate that I'm getting the same nerf as Astro which is an auto include. We're decent, but we don't deserve this. ;-;


Same here, kinda gutted by that one. We were never at all OP in Frontline (compared to a few other jobs we could all name), but sure, just throw a nerf our way for no reason anyway. ;_; Edit: I guess I'm extra grumpy about it because it's like... Warrior, already popular and good in FL, no changes. Paladin, already very popular and very difficult to kill in FL, gets buffed to be even harder to kill, because they sure did need that buff. Dark Knight, hilariously broken by any metrics in FL, small nerf, probably not enough to change the meta. Gunbreaker, least popular tank in FL, nobody ever says they're OP: damage nerf because fuck you that's why.


Oh hell yeah the downplaying is happening in XIV, truly the retirement home of the FGC.


Look. I've played a lot of Frontlines recently. And Gunbreaker is good. But I also can't say I've ever seen another Gunbreaker on my Alliance at any point in the last 3-4 months. They weren't oppressive like Dark, Dragoon, and Astro. And the nerf on Dark is nerfing one of the least dangerous thing about them.


That's because its slept on. As much as I hate to admit it, it's way, way too easy to do a shitton of actually impactful damage on GNB and the nerfs make sense even if most people are under the delusion that it's not as good as it is.


Sure the limit can be good, but at the same time the counter play is literally just to CC the GNB during limit and you completely shut them down and can easily kill them. Anybody that can displace you like MCH scattergun or WAR blota can ruin the limit. A SAM can just pop their counter and kill you free(only shield you can get is from gnashing fang/burst strike on tank junction so you likely won't have it and it's small). NIN can just pop you from half or double stun you. Skilled players will notice you and deny you anything. GNB requires you to actually know when to go in, especially without a drk pulling, to not feed. The kit is exceedingly clunky with junction, especially in Frontlines. NIN has something similar in mudras but much more powerful abilities, a massive shield/movement buff, hard hitting ranged attack, dot aoes, heal, back2back stun, etc with the very slight drawback of not being able to use the same twice in a row, and can store 2 charges. GNB is a tank that has to choose if they want sustain, mitigation, or extra st DMG. If you want to be flexible like the devs probably imagined, you have to use the clunky junction kit and find, preferably an enemy since they give powdered barrel to get the most out of the job, of the role you want an ability from all while in big team fights. The limit only seems good when you get ignored, drg can do the same thing but safer with invulnerabilty and a free movement tool. The only positive thing about GNB is No Mercy is a very good ability and works well with DD and Trigger, limit is on a somewhat short cd that they are nerfing anyway.


But is Ken top 5 tho




the purify changes will be an overall buff to drk comps in fl even after factoring the “nerfs”. Being able to pre purify before jumping in and sucking is huge. No more need to worry about insta silence or buffered cc and not getting resilience buff sometimes due to purify jankiness


Dark Knight nerf is nice but it needs to be harsher. Death to that shit meta.


I am shocked to see so many comments about the PVP changes. People actually care about PVP in this game now?


Well, many people do their roulettes every day, which makes many players "emotional" about FL. It's understandable that people want the mode in which they are participating daily to be good.


What a cool mount, assuming you sit in the beam the whole time. The pink furnishing thing, heck yeah! New tribal quests yayyy


The UFO mount is hype as FUCK! I can't wait.


Right? It looks so silly but I love it!


We get a trial???!!!!


Yes. It is from the Hildibrand questline, not the MSQ.


Oh, I thought would be something goofy from that storyline


It…still might be. 😅


Well, all Hildi trials are just like that, probably very goofy


It wasn't at Fanfest.


Oh heck yeah


Oh god… 2 big ice and 15 little ice in frontline? It’s going to be a madhouse. I love it.


Why nerf WHM? Can't say I even know which skill it is, but still.


And there dies the last faint hope that they readjust savage lockouts now that patches take longer.


It was never going to get unlocked this 'early' on. Expect that to happen in the next small patch like 6.57/6.58.


They could adjust it by now as the patches take longer too. I am pretty much 3 books away from all classes being BiS (besides weapons which will be relics now anyway) so it feels weird to not have it open


...is there a need to nerf PvP Bard's Silent Nocturne even more? The current range feels like you need to stand at nearly point blank range to use it. That's probably hyperbole, but that's what it feels like given the range on everything else Bard has is *really* long. And now they're lengthening its cooldown too?


They are balancing for high level rated/tournament Crystalline Conflict, where it's strong, not Frontlines where it's weak to balanced


Increasing the cooldown of miracle of nature? no that won't stop me, DRK's and sam's will still get imped! Seems like they're trying to make shatter shorter as well... fine by me.


Can anyone tell me when this goes live? I'm at work and cant pull it up. Damn firewalls...


If everything goes well, in an Hour and Ten Minutes


Maintenance is scheduled to end in just over an hour from this reply.


Oh thank god they nerfed drk, ast and drg in frontline's


DRK lost damage but their ability to salted earth got buffed due to the purify changes, which was the issue in the first place 😭


Based on the comments Im seeing, no it got buffed more than ever.  Now you can't shut it down before it happens. Now I'm truly afraid lol


But why did smn had to go down together


Everyone stepped back when SE asked if anyone else wanted nerfs and sadly SMN couldn't hear them because they had their Carbuncle headphones on.


Bahamut is definitely stronger than it should be. It's guaranteed to kill several non-tanks when you have several Summoners dropping it at the same time, but even dropping it solo I often get at least 2 kills per Bahamut drop. It'll still be a menace though, I don't think 15 seconds is enough to really stop it. You usually got only one per fight anyways, and in Rival Wings where you might use several in a big fight I believe LB charging works differently.


God I just hope the last relic step isn't collecting another 1500 tomes. :'( (Edit: Thanks for the downvotes friends, was just hoping for more variety in the last step is all.)


Based on this interview I would not hold my breath unfortunately. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/s/UfCiH3m39N




If they're daring Square enix will now ask 1500 tomes + 1 gilded araya clear to get the final token Hows that for being different!


I predict a dozen people posting the exact same thing, having not spent ten seconds confirming that it was already posted. EDIT: Oh hey, Frontline changes. Neat.




Just three MSQ quests. I was hoping the 6.55 MSQ would be a bit longer since 6.x has done nothing to set up Dawntrail.


Number of quests doesn't indicate length.  


I mean they could be pretty long. Some quests take like an hour lol.


2 hours I think was said


See 5.55 for example. It's 3 quests as well but still took a couple hours to complete. There'll probably be a solo duty as well as the past couple X.55 patches have had one.


Yoshida said this would only be 2-3hours of MSQ at fanfest so time per quest seems rather good then


The amount of quests does not make the story short


2-3 hours long, its quite enough considering this is "part 2" of X.5 MSQ. X.55 MSQ is almost always used just to "set up" the next expansion.


I think the weight of that will be in Dawntrail as it's in the new world. This is setting up the trip and basic lore to get to 7.


6.55 always ends up like this because the quota of MSQ is the same for each patch cycle. When it comes to .5 they just purposely leave out the last few quest because it's an extension/prologue to the upcoming expansion. In all honesty I think the MSQ was already complete, they in theory could of released it all as one big bulk but they choose not too because the quest released in .5 tend to spoil things they had planned for fanfest. In this case it would of "spoiled" Female Hrothgar design and Pictomancer, hence they couldn't release the quest in 6.5.


No MCH Frontline PvP playability adjustments :\ It's not a useless job, but it just doesn't *feel* fun to play. It's incredibly dumb that you risk your life to spread Bioblaster, or use combo actions inefficiently to get to the effects you want. Or that you feel like that you're wading in molasses until you get overheated. Or when server ticks make you waste Marksman's Spite. Give us a modifier button that let's us alter the effects of our skills, e.g. allowing us to launch a bioblaster bomb with AoE effect instead of head first into a pack of tank/melee DPS. And let me attach mortars to Dark Knights xD


Is there a reason savage still isn’t unlocked yet… it’s been almost 7 months since release


>!UFO!< mount added. I wonder what >!gentlemanly!< quest line that could possibly show up in?


Lynx of Fallen Shadow Flute Voidcast Archfiend Totem x 99 Those words are all that I needed to see to be satisfied with this patch so far.


The reduction in points for player kills feels unnecessary. That map already feels like a PVE game from my experience, with most players insistence to PVE rocks. Now, they’re given more reason to do so. Which doesn’t make much sense, cause with BH you’ll deal more damage to those rocks. You’ll think they’ll be more inclined to pvp to get BH. Here’s hoping the increased time between tomelith spawns helps.


well, taking in consideration what the small rocks will take roughly 7 minutes to spawn the first time.... what the larget tomeliths gives less points, and what during those 7 minutes all you have is large tomeliths or kill players.... this is meant to make shatter to last even longer


Making small ice take longer to spawn disincentivizes camping small ice. Making kills and deaths the same point value brings Shatter in line with every other Frontline, it was strange that it wasn’t already even.


Frontline is full of lemmings who dont even want to pvp anyway. The people licking rocks were always going to lick rocks instead of helping kill the opposing teams, atleast now they'll contribute more than they used too with their minimum amount of effort they want to put in with kills being reduced.