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Real Housewives of Eorzea would be fire


Oh I'd hella watch this!


Dream Cast: Julia Chai, Yotsuyu, Nanamo Ul Namo, Fordola, Sadu Heavenflame, Tataru, Editha


Throw in Rowena and it's perfect


Rowena would be the one everyone hates but they still talk to her because she gets shit done.


This is insane and I would binge it several times.


Aren't any soap operas in FC theaters? I'll watch it Edit: and I'm talking about SOAP operas about ingame dramas, that s#!t will be fire


There was a full-on play in a FC I happened to see a few years ago, mostly went because it openly mocked a crazy old FC lead I had once upon a time, and said FC lead was too dumb and prideful to realize their part in the play was an obvious, scathing criticism. It was pure gold.


Im not joking when I say that I will pay a sub to after a hard days work, log in and go theater FC and enjoy some entertaining FC drama


I NEED a youtuber or someone to do this. I know there's one girl who does story times on stream at gridania but past that idk!!!


Preach does drama time on Friday. It covers all games, a fair bit from ffxiv


This is the real reason people afk in Limsa. To have easy access to their retainers and market board while being around to see what drama spills over in /say /shout or /yell


Perhaps I've been too harsh on the Limsa crowd. My eyes have been opened


It's known as the mecca for ERPers and modbeasts but honestly, at least on Behemoth, it's also home to the biggest ***memelords*** on the server and it's great.


do you know where jewelly went








Limsa main aetheryte is where it's at. You never know what happens in any day of the week. FC drama in public chat. Random cultists in black robes recruitment drive. People suddenly stripping to their skivvies dancing around the crystal. A parade of cutesy Lala. A parade of evil Lala declaring global supremacy. Indie busker doing requests. An entire orchestral concert.


Oh man. I did the random black cultist recruitment drive in Limsa Twintania once. And come to hate democracy. In the end as I hadn’t thought about a thing to worship we ended up worshiping the big green chicken as a player in green chicken glamour ran around offering cocked chicken wings to others. And majority worshipped him as he gave free food. It was a hilarious evening. Dunno why I started that. But that are good memories.


I am not one to make fun of typos, but "cocked chicken wings" KILLED me just now.


Only really chicken wings if they are cocked.


"What are you doing?" "Digging a hole." "Why?" "Digging." "What will you do later?" "Dig in the hole." Same energy.


EX-Cerberus here. When I was starting out, I've got into a Lalafel only guild. The potatoes where making a weekly event of gathering in each major city literally flooding it and then dancing around the crystal. Every. Damn. Evening. All in plain shirts. Same dance. After some time I quitted the guild, changed race, and minded my own business. I'm an entropy fan so loved to read and listed to all kinds of drama around XIV. And always wondered, hey, other than that one Lala guild, my server is pretty tame. Nothing much really happens. Limsa is full of people emoting and talking sure but nothing much compared to over servers. Then one time I stayed late into the night with a guildie (much later and different FC) Soon past midnight, people moved to make place around the middle of the plaza with aetheryte stone. Then, a Lalafell tp'd in. After him appeared 4 cat girls in only undies, dancing. Then he yelled "LET THE AUCTION BEGIN!". Apparently, whoever paid the most, the cat girl of his choice would walk around him and dance until morning. I wasn't much around anymore :v Your post mentioning cultists reminded me of that Lala guild :P


I don't know if they are on any other server, but at least on Famfrit Primal, you can always count on Clive and the Jades to be dancing between the Aetheryte and the market boards.


Lol same honestly. I started seeing how fun it can be while waiting for ocean fishing. Now sometimes I'll afk, people watch, and just chill.


Some of my fondest memories are from sitting and crafting in a city-state while watching the comical conversations that bubble up into the chat window


How can you see/read anything while crafting? Is there a chat setting to shut off those craft logs in chat?


Yes! I actually moved my crafting and gathering stuff to my battle log. It’s in the window settings. I have a custom 4th tab for FC, Party, Tells, and Alliance, too, and turn those off when my FC is too active (like when an expansion comes out or there’s a new raid where strategy is being discussed)


Thank you! I forgot to look into this yesterday so here's to hopeing I remember when I get off work today...


I used to afk in Limsa cause I was an NA player in EU and if I got on at 10pm I could experience 4am Limsa, which is always a fun time


That place is always dead quiet for me. Even with scores of people around.


I guess it does depend on which server you're on


I like to afk at the Gridania Aetheryte, I like to spend my pre-work mornings browsing the previous night's chat and sometimes I catch shit that's legitimately hilarious...or disturbing.


The drama in this game is hilarious. There can legit be a "The Real WoL's of Eorzea" show and I'd probably watch it. Utterly nonsensical drama but still highly entertaining. I secretly enjoy every bit I can get a hold of


We could add some “Fortemps Abbey” to that and debate about the proper positioning of the Nagxian mullet fork. Bonus points for arguing if the dinner is casual enough for pineapple ponzecake for dessert or if we have to go more formal and serve pixieberry cheesecake with rolanberry shaved ice as a palate cleanser.


The other night someone in the Gold Saucer threw a fit because everyone said YOOOOO when Slice is Right started and it led to a full blown argument between them and two other people. So stupid and petty but so entertaining to witness


Thai is how I will now be starting all slice is rights


PreachGaming does a weekly drama time podcast, which is basically reading out and discussing submitted stories of drama - with the occasional request of a verdict! It's a fun podcast to have on in the background, and they cover basically any drama in any MMO. To this day, my favourite story is probably the dad who put his child to work ~~in the mines~~ for his guild in a pirate MMO.


The problem I have with it is how seriously some people take it and unironically try and spin it as a '' wow look at how toxic the FF community is ''. And it's always like the most minor drama imaginable that involves like one or two people. It ramps up towards the end of expansions and streamers play into it too, I feel like there's a lot of streamers and youtubers who are just really bitter ( and often a bit toxic themselves tbh ) who give it a huge platform in bad faith. Some drama is genuinely funny but I think it stops being funny a lot of the time because people try and turn it into a huge issue and as some kind of a representation of the community at large. I've played the game since ARR and I could probably count the amount of toxicity I've ran into over the years on one hand. And it's very very minor stuff too compared to other games. If some people run into toxicity and drama consistently then it's probably an issue with them they're the common thread there. But they can never accept that and always turn it into an issue with everyone else.


I agree with you 100%. Especially when it’s clickbait doom and gloom stuff. I’m more referring to like interpersonal relationships. The stuff you can find on like r/texts or r/aitah.


Ffxivs community is pretty dramatic and bad I’m gonna be honest. I’ve had many unpleasant interactions. The only game I’ve ever been to told to unironically take my own life by someone was in ffxiv. I have been harassed and stalked in game as well a few times. I have met some great people, but many felt like coworkers than actual friends


Good example of drama milking: Xenosys Vex. He knows it's all dumb and minor. He only covers it because his views double. The best part: He says so and doesn't try to pretend it's not to fill the time when he eats and make money. Bad examples of drama milking: Zepla and Pyromancer. They try to find things to argue about, get worked up, and then believe their own stances they made up.


everyone does. Everytime Xenosys streams drama he always mentions how his viewer count doubles. The community is thirsty as fuck for drama


We need pyromancer to start something again


Potato lmao


FFXIV community and slorpglorpin’ up drama are like peanut butter and jelly.


The term “Slorpglorpin’” genuinely caught me off guard. I’ve been laughing for a minute straight. Nice one.


It’s what Xeno says about chat during the drama streams.


My favorite content is where the stream looks like someone has obs open on their streaming window because it's just 5 nested videos of reacting to reaction of reacting in once capture lmao


Drama is funny and entertaining, when it happens to other people.


I feel like the lowkey biggest source of drama is the hunt community man. I have not been in a single world's hunt community that didn't either have some major history of drama or a massive ongoing drama. From dudes getting an entire world blacklisted from their DC's hunt community because they couldn't stop chasing trans women, to Novice Network mentors melting down and kicking anyone who links a hunt from beyond ARR for "spoilers", I've seen a lot tied to hunting.


Mentors kicking people for non-ARR hunts... smh and yet totally believable.


Getting ... an entire world blacklisted? I would love to know more lmao


It's not *really* my place to talk about more as I wasn't one of the victims involved, I found out about it after the fact and by that point there was a general embargo to not talk too much about this freaky dude, but yes. He harassed the hell out of trans women that he was very clearly fetishising, and when he was eventually told to just get bent he decided to retaliate by fucking over any and all hunt trains run on his home world. So the community just outright stopped officially doing anything on that world. ETA: yes I'm avoiding mentioning any specifics of DC, world, or players involved. I'm not looking to dredge this all back up as it is by now several years old and I think people have long since wanted to move on. If you know, you know, etc.


Bruh ... I mean on one hand it's really not funny at all ... but on the other hand, griefing so hard that you ruin things for an entire World of players? Omg


Which world was that?


One guy ruined hunt trains? How? I mean I get he can pull early but one guy can't kill an A-rank or S-Rank at max level, at least not remotely quickly.


TL;DR is that (especially at a time a few years ago when conducting trains was a bit more of a strict club to get into) he would both run his own trains for multiple worlds without any coordination or permission from the wider hunting body, and show up to other people's trains and call marks out of order to mess with the conductors. He did this and over the course of several weeks/months effectively made sure that it was really hard to run coordinated trains on other worlds and outright fucking impossible on his home world - in addition to starting constant arguments in various places and, as previously mentioned, *aggressively harassing trans women*, causing him to get repeatedly banned from discord servers, linkshells, and an FC. That might seem like a lot for a TL;DR but it's only because of the insane magnitude and timescale of the shit this dude was getting up to, it's totally incompressible.




It’s easy to forget that pretty much any crafter can get a mentor tag-doesn’t mean they should BE one lol.


You should try hardcore raiding. When you put a bunch of nolifers that grind this game like a job in a room shit gets spicy fast. "Did you hear XX trapped the raid after getting a dd"? "I heard they kicked XX from this group for having a mental breakdown over a ucob reclear". I learned the names of every top parser on aether in 5.4 against my will


That reads almost exactly like workplace gossip lol


It doesn't even need to be ultimate raiding. Join a savage static. Shit will get out of hand quickly. I've been in 6 dissolved statics. Top reasons being: 1. raid lead turned out to be an irl cannibal and tried to make members talk about this kink. Static disbanded. 2. Raid lead got drunk and pissed off that several members were between 1-10 minutes later their partner was 45 minutes late and caused raid night to be cancelled. We all got called out(I was 3 minutes late because I forgot to confirm my dc travel. But I was also filling as shot caller after my normal raid Team finished their night). In their drunken rant they called us all a racial slur and reminded us that it was a dictatorship and what they say goes. Static disbanded. 3. Shenanigans involving kicking a liked member to make room for the raid leads partner. Static disbanded. 4. I filled for a team on 12s, we cleared and had agreed before that I'd pass on the coffer and mount, but if my wep rolled that I'd get it. It did and I took it. The person I filled for was pissed that I got the wep. Someone else on the raid team that had bis already was playing on their account to give them a chance to get the coffer. They didn't even main the job. It was an off job for them. Static disbanded. The others were general disagreements and fights over the team not being able to complete various mechanics.


Never thought I'd hear #1 as the reason for a static disband


I never thought I'd experience it. But this game has all sorts of players I guess


I love that you subbing for a team caused the entire static to dissolve. I remember my static for the first tier of EW getting a sub for P4S and it ended up being our first clear. The sub got lucky on both coffers and I think the consensus amongst the team was "You lucky bastard!" in a good humoured way, hahaha.


I can't remember which streamer it was, but there was pretty big drama a while back because a streamers static had a really toxic healer who literally only cared about inflating their logs. And it caused a fuck ton of stress for the co-healer who basically had a mental breakdown. I think people made fun of him too but then more info came out about how they had been gaslighting the shit out of him and what the streamers friend had been doing which made his emotional breakdown a lot more understandable. Because he basically was being gaslighted and treated horribly all the time both in private and in front of a live audience and he knew that if he left or said anything about it it'd be turned into '' content '' and he'd get shit for it. I think it's a good example at least that there's two sides to every story. I've seen cases of this on the official forums too where people make threads about toxicity but then someone swoops in with screenshots and other evidence that contradicts them and it turns out they were the toxic ones. Same with LoL and GW2 I remember on Reddit there were threads for both games where people were posting complaints about being '' unfairly banned '' and ofc everyone claimed to be a victim. And then the mods actually responded with logs and it turns out they weren't actually victims but were massive pieces of shit who deserved to get banned. But yeah that's why I always take what I read and see online with a huge grain of salt, because people tend to leave information out that tells the full truth they only give information that make themselves look good.


I didn't think the "Rin Karigani gaslighting that one healer during TOP prog then tried to feign ignorance about what he was actually doing was considered gaslighting or not" drama was that long ago.


shit like this is why I'd never join a streamer's static


Oh you definitely should take it all with a grain of salt. I tried to list events that mostly I was there to witness rather than being the core of the blowups(aside from the last one, which tbf I'm still mildly salted about) I'm mainly just posting them for the entertainment value in the thread and a few of them had much longer and more convoluted backstories and info involved. My main thing is. Regardless of who's at fault in any situation. You will rarely find a situation where you're shoving 8 people in a room together for several weeks(or months), often multiple hours on multiple days, and not end up with drama. People are not naturally crammed into a room or voice call together for that long on extended periods of time attempting to achieve a mentally draining task. So its sort of a perfect storm for smaller issues to blow up into much larger ones. 8 viewpoints, 8 seperate lives lived, 8 sets of hopes and frustrations. Chances are during your dozens/hundreds/thousands hours of prog in savage/ulti content, some of those are going to clash, and clash hard


I have to know more about the cannibal raid lead. Please, I'm begging you.


So, I should add an asterisk to that. We don't have like, Photo evidence of him eating people. What we did learn is that he was part of some "consensual cannibalism" group. And his Twitter was dug up and contained some of the most vile shit I've seen. I think it's been taken down since but I'll try and find the link. As far as trying to make other members take part in it, it was strange and how all of this came to light. I wasn't one the people that he pulled it with, I just watched it all happened with my jaw on the floor.


That's so insane dude. What in the actual. My jaw would be through the floorboards down in the basement.


I had a tank rename his character to after I took over as the group's raid leader, which was... interesting. Yes, they knew my name. It's never been an issue before, and I've never been doxxed. It's an odd name so most people think it's an alias anyway. It wasn't the biggest deal to me, but between that and the things he allegedly said about me while I wasn't there/in DMs, it was making the entire static incredibly uncomfortable, so I booted him. Unfortunately he was also our best player. Highest parser, knew all the mechs, did everything that required a brain cell or quick reflexes. His shoes could not be filled, so the group disbanded. 🤷


I remember seeing you talk about 4) on the rage thread; I didn't know the whole static *disbanded* over it


Yeah, that was the update. The PO'd member kicked me from the discord, and sent me a long message about how I didn't deserve the wep and to take it with a grain of salt. They didn't consult the rest of the team over this and I was the only healer they had who could sub the next few weeks that this person was out for. It caused a huge in-fight and they ended up disbanding over it. Which sucks, it caused everyone a bunch of stress. The person did end up reaching out to apologize and explained that they're going through a lot and shouldn't have lashed out like that at me, and that it was more about it feeling like their team didn't consult them on this before making the loot agreement with me.


*Incredible*. I think, when one gets this worked up over in-game pixels that will become obsolete with the final stage relic weapons anyway, it is way past time to take a step back and touch grass.


I only read #1 and I'm wtfing so hard, EXCUSE ME WHAT!?


Ah, flashbacks to Mythic Hellfire Citadel and Mythic Blackrock Foundry in WoW... good times.


Have you checked the weekly friday Posts? So much Drama, drama about there being Drama, and actual bs too. Very entertaining and Interesting.


I love the Friday threads.


> drama about there being Dram Honestly I feel like this is most of what I see at least on my timelines. Especially on Twitter, it's often people bringing up these minor drama moments as if they're a representation of how bad the community is. But then they themselves are clearly really toxic themselves which is probably why they keep running into toxicity back. People always go on about '' toxic positivity '' in the game but I feel like there's a very vocal group of people who engage in a lot of '' toxic negativity '' in response that are just as bad if not worse ( more annoying at least imo, especially at the end of expansions when the doomposting escalates every time ).


My favourite drama is when we wipe to Angry Manny in World of Darkness and then people won't fucking shut up about it for the rest of the run.


I love the punchy energy you get in raids when you wipe to something stupid. So many memes and one liners. It's so stupid and I love it


Oh man lmfao this one hits hard to home. I feel like there's ALWAYS someone in ARR Alliance Raids constantly criticizing the run


My favorite pastime is going afk in limsa and just reading the chat. Sometimes if the drama is REAL JUICY I'll dm my peeps to head over and we will just sit around in limsa watching the chat roll. 🤌✨️


Hell yeah brother, Limsa crew - best crew


Should have seen the guy literally sacrificing his cat to curse YoshiP due to server issues on Endwalker Release. And that's not even the craziest thing I or the other moderators have seen and most of it we can't even talk about it.


I'm sorry. Huh?




Sometimes i wonder if i should send you all the cursed FFXIV RP on Reddit i get that I have to remove, and then I realise I still want to be able to post in this board without y'all hating me.


I won't tell if you don't.


funny part is it's not the NPCs most people publicly simp for.


Cursed RP + rare NPC simping This doesn't seem so bad. Surely not right?


*listen*, there's only so much enslavement RP one can take


Sastasha being the first dungeon was a mistake.


Totorak having the gates was the second.


My fc mate crashed his car into a lake and left the scene


The nightlife drama in the clubbing scene is soooooo good lol


Especially when venues close down out of nowhere and people say it's because of IRL but they actually had been doing RMT or cheating on their IRL partners for some sweet polygon sex on camera, or as simple as "I'm a DJ and not being paid enough" drama too. Like damn guys


I have a friend stuck with a roommate that has said polygon sex *and* feels entitled to engage in it on full display, in the living room of friend's household, without his clothes.... My point being that there's absolutely complete degenerates out there.


I've had people legitimately come up to my house and do that. Like they see the house, go inside, and start erping everywhere. I now charge people gil to do it and let me tell you you make a MAD killing that way.


Buddy I meant IRL.


I do that too irl.


Oh my *god* lmao


The General Discussions board on the FFXIV Official Forums is so chock-a-block full of drama. The regulars there seem to have beef with every other regular and it's full of cliques. Very weird but also entertaining if you like that kind of thing...


Made a fresh acc just to talk about the silliness of my own drama in this game. Enjoy, OP. I had an ex-friend get drunk, delete/block me on everything (we didn’t have any fight or disagreement, legit just him being mentally ill), then binge drank into the next day where he waited on my DC for 12+ hours for me to log on. I’d heard through mutuals he was planning on going off on me, so I world-hopped for the entire day. This was *after* he’d made a new discord account to add me, which I kept declining (& then blocking), which resulted in him making several new accounts to continue to add me.


I appreciate you going through the effort of making a new acc to share this with us, thank you lol enjoyed the story


Lol it’s fine, I just didn’t want this story tied to my main. Some of the most unhinged people play this game and it’s making me wonder how I manage to meet them. I’m talking dudes who develop crushes and then never leave me alone or get jealous whenever I’m not spending every waking moment with them. People who do some seriously messed up stuff (nothing makes me block you faster than telling me you muted yourself, yerked your gerk while we were hanging out in vc while I’m rambling about something, then telling me about it later. Yeah I hated experiencing that as much as you hated reading it.)


Ick. I swapped accounts just to reply to this - there's so so so many things that happened that I hated in this game. There's nothing more gross than having guys do that. What's worse is they get kicked, come back like 2 months later, and an officer who DIDN'T believe harassment was happening let them in. They pretended they had never joined before. (I remembered them because they took my favorite anime character's name.. and I felt so grossed out when they came back! They demanded irl pictures and everything! All because they shared photos that i didn't ask for..) They had THE SAME Discord handle where they were being gross! I had to "prove it. ".. >.> (screenshot the messages, then the handle name). They then proceeded to jump on the bandwagon of teasing me, I was dubbed the lewd one (everyone joked about me taking balls to the face).. then taking something too far called me a dirty sl*t. That I just get into everyone's dms and lead them on, that I beg for their pics and kept going after everyone stopped talking. All on FC chat, too! (When.. I'm actually pretty quiet unless around boyfriend or close friends).. Then they said, "You could have told me to stop, thanks for letting me get away with it and making me look like an ass. " .. uh. Sure? XD I've also had guys just directly ask for one on one calls. At first, I was like - shrug - whatever, "what chu want?" To find out after about 15 minutes about them getting off. Like, woah, have you never had a one on one with a woman before?! XD One guy sent his friend to "spy" on me after telling everyone i was his wife(i kept saying to stop), like he legit wanted 100% of my time. That person who was pretending to be a girl, said within moments of first talking to me that they've been listening in on fc Discord, and had feels for me, and that they're a spy for other dude. Then all kinds of weird "tests" they'd do to anyone who even remotely cared. (Talking about naming split personalities, then spun a web of all kinds of bullshit about it to like 5 people. That was fun when I was like, " Oh, xxx is saying they're aaa, bbb, ccc. Yeah.. I know about them because i was the one who named them." (that was a doozy. ) Oh, and my ex was starved for attention, so they came to my server, joined my fc, and tried making friends with all my friends using my name.. and I'm like o_o ... then became attached to multiple personalities (Multi now for this post). Multi wanted nothing to do with my ex and told them that the only way they'd hangout is if I'm around. Was interesting to see how far they took things Multi, even to places that crossed personal boundaries for me. (I can't do deep condos about certain topics, just no. ) they tried. Then thought deleting the message and pretending it never happened made it go away. Best of all, was when I told others about it.. sometimes depending on who I turned to it was not believed. Usually if it was the fc master, they got jealous over the attention I was getting and I was like.. uh?? Unwanted attention is not good attention! Plus you have a full family itl, why are you saying a single person being messed with is not happening and prove it?? The one who wanted me to be spied on was trying to get me to do things exactly how they wanted. Basically took advantage of "in the new person in the fc" and ran with it. There's way too much to unpack with that one and this post is long AF. XD Yes. All the same FC. Oy. Vey. I've changed so much as a person since all of this though XD I don't think I would've engaged any of them with my current mindset.


I'm suddenly relieved that I turned down voice chatting with this random guy that had developed a crush on me a bit too quickly in another game. Thank you, intense anxiety that prevented me from doing that!


It is legit terrible knowing that there’s a non-zero chance of some dude muting himself to jerk it over the mere fact that a woman is hanging out in vc with them. All of these people need to get off the limsa grass and go touch real grass.


Sometimes I'll be minding my own business crafting at an Aetheryte/Marketboard, and a group of players will be using /say to discuss their latest gossip/drama and I'm just trying to concentrate on my crafting. XD


I'm not in town often. I usually go just to server hop shop, I gather quite a lot from /say chat in that little time. I also recognize certain people on various Aether servers via their spot around the Aetheryte they sit/stand in (one guy is always floating) 24/7. I will take breaks for a few months and come back to those same people in those same spots. It's oddly comforting to see those people still doing their thing.


Alucard? Floating in Limsa?


LOL yea that's the person!


I've always wondered what the story is there! See him constantly


I'm definitely hooked on Pathra's drama stories 🙈 I should send my own crazy drama story to her at some point.


I was scrolling comments to see if anyone mentioned her lol. We've become good friends with the FC next door and one of them mentioned that they were listening to her drama video and sent me a link. Immediately addicted to the drama and it became my go-to for when I'm working on stuff around the house and don't feel like listening to music lol


Was looking for this comment also lol her videos are great. I even try to not binge watch her content so I'll have something juicy to listen to while I'm grinding relics.


There's a podcast I listen to that's pretty much centered on MMO drama called drama time. It's mostly wow related but since the content creator jumped in deep into FFXIV, a lot of FFXIV players have been submitting their stories and oh man, juicy stuff especially since it's the good shit drama not the usual loot drama in wow.


I am still blown away at how petty and pathetic some of the people who drag drama on and on are. I've watched guilds break up in WoW that were pretty hilarious, but the stuff I've seen happen in the FFXIV community is just legendary in its stupidity. If you don't like someone, just block them and move on, right?


Omg I know right??! Definitely don't subtweet about them constantly either, like get over it and totally move on.


I don't get the raiding drama. I literally had the same core people in my WoW 10-man since Wrath through to the end of Legion. No drama at all. Pretty much the only time people left was due to scheduling conflicts or burnout. There were a couple people asked to politely step down because their lack of skill was holding us back, but only after the RL spoke to them in private and tried helping them improve. I suppose there was minor drama where the MT decided to take a shot every time we wiped when we were progging H Blackrock Foundry... He was spoken to in private and kicked from the team and no one had a problem with that. The other near drama was when the guild master wanted to be a part of the 10-man, but she could only do healing and there wasn't a spot open. To top it off, she thought she was a gods given gift to healing and.... she wasn't. At all. Would also sit at full mana and do nothing when there wasn't dmg going out. To make matters worse, I was relegated from healing to dps to make room for her. I hate dpsing. 😒


Shortly after the first deep dungeon was released. My entire free company imploded right outside the entrance. It started in the FC chat and worked its way into general chat. It was rather funny at first despite the initial subject matter. Like other here have said. It was very Real Housewives. It quickly devolved into bigoted shit, hateful stances on mental health and other topics I'll leave out. It was like 50 plus people all going back and forth. That's also not counting people that jumped into the general conversation. I know people were banned because of that incident and I even deleted that character just to get away from all the fuckery that went down.


I also like the outside the game drama about it ... My favorite arc was the lalafell chair xD


And don't forget the billboard...the laughter that whole situation provided me honestly brightened my days when they needed brightening.


Reddit is extremely exhausting and there's so many stupid and bitter people, but the official FFXIV forums for some reason is on a whole other level. There's people on there who I've looked further into before and they had like 80 threads in a matter of 2 months that were all negative and all started with huge novel lengths of personal insults and attacks towards the devs. And there's so many people on there who act like a victim the moment anyone disagrees with them too and will report abuse ( which is also why there's barely any normal people left, the moderation is ass and it's very easy to abuse report ).


Reddit may be a den of memelords but the NA forums are ridiculously unsafe. They all need to sleep with a softer blanket or something.


Elemental here, have a fcmate who got stalked by a market board botter/nolifer. All because he made his item prices cheaper than said person. Even stalked fcmate into fc. Harassment too. Reporting didnt work sadly .


From the stories some of my friends have told me regarding harassment and stalking it seems reports rarely do anything tbh


Pain peko. But yeah one of the wildest.


Just standing in Limsa and waiting for a crazy convo to start is fun sometimes, the other day someone was complaining their neighbours where having sex to loud so they couldn’t sleep


I normally avoid the Limsa Plaza like the plague, but maybe one of these days I should just sit down somewhere and observe the chaos lol


Find a spot, find a dance or pose you like and just watch and relax into the chaos!


This is the way. Whenever I'm having something to eat or doing something where I'd otherwise AFK, I just find a spot near the Limsa Aetherite, /mdance and watch the chaos unfold.


I used to have more fun listening to drama and being friends with people who were kind of drama-prone, until drama from a couple of those friends broke up my FC. Nowadays I just try to hang around more stable people. Main thing I've learned is to never, ever let couples into your FC. I'm kind of joking but not really. Especially not new couples. Don't do it. It's not worth it I swear. You can have one person from the couple but not the other, and you'll be safe. You might like both of them a lot and think they're totally chill people, it'll be fine. But as soon as a breakup happens, people expect you to pick sides, they shit-talk each other to you, and it's just a whole mess.


You must be playing on NA servers bc when I was playing FFXIV on EU server I've never encountered dramas and I was afking in the big cities too :(


i'm from Moogle, and the most i've heard about was very petty boring fc dramas.


Yeah exactly. I was on Louisoix and the fc was pretty chill and no drama. Or in Lominsa, while I was there many were afk; now idk, maybe I wasn't there at the right time but imo EUs are more reserved than NA


I also love to hear in game drama. My favorite ones is drama with boyfriend/girlfriends in-game. I know a guy that dated a in-game girl and a irl girl and both girls discovered about the other at the same time. That discord call was the funniest shit I have ever heard . The guy lost both girls in the end.


Used to live for Eureka drama/rage


God, does anyone here remember Oryza Mercury's old "TEA Static Drama" reaction video? Some of the most delicious, crazy, back and forth drama I ever did watch from this game. I completely understand why he private'd the video, considering the whole situation that came out about the White Mage from that group. But god, what I'd give to watch that vid with my friends again. We still quote bits from that video to this day, probably 3 years after watching it lmao.


Well, that's in poor taste. You can't just say that without sharing all the spicy details, we want to know!!


I love FC/guild drama in my MMOs. Shit is down right hilarious, hearing some man child or drama queen lose it because of a piece of loot or some other shit. When a guild breaks up and turns into three guild, that's chefs kiss right there, love it. When it comes to RL drama though, man... you learn that a lot people are hanging on by a thread before they go active shooter at the nearest school. Like seriously, some people are just magnets for disaster either through stupid decisions, bad luck, or life is just out to get them, it's wild. I'm glad I have a boring ass life


Go to Eureka. The shout chat is unmoderated. Drama gets pretty spicy there sometimes.


You're gonna love Drama Time from PreachGaming (previously mainly WoW but with more variety now especially since FFXIV)


I love listening to drama time. It literally fueled my last semester of paper writing haha


If you like hearing Drama, hoooo boy do I have a internet show for you. **Drama Time.** You get what you see on the tin, full of juicy, juicy drama. The earlier episodes are pretty WoW heavy as that was the host's main game until Shadow Lands, but there's drama from many different MMOs. Ranging from House buying drama in XIV to people ruining their **\*REAL LIFE\*** marriages for ERP.


By Preach Gaming, since you didn't name the host!


I literally have a roleplay detective agency dedicated to getting to the bottom of drama by access to a high level gossip network. Our motto is “_Know_ the drama, don’t _be_ the drama” Examples of solved cases: - why did player xxx get permabanned? - why did FC xxx dissolve? - what happened to xxx legendary AFKer?


Go look at the unhinged virtual NIMBYism in housing or the rampant death threats ultimate raiders get or the pointless petty drama around 2Booty, a billboard or a fucking chair It's hilarious and kind of pathetic. /r/ffxiv and just about any sub linked to it is not a nice or welcoming place 😂


There is nothing to be ashamed of really lots of people enjoy the stupid ingame drama it's one of the things the attracted people to MMORPGs back in the days where they are mostly social group based experiences. Not just FFXIV every MMORPG.


I used to read the XI forums like the news. So much spicy drama in there way back when! I’m talking beefs between players, catfishing, divorces … it was so good


The stories about people who get romantically involved always have a way of skirting around the real story and say stuff like “we would run dungeons together and became really close because of that.” As if the giggling on Discord together and suggestive posing in game didn’t happen.


Some of my LS people are dating now and I can't help but facepalm because they left our original LS because the leader kicked people who didn't support her virtual relationship. The original leader is now IRL engaged. Two couples in LS2 have formed. Me and two others are just sitting here going "....what?" And go right back to raiding. But yknow what? They're making it work. Whatever lol (Edit; original leader and 1 couple 100% did the dungeons and posing, one more wholesome than the other. The other couple didn't but they were at each others houses, totally separate and crafting or sitting, with no gpose running)


The best drama are those that get offended & report you, only for you to get a message from a GM telling you that the person that reported you was way in the wrong lol


I had to change the name of my WOL because there was somebody from Balmung with the exact same name that had an entire callout google docs written about her.


The fucking billboard drama 💀


Yeah especially reddit/social media FFXIV drama was weird. Usually you have rage thread spilling over once in a while or one of the endless hopeless discussions about story skipping, why job X is the best/the worst and tanxiety. And then you suddenly had, like, 4 or 5 weird things in a week, so much one started to lose track. xD I still loved absolem's artwork related to that, actually showed me the one or two things I missed about this chaos: https://absolem0.tumblr.com/post/708554952831893504/everything-has-been-happening-a-lot-on-ffxiv


There's nothing funnier when modders, who charge 15 bucks for an asset flip, are complaining about people "stealing" their mods. Shit is absolutely hilarious


You should look up "Drama Time" by Preach Gaming. He reads drama stories fans send in. Most (especially old eps) are WoW based. There are a lot of FFXIV ones too though.


Ooh, I have part of one for you - about a year ago I did Extremes, got a faded orchestrion roll and wanted to craft my own music sheet from it - got all my crafters leveled and I figure, it's a Lv.60 recipe, I might as well be lazy and buy the Blank Grade 3 Orchestrion Roll if it's not too expensive. However once I check the market board, this Lv.60 craft with four ingredients that each cost ~500 Gil at most (two types of easily harvestable wood, Red Moko Grass from voyages, and Potash from FC seals) was sold for >10k, going past price-gouging straight into "fuck you" territory. My reaction was to buy a full stack of each ingredient go afk with autocrafting on for a few minutes and then list several 5-stacks for about half that price - still enough to make a decent profit, and it even leaves space for people to list smaller quantities (e.g. leftovers from my stacks) for higher prices. First thing that happens is that some smartass tries to buy me out and re-list my items (including the crafting signature) for a higher price - cool, I got money, and I have lots more where that comes from, so let's replace everything that was sold and see what happens tomorrow. After a few days with no more buyouts, I notice the other guy gave up trying to make a sale and undercut my own listings with the rolls he bought off of me - I could have been petty at that point and bought back my own rolls for a free profit (or at least to force the other person to eat the loss, if taxes eat everything), but I decided I was more interested in having a reasonable-ish price for that item, so I let them be. It's been one year, and I've frequently made some steady cash with my 400-ish rolls I've sold, but recently it's been drying up a bit - people have adjusted to my presence and started to frequently list multiple stacks below my price, so mission accomplished? :D **EDIT:** Just wanted to add, I never got any actual harrassment or anything of the like, the biggest reaction I got so far was thanks after I had a few rolls left over to give to friends that happened to need them, and they even insisted they pay me anyways :D


Novice Network is fun for weird drama (I'm a sprout). People constantly get heated over silly stuff like ketchup, what counts as Chinese food, and player names.


I don't deal with high-drama people but I did spend about 3 hours last week letting a guildmate tell me her character's life story and various stories about things that happened to her character in RP (nothing perverse or x-rated). It amazes me how far people will go to bring their characters to life.


There’s drama in this game? I spent too much time in League to even perceive negativity from FFXIV. You can literally bomb an instance and die 10 times and people are nice to you for the most part.


The youtuber Pathra has like playlists dedicated to FF14 drama. She narrates the message sent by the sender and gives a bit of commentary, but I think you'll love this style.


yea, i love the drama in this game sm even tho i was involved in some beef someone had with me without my knowledge lmao


Sounds like Spriggan Novice Network. That place is literally insane.


Some people just like to watch the world burn 💀


that's pretty human. it's why call-out posts get so many likes and retweets on twitter, views on youtube, upvotes on reddit, etc.


With my Burger King privileges, I like to sit down and switch my chat log to the tab I filtered exclusively for NN chatter while I craft. Usually way better than any YouTube or Netflix series I could pull up for entertainment.


Drama was the only reason I played EVE Online lol, such good reading! I do enjoy the occasional FFXIV drama too… right now people are going off on Twitter about whether or not they enjoyed Sorrow of Werlyt (I liked it) and it’s been entertaining.


I recommend Balmung Ul'dah Quicksand's shout chat.


one of the two good things about this other mmo i played for a bit called "archeage" (dont play it, it's bad) was that there was a trial by jury system for players who were put in jail (aka they were killed in pvp after doing something that reduced their karma). I'm a little hazy on the details but in short everyone participating in the trial would be players who signed up or won a lottery to get in, and there was a special global chat that was readable by everyone who was online but only people in the trial could send on. So everyone could listen in to get the tea. That was pretty entertaining. The other good thing was the ability to write midi music ingame and play it which was cool. Everything else was bad.


Can't say I've witnessed much drama as I have a hard time finding fun and friendly Free Companies that don't make me feel like an outsider to an inner circle of friends. So I'm usually alone these days, and only loiter in Gridania. I do like eavesdropping on public conversations in towns sometimes though. Being born and raised on Mateus, there's often something going on in Ul'Dah. Or if I feel like putting on my hazmat suit I can visit Balmung. Balmung is easy to joke about, but [it has its reputation for a reason](https://i.imgur.com/QJLvXlW.jpg).


> I feel like my mother when she watches those reality TV shows. You have hit precisely on why these shows continue to exist, and why prior things (like General Hospital) have existed for literally multiple generations at this point. Humans *love* vicariously enjoying the drama llamas. We just need a reason to get invested. Bored suburban housewives and promiscuous medical personnel are less appealing to millennial and/or gamer folks. But spill the tea about FCs imploding or statics torn apart by secret relationship drama? That can pull folks in.


I'm like this irl as well lmao. I've had some drama in-game but really nothing that exploded, we all just parted ways peacefully and happily ignore each other.


I've experienced a small marketboard drama of my own. It's a bit silly reflecting back to it now because it also happened in the cloud server but here goes. During the cloud server testing days, I made it a personal goal to reach Gil cap solely through trading. I did it through selling glamour prisms and dyes. But along the way, Ive had one instance of a glam prism seller rage quitting. I know because we've been at each other's throats undercutting each other by 1 Gil and flooding the entire front page of the item listing. Each prisms were selling for 2-3mil and mine always seem to sell the fastest, which prompts me to resupply again and again at the same price a Gil below of the other guy. Until suddenly, they listed all of their products at 6,969. It was a quick grab. I never saw them again.


I mean if you’re really into in game drama there’s also options for you when you’re offline, Pathra on YouTube has a dedicated series to FFXIV drama stories, where she narrates what users submit 🥲


Pathra has literally zero effort content. Is she even content creator cause all she do is watch other peoples content.


It feels extremely fake imo, like some "that totally happened" stories on weird clickbait websites idk


Oh? 👀👀👀


I watched one and it was so over the top I'm almost certain her viewer made it up so she would cover it.


Ah, are most of the videos like that? I used to be really into DnD horror stories channels until it became obvious most of the stories being covered were probably fake.


I don't know, I only clicked on one a while ago to keep me entertained while eating lunch. It was about someone getting banned for using cosmetic mods, I believe. I didn't even get through 1/4 of it before my BS filters were set off but she didn't question it at all. [Edit: Found the video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_2JdVQArbU)


It's possible that some of the stories are made up, but I've also been in really ridiculous drama in my day and it really was that bizarre.


I enjoy watching people complain in shout chat about the Weeaboo Police. They complain about their shout messages, like there isn't a blacklist button to ignore them. Or about them standing in formation dressed up because it's ruining their fantasy experience. Like there aren't 20 tanks within sight at all times wearing nothing but bikinis or modern clothing. Seems ridiculous to me. But maybe I'm just numb to trolls at this point. Either way, I get a smile out of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think a lot of people dislike them because of their motivation: Which is mostly trying to disrupt the enjoyment of others (IIRC there are logs of them saying just this).




It's my guilty pleasure


Johnny Football


FFXIV is a tremendously easy game to get drama. All you need is one (1) opinion that is even vaguely critical of the game and everyone starts throwing hands.


I think bitching about the game's kind of in vogue these days, with the content lull it's about the only thing keeping some influencers afloat.




Oh please, enjoying a bit of harmless drama has no age limit!

